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Reminder: I'm testing a new writing schedule. All of the chapters this week will be released in a bundle with PDF and Epub at the end of the week.

Chapter 408

You gave the girls a bit of time alone - less because they needed privacy and more because you needed a minute to just sit. It had been a great Saturday so far, but knowing that it was a marathon and not a sprint you needed to pace yourself. So, with giggles and moans echoing out from the bedroom, you went into the kitchen and got yourself a Gatorade from the fridge. You and the girls had learned the power of on-hand electrolytes from Becca and Sabrina had started stocking bottles in the bottom drawer of her fridge.

After having a long swig of the sports drink and then splashing your face with some water, you noticed that your phone was on the kitchen table and realized you hadn’t checked it since the video call with Tasha that morning. Grabbing a chair, you sat down and opened it up. There was a text from Becks, winking and flashing a nipple in her bathroom mirror, wishing you good luck and you sent her a kissing emoji back. There was also some texting in your group chat with your friends - they were trying to find a weekend to get together in August and you let them know that you, Sabrina and Gemma would have loved to but your schedule was packed before Gemma left for back home. You got a few frowny emojis back while you checked your other messages, but they understood.

You had two more messages. The first was from Becca and you could tell she’d sent it to multiple people since it was her and Charlotte out at what looked like a Drag Show brunch - which seemed on point for her and her friend group even if it wouldn’t be your thing. She looked cute as hell though and you groaned a little, knowing that Gemma was planning on teasing her as long as possible. Things with Becca had escalated last time you’d been over there and you were excited to see what would happen the next time.

The final text was from Mosche. ‘Tasha broke up with me :(

You sighed, feeling a little pit of guilt in your stomach even though you knew he deserved it. ‘I thought you were going to break up with her?’ you sent back. ‘And this means you can go ahead with-’ you realised you couldn’t remember the Chinese food delivery girl’s name. You’d heard it maybe twice… was it Amy? Melissa? You grunted and erased the second message. ‘Guess this lets you off the hook then and you can do what you want.

The dots came up, showing he was responding, and you groaned again. You could literally hear Tasha laughing in the other room. Your dick had her spit on it.

But she was single, you hadn’t done anything wrong. Feeling a little bit of guilt was just knowing Mosche would be hurt if he knew, not that he had a right to feel hurt.

I guess,’ he texted back. ‘Wanna order a pizza tonight and hang out before I go to the club?

You grimaced, knowing that he was going to get torn to shreds by the other comics. But it was his fault it had become a public thing - if he’d just talked to her… Or not convinced himself she wanted a gangbang, which was still the stupidest part of the whole thing. ‘Sorry dude,’ you responded. ‘Spending day with the girls working on work project before date night. High pressure situation.

He sent a thumbs up, though you knew he was probably dejected. Again, you felt bad… just not bad enough to go offer him support when you were already investing in the person who’d gotten the short end of the stick in his situation.

Sighing, you set your phone back down and got up, stretching and groaning loudly before heading to the bedroom. You stopped in the doorway and leaned against it as you snorted and shook your head at what you found. Tasha, it seemed, had small hands like Sabrina and she currently had her first inside of Gemma up to the wrist.

“Ooh my fuck,” Gemma was moaning, trying not to laugh. “You fucking bitches!”

“This feels so weird,” Tasha was giggling as she slowly moved her arm.

“You think it feels weird to you!?” Gemma said.

“Oh, hush, baby,” Sabrina said, pressing her little chest to Gemma’s big tits and kissing her. “This isn’t the first time you’ve been fisted, suck it up.”

“Why did I let you convince me to let her do this,” Gemma grumbled, but kissed Sabrina back.

“Tasha, your ventriloquist act is really convincing,” you said, coming further into the room.

“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Gemma scowled at you with her eyes, but her lips couldn’t stop quivering as she suppressed an actual chuckle.

“I’ve fooled around with girls before, but never done this,” Tasha said as she grinned at you. “Can you do this?”

“God, no,” Gemma said before you could answer. “Little lady hands only.”

“You two have fun,” Sabrina said, giving Gemma another peck on the nose before going up on her knees and shuffling over to you. “I’m going to spend a little time with my boyfriend.” She got right up to you at the edge of the bed and reached up as you leaned down, wrapping her arms around the back of your neck and pulling you into a kiss. “I love you,” she whispered with a smile as you held her by the waist.

“Love you too, baby,” you whispered back.

She pulled you a little lower, whispering right in your ear. “You’re gonna need to fuck Gemma so she doesn’t think her pussy is stretched out of something,” she said, a giggle in her breath.

“Better get me ready then,” you whispered back, sliding your hands from her waist to her ass.

“Anytime, Daddy,” she grinned.

“I’m not Daddy today,” you pointed out.

She gave you a look and a smile. “Maybe,” she said. “But we aren’t done yet.”

Chapter 409

“That’s it, Tash,” Sabrina cooed softly, stroking the blonde’s back. “Suck that dick.”

Tasha was on her hands and knees while you were standing off the side of the bed, and she was paying you back for all the oral you’d given her already with a sloppy, energetic blowjob. She and Gemma had fooled around some more while Sabrina had slowly teased you - first with her hand, then with little kisses, and then finally by leaning you back on the bed next to the 69ing blondes and slowly grinding her pussy against the underside of your cock as it pressed against your abdomen. She’d left a trail of her slick juices on it, and Tasha hadn’t balked at all at licking it up.

It was kind of funny, seeing how the different women who had cycled through your bed so far approached sex and girl-girl stuff. Becks did it, and went along with it, but still maintained that it was more fun and less sexually satisfying. Mallory had been experienced and a lot of fun, but most of your afternoon with her had been more focused on you. Tasha, it seemed, had fully accepted that this was all an equal experience with her as the feature and was more than willing to play with each of you. Then, of course, there was Gemma herself who had started out straight and learned quickly that not only was she into girls, but in love with one.

“Fuuuck,” you moaned, Tasha’s tongue sliding along the underside base of your shaft as she took you deep into her mouth. The tip of her tongue reached the edge of your sack and pressed upwards firmly, teasing you while she inhaled and sucked on your cock head. “Tasha, you- guh, that’s good.”

She hummed a laugh, pulling your cock a little out and wrapping her lips about halfway up your shaft. Looking up at you, her eyes were gleaming with playful energy and an obvious desire to make you feel amazing. You were struck for a moment by how cutely pretty she was as well - maybe she wasn’t some stunning Instagram model with sharp features or big lips, but she was real, and she was fun, and she was gorgeous because of it.

Gemma climbed up on the bed from the other side of the room, smirking a little as she held up a finger to signal that you and Sabrina should stay quiet. While Tasha had been preoccupied with your cock, your girlfriend had been quietly slipping on one of the strap-ons that Sabrina owned. She now had a vibrant green dildo hanging from the front of her, a model that both the girls had declared as the closest they had to matching your own cock. It wobbled a little as Gemma knee-walked across the mattress, and Sabrina was suppressing a giggle and smirk so that she didn’t give away the game.

You groaned again, deciding to play along, and looked back down at Tasha and ran your fingers through her hair. She looked up at you again, her pretty green eyes warm and inviting, and you held her head gently and pushed your cock deeper into her mouth. She accepted readily, letting you take a bit of control, and after a couple of thrusts, you moaned. “Ready?” you asked.

Tasha thought you were asking her, and nodded with your cock in her mouth, accepting you fucking her mouth. Gemma knew you were actually asking her and gave you an OK sign. She was positioned directly behind Tasha and had spread a bit of lube onto the dildo, stroking it across the surface.

“Deep breath,” you ordered Tasha, and she sucked it in through her nose. Then you pushed forward, probing the back of her mouth with your cock, and she gagged once before shifting a little and you pressed into her throat. That, of course, felt fucking amazing. The funny thing was that her little shift actually had her get her body a little lower, her bent legs spreading a little wider, and opened her up more to Gemma.

Your girlfriend didn’t waste the opportunity and she pressed the ridiculous green of the fake cock head into Tasha’s pussy from behind.

Tasha moaned deep in her chest and throat, which vibrated up to your cock and felt ridiculously good. Her eyes also rolled up a little and you were worried she’d go back into that too-much orgasmic state, but you pulled out of her throat and she exhaled around your cock, blinking her eyes back to normal before smirking and leaning back. She used her hands and knees as a pivot point, pressing her ass back at Gemma and taking the dildo deep into her, then leaned forward again and took your cock into her mouth and right back into her throat.

“That’s it, baby,” Sabrina hummed, stroking her back again and then reaching down on either side of her and cupping those fantastic tits that were hanging beneath her. “Gemma’s gonna get a little revenge for us fisting her pretty pussy by pounding yours, and you’re gonna get spit roasted with John’s cock in your mouth until he comes aaallll over your face.”

To be fair, it wasn’t exactly a rough fucking. For all that Gemma was ‘getting revenge’ she wasn’t looking to choke Tasha on your cock. She fucked the other woman at a steady, easy pace as Tasha bounced between the two of you. Your eyes felt like they were getting drawn all over the place. Tasha’s eyes and lips, Sabrina’s grin and smaller tits, where Gemma was clapping her hips against Tasha’s ass as she held the other blonde’s waist. Not to mention Gemma’s breasts as the wobbled with her movements, her nipples standing proud, or her own smile and eyes as she met your gaze.

Sharing women with your girlfriends was amazing. Your life felt like a fucking dream. Things had changed so completely since the start of the summer. You started to have a bit of an out-of-body experience, or maybe it was a spiritual moment, where you were so in the moment with all four women but also totally aware of how the you of three months ago would view the you now as an almost unrecognizable person.

Your orgasm pulled you back, your balls suddenly trying to boil over as Tasha swallowed repeatedly, milking your cock head. You pulled out of her with a groan, a wash of her spit dribbling in a gross, pretty drool as she looked up at you with a needy pout. “That’s it, John,” she panted. “Come all over my face. Give me a facial, give me your gooey, tasty cum. God, I want to feel it. I want you to be the guy who comes on my face, John. I don’t do that usually. I didn’t before, but I want you to. Give it to me! Give me my-”

Cum erupted, splattering her. You’d already come twice, so it wasn’t some big impressive load, but three good ropes plus dribbles that you wiped across the tip of her nose and her lips left her nicely glazed. She sucked your cock head into her mouth gently as she hummed her pleased laugh, Gemma reaching forward and wrapping a fist in her hair to pull her back onto the dildo.

“That’s it, Tash,” Gemma said. “Suck every last bit out of his cock. Suck it like a straw. Let him know how much you love his cock.”

“Mmmmm,” Tasha nodded, gently suckling.

“Good girl,” Sabrina said, getting down low and leaning in to lick some cum from her face. “Now you know that it’s OK to be John’s slut because he respects and loves you. You’re a slut-sister with us.”

Tasha pulled her lips from your cock, her grin wide and messy as she pressed her cummy cheek against Sabrina’s clean one, spreading the love. “Sounds good to me, sister,” she giggled.

Gemma gave her ass a slap. “Awesome. Now, are you ready to really get fucked by your slut-sister, or are you tapping out?”

Tasha bit her lip, looking up at you as she kept grinning. “Um,” she said. “Maybe just one more orgasm?”

Chapter 410

“M’kay,” Tasha said, sucking her spoon clean. “You guys said I’d be overwhelmed and shit, but I think this might be doing it.”

You grinned a little and squeezed her a little tighter. Sitting on the couch with one leg running down the length and the other out on the floor, Tasha was sitting between your legs and snuggled back against your chest. Sabrina had lent her a comfy sweater and that was all she was wearing. Sabrina and Gemma were similarly clothed, while you had on a pair of sweatpants that you’d brought over. Gemma and Sabrina were snacking on sundaes as well, Gemma sitting on the floor in front of the middle couch seat with her legs out straight and Sabrina sitting cross-legged at the other end of the couch.

“Is it the ice cream, the snuggles, or the Nathan Fillion?” Sabrina asked with a grin.

“Uhhhh, yes?” Tasha answered. “All three?”

You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, just enjoying holding her. She shifted a little, looking back over her shoulder at you. “You’re pretty much the best boyfriend, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know about best,” you said with a little smile.

“I do,” Gemma said, reaching forward and pausing the episode of Castle that you’d been watching on Sabrina’s laptop. She turned and looked up at you and Tasha. “I was engaged once, remember? You, John, are the best boyfriend in both hemispheres.”

“Don’t keep making my head bigger,” you said. “It’ll make me complacent, and I never want to be complacent when it comes to you girls. Better and better, always.”

Both of your girlfriends beamed smiles at you, but Tasha sighed and then scoffed, leaning back a little more heavily and hugging herself around your arms. “Can I vent a little?” she asked.

“This is a weekend of releases,” Sabrina declared, raising her spoon up like she was a politician making a declaration. “Sexual, emotional, and verbal. Venting is part of the healing process, beautiful.”

“Thanks,” Tasha said, then took another breath. “Mosche was a bad boyfriend, obviously, but before things went sideways he wasn’t so bad. I think maybe that was just because he was a bit of a wet noodle though - mostly that was because he was happy to just do what I wanted. I didn’t realise that, and maybe that’s part of how things did go sideways. But looking back on him, and my ex Becker before, and hell we might as well throw my three other exes in too, I-” she stopped to take a sharp breath. “I’ve dated a bunch of assholes. Never, like, abusive assholes, but just… self-interested. Mosche did whatever I wanted because he wanted me to fuck him, which was new for me because usually they do things to try to convince me to fuck them, or just get pissy if I wasn’t putting out, or whatever. And, John I’m sorry because I know you’re still his roommate and kind of friends with him or whatever, but Mosche was at least a little creative and kinky in bed, and he had a decent dick. But he never did stuff like this, just… casually making me feel like I’m important, and that he liked me more than just for the fact that I was a pretty girl who was into comedy. And maybe this sounds ridiculous because we just had sex like five times in five different ways, but you guys… Look, I’m not saying you’re like my best friends or whatever, because we’ve only known each other for a month or two and I have much older friends from back home who know me better and stuff, but right here and now I want you to know you’re, like… I admire you? I think that’s what I’m feeling. You’re Relationship Goals, but you’re also Squad Goals, and Friendship Goals, and all the memey things I could put in a hashtag. You’re the throuple that all couples should strive to be, and you’re the kind of friends everyone deserves to have. Not to mention the kind of lovers everyone should experience at least once in their lives because Oh My God I’m still kind of scared to come because it might turn into that big one again. So fuck Mosche for not even trying to learn to be like you, John, even though he was right there and could have picked up on things. And fuck all my exes for not being like you guys, because this may not be effortless but it’s so easy and natural! And fuck me too, I guess, for not realising that myself before you guys showed it to me. I- Fuck it, I love you guys.”

She’d started tearing up during her rant, which had swapped somewhere along the way from venting to more just spilling her guts and word vomiting everywhere. Gemma got up when she was done and leaned in heavily, hugging you and Tasha both, and Sabrina got up on her knees and came down to the couch to crash into the hug as well, and all three of the girls were teary-eyed and mumbling about loving each other and making promises that their friendship would keep going and all that kind of stuff.

You probably would have been saying something similar, and letting Tasha know you agreed with her and all the sort of stuff, but you were currently being crushed by the force of the three of them leaning back onto you.

“Can’t- Breath-” you grunted.

“Oh, shit,” Gemma laughed, standing up and pulling Tasha with her to get off of you.

You gasped in your first solid breath and let it out, then shook your head and took another deep one.

“Are you OK, baby?” Sabrina asked, rubbing your arm and looking concerned.

“Yes,” you said after one more breath. “Any one of you on top of me - Amazing. Two are squishy but comfortable. Three is a crowd and a bit beyond my physical prowess.”

“I dunno,” Gemma smirked. “One riding your face, one riding your cock and one rubbing her pussy on your ankle waiting her turn impatiently?”

“OK, point taken, all three of you on my chest at once is a bit much,” you chuckled. Then you turned to Tasha and took her hand, pulling her back down but this time she was straddling you, which brought your faces much closer and she looked into your eyes. “Tash, you’re in our hearts now. So when you find a new partner, we’ll be there to help you vet them. And until that happens, we’ll be all the comfort and warmth and support that we can give you and that you need.”

“God,” Tasha sighed, getting teary again. “Thank you.”

You pulled her into a kiss that was sweet and passionate in a sort of light, airy way that wasn’t going anywhere. Then she groaned against your lips and the kiss got a little deeper. “One of your girlfriends has started tonguing my asshole,” she murmured.

“That would be Sabrina,” you chuckled and ran your hands inside her sweater to hold her warm, bare back as you continued to make out.

Chapter 411

The sex did not, in fact, pick back up again. To be fair, Tasha did end up making out with all three of you a bit, but you managed to keep Sabrina from escalating things further.

Not that the three of you weren’t ready and willing, but it was getting on in the afternoon and there was a date that they wanted to get ready for. So you were left alone in the living room once again as your girlfriends and your lover guest went into the bedroom and the washroom. The shower started up fairly early on, and Gemma came out to you glistening with water and freshly washed but with her hair up to keep it from getting wet. She was naked and carrying a towel and, even though she wasn’t dripping wet, had you dry her off. Then she went back to getting ready as Tasha came out in the same way, giving you a cheeky smile and then groaning happily as you pampered her a bit with soft touches and kisses in between drying her off.

Sabrina, of course, couldn’t be the only one not to get the same treatment and she came out last. She, however, climbed right on top of you as you sat on the couch and laid herself down, hugging you as she rested her head on your chest.

“You’re doing really good today, baby,” she whispered to you.

“So are you,” you whispered back, sliding your fingers down her spine and feeling the droplets of water pool and shift.

She looked up at you, resting her chin on your chest. “Tasha needs this, and I want her to have it, but we need to be careful,” she continued whispering. “She’s awesome, but it’s me, you and Gemma, right?”

“I know,” you replied, grabbing her by her hips and bringing her up a little closer to you until her lips were even with yours and you were looking into her eyes from inches away. “If things weren’t the way they are, I could see falling for her, but she’s just a really good friend. And I’m so fucking proud of you for doing what you’re doing for her.”

‘Thank you,” she said with a sad smile. “I wish we could- well, I wish we could just be with her, and Becks, and Becca. And Mallory could be our poly-MILF.” She smirked a little. “But three is complicated enough.”

You kissed her in response, and she matched it with a little sigh from her chest. When you finally pulled away from the kiss she looked into your eyes again. “You can love on her, just don’t fall in love,” she said.

“I know,” you replied, sliding your hands from her hips to her butt and giving it a squeeze. “You and Gemma are my heart and soul. There’s lots of love we can share, but not enough space for others to move in.”

‘God, I love you,” she whispered and kissed me again lightly. Then she got up and took my hand, bringing it to her pussy and groaning as I felt through her soft little labia. “I can’t wait for tonight.”

“Because we’re DPing Gemma?” you asked with a grin.

“That,” she said. “And because I definitely need some of this dick in me. Daddy.”

“We’ll see what happens,” you sighed, rolling your eyes playfully. “If you’re good, at the end of the night. Maybe.”

She grinned and turned, skipping away playfully to the bedroom.

- - - - -

“I feel like Bruce Wayne. Or Tony Stark,” you said with a grin.

“Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist, huh?” Gemma grinned at you.

“One of those sort of applies,” Sabrina laughed. “How much do you donate to charity, maybe we can make a case for philanthropist as well as playboy.”

You had Gemma on one arm and Tasha on the other, with Sabrina on the other side of Tasha to make sure she felt part of the group. They had all dressed up, and the girls had apparently forewarned Tasha about what to bring since she had her own dress that she’d brought in her overnight bag. Gemma was wearing a sleek blue dress that complimented her eyes and showed the sort of cleavage that would make other men (and women) jealous but didn’t look cheap or slutty. Sabrina, meanwhile, was wearing a slinky black, shimmery dress that you would have assumed was at risk of exposing her braless tits if you hadn’t helped her with the boob tape yourself to help keep it in place. Both of them looked stunning, but you had to admit that Tasha was currently outshining them since they’d spent the most time doing her hair and makeup.

Tasha was wearing a gorgeous gold dress that was simple and elegant, with a sash of black around her waist to pull it snugly. It showed off a little less cleavage upfront than Gemma’s, but more sideboob, and it was almost floor length but had a high slit that showed off the black, kneehigh heeled boots she was wearing. The girls had braided her hair back into a pretty, intricate braid and had done her makeup with a winged eye, tasteful golden eyeshadow and black lipstick that gave her a fierce look.

You were dressed in the suit that Sabrina had bought you, looking and feeling sharp, and the girls had enjoyed fussing over getting your hair right to finish the look. Between the four of you, you had to admit that you looked like a group of rich socialites instead of a broke comedian and three college interns. The Art Gallery apparently agreed because as you got out of the Uber (which Sabrina had splurged on a little to get a premiere Uber Black ride), the guy working the door took one look at the ladies as you helped them out of the back seat and ushered the four of you right inside.

Gemma had chosen the date, having found out about the Gallery opening and knowing that dressing up with Tasha and getting her out of her element would be a help to making her feel more normal again. New things could be more comfortable than familiar ones, sometimes.

Inside the venue, surrounded by art, caterers carrying appetizers, and a crowd of people ogling each other as much as the displays, you leaned down and kissed Tasha on the cheek, and then to the other side and kissed Gemma’s cheek as well. “So,” you asked. ‘What first. Art, snacks, or booze?”

“Booze,” all three of the girls agreed and you chuckled as you led them towards the bar.



kinda sad we can't have more


More what? Chapters? There's literally Already More my dude! Celebrate and check the timeline!

Gregory Sullivan

Man I wish the group could add a few more members some of them would be perfect as another girlfriend


The temptation is there, but Gemma, Sabrina and John together are a unit. Adding someone else will always be a risk at disrupting things as much as adding to them. Of course, I'm an evil person who can do terrible things to his characters, so....