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Chapter 311

Waking up to a knock on the door to the cabin was starting to feel like a daily alarm clock. I groaned softly, and squeezed the woman next to me, slowly remembering that it was Ami who was snuggled up in my arms.

It was strange, not having someone else on my other side. Not having Cassidy there, or Wanda. Or Cattie now. But Ami, as she stretched and started to wake up as well, felt amazing.

“Who is it?” I groaned softly.

The door opened and Becca stuck her head in. “It’s me,” she said.

“Do I need to pay extra for the daily wake-up call?” I asked.

She smirked and shook her head. There wasn’t any light coming in through the curtains at the window so I knew it had to be pre-dawn. “Nope,” she said quietly. “But a bunch of us are doing final shoots this morning since we’ve missed several due to someone making us fall in love with him taking us on dates.”

I exhaled and Ami giggled softly as she sat up, covering her bare torso with the sheet. “I’m in that group,” she said, putting a hand on my chest and rubbing softly.

“Alright, getting up,” I groaned.

Becca backed out of the room and I swung my legs to the edge of the bed as Ami got up gracefully and started digging in one of her pieces of luggage. I reached out and looped an arm around her waist, pulling her back to me until she sat on my lap and I kissed her as we both moaned a little.

“Last night was amazing,” I told her. “I wish we could sleep like that every night.”

“I loved it,” she said back, hugging me tightly with her bare tits to my chest. “I love you.”

‘I love you too, cutie,” I said. “Do you need help with your shoot?”

She shook her head. “I just got a night alone with you, and I can manage my own photos this morning. It’s a simple one anyways. Other girls should get time with you.”

I sighed, and she kissed me again.

“Don’t feel bad,” she said. “Don’t feel guilty. We all know what we’re getting into.”

“Thank you,” I said instead of trying to downplay it. She was right, and I needed to stop letting the fact that there was only one of me feel like a weight on my shoulders.

Ami got up and we both winced as she turned on the light, the glare of it painful in the dark. Neither of us had really gotten that much sleep, and I wondered how much the other ladies had as well. Not to mention how the Meeting had gone. I ended up hugging and kissing Ami one more time as we were both half-dressed, me standing behind her in the middle of the room as we swayed. Noises from outside the cabin were getting louder as the other ladies were up and moving, and soon enough we split apart to finish getting clothes on and make our appearances.

Emerging from the cabin felt a little like arriving at a party where everyone was my best friend that I hadn’t seen for a while. The first person, right outside the door, was Leia who immediately burst into a big smile. I ended up pulling her into my arms as she wrapped hers around the back of my neck and we kissed good morning. It lasted long enough that I ended up leaning back against the wall of the hallway as she pressed herself against me, my hands holding her hips as we made out a little.

“How did it go last night?” I asked her when we finally separated.

“Good,” she said with a teasing little smile.

“Anything I should know?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said, still teasing with her grin reaching up into her eyes.

“You aren’t going to tell me anything, are you?”

She shook her head, her pastel rainbow hair waving softly, and I scoffed lightly and kissed her again. “Good morning, sunshine,” I said.

“Good morning, Tiger,” she laughed happily.

Terra’s door was open and I knocked as I stepped into it. “Good morning, honey,” I said.

“Tiger!” Terra grinned, turning to see me. She had on a pair of shorts and that was it, and she hopped onto the bed and then into my arms and I laughed as I spun us once and then bent at the waist to lower her back to the bed as we kissed. “Good morning, dude,” she said with a grin once our lips parted.

“Good morning, little elf,” I said with a wink, then kissed her again. “Is everyone sworn to not tell me about last night yet, or was that just Leia teasing me?”

“We want to tell you all at once,” Terra said. “Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” I said. “Though I’m very, very curious.”

“You could always fuck it out of me,” she smirked naughtily, slowly using her legs around my waist to thrust her crotch up at me. There was a small part of me that absolutely wanted to do that - just rip off her shorts and take her. She’d already told me she was mine, and was breaking up with JC after their day of travelling home. Holding to their agreement at this point felt almost silly, and God did I want to be in her again.

But that wasn’t me.

I bent lower, getting my lips on one of her puffy little nipples and giving it a teasing suck before raising up again and rubbing the tip of her nose with mine. “I’ll be dreaming of you,” I said.

“Damn straight you will,” she grinned and then kissed my chin before letting me go, but not before groping my cock through my shorts and humming happily to find it half-chubbed.

I left Terra so she could get ready, finally making it to my own cabin after I got a quick good morning kiss from Wanda as she came out and headed across the hall. She opened the cabin that she shared with Heels, and Heels gave a yelp as she stood naked, comparing two different pieces of clothing on the bed.

“Oh, shush,” Wanda scoffed. “He’s already seen you naked and more.”

“Fair,” Heels laughed, dropping her hands from her breasts and revealing everything to me. Despite how I’d felt like the sex wasn’t particularly special the night before, I would never say that she wasn’t an attractive woman and getting to see her naked, along with Wanda wearing one of my t-shirts, did nothing to stop my cock from remaining chubbed up. “Wanna come in and have some fun that isn’t on a timer, Robbie?”

“Tempting, Baheela,” I said. “But I’m figuring out what’s going on this morning.”

She winked and then closed the door.

Chapter 312

Shaking my head at Heels' playful invitation, I entered my proper cabin to find Cassidy standing behind Cattie, braiding her hair as Cattie applied makeup in the mirror. “Good morning, fiancee and girlfriend,” I said with a grin. Cassidy was only wearing a shirt, her bare ass pointed right at me, and Cattie was only wearing one of my pairs of shorts with her tits out.

“Good morning, Tiger,” Cassidy said. “I’d turn and kiss you but I’ve got my hands full.”

“Then I’ll come to you,” I said, stepping behind her and leaning over her shoulder to give her a kiss, then leaning farther to kiss Cattie’s shoulder since I’d come in mid-lipstick application.

“Good morning, Robbie,” Cattie said after rolling her lips a little. She’d applied a bright red lipstick. “How was your night with Ami?”

“Really great,” I said. “But I missed waking up with you two.”

Both women, and a third I hadn’t noticed in the bathroom, all ‘Awed!

Zenya came out of the washroom wearing, of all things, Cassidy’s Jason Voorhees hockey jersey. “Morning, hunk,” she said with a bright smile.

“Good morning, freckles,” I said. Zenya dropped her jaw in surprise at the nickname and I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a kiss as I palmed each of her juicy buttcheeks over the sweater.

“Oooh, now you have a nickname,” Cattie teased.

“I don’t have that many freckles,” Zenya said as our kiss ended.

“You have enough, and they’re cute, and you cover them up for your daily makeup so I feel like it’s special I get to see them,” I said. She gave me a puppy-dog look and I kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll never use it again if you don’t want me to.”

“No, I like it,” she frowned in a silly happy-sad moment and hugged me.

I hugged her back, laughing a little at her reaction, and turned to Cassidy and Cattie as they were grinning and watching us. “What’s the plan for the morning?” I asked.

“Becca went to get the boat moving,” Cass said. “So that one of you guys can get to the other one and we can bring them both close to the beach. Cattie is doing a Snow White photoshoot.”

“The occasional Disney Princess set spikes my social media views through the roof,” Cattie shrugged.

“So who needs-”

“Nope,” Cassidy said, waggling a finger at me. “You’re not helping anyone, all of the girls have their shit covered and no one is in need of your extra hands.”

“So what am I doing, then?” I asked.

“You’re going to help Becca get the boats ready, and then you’re coming back here,” Cassidy said. “Because Zenya wants to talk to us.”

“You do?” I asked, looking at the redhead I still had my arm around.

“I do,” she said with a smile. Then she went on her tiptoes and gave me another kiss before slipping from my arms. “But first, I need to steam this dress for Cattie because it’s wrinkled as hell. You couldn’t at least take it out last night?”

“We were a little busy and packed in, and when I was moving all my stuff in here we weren’t really thinking about wrinkles at the time,” Cattie said.

I chuckled as I backed out of the room, the playful bickering and teasing putting a grin on my face. Shutting the door behind me I went down towards the kitchen and ran into Leia again, who was still in the long nightshirt she’d been wearing the night before as she was waiting in the living room. “What are you up to this morning?” I asked as I reached out to her and hooked my fingers in hers for a moment as we stopped.

“I ran out of armour sets to shoot, so I’m helping Becca with her stuff. She spent more time than she expected tutoring Ginnie and Sherry, and more time dating and having sex with you and Cass, so she didn’t get that many done. We’re going to try and do two in one morning.”

“Thanks for helping her,” I said with a smile, leaning down to kiss her fingers.

She just smiled at me and blew me an air kiss.

I headed up top, the dark of the lake and surrounding desert just starting to turn blue as the sun crept up towards the horizon. Becca was already in the Pilot’s Cabin and I crossed the deck managing not to run into any of the randomly scattered deck chairs or the hot tub. I stepped into the cabin behind her and wrapped my arms around Becca as I dropped my lips to her shoulder. Like Leia, she was wearing the same sleep shirt she’d been in the night before, and she leaned back into me and groaned softly as I let my warmth heat her up a bit from the morning chill.

“Good morning, sugar,” I said quietly as I held her.

“Good morning, Tiger,” she said. “Did you break any of the girls and get them to tell you?”

I shook my head and chuckled softly. “Terra dared me to fuck it out of her, but I resisted.”

Becca hummed softly and rolled her eyes. “You do good things for her,” she said.

“You do good things for me,” I replied,

“I heard you fucked Cattie, standing like this the other morning.”

“Jeez, was that yesterday?” I wondered. The days of this trip blended together.

Becca laughed and turned in my arms, going on her toes to kiss me gently before just hugging me and pressing her cheek to my chest. “I feel like I’ve missed out on so much,” she said. “Like I should have had you years ago, but we only just met.”

“I know,” I said, slowly rubbing her back. “I know.”

We held each other for a long minute, just breathing together, until we both knew we needed to get moving. Becca raised the anchor and turned over the engine, piloting us over towards the Singles Boat. She softly docked us end-to-end and handed the controls off to me, and then she and Leia hopped over. Becca went right up to the other Pilot’s Cabin as I pulled the Couples’ Boat away, and we both manoeuvred our respective boats back towards the beach until we were snuggled in as close as we were likely to get.

Not wanting to risk a mistaken run-in with Heather and Sherry, or one with JC really, I stayed up on the top deck until I could hear ladies starting to be ready to head to shore. Then I went down to the back deck and stripped off my shirt, hopping into the dark water that was about waist deep and started carrying. The girls - Terra, Ami, and Wanda, all giggled and kissed me as I carried them, and even Heels got involved as she teased me a bit by sucking on my earlobe unexpectedly and then laughing as I pulled away on instinct. I got her back by giving her ass a swat after I set her down.

I was surprised when Heather and Sherry showed up, Sherry looking dead tired. Heather carried her across though, and they set off up the beach before there was any risk of interaction. That left me to also carry Becca and Leia and their equipment, which was fine with me. I got a few more kisses for my trouble. Finally, just as the girls all headed out, JC came stumbling out of the back blinking and tired.

“Is everyone already gone?” he asked me.

“They just left,” I said. “You can probably go nap, I think they had everything covered.”

He flipped me a thumbs-up and blew out a long breath.

“Have fun with Ginnie?” I asked.

He nodded, eyebrows raised and looking kind of drunk still, and then headed over into the Couples Boat and towards his bed.

Chapter 213

With the girls gone and JC headed to his room, I was tempted to check in on Ginnie. Not because I thought she would be in any sort of bad way, but just because I really wanted to know if JC had broken his agreement with Terra again.

I would feel a lot less guilty if he repeated the mistake.

Still, knowing Ginnie, I would either end up seeing something that I didn’t need to see or she would try and start something with me that I didn’t need or particularly want. So instead of heading into the Singles Boat I climbed up out of the water and dried myself off with one of the towels on the porch thoroughly, then headed inside.

The boat was quiet except for the dull sound of Cassidy and Zenya talking in our cabin with the door open. They both smiled from where they were sitting on the bed when I arrived, and Cassidy patted the bed next to her.

“Everyone get off OK?” Zenya asked.

“They did,” I said. “Even Heather and Sherry, though I didn’t talk with them or anything. They headed up the beach.”

Zenya made a face. “Sherry is- blegh,” she said. “Living with her most of the week wasn’t super fun once you guys and Cattie started to happen, but even before that she just came across as so… young? Like, she’s over twenty, but she would whine like a teenager.”

Cassidy sighed and shook her head. “I think Cattie did a lot of shielding and protecting for her, and she’s just got a bit of a brat attitude. I can tell Cattie is worried about her, but after what she did it’s kind of like - enough is enough.”

“OK, we can lay off the Sherry gossip,” I said. “I don’t think there’s anything we could do about that situation. She’s making her bed and she’ll need to face the consequences or make her own decisions.”

“That’s fair,” Cassidy said, looping her arm around mine a little as she leaned her cheek on my arm for a moment. Then she looked to Zenya. “Robbie isn’t the biggest fan of gossip.”

“Then he’ll be a good influence for all of us,” Zenya chuckled. “There’s a fine line between updating and gossiping.”

“I’ll try and leave some wiggle room,” I chuckled. “So what did you want to talk to us about, Zee? I’m an open book for you.”

Zenya took a breath and let it out, looking across the bed at me and Cassidy. I could tell that she knew what she wanted to ask, but was hesitating, and then made a decision. “Last night was… a lot. Hell, yesterday was a lot. And the sex was really great, especially in the afternoon. I’d never done exhibitionist sort of stuff before and it really put a buzz in me.”

“I had a lot of fun, too,” I said. “And I was thrilled that we got at least a couple of moments together during the game.”

“You two were super hot together, too,” Cassidy said with a grin.

“OK,” Zenya said. “Good. Then, I know you guys have your agreement, right? Cassidy doesn’t play around unless you’re there and give the OK, Robbie. Well… I want to fuck you. Both. I know there’s still stuff up in the air between us, but I feel like it would help me make decisions. I need to know what you guys are like together as a couple in bed, and if I… fit into that somehow, if I decide a relationship makes sense.”

Cassidy immediately looked at me, her face carefully blank because I knew she didn’t want to try and influence me.

I smiled and looked into my fiancee’s eyes for a moment, and even as she kept her face still I could tell she was into it. I leaned in and kissed her gently, then looked back at Zenya and crawled over to her right into a kiss, reaching behind me to take Cassidy’s hand and draw her forward with me. “We would love to have sex with you,” I said as I pulled back from the kiss with Zenya. “Now kiss my fiancee, freckles.”

Zenya laughed and rolled her eyes at the nickname, then leaned towards Cassidy and they kissed. For one split second, I felt a twinge somewhere deep in my psyche, a stray thought reminding me of how many women Cass had kissed without me knowing, but there was also a beauty in seeing her kissing someone that I was falling for. When they separated, both women grinning, she immediately looked to me to confirm all was well and I nodded a little.

Cassidy looked back at Zenya. “Tell us what kind of sex you want,” she said. “If this is the thing that might convince you, then we’ll definitely want to make it everything that would make it good for you.”

Zenya flushed a little, pulling a strand of her bright red hair behind her ear. “Well, like I said, exhibitionism is new for me. I feel like I’m mostly a vanilla girl otherwise? Like, I like a bit of this or that but nothing that I can really put words to.”

“You like girls though, right?” Cassidy asked. “Like, we could eat each other and you’re good with that?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Zenya said with a grin. “I guess I should say I’m vanilla for a raging bisexual.”

That got a couple of chuckles from Cassidy and I, and I leaned in and kissed Zenya again with a passionate taste of tongue. “Anything you want to try?”

“I think… I want to watch you two fuck,” Zenya said. “Just for a bit, to see you together, if that makes sense.”

“An exhibitionist and a voyeur?” Cassidy smiled teasingly. “You’re more kinky than you think, Zenya.”

The redhead flushed a bit more and shook her head. I stopped her from denying it by taking her hands and pulling her towards me into another kiss, slowly falling back so that she was on top of me and straddling my waist. When the kiss finished I took the jersey she was wearing in my hands at the bottom and quickly pulled it up, and she let me pull it right off of her. She’d been naked underneath, not even a thong, and I gently groped one of her thick, dangling tits with one hand as I caressed her cheek with the other, looking into her eyes.

“Cassidy, baby,” I said. “You have my permission to do whatever you want with Zenya right now.”

“Thank you, Tiger,” Cassidy said, leaning in and kissing Zenya on her bare shoulder as I pulled her down into another passionate kiss.

Zenya was soon moaning against my lips as Cassidy slipped around behind her and started to get her ready for a proper fucking.

Chapter 214

Cassidy’s face as I entered her was rapture. She dropped her chin and moaned from her throat and chest in pleasure, holding both of my hands in a tight grip on either side of her head as she wrapped one leg up and over my hip.

“God, that’s hot,” Zenya said, kneeling next to us on the bed.

Cass and I were both as naked as she was now, our clothes having been stripped off as we teased each other getting ready. Cass had gotten a taste of Zenya as we made out, and then she and Zenya had sucked my cock briefly before she’d become the centre of attention for a couple of minutes. Zenya had proven herself to be an eagre pussy pleaser, diving between Cassidy’s legs with gusto as my fiancee sucked my cock. She’d motioned me around with her eyes and smile that I should start fucking Zee, but I’d stopped to flip Zenya onto her back and get a taste of her myself.

That was when she’d reminded us she wanted to watch us, and how I’d ended up fucking into Cass in missionary as Zenya looked on. Her knees were spread wide and she was openly teasing her outer labia with a couple of fingers as she bit the tip of her tongue. Her nipples were ruddy and firm and she was breathing deeply.

Cass shifted a little, propping herself up on one hip and getting her leg higher, shifting it from around my hip to all the way up onto my shoulder as I leaned over her. This, I realised, gave Zenya an even more direct view of my cock disappearing into Cassidy’s mound. “God, Zenya,” Cass moaned. “You look so fucking pretty.”

“Are you kidding me?” Zenya asked. “You look so pretty. Fuck, the look in your eyes when he penetrated you…”

I thrust into Cassidy a little harder, making her grunt and moan softly.

“Just let me watch a couple minutes,” Zenya breathed out. “Then I’ll get involved again.”

“Come sit on my face when you’re ready,” Cassidy grinned.

I made love to my future wife. It hadn’t been that long since the last time, but then it hadn’t been that long in the grand scheme of things since she’d told me everything. Intellectually, I knew the App had something to do with how easily things had gotten buried under layers of love. The hurt I felt, deep in my heart, was still there and the addition of all the women in my life hadn’t made it go away. But I didn’t care that the app was putting a scab over the wound - I intended to get it fixed properly and the only way that was going to happen was like getting surgery to fix a broken bone. Therapy was going to be a fucking bitch, but worth it. For now, I was thankful that I could love her like I knew I wanted to, now and forever.

Cassidy could tell that I wasn’t just fucking her and after a long moment things shifted a little. She stopped being mindful of showing off for Zenya and focused the last few bits of her attention on me until we were the only things in our respective worlds. I kissed her savagely, passionately, wanting her to know that no matter what I was here with her and I always would be. Her return kiss was desperate for that message, sucking it in and holding it close. When I pulled back we looked into each other’s eyes and I felt like I could see her soul.

And I wanted that soul to feel good, and not the guilt that lingered there.

My thumb found her clit and started rubbing on it in tight, light motions, and my other hand grabbed one of her tits and mauled it gently as I picked up my pace.

“Yes, God, Tiger,” Cassidy groaned, fucking back at me with her hips, her free breasts bobbing with our fucking motions. “Fuck me, Robbie. Fuck, I love you. Fuck! God, you’re perfect you’re perfect you’re perfect! Fuck, baby, just like that- Oh my….Unnnnngh!”

Cassidy came hard, arching her back as her face screwed up. She released a big breath and then sucked another one in, her body flexing and rocking until finally she let that second one out again and sighed. She rolled her head for a moment, grinning sloppily, before looking at Zenya. “Bitch, if that wasn’t enough of a show I don’t know what would be. Now sit that pretty pussy on my face and make out with Robbie while he fucks me again.”

Zenya laughed, her chest and cheeks flush from her own arousal, and she quickly swung her leg over Cassidy’s head and settled in, closing her big eyes and moaning. Cassidy got to work immediately, wrapping her arms up over Zenya’s thighs to pull her down a bit more. I followed Cassidy’s lead and took a bit of control, reaching forward and pulling Zenya to me by the back of her neck, kissing her firmly as her tits pressed against my chest. She took my free hand and brought it around to her ass, encouraging me to squeeze it as she flexed her butt.

We found our groove, the three of us, and I couldn’t call it fucking. It was making love but with three of us. Each of us was sinuous in our movements, thrusting and rubbing and matching each other. There wasn’t a world off the edge of the bed, it was just us.

Eventually, Zenya started to pant and I could feel her leg quivering through my grip on her butt and I knew Cassidy was getting her close. I bit Zenya’s lip lightly, growling in my chest, and clawed my fingers more firmly into her cheek. She came, a smaller one, but her eyes rolled up into her head for a long moment as it happened and then squeezed shut as she breathed out.

Cassidy rolled Zenya off of her and pulled away from me, pushing me onto my back. “Ride him,” she ordered Zenya. “Get on that dick and show him how he makes you feel, Zenya.”

Zenya opened her eyes and looked at me with a pensive expression as she straddled my waist and raised her hips up to get me into position, Cassidy helpfully taking over my cock so Zenya could lean forward and brace her hands on my chest.

“I want you, Zenya,” I said, feeling like it was the right time. “I want you badly.”

“I want you too,” she said, then sat down on my cock in one smooth penetration, stopping about halfway to exhale before sitting fully in my lap. “Badly.”

Chapter 315

Zenya’s second orgasm rolled through her while she was riding me, pressing her tits into my face while Cassidy made out with her from the side and also wriggled a finger in her bum. I was busy loving on those thick breasts of hers, catching her nipples between my lips and nibbling on them gently as I did my best to meet Zenya’s grinding with my own thrusts.

When she came down from her peak I bearhugged her, crushing her tits to my chest as I held her firmly. She lowered her lips to my neck, kissing me there. “Fuck, that’s good,” she groaned.

“Not good enough,” Cassidy said, patting Zenya’s ass. “Those are just starter orgasms. We need to get you to a big one.”

“I think I’m one up on you, ‘small’ or not,” Zenya chuckled, sitting up and groaning softly as that pushed my cock deeper into her again. “Lay down on your back, bitch.”

Cassidy laughed and did as she was ordered, and Zenya straddled her as she had been straddling me, pressing her big tits against Cassidy’s as she bent down to make out with my fiancee. I took a minute to catch my own breath and let myself calm a bit, rolling onto my side and just watching them make out with a grin. Zenya’s hand travelled, squeezing between them, and soon her fingers found Cassidy’s pussy and started fingering her. The redhead’s other hand grabbed Cassidy’s and lifted it above her head, then the other, and pinned them there lightly.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Cassidy moaned, then looked sideways at me as Zenya started sucking on her earlobe. “Tiger, can we keep her puh-leeeeaase?”

That got me and Zenya both laughing and Zenya nuzzled Cassidy’s face back into position for kissing, mostly to shut her up.

I was calm again, and I sat up and went behind them. Spreading Cassidy’s legs wider, and got down on my stomach where I had a fantastic view of both of their pussies and Zenya’s ass. I didn’t hesitate to get in there, licking around Zenya’s fingers as she had two firmly inside Cass, then up to lick Zenya and bury my tongue in her. Then I travelled higher, licking into Zenya’s buttcrack, and she moaned deeply as I started to tease her asshole.

“Ooh,” Cassidy groaned. “You liked that. What got that response?”

“He’s teasing my butt,” Zenya grunted.

“He could fuck it, baby,” Cassidy said. “We have lube.”

Zenya shook her head. “Not- not here,” she said. “Teasing is good though.”

“But he’ll fuck it in the future,” Cassidy said, not a question.

“Damn straight,” Zenya said and flexed her buttcheeks at me one at a time to tease me back.

They went back to making out, and Zenya was getting Cassidy closer to another orgasm. I could tell because my fiancee’s pussy was starting to squelch softly, telling me there might be a bit of squirt on the way.

Zenya stopped, though, pulling her fingers from Cassidy and looking back at me. “Fuck her,” she said.

“I actually have a better idea,” I said. I sat up on my knees and moved them around a bit. They didn’t really change the general position they were in, but I got Cassidy’s legs back and in front of Zenya’s instead of under. This tilted her pelvis up, and when I pushed down on Zenya’s lower back and she arched a little bit it pushed the curvier woman’s pussy down right onto Cassidy’s.

“Mm,” Zenya groaned at the feeling. “I mean, I’ve tried tribbing before and it didn’t do much for me, but this is kinda hot.”

“Oh, you’re not tribbing,” I said as I pressed my cock to their pussies. Between their lips, using the soft groove of their lips to create a 4-labia hole that I thrust into, grazing over both of their clits.

“Fuuuuuck,” all three of us moaned in unison, and then once I held still we all chuckled a little.

“This is definitely a new one for me,” Zenya panted. “And it’s way better than ‘kinda hot.’”

“Fucking two girls at once is getting a new meaning,” Cassidy giggled.

I just grabbed Zenya’s meaty ass cheeks and pulled back, and then thrust between the two of them again.

We found a rhythm again quickly. Both of them were moaning as they started to make out again, and while it was good for me I was pretty sure it was better for them. I was getting all sorts of pleasure and pressure on my cock, but it just wasn’t the same as being inside one of them. The psychological boost that fucking them like this gave me was a major turn on though, and I could feel myself slowly starting to tick closer to my own orgasm.

“She’s close,” Zenya called to me. “Fuck into her. Fuck your fiancee.”

I pulled all the way out and dipped lower, finding Cassidy’s cunt and thrusting home with a long groan. Cass came on the third thrust, her body seizing for a moment and then relaxing heavily as a wash of her girlcum bubbled out of her around the pressure of my cock. She jerked and humped her hips up, rubbing against Zenya, and I grunted at the pressure of her pussy gripping onto me.

“Now- Now her,” Cass croaked.

I pulled out of my fiancee and tilted up, thrusting into Zenya until her ass was pressed to my hips.

“Oh, motherfucker,” she groaned deeply.

“What will get you there?” Cassidy asked. “What do you need?”

Zenya looked back at me, mouth hanging open a little. “Fuck me hard, Tiger, and put a thumb in my butt.” I did so, starting a steady rhythm and wetting my thumb quickly with my own spit before starting to dig it between her cheeks and against her asshole. My other hand held her hip tightly. “Fuck, yes like that- Fuck, God… Robbie, fuck! A little deeper- yes, like that.” She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and I could feel both of her holes clench for a moment, but it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t going to let her get away with another smaller orgasm just because someone wasn’t watching us.

I reached forward and grabbed a thick bundle of her hair, pulling her head back and increasing my fucking a bit more.

“Ooooh, fuck, Tiger,” Zenya grunted. “Just like that. Fuck, just like that! Cass, Cassidy, baby, choke me a little? Just a little?”

Cassidy raised her hands from over her head and wrapped them around Zenya’s throat.

“Yess, like that,” Zenya hissed. “Fucking hell, you two- Gaaawd, fuck. I’m close, I’m so close…”

Cassidy ducked her lips low and, she would tell me later, bit one of Zenya’s tits fairly hard.

Zenya came with a howl that the girls might have heard from the desert. Both her pussy on my cock and her ass on my thumb clamped down hard enough that I couldn’t really move either of them, and her orgasm swept through her.

I couldn’t hold it anymore and, just as her pussy unclenched, I shoved the last little bit of the way in and unleashed my own orgasm. Whether she’d just been in a lull in hers, or the feeling of me coming deep inside of her pushed her over, neither of us could really know.

By the time she came down she was sobbing she’d come so long and hard. I pulled out of her as gently as I could, letting go of her hair and my thumb leaving her ass. Cassidy helped me roll her onto her side as her sobs quickly abated into hard panting, and I spooned up behind Zenya and held her as Cassidy cuddled her from the front.

“Fuck, you motherfuckers,” Zenya panted and laugh-sobbed a little. “God, what did you do to me?”

“We made you come,” Cassidy said with a little grin. “A big one.”

“Big one, my ass,” Zenya giggled. “That was huge. Massive. Gigantic.”

“So… wanna go again?” Cassidy asked.

Zenya started laughing harder.

Chapter 316

“Wait, what time is it?” Zenya asked softly.

I was inside her again - it hadn’t taken much for me to stay hard, likely helped along by the ‘satisfy everyone in bed’ upgrade that Cassidy had gotten me from the App, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t have taken me much longer in bed with these two anyways. I was still spooning Zee from behind, holding her comfortably as I just slowly thrust the top third of my cock into her messy pussy. Cassidy was still snuggling her from the front and they’d been trading little kisses.

Cass rolled over now, wincing as a bright strip of sun leaking around the curtain hit her face, and found her phone. “Shit,” she said. “They’ll be back soon.”

“Mmmm,” Zenya groaned, reaching back and putting a hand on my hip. “I need to go start breakfast. It doesn’t need to be done by the time they’re back, but Becca asked me to get it started.”

“We still need to talk,” I reminded her, pulling out but still holding her.

“I know, and we will,” Zenya said. She rolled over to face me, giving me an earnest kiss, and then falling onto her back and taking both mine and Cassidy’s hands in hers. “This helped. Seriously. I’ll start breakfast and organise my thoughts, and you two can stay in here and talk too.”

“We don’t need to talk about you,” Cassidy said. “The door is wide open, the runway has people signalling you in, and the table’s already set.”

Zenya sighed and shook her head with a smile. “You should still talk, and not just about me,” she said. She let go of our hands and scooted down to the end of the bed, standing up and immediately pressing her thighs together. “Fuck,” she laughed. “I didn’t realise quite how much man-juice you dispensed in there, Robbie.”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “Please do not call it ‘man-juice’ again.”

“Fine,” Zenya snorted. “I didn’t realise how much baby batter you stuffed me with.”

“Not better!” I laughed.

“Love gunk?”

“Ew, even I don’t like that one,” Cassidy giggled. “Go wipe his Tiger Cream off in the washroom.”

“Now that just sounds wrong,” Zenya snorted as she went into the washroom. “Like I’m fucking a furry or something.”

“She’s not wrong,” I said, turning to Cass.

“Well, let me suck that delicious cocktail off of you, Tiger,” she said with a smirk, getting up on her knees and bringing her mouth down to my cock, slurping and licking the mixed bodily fluids there.

Zenya came back out of the washroom freshly wiped down but still naked, eyeing Cassidy. “Damn,” she said. “I was planning on using that to flavour my morning coffee.”

“Hah!” Cassidy laughed, falling back on her butt as my cock slipped from her lips. “Gross, but kinky.”

“I wasn’t actually thinking that,” Zenya said to me. “But I’m sorry if I’ve put an idea in her head.”

“Just a little cream for my coffee,” Cassidy said in a terrible Oliver Twist accent.

Zenya and I both groaned at the joke and she picked the jersey back up off the floor where it had fallen. “Mind if I keep wearing this?” she asked.

“As long as there’s nothing under it so that Robbie can grab that plump, juicy butt,” Cassidy said.

“Deal,” Zenya grinned, then slipped it on. It fell down to her thighs so it wasn’t particularly revealing.

“He could also just bend you over and fuck you in front of everyone at breakfast,” Cassidy smirked.

“Don’t tempt me,” Zenya smirked right back, wagging a finger. “Now, seriously, you two talk. I have food prep to do.” She left us, closing the door behind her with a wink.

“So… that was some great sex,” Cassidy grinned at me, laying back down so that we were almost nose to nose on our sides.

“It was,” I said, taking her hands in mine as we looked into each other's eyes. “I’m a little worried at how much JC heard, though. He came over here a couple of minutes before I did.”

Cassidy pursed her lips and then shrugged. “We heard him come in, and it sounded like he went right to bed. He’s probably still asleep.”

“Hopefully,” I said, kicking myself for not thinking of him sooner.

“Stop,” Cassidy said, squeezing my hands. “It doesn’t matter. Small details.”

“You’re right,” I sighed, relaxing a bit more after a breath. “So how did last night really go?”

“Good,” she said. “Becca’s plan is smart, and I’m behind it 99 per cent.”

“Not 100 per cent?” I asked.

“99 point 9,” Cassidy said. “I’m just a little, tiny, itty bitty worried that pulling the final trigger on things might scare someone. It’s asking a lot for relationships that are really strong but less than a week old.”

“Want to fill me in?”

Cassidy shook her head. “The girls want to be there when we all tell you the idea,” she said. “Which is fair, as it’s a group thing. Just know that I’m fully supportive of it as long as you like it, and I trust you and Becca to be able to pull it off.”

I exhaled and nodded.

“How was your night with Ami? Did you have sex?”

“It was great, and no, no sex,” I said. “I went down on her for a long time though, and she’s so cute when she’s had a good come. The music was a surprise, though.”

“Did you guess which song was mine?” Cassidy asked.

“I’m assuming the Paramore song,” I said. “Based on the lyrics. But there were a couple more that could have been you, too.”

“That was the one,” Cass smiled. “I’m still so, so into you.”

“I’m still into you,” I whispered back, pressing my forehead forward to hers softly.

“I may have helped with the brainstorming for the others,” she said. “We wanted to keep the songs mostly upbeat instead of ballads or anything.”

“You definitely knocked it out of the park,” I said, then licked my lips. “But- OK, radical honesty time.”

“OK,” she agreed immediately, her brow furrowing a little.

“How are you really, Cassidy? Where are you at with things? Your words said you were sure last night, but I still worry.”

Cassidy kissed me, long and slow and simmering, before pulling away. “I’ll tell you what I told the girls last night,” she said. “Because they guessed pretty much immediately what you pulling me into the bathroom was about. The future is scary, but you deserve this, and they deserve this, and I’m so happy that I can do this for you, Robbie. And I trust you that we, you and me, and we, all of us, can do this crazy thing right.”

“OK,” I said.

“OK,” Cassidy smiled sweetly. “Then, just so you know, I’m still voting we call this our ‘orgy-lationship.’”

“Cass,” I groaned.

“It’s that or I order jackets that say ‘Harem Members Only’ on the back,” Cassidy said.

“Don’t you dare!” I laughed as I let go of her hands and started to tickle her.

Chapter 317

We got up, but Cassidy just told me to put on a pair of briefs while she tossed on a loose shirt and a pair of her own shorts then wrapped her hair up in a messy ponytail.

“You, love of my life, stay here,” she said. “Zenya is procrastinating because she’s nervous, and she’s finding excuses. I’m going to go take over whatever she’s doing and send her back here.”

“That’s not really fair, Cass,” I said. “She is allowed to take her time.”

“She’s not taking her time, she’s procrastinating,” Cass insisted. “Seriously. Her mind is made up.”

“OK,” I relented. “I’ll talk with her.”

Cassidy gave me a kiss on the cheek and then slipped out of our cabin.

I had a moment to myself, and after a breath, I had to chuckle and shake my head. ‘Our cabin’ wasn’t going to be ours much longer, and the number of people in ‘our’ had grown significantly over the week. Cattie’s stuff was crammed in with ours, and I could see at least four different pieces of clothing around that were Wanda’s.

Seven women and Zenya would make eight.

I shook my head and wondered again at how unrealistic all of this felt, and yet how real it was with each of them.

“You OK?” Zenya asked from the doorway, a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, and no,” I said, standing and going to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her. “Has anyone ever told you that you might be extremely beautiful, and very sexy, and delightfully funny, but you also have an annoying emotional maturity?”

Her expression relaxed into a warm look and a wry smile. “Annoying, huh?”

“Because it’s so admirable,” I said. “Come on.”

I led her back to the bed and I ended up sitting up at the head as she sat between my legs, leaning back against my chest as I hugged her. She took a breath and sighed it out, relaxing. “Cassidy said we should talk now,” she said.

“Mhmm,” I nodded, then kissed the back of her head. Her vibrantly dyed red hair was all I knew her as having, but I could see her with a deep chestnut brown as well and wondered if that was her natural colour. “She demanded that I press you for an answer,” I said. “So here’s what I’m thinking. You have every right to take your time, and I believe that with everything that I am, OK? But I also know that all those compliments I just gave you are things that make me want to just jump off the cliff and take a leap of faith. I haven’t said it because I respect your process, but you know how I’m feeling, and that I feel guilty about the fact that I’m feeling it so much for multiple people. So I’m going to say this one more time, and then you need to give me an answer. It doesn’t need to be Yes, or No. It could be something in the middle. But we need to put a period on this sentence before we start the next one, OK?”

“OK,” she said, placing her hands on mine as I hugged her from behind.

“I think you are absolutely stunning, utterly ravishing, totally funny, extremely cute and so lovable I think I could float on air,” I told her. “I want you in my life, freckles. I want to love you, and hold you, and be your man. And I’ll never hold it against you if everything else is too much for you, but you need to know that if we can’t be romantic partners I’ll still dedicate myself to being your friend because I think your spirit is good for me, and for Cassidy, and for the other women I’m in a relationship with. I want you to be mine, whatever way we can figure that out.”

Zenya leaned back against me, our breathing matching up as she processed what I’d said. She felt warm and soft in my arms, and she leaned her head back onto my shoulder comfortably.

“OK,” she said. “I’m in.”

My heart was in my throat as joy sparked in me, but I hesitated. “Zee, baby, I need you to be a little more enthusiastic than that if it’s true. I feel like you just agreed with me because of peer pressure, not because you want to be in a relationship with me.”

She inhaled, and I could tell she wanted to argue, but she let it out in a soft sigh and pulled away from me, turning and climbing more fully into my lap as she crossed her legs around my waist and hugged her arms around my shoulder. I pulled her closer, hugging her to me with my hands resting on her upper and lower back.

“I haven’t really… It’s been a long time since I actually dated someone, Robbie,” she said. “For years I was good just doing my own thing, working on my career, and keeping a fuck buddy or two way on the down-low. Not even Becca knew about most of them. I usually had a guy I could call when I was feeling hard up, or sometimes a girl, and I’d get off and move on. And- God, this is embarrassing, but we’ve had sex in front of other people so whatever - I’m a really horny person. I masturbate like twice a day at least. So when I see you with the others, and I see how full you make them seem with how happy and content they are, I want that. And you are sexy, and funny, and so deeply good about everything you do. I can see myself with you, Robbie. I can see the white picket fence and the two-point-five kids and the dog and everything. And I don’t know if that really works in a polyamorous relationship. Because, honestly, I think I’d actually do pretty well in a poly group and I don’t mind that it’s a one-guy-multiple-women one at all. But what I really, really want, Tiger, is to settle down with the right guy and start a family. I want to be a Mom, not just a- I don’t want to take care of my friends, or pets, as a replacement to being a Mom to my own kids. Whether I birth them, or we adopt, or whatever, I’m going to be a mother. And I don’t know how Cassidy feels about that yet. She likes you in love with other women, but kids are different. So yes, Robbie, I want to date you, and fuck you on the regular, and make love to you and hold you and just love you and be loved by you, and I’ll do all that happily in a poly relationship, but I also don’t know if it can last forever because at some point I’ll want you to put a bun in my oven. If I fall in love with you for sure, deep and pure, and I can see that happening, that is what I’m going to want in a couple of years.”

My heart felt like it was smashing through my chest.


Jim lynch

I think it’s time they used the app to make everyone’s life better much much better can’t it change lots of things even looks, intelligence so why not use it to better themselves. That doesn’t mean use it to take advantage of the girls just help their careers and such.

Ian B

All caught up now. Pretty sure this is my favorite of your series. Though it’s close. Well done

Lincoln Anderegg

Is Ginnie gonna get some Robbie before they leave? Please