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Chapter 304

“Alright, ladies,” Becca said, raising her voice a bit to cut through the chatter. Seven women in one of the cabins was already a cramped space, but add in the fact that Cattie had moved all of her stuff in and Wanda had ended up with some of her stuff in the room as well and there was limited space. “Ami and Robbie have moved the other boat, and she should have him wearing the headphones now, so let’s get this meeting started.”

“I move to officially name us the Pussy Pack,” Cassidy said, putting up her hand. That got some new laughs and Cattie gave her a soft shove on the arm.

Becca rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile a little. “I think Robbie might actually die of cringing if we were to do that,” she said. “So how about we keep it in our back pocket?” The giggles faded and Becca sat down on the bottom corner of the bed, joining the rest of the ladies and closing the circle. “So, I just want to say, I’m not trying to take charge here or anything. I’ve just been thinking about this a lot and there’s stuff we all need to figure out.”

“Oh, come on, Becca,” Zenya said, shaking her head with a knowing smirk. “We all know you’re an organiser.”

“OK, but I don’t want anyone looking at me like I’m in charge,” Becca said. “Seriously, ladies. Whatever comes out of this, I’m not the boss or anything. On the trip, sure, I organised it. But in this room, in this group? If anyone is the ‘leader’ it needs to be Cassidy.”

Cassidy blushed a little as all eyes turned on her. “I guess that’s fair,” she said. “But, tonight, you’re the one with the plan, Becca. So feel free to lead the meeting.”

“Thank you,” Becca said, trying to give her an encouraging smile because she knew what the first step of the whole thing needed to be. “So, as I’ve been thinking about things, I think the first step to figuring out what we’re doing is making sure everyone understands where everyone else is at. And I think that means we start with you, Cass.”

Cassidy took a breath and let it out heavily before nodding. “That makes sense,” she said. “Um… God, where do I start? OK. Just at the very start. I think you ladies know everything, but just in case- So, Robbie and I started dating late in high school, and I knew from the start that he was the only guy for me. We were friends already since grade school but the day I asked him out and he said yes I knew I loved him. From his perspective, everything was really smooth. We graduated and went to college together. The thing is, at the same time, I was-” Her breath hitched in her throat, and she had to cough a clear it as her eyes watered and she tried to keep her emotions in check. “I ended up cheating on Robbie with other girls. Like, a lot. He had no idea it was going on. Our classmates, yeah, but also like… adults. A few teachers, some ladies we knew from the neighbourhood and around town. I think I was addicted to the rush of hooking up with someone new more than actually having sex, but I was absolutely fucking awful up through a couple years of college. Then I hit a wall, and I’ll tell you the story some other time if any of you wants to hear it but it’s not important right now, and I realised how screwed up I was and how terrible a person I was being. I stopped cold turkey, but the guilt chewed at me like crazy and I dropped out of school as I developed depression.”

All of the ladies were listening, and Cassidy could see the variety of their reactions. Some of them knew more details than others - Cattie and Terra the most, then Wanda. The others only knew the general stuff, and she could see compassion and disgust and frustration and all sorts of emotions flickering across their faces as she told her story. The one silver lining she found to hold on to was that no one was looking interested or turned on or anything by it - that was the sort of red flag that would have set alarm bells off in her mind that someone in that room didn’t belong.

“Of course,” she continued, “Robbie was the perfect boyfriend. I started working so I had something to do, but I quickly transitioned into doing social media content and cosplaying and working on my platform. And every few months I’d get overwhelmed by my guilt and the secret I was holding because I was fucking terrified of losing Robbie, and the depression would come back, and he’d just do these little things that would pull me out of it. Then, when he asked me to marry him, I knew I couldn’t keep doing that to him for our whole lives. He deserved better, and I’d been trying so hard to make up for what I’d done but I knew I couldn’t really do that without actually apologising and throwing myself into real repentance. Then the planning for this trip came up, and I heard through the grapevine that last year got… a little spicy.”

“Wait, that was a rumour?” Becca asked, clearly surprised. “We didn’t even have any guys on that trip.”

“Um, that doesn’t mean it didn’t get spicy,” Zenya said, flushing a little. “You might have missed the ‘Topless Tuesday’ party we had out at the pool. We played spin the bottle and a bunch of us kissed each other. And Trishy and Dani both hooked up with that guy who lived next door to our AirBnB.”

“They did?” Wanda asked as she blinked. “Taylor told me she hooked up with him on the last night.”

“Jesus, that guy was busy that week,” Zenya laughed.

“OK, so maybe I missed some things,” Becca said and rolled her eyes. “Sorry for interrupting, Cass.”

“It’s OK,” Cassidy said with a little self-deprecating smile. “So, I’d already wanted to try and come on this trip because of the networking and everything. And then stuff came together really quickly - Cattie wanted to come too, and you opened up the trip to spouses, Becca, and Robbie got the time off of work. So I was really stupid and thought it would be a good idea to tell him everything before the trip, and then come here and maybe one or more of you gorgeous single ladies would be interested in fooling around with him. And I know, that was a bad plan. Opening up our relationship on his side wasn’t a good way to apologise, but my goal was more about trying to make sure he could experience something that I had - feeling attractive and wanted by more than just my person. I mean, you guys know how Robbie is. I’ve seen him get flirted with right in front of me and he just never really registered that it was happening because he was so focused on me, and God I love that about him. But if one or two of you wanted to jump into bed with him, and show him how special he was, I wanted that for him.”

“Way to overachieve, Cass,” Leia said with a chuckle, looking around the room and getting some chuckles from everyone.

“Yeah, I know,” Cassidy said with a little smirk and a shake of her head. “Maybe I should have realised that my perfect guy wasn’t just perfect for me. But, to make a long story slightly shorter, Robbie and I have been talking a lot, every day. He was really fucking worried about the fact that he was developing feelings for you all, but I realised early on that I wanted to be OK with it. I mean… look, you’re all amazing in your own ways. And you all reflect bits and pieces of him, and you have a huge amount of love that I want him to have. So, I dunno, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m super fucking blessed that Robbie still loves me after knowing what I did, we’re still getting married, but we have a lot of stuff to work through and therapy appointments booked for next week. But he’s not just mine any more, and I’m open to sharing him with each of you in whatever way you want to be with him.”

Cattie hugged her best friend from the side, squeezing her tightly, while Terra took her hand from the other side and held it as she nodded. Cass blew out a long breath and wiped under her eyes. “Any questions?”

Chapter 305

“I actually have a question,” Wanda said.

“I’m an open book,” Cassidy replied, immediately feeling a little tightness in her gut because she knew that she was holding back the one thing that might blow this whole thing apart. She would tell them if Robbie wanted her to, but he hadn’t decided yet so Cassidy was set on not revealing the App until Robbie said to. The reality of the situation was, she didn’t think the App was important to what was between the girls and Robbie. It very specifically involved her relationships, not other people’s. She was mostly sure that the biggest impact it was having was that the ladies in the room, and Ami, believed her more when she said she was more than OK with them having sex or developing relationships with Robbie.

“When we… Well, a lot of you already know - when we hooked up on that first night, what were you actually thinking when it was me and not one of the single girls?” Wanda asked.

Cassidy flushed a little. “Honestly? I wasn’t really thinking about that at all. You said you had an arrangement with your husband, and that was good enough for me. You were beautiful, you were really nice, and you were interested and into him, Wanda. It was our first time, so if anything I thought maybe you were a safe person to experiment with because you were sure of your relationship.”

Wanda smiled a little sadly. “OK,” she nodded. “I was just curious and hadn’t asked you yet.”

“I mean, if I’m being totally honest…” Cassidy looked at Cattie for a moment and pressed her lips together. “If there was any non-single person I wanted to end up in bed with Robbie, or with both of us if Robbie wanted that, it was Cattie. Before this week I thought maybe she and Heather would be interested in fooling around with Robbie together.”

That brought several light scoffs and snorts from the group as they all smirked and shook their heads. The idea of that now, after everything that had happened, seemed completely alien.

“Are you worried at all?” Leia asked quietly. “About sharing him?”

Cassidy nodded and then shrugged. “Yes, but not in a jealous way or anything. More like… about peripheral stuff. I really like each of you, and I’m sure we’ll butt heads over things sometimes, but we can figure it out. I’m more thinking about our families, or Robbie’s co-workers, or your families. I mean, Robbie loves you guys, but we’ve been isolated from the world on this trip and family has a way of changing things and I don’t want you or him to get hurt if someone changes their minds. I just know that I’m in it now and I won’t change mine.”

“Is that what he pulled you into the washroom to ask about?” Becca guessed. “To give you one last chance to pull back?”

Cassidy smiled sadly, still a little in awe of how in tune Robbie and Becca were with the way they thought about things. She knew him, but it was earned after years of being with each other. Becca just instinctively got him. “Honestly, girls, I think he’s more worried than any of us. I- I think his biggest nightmare right now is hurting any of you by failing to be the partner you need, and that includes me. Becca is right, he did give me one last chance to cool all this stuff off - it would have killed him to do it, but he’s the kind of man who wants to handle short-term pain over letting it build long-term. If I wasn’t sure, I’d be the one causing the most problems down the road, so he needed to give me that chance. Obviously, I didn’t take it.”

The girls all absorbed that. Cassidy was most interested that Zenya’s reaction was more curious than anything else. She was the only one who hadn’t actually jumped into a relationship with Robbie yet and was probably being the most reasonable out of everyone, including Ami. The redhead was leaning back against the headboard of the bed, hugging a pillow in front of her, and watching how the others were taking things.

“Any other questions for now? Obviously, I’ll answer anything anyone thinks of later, too,” Cass said.

“It’s not so much a question as a prompt,” Cattie spoke up, still with one arm hooked around Cassidy’s. “Cass and I agreed that, between the two of us, we’re both in a relationship with Robbie but not with each other. We’ll be romantic or sexual together with him, but not separate. More like sister-wives or whatever.”

“I’m actually on that wavelength too,” Becca piped in. “And for clarity sake to everyone, I’m in an official relationship with Robbie now too. Which I guess brings me to my next point - I think the rest of us need to be open with each other about where we’re at with him, and what we’re thinking relationship-wise moving forward. To finish off my part - I love him, I plan on being with him for the rest of our lives and I’ll share him with Cass and Cattie and any of you happily.”

“I’m his girlfriend and his submissive,” Cattie said, jumping in next. “And just so that no one is shocked, Robbie is letting me call him Master when we’re being intimate. I know not everyone is into that kind of thing, so I don’t want anyone to freak out if they hear it.”

The ladies all looked to the next person around the circle, which was Wanda. She blew out a long breath and then started to flush as she tried to hold in her emotions and started to fail. Cattie and Zenya, on either side of her, immediately moved to hug her as everyone started to try and reassure her.

Cassidy was right there with them but knew there wasn’t anything to worry about. She and Wanda had talked a lot and were on the same page already.

Chapter 306

Wanda waved off the others, wiped at her eyes with her forearm and blew out another breath. “Um, sorry,” she said. “I just-”

“You have nothing to apologise for,” Zenya said, still hugging her other arm.

“I know, I know,” Wanda said. “And honestly, I’m not sad or mad or anything. It’s just a lot. Um. I love him. Robbie is… he’s everything I want, and everything I thought I had with Brodi that never appeared. He makes me feel safe, and he makes me feel sexy, and he makes me feel like I matter so much to him, and- I just love him. I’d already be his if I didn’t need to confront Brodi in person, and I need to do that knowing that I, at least, am telling the truth. But as soon as Brodi and I are back at home, I’ll be divorcing him. It’ll be complicated, but I intend to be Robbie’s as soon as earthly possible after I’ve told Brodi to his face that we’re done. As for the rest of everything, um… I haven’t let myself think so far ahead. I just know that I need to be with him, and I’m so fucking thankful for you guys helping me with everything I’m going through.”

There was more comforting of Wanda, who ended up closing her eyes and letting the tears flow for a moment as she laughed, swearing they were happy ones. Once she’d wiped her face again, the girls turned their attention to Zenya.

“I don’t know yet,” the redhead said. “I mean, I get it. I really understand what you all find so damn attractive about him, but this is a lot. I can see myself in it, I just need time to figure it out. Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” Becca said. “Zee, we’ll love you no matter what you decide.”

“Thanks,” Zenya said, hugging the pillow a little tighter.

Leia blushed as the attention of the group got turned on her next and she bit her lip a little nervously. “Um, hi. I’m Leia and I’m a Robbie-holic.” That earned her a peal of laughter from the group and helped boost her confidence. “Honestly, I’ve kind of been caught up in the whirlwind of all of this. Robbie is kind of a dream, and I’m falling for him hard and I can’t really believe it still. I mean, I never saw myself being a poly person and honestly, I think what Cassidy said is true that explaining things to my family is going to be kind of a big deal. But what I do know is that… this week, between Robbie and you girls, is the most loved I’ve felt since I was a kid. Not that my parents don’t love me, it’s just different. I want to be with Robbie, and that’s kind of as far as I’ve gotten. Oh, and I kind of like the idea of just being in a relationship with him, but getting to be like… sorority sisters with you all? I feel like if some of us are fooling around in bed together with him we probably shouldn’t call ourselves sisters.”

“Good point,” Becca said. “And we probably shouldn’t make the ‘sister-wife’ joke a thing either. It’s going to be hard enough getting over the Kind-of-Poly situation without making us sound like a cult.”

“Well, I mean, I know I’m in the Cult of Robbie,” Cattie grinned.

“Just because you worship his cock doesn’t mean it’s a cult,” Wanda laughed, leaning into Cattie softly.

“I think that just leaves you, Terra,” Becca said, looking to her left to where she was sitting between her and Cassidy. “We skipped you.”

“Most complicated for last,” Terra said with a rueful smirk. The smaller woman sat up straight and took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed and folded her hands in her lap, gripping her thumbs tightly. “Well, I guess the first thing I should say is that I told Robbie earlier that I’m going to break up with JC when we get back to Louisiana. I only want to wait that long so that it isn’t messy tomorrow, and we have some life stuff to untangle.”

Cassidy practically crashed into Terra’s side at the news, hugging her tightly and kissing her on the cheek. Several of the others gave both their commiserations at the difficult decision as well as their happy acceptance of her.

“I don’t know how things are going to work, but I’m going to need to move out of the place I share with JC. I can’t keep mothering him even if it were only temporary. What I do know is that I want to get back into Robbie’s arms as fast as I can. And when it comes to relationship stuff - well, I think Ami and I are the only ones involved who are straight, so while I love you gals… well, I’m not looking to screw you no matter how hot you all are.”

“I do wield a mean strap-on, just saying,” Cattie teased her.

“Great, you can keep Cass busy while I jump on Robbie,” Terra teased back with a playful roll of her eyes.

“OK,” Becca said, cutting off things from sliding into more sexual talk. “To round things out, we all know Ami is taking things slow with Robbie. She’s invested in doing things long-distance for now. I don’t know if she’s told Robbie yet, but both of her parents are pretty old and she’s worried about leaving them without her as a support.” Most of the girls, other than Zenya, didn’t know that and all murmured their positive feelings towards Ami. “Now that most of us are pretty clear on what we want-”

“Shots fired,” Zenya said with a little smirk.

“Only in love,” Becca teased her back. “Anyways, the next thing to discuss is how we can make this all work.”

“Is this where your big mystery plan comes in?” Terra asked.

“It is,” Becca said, and then cracked her knuckles. “So. I was doing a lot of thinking…”

Chapter 307

“Alright, Option One, which I’m sure none of us are particularly interested in, is that we all are in long-distance relationships with Robbie from where we’re at. We organise trips and go to the same Cons for work, and we basically just keep going with our lives but we have someone to call and text and send our love to.”

Cassidy blew a raspberry and gave a thumbs down, showing her displeasure.

“I know, I know,” Becca said. “That’s just Option One, and it’s setting a baseline, OK?”

“To be fair, some of us are going to need to be that way for at least a bit anyway,” Terra said. “The question is what it looks like when we can change that.”

“Exactly,” Becca said. “Which brings me to Option Two. We all try to move to the same city. Now, we girls are all remote workers - I don’t think anyone in this room works a second offline job, right?” Everyone shook their heads. “So then Robbie is the only one with a non-online career that we need to consider, and it makes the most sense that we could all find places to live in Las Vegas since it’s cheaper flights to other parts of the country, and the weather is conducive to us doing shoots outside. Some of us could find rentals together and be roomies, and then we’re all together in the same city and can date Robbie.”

“I mean, that sounds a lot more reasonable, but… to be honest, I kind of don’t want to just be near Robbie,” Cattie said. “I kept my own place in my relationship with Heather because I needed it, and maybe I didn’t ever feel really… comfortable with the idea of moving in with her. With Robbie and Cass, I’m of the complete opposite mind.”

“Cattie is crashing with us before flying back home on a changed flight,” Cassidy said. “And I intend for her to move back in as soon as possible. I want that for you guys too, but our place isn’t exactly huge since we got it just for the two of us.”

“And that leads me to Option Three,” Becca said. “I was thinking the same thing as you, Cattie. Look, this is all going super fast for all of us, but if we’re doing this then we might as well go all the way. Obviously we each need to make our own decisions based on what we’re comfortable with, but for Option Three if enough of us want to go for it, we could pool our finances to make a downpayment on a bigger place. I’m thinking like a really nice multi-family home, or a mansion, where we can all live and work. We form an LLC to buy the house through, and everyone who chips in is a part owner of the company. Then we all help pay towards the mortgage and bills, and if we get a nice enough place we can even be like an exclusive ‘Models Hotel’ for other cosplayers and influencers coming into town for shoots, and hosting collabs, and that sort of thing. We would obviously want to vet and approve them first, but that could be an extra cash flow.”

“Jesus,” Terra said. “Last week I was trying to figure out if I could hang up a new set of shelves without breaking our lease, and now we’re talking about buying a mansion.” She let out a little laugh. “I mean, it’s a huge step, but I can see where you’re going with things. And you don’t need to limit it to online models, there are lots of companies that do fashion and swimwear shoots in Vegas at the hotel pools and stuff.”

“I’m in on buying a place,” Cattie said and looked at Cassidy. “But I think you’re the one who needs the most say, bestie. You and Robbie already own a place.”

Cassidy nodded, pursing her lips as she absorbed the idea. “This is a really big decision, and we need to talk with Robbie about it,” Cassidy said. “But I can see how it would work. My main worry would be if anyone feels bad if they can’t chip in as much, or at all, based on their savings right now. I know Robbie and I have a bit of a cushion, but it’s not massive unless we sell our current place first and then we wouldn’t have anywhere to live while we’re looking.”

“We can figure out the financial part later when everyone has a chance to do some thinking,” Becca assured her. “Right now we’re in the idea stage.”

“Well, I’m definitely in,” Wanda said. “I’m going to need to move no matter what, and a change of city would help a lot with me not worrying about running into Brodi’s family once they find out about the divorce. But my finances are going to be tied up in divorce proceedings for however long that lasts.”

“I’ll need to run out my lease, which still has half a year on it,” Leia sighed. “It would cost a lot to break it, and I wouldn’t want to leave my roommates in a pickle to try and cover for me.”

“I’m going to need a place to crash pretty much within a week,” Terra said, looking to Cass. “What are the chances I can come out as soon as I’m ready?”

“We’ll make room for you, babe,” Cassidy said, hooking her arm around Terra’s shoulders and hugging her from the side.

Everyone turned to look at Zenya as they realised she was the only one to not have said anything. “What do you think of the idea?” Becca asked.

“I think it’s crazy,” Zenya sighed. “And that it makes a lot of sense. Seven models and one guy running an influencer BnB together? Hell, we might be able to market it to TLC for a reality show.”

“We?” Cassidy asked with a smile.

“You,” Zenya said. “Us. I don’t know.”

“Don’t pressure her,” Leia said.

“They aren’t,” Zenya assured her.

“Can I just paint you a quick picture?” Becca asked. Zenya shrugged and nodded, so she continued. “Think of it like this week, but without the drama parts and with all the great parts. All of us making meals together, helping clean up, and working together on shoots and also able to split up to do our own things. Robbie comes home from work and does his cute little thing where he checks in with everyone, and then we have a big family dinner. At night he takes one or two of us out on a date, either in our gorgeous big house or somewhere in the city. The rest of us can do our own things, or crash together to watch a movie or play board games or whatever we want. And there’s always one of us available for whatever companionship we need, and Robbie is there loving you with his whole heart.”

Zenya sighed happily, her eyes closed as she pictured what Becca was describing.

“And now picture Robbie bending you over the kitchen counter and fucking you from behind as the rest of us are doing the dishes,” Becca said.

Zenya immediately turned almost as red as her vibrant dyed hair, dropping her jaw in shock as she looked across at Becca, and the entire group broke into laughter.

“Oh, come on, babe,” Becca said. “You couldn’t have thought you’d get away with fucking him in public without at least one moment of teasing.”

Zenya rolled her eyes and scoffed, but then laughed as well. “I’ll think about it. Hard. I promise.”

“But the rest of us are at least agree on the principle of Option Three?” Becca asked the group. “Should we present it to Robbie?”

Everyone nodded, and Cassidy grinned widely. “I’m excited,” she said. “I can’t wait to be ‘sorority sisters’ with you guys.”

“I think that wraps up what we need to talk about tonight,” Becca said. “Why don’t we-”

“Actually,” Cassidy interrupted. “There is one more thing I want to bring up.”

“The bed is yours,” Becca said with a little smirk.

Cassidy nodded, then quirked her lips to the side for a moment before speaking. She wasn’t quite as sure about this, and in a different way from telling her story at the start.

“Spit it out, Cass,” Cattie nudged her.

“This circle might get a little bigger,” Cassidy said. “There’s at least one more person that I think should be given the opportunity to fuck and love Robbie.”

Chapter 308

One of the many things I loved about being with Ami in a more physical way was how everything he did seemed so graceful. Slowly, neither of us really taking the lead, her legs spread wider to give me more access to her pretty tan pussy. Her thighs were a perfect balance of sleek, lean muscle and soft warmth, and her flexibility was an immense turn-on as she ended up pretty much doing the splits and she did it with ease.

Ami tasted fresh. That was the thing that kept going through my mind. Each of the girls, my girls, was a little different and everything about Ami made me think of freshness. I could tell she was moaning softly, biting her plush lower lip to stifle them, and I really wished I could hear them.

Instead, I was suppressing my urge to chuckle because Cassidy’s song had come up on the playlist. It was Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden, but the Hooligan Choir version from the old Adidas ads. She knew that I loved that clip, and I’d sung it for her more than once when we were feeling silly and my heart was particularly full. I’d throw it on and sing along, serenading her with my not-quite-in-tune vocals, which matched the recording perfectly. The fact that the lyrics were honestly a wonderful love song made me love the song.

Also, the fact that one of the main British hooligans sang ‘fing’ instead of ‘thing.’

The thing was, while it was a great rendition of a great love song, it wasn’t exactly sexy.

So I tried not to listen too closely as I made love to Ami with my lips and tongue. I kept my hands on her thighs, massaging them lightly and hopefully putting the ‘Magic Hands’ upgrade from the app to work.

Ami’s first orgasm, and I definitely intended to give her more than once, came on just after the next song had started. I was starting to get that there was a theme to the songs - they were definitely love songs, but they were also either upbeat or would make me laugh or both. This one I didn’t recognize, but the female vocal felt really familiar. I focused more on Ami, though, and grinned to myself as her legs twitched and she reached down to take one of my hands in hers as her pussy got a little warmer on my lips and her skin goose-pimpled slightly as she clenched and came on my tongue.

Slowing my work on her, I had a moment to listen closer to the song which had a hook about ‘still being into you’ and I realised the singer was Hailee Williams from Paramore, and it must have been one of their newer songs. I’d grown up hearing their original stuff but hadn’t followed them. The song had a nice bouncy beat and the more I listened to the words the more it made me wonder if this was Cassidy’s song to me because it was a love song about a relationship that had been going on for a longer time. But then who had picked Savage Garden?

Ami’s orgasm ended and I kissed my way up from her labia to her pubic mound, giving her time to cool off a little, and I based my timing on the next song starting. This one I immediately recognized, and I couldn’t imagine many people not, because it was ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi. As the familiar baseline kicked in I moved back down to Ami’s pussy, starting to tease her again, but I decided that it was the right time for a shift so I pulled back a little more and I took her leg, encouraging her to bring on over until she was laying on the side of her hip, her legs closed but pulled up and still revealing her pussy lips to me as she drew her knees up. This also gave me access to her ass, and I playfully bit her butt cheek and could feel her laughing through the bed before I dipped down to start making out with her pussy as I palmed her cheek and spread her open a bit more.

Again, I used the music to randomise my timing, and as Bon Jovi faded out I took a chance and kissed my way back further along Ami’s pussy to her perineum, teasing that little space between her pussy and her asshole, and I could feel her whole body hitch as she felt my focus shift.

The next song was another one I didn’t recognize, but it was upbeat and whimsical. Later, when I checked the playlist, I would see it was ‘1000 Ships’ by Rachel Platten. She had a sweet and smooth voice, and the lyrics were a little silly in talking about how she would do cute, lovey-dovey things. And while I was hearing that, my lips and tongue were moving deeper between Ami’s perfectly smooth ass cheeks and teasing her dark little butthole. I didn’t exactly go diving in, just teasing her softly, and Ami ran her fingers through my hair again to tell me she was enjoying it, but I got the sense she wouldn’t want me to go farther so I gave her one last kiss there and then shifted back to her pussy.

The thing was, the shift onto her hip hadn’t exactly been the most useful in terms of ease of access for my lips, so I had her roll over more until she was on her stomach and I was laying between her legs again, only this time looking at her pussy from upside down. What this position did do was make it even easier for me to drive my tongue into her.

And that was when I found out that at least half of my girls must have been into Pop Punk from our teenage years because another song I recognised from that time kicked in, and I knew it was going to get stuck in my head. ‘Check Yes Juliet,’ with me as Juliet, was kind of a funny thought but I got the implications and appreciated the message, and We the Kings would always have a place on my nostalgia playlists.

Ami came again with my tongue deep inside her and my thumb softly under my chin, teasing her clit. This time my nose was practically pinched between her clenching butt cheeks, and I got a good taste of her.

And then the playlist repeated on shuffle, and I was listening to Bon Jovi again as I eased a finger into her and let my lips start kissing between those sweet cheeks of hers again.

By the time I’d run through the playlist a second time I’d managed to get Ami to cum six times, the last three happening in quick succession as I managed to get her to go multi-orgasmic. Her face was buried into the pillows, and I had two fingers inside her and two fingers on her clit. Part of me wondered if the girls next door would hear, but Ami looked like she was muffling herself pretty effectively.

As Taylor Swift started in my ears again I crawled up Ami’s body and rolled her onto her back, laying next to her with my now inevitably hard cock pressed against her hip as I partially spooned her and started to kiss her properly. She moaned now, and I could feel it through her lips, and she pulled my hands to her breasts to caress them.

It was glorious.

Chapter 309

With the meeting over, the girls split up. For all that they were willing to crash in one big sleepover, no one wanted to actually sleep in a pile when they were travelling tomorrow. The risk of having a shitty sleep wasn’t worth the ‘we had a sleepover!’ story in the future. Cassidy ended up volunteering to head over to Terra’s room along with the shorter woman, and they were joined by Zenya. That left Cattie, Wanda, Leia and Becca to crash in the other cabin.

It had already been a long night, so the girls mostly just climbed into bed. Cassidy ended up on one side, with Terra in the middle and Zenya on the other, and within minutes of the lights getting turned off Terra was asleep as she snuggled up to Cass. It was sweet, knowing her new friend was so comfortable with her that when she was dealing with such a tumultuous relationship change she wanted to be close to her.

The thing was, Cass also felt guilty. For all that she kept insisting to Robbie that everything that was going on with the girls in previous relationships wasn’t his fault, she felt the worst about Terra. JC really wasn’t a bad guy, he just needed to do some growing up. And even though Cass knew that Terra had made her decision without Cassidy really applying any pressure or influence other than being supportive, she still felt off about it.

Terra was exactly the kind of girl that Cassidy used to hook up with when she was cheating, and deep in her gut, Cass worried that she was doing it again. She knew it wouldn’t really take that much effort to convince Terra a threesome could be fun to try. And she was sure that Terra would end up enjoying it, even with the boundary of only ever with Robbie there.

It made Cass feel queasy, knowing how easy it would be to slide back into that.

So they lay there, Terra asleep and pressed to her side comfortably, and Cass wallowed in her misery. Everything was going so right for Robbie, and the other girls. Everyone was getting something they deserved. Love. Respect. Great sex. A new family.

In the dark, Cassidy let herself cry again. Silently, not wanting to disturb the others, tears streamed down her cheeks.

All she could do was keep trying to make it right.

- - - - -

Zenya lay quietly with her eyes closed, breathing deeply as her mind ran a mile a minute. Terra was already asleep, and Cassidy was silent so she assumed that Robbie’s fiancee was asleep as well.

Becca’s plan was… insane in the way that every good plan seemed when it came out of nowhere. Zenya had spent most of the week horny - she doubted anyone understood how horny she really was. She knew that she gave off the sort of vibes that people took as sweet and caring, and she did like taking care of her friends, no one in her life or online knew how horny she was. She had a collection of dildos, from regular ones to wild Bad Dragons in different shapes and sizes; she even had some she was afraid to try out, they were so big, but thinking and fantasising about them was fun. She watched a lot of porn, too. And over the years she’d had multiple fuck buddies - usually two at a time, though she’d never crossed the streams and done something with multiple people at once.

But things had ended with both of her most recent partners almost eight months ago, and for some reason she hadn’t looked to replace them. No one had fallen in her lap, and she hadn’t exactly gone looking either. Guys and girls she met just didn’t pique her interest even if she knew that they were her type. There was always something off.

Then Robbie and Cassidy show up on the trip, and things start happening. And she gets strung along all week, and Robbie’s hands.

Ugh. It was disgusting how good he was with his hands. And his kissing. Then he goes and unlocks a kink she’d only ever fantasized about and fucks him in front of the others, and it was so good.

Zenya rolled onto her side, her back to the others, got her hand up under her shirt and started caressing her tits. She knew Robbie loved them. And her ass. Honestly, he made her feel like she was the sexiest thing ever.

Fuck, she thought. I’m getting wet. She was only wearing panties under her sleep shirt and she could tell if she didn’t stop thinking about him she was going to want to masturbate. And, she needed to remind herself, that was wrong to do when in bed with two other people who were both sworn off of doing things with girls for their own reasons.

For how horny Zenya was, she would be horrified at breaking someone’s trust like that.

So she pulled her hand from under her shirt and curled her fists up under her pillow, trying to relax the need she was feeling.

Becca’s plan. That’s what she should think about, not just fucking Robbie again. Or bending Cassidy over and getting a taste of her.

The plan! Right, the plan. It was insane in a good way. Zenya could see how it would work as long as everyone could manage to adapt to the new living situation. Obviously, there was more work to do on the business side of things, but she knew Becca would have that covered. They were long-time friends and Zenya was still amazed at how the blonde could manage her business decisions with such dedication and ease. Most models couldn’t match her half as well, and Zenya had learned a lot with Becca’s help.

But for all that it sounded like a fantasy becoming reality, was it what Zenya actually wanted from her life? She’d always thought that at some point, the right guy would come along. Or girl, she wasn’t shut off from settling down with a woman, but she’d always assumed it would be a guy. They’d buy a house and she’d have kids and be a Mom. If she was filled with different fantasies, that one was the non-sexual ‘life goals’ one that she’d had the longest. She’d loved her Mom so much, and losing her to cancer had been awful, but her Mother had also prepared her for it. She’d never stopped fighting, but she’d made sure that Zenya was ready.

She wanted to be that for her own kids. Be the kind of Mom that her’s was.

Could she do that with Robbie, not being his wife? Living in a Polyamorous harem situation?

The sex would be amazing. The lifestyle would be amazing. But would life be amazing in ten years? Twenty? What would she miss out on, if she were to jump into this wild thing that had formed between the girls and Robbie?

Too many questions with too few answers. Zenya took a deep breath and tried to relax. She wasn’t going to make a decision that night, and Robbie had made it clear she didn’t need to make it tomorrow.

Some more of his dick would probably help, though…

Chapter 310

Heather took another deep breath and unclenched her teeth, but inevitably felt her jaw tightening again. Sherry was asleep, curled up at the edge of the bed with her back to Heather, and the taller woman knew she’d probably gone a little overboard. Sherry wasn’t injured or anything, but Heather had turned her frustration on her and the hate fuck had been pretty rough. The smaller girl’s back and ass were still red from the spanking and scratches, and Heather had no doubt that she’d be feeling her holes ache in the morning.

She was still wearing the strap-on as she lay in the dark with her hands behind her head, the rubber cock standing proud. She’d have to take it off eventually to sleep, but for now, she just felt powerful with it on and hated the fact that she didn’t feel that way outside of this stupid cabin.

The whole trip had been a fucking mistake and she never should have agreed to it. Hell, she should have told Cattie she couldn’t come and just put her foot down. It really wouldn’t have been that hard to get Sherry into bed without the trip, but Heather knew she’d gotten greedy. The idea of hooking up with some pretty mainstream slut on the trip, and then getting some bonus clout by leaking the info in a few months to drum up drama and views, had been too tempting. But instead of hooking up with any of them, she’d been treated like shit from the jump.

And it was all that fucking bitch Cassidy’s fault. Robbie might have been the fucking tool used to drive a wedge between her and Cattie, but Cassidy was the one who brought him on the trip, and let him cheat on her openly. Cassidy had been a bad influence on Cattie during their entire relationship. Every fucking time Cattie went out of town to a Con and met up with Cassidy and Roobie she came back less pliable, less subservient. And she was Heather’s fucking sub!

She’d made the accusation that Cattie had cheated on her before, and Cattie had always denied it. Maybe she’d been lying the whole time.

Heather started unstrapping the strap-on from around her hips, grunting softly in the dark. Tomorrow was going to be a shit show. Cattie was going to need to ride back to the airport with her and Sherry, and Heather wasn’t going to hold back. She’d tell that black-haired cheating cunt exactly what she expected from her moving forward. She was going on fucking lockdown. No more even texting any of these bitches from this trip. Heather would control her social media and platform. And no more playing the innocent cocktease - Cattie was going to film with Heather for her OnlyFans, full face, and jump her career forwards and start making more money.

With the strap on off, Heather tossed it to the side and then rolled in the opposite direction, shaking Sherry by the shoulder.

“Huh?” she said, confused as she was woken up.

“Come here,” Heather said, using her size and strength to manhandle the smaller girl around the bed until she was between Heather’s legs. “Eat me out, I can’t sleep.”

“I’m tired. It’s late,” Sherry grumbled.

“Shut up and get licking, little slut,” Heather said, scooping one of her powerful legs behind Sherry’s head and pulling her into Heather’s pussy. Sherry was muffled for a moment as Heather smirked and thrust with her hips, grinding her clit up and down Sherry’s face, then backed off to let the girl breathe. “Do it,” she ordered. “Your Mistress demands it.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sherry sighed

“Better,” Heather grunted. A good come or two and maybe she’d get some sleep.

- - - - -

Ginnie winced a little as she reached back and felt at her asshole. She was in the shower, having woken up after the monumental fuck she’d had with JC knocked her asleep.

At the time Terra had offered the hookup, Ginnie knew that the others were planning on their ‘Cock Roulette’ game, but two five-minute turns with Robbie hadn’t seemed like a great deal compared to all night with the South American hottie. Or maybe he was Puerto Rican? Ginnie wasn’t really sure.

With Terra’s blessing, she’d set her sights on JC and flirted hard, making it obvious what she wanted. He’d responded, and she’d dragged him down to her room.

The sex was damn good. He was muscley in the right ways, super hot, and willing to go down on her. She’d even been impressed that JC had stuck to his agreement with Terra about no vaginal sex despite their obvious problems and likely break up. Ginnie, happy to just have a quality dick all to herself, had happily complied with the Anal request and they’d fucked like rabbits.

Now, though, with JC still asleep in her bed as Ginnie cleaned herself up, she couldn’t help her own wondering. Leia, one of her oldest friends, was falling in love with Robbie. Terra was falling for Robbie. Hell, most of the girls on the trip were, and he was getting into relationship territory with, like, most of them.

But not with her.

Is there something wrong with me? She thought, chewing on the inside of her lip.

The sex with JC was great… but for some reason the stuff she’d done with Robbie had been more satisfying. And they hadn’t even actually had sex! There was something about Robbie that just…

Ginnie sighed and rinsed her hair out, then felt back at her ass and winced again. Tomorrow was going to be a bit of a bitch to sit for so long. Anal had probably been the wrong choice.

- - - - -

Ami sighed happily, slowly falling asleep. Curling up next to Robbie, his arm around her and his warm chest against hers was heaven.

They hadn’t had sex, though he’d shown that he was more than capable of making her come her brains out without even putting his penis inside her. She felt warm and tingly all over.

She loved him.

If things lasted, she would have sex with him for sure. She just needed to know he loved her enough to make it work long term, and long distance, before she gave herself to him like that.

He’d make her first real time special. She knew that without a doubt.


Jim lynch

Yes Heather needs an ultimate ass kicking from the smallest man in America that would be funny. Can’t await to read how they settle into a mansion lol that brings so many story arcs especially the tv show one much more Q raising for them to grow their brands.


So, Heather's goal for the trip was to hook up with some of the other girls, then leak that she did so in order to gain clout? Disregarding, of course, the effect that would have on those other girls' careers, naturally. I hope Sherry figures out how bad she is and can get out before permanent damage is done. On another note - when the story of the trip finally wraps, I hope we are able to continue to follow the story of Robbie and the girls as they build their lives together beyond the confines of this vacation.


Yeah, somehow that makes Heather even worse than if she was just wanting to slut around and cheat on Cattie without it being "cheating". And yet, it also fits right into her character, so it's not as surprising as it should've been.