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Chapter 297

Getting a boobjob - the kind where my cock was between two pillowy tits and not getting a pair ‘em bolted onto my chest, obviously - wasn’t exactly new to me but doing it with Ami felt like it was a completely new experience. I’d played with Cassidy’s tits, which weren’t small, more than enough. I’d also had my cock in Cattie’s cleavage, though not so specifically ‘titty fucking’ her.

Ami’s tits were glorious and soft, and just the way she grinned her little grin and tilted her chin and squished her quickly-lubed up cleavage around my cock was… ugh.

“Fuck, Ami,” I groaned.

“Do you like this, Tiger?” she asked with a sweet little grin.

I was sitting at the foot of the bed and she was on her knees between my legs, sitting tall as she partially used her body and partially just straight up stroked her tits up and down my cock with her hands. Her nipples, wonderfully engorged, looked tasty as hell with the lube making her tits glisten in the overhead lighting.

“God, you’re so sexy, Ami,” was my reply as I ran my hand across her cheek and back into her hair.

She giggled softly in her chest and started moving her tits faster. “Do you think you could get off like this?”

“Absolutely,” I sighed heavily. To be fair, it wasn’t quite as physically pleasurable as actual sex. Being inside a pussy, or an asshole for that matter, was different. But a titty fuck from a woman I adored, with tits like hers? It could definitely get me there.

She leaned forward, swallowing my cock into her cleavage as she tilted her chin up and asked me silently for a kiss. I indulged her, meeting her wonderfully soft lips with my own, but she didn’t stay long enough to let me turn it into a proper makeout. Instead, she pulled back and bit her lower lip as she gave me an innocent look and then lowered her chest, my cock popping out the top of her cleavage. She tilted her chin down and teased the tip of my cock with her tongue, and then kissed the head and gave it a little suck that made me grunt in pleasure. Then she went back to fucking me with her cleavage.

“Ami,” I groaned softly. “I want to do something for you.”

“You are,” she said. “You’re letting me have fun, Robbie.”

“I mean I want to get you off, cutie,” I said. “I want you to come sit on my face so I can do for you what you’ve been doing for me.”

“I think I’d like that,” she said, smiling almost sadly. “But we’d run out of time.”

“You’re right,” I sighed. This whole ‘five-minute turn’ thing was really fucking with my ability to provide for the girls. “Fuuuck, Ami.”

“The girls were talking and they want to have a meeting of ‘Robbie’s Girls’ tonight after the game once the party gets cleaned up,” Ami said as she kept stroking me in her cleavage. “It’s about the future. After talking, I’m going to sit out so I can spend the night with you, OK? If you want, we can do a bit more then.”

My brain was so fucked that I just nodded, not really considering what the ‘meeting’ thing meant. “OK,” I agreed. “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” she smiled. Then she stood up, leaving my cock, and kissed me firmly as she pushed me back down onto the bed and followed me until my cock was trapped between us and her lubed tits were pressed to my chest. “I love you, Robbie.”

“I love you too, Ami,” I said, hugging her to me and making out with her for what felt like such a short amount of time until the knock at the door interrupted us.

I pecked her lips lightly, and she did the same with a smile as I looked into her warm brown eyes. Then she stood and looked down at her tits and sighed, shaking her head. “I guess I’ll go change,” she said. “You might not have made a mess of me, but I’m not ruining this dress with lube either.”

“Thanks, gorgeous,” I said. “See you tonight.”

She leaned in one more time to kiss me gently, then went to the door.

“Hey, I- Jesus,” Leia said as she and Ami crossed paths. “Your tits are so fucking nice, Ami.”

“Thanks,” Ami said with a smile, cupping them. “Have fun.”

Leia closed the door, turning to look at me. “Jesus,” she said again with a soft chuckle as she looked at me and bit her lip.

“Sunshine, I’m seriously close right now,” I said. “So-”

I had to stop talking because Leia pretty much threw herself at me, scrambling to get her bottoms off. She sank down onto me in almost the same position Becca had earlier, kissing me gently all over my cheeks and chin and lips as she moaned. She worked her hips, taking my hands and sliding them down to hold them, and then back to knead her ass.

“God, my aphrodite,” I groaned as we had sex. It wasn’t making love, and it wasn’t fucking. It was somewhere in the middle. To be fair, Leia and I hadn’t fucked really. Everything we’d been doing was usually mutual, and often gentle and passionate.

“Oh, Robbie,” she groaned back, pressing her chest to mine as she buried her face in the crook of my neck, writhing her hips in what I could only think of as a belly dancer move.

“I’m- fuck, sunshine, I’m really close,” I grunted.

“Come inside me,” she mumbled. “Give me your love, Robbie.”

“You have it,” I said. “You’re a Goddess, Leia. My personal Aphrodite and Athena rolled up into one.”

“God,” Leia gasped, her breath hitching as she breathed heavily. “Please, Robbie. Love me.”

“I love you,” I grunted. “I love you, Leia.”

She pulled away, looking into my eyes seriously, and then kissed me with a ferocity that I would never have expected from her. When her lips finally tore from mine she pressed her forehead to mine, still fucking me with her hips. “Say it again,” she said. “Tell me.”

“I love you,” I said earnestly, knowing she hadn’t said it back yet. We’d held off, longer even than Ami. Hell, based on the timelines, it was longer than Zenya and I had at least been truthful about knowing we could feel this way.

“I love you too, Tiger,” Leia gasped. “My Hercules.” She grinned and laughed. “I can’t remember who Aphrodite actually loved. I think she was a bit of a slut, and I’m not.”

We kissed again, and I came with a groan against her lips, and she ran her fingers through my hair as I released into her.

Chapter 298

Seven women.

That number kept running through my mind.

I was saying ‘I love you’ with seven women now, and Zenya could make eight if she made some decisions. It was insane. How could I feel this way about seven different women?

And I knew it was love. Lust was different. I lusted after them too, each of them in different ways and for different things. But I wanted more than sex with them. I wanted to know more, to spend more time with them. I wanted to hold them, and laugh with them, and cry with them. I wanted so much of them that it was overwhelming to think of knowing them like I did Cassidy.

Could I even hold all of that in my mind at once? All the information I would need to learn to feel like I was remembering everything, and really knew them?

Leia came back out of the washroom with a washcloth, having already cleaned herself up a little, and smiled as she came to me and teasingly stroked my cock with it as she rubbed the tip of her nose against mine. “Can’t leave you a mess for Heels,” she said. “And I don’t think she’d appreciate it if I passed you off soft, either.”

She kissed me again and then got on her knees as she set aside the washcloth.

“Leia,” I said.

“Shh,” she shushed me. “We’ll talk about it later, OK? I know we need to.” Then she took my cock in her mouth and started getting a rise out of me immediately. In any other situation, I had to think that after the days I’d had it should have been hard for her to get my cock standing upright again, but the App did its thing and I sprang back to attention with only a little coaxing.

Just in time for the knock.

“We’ll talk,” she promised again, cupping my face with both hands after she stood. I shifted my face so I could kiss one of her palms, and then helped her get the bottom skirt of her dress back on. I walked her to the door this time, and she grinned as she squeezed my hand before opening it.

“He’s ready for you,” she said to Heels.

“Good, because-” Heels stuttered to a stop as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. Her shocked yelp made Leia laugh as she left. “Put me down, you big fucking brute!” Heels said as she pounded on my back lightly with her fists.

I walked her to the bed and pulled her from my shoulder and set her down. She glared up at me. My answer was to lean in and kiss her, which she returned, and I used my weight to press her down onto the bed until I was straddling her smaller body. When I pulled away her dark black hair was splayed around her like a dark halo as she looked up at me with hooded eyelids.

“Are we fucking?” I asked her. “Or do you want to do something less than that?”

“Get that cock in me,” she said, reaching down and pulling up the froofy black skirt of her gothic dress to reveal her deeply tanned legs and her bare pussy. It was pretty and smooth, with just a little tuft of black pubic hair and a hint of pink between her labia.

“Gorgeous, Baheela,” I grunted, and I slipped from the bed to get to the right level to put my mouth on her. She grunted in approval as I started tonguing and tasting her, but she quickly grabbed my head and pulled me up to look at her.

“Cock in Pussy,” she said. “We’re on a time limit, remember?”

“Just wanted to make sure you were ready for me,” I said as I got back up on the bed. I took her legs in my hands and spread her widely, letting the head of my cock tap against her dark labia and teasing her a bit more.

“Cock,” she said, clearly using it as a derogatory name instead of asking for it, but she said it with a playful smirk. Then I interrupted whatever she opened her mouth to say as I skewered my cock into her. She was tight and warm, and as I started to fuck her I thought the way she looked at me was absolutely gorgeous. Heels was a sexy woman when she wanted to be, and her body was great. But it just wasn’t…

It wasn’t the same as fucking someone I loved.

We had sex, taking our gratification from each other. We switched positions halfway through, Heels getting up on her knees as I drilled her from behind, but even weaving my fingers in her thick hair and trying to make love to her more wasn’t quite what I would have hoped. She seemed to enjoy it, and it was good… but. Even with Terra, before we were saying the L-word, we’d been feeling it. There’d been a connection. With Baheela, the ‘but’ lingered in my mind.

It would have been rude to say it even if she asked. ‘The sex was good, but’ wasn’t something I wanted to say to someone, especially someone I was actively inside.


When the knock came, I pulled out of Heels and gave her ass a smack.

“Shit,” she groaned, picking herself up from the bed and raising to her knees. “Not enough time to get off.”

“Sorry,” I said, taking deep breaths. “This game is a little infuriating that way.”

“Well, I’ll just have to get myself off thinking about this,” she said, tapping the head of my cock as she smirked. “Thanks for some good dick, Robbie.”

“Thanks for playing,” I said.

Heels got down from the bed and headed for the door, only stopping to scoop up her shoes. She stopped in the doorway once she opened it, coming face to face with Wanda. “He’s all primed for you if you go for it,” she said. “And I wouldn’t blame you at all if you do.”

“Thanks, babe,” Wanda said, glancing at me and grinning over the darker woman’s shoulder. “Did you have fun?”

“Let’s just say that I’m not going back upstairs because I’m horny enough that I want to get off ASAP,” Heels chuckled. She headed across the hall to her room, while Wanda came in and shut the door.

“Hey, gorgeous,” I said. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking I want to fuck you,” Wanda said, sweeping a loose lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “I’m thinking I want to fuck you all the time, honestly. But I’m also thinking that I’ll be more proud of myself if we don’t, still. Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” I said, standing up and going to her, pulling her into a deep hug.

She hugged me back, resting her head on my chest, before snorting softly. “You’re not making it easy, pressing your cock against me like that.”

“Sorry,” I chuckled, pulling back slightly.

“I didn’t say to stop,” Wanda grinned.

We ended up sitting on the bed, my cock half-hard as we held hands and just looked into each other’s eyes.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“I’m thinking about what Ami told me,” I said. “That you girls are having a meeting tonight?”

Wanda nodded. “It’s planned. Are you looking forward to a night with Ami?”

“Yeah, but I don’t understand it,” I said. “And I’ll miss you and Cass and Cattie. I’m already used to you being with me in bed, baby.”

“Me too,” she said with a smile. “But there’s a lot us girls need to talk about. Obviously nothing will get final decisions until we talk to you, too, but we need to figure out how we all feel individually about the options first.”

“So why isn’t Ami involved?” I asked.

“Because she already knows she wants to keep taking things slow with you,” Wanda said. “So you guys will need to be long-distance for a bit. We all decided she should get the night with you if that was the case.”

I sighed and shook my head.

“I know,” Wanda said, scooting around on the bed and hugging me from the side. “It’s just the way it’s going to have to be, though, Tiger. At least for a while.”

We sat and breathed together, eventually falling back to lay on the bed in each other’s arms. It wasn’t some big explosive ending to the Fuck-a-thon the girls had put me through, but it felt right for what we both needed.

Chapter 299

The knock at the door made me groan a little. Wanda was snuggled up to me and my cheek was pressed to her shoulder and chest as she was running her fingers through my hair. It was, when I thought about it, a bit of a silly position since I was stark naked and she was still in her dress.

“Is there a third round about to start?” I asked.

“No,” Wanda chuckled. “I mean, the girls probably wouldn’t mind at all, but they don’t want to kill you.”

I knew the App would help me out, and I wanted more time with each of them, but it didn’t feel right to just cycle. I wasn’t able to give any of them my all and it didn’t feel fair.

“Who is it?” I called.

Cassidy opened the door in response, her smile broadening as she saw me and Wanda on the bed, and she slipped inside and shut it behind her. “Didn’t go for it?” she asked as she started stripping out of her dress.

“No,” Wanda said. “He needed a cooldown, and it’s better for us to wait.”

Cassidy smirked and tutted playfully, but then crawled up onto the bed and kissed Wanda on the cheek before settling down on my other side and hugging me. She was only in a pair of panties so her breasts pressed against me and the warmth of her body made me moan in contentment.

“So what’s the plan, then?” I asked. “I know about the meeting.”

“Well, the girls are already starting to clean up,” Cassidy said, then put a hand on my chest firmly. “And you don’t need to go help, Tiger. They have it covered.”

“OK,” I chuckled. She knew me well, I’d been getting ready to get up.

“Tonight you’re going to sleep in Ami’s room with her next door,” Cassidy continued. “We’re going to have a bit of a Ladies Night Sleep Over and talk logistics between us of what we’re all feeling and what options there are for dating you. The girls just want to have a bit of time to figure ourselves out, if that’s OK? There are so many different situations, and we don’t want to put pressure on you to figure each one out when they might be contingent on what other people are doing.”

I blew out a breath and nodded. “Becca said she has a plan,” I said.

“I know,” Cassidy said. “And she hasn’t told me exactly what it is yet, she wants to present it to all of us before bringing it to you as a reasonable idea.”

“Are you worried about being left out?” Wanda asked. She was still stroking her fingers through my hair.

“A little,” I admitted. “But I also trust all of you and need to know how to not be in control sometimes. All of this week has been a rollercoaster and I feel like I’ve been holding onto the safety rail with white knuckles because there was always something changing.”

“Well, the changes will keep coming,” Cassidy smiled and then kissed my bare chest. “But it’s all good changes.”

“Zenya didn’t make her decision yet, did she?” Wanda asked. “She came back up after her turn and didn’t say anything about how you two left it.”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “I think we both want it. But she has realistic hesitations, and I can’t blame her at all. We definitely want to have sex again, and with you girls involved.”

“She’s bi?” Cassidy asked. “I didn’t know that.”

“I think Zenya keeps things close to her chest a bit,” I said with a smile. “She has a big heart for people, and you guys were right that I needed to be more direct about letting her know I wanted to pursue her. Just being forward about her wanting to have time with me was at the fringe of her comfort zone I think, and she only did it because she felt safe with everyone else being open about things.”

“Well, she’ll be included in the meeting,” Cassidy said. “Even if she’s only a Robbie’s Girl for the next twelve hours or whatever.”

“Jesus,” I sighed. “We’re that close to the end?”

“The houseboats need to be returned by noon,” Wanda said sadly, though she was smiling softly. “And it’s just past midnight.”

I grunted and kissed her shoulder, then turned my head and kissed the top of Cassidy’s head. “I need to check in with just a couple of the girls before I let you guys have your meeting and we settle in for the night.”

“Leia?” Cassidy asked, and I nodded. “She was grinning like an absolute idiot when she came back up. I cornered her and asked if she finally said it. Good for you, Tiger.”

“I missed that,” Wanda said. “She finally said she loves you?”

“She was waiting for me to say it first, I think,” I said. “Which makes me feel silly that I thought she wasn’t ready for it yet.”

“I don’t think she was yesterday or earlier today,” Cassidy said. “But she got there, so you timed it right.”

The girls let me get up and encouraged me to just head up there naked since there wasn’t anyone around that wouldn’t appreciate the view, but I rolled my eyes and went looking for my shorts - and of the four pairs I had brought on the trip, I couldn’t find a single one. The girls had disappeared with them. I ended up putting on a pair of swimsuit trunks as Wanda and Cassidy chuckled at my situation.

Outside the cabin, the interior of the boat was quiet enough that I could hear the soft, tinny sound of a phone speaker from inside Heels’ room. It sounded like she was watching some sort of an action anime, but I had a feeling it was more like hentai after she’d openly said she was going to get off. There was a small part of me that wanted to barge in there and help her out. I felt bad that I hadn’t given her a proper showing - maybe it was a bit of my ego, but she was the only one of the girls I’d gotten intimate with that I hadn’t actually given an orgasm. Even Ginnie had come on my fingers.

But for all that Heels was attractive, and I wouldn’t mind a chance to redeem myself, I had other women on my mind.

Chapter 300

I headed up to the top deck and saw that most of the party stuff was already cleaned up. Becca saw me coming and broke into a smile, putting out her hands to stop me. “You, mister, were supposed to stay downstairs.”

“I’m sorry, sugar,” I said, sweeping her up into my arms and kissing her on the side of her neck. She chuckled warmly as I set her back down on her feet. “I just need to talk to a couple of the girls about earlier.”

“Zenya?” Becca guessed.

“No,” I shook my head. “Leia and Terra.”

“Leia went to change and Terra… I’m not sure where she is,” Becca said. “Just FYI, and maybe it’s not fair to spill, but you did a really good job with Zenya, Robbie. She likes you a lot.”

“It’s still so weird to me sometimes how you girls are pulling for each other to fall in love with me,” I said with a little smirk.

“Well, it’s only because we know how you make us feel, and we know you could do that for our friends too. But you’re right, it is a little weird how we’re all willing to share. I think it’s because Cassidy started it, so it feels natural because it’s how we’re getting part of you.”

“Should I talk to Zenya before your meeting?” I asked.

Becca smiled a little. “Honestly? If you’ve got a bit more hump and bump in you, you could probably pull her into a room and fuck her silly. I know she’d love that.”

I groaned, pulling Becca into a hug and resting my chin on top of her head. “Don’t tempt me.”

Becca laughed as she hugged me back. “I think you’re fine not to do a whole set of rounds to check in on everyone, Tiger. They all know where you’re at with them.”

“I still need to talk to Leia and Terra,” I said.

Becca let me go, and I got quick kisses from Cattie and Ami who were helping clean up the last of the decorations. I went down to the kitchen of the Singles Boat and found one of my two targets, but hesitated in the doorway into the living area at the sounds that were coming from deeper into the boat.

Zenya and Leia, who were both working in the kitchen, looked over at me and exaggeratedly rolled their eyes.

“Has it been like this the whole time?” I asked as I got closer to them.

“I’m not sure when it started,” Zenya said. “But I think they’re competing?”

The sex noises were a bit much. One set was definitely Heather and Sherry in their shared room, and the other had to be JC and Ginnie. Considering JC was supposed to be limited to buttfucking the smaller woman, I could see Ginnie getting loud. Heather was likely just trying to piss people off, or get a rise out of Cattie, and was encouraging Sherry to act the same way. Based on Sherry’s naivete, I would even put money on her thinking that was what great sex was supposed to be like with all the ridiculous porn sounds.

I sighed and went behind Zenya at the counter, hugging her firmly and kissing her cheek. She grinned and wiggled her ass back at me, flexing her cheeks. That made me laugh and I stepped back, giving her butt a smack that just made her grin. Then I swept Leia up in a similar hug but turned her chin with a finger so I could kiss her fully. “Can we talk?”

“Help us get these last couple of things packed up,” she said after smiling and nodding.

I did so, both of the girls working efficiently to get the dishes cleaned up as I shuttled things to and reorganised the fridge. I wasn’t sure what Becca’s plans were for the leftovers, but there was a bunch - which would have been the same if I had planned things, since for an event people were paying for I always wanted too much rather than too little. As we worked quickly both girls took advantage of the fact that I was only wearing a tight pair of swim trunks, running their hands across my chest and back, grabbing my ass playfully and weaving their fingers with mine as they took my hand momentarily. I gave as good as I got, and the work got done.

“Let’s head up top,” I suggested to Leia. The sex noises hadn’t diminished.

“I’m going to go change,” Zenya said, glancing with a grimace at the back cabins. “And then I’m going to be over in your room on the Couples Boat if you want to kiss me goodnight.”

“I would love to,” I said with a wink that made her smirk a little.

Leia and I stepped out onto the back porch and then headed up to the top deck, but she stopped me before I could lead her to the deck chairs. She took both my hands in hers and looked up at me with a smile, and I leaned down and kissed her. As our lips slowly moved together I could feel her breath in through her nose and then out quickly, and she pulled away.

“I’m sorry if the timing was a little circumspect,” I said. “I wanted to wait until it felt right between the both of us, and it was a special moment. Telling you I love you during a game like that wasn’t fair.”

She closed her eyes and her smile got bigger as she shook her head just a little. Then she blinked open her eyes again and let go of my hands so she could lean into a tight hug with me. “I’m sorry I made you wait to say it, Robbie. And thank you for waiting. I’ve been feeling really close to you, but I don’t say that word lightly. I didn’t ever say it with my last boyfriend, and we dated for six months.”

“God,” I sighed. “Now I’m really feeling guilty.”

“Shhh,” she shushed me. “There’s nothing to feel guilty about. Even if it was a ridiculous moment, it means the world to me, OK?” She pulled back from the hug, looking up into my eyes again. “I don’t know what we’re going to do about it. I want to hear what the others are thinking. But I do love you. And it’s- It’s scary, admitting that. But I’m definitely your sunshine, OK? I’m a Robbie’s Girl through and through, no ifs, ands or buts.”

“Say it again,” I said with a grin, teasing her a little.

“I love you,” she said softly, her eyes sparkling from the party lights.

“I love you too, Leia,” I said.

“Now you need to go see Terra,” Leia said, her smile slipping. “And I’m going to do the same thing as Zenya and wait for a goodnight kiss in your room.”

“How do you know I need to talk to Terra?” I asked.

“Because she’s waiting over in the Pilot Cabin and I can see her waiting,” Leia said, nodding towards the Couples Boat. I followed her direction and saw Terra sitting there looking over at us. The light in the cabin was on but was a dim yellow glow so it hadn’t drawn my attention. When she saw me looking Terra waved a little, a conflicted smile on her face.

“God, this whole week has been messy,” I said softly.

“Just do what you do for all of us,” Leia said. “See her for who she is.”

I lifted Leia into a hug that pulled her off her feet, and then we split apart and I headed for Terra.

Chapter 301

“Hey, honey,” I said as I stepped into the dimly lit Pilot’s Cabin. I’d spent a bunch of time over the last week in there, but always during the day or super early in the morning. Hell, I’d spent a couple of hours in there with Terra. This was the first time I’d spent time at night, and if this was any time but the final night I would have been figuring out how to change the light, it was so dim and yellow.

Terra had hopped up onto the counter just like the girls had been sitting with me all week, and I went right to her and wrapped her up in my arms, leaning in as she tilted her face up to me and I kissed her.

Everything had changed, even if it felt like nothing had. Terra and I had said the things that we’d been trying not to say during our silly five minutes in the game. Maybe it was a good thing that we’d felt such time pressure, even if it had been artificial.

I told her I couldn’t give her up. She told me she couldn’t stop.

Our kiss there in the near-dark, alone except for the soft sound of voices coming up from below and the gentle lap of water on the side of the boat, was like the world closed in on us. She was wearing a sports bra and one of my pairs of shorts - I wasn’t even sure when she’d gotten them - and my hands landed on her sides as our lips and tongues danced. Her fingers trailed from my collarbone down to my stomach before sliding into the waistband of my trunks, pulling me closer to her gently.

When we finally split apart we both had to gasp lightly, and she buried her face against my chest as we held each other.

“I’m going to break up with him,” Terra said. “Maybe I could have forgiven him if everything else wasn’t going on. If it wasn’t just the slip-up. But it’s not just that, and it’s not your fault Robbie but with you here and everything, why would I stay with him? We haven’t had sex since… the first day? Maybe the second? It’s blurred together a little. But it’s been most of the week, and other than him trying to just have makeup sex in the last day and me turning him down because I wasn’t ready, he wasn’t trying.” She pulled back a little and looked up at me. “I know it wouldn’t be a problem with you, Robbie, but when we’re together I need you to try. If I’m going to put in effort for my boyfriend, I need him to put in effort too. And I know you will, but I owe it to myself to say it.”

“Terra,” I sighed. “God, my heart feels like it’s going to explode. I- Yes. I’ll try. Every day. But, honey, ending things with JC doesn’t mean you need to jump into the chaos that’s happening around me. You can take time. I won’t lose interest, or forget you. I’ll never be able to forget you.”

Terra smiled sadly. “I don’t need a rebound. I don’t need time to process. I’ve done more thinking about my relationship - real, deep thinking, and talking with all the girls with different perspectives… I’ve considered everything more than I have in the past year, probably. He wasn’t the only one on autopilot. I let it happen too, I was just- I was getting parentified in my own relationship. I was being his mother, and I don’t want a partner I need to mother. I want a partner who is going to challenge me, and love me, and treat me well because he wants to, not because it’s expected. That’s you, Robbie. That’s just you.”

I pulled her to me again, holding her tightly. This was exactly what I wanted, and exactly what I didn’t want.

I didn’t want to break up relationships. And even with reason and logic and the assurances of the girls, it still felt like I was the one causing it. A marriage and two long-term relationships were getting left in the wreckage at the end of this trip, and all three women involved were planning on calling themselves my girlfriends.

“Terra, I love you, but are you really sure?” I whispered hoarsely, fighting the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm me. “I’m- I’m not perfect. And I come with so much baggage. It’s so unfair of me to ask you to be with me when my life is so… I don’t know how to even describe it anymore.”

“That’s the thing, Tiger,” she said. “You’re not asking me, OK? Don’t ask me. Because I’m not single yet. I’m going to ask you as soon as it makes sense. I’m going to look you in the eye and ask you out on a date. And we’ll go on that date, and I’ll hold your hand and look in your eyes and ask if you want to go steady like we’re in the 1950s. And then at the end of the night, I’ll kiss you on the doorstep and ask if you’ll be my boyfriend. And then you’ll take me to bed, and you’ll fuck me to within an inch of my life, and we’ll be together.”

“That all sounds really great,” I said, smiling with my eyes closed as I held her in the silence around us.

“I still need to go back with JC tomorrow,” she said. “It’ll take us all day to travel, so I’ll break up with him the day after, OK? I don’t want to even wait that long, but I think doing it clear-headed and without being tired from travel is the right decision.”

“OK,” I said. “Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you?”

“Just tell me one thing,” Terra said.

“What’s that?”

“Are you going to love me if I get thick?” she asked. “At some point in the future, if we… if we have kids, my body is going to balloon a bit. It happened to my Mom and my Grandma. And I don’t want to be fat, and I’ll work as hard as I can to keep it off, but I’m not going to look like this forever. I just- you already have beautiful girlfriends, and I need to know-”

“Shut up, my little elf,” I growled, raising a hand to scoop behind her neck and pull her to look up into my eyes. “I’m in lust with your body and your personality, Terra. I’m in love with your personality and your mind. Neither of those changes if you get a little thick, or even if you get as fat as a butterball. As long as you stay yourself, and even if you go through a hard phase of depression or something, I will love you for you. The only way I’ll stop is if you tell me you don’t want me anymore.”

Terra started crying, her whimpers leaking from her lips as she pulled herself into my chest again and I held her. Whatever it was, I was fairly certain I’d said the right thing.

I just wished I knew where a question like that had come from.

But… we had time. To figure that out, and everything else.

Chapter 302

Terra and I held each other a little longer before we kissed again, this time less of a wanting and more of a decision. We were going to be together.

It was insane, but that seemed to be the catchphrase for my life now.

I found some paper towel in the cupboard underneath the counter and tore off a sheet, carefully wiping under Terra’s eyes as she chuckled and flushed, a little embarrassed at how emotional she’d gotten. I felt like, of all the girls I was with or going to be with, she was very much the tomboy when it came to personality. Wanda might have been next on that list, but Terra took the top spot for sure and that came with some stark differences in how she tackled her emotions.

Once she’d let me dote on her a little bit and get her cleaned up, she hopped down from the counter and took my hand. “I’m going to be in the meeting with the girls,” she said. “I have no doubt JC is going to crash with Ginnie after drinking at the party tonight and then having sex with her.”

“Did you hear if he…?” I hedged.

“I didn't, and I don’t care if he did,” Terra sighed. “It wouldn’t change anything now.”

We headed down into the houseboat and found that even though it was now well past midnight there was a bunch of activity. Terra and JC’s room was empty, but the cabin across the hall that was now Ami’s had her, Zenya and Becca inside talking. Becca and Zenya were both wearing old shirts that were obviously nightshirts and they grinned and waved as I stuck my head inside. “What’s the plan?” I asked.

“You, Tiger, are going to stay in here with Ami,” Becca said and held up a small case. “And you’re going to wear these earbuds so that you aren’t overhearing us through the walls. The rest of us are going to be having a meeting about the future among us girls, and tomorrow morning we’ll all have breakfast together and talk about what that looks like. OK?”

“I trust you guys,” I said. “And I get why you need time to talk between you all, but I kinda wish I could be in there with you.”

Zenya stood up from the bed, her warm smile telling me she understood. “The bed is going to be way overcrowded already, babe,” she said with a little wink. “You’ll get us all together sooner than later. A little patience won’t hurt.”

I snorted softly and shook my head. “Not what I meant.”

“I know,” she said softly, reaching up and cupping my cheek for a moment.

“Come on,” Becca said, also getting up and coming to me, taking my hand. “It’s late, and the girls are waiting.”

The blonde and the redhead pulled me out of the room, and I looked over my shoulder at Ami who was covering her smile with a hand and trying not to laugh at my expression of helplessness. The girls led me one room over to the cabin that had started out as mine and Cassidy’s but had become the home for Wanda and Cattie as well. Inside it was crowded, and not just because of the extra luggage.

“Shit,” I said as I entered. “I mean, I knew this was a little out of control but seeing you all together… Jesus, am I the luckiest fucking guy in the world.”

The girls broke into smiles and grins. They were scattered around the room, most of them sitting on the bed.

“Kiss ‘em good night, Tiger,” Cassidy said as she came out of the washroom, drying off her face after having cleaned off her makeup. All of them were bare-faced and fresh, a couple even still a little damp from their showers.

I took a deep breath and looked around at all of them. Cassidy, Cattie, Wanda, Becca, Leia, Zenya. Terra slipped into the room behind me, trailing a hand across my back, now in the same state as the others. And Ami was waiting in the other room. “I can’t tell you how weirdly happy I am,” I told them all. Then I turned to Zenya, who was closest to me, and kissed her gently. “Good night,” I whispered to her. “Don’t feel any pressure, but I’m glad you’re here.”

“I won’t,” she said with a little smile.

I stepped to Becca beside her, bending to kiss her good night as well. It was a little briefer, but no less warm. “Good night, sugar,” I said. “I’m excited to hear your plan.”

“Thanks, Tiger,” she said. “Sweet dreams.”

I went to the bed, crawling up on my knees so I could kiss Cattie good night next, who pulled me into a deeper kiss with a hand on my neck. Then Leia was next, kissing me three times lightly instead of one deep one.

Wanda was next, sitting up tall on her knees to meet me and pressing herself to me and taking one of my hands to place it on the side of her butt. “I’ll be all yours soon,” she whispered to me, smiling through her eyes.

“Can’t wait,” I whispered back.

Climbing off the bed, I wrapped my arms around Terra and lifted her up to get her face to face with me, holding her by her ass as I kissed her and then deposited her on the bed. Then I turned to Cassidy, still in the doorway to the bathroom.

I went to her, cupping her face with both my hands and kissing her. I could feel her pouring herself into it, squeezing herself against me. My heart and my head hurt from worry and the overwhelming emotion of what was happening.

“One sec,” I said, and I pushed Cass deeper into the washroom and slid the door shut behind us.

“Robbie-” she said, but I kissed her again. I backed up and sat down on the toilet, pulling her with me until she straddled my lap and I was holding her as close to me as she could me.

I pressed my cheek to hers, my lips as close to her ear as I could get them, and I whispered as absolutely quiet as I could.

“This is it, Cass. This is the last chance to stop. It would tear me up to hurt any of them out there, let alone all of them, but if you say stop then we stop. You started this, and I need you to stop it if you feel any hesitation. It can just be a pause, but you need to say it.”

Cassidy pulled away from me so she could look me in the eye. A big, fat tear welled up and dripped from her left eye and she mouthed, ‘I love you.

I love you too,’ I mouthed back.

“I’m yours,” she whispered. “And you’re mine. And I’m choosing to share you with them. I approve of all of them, Robbie. Every one. I’ll be your wife, they’ll be your girlfriends, and I’ll love them for the love they give to you.”

We kissed, hard and desperate and sure. It was the same kiss we’d shared when I’d asked her to marry me.

When we were done, she stood up and offered me a hand. “Time to go,” she said as she opened the washroom door again. “The Pussy Pack has some decisions to make.”

I stepped out of the washroom and glared, trying to suppress my wry grin. “Who the hell told her about that idea!? Now I’ll never hear the end of it.”

The girls broke out laughing, and I had to laugh with them.

Chapter 303

I shut the door to the cabin behind me and sighed softly. Seven women in my cabin, all ready for bed. Sure, maybe they weren’t in lingerie or anything super sexy, but there was a different kind of sexiness to no bras under old shirts and just panties or shorts. I could only imagine what it would be like to lie down with all of them snuggled up to me. Cattie and Zenya’s loose tits in particular…

Except they weren’t the only big tits in my life.

I went back down the hall to Ami’s new room and found her sitting up in bed reading. She glanced up and smiled at me, and I smiled back, and then something in the back of my mind clicked.

“Fuuuck,” I groaned.

Ami frowned, her brow furrowing. “What is it?”

“The boats are still tied together,” I sighed.

Ami exhaled heavily as she closed her eyes. We’d both been through the same driving lesson at the start of the week and the guy from the houseboat rental place had insisted that we couldn’t leave the boats tied together overnight.

“I can handle it,” I said.

“No, no,” she said as she scooted to the edge of the bed and stood. “We’ll do it together.”

Ami and I went outside and got the boats unmoored, and I went over to the Singles Boat and lifted anchor. The sex noises had died off, thankfully, and I switched on all the exterior lighting to give myself more situational awareness as I started the engine and pulled the boat deeper out and then lowered the anchor again. I turned everything back off, went to the back porch and sighed as I looked back towards shore and the other boat. Ami was waiting for me on the porch with a towel. I slipped into the dark water, the cool of the water quickly hitting me, and it was only a quick swim for me to reach her.

Ami wrapped me up in a towel and had fun trapping my arms for a moment, giggling softly as she kissed my lips. “You know,” she said. “I think the thing I love about you the most is that you don’t complain about doing anything. You see something that needs doing and you do it. That might sound like a silly thing to love, but it tells me so much about you, Robbie.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, trying my best to just accept the compliment and not downplay it.

Ami quickly rubbed me down with the towel, paying particular attention to my hair so that I didn’t get our pillows wet, and then we slipped back inside and headed for our cabin for the night. As we passed by the cabin with the girls in it we could hear voices, but not any of the words.

“Do I really need to wear the earbuds?” I asked as we entered our cabin.

“You do,” Ami said with a smile, going and getting them from the nook beside the bed. “And I happen to have been given a playlist that the girls put together. It’s one song from each of them.”

I sighed, but let her put the earbuds in my ears. I stopped her from turning on the music though, instead pulling her into a kiss that lingered as we stood at the foot of the bed. “One of the things I love about you, cutie, is how purposeful you are. You know what you want, or how you want to be, and you do that. Even waiting and taking things slow with us. I love how centred you are.”

“Thanks,” she said with a shy smile.

“Now, earlier I said I wanted to give you the same thing you’ve given me,” I said. “Ami, I would very much like to do down on you. Can I do that for you?”

Ami bit the inside corner of her lip and nodded, and I kissed her again. She was wearing a cute little yellow t-shirt that looked worn thin and stretched over her breasts and an equally worn pair of shorts. I backed her up to the bed and then we slowly lowered down to it as we kissed, and then we shifted up the bed until she was laying on her back and I was on my side and kissing her, slowly rubbing my hand over her smooth stomach under her shirt, and then higher to gently caress her breasts.

Then I shifted lower, stopping to kiss her stomach where I’d been rubbing her warm skin, and then lower and moving over between her legs. I looked up at her, resting my chin softly on the shorts-covered pubic mound. “I love you, Ami,” I said.

“I love you too, Robbie,” she said.

“You can turn the music on now,” I said. “And if there’s eight songs on the playlist, I’m not going to stop until the music does.”

Ami flushed but opened her phone and turned on the music. It took me a moment to figure out what the first song was, but once the intro was over I knew it had to be from Cattie because we’d joked about it in the past and I had to stop myself from laughing. It was ‘My Heart Will Go On’ except not the original version - it was the New Found Glory version that made it more upbeat. As the guitar and driving drums pumped the song forward, I reached up and slowly pulled Ami’s shorts down at the waistband, revealing more of her wonderfully smooth skin. I kissed her mound, nuzzling her there, and she ran her fingers through my hair. I kissed her there softly and then lowered the shorts some more, spreading my kisses around until finally her smooth lips appeared. Then I helped her get her shorts off completely and settled in between her legs properly, kissing her inner thighs as I looked up at her and met her eyes with a smile. I slowly dropped some more kisses down her thighs as the first song started to wind down.

In the brief moment between music, as the tracks were changing, I pressed my nose right above Ami’s little clit hood and breathed in her smell, then looked up at her. “You are amazing,” I told her quietly.

I had to lipread her thanks as the next song kicked in, and I was surprised it was just as fast and upbeat as the last one. It was a song I didn’t recognize, but I would later check and see it was ‘My Everything’ by Goldfinger, which was a band I did recognize for other songs. The song was about being everything for someone, and I couldn’t place who it might have been from - I just didn’t know enough about my girls’ music tastes yet. Still, I had other things than figuring that out on my mind as I kissed my way down Ami’s pretty labia.

Her pussy was warm and I relished the chance to finally give back to her what I had already been getting from her. As my lips and tongue began to explore I found myself focusing more on Ami’s physical responses since I was deaf to her audible cues. Every twitch and shift was a little message that I needed to decode, and I enjoyed every moment of teasing and tasting her. When I glanced up from my task I saw that she’d pulled her shirt up over one of her breasts and was softly massaging it, and she blushed when our eyes met but nodded at me in encouragement.

The song ended abruptly, and I sighed softly as a familiar song started and Taylor Swift’s iconic, early country twang cut in. Cassidy had loved ‘Today was a Fairytale’ for years, though had also left it behind a long time ago and I hadn’t heard it at least since college. I doubted it was her addition to the list, and wondered if it might have been Becca’s or maybe Terra’s.

I let it play through in the back of my mind as I settled in and started chasing Ami’s first orgasm because I intended to make the most of my time with her even if it meant we needed to put the playlist on repeat.


Admiral Ale

No one listens to me, but Stay safe! When this hits Literotica in 6 months, everyone should rate this with 5 stars.


AA, I read every one of your comments! You can stop believing no one is listening.


Dont know how, but somehow missed this when it was posted with everything else that was posted at the same time. Really know how to draw out this fight that's about to ale place on the last day by heather........ 😉