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December Character Art - Which Story!?!

  • Continue AMA: The Boyfriend (Heels, Heather, Sherry, JC) 47
  • OnlyFans Girl (Sabrina, Gemma, John and maybe some friends) 144
  • Font of Fertility (Jeremiah, the Official Harem, maybe some other friends and magical folks) 127
  • Quaranteam: North West (Harri and Team Black, maybe Leo and Team LaCosta, and other friends) 92
  • Quaranteam: Florida Man (Jessica, Dickie, Elly, Barb) 4
  • The Afterparty: Backyard Games (The Pool Crew) 4
  • The Afterparty: The Bully (Tom, the Ladies, and the Simps) 6
  • Technically We're Still Engaged (Stephen, Mel and Bella) 14
  • Porcelain (Tayvon, Amelia, maybe some friends) 3
  • Masseur and the MILF (Trevor, Eden, Marissa, maybe a couple friends) 9
  • Triple-Blonde Study (Peter, India, Ellie and Jules) 19
  • Double of Naked (Eddie and Cheryl) 6
  • 2023-12-03
  • —2023-12-08
  • 475 votes
{'title': 'December Character Art - Which Story!?!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue AMA: The Boyfriend (Heels, Heather, Sherry, JC)', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'OnlyFans Girl (Sabrina, Gemma, John and maybe some friends)', 'votes': 144}, {'text': 'Font of Fertility (Jeremiah, the Official Harem, maybe some other friends and magical folks)', 'votes': 127}, {'text': 'Quaranteam: North West (Harri and Team Black, maybe Leo and Team LaCosta, and other friends)', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'Quaranteam: Florida Man (Jessica, Dickie, Elly, Barb)', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'The Afterparty: Backyard Games (The Pool Crew)', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'The Afterparty: The Bully (Tom, the Ladies, and the Simps)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Technically We're Still Engaged (Stephen, Mel and Bella)", 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Porcelain (Tayvon, Amelia, maybe some friends)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Masseur and the MILF (Trevor, Eden, Marissa, maybe a couple friends)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Triple-Blonde Study (Peter, India, Ellie and Jules)', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Double of Naked (Eddie and Cheryl)', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 8, 8, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 3, 8, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 475}


Hey folks,

So, Bayushi and I are still working on the November release of Robbie's character art (and I may or may not have some other treats coming down the pipe for AMA art) but we have reached a crossroads!

It is time, after many months, to open up the Character Art voting to the possibility of another Story or Series. Which will it be!?!

As a note: Shorter stories with fewer important/relevant characters getting picked means we would cycle through them faster. Maybe that's a selling point to you, maybe not.



Toodles McGhee

For FoF, I think pics of the Seats are needed, too - you've got some pretty detailed descriptions, but they're pretty fantastical beings...and the BJ-summoned mentor, too 😎

Gregg Hagerty

Mine is only allowing one choice?? I would also like Font of Fertility.


If you are on mobile, sometimes you need to vote, leave the post, then re-enter the post.


You know, now I kinda want a continuation of Triple Blonde, but that could be just me....