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Chapter 290

It took a few minutes for me to properly get back into the party. Most of my girls came by to make sure I was OK, either with a small word or a touch and a look at least. Cattie was last, and she came to me and took my hands, drawing me to the side of the boat so we were standing and looking out at the dark of the water.

“I think I might have put a curse on you,” she said, though she had a rueful smirk on her lips.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“I joked about you not wanting to see my Ex’s pussy, and there she goes and accidentally flashes you.”

I snorted and shook my head, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “Well, it was the least pretty look at a woman that I’ve ever had,” I said. “Does that help?”

“Doesn’t change the fact that I called it,” Cattie said and then rolled her eyes. “Jesus, Robbie. How did I put up with her? It’s like everything she does is just awful. How did I have my head stuck so damn deep in the sand?”

“Shhh,” I hushed her softly. “Remember that all of this, the worst of all of it going on? She’s been spiralling. I don’t know if she’d consider this rock bottom or not yet, but she’s on her way. She wasn’t always like this, and at one point you saw good things in her. Not that I want to sing her praises or anything, but she must have some. She wasn’t this awful when you first introduced Cass and I to her at that Con. She had some sort of change, and you were growing apart and tried to protect a relationship that only one of you was actually working for. That’s it.”

She ran her hand up and down my back and sighed. “Can I be honest?” she asked.

“Always,” I said with a little frown.

She turned to look at me fully. “I think this is real, but I need you to tell me again,” she said. “Because I’m going to work for it harder than I ever worked to make it last with Heather, Robbie. I plan on this being a forever thing.”

I pivoted and wrapped her up in my arms, burying my face into her hair on the side of her head as I squeezed her tightly. “Me too,” I admitted. “Now that I have you, I never want to lose you, baby.”

“Thank you,” she whispered as she clung to me.

“OK, what’s going on?” Cassidy asked as she came over to us. “This doesn’t look like a party to me.”

Cattie and I separated and Cassidy’s teasing expression immediately changed as she saw the look on Cattie’s face. My fiancee quickly hugged her best friend. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Cattie said, grinning at me over Cassidy’s shoulder. “Nothing at all. I just really love him.”

Cassidy broke into a relieved grin as well. “He loves you too,” she said. “So much.” Then she pulled back and pressed her forehead to Cattie’s as she looked deep into her eyes. “And I love you too, bestie.”

“I know,” Cattie smiled, and that smile turned into a smirk. “And I think we should show Robbie just how much we love him.”

I quickly got pulled into the dance area again and ended up with Cattie bouncing her ass against my crotch and Cassidy laughing as she danced up on me from behind. The dancing continued, and I had several repeat dances with the other girls I was involved with until I found my hand getting nabbed by Becca and pulled from the dancing group.

“What’s up, sugar?” I asked as she led me towards the back of the boat.

“A surprise,” she said simply with a grin.

Becca’s backless dress left a delicious display of her smooth skin for me to follow and she led me by the hand past Zenya, Heels and Leia sitting with their fit in the illuminated hot tub. Zenya put out a hand as I passed and I caught it and gave it a kiss on her palm, then winked at Leia and blew her an air kiss as well. Beyond them, I realised that JC was sitting in one of the deck chairs and Ginnie was straddling his lap and making out with him. That raised my eyebrows, but it was definitely within the rules of JC and Terra’s relationship and I had definitely danced with Terra a couple of times since the Heather confrontation.

Becca led me all the way to the stairs and down them until we reached the back porch. I couldn’t help myself at that point and I tugged on her hand, pulling her back to me and wrapping my arms around her as I enveloped her and lost myself in her lips. She hummed happily, meeting my passion with her own, and I groaned as my hands slid across her bare back. Had it really only been a couple of hours since our date with Cassidy out in the desert?

“God, I want you again, Becca,” I groaned softly as I raised my hands and swept her silky, silver-blonde hair out of her face.

“Me too, Tiger,” she smiled. “But like I said, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“I don’t know what you could surprise me with after this week,” I chuckled. “Unless you’ve had Scarlet Johannsson or Margot Robbie stuffed into a piece of luggage all week, but that would raise all sorts of other questions.”

“So those are your celebrity crushes, hmm?” Becca asked, her eyes twinkling as she grinned at me. We hadn’t moved and she was looking up at me with an amused look on her face.

“Just a couple that came to mind first,” I said. “And I don’t think my heart or my balls could handle crushing on someone for real when I’m overloaded with love.”

“That was a little awkwardly worded, but I’ll take it,” she chuckled. “And no, I don’t have a kidnapped celebrity waiting in your room. Now, can we continue or do you need to kiss me some more?”

“Yes,” I said and kissed her again. She laughed against my lips and pushed me back, shooting me a little look with her eyebrow raised, and I acceded to be led into the boat.

Becca brought me through the living area and into the kitchen, stopping to grab three water bottles from the fridge on the way, then led me through to the Couples Boat and into the room I was now sharing with Cass, Cattie and Wanda. No one was in there though, which had me giving Becca a look.

“Was someone supposed to jump out and say boo?” I asked.

“No,” she smirked. Then she closed the door and turned to me, pressing her back against it as she gave me a hungry look. She raised her hand, showing me she had her phone, and she typed something quickly and then set it down on one of the pieces of luggage near the door.

“Did you just detonate a bomb somewhere?”

She rolled her eyes as she came to me. “No, Mr Creative,” she said with a smile. Her hands found my belt and immediately started undoing it. “That was me letting the girls know that the game has started. Now get your pants off, baby. I’ve only got five minutes to blow you before the next one of the girls comes down to take her turn.”

“What?” I asked in surprise.

“It’s Cock Roulette, darling,” Becca said as she went to her knees as my pants and briefs dropped. She took my cock in hand, smiling as it was already chubbing up. “Now sit and let me show you how much I appreciate you.”

Chapter 291

“Oh, fuck, Becca,” I groaned.

She'd positioned herself right between my knees, kneeling on the floor of the cabin. I hadn’t even had a chance to take my shirt off, though I’d managed to shrug out of my blazer, and I was rock hard as Becca grinned up at me and jacked off my cock. She stopped, holding it at the base, and dragged her tongue up the underside without taking her eyes from mine.

“You turn me on so much, Tiger,” she said, starting to slowly stroke me again. “God, even six months ago, I never could have imagined being in a relationship, let alone feeling like I’m addicted to a cock. My pussy is absolutely vibrating.” She leaned in and took the head of my cock between her lips, humming as she slurped away at it.

I grunted, breathing deeply as I ran my fingers through her silky smooth hair.

Five minutes wasn’t a lot of time, and I wanted to enjoy every second with her.

“You aren’t the only one, sugar,” I said. I still wasn’t fully settled on that being my nickname for her, but it was the only one we’d both agreed on so far. And God I want her like I wanted sugar. “You are so fucking beautiful, baby. I’m the luckiest man in the fucking world.”

“You so are,” Becca smirked a little as she pulled her lips from my cock and started licking the shaft like it was a popsicle. “I just want you to know I’ve been doing more thinking, and I need to talk to the others about my plan. Because I can’t be long-distance with you. I need you in my life.”

“I can’t wait,” I groaned.

She took me in her mouth again, and I closed my eyes for a moment just enjoying the feeling of her lips and tongue as they danced across my glans and teased me mercilessly.

Then a knock at the cabin door interrupted us.

“Damn,” Becca sighed, letting go of my cock and standing up. She chuckled at the look I gave her at being abandoned, and she leaned over me to kiss me sweetly. “Don’t worry, Tiger. It’s cock roulette. You won’t be alone for long at all.”

“I love you,” I told her.

“Love you too,” she said with a grin, then she pecked my lips again and went to the door, taking her phone with her. “All yours, have fun,” she said as she exited.

Cattie stepped in, smiling over her shoulder. “I will, thanks,” she said. Then she closed the door and grinned at me. She kicked off her heels and came to me, lowering herself to her knees in between my legs and looking down demurely. “May I service you majestic cock, master?” she asked huskily.

My raven-haired girlfriend was a fucking sight. Her pale skin against her black hair. Her smokey eyeshadow, red painted lips. And that blood-red dress, hugging her in all the right places and lifting her tits into an amazing cleavage. I groaned as I leaned forward and took her chin in my hand, raising it so I could kiss her hard. “How would you like me to use your mouth, Catherine?” I asked her. “Do you want to leave her looking like the classy lady you are, or should your makeup be running like the slut you are for me?”

“Whichever you wish, Master,” she said with a small smile, meeting my eyes.

“I wish for you to service me, Catherine,” I said. “And you may do so in a way that pleases you this time.”

“Thank you, Master,” she said.

Her thin fingers wrapped around my shaft and I groaned as she began stroking me and went immediately to suck on my balls. She bathed them with her tongue, looking up at me with hooded eyes around my cock as she did it. Just the look in her eye told me that I’d said the right things. Being Cattie’s Dom was going to take some work and growth on my part - rough sex was one thing, but I knew being Dominant in the way that she wanted would take a lot more work.

Work I would be happy to put in for her.

She moved on from my balls and kissed her way up my shaft, and soon she had the head of my cock between her lips as she cradled my sack with her hand. Cattie blew me slow and sensuous, her tongue sliding over my cock with a measured, teasing pace that sent thrills up my spine. Unlike with Becca, we didn’t say anything. There was a time for dirty talk, and this didn’t feel like it. Her eyes were saying everything I needed to know.

Cattie wasn’t just blowing me. She was worshipping my cock. She was pouring her love and lust for me into this, and at the same time she was letting go of the weights she’d had on her shoulders, and healing the scars Heather had left. Bit by bit.

She came off of my cock with a gasp, and then took me in her mouth again and started to push lower, the head processing at the back of her mouth and throat. She looked up at me, only a couple of inches left between her lips and the root of my dick, and silently asked me to push her. So I did what I asked, bundling her thick dark hair up at the back of her head and pulling her down onto me.

Cattie swallowed my cockhead into her throat and I groaned hard.

A knock at the door interrupted us, and I groaned in frustration as Cattie reached up to ask me to let go of her hair. She pulled away, a thick strand of spittle connecting her lower lip to my cock for a moment before it snapped.

“I hope that was satis-”

“Oh, shut up, baby,” I said, sliding my hands under her armpits and pulling her up to kiss me. “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too, Master,” she said, then kissed me a little softer. “Boyfriend.”

She stood from my grip and winked at me before going and picking up her heels from where she’d kicked them off, then looked over her shoulder at me one more time.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” I said.

“Thanks, Tiger,” she said and bit her lip happily. Then she went to the door. “Hey,” she said. “He’s nice and warmed up. Have fun!”

Zenya traded places with her, coming into the room. “I plan on it,” she grinned, hugging Cattie before closing the door and turning to me.

“You’re in on this too?” I asked with a smile.

“In on it?” Zenya asked as she raised an eyebrow and took off her gold heels. “Robbie, hon, it was my idea. I told you I’d figure out a way to get a little more time with you.”

“Well, five minutes doesn’t seem like enough,” I said.

Zenya teased her tongue between her front teeth for a moment as she smiled and came over to me. Instead of getting on her knees she got up on the bed and gestured for me to slide back until I was laying on my back. “Who said there was only one round?” she asked with a smirk. “Honestly, Robbie. I’ve kind of got a dirty mind and I can come up with some fun stuff.”

“I believe you,” I chuckled.

Then Zenya pulled down the shoulder straps of her golden, shimmering dress and pulled the bust down so that her wonderfully full tits spilt out. “Now feel free to tease me all you want, Tiger,” she said. “While I do the same with this fantastic cock, OK? I may not be decided on what we could be, but I know I want to hoover this fucker until your toes are curling.”

She dipped down to take my in her mouth, and I had the presence of mind to get a hand on one of her hanging tits before I moaned deep in my chest.

Chapter 292

“Fuck, Robbie,” Zenya groaned as she sat up, wiping her mouth with the back of one arm. “Maybe you were right, five minutes wasn’t long enough.”

That made me laugh. I’d only been able to reach one of her breasts as she blew me, kneeling on the bed next to me, so the nipple on that side of her chest was flushed and firm from the teasing while the other was still more normal. “We’ve always got round two I guess,” I sighed.

She came down to kiss me softly, and I could feel her smile on her lips. “That we do,” she said.

“Hold on one second,” I said as she went to pull away, and I craned my neck down and got my lips around her nipple that hadn’t gotten any attention. She groaned as I sucked and tongued it quickly.

A second knock interrupted us again.

“Enough,” she laughed, pulling away and quickly getting her tits back in her dress. “See you soon, OK?”

“Can’t wait,” I said. Then I caught her hand as she went to get off the bed. “Seriously, Zee. I can’t. I want you bad.”

Her cheeks flushed a little as she grinned, and then she headed for the door. She looked back at me with that big smile and winked, not unlike Cattie had, and then opened the door. “Sorry,” she said. “He got a little handsy there at the end.”

“Well, I would hope so,” Terra laughed as she entered right after Zenya stepped out. She closed the door and turned to me, licking her upper lip.

“You too?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “I know-”

“Shut up, dude,” Terra said. Then she surprised me by unzipping her dress on the side, right under her arm, and let the whole thing fall to the cabin floor. Now she was only wearing a black thong, a little silver pendant and silver earrings. She jumped onto the bed and crawled up me until she was kissing me, pulling my hands to her tiny tits.

We both groaned happily at the same time, which made us stop kissing and start giggling a little.

“Ginnie asked if it was OK if she hooked up with JC,” Terra told me quietly, laying next to me as her hand snaked down and took hold of my cock. “I said absolutely, and said she could do anything she wanted and I wouldn’t be mad. I also asked her to let me know if fucked her, or if they just did oral or anal. It might not be super fair, but the last piece of my decision-making is definitely tied up in knowing if he’ll jump on a sure thing or not.”

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, which made it tough for Terra to keep jerking me off. “It’s tricksy, but I understand why you need to know that,” I said.

“Thanks,” she said, then smirked a little. “Now, get that shirt off. I want you naked, Tiger.”

She waited for me to strip off my shirt before kissing me again, and then sliding her tight little body down mine with her nipples dragging against my torso until she was lying between my legs and started teasingly nibbling on the base of my cock.

Terra hadn’t lost any of her energy though and soon she was kneeling up, working the head of my cock with her small mouth. She still couldn’t take much of me there, but she wrapped both of her hands around my cock and twisted them lightly in opposite directions, working me like a- I couldn’t even think of a comparison. Then she started jerking me with one hand as she pulled her mouth away and looked up at me naughtily as she let a big glob of spit drool from between her lips and drizzle over my cock.

She grinned as I moaned, jerking me fast, but I wanted more. I sat up and grabbed her, hauling her around and manhandling her until I had her on top of me in a sixty-nine. Terra laughed and grunted as she settled on top of me, pressing her body down on mine. I noticed the distinct silver of a buttplug wedged between her cheeks. “This is supposed to just be blowjobs,” she said. “You can’t eat me, it’s against the rules.”

“Fine,” I grunted and gave her perfect, athletically toned butt a spank. “I’ll just look.” I pulled her thong aside and she giggled against my cock, wiggling her hips. I gave her another spank on the other cheek, and then ran my fingers stiffly down both buttcheeks before setting my hands on her calves on either side of me and massaging them.

Terra made love to my cock with her kisses and licks and fingers while I did what I could without breaking the girls' rules.

All too soon there was a knock on the door, and Terra sat up, letting go of my cock. This put her ass right on my chest.

“Your turn is over?” I asked.

“Yeah, obvio-” she yelped as I grabbed her by her hips and pulled her back, getting my lips on her pussy and giving her a long moment of tongue lashing. She moaned and gasped, her hands bracing on my hips as she leaned forward but didn’t pull away.

I heard the door open. “Well, well, well,” Cassidy said as she entered, though I couldn’t see her. “Having fun?”

“He started after my turn ended?” Terra mumbled, only semi-convincingly.

“That’s OK,” Cassidy chuckled. I heard her moving around the room but kept Terra’s hips pulled down and continued eating her out. I felt Cassidy getting up on the bed, and then she was lying next to me. “Hey, Tiger,” she said with a grin.

“Hey, baby,” I said, then trailed my tongue from Terra’s clit, through her pussy lips, over her perineum and wedged it under the lip of the silver buttplug in Terra’s ass.

“You need to let her go now, but I promise she’ll be back,” Cassidy said with a smile. “The others will complain if she doesn’t show back up at the party.”

“Fine,” I sighed, letting go of Terra and giving one of her buttcheeks a kiss.

“I will definitely be back,” Terra grinned a little messily as she turned back around on the bed and kissed me on the cheek.

“Oh, kiss him properly,” Cassidy scolded her.

Terra rolled her eyes but smiled and kissed me on the lips in a sweet little kiss.

“I said properly, bitch,” Cassidy laughed.

Terra deepened the kiss until our tongues were battling for a moment before finally pulling away. “Happy?” she asked.

“Only as long as you keep kissing him like that,” Cassidy said and winked at her friend.

“I don’t think I could stop,” Terra smirked. Then she crawled down the bed and hopped down. Cassidy shifted over and lay next to me, taking my cock in her hands and slowly stroking me as we watched Terra pull her dress up and quickly zip it back up. “Alright, do I look like I just got eaten out?” she asked us.

“You look perfect, babe,” Cassidy said.

“Stunning,” I agreed.

“Thanks,” Terra grinned. Then she stuck out her tongue. “See you soon, dude.”

“Love you,” I called as she went to the door.

“Love you too,” she said with a little smile before leaving and pulling it shut.

“Love you, dude,” Cassidy said teasingly in my ear.

“It only sounds right from her, Cass,” I chuckled.

“Fair,” Cassidy chuckled, still slowly stroking me. “Having fun, Tiger?”

“Lots,” I said. “You?”

“The looks on their faces when they come back up to the party is priceless,” Cassidy said. “You make them all so happy. How close are you?”

“All the interruptions, and the orgasms earlier, are keeping me fairly stable,” I said.

“Good,” Cassidy grinned. “Then I can have some fun.” She sat up and let her silver dress slide down her body, baring her breasts to me. Then she pressed her chest down to mine and started making out with me as she stroked my cock a little faster, her tits pressing against me.

For all that I’d enjoyed every moment of Cock Roulette so far, this felt the most familiar. The most comfortable.

“God, I love you, wifey,” I groaned in between kisses.

“I love you too, hubby,” Cassidy said, then licked my lips playfully. “Now kiss me.”

Chapter 293

Cassidy got dressed before going to the door and letting in Ami. She hugged the tall Asian girl tightly, then looked up into her eyes. “You’re sure you’re comfortable playing the game, hon?”

Ami smiled sweetly and nodded, pulling Cass into another hug. “I’m sure. Thank you so much for checking though. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome,” Cassidy said, then pulled away with an impish grin. “You are so good for him, Ami. Have fun.”

“Thanks,” Ami said.

Cass left and closed the door behind her.

“Fancy meeting you here, cutie,” I said, sitting up and moving to sit on the edge of the bed again. “Sorry I’m not exactly in a romantic outfit right now.”

Ami chuckled and smiled, coming over to me and hesitating a moment before sitting right on my lap, looping her arms around my neck. “I knew what I would probably be walking into, Robbie,” she said. Then she leaned in to kiss me, and I had to hope that Cass had kissed the taste of Terra off of me. That thankfully seemed to be the case, and I was able to hum happily as the kiss deepened. Ami’s lips in particular were just so plush and fun to kiss.

After the kiss extended a little, Ami pulled back and looked at me a little shyly. “Have you been having fun so far?”

“I have,” I said. “And I’m happy to just kiss, or-”

“Shh,” she shushed me, shaking her head a little. She had her hair up in a bun at the back of her hair, exposing her elegant neck. “I want to play, too,” she said. “I just wanted to kiss you first.”

“OK,” I said with a grin. “How do you want me?”

“Just like this,” Ami said and slid down from my lap to her knees. She spread my legs and leaned in, teasing me with a couple of licks before moving into a slow blowjob. The pleasure was as smooth as breathing, and I couldn't help but mumble little nothings to her as I enjoyed what she was giving me. After a few minutes of looking down at her I couldn’t help myself and I urged her to back off, I leaned down to kiss her neck and shoulder as she played with my cock in her hands and giggled lightly at the feeling of my lips on her skin.

The knock came, and we both sighed, and then our gazes met and we both smiled warmly.

“Are you going to keep playing?” I asked.

Ami nodded. “I’ll see you in about forty minutes.”

“OK,” I said, offering her a hand to help her stand and kissing the back of it before she went to the door.

Ami left and hugged Leia in the doorway before gesturing her in.

“Hey, Sunshine,” I said, standing up and going to her this time. I leaned down to kiss her and picked her up by the waist, bringing her to the bed and laying us both down. Her hat fell to the floor, and we flopped down onto our sides as we kept kissing.

“Hello yourself, Tiger,” Leia said with a grin as our lips parted.

“I have to ask, baby. I love the look, but what inspired it?”

She shrugged. “I have a little goth in me sometimes. It’s fun to be spooky and striking. You really like it?”

I nodded and played with the hair of the wig. “You’re just full of surprises. And spooky suits you just as well as bright and lovable.”

She kissed me again with a smile on her lips, then pulled back. “Just so you know, now that I have you, I wasn’t joking about coming up with things like a fun Star Wars-themed roleplay. I can’t fuck you in my armour costumes, but I definitely want to fool around and play pretend.”

“Cass and I have been known to dabble,” I chuckled.

“Good,” Leia grinned. “Now roll over so I can get at that beautiful pillar of a cock.”

Leia’s blowjobs didn’t have the full confidence that some of the others did, but what they lacked in experienced skill they made up for in eagerness. She had me groaning fast and went at me with a familiarity built from our other sessions together.

When the knock came, Leia had me needing to seriously breath and concentrate so I didn’t start up the hill that would lead to an eruption. Usually, I wouldn’t have held back, but ‘Round Two’ sounded promising.

Leia sat up and grinned, knowing she’d been getting to me. She kissed me with her black-painted lips again and stood up, wiggling her hips teasingly as she looked over her shoulder at me. On the way to the door, she scooped up her hat and put it on her head at a jaunty angle, then turned and looked back at me.

“Something wrong, Sunshine?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I just wanted to remember this,” she said. “It’s definitely the wildest, kinkiest thing I’ve ever done. More than the threesome with you and Cass, or the erotica reading with Ami. I’m participating in a sex game with a guy I’m-”

She cut off.

“It’s OK,” I said. “I know. Not yet.”

“Thanks,” she flushed. She opened the door before I could say anything else and stepped out. “Mmm,” she hummed from the hallway, then peeked her head back inside. “Surprise, Tiger.”

I raised an eyebrow but she pulled back, and Heels walked in.

My other eyebrow raised as well.

“Hey,” Heels said, closing the door behind her. “So, just so you know, we aren’t falling in love and this isn’t me auditioning to be in your little cult of women who fawn over you, yeah? I’m just here ‘cause I could use a good dick and you’re getting five-star reviews.”

“Um, OK,” I said. “If that’s what you want.”

Heels nodded, then came towards me. She was wearing a black dress that matched her dark, wavy black hair and thick eyebrows. It left her shoulders bare, and the collar and swag arms were a black, frilly lace. It showed off enough cleavage to be sexy while remaining classy, and the bottom was a dark cascade of black fabric that made something of a poof down to her mid-thigh without being poofy. She accessorised with a black ribbon choker with a gold medallion, and two big gold crosses for earrings with little black gems in them. For some reason the look didn’t look gothic with her warm-hued complexion compared to if Leia or Cattie would have worn it.

She got on her knees in front of me, pursing her lips as she looked over my very hard cock.

“Have I mentioned that you look very pretty tonight?” I asked. “Sort of dark lolita meets femme fatale.”

“You didn’t, but I know,” she said confidently. She grasped my cock in one hand and gave me a slow stroke. “Here’s the deal. That conversation near the start of the trip? I really do like a good facial. So by my count, you’ve gotten blown by seven women before me and unless you have stamina like a fucking boulder you should be close. Just tell me when you’re going to come, and then paint my face, OK?”

“Alright,” I said.

Heels played her tongue around the head of my cock and then took me into her mouth, sucking hard and jacking off the bottom half with her fist.

“Fuck, Baheela,” I groaned.

“What did you call me?” she asked, coming off of my cock.

“Your… name?” I said, confused.

“No one ever uses my full name once they start calling me Heels,” she said. “Call me Baheela some more.” Then she took my cock into her mouth again.

“That’s it, Baheela,” I said, breathing deeply. “God, you were right, I’m already pretty close. You can definitely get me there, beautiful. But you’ve only got like four minutes to do it now.”

She flicked her eyes up to meet mine, accepting the challenge.

Chapter 294

“Yeeeah, Baheela,” I groaned. “God, here it comes.”

“Do it,” Heels panted, sticking out her tongue with a little smirk curling the corner of her lips. “Come all over my face. Fire that big dick off and cover me.”

I had taken over stroking myself as I stood over her, the head of my cock bouncing off of Heels’ tongue as I jacked off and felt the last bubbling rise of the pressure before I groaned and released. The first shot hit her right cheek and trailed into her mouth, and the next one crossed her nose from left to right, catching on her fake lashes. Two more spurts covered her cheeks and lips, and the last one fell onto her tongue and chin. She was laughing and panting happily as I came, while I groaned long and quiet in my throat as I felt the relief of orgasmic bliss.

“Fuuuck,” I sighed, sitting back down on the bed.

“Hmmm, hmm, hmm,” Heels hummed her laughter, then turned and grabbed her phone from where she’d put it down on the floor, shoving it into my hands. “Take a picture.”

I got the camera app open and took a few photos of her grinning and covered in my cum. The pearly white load across her warm brown Pakistani complexion was sexy and filthy and lewd and all sorts of things. When I was done I handed her back that phone and she grinned while she reviewed them.

“Damn, Robbie,” she said. “Well, now I see what all the fuss was about. Perfectly sized dick, big load, and you can take a photo.” She looked up at me. “Still, no falling in love with me.”

“Got it,” I said, giving her a thumbs up.

A knock at the door announced the end of her time.

“Do you need to clean up?” I asked, gesturing to the washroom.

“I’ll handle it over in my room,” she said and stood up.

“Well… thanks,” I said.

“Thank you,” she replied, wiggling her phone. “A couple of those pictures covers like four days of content releases for me. Simps always love seeing my face covered in cum for some reason.”

“Well, you do look pretty like that,” I said, making her chuckle.

Heels went to the door and opened it boldly. “I’m a winner,” she said.

“Hah, nice,” Wanda said. “Did I tell you or what?”

“OK, yes, I admit it. You were right,” Heels answered somewhat cryptically, though I could guess at what Wanda had told her. “Now I need to get this off of me before it drips on my dress or my hair gets in it.”

“Go,” Wanda said with a grin, motioning her friend on and then coming into the cabin. “Hey, Tiger.”

“Hey, gorgeous,” I said and took a big breath. “Fuck, sorry. I’m still a little lightheaded.” Wanda grinned and came over to me, but I stopped her from sitting. “Do a spin for me, babe,” I said. “You make that dress look so good.”

Wanda spun for me slowly, smiling as she did it, and then sat next to me and cupped my cheek with a hand to pull me into a kiss. It was sweet and didn’t include any tongue, but I could feel her want in it.

“Are you playing the game, or are we keeping boundaries?” I asked. “Because even if I hadn’t just popped, I’d be happy to just snuggle up with you.”

She smiled and shook her head. “There is no way I’m not playing,” she said. “I love you too much not to. Honestly, Robbie, I don’t know if it’s possible but I might be even more in lust with you than love, and I love you a hell of a lot.”

“I’m in pretty big lust with you too,” I said, leaning forward and teasing her by almost kissing her but holding back just a fraction. “But are you sure?”

“This fun isn’t about being in a relationship, this is a sex game,” Wanda said.

“Wanda,” I said, changing my tone to more serious. “Are you sure?”

She met my eye and nodded. “I’m sure.”

“Then I really wish I knew how to get you out of this dress,” I said.

She laughed and shook her head. “Not a chance, Tiger. This is Cock Roulette. If I take this dress off I won’t stop at a blowjob. Now lean back, I want to show you how much lust I really feel for you as I suck you hard again.”

Wanda had me groaning quickly, and within a couple of minutes I was getting hard again, and then she was working with my fully hard tool. She took her mouth off of me and leaned up, jerking me with one hand as she kissed me. “There,” she said. “Nice and hard and ready for round two.”

“Are we there already?” I asked.

She snorted. “How many women have blown you, and how many are left on this trip?”

“Um,” I had to do the mental math quickly. “Nine, including you. That leaves Ginnie, Sherry and Heather. Oh- Well, I guess if Terra is right and Ginnie is hooking up with JC, that is everyone.”

“Nine women,” Wanda said with a little smirk, still stroking me. “You do realise that’s a ridiculous number, right?”

“Of course I do,” I said, raising a hand to cup her jaw and run a thumb across her cute as hell apple cheek. “But I’m only in love with seven of them, does that help?”

Wanda snorted again and rolled her eyes. “Hardly,” she said. “Other than Heels, who else isn’t on the Love List?”

“Zenya,” I said. “Though that could change in an instant if she wants to pursue something.”

Wanda shook her head. “It’s a little insane that I’m leaving my cuckold husband to be in a polygamous relationship. Talk about frying pans and fires, or pots and kettles.”

I kissed her softly. “It’s different because everything is in the open.”

“I know,” she said softly. She kissed me again. “I love you, Robbie. And I can’t wait to make it official.”

“Me neither,” I said.

A knock at the door had us both glancing at it.

“Round two?” I asked.

“Mhmm,” Wanda smiled. Then she raised her voice a little. “Come in.”

Becca opened the door and entered, smiling as she saw Wanda with her hand still on my hard cock, slowly stroking me. “So, having fun with Cock Roulette still, darling?” she asked me.

“It’s been a wild ride,” I said.

“Heels got a load out of him,” Wanda said, letting go of me and standing up. “But I got him nice and ready for you, babe.”

“Thanks, hon,” Becca said and hugged her old friend, kissing her on the cheek.

“So what’s round two?” I asked.

Wanda smirked broadly and shook her head, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

“Round two, my handsome, rugged, hung lover,” Becca said as she slipped the shoulder straps of her little black dress off and let it fall down her hips and slide to the floor. “Is anything goes.”

Chapter 295

“Oh, fuck, Robbie,” Becca moaned.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was clinging to me as she straddled my lap. My hands were on her ass, helping her raise and lower herself as she fucked me and breathed sexy little things into my ear.

“Becca,” I groaned, tilting my head to find and catch her lips with yours in a steamy kiss.

“Fuck, darling,” she whispered. “God you fill me up perfectly.”

I brought my lips lower to nibble on the side of her neck as she tossed her hair to one side. She was warm and delicious and-


“Fuck,” she grunted, then laughed a little. “Fuck, five minutes was not enough time.”

I caught her lips in another kiss before she dismounted from me and we both blew out long breaths. “I can’t let that be the last time this trip, sugar,” I said.

“I know what you mean,” she said, bringing a hand down and running a finger through her pussy lips. “But it might be. Just know that I’m deep in it with you now, Robbie. And I promise I have a plan.”

“I can’t wait to hear it,” I said.

Becca picked her dress up off the floor and slipped it on, then found her thong and carried it to the door with her. She opened it and took Cattie’s hand, pulling her in. “Use every second,” Becca told my other girlfriend. “Five minutes is shorter than you think.”

“Thanks for the tip,” Cattie said with a smile, then turned to me while Becca was still slipping on her thong in the doorway before leaving. Cattie immediately came to me and turned around. “Help me out of this, Tiger.”

It took me about twenty seconds to help her unbutton and zip the dress, and she peeled herself out of the corset top and then quickly shucked off her panties. “How would you-” she started, but I grabbed her and spun her around, picking her up a little to put her on her hands and knees on the bed.

“I want every part of you, Catherine,” I grunted as I lined my cock up with her pussy and teased my way inside. “But we don’t have the time tonight.”

“Fuck me, Master,” she moaned with a big grin, tossing her hair wildly and looking at me over her shoulder.

I fucked her fast and hard, her ass clapping against my hips. After a bit she sat up straight, pressing her back to my chest as I kept thrusting, and she pulled my hands to her bouncing tits. I mauled them and found her nipples, tweaking softly.

We were both panting and fucking at each other, completely lost in the rhythm and the feel, when the next knock came at the door.

“Fuck!” Cattie groaned. She fell forward, my cock pulling from her as I groaned in frustration. “God, that’s such a tease,” she panted.

I flipped her over and leaned over her, kissing her roughly and then pressing my forehead to hers. “We’ll have time together when you come back to Vegas with Cass and I, and I plan on using every minute.”

“I can’t wait,” she said, then pecked my lips.

She didn’t bother putting the dress back on. Instead, she grabbed a pair of her sweatpants and one of my sweaters. “You don’t mind, right?” she asked.

“Of course not,” I said, thinking that I was about to need to double my wardrobe if all of my girlfriends wanted to borrow my clothes at any given time.

“The party is still going on up there, but Heather took Sherry down to their room,” Cattie said and made a face. “And JC got seduced by Ginnie. That means it’s just us girls in the game, so it won’t look weird if I come up like this.”

“OK, babe,” I said, hugging her once she was dressed. I kissed her cheek and escorted her to the door.

Cattie stepped out and laughed as Zenya gave a big ‘Whoop!’ as I pulled her inside.

“God, I want you,” I growled as I had the curvier redhead in my arms.

“Mmm, I want you to,” she said.

I didn’t even strip her naked. Standing right there in the open space of the cabin I lifted the bottom of Zenya’s pretty gold dress and yanked down her thong. I lifted her leg by the thigh and she realised what I was doing and helped hold it up as I fished my cock at her pussy and found her entrance.

We both moaned as I pushed into her standing up, and she hooked that raised leg around me as I began to thrust.

“Fuck, Robbie,” she gasped. “Fuck me like an animal. God, that’s good. Fuck! You’re fucking me so good already.”

I kissed her roughly, one hand firmly on the small of her back to keep her steady while my other hand wove my fingers through her hair. Then I dropped that hand to her chest, mashing her breast. She quickly wriggled her shoulder straps down and pulled her tits out, and I leaned my head down to kiss and lick at her breasts as she arched her back to push them up to me.

It might have been the most conducive position for fucking, but it felt raw and real. I was taking her, and she was thrilled to be taken. Still, I wanted more, and I brought both my hands back to her meaty ass and picked her up fully. She gasped and wrapped both legs around me now, humping me as I held her up. I turned and walked us to the bed, laying her down and fucking her in missionary position with a lot more leverage.

I was just starting to hit a solid rhythm when the knock came.

“Fuck!” Zenya grunted loudly. “Go away!”

“Fuck you, it’s my turn,” Terra called from the hallway, and I could hear the giggle in her voice.

“I don’t want to stop,” Zenya gasped as I drove deep into her in one final thrust and then slowly pulled out.

“I don’t either,” I said.

“I don’t know if we can make this happen again though,” she sighed. “There’s a lot to get done tomorrow.”

“Tell me this at least,” I said. “No matter what else you might decide, when we’re at the same Con, are you open to seeing me again?”

“Fuck yes,” she said. She slowly sat up and started to adjust her dress to cover herself.

“And just so I know since it might be relevant, are you open to playing with the others?”

She stood up, straightening out the bottom of her dress and now looking fully put together, and then kissed me. “I’m bisexual,” she said. “I only really date guys, but ladies are awesome. I’m down for threesomes, foursomes, however many girlfriends want to be involved. Kay?”

“Can’t wait,” I said. Then I held her hips for one last moment. “But, to be clear, because I’ve been told I need to be very clear about this with you, I want you and I could see myself falling for you, OK?”

“I hear you,” she said with a softer smile, patting my chest with both hands. “And I could see that for me too. I just need to figure out if the rest of it is what I want.”

“OK,” I said and gave her one last little peck on the lips.

Zenya stooped and picked up her thong, pressing it into my hand. “That, you can keep,” she said with a smirk. “I know you aren’t the kind of guy who would keep trophies, but you earned it.”

I chuckled and stowed it in one of the drawers that I'd put my clothes in as she left, and Terra came in.

Chapter 296

“Are you sure?” I asked. “You’ll be feeling this tomorrow.”

“Get your cock in my ass, dude!” Terra demanded.

I pushed in and she hiccuped.

Terra had pulled the buttplug out right after she’d gotten naked, which had taken about five seconds tops. Then she’d planted her hands against the wall of the cabin, pushed her ass back at me, and demanded I fuck her butt again.

“God, fuck!” Terra groaned and my cock pushed into her tight little ass.

This time the lube had already been handy, and I’d quickly covered my cock in it. Terra’s ass was already lubed, as she’d been preparing for this for at least the evening, if not longer.

“Fucking hell, little elf,” I groaned. I slid my hands up her tight, muscled sides as I pulled out of her a little and then pushed deeper. “God, you feel amazing.”

“Don’t stop,” she groaned. “Don’t fucking stop. Fuck my ass, Robbie.”

“I’m fucking it,” I grunted, pushing deeper. My mind floated to the sweaty, energetic sex we’d had before. It had been intense, and hot as hell, and I wanted to do that again. I wanted to be bestial and fuck her until our sweat was dripping on each other.

The time limit wasn’t going to let that happen.

“I want to feel it when I’m on the plane tomorrow,” she grunted. “I want to remember this feeling so fuckin’ bad, dude. I don’t ever want to forget what your cock feels like in me.”

“You won’t,” I grunted. “Fuck, Terra! God.” I pushed deeper and then started stroking. She didn’t have all of me, but it was over half. “I can’t give you up. I can’t. I need you.”

“I need you,” she moaned, hanging her head as she pushed her ass back to meet my gentle thrusting. “Fuuuuck. We’ll find a time. I’ll fucking fly to you and Cassidy in Vegas. I don’t care. Whatever else, this isn’t the last time.”

“No chance, honey,” I groaned. I could feel my orgasm slowly rearing up. “Fuck, I love you.”

“Fuck, I fucking love you too,” she laughed a little deliriously. “Now fuck me, dude. Fuck me hard.”

Her ass was tight, and her cheeks were firm and flexing as I gripped them and started to thrust harder. We both gulped at that, and I was just sucking in a breath when the knock came.

“Noooo,” Terra whined. “Cass, can I please have more time?”

“Would another minute really help?” Cassidy asked back from out in the hallway.

“Fuck, whose fucking idea was five minutes?” Terra grunted as I carefully pulled out of her.

“No comment,” I exhaled as I staggered back from her.

“Well, I’m definitely going to feel it like I asked, even if I’m not satisfied,” Terra sighed, feeling at her ass as she turned to you. She quickly climbed onto the bed and hooked her arms around me to pull me into a hard kiss. “I meant what I said.”

“I know. I did too,” I replied, holding her buttcheeks.

Terra got down and picked up her dress, not bothering to put it on as she went to the door. “His cock has my ass on it,” she told Cassidy. “You’ll probably want to wipe it down. Sorry.”

“It’s alright, babe,” Cassidy laughed lightly. “Sorry to cut you off.”

“No you’re not,” Terra chuckled.

“No, I am,” Cassidy assured her. “For real. I don’t actually want to stop you.”

“It’s OK,” Terra said, shifting her dress to one hand so she could squeeze my fiancee’s hand. “Now take your turn, you lucky bitch.”

Cassidy came to me as Terra crossed the hall, going to get dressed in her room.

“Want me to suck her ass taste off of you?” Cassidy asked with a naughty smirk.

“No,” I said. “Not unless we were in an actual threesome and it was the heat of the moment.”

“Have I mentioned that I love you?” Cassidy grinned.

I quickly went into the washroom and wiped my cock down before coming back out and finding Cassidy, naked, on the bed. She patted it. “Come here, Tiger.” I ended up lying next to her, surprised I wasn’t already inside of her since I knew she would be horny as hell with everything that was going on.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“What’s up is that I get you all the time, and I don’t want to take the chance of stealing an orgasm from someone else,” Cassidy said. “And I have an extra little surprise to go with this whole thing.”

“I don’t know if I can handle more surprises,” I chuckled.

“This is only a little one,” Cassidy said. “Now lay back.” I did as she instructed, and she quickly put some of the lube on her hand and started stroking me with slow hand movements. Then, with her other hand, she thumbed open her phone and manipulated something. “Ready?” she asked me.

“Sure,” I said.

“Well, I’ve been talking to your more… local hookups just like we agreed. First, this is a little gift from Madison.”

Cassidy turned her phone to me and it was displaying a picture. It was of Madison, the girl from the boat-up gas station that I’d had sex with earlier in the week. The first picture was her, topless, and was taken in a bathroom mirror. She was still cute as hell, with small tits that I remembered bouncing nicely as we’d fucked. Then Cassidy flicked her thumb, and it was another picture of Madison, except this one was from behind and she was bent over and spreading her thick ass cheeks. Considering everyone had been referring to her as ‘that chick with the nice ass,’ this was already a hot photo. But the spreading revealed everything, including a silly little message written on her thigh in what had to be magic marker that said, ‘I missed out’ and a frowny face.

“Fuck,” I grunted softly.

“She’s down to trade more nudes,” she said. “I already sent her a dick pic since she asked. Are you OK with that?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Just nothing with my face in it.”

She smiled and kissed my cheek. “Of course, Tiger. But that’s not your only friend out here.” Cassidy flicked her thumb again and the picture changed, but so did the woman. Trixie, aka Tanya, the stripper I had fucked at the girls' encouragement had sent a full frontal nude as well. Her face wasn’t in it, but I could tell just by her tits. Then another photo, this one a close-up of her spread pussy.

“Fuuuck,” I groaned.

“Honestly, Robbie,” Cassidy whispered. “I barely even needed to ask if she wanted to send you something. I think she’s got the hots for you, and I bet I could get her to come out and visit us in Vegas. Is that something you might want?”

“I mean, yes,” I said. “She was great, in more than just a quick hookup. But that’s something we would need to discuss with Cattie and Becca and the girls.”

“I know,” Cassidy said, kissing my cheek and flipping back through the pics while stroking me.

Soon enough a knock at the door interrupted the little slideshow and handjob, and Cassidy kissed me one more time before standing up and finding a pair of her cotton shorts and taking my other sweater I’d brought on the trip. “Love you, Tiger,” she said with a grin and slipped out the door. I could hear her whispering something outside, and then caught a glimpse of her and Ami hugging before Ami stepped in and closed the door.

“Hey, cutie,” I said, feeling like I was repeating myself. “How are you?”

“Good,” she said, her eyes boring into me as she looked at my naked body displayed in front of her. “I-”

I moved to the end of the bed. “Whatever you want,” I promised her.

“I want it, Robbie, but I’m not ready,” she said.

“That’s OK,” I assured her quickly. “What do you want to do?”

“Honestly?” Ami said and then bit her lip. “I want you to fuck my tits.”

I raised my eyes and grinned. “I think I’d love that.”


Ryan Chandler

My favorite series by you


I found - and joined - your Patreon because of this series (I was reading it on storiesonline). The only thing I dislike is that I'm now caught up and need more. This is a fantastic series, and I am loving it.