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Chapter 251

“Fucking hell,” Gemma sighed once you were out of the apartment and walking down the hall. Sabrina and Becks weren’t at the elevators, so you assumed they had headed down already. “I hate her so much.”

“It’s fine, it’s over,” you assured her. “And remind me never to make you mad.”

“You couldn’t,” she said with a smile, squeezing your hand.

“That’s the honeymoon phase talking,” you laughed. “Seriously, eventually we’ll get into a fight of some sort.”

“I know,” Gemma sighed. “But I also think we can fight without being pissed or pissy at each other. We can be stubborn, and maybe even a little mean if we let things get too far, but we’ll never be stupid. Mean and stupid is what leads to really bad things.”

“Maybe we should come up with a ‘No Lawyering in the House’ rule,” you chuckled. “You know with three of us, arguments might end up needing research time, discovery and an impartial judge.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Gemma laughed. “God, John. You know how to defuse me. I’m barely even feeling pissed at her anymore.”

You bundled her up in your arms, hugging her tight as you both waited for the elevator. “Gemma, I love your fire and I never want you to lose it.”

She hugged you back hard and sighed. “I take back what I said earlier,” she said. “I’m going to wilfully forget everything before you and me and Sabrina.”

“While I appreciate that, I still want to meet your parents and your cousin Birdie, so maybe not everything,” you said.

“You know what I mean, love,” she said with a roll of her eyes and a grin.

“I do,” you said.

Downstairs, Becks and Sabrina were waiting at the curb and had already ordered an Uber which was on its way. “Even if Joy ruined the party for us, we’re not wasting how hot we all look,” Sabrina said after giving you a hug and a kiss. “We’re going drinking.”

“I know a pub that should be good,” Becks said. “Casual but classy.”

“Sounds perfect,” Gemma said.

“Did you give her hell?” Sabrina asked.

“Enough,” you said. “Though not far enough that she could legitimately do anything.”

“Good,” Sabrina nodded and grabbed Gemma’s hand. “I was a little worried that you were going to actually punch her teeth in, darling.”

Gemma cracked a smile, then realized what Sabrina had called her and scowled. “We agreed that was only for the videos.”

“Hey, if you girls can tease me by calling me Daddy whenever you feel like it, I think ‘darling’ is totally fair game,” you said.

“Yes, Daddy,” all three of them said, and then broke into a fit of laughter.

“God damn it,” you sighed.

Inside the Uber, you sat in the front and the girls piled into the back. You were only half listening to the conversation they were having, but partway through the drive your phone buzzed and you fished it out.

“Um, Mosche says that the party got weird after we left,” you said to the girls. “Tasha went to talk to Greg, who wanted to complain to her about us. She told him what we told her, but Joy had already gotten to him first so he didn’t believe everything. Now the party is split between people who are listening to Joy and people who are avoiding her.”

“Well, shit,” Gemma said. “What about Lucy?”

“I’ll ask,” you said and shot off the text. It took a couple of minutes to get anything back, and the car was pulling up to the curb outside the pub when you did get the text. You hopped out with the girls before checking. “Alright, Mosche says Lucy is in the anti-Joy half of the party.”

“There’s no way she missed our run-in,” Gemma said. “Do you think she’s playing it under the radar?”

“I have no idea,” you sighed.

“Well, no offence to you guys, but she doesn’t actually know who I am so I’m feeling a little better about things,” Becks said.

“Oh, no, that’s totally fair babe,” Sabrina assured her.

The four of you headed into the pub and managed to get a standing table, and you went and got the first round. Over the next few hours, each of you bought a round and just talked. Becks had grown up in the city before going away for University, then came back to be close to her ageing parents. She told you about some of her past relationships, and teased you that the biggest dick she’d ever had was a literal foot long - she also admitted that it hadn’t been pleasurable at all and the guy had no idea what he was doing with it. Gemma told some stories about home, and you and Sabrina talked about your own university times. Then Becks wanted to know the story about Lucy, and you told all three of them the unredacted version of the unfortunate and, at times, embarrassingly cringe events.

No one bothered the four of you while you talked and drank. It wasn’t the kind of place where people went to try and pick up or hook up, which was nicer than some of the other bars you’d been to with Gemma and Sabrina. It made you feel more comfortable to tell longer stories, and soon enough the four of you were warmly lubricated, your stomachs hurt from laughing, and after an order of nachos for the table you all were happily full by the time you decided to call it a night.

You Ubered back to Sabrina’s, and partway through you got another text. When you opened it you had to quickly turn the phone to make sure the driver didn’t see the upskirt photo Sabrina had sent you from inside the car. You glanced back over your shoulder at her and she just grinned happily at you, her cheeks rosy from the alcohol and night out. ‘Love you,’ she mouthed.

You winked at her and shook your head, and she laughed.

Back at her place, the four of you piled into the elevator and you remembered the first time you’d come in and been invited to an orgy, and told the girls. They thought that was hilarious and asked if you should all go looking for one, but then Gemma said why go looking when you had the making of one right there?

Inside the apartment, you all kicked off your shoes and you stretched in the entry vestibule as the girls headed into the kitchen. When you followed them, Sabrina was filling glasses with water and you were surprised to see Gemma had backed Becks up to the fridge and was making out with her.

“Holy shit,” you said, blinking in shock.

“Hydrate, baby,” Sabrina said, handing you a full glass. “You’ll need it.”

Chapter 252

“Gaaawwd yes, love,” Gemma moaned as you slowly pushed your cock into her ass.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Becks groaned. She was lying with her cheek pressed to the small of Gemma’s back and was watching from up close as you teased the Australian’s anal ring, popping the head of your cock in and out for a moment before pushing a little deeper.

“Just wait until he fucks her harder,” Sabrina grinned as she touched the tip of her tongue to her lip. She had a dildo in each hand - one she was working in and out of Becks’ pussy from behind, and the other she was holding steady on the bed below her as she slowly rode it.

“You take it so fucking easy,” Becks said, reaching up and palming Gemma’s buttcheeks and spreading them a little wider for a better view.

You hadn’t thought this was going to happen. Really, you weren’t sure why the idea of all four of you fucking together off-camera hadn’t at least floated through your mind, but it hadn’t. The sex that weekend was supposed to be about the OnlyFans page, not just hooking up. And yet it felt entirely natural as the four of you fell into bed together, slowly losing clothes as mouths tasted skin. You’d eaten Gemma out from behind as she lay on top of Becks, the two of them making out with their tits pressed together. Sabrina had wiggled underneath you and started sucking your cock. Then you had shared Becks’ pussy with Gemma and ate her out together while Sabrina sat on Becks' face.

Somehow, and even now you weren’t entirely sure how, you’d ended up balls deep in Sabrina first as she lay at the edge of the bed and you stood on the floor. Becks and Gemma had taken up positions on either side of her and sucked on her breasts as you pounded Sabrina, holding her by the ass to keep her at the right height. Gemma had pushed Sabrina into her first big orgasm by putting her hand on Sabrina’s throat and whispering something dirty to her.

Gemma had come next, riding you as you played with her tits and Becks sat on your face, resuming making out with the blonde. Once Sabrina had recovered she’d gotten behind Gemma and reached around to play with her tits. Then it was Becks' turn and she lay on her back, spreading her legs wide and inviting you to fuck her hard. Gemma and Sabrina had contented themselves with a 69 together until they heard Becks groaning into her orgasm and you quickly following. You pumped your first load of the night across her pusy and mound, and Sabrina had hungrily gone down to lick it up as Gemma took you by the cock and led you around to kneel next to Becks’ face.

“Suck him hard again,” she’d ordered. “Really hard. He’s going in my ass next.”

You’d gotten sucked to your full hardness, Becks removing every taste of herself from your dick. Now Gemma was on her stomach on the bed, her legs spread and dangling off the edge as you slowly worked your cock in and out of her ass.

“So good,” the blonde groaned happily as you delved deeper.

“Such a slut,” Becks giggled and then jolted as a moan rocked through her.

“Takes one to know one,” Gemma grunted to Becks. “You’re taking him in your ass tomorrow.”

“I doubt it’ll be this easy though,” Becks said. “God, look at it sawing in and out of you.”

“Shut up,” Gemma gasped.

“It’s OK, darling,” Sabrina said, leaning down and kissing Gemma sweetly. “We both know that your ass loves John so fucking much.”

You buried your cock deep into Gemma’s bowels and grabbed Becks' breast and tweaked her nipple softly. “Keep antagonizing her and I’ll be switching asses,” you told her.

Becks stuck out her tongue at you and smirked.

“Do I need to make you suck my cock?” you asked her.

She bit the corner of her lip, looking down at where it was buried in Gemma’s ass, then back up at you. “Maybe,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

You thrust in and out of Gemma a few more times, her delightful moans and groans music in your ears, then pulled out of her and presented your cock to Becks. “Your choice,” you said. “Be a filthy ass-to-mouth slut, or stop ragging so hard on Gemma.”

Becks looked to Gemma, who was waiting to find out what would happen. “You’re lucky I like you,” Becks smirked, then leaned forward and took your cock in her mouth and growled lewdly in her throat as she bobbed up and down on it a few times.

“Fuck, you’re a dirty girl,” Sabrina crowed, started to fuck the dildo into Becks a little faster.

Becks popped off your cock and you directed it down to Gemma’s asshole, entering her again and thrusting short and deep a few times, then pulling out and presenting your cock to Becks again. She sucked it gamely, looking up at you with big eyes, and then you went back to Gemma’s ass. The next time you pulled out instead of presenting your cock to Becks, you reached down and spread Gemma’s ass cheeks. Becks knew what you were suggesting and leaned in, jamming her tongue into the slightly gaped hole of Gemma’s ass and starting to rim her.

“Ooooh, fucking hell,” Gemma moaned. “God, that feels so weird!”

You quickly went into the washroom and wiped off your cock with wet toilet paper - the fastest thing you could get - and went back into the bedroom and got behind Becks on the bed. Her face was still buried in Gemma’s ass but she could feel you moving around and she shifted her stance to present herself more fully for you. Sabrina pulled the dildo out of her, and you replaced it with your cock and began fucking into her fast and hard.

“Teach her who’s boss, baby,” Sabrina said, sitting up on her knees and hugging you as she pulled your chin down to kiss you. “Fuck her until she screams your name.”

And you did just that.

Chapter 253

“Favourite part?” Sabrina asked Becks.

You were all sitting around a table with a clean white linen tablecloth and were sipping mimosas, waiting for your brunch orders.

“Probably… God, hard to say,” Becks said.

“Well, I know what my favourite was,” Gemma said. “When you went A-to-M.”

The four of you weren’t exactly isolated and could hear the murmurs of other patrons in the restaurant around you, so it was fair to assume they would be able to hear you as well.

“That was pretty nasty,” Becks said, scrunching up her nose at the memory. “But I was so hot that I couldn’t resist doing it.”

“It was definitely hot,” Sabrina said. “I’ll do it for you this afternoon if you want.”

Becks bit the inside of her cheek as she blushed and shrugged. “I think I need another mimosa before we start down that road,” she laughed. “What about you? Favourite part?”

“Definitely near the start when I was laying down and John was, y’know, and you two were… yeah,” Sabrina said, first making a little hip thrusting gesture in her seat talking about you, and then gesturing around her chest when she referenced them. “I could have definitely gone for more of that.”

“You looked gorgeous too, by the way,” you said, looking across the table at her. She grinned and you felt her foot find your leg under the table and rub up your calf.

“John?” Becks asked. “Favourite part?”

“All of it,” you said.

“Be more specific, love,” Gemma said. “Obviously it was all great.”

“OK, then even though it was all my favourite, I’ll narrow it down to the ending. That was pretty awesome,” you said. The ending had been Becks sucking on your balls as Sabrina stood behind you stroking you quickly, while Gemma presented her tits for you to come all over. You’d splattered her with a big load, and then Becks and Sabrina and licked it all up.

“I still can’t believe how much there was,” Gemma giggled at that.

“What can I say, you bring it out of me,” you said.

“Literally,” Sabrina chuckled.

“Back to you, Becks,” Gemma said.

“Um… probably right after the ATM when I was licking the you know and John got behind me,” Becks said.

“Really?” Gemma asked in surprise.

“For sure,” Becks nodded. “I mean, I felt like I could feel every twitch you made when it felt good, and John wasn’t holding back.”

“Glad you enjoyed it,” you said, reaching over and squeezing her hand.

“I hate to nuke the mood,” Sabrina sighed. “But we should probably talk about the other part of last night at the party. I feel like we need to game it out.”

“True,” Gemma nodded and sighed as well.

“I did a little thinking this morning while I was in the shower,” you said. “The way I see it, there are three scenarios. The first is that there is no fallout; Joy doesn’t pursue anything, and nothing changes. The second is that Joy tries to make waves, but neither Lucy nor anyone else at the party helps her out with more info. The third is that Lucy has connected with Joy and they can plot together.”

“Is she really as bad as you say?” Becks asked. “Lucy, not Joy. I know you told us the whole dating story last night, but what’s it been like since you reconnected by accident?”

“Awkward,” you said. “Weird. She acts pissy constantly around me.”

“To be fair, most of the encounters have been normal but there’s been a couple of abnormal ones too,” Gemma said.

“I still think she’s just jealous and horny,” Sabrina said. “We should just let her fuck John and get over it.”

You nearly spit out your water at that suggestion.

“I would really rather not award bad behaviour,” Gemma said.

“Fiiiine,” Sabrina said.

The conversation was cut short for a long moment as your food was delivered. You’d gone for a classic French Toast platter with an extra large side of bacon, wanting more carbs and protein after the exertions of yesterday. Gemma had gone for eggs benedict with bacon as well, while Sabrina and Becks had both gone a little lighter with veggie omelettes. The four of you dug in quickly and were half done with your meals before anyone said anything.

“OK, the scenarios,” Gemma said, gesturing with her fork. “We don’t need to actually talk about Scenario One where nothing happens. What does scenario two look like?”

“If she only has what we currently know she has?” Sabrina reasoned out. “Then her only avenues of attack are either through her Mom or online through social media.”

“Garrisson is protecting us from her Mom,” you said. “So what about social media?”

“My Insta and Facebook are already set to private, so I should be set,” Gemma said. “She never even tried to add me when we were working together, and I’ll make sure not to accept any random accounts still.”

“I’m not as locked down,” Sabrina said. “But there’s nothing that could be used other than maybe a few pictures where we just look like regular old co-workers for the internship. She could maybe try messaging my family or friends, but no one would believe anything she says.”

“OK, so there’s a small risk but negligible,” you said. “What about scenario three?”

“That’s the obvious big one,” Becks said. “If your Ex works with Joy, that’s a lot of information she can use quickly. She could report all of us for being in a relationship and working together. Realistically I’m not actually contracted by the firm so I’m not covered by your HR, but it would definitely not look great to my boss. I don’t think I‘d have any personal fallout on trying Polyamory for a weekend though, since that’s the story you told Lucy.”

“The bigger problem is what she could do to us,” Gemma said. “First thing, she could report Sabrina to HR for being in an unreported relationship. Then there would be any questions of stigma at work. We likely wouldn’t get fired since she had no evidence we did anything on work hours, but we’d probably get watched a lot more and Garrisson might not be as mentor-y with us.”

“Social Media still a vector here too,” Sabrina said.

“Well, shit,” you sighed. “So, the most likely worst-case scenarios don’t sound too bad.”

“Well…” Sabrina said.

“What?” Becks asked.

“We’re not considering that she’s unhinged,” Sabrina said. “It could get a lot worse if she puts her mind to it and keeps playing dirty.”

You closed your eyes and rubbed your forehead. “I thought you were supposed to avoid these kinds of situations if you refused to stick your dick in crazy?”

“Sorry, John,” Becks sighed. “Sometimes crazy sticks it’s dick in you.”

Gemma snorted and broke into a chuckle.

Chapter 254

The three of you had gamed out the rest of the possible issues that could have come up with Joy over the end of brunch, and then you’d decided to walk the six blocks back to Sabrina’s since it was such a beautiful day. The girls traded off walking with you one on one, even Becks, and the Sunday morning walk was just what you needed to shake off the feeling of looming issues.

Once you got back to the apartment the four of you sat down at the kitchen table and Sabrina had gotten out all her various sex toy items to discuss what ‘kinkier, rougher’ sex should happen for the video.

The first thing that was agreed on was that, for the good of the video, the three of you needed to just have sex and trust Gemma to work the camera. No scripting of positions, dialogue, or where the sex would go. If last night had taught the four of you anything, it was that you more than trusted each other to be good sexual partners when including Becks.

Anal with Becks was a definite, and Becks stripped off her pants at the table and lubed up a buttplug before putting it in to start getting herself ready for later. She also wanted to get facefucked messily, as did Sabrina. Sabrina brought out a sleep mask as a blindfold and a pair of black fuzzy handcuffs, making Becks flush but nod eagerly that she was definitely still in for that. The four of you tossed around the idea of involving other toys, but in the end decided against it - another one of the problems from yesterday was trying to do too much in one scene. Keeping it simple and enjoying it played better, you had to keep reminding yourselves.

Eventually, the minimal plans were set and you all stripped naked, including Gemma. This one was going to be shot in the bedroom, after stripping the bed and putting on a fresh topsheet.

“Ready on my end,” Gemma said. “Becks?”

“Ready,” she called from the bed where she was sitting on her knees, her hands handcuffed behind her back and the sleep mask over her eyes.

“Sabrina? John?” Gemma asked you.

“Ready,” you nodded, and Sabrina echoed you.

“Alright,” Gemma said. “Lights. Camera. Action!”

“I’ve got a surprise for you, Daddy,” Sabrina said into the camera as Gemma held it looking down Sabrina’s naked body, her lips the main shot in frame.

“And what’s that, baby?” you asked.

Sabrina grinned. “Well, apparently a friend of ours decided it had been too long since she joined us, so she begged and begged Darling, and Darling finally said yes.”

Sabrina took your hand, leading you into the bedroom, and Gemma got a shot of her cute bum and your bobbing dick as you walked, then panned up to reveal Becks on the bed.

“Miss Lusty,” you said. “What a surprise.”

“Hello, sir,” Becks hummed. “I’m sorry for bothering you on a weekend, but I had an itch that I knew only you could scratch.”

“And what itch is that?” you asked.

Becks smirked and slowly turned, lowering her chest to the bed as she presented her ass in the direction of your voice, trusting that Gemma would get the shot of the buttplug.

“Miss Lusty wants you to fuck her ass, Daddy,” Sabrina said, getting up on the bed and rubbing her small hands over Becks’ ass cheeks. “Well, to be more precise, she wants you to fuck all her needy little holes, but especially her butt.”

“And what about you, baby?” you asked. “What do you want?”

“I want to tease her until she’s begging for your cock,” Sabrina said with a grin and slapped Becks’ upturned ass lightly.

“Then since Miss Lusty is the one who can’t control herself today, I think maybe you can be in charge of her,” you said. “What do you think of that, Miss Lusty? Today you belong to my sexpet.”

“Whatever you say, sir,” Becks moaned as Sabrina slowly rubbed on the stopper of the buttplug, putting a bit of pressure on it.

“What’s first then, baby?” you asked, getting on the bed yourself and laying your cock along the plump ass cheeks of Becks for show.

“First you’re going to fuck our faces,” Sabrina said and helped Becks to roll over and move to the edge of the bed. Soon Sabrina lay next to her, both of them on their backs as Becks put up with the awkwardness of her handcuffed hands, with their heads hanging over the edge of the mattress as they opened their mouths.

“Such good little holes,” you said, kneeling down and softly kissing each of them for a long moment. Then you stood up and tapped your cock on Becks’ chin. “What do you think, baby? Who gets to taste my cock first today?”

“Well, if I say Miss Lusty, then she’ll get what she wants,” Sabrina hummed and surmised. “But that might mean she isn’t properly horny enough for you, so maybe we should make her wait just a little longer.”

“Nooo,” Becks said, hamming it up a little. “I want your cock in my throat, sir. I want to milk it until you paint my throat and stomach with your big, delicious load.”

“Well that’s just not nice,” Sabrina said. “You aren’t planning on sharing Daddy’s load? Then I should definitely go first.”

“I take it back! I promise to share,” Becks begged.

“Too late, Miss Lusty,” you said as you slid your cockhead between Sabrina’s lips and the blowjob for the scene started.

Sabrina had gotten used to deepthroating you so it didn’t take too long to get your cock stuffed into her throat as she gargled and gulped. Gemma got several different angles and even focused on that slight show of a bulge of your cock in Sabrina’s throat when you pushed all the way in. Eventually, you pulled out, giving Sabrina another chance to breathe, and three thick strands of spittle were hanging between her lips and your cock. You let them snap as you sidestepped over to Becks and laid your slimy cock across the sleep mask, her nose and lips.

“Ready, Miss Lusty? My cock is already nice and covered in Baby’s spittle so it should slide right in.”

“God, yes, sir,” Becks gasped and opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She’d been rubbing her thighs together as she’d listened to you and Sabrina. You repositioned your cock and slid it between her lips, not stopping once as she took it deeper and deeper, entering her throat on the first try until her nose was buried against your sack and her chin on your pubic mound.

“Fuck, yes, my little secretarial slut,” you groaned, reaching down and palming her tits, softly squeezing her nipples the way she liked.

You pulled out, giving her a chance to breathe.

“That’s what I am, sir,” Becks said as she gasped in air. “Your little three-hole, deep-throating, fuck toy secretary slut. Now please, sir, fuck my face? Please?”

You obliged her.

Chapter 255

Things had shifted. The facefucking was fun - you went back and forth between Sabrina and Becks several times, each of them able to take you in their throats. By the time you were finished and wanted more they both had spittle all over their faces and chins. You had even choked Sabrina on the last one, feeling that soft bulging in her throat on your palm pressed against her neck.

You’d fucked Becks from behind, enjoying her bouncy butt and giving her the occasional spank and tugging on her handcuffed wrists while Sabrina lay with her legs spread in front of Becks and used her hips to thrust her pussy up to the other woman’s lips. Then you pulled Sabrina down the bed and got Becks into position over top of her to sit on Sabrina’s face as you fucked Sabrina hard and fast.

Between Becks smothering her in pussy and you slapping her tits and then sucking and leaving a hickey on the centre of her chest, Sabrina came in a whoomph of air and a wash of girlcum leaking out of her. You decided to test Becks’ expressed filthiness and manhandled her around, putting her face in the wet spot of squirt on the bed and fucking her from behind for a minute as she licked at the soaked fabric and moaned lewdly.

Now you’d uncuffed Becks and got her laying on her back near the head of the bed and re-cuffed her to the headboard. Her arms were stretched above her and she wiggled her body and moaned as you ran your hands up and down her sides.

“Well, Miss Lusty,” you said. “I think it’s time you get what you’ve been asking for.”

“Oh, God yes, sir,” Becks mewled softly. “I want you in my ass so fucking badly.”

“Baby, do me a favour and sit right here,” you said, indicating that she should straddle Becks’ chest. Sabrina did, and you slowly raised and pushed back Becks’ legs until she was spread and her ass was upturned slightly. You handed them off to Sabrina to keep them spread, Becks’ pretty and swollen-from-pounding cunt on full display along with the metal of the buttplug. Then you grabbed a couple of pillows and raised her hips more, setting them under her to get her a bit more height and make it easier for you to thrust into her.

Lastly, you did something you’d been thinking of all weekend. You’d held off for exactly this moment. You ran your fingers up Becks’ pussy lips, caressed over her clit, and then into the little trimmed thatch of pubic hair and softly squeezed the hair between your fingers.

“Ready for me to take your ass, Miss Lusty?” you asked, tugging lightly on Becks’ pubes.

“Oooooh, fuck, John,” Becks moaned. Her pussy was leaking a little bubble of arousal.

“Try that again,” Gemma laughed from behind her camera phone.

“Ready for me to take your ass, Miss Lusty?” you asked again, and tugged again.

“God yes, sir,” Becks gasped. “Get that fucking plug out of me and your cock in me, Daddy.”

Gemma flashed you a teasing grin as Becks used the nickname and you just shook your head with a little bit of chagrin. You’d kind of liked the whole ‘sir’ thing she’d been using before.

Reaching down, you slowly twisted and tugged on the buttplug and then finally pulled it out of her, watching as her anal ring spread around the smooth and lubricated metal. You set the plug out of the way and ran your middle finger through her juicy cunt lip before pressing it into her ass.

“Oooh, fuck, that’s not your cock,” she said.

“Just my finger, Miss Lusty,” you said.

“Please don’t make me wait any more, sir!” Becks begged. “I don’t need your finger, I need your cock.”

“Such a needy slut,” Sabrina tutted with a grin.

You placed your cock over the hot, slick lips of Becks' cunt. “This cock?” you asked her.

“Yes please, Daddy,” Becks moaned.

“Where do you want it?” Sabrina teased.

“In my fucking butt,” Becks said. “Stuff me like a fucking turkey on Thanksgiving, sir!”

You drew your cock slowly down from her cunt, feeling the bottom of the head bounce over her clit hood and draw through the lips. Finally, almost agonizingly slow, you pressed the head of your cock to her ass.

“Ready, Becks?” you asked her in a normal voice.

“Yeah,” she said. “Get it fucking in me. Fuck me long and slow and I swear I’m going to fucking pass out I’ll come so hard.”

“OK,” you said. “Here it comes.”

You pushed in, and after a moment where you thought your cock might yield before her ass did, all of a sudden your cock head and an extra inch of shaft popped in all at once.

Becks croaked a hiccup at the feeling and her legs tried to flex and pull, but Sabrina had a firm grip on them as she looked down and watched your cock slowly sliding into Becks ass.

“Fuck yeeees,” Becks moaned loudly. “Take my fucking ass, sir. Oh, gawd, your cock is so fucking good. Stretch out my pretty little asshole and make it worship you, you fucking sexy assfucker.”

“Is he sexy and an assfucker, or a fucker of sexy asses?” Sabrina asked.

“What?” Becks gulped.

“Nevermind,” Sabrina laughed.

You went to work, feeling every ripple of Becks’ asshole as you slowly carved your intent into her. You both moaned and groaned, and you slowly sped up to the long, patient rhythm she’d asked for.

“Fuck,” you grunted, feeling your orgasm rising from the extra tight and hot confines you were ploughing. “Your ass is milking me, Miss Lusty. You better be close.”

“So fucking close,” she gasped.

You put your hand on her pubes again and slowly curled your fingers in to take a firm grip on the trimmed little pelt, and then you squeezed and tugged softly.

Becks let out a keening hum that started somewhere in the back of her throat, and her toes started to flex and curl and bunch as they hung in the air while Sabrina kept her legs from kicking.

“Come for me, Miss Lusty,” you said. “Come on my cock in your ass. Come from being my filthy fuck-faced, girlcum slurping, three-hole buttslut.”

“Yeeeeeeesssss,” Becks moaned loudly as her orgasm rolled through her. It crashed on her like a wave, over and over as her body flexed and released. You couldn’t hold it as her ass tugged and pulled on you and you grunted your own release, coming deep inside her ass. You felt at least five good shots fill her before the slickness of your cum and the end of her orgasm lessened the grip on you. As soon as you could, you pinched your cock around the base trying to stave off the last of your ejaculation and you pulled out of her, leaving her asshole gaping for a split second as you stood up and presented your cock to Sabrina. She’d said she wanted to do Ass to Mouth, and she licked her lips and looked up at you with a big grin before she bobbed forward and took your cock into her mouth and gave a long, hard suck as you released the last dregs of your cum on her tongue.

Chapter 256

Becks really did pass out with her massive orgasm, and she woke up uncuffed and no longer blindfolded as you cuddled up behind her and Sabrina snuggled up to her from the front.

“Fuck, my ass hurts,” she said with a smile on her lips before she even opened her eyes.

“Took it like a champ,” Sabrina smiled. “It was hot as hell.”

“Good, 'cause I’m not doing another take,” Becks snorted. “God damn, that orgasm zapped me. I feel like I need a nap.”

“You can have one if you want,” you offered her.

“Well, considering I can also feel your cum start to ooze out of my butt, I think maybe I need a shower,” Becks sighed. She looked back at you over her shoulder. “Think I could maybe get more of what you gave me on Friday?”

“Of course,” you said, kissing her bare shoulder.

Gemma helped you get Becks into the washroom - she said her legs still felt a little like Jello so you took it slow and both helped her over and into the shower stall. You stepped in with her and took your time letting the warm water wash over you both for a bit as you held her and then slowly beginning to wash her, starting with her hair and then working down her body. You’d gotten used to tenderly washing Gemma and Sabrina when you were together in the shower, but one thing you hadn’t done yet with either of them was washing their asses when they wanted to eject cum. That you left to Becks to manage and just helped her stay steady as she squatted and pushed it out.

“This makes me rethink how good it feels to come inside you,” you chuckled a little.

“Hey, if you can handle the embarrassing parts, you earn the best ones,” Becks snorted and sighed.

Once she was completely clean you held each other for a bit under the water again, softly kissing every once in a while, and then she insisted on washing you as well. Nothing sparked beyond a half a boner for you - after the weekend you’d both had, you were more than fucked out.

Once you were out of the shower, Sabrina and Gemma met you both with fresh, fluffy towels and dried you both off, then sat Becks down and helped her put on a minimal amount of makeup, giving her a little light pampering. It was already mid-afternoon and with work coming the next day, Becks needed to leave.

“This was… wow,” Becks said once she was fully dressed. You’d put on underwear and a pair of your shorts you kept at Sabrina’s, and Gemma was in a loose shirt and panties while Sabrina was wearing sweatpants and a bra. “Seriously, you guys. I think you might have cured my incessant need to have a guy on the go. If I could get sex like that more often I might actually settle down.”

“We had a lot of fun, and you were absolutely gorgeous,” Gemma assured her. “Thanks for agreeing to this.”

“No, that’s my line,” Sabrina teased Gemma, stepping forward and pulling Becks into a big hug. “Seriously, babe. Thank you. The scenes are going to turn out amazing and I had so much fun playing with you.”

“I had fun too,” Becks smiled. “And make sure when you’re done all the editing and whatever that you let me see the final product. It’ll be cool to see myself in a real porno.”

“Real amateur porno,” you said, stepping forward and giving her a hug of your own. “Thanks so much for everything, Becks. For the sex, obviously, but also for everything at work too.”

She hugged you back and smiled. “John, I might literally be feeling this for the next week, so I’ll let you know if I’m still thankful for the amazing sex in a few days.”

You kissed her, sweet and sincere, and then she was out the door and headed to the elevators.

Sabrina sighed. “Well, that’s over,” she said.

“Hey, John...” Gemma said.

“Nope,” you shook your head. “Can’t do it. Like literally can’t. I think if either of you tries to touch my cock right now it’ll shrivel up and die.”

“Oh, fine,” Gemma sighed as Sabrina snorted and giggled to herself.

“Have I mentioned today that I love you both?” you asked them.

“Only twice,” Sabrina said.

“Well, I love you both,” you repeated yourself.

You and Gemma helped Sabrina get the apartment cleaned up again and then the three of you settled down to watch an episode of Castle before you and Gemma had to go. You were both out of clean and work-appropriate clothes at Sabrina’s and couldn’t spend the night. The episode was another simple but heartfelt police procedural put on Nathan Fillion’s back and carried over the finish line. Which was fine, you guessed, since the show was mostly just a vehicle for him anyways.

Once the show was over you and Gemma both kissed Sabrina and then finished getting dressed.

“I wish you guys could stay,” Sabrina pouted a little.

“Sooner than later,” Gemma promised her. “We’ll figure out what we’re doing, and then we’ll all be able to live with each other.”

“Promise we aren’t going to pretend that I’m just the roommate or something,” Sabrina requested. “I don’t want to have a fake bedroom where one of us is supposed to be staying. I want you with me all the time.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you promised her.

With another kiss for each of the girls, and them kissing each other once, you and Gemma left Sabrina to finish off her Sunday. As you headed for the elevator Gemma wrapped her fingers in your as she held your hand.

“All good?” you asked.

“Better than good,” she said with a full, loving grin. “Almost perfect.”

Chapter 257

“Good morning, John,” Becks said with a smile as you walked up to her desk in the lobby of the firm building.

“Morning, Becks,” you said. “How was your weekend? Do anything wild?”

She smirked and rolled her eyes lightly. “Oh, you know, mostly just a standard weekend. I’m definitely a little more tired than usual on a Monday morning though.”

“Oh yeah?” you asked. “Same, honestly. I did a lot of cardio workouts so I’m a little achey myself.”

“Mmm, I get that. Though, to be honest, I did also have to deal with this pain in the ass yesterday. Handling him was pretty satisfying.”

You couldn’t help it and snorted a little, your mind flashing back to your cock buried in Becks’ butt as you pounded into her while she was restrained.

“Anything special going on for you or the other interns this week?” Becks continued.

“Nothing in particular that I know of,” you said. “I’m just hoping that a certain someone doesn’t end up causing more problems.”

Becks grimaced lightly at that and nodded. “Well, I haven’t heard anything yet. So either Joy didn’t find out, or she’s scheming without confronting me about it.”

You sighed. “Well, if something does come up-”

“I’ll let you know,” Becks nodded.

“I’m glad you had a good time over the weekend,” you said.

She winked and smiled. “Definitely.”

You left her and headed for the elevator. It had felt weird, sleeping by yourself last night. You were getting used to having Sabrina and/or Gemma in bed with you, and the addition of Becks had been just another wonderfully soft body to enjoy. Being alone in bed without either of your girlfriends had almost been a little depressing.

Your cell pinged just as you were reaching your floor and the elevator doors were opening, and you looked at it and quickly closed and lowered it, checking to make sure no one was around to see your shocked expression. Becks had sent you a naked selfie - the last one she’d sent you had been from her neck down during the bet with Sabrina. Sure, there was now a couple hours worth of content with her as ‘Miss Lusty’ saved on Sabrina’s hard drive, but this felt like a special little gift from Becks to you. She was in bed, looking up at the camera, her face and breasts in full view as she smiled in a dreamy sort of way.

You cleared your notifications, shaking your head and smiling to yourself as you headed straight for the second conference room. You, Gemma and Sabrina were still on the ‘special assignment’ for Garrisson, and you were the first to arrive as you looked over the piles of boxes and files that the three of you were busy sorting. It had been about ten minutes of just beginning to get yourself started for the day when Eric knocked on the conference room door.

“Save me,” he said as he walked in and flopped into one of the open chairs.

“Hey,” you said. “From what?”

“Working with Andy alone for another week,” Erica sighed.

“Let me guess, you’re needing to cover for him solo now and it’s a lot harder to do without the three of us to help out?” you asked.

“That and he apparently has a new girlfriend,” Eric said. “He’s been sending me pictures all weekend.” Eric took out his phone and tapped on it a few times then turned it for you to take. You looked and saw it was Eric’s texts with Andy, and Andy had sent him almost a dozen photos of him and a pretty, if somewhat crunchy-hippy, woman. There were multiple photos of them smoking up, and it looked like they were out on a farm or something.

“She’s attractive in a ‘lives on a commune and is one with nature’ kind of way,” you said.

“Dude, she’s an actual Pot Grower. Like, she works at a pot farm as a scientist making different strains of pot,” Eric said. “I think Andy might be in love.”

“So what’s wrong with that?” you asked.

“How does Andy have a girlfriend, and you have a girlfriend, and I don’t?” Eric moaned. “Look at me, I’m a catch. I’m well dressed, I look good, I come from a good family with connections, and I have a paid internship at a good law firm. I don’t understand!”

“OK, first, ouch,” you said, frowning and holding your heart at his unintended low-key disrespect. “Second, have you considered that maybe you’re trying too hard to have sex and not really trying to meet people?”

“I don’t understand,” Eric said. “I’m trying to meet people to have sex.”

“That might be the problem, Eric,” Sabrina said as she came into the conference room. “Sorry, I didn’t actually hear much, but I assume it’s girl trouble for Eric.”

“It couldn’t be girl trouble for John?” Eric asked. “What if he’s having problems with Gemma?”

“I’d already know, first of all,” Sabrina said with a sad smile at Eric, stepping over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. “And also, John doesn’t have girl problems the way you have girl problems, Eric. And even if he did, he’s never bitched about them like you do.”

“Yeah, well… phooey,” Eric frowned.

“Phooey?” you asked.

“What else am I supposed to say?” Eric asked.

That got you and Sabrina chuckling. “Look, if you want to actually meet someone, I can help,” Sabrina offered. “But you need to give me access to your dating apps and permission to change things around.”

Eric hesitated a long moment, looking a little pained, then sighed and held out his phone to her. “OK,” he said. “Do your worst.”

“Don’t you mean do your best?” you asked.

“That too.”

Sabrina took the phone and went and sat in another chair down the table, starting to look through Eric’s apps, then glanced back up. “You can go to work, I’ll be a little bit,” she said.

“Fine. But I want it back for lunch,” Eric said.

“Eric, you’re not a complete basket case, it won’t take me that long to fix things,” Sabrina said.

Eric left, and you looked over to Sabrina. “You’re really going to help him meet someone?”

Sabrina shrugged. “He deserves something for everything he’s backed us up on,” she said. “Plus, I think I know someone who might actually fit with him.”

“Whose that?” you asked.

Sabrina broke into a smirk. “Lucy,” she said.

“Oh, God,” you groaned. “Really?”

“Good morning, baby,” Sabrina smiled at you and pursed her lips in an air kiss.

“Morning, babe,” you sighed and laughed.

Chapter 258

Gemma had come in with the Monday coffee orders and joined us in the conference room afterwards, though you were left working solo for a little bit as Eric’s dating app profiles got a makeover from both women for about a half hour until they joined you in working. You had gotten a good morning kiss from Gemma, little more than a peck, but it was still more than you could do with Sabrina so you made do with squeezing Sabrina’s hand when you were positioned behind some boxes on the conference table. That made her smile and squeeze back.

It was mid-morning and Sabrina had just come back from dropping off Eric’s phone to him when Garrison came into the conference room with a bemused smirk on his face. “How goes it in here?”

“It’s going fine, sir,” Gemma said. “Sorting it all is taking some time, but we’ll get it done.”

“Good, good,” Mr Garrison nodded. “Look, you two. I’ve received another cease and desist letter directed to you. Are you certain you’re not doing anything to antagonize this internet troll?”

“Sir, neither of us are doing anything like that,” you said.

“No social media quips, no making the meme things?” Garrison asked.

“Sir, I was with them most of the weekend,” Sabrina piped in. “Neither of them even mentioned the internet guy while we were hanging out. We watched movies, we went out for lunch, and we even went to a little party and to a pub. We were too busy, y’know, being alive for them to be spreading rumours online about someone.”

“Well, he seems to think you are,” Garrison sighed, wiping his face for a moment and shaking his head. “What about Eric?”

“That… we can’t say either way,” you said. “I can go talk to him.”

“Just go get him and bring him in here,” Garrison said.

You glanced at the girls and then went out to fetch Eric. After the first cease and desist letter you’d hinted that you might have known who it was doing it, but couldn’t remember if you’d named Eric or not. Or if you were supposed to talk to him before now. Everything that had been going on had shifted that whole situation with the online rapper/commentator idiot from the club out of your mind.

Back in the usual intern conference room, the space felt sort of empty with just Eric and Andy in the room. Andy was typing with just two fingers, while Eric had his sport coat hanging on the back of his chair and looked like he was about ready to sweat through his golf polo he was working so hard. You knocked on the doorsill to get his attention as you entered. “Hey, Eric; Garrison wants to talk to us in the other conference room.”

Eric looked up and blinked, stretching his fingers. “Right now?” he asked.

“Yeah,” you nodded. “You good?”

“Just trying to make do,” Eric said with a vapid, fake smile.

“Well, let’s not keep the man waiting,” Andy said as he started to stand up.

“No, Andy - it’s just Eric,” you said.

“What? How come?” Andy asked, looking hurt.

You suppressed the urge to tease him or give him a little barb. As he looked over at you, you could tell Andy was either still high from last night or had smoked a bit before coming in that morning. He was just as ragged as usual but had a sort of dreamy haze in his eyes to go with his tiredness. “It’s not about intern work,” you told Andy. “He’s actually in heaps of trouble.”

“Oh, shit,” Andy said, turning to Eric. “It’s been nice knowing you, man.”

Eric gulped and followed you out of the room. “Am I really in deep shit?” he asked.

“No,” you chuckled, then thought for a moment. “Well, not heaps of it anyways. I just said that to distract Andy.”

“Well, what’s this about then?” Eric asked.

“I’ll just let Garrison explain,” you said.

Garrison had Eric sit down in one of the conference chairs while he perched up on a clear spot on the table. This began a soft, almost insidious grilling of Eric that led to your fellow intern spilling his guts about how he’d gotten invited on a half dozen different podcasts in the ‘Manosphere’ and how he’d gotten a ton of new social media followers. That had all been around the time of the first cease and desist letter though, and while you and Gemma sat and listened, and Sabrina listened in while working on the other side of the room, Garrison talked Eric around to spilling about the last week.

“I just needed another push, right? I mean, I was hoping to try and connect with some of the YouTube lawyer guys who do commentary in the Manosphere but I lost momentum so I did a supercut with my own commentary on the original video, along with commentary from some of the podcasts and other red pill guys that covered the story. And I sort of ended it with commentary on DeezChains rebuttal streams, where I went a little hard but it was all just opinion stuff and I made sure not to cross the line into defamation or anything. And it worked! It’s spinning in the content cycle again and I might have some more podcast guest spots coming up next week.”

Garrison took in a deep breath and then blew it out slowly, closing his eyes until his lungs were empty. Then he resumed normal breathing and opened his eyes. “Alright, Eric,” he said. “You are going to come to my office, I’m going to need to see everything you’ve said publicly about this. Every tweet or post, every podcast appearance, and this ‘supercut’ you made. You three-” you pointed and you, Gemma and Sabrina who had blatantly stopped working to listen in at the end. “Back to work.”

Eric followed Garrison out of the room, looking nervous as hell.

“Well, at least he’s getting famous out of it like he wants,” Sabrina said when you were alone.

“Yeah, but famous with who?” Gemma pointed out. “A group of people who think ‘DeezChains’ is a legitimate name to go by.”

You coughed to try and hide your laugh, but both of your girlfriends looked over to you with a raised eyebrow.

“Sorry, I just- Kat18,” you said.

Sabrina blushed cutely, and Gemma tried and failed to suppress a little smile.

Chapter 259

“Well, while that is going on,” Sabrina said, taking the files that were in front of her and moving over to set them on one of the stacks. “I would like to make a proposal.”

“What’s that?” Gemma asked as you and her stood up to get back to work as well. You’d made it through roughly a little over a third of the total boxes of files over the last week, so there was still a lot to go.

“I think we should try setting up Eric on a date with Lucy,” Sabrina said.

You groaned. “I thought you were kind of joking.”

“I kind of was, and kind of wasn’t,” Sabrina said. “I mean, think about it. Eric desperately wants a summer girlfriend, right? And Lucy desperately wants a summer boyfriend or longer. She’s going on dates all the time that don’t pan out. So what if we kill three birds with one stone here - we hook up Eric with a girl, we help Lucy find something stable with a guy who isn’t awful and who we can help train to not be a complete ass, and we can try to get in better with Lucy in case she’s made connections with Joy at Tasha’s party.”

“She’s… not wrong,” Gemma said, turning to look at you.

You weren’t sure what you were feeling. You didn’t particularly like Lucy anymore, and you hadn’t even really thought about her for a couple of years until that night at Gemma’s when she’d sort of fallen into your life ass backwards. But… Eric?

“I mean, the other option I see is that we get John and Lucy to fuck,” Sabrina said, and then laughed at the expressions on your and Gemma’s faces. “Look, Lucy is unhappy and horny. We’ve caught her listening in on our sexy times before. Not only that but when she caught you naked in the kitchen, John, she didn’t exactly run away. She’s wondering how you got and are keeping the both of us happy. She’s wondering what she missed out on with you - which, by the way, I’m very happy she did. At some point she’s either going to try to make a move on you or she’s going to blow up, and if she blows up it’ll either fuck up Gemma’s living situation, one of our lives, or something else bad. And it’ll probably also have a fallout radius that will screw with Charlotte and Becca as well.”

“God, I can’t believe we’re considering this,” Gemma sighed, sitting down in one of the chairs and leaning back to look at the ceiling as she held a stack of papers in both hands.

“So what do you think, baby?” Sabrina asked you. “If you’re not comfortable with your ex getting with Eric, do you want to just do the deed and taste the forbidden fruit? It doesn’t need to be all lovey-dovey, it could just be a really satisfying hate-fuck. I mean, that’s probably how she’d want it anyways.”

“OK, first, how about we tone down the volume and the vulgarity?” you asked, looking at the wall of windows facing out into the hallway. Thankfully no one was walking by at the moment. “And I don’t want to sleep with Lucy.”

“Well that’s a lie,” Gemma said.

You rolled your eyes. “OK, on a carnal level, yeah. Lucy is the one that… well, she didn’t get away so much as burned down the house, the bridge and salted the earth,” you said. “But I can’t even think of what it would take for me to actually, y’know, with her.”

“But you also don’t like the idea of her and Eric,” Sabrina said.

“Not really?” you said. “It’s weird.”

“What if I told you that we’ll find another Asian girl to have over?” Sabrina asked. “One who is prettier, sexier, and isn’t a complete bitch.”

“Hey now,” Gemma said.

“If we do another content weekend,” Sabrina assured Gemma. “Talked about beforehand, and with your input obviously.”

“It’s not about wanting to have sex with her like that,” you said levelly.

“Of course it’s not,” Sabrina said. “It was just a thought experiment.”

“Love, you don’t need to choose either option,” Gemma pointed out. “We don’t need to hook these parts of our lives together. They can stay separated.”

You hung your head, your hands braced on the edge of the conference table, and took a long breath. “OK, rationally, you two are right. Three birds, one stone makes sense. My hangup is just pettiness, really. A kid not wanting to share his toys, except Lucy isn’t a toy and isn’t mine to share to begin with.”

“I’m your toy,” Sabrina said quietly, lowering her voice into her OnlyFans husky one. Gemma gave her a swat on the hip and Sabrina laughed.

“So what do you think then, love?” Gemma asked.

“You might as well float the idea past Lucy,” you said to Gemma. “See if she’s even interested. We don’t know for sure what kind of guys she’s been seeing other than that one from Tasha’s party. He was a little older, so maybe she’s just into older guys and it wouldn’t work with Eric anyways.”

“Mmm, good point,” Gemma said. “OK, I’ll put out some feelers. Maybe I’ll get Charlotte to help with some recon, she puts up with Lucy the most.”

“And what about the Asian threesome?” Sabrina asked with a teasing smirk.

Gemma gave her a full-on spank this time, which made Sabrina yelp, and set the three of you to laughing.

Eric came back through just before lunch, letting the three of you know Garrison had all the info and wasn’t going to punish him or anything. Sabrina went out of her way to offer Eric a high five, and Gemma congratulated him on getting more traction online.

“He did mutter one thing though,” Eric said, giving a little chagrinned smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“What was that?” you asked.

“That he should have made you pay him more,” Eric said. “I distinctly thought I heard him say ‘I’m getting too old for this shit.’”

That made the four of you chuckle, and you all wished Erick luck on getting back to work and covering things with Andy. Once he was gone, you nodded again to yourself. Eric wasn’t such a bad guy. If anything, setting him up with Lucy might have been more of a punishment for him unless he could impress her enough that she wouldn’t feel she could be her bitchy, demanding self.

That, of course, would be a job for Gemma and Sabrina, because fuck if you knew how to help out with that.

Chapter 260

You went out to dinner with Gemma that night for a little one-on-one time, but after your long weekend the two of you limited yourselves to a quick make-out session and a snuggle at your place before she left to go back to hers and start in on her plan to recon about Lucy’s dates. It was kind of weird - you didn’t feel desperate to have sex with her. Not to say you were any less attracted to Gemma, and didn’t not want to be close with her or have sex. You just didn’t need it because you knew it was entirely on the table. It was weird, but also kind of nice.

The next day you, Gemma and Sabrina were back at it again in the conference room, sorting the files. You had it down to a mechanical science at that point, driving through the boxes at a good pace. The problem was that the companies involved had deliberately messed everything up - it was like they had taken all the files needed for discovery and dumped them out on the ground before re-filing them.

You had a feeling that somewhere out there, there was another intern team that was remembering de-sorting the files just for you three to re-sort them.

You were just about halfway through, though the state of the conference room was in an ‘it gets worse before it gets better’ kind of moment. The entirety of the conference table, along with eight of the ten chairs, were currently sporting boxes and piles, and there were still dozens of boxes more that you hadn’t even cracked open yet. It was getting on in the day when Garrison came by again.

“Sir, please for the love of God, don’t tell me there’s another letter,” you said. “Or do. I could use the distraction.”

Garrison snorted a little and shook his head. “No, nothing like that,” he said. “Look, guys. I know I said I needed this done, but I’ve had a couple of curveballs thrown my way on this and now I really need it done. So here’s the surprise twist - if you can get this done by Thursday night, I’ll give you three a paid day off. Do whatever overtime hours you need to and report it over to HR, just get it done.”

“Can we choose the day?” Gemma asked.

“Yes, that’s fine,” Garrison nodded. “Of course, don’t put it on a day you’ll be in court with us, obviously. Or do, what do I care if you fritter away your other reward.”

“We’ll take it, sir,” Sabrina said. “Happily.”

“Good, good,” Garrison nodded. “If you’re pulling late shifts, you can also order dinner on the company account. Don’t go overboard, you’ll have a limit.”

He left the three of you, heading back to his office.

“Paid. Day. Off,” Sabrina said quietly, striking a little dance pose with each word.

“We should use it carefully,” Gemma said. “Add it on to a weekend.”

“Actually, I have an idea on that,” you said. “I’ve got some friends heading out to the beach on the July 4th weekend. It’s already a long weekend, maybe we stack it on so we can get an extra long weekend. Or, that is, if you two want to hit the beach and meet my friends?”

“I would absolutely love to, love,” Gemma said, coming over to you and taking your hand in hers as she beamed a smile at you. She clearly wanted to kiss you but held back since you were in the office.

“I assume these are college friends and not high school friends?” Sabrina asked.

“Yeah,” you nodded. “Is that OK?”

“Absolutely,” she said with a grin. “We need to break the ice about us anyways.”

“Oh,” you nodded. “Um, that actually sounds like a conversation the three of us should have. Is that a here conversation, though?”

“Tonight,” Gemma said. “Over dinner.”

The three of you agreed and got back to work.

It was kind of strange - the firm wasn’t huge, and it wasn’t like a lot of Legal Drama shows where people worked there at all hours to find the secret to success on some major case or another. Almost everyone worked their 9-to-5 hours (or less, if you counted the Partners skipping out early or going golfing with clients). At around 6pm you did a quick walk through the halls and saw that there were only a couple of the Associates left in their offices, and by 7pm you brought around the second box of pizza the three of you had ordered and found even they had gone home.

“OK,” you said as you re-entered the conference room. “We’re alone.”

“Like, alone-alone?” Sabrina asked.

“As far as I can tell,” you said.

“Well, in that case…” Sabrina said with a smile as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

“No, stop,” Gemma said, putting a hand out to physically stop Sabrina from undressing. “We have work to do, and we don’t know any routines for the cleaners. We can do that on the last day, after we’re done.”

Sabrina pouted, but then cracked a smile. “You want John to bend you over this conference table just as much as I do,” she said.

“Of course I do,” Gemma grinned. “But I’m not the horny bitch who only thinks with her nipples and clit.”

“OK, OK,” you said. “We should actually talk, and then get back to work.”

“Right,” Sabrina nodded, re-doing her buttons. “So…”

“So,” you nodded. “The last time we really, explicitly talked about it in depth we had decided I was dating Gemma and Sabrina was the secret sex friend, but we’ve obviously pivoted from that and Katherine and Becks know that the three of us are dating. So we need to decide what we’re actually telling people like our family and friends.”

“I’m fine with being completely open, or anything else,” Sabrina said. “I’m not super weirded out by people thinking we’re weird for being in a throuple, or a poly pod, or whatever we decide to call it. You’re my boyfriend, and you’re my girlfriend.” She reached out and took yours and Gemma’s hands in hers and squeezed. “But if either of you want to keep it quieter, I’m OK with that.”

“What do you think, love?” Gemma asked you.

“I…” you took a breath. What did you think?

Chapter 261

You wanted it all.

Well, maybe that was a bit hyperbolic.

You wanted to graduate from university, go to law school, and start off your career strong. Maybe eventually become a judge, even though there wasn’t as much money in a Judgeship as there was in corporate law. And, once you were settled, you wanted to start a family.

Before a few weeks ago, you would have said that family would be the nuclear type with a wife, a couple of kids, and a dog living in an upscale neighbourhood with the ability to travel and eat out at nice restaurants and all that kind of stuff. That was the end goal.

Now you wanted it… twice. You didn’t want a nuclear family anymore; you weren’t even sure what a family would look like with the three of you. But you definitely wanted the three of you. You wanted to go to law school with Gemma and Sabrina. You wanted to settle down with them and start your careers together. You wanted a family with them.

“I want you to be happy,” you said, suppressing the urge to just word vomit all of that out. You were a month into this relationship, and sure a lot had happened and you’d rushed pretty much every aspect of it, but what you wanted would probably be overwhelming.

“OK, but what about your family?” Gemma prodded you. “Or your friends? Would there be any blowback?”

“I… don’t know,” you sighed. “My Dad would probably need a bit to absorb it, but would overall be accepting in a hint-hint, nudge-nudge kind of way. My Mom would think we’re weird, and possibly ask inappropriate questions down the line, but wouldn’t freak out or anything. I wouldn’t really care about my extended family that much. Same for high school friends - some sort of cross between my Dad and my extended family. As for my college friends… I mean, I’d get ribbed for it, but I don’t think there’d be any bigotry or anything.”

“So you’d be OK with us being open?” Sabrina asked.

“Honestly, probably,” you said but turned to Gemma. “I’m not the one I’m most worried about though.”

Gemma sighed and nodded, looking down at your hand holding hers

“Do you want to talk it out, or just give us a flat answer?” Sabrina asked quietly. “Either one is OK.”

“I don’t know what my extended family would think,” Gemma said. “I’d care about my Grandma, mostly, but she got tipsy once a few years ago at a barbeque and let slip that she’d experimented with girls back when she was our age, so she sort of let the cat out of the bag on being OK if any of us grandkids were gay. Poly might be different, but I doubt it. My Dad is going to be super critical of anyone I get into a relationship with after all the shit with my ex. My Mom… well, my Mom couldn’t hate someone if they spit in her eye.”

“Friends?” you asked.

Gemma sighed. “I don’t care,” she shrugged. “If they do have a problem with it, why would I want to be friends with them?”

“What about Birdie?” you asked.

She smiled and squeezed your fingers, obviously happy that you’d remembered the name. “I think she’d ask way too many questions, and be happy for me.”

“So it’s mostly just your Dad you’re worried about?” Sabrina asked.

Gemma nodded. “I think- I think maybe we can be open about it while we’re here,” Gemma said. “Maybe we don’t blast it out with a big announcement on social media so that I can control some of the release of information back home, though. Tease it out a bit to give people time to get used to the changes. But telling your friends and families is fine. I just need to be home and have a plan to explain it to my Dad.”

“OK,” you said. “So we’re official.”

“We were already official,” Sabrina smirked. “We’re just making it Facebook Official, without the Facebook.”

That made you and Gemma chuckle a little.

“OK, so let’s book the beach trip,” Gemma said. “And, um, I wasn’t sure how to ask this before, but now that we’re talking about making it official official and telling people and stuff… So, one of my cousins is getting married in December. John, would you want to fly out for a few days and be my plus-one? Sabrina, I’d ask you to come too but it might be awkward to ask for a plus-two, and it’ll give me a chance to ease my Dad into getting used to me being in a relationship again.”

“I-” You felt something weird in your chest. Not a pain or anything, but an emotion that was hard to understand. “Gemma, I would love to if we can make it work with exams and everything,” you said. “But I don’t know if-”

“Oh, shut up and say yes,” Sabrina laughed, leaning over and hugging you and Gemma. “Yes, I’m fine with it. Obviously it would be weird to need to ask your cousin to accommodate your two American lovers, especially for her wedding. I’ll miss you extra, but that’s more than OK.”

The three of you hugged for a long time and, since you were 99.5% sure you were alone on the floor, you kissed them both and they kissed each other.

Then you had to scarf down your cooling pizza before getting back to work, racking up the overtime hours.

- - - - -

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Sabrina hissed. She was looking up between you and Gemma, out the windows into the hallway. The three of you had worked until almost 11 PM the night before and had come in and started work immediately the next morning. Now it was almost 11:30 AM.

“Who?” you asked, while Gemma turned and looked over her shoulder.

“Fucking cunt,” Gemma swore, turning back to her work.

“Oh,” you said. It could only be one person.

“OK, she’s gone,” Sabrina said.

You dropped the files you were sorting and looked back, but didn’t see her. Eric, however, was coming down the hall and he stuck his head in the conference room door.

“911,” he said. “KillJoy is in the building.”

Chapter 262

There was only one real answer as to why Joy would be back in the building - she had to be visiting her mother, or coming to meet her for lunch or something.


“Way to give us a heads up, Becks,” Gemma muttered grabbing her phone and opening it and quickly typing.

“It’s fine,” you said. “We’re fine. It’s already Wednesday, would she really wait this long to try and pull something?”

“Or it’s only Wednesday,” Sabrina pointed out. “And she’s been scheming since Saturday to get us caught in a horrible net of lies and half-truths.”

That did sound like Joy.

Gemma’s phone pinged and she looked at it. “Becks didn’t know she was here,” Gemma said. “She must have used a back exit or something.”

“Great,” you mumbled. “The conniving bitch also knows about multiple ways to get in here.”

“So what are we going to do?” Sabrina asked.

“Nothing,” Gemma said. “We don’t draw any attention to ourselves. We just work like nothing is the matter. That’s what Garrison would want anyways, right? If anything goes down, we have to make sure it was her fault.”

You and Sabrina agreed, and the three of you went back to work.

It only took Joy five minutes to come back around and show her evil hag face.

She knocked but didn’t wait at the door to the conference room, breezing her way in with a snide smile. “Well, well, well, look who it is,” she said. “Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dumb, and Tweedle Dick.” She was dressed in an outfit that never would have flown when she was interning in the law office - it was a flowy, silky summer dress that barely covered her ass and showed off her legs, and had a decent amount of cleavage up top. You could only assume it was seen as more appropriate to wear something like that at the fashion magazine offices her mother had gotten her a job at.

“Funny,” you said. “How long did it take you to come up with that one?”

“Hmm,” she hummed with a snotty pout of a grin. “So what, did you three get downgraded from digitization and keyword searches to just sorting old boxes of crap?”

“That’s literally none of your business,” Sabrina said.

“Whatever,” Joy said, stepping forward and starting to look at the papers on top of one of the sorted stacks.

“Stop,” Gemma said, stepping forward and wedging herself partially between Joy and the table. “You don’t work here, you can’t just start pawing through legal documents.”

“Ugh, get out of my face, you hairy bitch,” Joy scoffed. “I can do whatever I damn well want, and none of you can stop me.”

“She’s right, Joy,” you said. “Get out of the room. We don’t want you here, and these documents aren’t something you can just start reading.”

“Fuck off, you limp dick snake,” Joy hissed. “Make me.”

“I will if I have to,” Gemma said, pushing herself forward a bit more until she was chest-to-chest with Joy. Joy’s heels gave her more height than Gemma, but your girlfriend wasn’t a skinny twig with tits like Joy. Gemma’s curves were natural and she was athletic underneath them, so the brief brush sent Joy stumbling backwards slightly.

“What the fuck, you bitch!” Joy shouted loudly. Too loudly. “You just assaulted me.”

You rolled your eyes, then turned to glance at Sabrina but she was already heading out of the conference room by the other set of doors at the far end out into the hallway. That left you to back up Gemma, and you stepped forward as Joy continued to crow about having been assaulted. Some of the Associates and Jr Partners were starting to peek out of their offices at the ruckus she was causing.

“I’ll sue your ass off!” Joy shouted. “You can’t put your hands on me like that. And you spit on me too. That’s aggravated assault. I’ll get you deported!”

You probably shouldn’t have, but you snorted. And once you snorted, you started giggling. You couldn’t stop it.

It was all just so… ridiculous.

Gemma looked over at you confused for a moment, then cracked a grin and started trying not to giggle herself.

“Stop laughing at me! I’ll make sure you’re charged with everything under the sun. You’ll be calling the Australian consulate begging them to get you out of this.”

“What the hell is going on in here?” one of the Jr Partners said loudly as he stepped into the room. You vaguely knew his name was something that started with an O. O’Malley, O’Brien… something like that. He didn’t order for the coffee run so you never interacted with him.

“This bully just put her hands on me,” Joy cried, pointing accusingly and Gemma.

You literally had to go down to one knee, you were wheezing so hard from trying to stop yourself from laughing.

“It’s- She’s faking,” Gemma got out in between her own suppressed giggles.

“I am not!” Joy shouted.

“What the hell is going on in here?” raged a new voice. It was Bellagamba. Joy’s mother’s face looked like a stormcloud had met a tsunami.

“Mother, I told you she was horrible,” Joy cried, her big crocodile tears finally kicking in. “She pushed me hard, I almost cracked my head on the window. For no reason!”

“Stop laughing!” Bellagamba shouted at you, and then she turned on Gemma. “And how dare you put your hands on my daughter. You are f-”

“What the hell is going on in here?” Garrison’s voice beat the Jr Partner and Bellagamba in thick base and pure volume.

Joy opened her mouth to make her accusation again.

“Why are you in this room? You don’t work here and it’s full of proprietary documents,” Garrison said, pointing a thick finger at Joy. “Get out.”

Joy snapped her mouth shut. The tone of Garrison’s voice was clear that her waterworks and banshee routine wouldn’t move him. That and Sabrina was standing right behind him in the doorway.

“This isn’t-” Bellagamba started, but Garrison levelled a glare at her that would have made you shit your pants if it had been turned on you. As it was your laughter had died when he first walked in and bellowed.

“We’ll talk about this after lunch,” Garrison said cooly to Bellagamba.

Joy’s mother grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the room. Sabrina did a pretty good job of not sneering at them both as they had to walk past her. They went in the quickest direction towards the elevators.

“Sir, I-” Gemma started.

Garrison held up a hand, interrupting her. “Wait a few minutes, then take a long lunch,” he sighed. “You’ll be here late with the overtime anyways.”

“Thank you, sir,” Gemma said.

He just sort of gave a grunt and stalked out of the conference room, and many of the looky-loos in the hallway filtered away.

“What the hell was that?” the Jr Partner asked you, Gemma and Sabrina as the only other person left in the room.

“Honestly, you don’t want to know,” you told him.

It looked like he did, in fact, want to know. Just not enough to actually get involved, so he left.

Chapter 263

“OK, Eric,” Gemma said. “Sabrina and I have asked you here today because we have a proposition for you.”

Eric was clearly suspicious, and you couldn’t blame him.

Nothing else had happened after Joy and Bellagamba had left the day before, other than a whole lot of work. Bellagamba hadn’t come back into the conference room, but neither had Garrison. The three of you had decided to end up taking your usual lunch and getting back to work since you were on a deadline, and dinner had been order-in Chinese food.

Now it was lunchtime on Thursday and Gemma had summoned Eric to come eat lunch with you three in the conference room without Andy.

“Why do I feel like I’m being led into a trap?” Eric asked.

“It’s not a trap,” Sabrina said. “Seriously, it’s a good thing.”

“Then why are you two acting so weird?” Eric asked, then looked over at you. “Why are they acting so weird?”

“Just listen to them,” you sighed and gestured back to Gemma and Sabrina.

“How have your matches been going on the apps?” Gemma asked.

“I dunno, fine,” Eric said.

“Any more than usual after we helped you out?” Sabrina asked.

“Maybe a few, but they haven’t gone anywhere,” he said.

“OK, that’s fine,” Gemma said. “Actually, that’s probably good. How would you like to go on a blind date?”

“Um…” Eric said. “I dunno. I’ve never been on a blind date. Is she hot?”

“She’s pretty,” Gemma nodded. “And she dolls herself up like a princess when she’s meeting a guy for the first time.”

Eric narrowed his eyes. “So she wears a lot of makeup?”

“Oh my God,” Sabrina scoffed. “Please tell me you aren’t an ‘I like a natural look’ guy.”

“Well, what if I do?” Eric frowned.

“Eric, would you say Gemma or I are ‘natural look?’” Sabrina asked.

“I mean, other than eyeshadow…” Eric said.

Gemma sighed and shook her head. “That’s why, Eric,” she said. “You think we’re mostly makeup-less, and you’re just wrong. I’m wearing foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipgloss. I just apply it well and don’t cake it on.”

“Pretty much the same for me, except add fake lashes,” Sabrina said.

“I thought fake eyelashes give you big lashes though,’ Eric said.

“Yeah, they can,” Sabrina said. “But I’ve got really thin natural lashes, so I get small fake ones to not look like I’m going out slutting it up for work.”

None of this was a surprise to you - you’d spent more than enough time with both of them to have seen them taking off their makeup at the end of the day, or putting it on in the morning. To be fair, your favourite version of them both was when they were naked-faced (and naked in general) and in bed after a long bout of sex, but you also appreciated both their day-to-day makeup and when they really went all out for a fancy date night. Well, maybe the ‘naked face’ being your favourite was more about the warm afterglow of sex, with their hair wild and plastered to the sweat on their foreheads and shoulders and not actually the makeup.

“Seriously, Eric,” Gemma continued. “There’s almost no modern woman who you would look at and think ‘Damn, she’s at least a seven’ and she isn’t wearing makeup.”

“Fine, fine,” he sighed. “I get it.”

“OK. So her name is Lucy, and she’s my roommate,” Gemma said. “She likes when a guy treats her sweetly and pays attention to her, but isn’t overbearing. You’ll meet her tonight at 7 PM at the Cat and Fiddle. It’s an upscale pub, the prices aren’t wild, but it’s nice enough to dress up a little to impress each other. She’ll be wearing a blue and red dress, and you need to bring a yellow flower with you.”

“Why a yellow flower?” Eric asked.

“So she knows it’s you, and because bringing one flower is a sweet gesture without being too much,” Sabrina said.

“Do I really need to bring a flower?” he asked, looking over at you.

“He did it and got me,” Gemma said.

Eric sighed. “Fine, a yellow flower.”

“And her name is Lucy,” Sabrina repeated.

“I got it, I got it,” Eric said.

Eric still got an earful over the rest of lunch about all the things Gemma and Sabrina thought he needed to hear to have a successful first date. In the end, you surreptitiously took a couple of notes on your phone since you weren’t sure if you were meeting everything on their rambling list of expectations yourself.

After lunch, Eric went back to work and the three of you got back to the last push on organizing all of the files. You were close, and the finish line was in site to hit the deadline, but there was still a lot to do.

Garrison checked in at four, and you promised him it would be done and ready for him and his Associates in the morning. Gemma went and found Eric at five to make sure Eric remembered the pub name and time he was supposed to meet Lucy.

Then the floor emptied out, and it was just you three and four associates. Then two associates.

You ordered dinner, sushi this time to celebrate the work almost being done.

Then it was just you three in the office, and the light was dimming outside as the sun dipped below the nearby buildings but hadn’t set yet. It cast an orange glow across the glass windows of the building opposite.

The sushi was good but not great. The office was quiet. You had, at best guess, an hour left of work to do.

Sabrina dropped her chopsticks on the floor. “Oops,” she said, then disappeared behind the lip of the table.

“Well, I guess we’re not waiting,” Gemma said to you with a smirk.

“Guess not,” you said, and you felt Sabrina’s slender hand slink up from your knee to your crotch as a happy giggle filtered out from under the conference table.

Gemma grunted, and you looked over and saw Sabrina was sliding a hand up Gemma’s pantyhose-covered thigh as well, reaching under her business-appropriate skirt.

Chapter 264

Your cock was out and in Sabrina’s fist in moments, and Gemma was breathing deeply beside you while Sabrina’s other arm flexed as she did something underneath Gemma’s skirt.

Gemma turned to you and leaned over, pulling you to her with a hand on your cheek so that she could kiss you. She moaned softly, her lips humming with the sound, and you reached over and softly brushed your fingers across the front of her blouse, cupping her tit and pressing your thumb across where her nipple would be.

“God, this is such a bad idea,” Gemma laughed as your kiss ended.

“The best bad idea,” Sabrina said from under the table. You were fully hard now and she was slowly stroking you, and then she tilted your cock down and her lips teased the head sending shivers up your spine.

“When did you start daydreaming about having sex in the office?” you asked Gemma with a little grin, still playing with her boob through her shirt.

“Second day,” Gemma said. “I was too busy trying to retain everything the first day.”

“What did you imagine?” you asked her.

“Just jilling myself off,” Gemma panted and then flashed you a little smirk. “I didn’t start daydreaming of an encounter with you until at least day four.”

“Naughty,” you laughed.

“What about you?” she asked.

“I was daydreaming about both of you minutes after I met you,” you admitted. “Though I wasn’t thinking about doing something in the office until at least the second hour.”

That made Sabrina bark out a laugh from under the table, and she took that opportunity to leave your cock to just her hand and move over to Gemma. She pushed your blonde girlfriend’s skirt up her thighs and spread her legs, then pushed her face between them. You caught a delicious view of Gemma’s pussy with her panties pulled to the side before Sabrina’s lips sealed over them.

“Fuuuck, Sabrina,” Gemma groaned. “This is so bad.”

Sabrina did her best to keep stroking you, but her main focus was on Gemma, so you mirrored what Gemma had done to you and pulled her face towards you by her chin and kissed her. “Do you want to suck my cock while you get eaten out in the conference room?” you asked.

“Uh-huh,” she grinned lopsidedly.

You stood and pushed your chair back from the table, bringing the slick head of your cock up to just within an inch of Gemma’s mouth. She looked at it and licked her lips, then looked around the room in partial wonder. The lights had dimmed out in the hallway and the orange glow of the sunset off the windows of the other buildings was the main source of light, casting the entire room in that yellow-orange haze. She looked back up at you and pursed her lips, blowing you a kiss, and then opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of your cock and slowly dragged them over the ridge and off.

“Fuck,” you grunted, making her smirk again.

Gemma started to slowly bob on your cock, holding it steady with the fingertips of one hand as she traded between matching your gaze and closing her eyes from the pleasure she was feeling from Sabrina. She ran the fingers of her other hand through Sabrina’s silky dark hair as she lapped and licked and kissed all over Gemma’s cunt. Then Sabrina added a pair of fingers to the mix, slowly inserting them into Gemma and wiggling them around before returning her tongue to the mix as well.

“Mmmmmf,” Gemma moaned around your cock.

You softly gathered up her blonde hair and got it back in a ponytail behind her head, keeping it out of the way for her, but she took that as you wanted a faster blowjob and she went a little loose, allowing you to direct her head.

“Fuck, I love you,” you groaned as you started to fuck her face lightly.

She grinned around your cock and since you were in control now she took her hand from where it had slipped to your hip, and her other from Sabrina’s shoulder, and started undoing her blouse. Soon her silky black bra was on display, and she quickly popped her breasts over the top of it in a lewd exhibition of her wonderful charms. You immediately reached the hand not in her hair down and pawed one of them roughly, feeling her already hard nipple brushing against the palm of your hand.

With herself revealed, she reached down under your cock and started to gently tease your balls, but between the sexual activity and the location you felt yourself starting to edge towards an orgasm. You quickly pulled away, leaving Gemma with her mouth gaping open a little as she breathed hard.

“Sorry, too close,” you said, leaning against the conference table for a moment.

“It’s OK,” she laughed, and then her body rolled forward a little bit as her expression got a little dreamy. “I am too. Sabrina, just like- Yeah, do that again. And… yeahyeahyeah… Ffffuuuuuck-uh.” Gemma shuddered through her first orgasm.

Sabrina pushed Gemma’s chair back from the table so that she could raise up more, grinning like a fiend as she continued to wiggle her fingers in Gemma’s snatch but looked over at your cock. “Mmm, that looks tasty,” she grinned.

“So do you,” Gemma panted. “John, hop up on the table.”

Gemma directed you and soon you were sitting on the table with your legs over the edge, and Gemma had bent Sabrina over to push her mouth onto your cock. This let Gemma pull Sabrina’s skirt up and over her ass and pull down Sabrina’s thong, and she quickly buried her face between Sabrina’s buns and thighs, repaying the favour.

“Ooooh, God yes,” Sabrina moaned, stroking your cock and biting her lower lip hard as she looked up at you. “For a chick who wasn’t really sure about being into girls a few weeks ago, Gemma is fucking good at eating pussy.”

“I just love tacos, OK?” Gemma chuckled from behind Sabrina. “Especially this one.”

“I love your taco too, baby,” Sabrina laughed. Then she licked her lips and kissed the underside of your cock. “And I love this big sausage too.”

“Then show it you love it,” Gemma said. “You little fucking office slut.”

“Takes one to know one,” Sabrina said, then started blowing you with those wonderful eyes watching your every expression, milking every ounce of pleasure she could for you.

Chapter 265

“God, you two drive me crazy,” you said.

Gemma and Sabrina both had their skirts pulled up to their waists and their underwear down around their knees. Gemma was in stubby one-inch heels, while Sabrina had kicked off the flats she wore around the office at some point. They were both bent over the edge of the conference table, their asses pointing back at you, and were holding hands as they grinned over their shoulders.

“Who are you going to fuck first, John?” Sabrina asked, wiggling her smaller butt at you.

“God, love, I want your cock in me so badly,” Gemma said, matching Sabrina’s motions and smirking as she tried to entice you.

“No, I want your cock way more,” Sabrina said, laughing a little as she played the game. “My pussy is absolutely dripping after sucking your big, hard cock with my little mouth.”

“Love, my clit is on fire for you right now,” Gemma crooned. “And I might scratch the table, my nipples are so hard. I need to feel you stretching me out.”

“I’m going to squirt all over the office carpet as soon as you put it in me,” Sabrina said.

“I want you in my ass after you fill my cunt,” Gemma said.

“Hey, no fair,” Sabrina said with a change of voice, pouting a little.

“Sorry,” Gemma said, giving a soft smile to her and then leaning in and kissing her. “Over the line.”

“Thank you,” Sabrina said sweetly, her mild frustration dissolving. “You two can do anal in the office another time.”

“Another time?” you asked. “The only reason we’re doing this now is a fluke.”

“Fine, if there’s another time, you two can do anal,” Sabrina clarified. “Now, can I get some cock in me or what?”

“Just give it to her,” Gemma said to you. “If you don’t she’ll start getting bratty.”

“You love it when I’m bratty,” Sabrina said and stuck out her tongue.

Instead of answering, you stepped forward and gave Sabrina a swift smack on the ass that left a pink handprint on her cheek for a moment. Then you palmed both her ass cheeks and pulled them apart, spreading her wide open, and used your hips to get your cock into position.

“Oh, fuck yes, Daddy,” Sabrina moaned as she felt your cock at her entrance.

“I thought choosing you first meant you weren’t going to be bratty?” you asked, pulling away slightly.

“No!” Sabrina pleaded. “I’m sorry, John. No Daddy talk in the office.”

“Good,” you said and plunged your cock into her about halfway with a grunt.

“Uuungh, fuuuck,” Sabrina groaned, laying her face against the table as her mouth fell open and she panted at the feeling of your cock inside of her.

“What happened to squirting as soon as he was inside you?” Gemma teased her with a smile, still holding her hand.

“He’s not all the way in yet,” Sabrina panted.

For your part, Sabrina felt extra tight and silky and you wondered if the situation was really making her horny enough to change how her cunt gripped you. Deciding to let her get accommodated for a moment, you slowly stroked out of her and then back into the same depth. At the same time, you leaned down over her and kissed at the crook of her neck, softly sucking on her skin right in that little erogenous zone she loved. She kicked one leg at the knee at that sudden extra feeling, and then again, almost like a dog getting a good belly scratch.

“You are such a horny bitch,” you laughed softly in her ear.

“All for you, baby,” Sabrina whispered.

You turned from Sabrina to Gemma, leaning over to kiss her and she met you halfway. Grabbing her ass as you started to make out, you slid your fingers into her crack and down to her pussy, teasing her lips with your fingertips and feeling she was as wet as Sabrina was.

“John-” Sabrina began, but you cut her off by suddenly thrusting into her the rest of the way, fucking her to the root of your cock and driving deep into her. “Awe, fuck!” Sabrina erupted, squeezing her eyes closed tight and arching her back up at you as she did, in fact, come when you entered her completely. It wasn’t a massive squirt, thankfully, but it definitely dribbled out of her and down onto the carpet of the conference room.

“You beautiful, nasty perv,” Gemma laughed, reaching over and sweeping Sabrina’s hair out of her face.

“So fucking good,” Sabrina panted.

“Well, now that she’s gotten hers,” you teased, slowly pulling out of her.

“No, please not yet,” Sabrina pleaded, reaching back with her free hand and grabbing your arm. “Stay in me.”

“Greedy slut,” Gemma teased her some more.

“I am,” Sabrina said. “I’m such a greedy, needy whore. I need John’s cock inside of me every fucking day. Doctor’s orders.”

That made you laugh. “Which Doctor ordered that?”

“Doctor Love,” Sabrina giggled.

“She sounds hot, maybe I should go meet Doctor Love,” Gemma said. She was slowly wiggling her ass again, encouraging your fingers to blindly explore her from clit to ass.

“She is,” Sabrina said. “She’s got big ol’ titties and sexy glasses that she looked over the top of when she was telling me what my daily dose of John-juice should be.”

“Is this a regular fantasy of yours, or off the cuff?” you laughed.

“I think you should do a Doctor-Patient video for the OnlyFans,” Gemma said, biting her lip.

“Oh, fuck, Doctor Daddy,” Sabrina chuckled, putting on her performing voice. “Where are you putting that stethoscope?!”

You rolled your eyes at that one and slowly gave Sabrina a couple of strokes now that she’d obviously come down from her orgasm.

“OK, Gemma’s turn,” Sabrina said.

“Awe, thanks for finally sharing, babe,” Gemma said.

“Thanks for waiting,” Sabrina said, and once you had pulled out she leaned over and kissed Gemma with a heavy dose of tongue. You took the opportunity to kneel behind Gemma, and she felt where you were and reached back to peel one ass cheek wide for you. Her cunt, shaved smooth, was already slightly flowered open with her arousal and her puffy lips were flushed and just that little bit slick from you manipulating her with your fingers. You dove in, drilling your tongue into her and tasting her.

“He’s perfect, isn’t he?” Sabrina said and you could hear her smile.

“The best,” Gemma nodded. “But even though I love his tongue, I sort of really need his cock right now.”

“Fine, fine,” you sighed dramatically, standing up and laying your cock between her ass cheeks. “Like this?”

“Little lower, love,” Gemma said with a smirk as she looked back at you.

“Here?” you asked, pushing the spongy head of your cock into her crack and nestling it into the divot around her asshole.

“Yes, but not with Bratty McSlutface calling the shots,” Gemma grinned.

Sabrina stuck out her tongue at Gemma as she made a face, but was surprised when Gemma leaned forward and caught her tongue between her lips.

“Guess it’s going here, then,” you said, sliding your cock down and stuffing it into Gemma’s cunt in one long, slow stroke.

“Hnnnmmmngg,” Gemma hummed her orgasm around Sabrina’s tongue and lips as they began to make out again.

Chapter 266

“Hold on, take a picture,” Sabrina said, leaning over to grab her phone from where she had been eating dinner. She opened it and handed it back to you.

“Who is the picture for?” Gemma asked.

“Us, obviously. And maybe send it to Becks?” Sabrina suggested.

“Hah, OK,” Gemma laughed. They hadn’t moved from their bent-over position on the conference table, and as you stepped back a bit to get them both in the frame they reached back and spread their cheeks in an extremely lewd display, showing off their assholes and cummy cunts. You’d only had one orgasm but had managed to swap between them twice during it by pinching your cock and moving quickly.

“Have I mentioned that I love you two?” you asked as you knelt down and framed the shot, then had to take another with flash since the light from the conference room windows was washing them out. “And I would even if you weren’t both nympho pervs.”

“Hey,” Gemma said, standing up after the photos and turning to lean her butt on the conference table. “I’m not a nympho, I just love sex with my boyfriend and girlfriend. Sabrina is the nympho.”

“Guilty as charged,” Sabrina said with a grin and dropped to her knees in front of Gemma and started licking your cum out of the Australian.

“Fuuuck,” Gemma hissed, spreading her legs a little more to give Sabrina access. Then she motioned for the phone and you handed it over. “Fuck, that’s so nasty,” Gemma laughed when she saw the picture.

“Send it to Becks,” Sabrina mumbled.

Gemma did with a smirk and a shake of her head, then set the phone down and leaned back until she was laying full on the table looking at the ceiling. “This is so fucking wild,” she said.

“It’s awesome,” Sabrina mumbled.

“Totally hot,” you agreed.

“Love, come up here,” Gemma said, craning her neck to look at you. “I want you to fuck my face while Sabrina eats me out.”

“No way am I fucking your face,” you said. “It’ll mess up your makeup too much and we’re not at home.”

“Fine, I want to blow you,” Gemma said. “I want your wonderful cock still covered in the taste of me and Sabrina in my mouth and on my tongue.”

You sighed, getting up on your knees on the conference table and shifting over to her. “Hard to say no to that.”

She smiled up at you, taking your half-hard cock in her fingers and bringing you to her mouth. “I love you, John,” she said with an open earnestness.

“I love you too, Gemma,” you said back, hoping you could give her the same feeling she could give you. She took you in her mouth and began to softly suckle and suck, closing her eyes as she enjoyed giving and receiving pleasure at the same time. Her breasts, still popped out over her bra and hanging from her half-undone blouse, were right there so you grinned and softly began teasing them with your fingertips, drawing circles without getting inside the edge of her areola.

Sabrina’s phone pinged with a notification, and Sabrina stopped eating out Gemma to check it and then started cackling.

“Becks asked if this is where she thinks it is,” she said. “I’m telling her ‘Maybe.’”

Sabrina went back to eating out Gemma, her nose pressed to your blonde girlfriend’s clit as she smiled with her eyes up at you, but the phone went off again quickly.

“Hah!” Sabrina barked a laugh when she checked the message. “It’s just a bunch of emotes. Swearing face, angry face, swearing face, eggplant, squirting water.” The phone pinged again. “Oh, this one’s a photo!” She giggled and then turned it around to show you and Gemma, who took her mouth from your cock for a moment.

The picture was obviously a selfie taken by Becks. She was sitting on a couch, completely naked, and had a dildo in her pussy but wasn’t handling it. Instead, she was flashing you the finger through her phone.

“God, she needs a boyfriend,” Gemma laughed, then went back to sucking you off.

“She says she was in the middle of a movie when we sent that, and now she doesn’t know if she’ll finish it,” Sabrina laughed as another message came through. “She also says to spray a load on Gemma’s face for her.”

“No she didn’t,” Gemma said, again popping her mouth from your cock and looking down at Sabrina in shock.

“OK, she didn’t,” Sabrina giggled. “She just said make sure to get another load out of John in her honour. I added the face part.”

“Filthy little slut,” Gemma grunted with a grin, going back to your cock but using her leg to pull Sabrina back to her cunt.

Once you were fully hard and halfway to your next orgasm, Sabrina and Gemma switched places so that Gemma could clean Sabrina. Then, as you got close to the end, they both got on their knees and tag-teamed your cock until you groaned and busted your nut, your orgasm bubbling up so hard you felt it between your eyeballs. You managed not to spray their faces, just covering their tongues, and Sabrina handed you her phone to take another picture as they both held your cum in their mouths and stuck out their tongues a little without dribbling it on their clothes.

You took the picture, snorting a little at how ridiculous they were, and then they made a show of kissing each other and passing your cum back and forth between them.

“We have work to do still,” you reminded them. “We don’t have time for a round three.”

“Fine, fine,” Sabrina said as their kiss ended and they both swallowed. “We need to clean up, though.”

Gemma put her boobs away, and they both walked to the washroom hand in hand, their laughter echoing down the hallway. You managed to get your cock away and clean yourself up without needing a washroom yourself, then you set about cleaning the mess - which mainly consisted of the takeaway dinner garbage the three of you hadn’t cleaned up yet. You were just returning to the table again and wondering if you needed to do something about the dribble of Sabrina’s squirt on the carpet when Sabrina’s phone rang.

Seeing that Becks’ face popped up, you decided to answer it. “Sabrina’s phone, Daddy speaking,” you said with a smirk.

“Fuck, um, hey Daddy,” Becks said on the other, panting. “Are you three really doing it in the office?”

“We finished a few minutes ago,” you said. “The girls are cleaning up.”

“Fuck, that’s hot. You three are insane,” Becks gasped.

“Are you still playing with yourself, Becks?” you asked.

“Mhmm,” she grunted.

“Thinking about my cock?” you asked with a little grin.

“Mhmm,” she grunted again.

“What position am I fucking you in?” you asked.

“Missionary. Deep dicking me,” she said.

“And what’s Gemma doing?” you asked.

She hesitated. “She’s sucking on my tits,” she said.

“And how about Sabrina?”

“She’s tied up and not allowed to play with herself,” Becks said. “She’s getting cucked.”

“Are you ready to come?” you asked.

“Fuck, please Daddy?” Becks mumbled.

“Do it. Come,” you said.

Gemma and Sabrina were just coming back from the washroom and heard you say that into the phone. Both of them gave you confused looks and then almost at the same time their eyebrows shot up as they realized what was happening.

“Oooooh, fffuuuuuuuck,” Becks moaned into the phone loud enough that the girls could hear.

Sabrina took her phone from you and put it on speaker. “Was that a good one, Miss Lusty?” she asked.

“Fuck you,” Becks panted on the other end. “I didn’t plan this.”

“Don’t worry, baby,” Gemma said. “You can have phone sex with John all you want.”

There was a long pause on the other end, and then a sigh. “That… might be nice,” she said.

That set Gemma and Sabrina to laughing, which set Becks to laughing, and then you couldn’t help yourself either.

Chapter 267

“I think those should go over there, and then these ones can stack in numerical order here,” Sabrina directed you as the two of you were shifting boxes around.

You were on the last few files and Gemma was quickly going through them, so you and Sabrina had shifted to trying to make the entire system understandable for Garrison and the Associates in the morning. The entire outside of the conference room was now ringed with the file boxes, and you were doing the muscle work of lifting and moving things while Sabrina was writing out labels on sticky notes to make it all as easy as possible.

“That’s a good point,” you said. “But if we’re doing it numerically we should shift the dated tax boxes over there to make some more room.”

“Fuck, true,” Sabrina sighed. “OK.”

You got to work but then stopped when Gemma let out a loud, long sigh. When you looked over she was leaning back in her chair with her palms over her eyes.

“Something wrong?” you asked.

“Nope,” she shook her head, still with her hands over her eyes. “I just finished the last file.”

“Sweet!” Sabrina said, skipping around the table and hugging her.

“Why am I hearing a ‘but’ coming?” you asked.

“I thought we agreed no anal,” Sabrina smirked.

“Harrharr,” you rolled your eyes.

“It’s not a ‘but,’” Gemma said, dropping her hands and blinking a few times before gesturing to the file in front of her. “More like an ‘and.’”

“So, and what?” Sabrina asked, picking up the file and starting to skim through it.

“And I think I found something that Garrison is going to want,” Gemma said. “Maybe something that they were hiding on purpose.”

“In the last file of the last box?” you asked.

Gemma shrugged. “It’s just as likely as the first box, or any of the ones in the middle.”

“Holy shit,” Sabrina said, still reading.

“What is it?” you asked.

“A memo about health and safety issues,” Gemma said. “The way it reads, someone asked for something someone said to be in writing, and some middle manager somewhere actually put it in writing. It’s… I mean, it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Or maybe there already is one.”

“Shiiiiiit,” you said, pursing your lips as you thought it through. Garrison handled a lot of different corporate business and this entire time you’d been assuming that these files were for some sort of merger situation. He’d purposefully not told you what you were supposed to be looking for, and now you understood why. If this was for a merger, you might have skimmed over a memo like that since it wasn’t fiducial.

If it was for something else, finding any sort of fishy memo was like a smoking gun.

“Do we tell Garrison now, or…?” Sabrina hedged.

“It’s almost midnight,” you said. “Him and the Associates are starting on this first thing tomorrow. I say we leave it out with a note, otherwise he might start wondering why we were here so late.”

“So what you’re saying is we maybe should have finished work before fucking in the office,” Gemma said, looking over at Sabrina.

“Well, if we did it that way, we may not have been able to fuck in here at all!” Sabrina pointed out.

“She’s not wrong,” Gemma said, turning back to you like a tennis referee watching a match.

“Hey, I’m not complaining here,” you said, holding up your hands. “I’m just stating the facts.”

“Whatever,” Gemma said. “We leave it out with a note and say we think this is probably important.”

You all agreed and soon you, Gemma and Sabrina were working together to finish the great Box Sorting and labelling. Just before you left for the night, you changed your mind about the file.

“Let’s leave it on his desk,” you said. “With a note. Or one of the Associates might come in and steal our thunder.”

“They wouldn’t,” Gemma frowned.

“Are you kidding?” Sabrina said. “Come on, babe. They are lawyers. Sharks. All of them.”

You and Gemma looked at Sabrina.

“OK, fine, they aren’t that bad,” she chuckled. “But seriously, they are all trying to make Partner, and Garrison has a lot of sway. We’re just interns.”

“Point taken,” Gemma said. “OK, let’s leave it on his desk.”

Gemma wrote the note and the three of you dropped it off before heading to the elevators. Just as you were arriving you were surprised to hear the elevator ding - the three of you came face to face with a trio of cleaners, all six of you stopping in your tracks.

“Hi,” you said. “Late night. Have a good shift!”

“You too,” the woman who looked like she was in charge said after eyeing the three of you up and down and deciding you didn’t look like vandals or anything.

You, Gemma and Sabrina piled into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

“See, if we’d waited-”

“We get it, Sabrina,” you said with a little laugh.

The lobby was dark except for some lights right at the door, and another couple down one of the corridors where a janitor's closet was propped open. At the front door you had to go through a side door with a crash bar on it since all the main doors were locked.

“So… I think the buses have stopped running at this time of night,” Sabrina said.

“Guess we need to Uber it,” you said.

“Actually, with Eric and Lucy going out tonight… Can I crash with one of you?” Gemma asked.

“Of course,” you said.

“I’m in,” Sabrina grinned.

“We are planning on just sleeping, right?” you asked. “It’s late already and we have work in the morning.”

“Obviously,” Sabrina said as she pulled up Uber and ordered you all a ride.

“I’m going to need a shower first,” Gemma said.

“Want some company?” Sabrina grinned.

“Always,” Gemma said.

“Am I invited?” you asked.

“You can watch,” Sabrina said. “Like you said, we need to sleep.”

“That sounds fair to me,” Gemma said with a teasing crinkle to her nose.

You rolled your eyes and pretended to pout, making the two of them laugh.

“Shower, blowjob, bedtime snack, and then sleep,” Gemma negotiated.

“Is the bedtime snack a quick protein shake?” Sabrina asked with a bite of her lip.

“Isn’t that what the blowjob is for?” you asked.

“We’re going to be tired tomorrow morning, aren’t we?” Gemma asked rhetorically.

“Love you,” Sabrina said, hugging Gemma from the side.

“Love you too, nympho,” Gemma chuckled and hugged her back.

Thankfully, Sabrina got herself under control so that you didn’t embarrass the Uber driver, who appreciated having some clean and sober customers on a Thursday night.

If only he knew how filthy your minds were.

Chapter 268

“Hmmhmm, hmmhmm, gotta get hmm hmm hmmmhmm,” Sabrina was humming to herself as you walked down the street from the bus stop.

“Babe, please tell me that’s not ‘Friday’,” Gemma said.

“It’s catchy!” Sabrina defended herself.

“Yeah, catchy enough to get stuck in our heads,” you said. “Thanks a lot.”

Sabrina just laughed and shook her head, leading you into the office building. Inside there were a few people in the lobby, but Becks wasn’t currently occupied so you all went up to her.

“Good morning,” Gemma said.

“Morning, guys,” Becks said, then flushed a little remembering your back and forth the night before.

“Morning, Becks,” you said with a smile and a wink, leaving it at that.

Sabrina wasn’t as forgiving. “Morning, Miss L,” she said with a wink.

“Sabrina,” Gemma warned her.

Becks waved Gemma off. “It’s fine,” she said, then looked at Sabrina. “Once.”

“I know,” Sabrina said, reaching over the desk to take Becks’ hand and squeeze it. “I’m just teasing you a little.”

“And that’s why I’m willing to forgive you,” Becks said, then dropped her voice low. “Bitch.

That made you and Gemma snort little chuckles, and Sabrina grinned. The three of you waved your good mornings to her and then headed for the elevator.

“Fuck,” Gemma said as the doors closed.

“What?” you asked.

“It’s in my fucking head,” she said, giving Sabrina a little shove in the shoulder. Sabrina just snickered.

Upstairs you all headed to the conference room - not the one you’d been working in for two weeks, but the usual one. The three of you spread out and set up your workstations again, and about five minutes before the start of the day Eric came in looking a little tired.

“Hey, Eric,” Gemma said. “How did the date go?”

“Um,” Eric said, glancing around at you and then out into the hallway. Then he broke into a grin. “It went good.”

On the one hand, you felt kinda happy for Eric that he’d finally had a good date that wasn’t just a hookup. On the other hand, it looked like he’d possibly gotten farther with your Ex than you ever had.

“Like, good-good, or good-good?” Sabrina asked.

“The second one,” Eric said, moving around to his seat with a little shit-eating grin on his face.

“OK, but did Lucy have fun?” Gemma asked.

“She wants to go out again tonight,” Eric said. “Texted me this morning.”

“Wow,” you said, raising your eyebrows.

“Nice job, Eric,” Sabrina said, offering him a high five which he excitedly accepted.

“I’ll be honest, it started out a little rough. You never told me she was Asian. But she’s hot, so I went with it,” Eric said. “We had a couple of drinks at that pub you set us up at, and then we went out to a club and she was all over me. She had me come back to your place and we, uh… yeah.”

“Made the beast with two backs?” Sabrina offered. “Put the round peg in the square hole? Introduced the bull to the cow?”

“That last one is rough,” Gemma rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, that,” Eric said. It was kind of funny seeing him be a little squeamish talking about actual sex after he’d been so cavalier about wanting to find chicks to hook up with. “We did that. And then after some like, snuggling or whatever, I headed out and she wanted me to text when I got back to my place so I did. And then this morning she said she wanted to see me again tonight.”

“That’s great, dude,” you said, offering him a fist bump. “Now you can stop checking your dating apps every five minutes.”

“Why would I do that?” Eric asked.

“Eric,” Gemma said sternly. “You just went on a great date with a girl who wants to see you again.”

“Yeah, but she said she wanted to be casual,” Eric said.

“Casual isn’t two nights in a row,” Sabrina pointed out.

“But it’s what she said,” Eric argued.

“Morning, folks,” Mr Garrison said as he stuck his head in the door. “John, Gemma, Sabrina, great work on the files. The Associates are already hard at work. They got in early because I told them you would definitely be done, thanks for proving me right.”

“Our pleasure, sir,” Gemma said.

“Have you been to your office yet, sir?” Sabrina asked.

Garrison frowned and glanced at Eric, who had been the problem child of the Cease and Desist letter issue. “No, I haven’t. Is there something I should be expecting?”

“We just found a particular file late last night that you’ll probably want to see,” you said.

“Oh, alright then,” Garrison said. “I’ll take a look. Anything else going on for you folks today?”

“Actually, hypothetical question for you, sir,” you said. “If someone, let’s say Eric, were to go out on a date that went really well and the woman he went on the hypothetical date with said she wanted to be casual, but then she hypothetically texted the next morning asking to see him again that night - would you consider her a hostile witness?”

Garrison snorted hard and looked at Eric. “Check her purse for your nuts, son. If they aren’t already there, they will be soon.” And he left.

“Pfff-ff-fffft,” Gemma blew out her breath through her lips. That made Sabrina snicker as well.

“Thanks, guys,” Eric said dryly. The four of you got to work, not sure when Andy would show up with the morning coffee run.

About ten minutes later you caught yourself humming that fucking song, and when you glanced over at Sabrina she was biting her lip and trying not to laugh.

Chapter 269

Apparently Garrison’s favourite way to reward good work, as well as make up for mistakes in management, was with Pizza.

“That file was an excellent find,” he said as he clapped you on the back, gesturing with his other hand to Gemma and Sabrina with his own slice of pizza. “You three finding it is going to save a lot of man-hours of work on this.”

“Happy to help, sir,” Sabrina said with a grin.

“So, you followed through, and now it's my turn. When would you like your paid day off?” Garrison asked.

“We’d like to tack it onto the end of the July 4th weekend if we could,” Gemma said.

“Done, take the extra long weekend,” Garrison nodded, polishing off his current slice of pizza and reaching in to snag another. “Eric, you can go ahead and take the day as well. Maybe take your hypothetical girlfriend out on a hypothetical date.”

“Um, thanks, sir,” Eric said, conflicted on whether to be happy or argue that he didn’t have a girlfriend. He’d spent the morning alternating being happy that he had a second date, and defensive of his right to be ‘single and ready to mingle.’

“You, however,” Mr Garrison said turning to Andy, “Will be expected to show up to work.”

Andy opened his mouth, a complaint about fairness obviously about to roll out of his mouth, but at a look from Garrison he snapped his mouth shut. Eric had filled the three of you in that Garrison had called Andy into a meeting the day before while you had still been in the other conference room and Andy had come back pretty quiet. It likely had something to do with the amount of work getting done by Eric and Andy during the special assignment the rest of you were on.

Garrison left, and the five of you got back to work as well once the pizza was devoured. And then things… went back to normal.

It was almost weird. You finished out that Friday afternoon and spent the weekend with Gemma and Sabrina. You filmed one scene with Sabrina, but otherwise most of the time was spent just doing couple-ish things. The three of you went grocery shopping together. You met up with Becca and Charlotte for dinner on Saturday night and the girls talked about Eric and Lucy. You had a little duo-date breakfast with Gemma on Saturday morning, and one with Sabrina on Sunday. Then you got sent home a little early on Sunday so they could have their own girl-date without you that evening.

And the next week was more of the same. You went to work, you did the normal intern keyword searching and digitization, and then you met up with Gemma or Sabrina or both of them most nights. Wednesday you went with Mosche to an Open Mic night at another comedy club, this one a little grimier and less popular, where he tried out some new material that he was working on.

The next weekend, and week, were a lot more of the same. And it was good, and you were so fucking happy.

The few standout events that happened were that Eric and Lucy kept seeing each other, though both of them were swearing it was only casual. Eric slept over with Lucy once, which Gemma found weird finding him in the kitchen the next morning and had to admit Lucy had been put through more than you three had been considering with you suddenly appearing in her life again. One odd thing was that Becca reported that Lucy seemed to change her mind a lot about whether Eric would stay over or not - it was like she wanted Gemma to be there when they were having sex, and Lucy was going out of her way to be loud about it.

That just made Gemma smirk and shake her head, and you couldn’t decide whether Lucy was being petty or if it was something else.

Another strange thing that happened was that Sabrina got sent nudes over Twitter, but not the usual unsolicited dick pics that she usually blocked. Instead, it was from the ‘Daddy’s Dick’ account directly, and the person sending them claimed that it was her running the account and she wanted to show her appreciation directly to Daddy. She was a gorgeous woman, a little curvier than Gemma but she kept herself in shape. Sabrina asked her to take a photo with a newspaper to prove it was her, and she got back another nude with that day’s New York Times on her bare torso.

You thought it was kind of weird and didn’t know how to respond. Sabrina thought it was great and kept texting with her.

Sabrina also got contacted by another OnlyFans model asking if she wanted to do a collaboration. That one Sabrina brought to you and Gemma immediately - the woman was Hispanic and showed her face in her content, and the three of you watched a couple of her self-shot scenes. She was hot and had a filthy mouth like Sabrina’s. She also clearly had a boob job and Brazilian butt lift going on, along with some lip filler - none of it over the top, but it made her look like a classic influencer type that blended in with so many other models and pornstars that she really wasn’t that iconic in her presentation.

Not that any of that stopped her from having a fairly successful OnlyFans account - she was only slightly larger than Sabrina, so from a business perspective the collab made sense. It was from the relationship side that you really weren’t sure. Everything had gone well with Becks, and the teasers had gone out for the first lesbian scene to drop in another week. But bringing in someone you all didn’t know…

Sabrina ended up thanking her and telling the woman that she needed to think about it.

By the time it was the Sunday at the end of June, everything in life felt like it was smooth as gravy. Sabrina was making money hand over fist, you were helping her with research for high-quality editing techniques, and the internship was going well during the day.

But with a mini-vacation on the horizon, the girls wanted to know more about your friends, and that woke you up just a little from your honeymoon phase haze.

Your friend group was going to find out you were in a polyamorous throuple.

Chapter 270

“Tell us about your friends,” Gemma said. “Like, you’ve mentioned names here or there, but we don’t actually know about them.”

Gemma was laying on your bed in just her panties and a loose tank top, while Sabrina was sitting on your desk chair with Gemma’s foot in her lap as she carefully did the blonde’s toenails in a cute red colour. You had gifted them both pedicures at a spa, but they’d decided they wanted to spare you some cash and do the actual nail painting themselves. Sabrina was in a similar outfit to Gemma, but wearing a thong instead of panties.

“Well, I dunno. They’re… my friends,” you said. “We argue, we go out and drink, we play some video games sometimes but mostly in the last year we’re studying.”

“Baby, you can do better than that,” Sabrina smirked.

“Fine. Um, well the guys organizing the trip are Brent and Paul. They knew each other in high school but weren’t friends until college. They are both in pre-law. Brent plays in a rec basketball league and stays in shape, and Paul is into D&D on weekends.”

“Oh, look,” Gemma said. “That’s two things more than drinking, studying and video games.”

You rolled your eyes and followed that up by rolling over on the bed so that you could get your face over Gemma’s to give her a little kiss. “Point taken, love.”

“Good,” she grinned. “Now who else is on this trip?”

“Last I heard Corey is still coming, though he might bail. He’s kinda flakey, but not like Andy. He does a lot of volunteering and sometimes he lets that take over his life. And if Corey comes his girlfriend Victoria will probably come. She’s nice, but kind of quiet.”

“Oh, I think I know Corey,” Sabrina said. “Well, I don’t know him, but he sounds familiar. What program is he in?”

“He’s in that new International Studies program,” you said.

“That’s probably how I know him, I took a couple of those classes last year,” Sabrina nodded.

“Does Victoria go to school with you, too?” Gemma asked.

“I don’t think so. It hasn’t really come up, but I think she’s from town and Corey met her while volunteering,” you said.

“Hmm, OK,” Gemma nodded. “So that’s four, plus us?”

“Paul’s brother Edgar might come along. He’s a year behind us and in the Music program. He can be a little… aggressive in his opinions and doesn’t like admitting he’s wrong. Usually if you don’t give him any attention he’s harmless,” you said.

“So in other words, don’t leave Gemma alone with him,” Sabrina grinned to herself.

“Hey,” Gemma laughed. “I’m not that bad.”

“You love to call people on their shit,” Sabrina said. “I think there’s a club full of comedians who pray every night that you aren’t in the crowd.”

“Just most of them,” Gemma smirked.

“The last person who might be on the trip is Ollie, or Olivia I guess. She’s in the debate club with me at school and is a PoliSci major,” you said.

“Oooh, now she sounds like fun,” Sabrina said. “Is she any good at debate? I always thought about joining but it was on the same night as the Ballroom Dance club.”

“You do ballroom dance?” Gemma asked in surprise.

“Well, I sign up for it every year intending to, but then I never end up going,” Sabrina blushed a little. “Maybe this year.”

“You have to bring her, John,” Gemma said. “Don’t let her not take advantage of school extracurriculars while she’s there.”

“It’s on his debate night,” Sabrina waved Gemma off.

“I’ll make it work,” you whispered to Gemma and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Good boyfriend,” Gemma smiled and patted your chest.

“Tell me more about Ollie,” Sabrina said. “She sounds cute. Is she cute?”

“I mean, if you like short, stacked black girls with facial piercings,” you said. “She loves punk music and is in a band, but they kinda suck.”

“Does she have pierced nipples, too?” Gemma asked.

“What? I don’t know,” you said.

“You haven’t slept with her?” Sabrina asked.

“No, I-”

“He was hopeless before us,” Gemma said with a teasing giggle at you.

“Obviously. He never asked me out, he never slept with Ollie,” Sabrina tutted, also teasing you.

“She’s a lesbian,” you said. “Very, very lesbian.”

“Oooooh,” both of them chorused.

“So what’s a cool, punk lesbian doing hanging out with a bunch of chads?” Gemma asked. “She sounds awesome.”

“I think I might actually know who you’re talking about now,” Sabrina said. “She has the piercings right at the bridge of her nose near the eye line, right?”

“Yeah, and an eyebrow stud and a lip ring,” you said. “And she hangs out with us because she thinks the other PoliSci majors are posers, and she and Corey are friends and I’m one of the few people who actually takes Debate seriously.”

“Well, it sounds like a solid group,” Gemma said. “Anything other than Edgar that we should keep in mind?”

“I dunno,” you said. “Try not to give anyone a heart attack with how beautiful you two are?”

Sabrina rolled her eyes while Gemma just smiled at the compliment. “I think you mean don’t wear any too-skimpy bikinis or you might break their brains,” Sabrina said. “And that’s mostly directed at you, Gem.”

“Harrharr,” Gemma said, shaking her head. “So funny.”

“You know, I’m kind of nervous,” you said. “But also excited. And I can’t wait to spend a weekend with you two on the beach.”

“Me too,” Sabrina said, setting down Gemma’s foot after quickly blowing on the wet toenail paint. “I’m excited to make you blush like fucking crazy by making all your friends jealous.”

“I’m just excited to know more about you,” Gemma said, taking your hand. “I’m in love with you more than I ever loved my Ex, but I feel like I know everything and nothing about you at the same time.”

You kissed her and she smiled into it. “I want you to know everything,” you promised her.

“Me too,” Sabrina said, crawling up onto the bed on Gemma’s other side and kissing her cheek.

“God, I love you two,” Gemma said with a big sigh. “Why couldn’t you have both been born in Australia?”

“Pffft,” Sabrina blew a raspberry. “Why couldn’t you be born in the States?”

“Because, babe,” Gemma said. “Then you wouldn’t get tingles every time you heard my accent.”

“Fair,” Sabrina said. “My nipples are tingling. Want to check?”

Gemma leaned down and bit Sabrina’s nipple through her shirt, making her bark out a laugh.

Chapter 271

Your bags were packed and ready to go, but you had just one more day of work left to go. Sabrina had slept over the night before, having already packed her own bags and brought them over, so you and her went to work together. It was a quiet bus ride in as you both sipped on coffee from your travel mugs and sat together, holding hands and occasionally smiling at each other. Then, entering the building, you both said hello to Becks. Nothing had changed in the friendly banter with her, even after the brief phone sex episode, though that hadn’t happened again. She teased the two of you quietly about being a two-wheeled trike without Gemma with you and asked if you guys were ready for your trip.

It wasn’t until you were up in the office and entering the conference room that you realized the day wasn’t going to be quite as perfect as you expected.

Red flag number one: Gemma and Eric were both in before you and Sabrina, and you guys were fairly early.

Red flag number two: Eric looked like he was a beaten puppy and was shooting glares over at Gemma.

Red flag number three: Gemma had a distinctly frosty quality in the way she was sitting up with perfect posture and working, not looking up from her laptop.

“Morning, guys,” you said, and then went to Gemma and leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Morning, love.”

Eric didn’t say anything and Gemma sighed, closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath, then opened them and turned to you and Sabrina. “Good morning, loves,” she said.

That made you hesitate a moment. And then your stomach fell out a little because you realized what must have happened.

Eric knew.

Eric was dating Lucy. Lucy knew because of being Gemma’s roommate. She’d told Eric something.

“Good morning, baby,” Sabrina said, immediately cluing in as well and coming over to Gemma and giving her a little kiss on the lips.

“So it really is true,” Eric grunted from his side of the table.

“Eric, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you,” you said, going down to your seat nearer to him and sitting. “We just didn’t want the poly thing to affect anything at the office, so we’ve kept it on the down low.”

“That’s not why he’s mad,” Gemma sighed.

“It’s part of why I’m mad,” Eric said.

“OK, it’s part of why he’s mad,” Gemma said.

“Well, what’s the big part then?” you asked.

“She,” Eric said, pointing his finger across the table accusingly at Gemma. “Got Lucy to break up with me.”

“That’s not how it happened at all and you know it,” Gemma defended herself.

“Whoa, OK,” you said. “How about you just start from the beginning, Eric.”

“Fine. Last night I went on another date with Lucy, and she invited me back to her place. Everything was going fine and we were sort of making out on the couch in their living room when Gemma came home late, and then Lucy started acting weird and being more aggressive with kissing me, which I mean, cool except that she only does that when she thinks Gemma might be around. So I’m like, ‘What the hell is going on’ and she doesn’t even answer me, and Gemma isn’t paying attention to us. Then Lucy calls to Gemma in the kitchen if she had fun with John and the slut, and I’m like ‘What the fuck does that mean?’ and Gemma comes in and tells Lucy that she was at the gym and did some groceries after. Then Lucy gets pissy and tries to start making out with me, but I’m confused so I ask her again what the fuck that question meant, and she just punches me in the chest and gets off of me. Gemma apologizes for her and says I shouldn’t put up with her hitting me, and Lucy blows up and says she shouldn’t need to put up with Gemma’s shit, and Gemma says she doesn’t do anything to her and even set her up with me. And then Lucy goes off, screaming that Gemma was dating her ex, which by the way you could have told me, and that ‘little brunette slut’ like a whore, and Gemma shouts back at Lucy that if she wasn’t a huge bundle of airheaded personality faults maybe she wouldn’t be so obsessed with Gemma’s relationship, and that sort of devolves into them insulting each other and then out of nowhere Lucy just turns and shoves me off the couch and screams that she’s done with me. Gemma storms off to her room and I’m headed for the door when Lucy grabs me and basically pins me to the wall cause she’s freakishly strong for being so small and she’s like ‘Where the fuck are you going?’ and then she drags me back to her room and wants to have makeup sex or something, but she’s being super loud and overdoing it. I end up passing out afterwards, and she kicks me awake at six in the morning and pushes me out of bed, saying we’re done again and starts screaming at me, which wakes up everyone in the apartment. They all come to see what’s wrong, and Lucy screams at Gemma again which gets Becca and Charlotte to shout at Lucy and it’s all fucking chaos so Gemma and I get dressed and leave, and it’s not like we were going to go for coffee or something so we came here.”

You… weren’t really sure what to do with all of that.

“OK,” Sabrina said. “But was the freaky breakup sex any good?”

Chapter 272

You didn’t figure anything out, really. Eric backed off on blaming Gemma but was still frustrated at the state of his relationship with Lucy. They’d been seeing each other for three weeks at that point, and you couldn’t blame him for feeling invested and then having the rug pulled out from under him - at three weeks with Sabrina and Gemma you were already attached at the hip. You weren’t sure what you would have done if they’d suddenly had a blow-up with you.

Eric was also clearly a little flustered about the throuple situation. You could tell he wasn’t sure whether to give you a high-five and ask questions, or to feel hurt that it had been hidden from him since you all worked together.

Things settled a little once Andy arrived in the office and the work day started properly. Most of the morning went by in quiet, though you, Gemma and Sabrina quietly messaged back and forth a bit to touch base. Sabrina wanted to know why Gemma hadn’t told you and Sabrina about the whole thing right away, and Gemma explained she didn’t want to ruin your date night and figured she would just tell you in the morning, but then everything had happened that morning and she’d been trying to figure out how she felt about it all before she told you guys.

That led to Sabrina offering to let Gemma move in with her, but Gemma liked living with Becca and Charlotte and didn’t want to leave them in a lurch for two months of rent. Sabrina just grinned to herself for a moment after that message, and she messaged back teasing Gemma for not wanting to leave the horny lesbians without having a shot at them first. Gemma flushed in person and denied that over text vehemently.

By the time lunch was coming around Garrison hadn’t poked his head into the office once, which had become his regular routine to check on the five of you, so you took a water break and went wandering down towards his office and saw that it was closed and the light was off. It looked like he was taking a longer weekend too.

The only problem was that meant you were left in the building without Garrison but with Bellagamba around. You let the others know when you got back to the conference room, and you all decided to keep to the strict lunchtime rules so as not to tempt fate and get caught leaving a little early or arriving a little late. Just in case.

Things got interesting again after lunch when Eric came back from the sub place with a confused but smiling expression.

“OK, what happened?” Gemma asked.

“Well, you know that cute girl who works behind the counter?” Eric said. “She was kind of bantering with me a bit, and so after I paid I asked her for her number to hang out this weekend, and she said yes. Which was awesome. But then on my way back here I got a text from Lucy and she was apologising… and she sent me a picture.”

“What kind of picture?” you asked, guessing at the answer already.

“A, uh, naked one,” Eric said. “Want to see?”

“Yes,” Sabrina said at the same time you said, “No.” The two of you glanced at each other and you shook your head and turned back to Eric. “Whatever she sent, that’s personal between you two. You shouldn’t even offer to share it.”

“Well, you’ve already seen her naked,” Eric said. “What’s the big deal?”

“When did he see Lucy naked?” Gemma asked with a raised eyebrow.

“They’re exes,” Eric said.

“We dated in high school,” you said. “We never got past kissing a little.”

“Wait, really?” Eric was shocked. “I thought… Well, why the fuck is she acting like she is, then?”

“We don’t know,” Gemma said emphatically. “Seriously, Eric. I’m glad that you two were getting along, but after the way she’s been acting with you I’m sorry I suggested setting you two up.”

“You should definitely call the sub place girl,” Sabrina nodded. “You’re right, she is cute. And might not be crazy.”

Eric screwed up his lips in thought, looking down at his phone in his hands, and like magic it pinged that he had a text. He opened it and his eyebrows rose.

“She sent another nude, didn’t she?” Sabrina asked.

Eric just nodded his head, still looking at the phone.

“Eric,” you said, snapping towards him, and he blinked and looked up. “She’s baiting you.”

“Are you two exclusive?” Gemma asked.

“Um, we never really talked about it,” Eric said.

“So just have fun with her, but call the sub girl,” Gemma said.

“I disagree,” you said. “And not because I’m jealous or something. Lucy is showing you her true colours - don’t stick your dick in crazy.”

Gemma snorted and you glanced over at her, and she looked between you and Sabrina a couple of times in a silent implication that you were doing just that. Andy still didn’t know about the three of you, so she couldn’t just say it out loud.

“Hey,” Sabrina said when she caught the innuendo, but then she just laughed and shrugged. She definitely was the wildest, and maybe craziest, of the three of you.

“I dunno,” Eric said, looking down at his phone again.

“I say avoid her,” you reiterated. “Delete the photos so you aren’t tempted.”

“I say you’re here for two more months of internship. Don’t get serious with anyone unless they deserve it,” Gemma said.

Eric turned to Sabrina. “What do you think?”

“I think…” Sabrina pondered out loud. “I think you should do what makes you happy, Eric. So if you want to ride the crazy train, that’s OK. But it’s also more than OK if you don’t.”

Eric sighed, clearly left with a lot to think about.

“I think you should take them both out at the same time and see if you can get a threesome out of it,” Andy said.

That made you, Sabrina and Gemma all snort and cough, and start laughing. Eric joined in a moment later.

Chapter 273

Thankfully you made it to the end of the day without Bellagamba making problems for anyone, but Eric still hadn’t made a decision about what he was going to do. You really weren’t sure what Lucy was thinking - there was a point in your life where you thought you knew her pretty well, but then she’d dumped you and everything felt like it shifted with her.

After work Gemma split from you and Sabrina as she needed to head back to her apartment quickly, while you and Sabrina took an Uber over to the car rental company. The beach was a good several hours' drive away and was closer to your school than it was the city, so getting there was more of a problem for you three than anyone else on the trip. Since everyone was splitting the cost of the Air B&B based on their rooms, and you three were sharing one, the car was actually going to be the most expensive part of the trip other than maybe food and alcohol costs all put together.

Since you were managing the Air B&B part of the trip for the three of you, Sabrina had offered to manage the car rental and you had to go over to the airport to pick it up. You got dropped off by your Uber at the terminal and took a quick walk down to where the car rental places were and queued up behind a few folks.

“Looks like we came in at the wrong time,” Sabrina grinned a little as she leaned into you, her arm looped through yours as she rested her head on your shoulder. “A big flight must have just come in.”

“No way we could have known,” you said. “But I’m seeing a lot of tired faces. Must have been a long flight.”

Sabrina glanced around. “Where would you want to go? For a vacation, I mean. And assuming Gemma was coming with us so don’t answer Australia.”

“Um,” you thought. “I dunno. Spain, maybe? Or Italy?”

“What if we did the whole Riviera?” Sabrina suggested. “Just the three of us travelling the coast of the Mediterranean. Spain, France, and end in Italy.”

“That would be pretty amazing,” you said. “Are we backpacking on this trip, or are we ridiculously wealthy and doing it in style?”

“Oh, ridiculously wealthy, obviously,” Sabrina said with a grin. “Three lawyers, all at the top of their game. Actually, scratch that, we’ll do it once backpacking and experience it like that, and then we’ll do it later on when we’re all high-paid lawyers and get to be nostalgic about it.”

“And when are we taking this amazing trip?” you asked.

“We could do it next summer,” Sabrina suggested. “Once we’ve all graduated, and before law school. Just think - we take like three months to travel, one month per country. Then we move into whatever law school we’re going to.”

“What about internships?” you asked. “The connections are important. Not to mention us needing to pay for things.”

“We’ll pay for things with our side hustle, baby,” Sabrina said. “If we can keep things rolling through the school year, we’ll be making more than enough.”

“For all three of us?” you asked.

“Maybe not all three of us completely,” Sabrina said. “But enough that we can pick and choose what part-time jobs we might want.”

“You’re crazy, you know that?” you asked with a smile. “And I love you for it.”

Sabrina grinned and went up on her toes to kiss your cheek, then pulled you down to whisper in your ear. “Aren’t you glad you’re sticking your dick in crazy?”

That made you laugh.

The two of you got to the front of the line and Sabrina and the woman behind the counter quickly went through her reservation while you quickly darted off to the washroom. By the time you got back Sabrina had signed and paid as planned, and had the keys in her hand with directions to the proper lot. She looped her arm in yours again and smiled up at you, and the two of you took the walk over to the parking structure. An attendant there took a look at the keys and papers that Sabrina had and nodded, leading you over to their rows of rentals. There was a whole mix of cars and SUVs, but he led you to the very end of the row and you blinked as he stood at the back of a silver Mercedes-Benz with the soft top of a convertible.

The attendant did a quick walk around with Sabrina to ensure there was no damage and then gave her a quick rundown of how to work the convertible roof, and you just sort of stood there in mild shock. You’d been expecting a car, or maybe an SUV if she wanted to splurge, but this was a bit much.

Then you remembered that you’d been mildly surprised at the size of Sabrina’s bag back at your place. She’d had one duffle bag, like an oversized gym bag, and while it had been stuffed full it had still seemed small for a four-day weekend even paired with her purse and a small backpack. Now you understood why she’d packed like that - the trunk of the convertible wasn’t exactly spacious.

“Sabrina, really?” you asked once the attendant had left the two of you.

Sabrina grinned coming over to you, taking your hands in hers as she looked up at you with her impish smile and big eyes. “Surprise,” she said.

“You really didn’t need to do this,” you said.

“I know. But I wanted to - think of it as my belated one-month thank you gift for helping me with the OnlyFans content as my official cameraman and on-screen talent along with being my boyfriend,” she said. “This will make the drive down more fun once we’re out of the city, and we can show off to your friends a little.”

There was a part of you that wanted to argue that the likely cost was still too much, but even though she liked to spoil you and Gemma a bit you knew Sabrina was careful about tracking her money. So instead of arguing you sighed and looped your arms around her. “Thanks, sugar momma,” you said with a little smile.

“You’re welcome, Daddy,” Sabrina said, hugging you back.

That made you give her ass a swat, and she barked a laugh into your chest as you held each other.

Chapter 274

You picked up your bags from your place, then headed over to Gemma’s and Sabrina went up while you stayed with the car. First, to make sure no one tried to steal your shit or key it or something - Gemma didn’t live in a particularly bad area, but with such a nice car people could go out of their way to be dicks. You and Sabrina had both been in a pre-Law class that had been all about small claims court cases - it had been really funny at times, but also pretty depressing at how dickish random people could be to each other.

The other obvious reason to stay downstairs was so that you wouldn’t run into Lucy.

Gemma came down with a similar duffle bag to Sabrina’s and while she did brighten at the sight of the car, she wasn’t as shocked as you had been, which told you that Sabrina had told her about it. Or maybe they had planned it together.

You took Gemma’s bag from her and put it in the trunk, and then she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you into a deep kiss as she stood up on the curb for that little bit of extra height to bring you almost eye to eye.

Sabrina was driving, since she had the insurance filled out in her name, and Gemma insisted that you sat in the front seat while she took the back. You kept the soft top up until you were on the freeway out of the city, then pulled over and got it lowered before continuing on. The drive was fun, and the three of you took turns picking music to blast into the wind and sing along to. You’d planned the drive ahead of time and took a short detour to hit up a Barbecue place that had been featured on one of those Food Network ‘Gotta Eat Here’ kind of shows, and afterwards you took your chance to insist that Gemma sit in the front seat for a bit. The back was a little cramped for your legs, but seeing Gemma’s blonde hair in the wind and the way she was smiling and would occasionally grab Sabrina’s hand was worth it.

You ended up reaching the beachfront town late - it was a town of maybe 15,000 people, so not very big at all, and was almost entirely made up of the tourist industry serving the beach from Spring through early Fall. Sabrina did a little detour down the main entertainment street across the beachfront and it was nicely lit up with hanging lights, and while the shops and restaurants were closed, there were almost half a dozen bars that were open and bustling with business. In the dark of the evening, you could only really see the closest reflection of the lights on the waves, but you could definitely smell the fresh salt of the ocean and hear the soft crash of the waves.

Sabrina backtracked a bit and you pulled up into the driveway of the Air B&B just before midnight, and you quickly texted the owner that you had arrived. They texted back the unlock code for the front door and wished you a good stay, and you sent the girls inside to check the place out while you loaded up your shoulders with their duffle bags and your own before following them.

The plan was for all of your friends to drive up the following morning, so you, Gemma and Sabrina had the run of the place for the evening. When you walked in you frowned when you kicked off your shoes and saw a shirt lying on the floor. But right past that was another one, and past that was a bra that you distinctly recognized as belonging to Gemma.

Carrying the bags, you followed the trail of clothes up the stairs and down to the master bedroom where the door was standing partially open with a pair of Sabrina’s skimpy panties hanging from the handle. As you walked in and dropped the bags to the floor, you shook your head and smiled at the sight before you.

Sabrina was face down in Gemma’s pussy, wagging her naked butt back at you.

“I think you’re a little overdressed, love,” Gemma said with a grin as she cupped her breasts and softly tweaked her nipples.

“I dunno,” you said. “I was kind of thinking of checking out the amenities. Maybe take a walk, stretch my legs after that long ride.”

“Stretch something else,” Sabrina said, taking her lips from Gemma momentarily and shifting her position so she could return to her licking while also reaching back and spreading her butt cheeks.

“I think she wants you to fuck her,” Gemma laughed.

“And here I thought she wanted me to stretch her hamstrings,” you teased as you started pulling off your shirt. Once you were naked you knelt on the floor behind Sabrina and quickly dove into her cunt, pressing your lips against her and snaking your tongue up and down her inner labia as you held her at the knees to keep her from moving.

“Oooh, fuck, John,” Sabrina moaned. “I said stretch me out, not eat me.”

“Sorry, baby, but you taste way too good not to,” you said. You loved everything about Sabrina, including her smell and taste. You devoured her pussy, which slowly flowered open a little as you drove her into her own arousal, and you teased around her clit and opening before finally dipping your tongue deeper.

While you were doing that, Gemma had taken Sabrina’s head in her hands and wrapped her fingers in her hair, holding her tight. “That’s it, Sabrina,” Gemma grunted. “Be a good little- fuck- be our good little cunt licker. God, you love teasing me, don’t you?”

“I so fucking do,” Sabrina laughed in between groans of pleasure.

“You’re such a little slut, love,” Gemma groaned. “Fuck. I love the way your fucking fingers feel inside of me, and how you look at me while you’re tasting my clit.”

“I love the way your pussy gets so warm when I play with it,” Sabrina hummed back. “And it’s so fucking pretty, Gemma. God, you’re just perfect. I can’t believe we got here. I can’t believe I love you so much.”

“Me neither, love,” Gemma groaned. “God, I want you to eat me forever, and the only interruption is when John fucks me.”

“Got it,” you said from the other end of Sabrina. “Never eat you out again, leave it to Sabrina.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” Gemma laughed. “Now get your cock in her, love. Sabrina looks like she’s close and just needs to feel you deep inside her as I suffocate her with my cunt.”

“Yes, ma’am,” you said, standing up and rubbing the head of your cock through Sabrina’s slippery lips before sliding it into her. You both grunted appreciatively. Then you took Sabrina’s waist in both hands and pinched her hard the way she liked as you fucked deep into her, and Gemma pulled Sabrina down against her pussy with her fingers in the brunette’s hair.

Sabrina came, her toes clenching and her eyes rolling, for the first time that night, with a wordless and muffled howl.

Chapter 275

“Good morning, baby,” Sabrina hummed happily as she felt you slowly waking up.

“Morning, baby,” you grunted in reply, slowly waking up.

“Good morning, love,” Gemma said from next to you.

“Morning, love,” you said, peeling your eyes open. Sabrina was laying sort of perpendicular to you, her head pillowed on your stomach, while Gemma was cuddled against you but laying a little higher so her head was above yours and her boobs were an inch from the side of your face and her arm was lying down your shoulder to your chest. After the long session together the night before, the three of you had collapsed into sleep without even pulling the sheets down the bed.

“What time is it?” Sabrina asked.

Gemma shifted, looking over at the clock on the bedside table, and you couldn’t be sure if she did it on purpose but it pushed her boob right into your face. “Almost nine,” she said, then grunted a little. “Careful, love. My nipples are still feeling a little tender.”

That made you smile and you gently massaged her nipple with your lips. After the two of you had put Sabrina through her paces, you and Sabrina had turned your attention on Gemma and Sabrina had gotten a little rough with the bustier woman’s tits. Gemma had loved it in the moment, but just like every time, the morning after she tended to feel it a bit.

“We need to go hit a grocery store,” Sabrina sighed. “If everyone gets here on time we want brunch on the table a little before noon.”

“OK,” you groaned, letting Gemma’s boob fall from your lips.

None of you moved.

“Well, this is going well,” Gemma chuckled.

“I know what will work,” you said.

“What’s that?” Sabrina asked.

“First one in the shower gets to blow me,” you said.

Neither of them moved after a long moment.

“You really thought that would work, huh?” Gemma asked with a grin and a shake of her head.

“We love your cock and cum, we’re not addicted to it,” Sabrina said.

Gemma tutted. “Who would have thought our boyfriend would be such a misogynist.”

“I know, right?” Sabrina said as she sat up and started moving to the edge of the bed.

“You bitch,” Gemma laughed, lurching up and trying to get off the bed faster than Sabrina did, but the smaller girl had a head start and made it across the room and into the bathroom first. “Damn it!” Gemma laughed.

- - - - -

Finding a grocery store wasn’t a big deal, but deciding what to make was because once you got there you realized that you hadn’t actually checked out what was available to use in the kitchen of the Air B&B. Was there a waffle iron? What about a juicer for fresh juice? A blender?

You had at least remembered to pick up the trail of clothes from the night before.

In the end, you had to assume there were at least basic cooking necessities like frying pans, tongs and a spatula, so you decided on a spread of bacon and sausage, eggs, and pancakes. You also picked up a pack of ‘Can’t believe it’s not Meat!’ fake sausage patties for Corey and Victoria, who were vegetarian but thankfully not vegan.

Back at the house you and Sabrina took charge of the cooking while Gemma cleaned up your room and got all of your bags unpacked, then cracked the windows in the place to let in a nice breeze and set the table. She wasn’t a bad cook, but you had discovered that between the three of you, Gemma was a little more chaotic in the kitchen and tended to both leave a big mess behind her and also stress out when trying to decide if something was ‘done enough’ or not, so cooking duties had been assumed by you and Sabrina.

Once her list of things to get done was complete, Gemma came and sat up on the counter as she watched you working and took every opportunity to tease and flash you and Sabrina and talk dirty as she and Sabrina recounted their favourite parts of the night before.

They were doing it on purpose, knowing that they were making you hard and you were expecting your friends over. Eventually, once you had all the bacon and sausages fried up nicely and were wiping the frying pan out so you could ‘fry up’ the fake sausage patties, you threatened that if they couldn’t keep their dirty minds to themselves you would have to bend them over your knee. That, of course, just encouraged them.

And that was how you ended up with Gemma bent over your lap as she giggled, her shorts and panties pulled down to her knees as you massaged her pinkened cheeks, when the sound of a couple of vehicles pulling into the driveway came through the windows.

It was an unnecessary scramble for Gemma to right herself, and Sabrina pouted with a little groan that she didn’t get her turn, which just made you laugh and grab her by her ass and kiss her. Then you went to the door and opened it, getting calls of greetings from your friends as they were piling out of their two SUVs and eyeballing the Mercedes. You went and quickly bumped fists with Brent and Paul, and then a little more reluctantly with Edgar, before saying hello to Corey and Victoria and getting a shove from Ollie.

“What the fuck is with the car?” Ollie demanded.

“My girlfriend decided to splurge and rent it,” you explained. “She surprised me with it.”

“What, did you meet some uber-wealthy elite girl? Gonna become a Kennedy or something, John?” she laughed.

“Not quite,” you smirked, thinking of how things might have weirdly been something like that for the summer if you’d never hooked up with Gemma and Sabrina. You might have gotten swept into Joy’s orbit and ended up miserable with her, and if you had gone on this trip, probably would have been isolated from your friends as she looked down at them. “They’re just inside.”

“They?” Ollie asked. “Holy shit. John, are you dating a non-binary person? Are you queer now, you bastard?”

“Not quite,” you laughed, knowing what was coming. You’d told your friends that you’d be bringing your girlfriends, and no one in that chat had questioned the ‘s’ at the end of the word since it probably looked like an autocorrect or something. “Come on, let me grab some bags and I’ll introduce you.”

Chapter 276

“Dude,” Brent said.

“Bro,” Paul said right after him.

“What?” you asked with a little grin.

“How the fuck?” Edgar asked.

The introductions had been a bit of a whirlwind, and Gemma and Sabrina had both put on a full-court press to be both as welcoming and friendly as possible, and also to build you up as much as possible by being as attractive as they knew how to be. It really wasn’t fair for the guys.

After everyone had gone up to claim their rooms in the house, with Edgar taking the couch in the basement since he was solo and paying the least into the rental, you had all sat down for brunch. Now that everyone had eaten - with absolutely zero leftovers, considering you were all hungry college students - Corey and Victoria were in the kitchen with Gemma doing the dishes and Sabrina was chatting with Ollie and comparing notes since you all went to the same school. That left you and the guys still at the table.

“You know what,” Paul said, leaning over. “And for once, Edgar is damn right - how the fuck?” Paul was a tall, lanky guy of Nigerian descent, but had grown up in the US his entire life. He was the true nerd of the group, though that was a variable statement since you all enjoyed some nerdy shit now and then. He loved board games and ran the occasional D&D session for those of you who were interested, though you were all too busy for anything needing more commitment than ‘Come over this Saturday afternoon.’

“OK, OK,” you chuckled. “I know what. The three of us are interns at the same law office, and we hit it off on friendly terms for the first few weeks. Then Sabrina and I started flirting, but she knew Gemma was interested in me, so Gemma and I went out, then Sabrina and I went out, and they decided they were OK with both of them dating me, and then they started dating each other too.”

“So you guys have sex,” Edgar said. “Like, threesomes. All the time.”

You snorted. “Yeah, that happens. It’s not a big deal.”

It’s not a big deal,” Brent mimicked me. “Yeah, OK, John. First, you’re dating the hot chick from our Pre-Law classes that none of us have talked to. You’re also dating a ridiculously attractive Australian girl. And you’re doing that at the same time, and they both know about it. And, to top it all off, they are also dating each other.” Brent was the most athletic guy in the group and, if he had about a foot more height, he would have likely been able to make it onto the University basketball team at least as a benchwarmer or practice team. But while he was good, he wasn’t the kind of great that made up for his short stature for University ball, so his time on the court was limited to his rec leagues. He was also the most competitive of the group and was far and away the most ‘experienced’ with dating outside of Corey’s long-term relationship. Until now.

“Fine, make it a big deal,” you said. “Sabrina and Gemma are hot, I obviously know that. But I’m not in love with them because they’re hot.”

“Waitwaitwait,” Paul said. “Love? You’re in love with them? You guys said that already?”

“Well, yeah,” you said.

“Holy shit, you absolute soft unit,” Brent laughed. “You’ve been dating them for like… a bit over a month and you’re already saying the big L word?”

That reminded you of when you’d joked about being in Lesbians with the girls and made you smirk. “It’s really not-”

“Oh, shut up,” Paul scoffed. “It’s fine for you to be dating them, but don’t rub it in how fucking easy it was for it to happen.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who brought it up,” you defended yourself.

“OK, but seriously - are there other hot, polyamorous interns at your work?” Edgar asked. “Cause I will come to your city for the rest of the summer if that’s the case. I’ll work at a fucking Mcdonald's if I have to.”

“No, there aren’t,” you said. “Unless you want to meet my new buddy Eric.”

“What about sisters, do they have sisters?” Paul smirked.

That made you snort a laugh again. “Well, Gemma’s family are all in Australia so it wouldn’t matter. Sabrina does have a twin sister though, and a younger one. I met the twin Katherine already and they are dead ringers.”

That led to all three of them asking you for Katherine’s number, and you had to break it to them that she went to school across state lines from you. You didn’t mention that you’d had sex with her.

Edgar, Paul’s younger brother, was the one who kept trying to push the conversation back towards your relationship. He was shorter and a little stockier than Paul and had gotten into school on a Music Program scholarship playing the saxophone in the marching band. He was apparently good enough to get recruited and half his tuition covered, and yet for some reason he never used that to his advantage and played in front of anyone. He also didn’t like hanging out with other Music students, which was how he’d gravitated into your group.

Paul ended up curbing Edgar’s questions when he went too far, and when the dishes were finished Gemma came out of the kitchen and into the open-concept lounge and eating area. “Alright,” she said. “Everything’s cleaned up. What are you guys thinking? We’ll need more groceries for tomorrow, and dinner tonight if we don’t cook, or we can head to the beach.”

“Beach,” multiple voices crowed.

“Alright, beach it is,” Gemma grinned. “Let’s all go get changed, but make sure you guys wear some decent runners 'cause it’s a five-minute walk down to the beach.”

Everyone got up and started to move, but you were intercepted by Corey as he was coming out of the kitchen. He was a bit of a hippy kid - not super hippy, but his hair had grown out down to his shoulders over his years at school and he had a sort of soft, happy expression on his face that just put you at ease.

“Hey, John,” he said quietly. “I just wanted to say, Gemma seems like a really great girl. You made a great catch with her. She’s sweet and funny, and she’s really making Victoria feel comfortable.”

“Thanks, Cor,” you said, offering him a fist bump. “That actually means a lot to hear. I hope we can be as good together as you and Victoria.”

He grinned and slapped your back. “Don’t compare, my man. Every relationship is different.”

“You know what I mean,” you said.

“I do,” he laughed. “And thanks. Hopefully, Gemma can keep getting Vic out of her shell a bit more, she wasn’t sure she wanted to come on the trip.”

“Well, we’ll go easy on her,” you promised. Then the two of you bumped fists again and headed for the stairs to get ready for the beach.

Chapter 277

“Don’t come in here!” Gemma called from the ensuite washroom.

“Why?” you asked. “What are you two doing in there, you literally pee in front of me and don’t care and you’re not both on the toilet.”

“Just hold your horses,” Sabrina said, sticking her head out of the door. “Change into your swimsuit. Actually, if you really want to make us happy, wear the Speedo I bought you.” She ended that with a scrunch of her nose and a smirk.

“Jokes on you, I didn’t pack it,” you said, heading over to the dresser where Gemma had put all of your clothes.

“Jokes on you, I did,” Sabrina laughed, dipping back into the washroom.

“Well, what did you think of the group?” you asked as you dropped your shorts and briefs and started putting on your swim trunks.

“They were nice,” Gemma said. “Corey and Victoria are sweet.”

“I really like Ollie,” Sabrina said. “I can’t believe we haven’t met at school before. I feel like I missed out on her almost as much as you.”

“Yeah, well, just wait for when you two disagree on something and you might rethink that,” you joked. “She doesn’t like to be wrong.”

“Well neither do we,” Gemma said. “But it helps when you’re never wrong.”

You chuckled and decided to change your shirt to something more beachy, tossing on a thin, short-sleeved button-down Gemma had bought you. “For some reason, that’s what all the most important women in my life say.”

“Maybe that’s because you attract smart, capable women, baby,” Sabrina said, coming out of the washroom followed by Gemma. They both were grinning and struck a casual pose.

“What’s wrong, John? Don’t you like our swimsuits?” Gemma teased you.

As soon as they came out you had frozen in place with your jaw dropped low.

On Sabrina, the bikini was lewd. Calling it a microkini would have suggested there was more fabric involved. It was pretty much just strings. Her little boobs were completely open except for a strand of fabric less than an inch in diameter that covered her nipples, and even while she was walking one of them popped out. The bottoms were just floss and left pretty much her entire pussy exposed except for a similar little strip of fabric covering her clit hood and that was about it.

On Gemma, who was wearing the same suit, it should have been illegal.

“Um,” you said loudly.

“I think it makes my ass look great,” Gemma said, turning around and showing you her entirely bare butt except for the string of floss wedged between her cheeks. “What do you think, love?”

“I dunno, it kinda rides up,” Sabrina said, turning as well to show off her smaller booty. “I feel like I’ll be picking wedgies all day.” And then she did just that, peeling the string out from her buttcrack and then letting it fall right back into place.

“I think we might have broken him,” Gemma said. “It must be perfect.”

Sabrina looked over her shoulder at you and burst into laughter.

“Love, we’re just kidding,” Gemma giggled, stepping over to you and reaching up to caress your cheeks. “These suits aren’t leaving this room.”

“Oh, thank God,” you sighed and laughed. “I mean, God dayum you two look fucking hot, but I don’t think the world could handle the two of you like that. Let alone my ego.”

“I knew it would work,” Sabrina chuckled as she also came over to you, taking one of your hands from Gemma and placing it on her breast. “What do you think, want to fuck me while I’m wearing this, Daddy?”

“You, little miss, are asking for trouble,” you said and fished a finger under the elastic string and pulled it out an inch before letting it snap back against her shoulder.

“Promises, promises,” Sabrina grinned.

“What about me, love?” Gemma asked. “It’s a little more ridiculous on me, but maybe tonight?”

“It looks perfect on you, Gem,” you said. “For my eyes only, but perfect.”

“Thanks, love,” she smiled, revelling a little bit in your compliments. Then she turned to Sabrina. “Alright, let’s get our actual suits on.”

They went and changed quickly, Gemma in a one-piece that had a halter top that showed off her curves and a cutout of her cleavage while Sabrina came back out dressed in a normal bikini with a colourful turquoise flower pattern. It was still a little on the slim side, but with her tight little body it wasn’t so suggestive. Gemma did her thick hair back in a ponytail and then helped Sabrina with a quick braid that would keep her hair manageable in the ocean.

The three of you grabbed your towels and headed downstairs where the rest of the group were already waiting. Brent, Paul and Edgar would likely have finished first and were looking impatient - all three were in swimsuits, and Brent was shirtless. Corey was wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt, while Victoria, his petite girlfriend, was wearing a tie-dye beach cover-up and had her brunette hair loose. Ollie, for her part, was wearing shorts and just her bikini top, showing off a bit of a swathe of her mocha-dark cleavage.

The nine of you set off, Gemma taking the lead since she had looked up the directions to the beach. You ended up walking with Sabrina, her arm looped in yours, while Ollie sidled up to Gemma to get to know your other girlfriend. Halfway through the walk, Edgar started complaining about the rocky path you were on, and Gemma reminded him that she’d warned him to wear runners and not flip-flops. That shut him up for the most part, though he still hissed little complaints to himself occasionally.

When you reached the beach you found that the place was already busy as hell - the Friday of the July 4th weekend was clearly a boom time for the town. The beach itself was plastered with people, and the shops, restaurants and bars up and down the main street were bustling and loud, while street vendors were out in force. The nine of you decided to find a spot on the beach before venturing out and exploring, so you ended up walking single file through the crowded sands for another five minutes until you found a spot big enough for all of you. Once you had the spot staked out, and towels down, Brent, Edgar and Paul all took off for the water. You had the urge to rush with them and feel the cool water of the Atlantic splash over you.

“I think you’re domesticating me,” you laughed as instead of running off you waited to make sure everything was good with the rest of the group.

“Gentleman in the streets, barbarian in the sheets, love,” Gemma grinned and gave you a little kiss.

“Oh, God,” Ollie laughed. “I did not need to hear that.”

“Hey, we gotta reward him for good behaviour,” Sabrina teased. “I’d say it’s like training a dog, but he’s more manly than that. It’s like trying to train a lion - you can get him to stay up on the pillar and open his mouth, but at some point, he’s going to let you know who's boss.”

“Stop, I’m blushing,” you smirked.

“Holy shit,” Gemma muttered way under her breath. You glanced where she was looking and saw that Victoria was pulling off her colourful cover-up. You’d always thought of her as the skinny, quiet girlfriend of Corey and you’d missed that she must have worn a lot of bulky clothing because as her bikini came into view you were sort of stunned. She had the body of Sabrina, but the tits of Gemma. You were almost worried she would be too top-heavy and fall over, they were so big.

“God damn, girl,” Sabrina said, going over to her. “Jesus, you are packing heat.”

“Thanks?” Victoria laughed nervously as she set down her cover-up.

“Come on,” Sabrina said. “Let’s go be hot bitches together. Boys, watch our stuff. Gemma, Ollie?”

“Let’s do it,” Ollie laughed, shucking off her shorts to reveal her black bikini bottoms that seemed like they might have been having a hard time keeping up with her curvy hips and butt.

“Don’t worry, Vic,” Gemma said, stepping to her other side and taking her hand comfortingly. “Sabrina is going to suck up all the attention she can.”

“Thanks,” Victoria chuckled.

“Let’s go, bitches!” Sabrina crowed as she led them off across the beach.

“Oh, no, that’s cool,” you said, standing beside Corey. “We’ll just stay here. In the hot sun. Watching everyone’s stuff.”

“Sunscreen?” Corey offered me, pulling it out of Victoria’s beach bag.

“Yes, please,” you nodded. Gemma and Sabrina had already covered you, but with the bright day and hot sun, you felt like another layer wasn’t out of the question. It was going to be a steamer.

Chapter 278

You and Corey hung out for about half an hour after spreading suntan lotion on yourselves, just taking in the sun and chatting. He was spending his summer interning at a non-profit he volunteered at during the school year working with underprivileged kids, which meant he’d been spending a lot of hours with grade schoolers who had a ton of energy and not a lot of sense. He was tired constantly, crashed hard when he got home, and had barely been out at all.

“But you love it,” you said with a grin.

“Yeah, I do,” Corey laughed. “I mean, they are insane little munchkins, but I really do.”

“Is Victoria good with things being quiet on the relationship front?” you asked.

“Is she good?” Corey asked. “Dude, she prefers it. She gets to my place before I do, and pretty much every night I walk in to her cooking dinner for us. Honestly, she’s going full wifey mode and it’s so fucking nice.”

“I’m happy for you, dude,” you said, offering him a fist bump.

“Are things looking domestic at all with you and your girls?” Corey asked.

“Sort of,” you chuckled. “Sabrina and I take care of most of the cooking, and Gemma is a bit more of a cleaner, but we aren’t actually living together yet.”

“Yet?” Corey asked.

That made you grimace a little. “I need to tell Paul and Brent that I’ll be moving in with Sabrina this year. Gemma is heading back to Australia, but we’re going to try to all get into the same law school so we can be together.”

“Well, good luck on the law school front,” Corey said. “But I don’t know how Paul and Brent will take you leaving them with Edgar.”

“He’s Paul’s brother,” you pointed out. “And it’s not like I won’t go hang out or anything.”

“They’ll still need to find a new roommate,” Corey said. “And that probably means one of Edgar’s other friends.”

You had to just sigh and decide that wasn’t your problem. If Paul or Brent had gotten serious with a girl you would have been annoyed too, but you would accept it. Then again, if they’d come to you a month after getting with a girl to say they were moving in with her you probably would have been skeptical too.

But Sabrina was different. Gemma was different.

You and Corey switched topics, and a few minutes later the boys came hopping back up the beach, their bare feet on the hot sand making them dance a little until they got to the towels.

“Why didn’t you guys come for a dip?” Brent asked as he stood on his towel and did a little dog-shake, spraying water and making you wince away and grunt before shoving his leg.

“We were watching our stuff,” you said.

“Well, where did the girls go?” Edgar asked. “They could have done that.”

You and Corey traded looks and shook your heads in mutual understanding. “Eddie, you have no clue about having a girlfriend,” Corey said.

That devolved into some teasing as the guys declared that Corey was no longer the relationship guru of the group and that you should run a boot camp for them on how to get a girl. Then Edgar, caught up in wanting to seem like he could be a player, mentioned how he could pick up one of the girls they’d seen down the beach a little. Soon bets were being made, and Brent was set to go with him as a witness since Edgar claimed Paul’s height would take away from him even if Paul was the ugly brother. That comment started a wrestling match between the two with lots of laughs, and Edgar took Paul down to the sand but Paul got the back of Edgar’s trunks in his fist and yanked them up into a wedgie.

The brothers called a truce, and Edgar had to fix his tight curly hair with a pick for a minute before he declared himself ready to go.

You got up to stretch and were thinking about taking a run down to the water quickly when a glorious sight appeared down the beach. It was bright, the sun making you squint a little even with sunglasses on, and there was a slight heat shimmer farther down the sand. That just gave a trippy, cinematic landscape behind Gemma, Sabrina, Ollie and Victoria coming back from their walk.

Gemma and Sabrina looked hot in their swimsuits. Gemma had her sunglasses up on top of her head and her cleavage looked fantastic in the little boob-window of her suit. Sabrina’s sunglasses were down and she had that bright smile of hers that you could see even from fifty yards away. Ollie had her own swathe of cleavage showing, her warm, dark skin shimmering in the sun so much that you wondered if she had used some sort of a glitter lotion that morning. She was just a hair shorter than Sabrina, but curvy, so her swaggering steps screamed voluptuous even while her piercings said fierce.

Then there was Victoria.

“The girls are coming back,” you said. “Corey, I hope you take this the way I mean it - your girlfriend could star in a Baywatch series.”

“Thanks,” he laughed, standing up to see where you were looking.

The only thing missing from Victoria being a walking wet dream in that swimsuit was her running in slow motion.

“Hey, baby,” Sabrina said, jogging the last dozen yards after the girls squeezed past a few other groups of people. She jumped into your arms and kissed you with just a little tongue as she smiled widely.

You spun her around once and set her down, and she quickly stepped aside so that Gemma could step into your arms. “Hi, love,” Gemma said, wrapping her arms around your neck as you kissed her, slower but a little deeper and with a bit more tongue. You couldn’t help yourself and you palmed her cheeks, making her humm a laugh against your lips.

“Hey, babe,” Victoria said, going to Corey and hugging him before giving him a peck on the lips. Her shy nature meant she wasn’t much for PDA, and the peck was almost surprising to see out of her. Usually she was hugs and handholding only unless it was late after a night of drinking.

Paul, who had also stood up as the girls arrived, looked to Ollie. “Hey, sugarbear,” he said, opening his arms and pursing his lips.

Ollie laughed and lunged forward, flicking Paul’s crotch hard enough to make him gulp air and go down to one knee.

“OK, yeah, I deserved that,” he half chuckled as he tried to catch his breath. Then he looked up at Ollie again who looked a little guilty for getting him as good as she had. “Want to kiss it better?”

The laughs from the rest of you almost drowned out the scoff from Ollie.


Chapter 279

You, Gemma and Ollie ended up heading down to the water with Corey and Victoria, while Paul and Sabrina stayed up by the towels waiting for the results of the Great Pickup Bet. Sabrina and Paul had been in a couple of the same lectures last year just like you and she had, so they were able to trade some notes on which Profs they liked and some of the weirdos in the classes.

The water was almost as crowded as the beach because of the heat so the five of you didn’t have free reign or anything, but at the water’s edge you turned and surprised Gemma by picking her up in a cradle and carrying her into the ocean as she laughed.

“Don’t you dare drop me,” she said, wrapping her hands around the back of your neck. “I love the water, but I don’t want to get my hair wet today.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” you promised, then pretended to drop her. That made her whoop and then laugh. You set her down when she would be waist deep, and Gemma hugged you tightly. Her skin was warm from the sun and the water was cool without being cold, making a sensual moment between the two of you despite the crowds and shouting kids.

“I love the feel of wet sand under my feet,” she said, grinning up at you as she lowered her sunglasses over her eyes.

“Do you get to spend a lot of time at the beach back home?” you asked.

“Not nearly as much as I’d like,” she said. “I’m not a beach bum or anything.”

“I dunno,” you teased her. “This is a beach, and you have a very nice bum.”

“Ahem,” Ollie cleared her throat from almost right next to the two of you. “John, I’m happy for you and all, but come on. There are people around and you two are pretty much sucking face.”

“Sorry,” you laughed, letting go of Gemma except for a hand on the small of her back.

“Ollie was telling me stories about you,” Gemma grinned as she shifted slightly to more properly include your friend in the conversation.

“Uh oh,” you said.

“Uh oh is right, Buster,” Ollie laughed. “I know all the dark, embarrassing secrets.”

“Hey, I know secrets about you too, remember,” you pointed out.

“Yeah, but I’m not trying to impress my girlfriends,” Ollie said.

“Oh, I know some secrets too,” Gemma said with a sly little smile directed at you. “Ollie, do you know about Lucy?”

“Oh, God,” you groaned.

“No,” Ollie said with a big, happy smile as she hooked her arm in Gemma’s and started pulling her away from me. “No, I do not know about someone named Lucy. Please, do tell.”

Gemma shot you a glance over her shoulder with a teasing smile as they started wading through the water together, reaching back with her free hand for yours to join them. “Well, while I’m in the city for the summer I’m rooming with these three girls…”

By the time you went back to the towels Ollie had a whole new bundle of ammunition to use to tease you between your history with Lucy and the events with Joy. It was a good thing she was your friend, or else you’d be worried.

Well, you were still a little worried.

Corey and Victoria were still down enjoying the water, and when you got back Brent and Edgar had returned as well.

“Well, how’d it go?” you asked. Gemma had gotten down onto her towel next to Sabrina and was rummaging in her beach bag.

“It was a complete shit show,” Brent chortled. “Crash and fuckin’ burn.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Edgar scoffed. “I just made a miscalculation.”

“And what was that?” Gemma asked with a little smirk. She’d pulled the suntan lotion out of her bag and started applying a new layer to her legs.

“I went for the hottest one,” Edgar said. “It’s a risk/reward thing. She’s either the one who gets approached the most, or she never gets approached. I just gambled and lost, and it’s not like I could try to pick up one of her friends instead.”

“Excuses,” Sabrina said from where she was laying.

“I dunno,” you said. “Asking a girl’s friend out in front of her right after you got rejected by her?”

“Depends on how you approached the first girl,” Ollie said, getting down on her own towel on the other side of Sabrina and laying back, dropping her sunglasses over her eyes. “If you went too hard, and the denial was brutal, then yeah. But if you’re smooth enough you can pivot a cold approach.”

“Says the lesbian,” Edgar grumbled. “It’s so much easier for you, ladies don’t just assume you’re trying to get in their pants.”

“Are you kidding me?” Ollie laughed. “Lesbians are clueless about almost any nuance. You have to be blunt as hell with most girls for them to realize you’re hitting on them.”

That made Gemma snicker. “To be fair, that’s most guys too.”

“True,” Sabrina laughed.

“Please tell me John missed you hitting on him,” Paul begged. “Please. There’s got to be a bump in this fairytale throuple thing somewhere.”

“Oh, he didn’t miss it. John flirted back just fine,” Gemma said. “But I don’t think he realized we were flirting.”

“I don’t think I realize when we’re flirting now,” you laughed.

“That’s true,” Sabrina giggled. “I’m still getting used to being super blunt with him, but also I really like it.”

“Wait, hold on,” Gemma said, sitting up and looking down at your girlfriend. “You need to get used to being blunt? You?”

“I wasn’t always like this,” Sabrina said. “You two bring out the romantic in me.”

“Romantic. Right,” Gemma snorted.

Sabrina made a face, then smirked. “Babe, want to rub that suntan lotion on me?” She even gave a little booty wiggle to emphasize it.

“Yes,” Gemma said. “But you’re just distracting me from teasing you.”

“Maybe I am, but you love it,” Sabrina said.

“Dude,” Brent grunted from beside you as your Australian girlfriend started applying suntan lotion on your brunette girlfriend’s butt. “You are one lucky fucker.”

“You can stop staring now,” you chuckled. “Now, let’s talk payment. Last I remember, Edgar had to cover the first round cause he failed?”

“I didn’t fail, I just left it hanging for later,” Edgar hedged. That set you and the guys snorting and slapping his back, congratulating him on buying the first round.

Chapter 280

“Hey, do you guys mind if we squeeze in here?”

You were laying out on your towel next to Gemma and Sabrina, all happily sunning yourselves quietly. Corey and Victoria had gone for a walk, but Ollie and Brent were with you doing the same thing as you.

The speaker, once you closed one eye against the bright sun to actually be able to see him, was a tall and lanky sort of guy with a curly mop of hair and two friends with him. They looked to be about the same age or a year or two younger, but definitely in college as well.

“Sure,” Sabrina said, gesturing to the slim open space next to her and Ollie. The two of them had been talking quietly before then. “Pop a squat. Just don’t block our sun.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t dare block you from your vitamin D,” the guy joked.

You rolled your eyes as Gemma snorted softly.

Sabrina, having the mind of a fourteen-year-old boy when she was relaxed, gave the weak joke a chuckle.

The guys quickly laid out their towels and cracked open the little cooler they’d brought, and you had to admit the snap-hiss of their beers opening was tempting.

“God, I could do for a Bramble right now,” Gemma mumbled and turned over from her front to her back.

“Want to go for a walk?” you offered. “We could probably find a bar and grab a drink.”

“In a bit,” Gemma said. “I need to even out my front here or I’ll be two-toned front and back.”

The guys continued to banter a little with Sabrina and Brent, who immediately recognized fellow jock-types and did the sports guy social dance of finding out who cheered for what team. You did notice that the two friends were distracted from the main conversation frequently by the sights of your group - Gemma’s cleavage was in view now, and Ollie was laying on her back as well. The mop-headed guy had clearly set his sights on Sabrina.

And to be honest, you didn’t give a shit.

Sabrina loved you. And, in the case of potential cheating, you also knew she absolutely worshipped your cock. You had nothing to worry about, and as you passively listened to the flirting going on you could tell that she was having fun with the guy in more of a ‘you just don’t know what I know’ sort of way than that he had any chance.

Paul and Edgar finally got back from their journey down the main street, returning to you with a couple of two-litre bottles of cola, a bottle in a brown paper bag, and a sleeve of red solo cups. You noticed Edgar checking out Gemma quickly, but you couldn’t really blame him for that. You were checking her out every chance you got as well. Brent offered introductions that you didn’t really pay attention to, and soon Paul and Edgar were doing a poor job of surreptitiously pouring Jack and Cokes for everyone.

Not that they were spilling it or anything. They were just bad at hiding it.

Thankfully it didn’t seem like the local PD was out looking for open alcohol on the Friday of July 4th weekend, so there weren’t any problems over the mixed drinks or the other guys' beer.

You accepted your first drink and took a sip from the cup and had to cough softly and blink.

“That’s a little strong, don’t you think?” you asked Paul, who had handed it to you.

“I dunno, dude,” he said. “I’m pouring from giant bottles here. Don’t at me.”

It didn’t help that the drink was also warm. You managed to down it, and then Gemma was passing you half of hers so you had to down that as well.

Corey and Victoria returned to the group, welcomed by the same warm Jack and Cokes, and you noticed the other guys' eyes immediately track on to Victoria as the ‘fresh meat,’ but when they quickly realized she was very much taken their eyes wandered back to Gemma and Ollie.

“I’m going to hit the water,” you said, mostly to your girlfriends but also to no one in particular.

“I’ll come with you,” Ollie said, getting up.

“Don’t be too long,” Gemma said, patting your leg as you stood up. “We should head back in not too long. We still need to do groceries.”

“Sounds good,” you said.

Soon you and Ollie were down at the edge of the water and you sighed as the first wave climbed up over your ankles and you waded deeper.

“Oh, that’s good,” Ollie agreed with you and let out a sigh. “God, that was an awful drink.”

“Right?” you laughed. “Paul is no longer allowed to mix drinks this weekend.”

“Maybe he did it on purpose,” Ollie smirked. “Weaponized incompetence.”

“Not his move,” you shook your head. “He’s just a lightweight and doesn’t know a good drink from a bad one.”

“Fair,” Ollie grinned. The two of you had waded into the ocean up to her waist, which due to her shorter stature meant your balls and cock were getting dunked by the rise and fall of the waves. The cool water felt fucking great. “So, anyways, two girlfriends huh?”

“Not you too,” you laughed.

“Oh, I’m not gonna say the same thing as the guys,” Ollie said. Then she punched you in the arm. “You find two bisexual hotties and you don’t save me one, you cunt?”

That made you laugh harder as you raised your hands to block her further two punches.

“There, that’s out of my system,” Ollie laughed with you.

“That wasn’t that much different from the boys,” you chuckled.

“Whatever,” Ollie said, waving her hand dismissively. “Seriously, I can’t believe you hooked up with Sabrina randomly. And Gemma - God, you really are a lucky fuck, you know that?”

“I absolutely know that,” you said. “But seriously, other than the fact that they are both hot…”

“What do I think of them?” Ollie asked.

“Yeah,” you nodded. “I mean, no offence but whatever you say I’m still going to be in love with them, but I don’t care what Brent or Paul think. You and Corey are a lot better judges of character than them.”

Ollie smiled a lot softer now and shook her head at you. “John, you big softy,” she said, giving you a playful shove on the hip. “So far they are both pretty great. Both of them are making an effort, and both of them are funny and engaged in conversation. Obviously, they’re both smart. I mean, they might be a little emotionally delayed if they fell in love with you, buuuut…”

“Harr harr,” you smirked at your friend.

“They’re great, John,” Ollie assured you. “Now don’t fuck it up.”

“Trying my best, Ollie,” you said. “I’m trying my best.”

Chapter 281

“It’ll be fun,” Sabrina said as she walked arm in arm with you down the path back to the Air B&B.

“Hey, you know I like going out dancing with both of you,” you said, glancing over to Gemma as she walked on your other side with her hand wrapped up with yours. “I just don’t know how long I want to put up with those guys flirting with you.”

“John, you know-” Sabrina started, but you interrupted her.

“I know, baby. There’s no way you would do anything with them,” you said. “At some point it’ll start annoying me though.”

“Just don’t string them along, Sabrina,” Gemma said. “A little teasing is whatever, but I’ll be annoyed at some point too.”

“OK, OK,” Sabrina said. “I’ll stop teasing them. But going out to meet them at a club is good for Paul and Edgar, too. Those two both need some wing women.”

“I heard that,” Paul said from up ahead of you.

“You were supposed to,” Sabrina called back to him with a grin. She’d slipped into the banter between the guys easily. You could have sworn it would be Gemma who would have been able to do that more, but for some reason she was a little more subdued and Sabrina was a little more extroverted than your expectations. “Anyways, hopefully we’ll be able to find some hot lesbian for Ollie, too.”

“I don’t need any help, you skinny bitch,” Ollie laughed from behind you.

“Says you,” Gemma got in on the teasing. “How long has it been since you’ve been in a relationship?”

“Oh, harrharrharr,” Ollie said. “That’s a classic one - lesbians don’t hook up, they move in together.”

“Hey, she could do better than that lesbian comedian at Mosche’s club,” Gemma chuckled.

The lot of you had headed back to the Air B&B together, and once you hit the house the air conditioning was glorious. Everyone scattered, needing to get themselves cleaned up, and you had to feel a little thankful that you’d gotten there early and had been able to choose the master bedroom for the three of you because that meant you had a private washroom.

A quick, cold shower helped refresh you, and then Gemma was soaping up your cock.

“Now?” you asked. “We’re supposed to be heading out for groceries.”

“We bought everything for the breakfasts,” Gemma said. “I already talked with Ollie and Brent about it. We just need to buy an ice cream cake for tomorrow night to cover dessert.”

“OK,” you said, and let yourself exhale and relax as your girlfriend stroked your cock slowly and started kissing your chest.

“Hey, you started without me,” Sabrina said. She’d headed to the kitchen when you got back and she entered the washroom with her top already off and a plate in one hand with three tall glasses filled with ice and water. She set her makeshift tray down on the sink counter and quickly untied her bottoms and then entered the glassed-in shower and handed you and Gemma each a glass. “Drink up, you need to hydrate after all that sun.”

“Yes, Mom,” Gemma teased her, but still took a long sip as she kept it out of the spray of the shower.

“That’s ‘Mommy-Baby’ to you,” Sabrina laughed, dipping back out of the shower to grab her own glass and take a drink.

Soon the three of you had drained your water but were left with cups of ice.

With a little smile, you fished one of the ice cubes out of your cup and softly touched it to Gemma’s shoulder. That made her shudder for a moment and then groan happily as she pressed into the feeling. You teased the quickly melting ice across her reddened skin and across her clavicle, and then down her chest to her breast. She sniffed in a breath at that and then exhaled through her lips with a soft hissing sound as you teased it over her nipple.

“Mmm, does that feel good, babe?” Sabrina asked, fishing an ice cube out of her own glass and holding it to Gemma’s belly.

“God, yes,” she hummed. She did the same thing as you two and got an ice cube in her fingers and pressed it to Sabrina’s back and trailed it down.

“Mmmm, that tickles,” Sabrina wriggled with a grin.

Soon the three of you were teasing each other mercilessly with the ice. Gemma’s sensitive breasts, both her nipples and the soft underside of her tits, got a lot of ice. Sabrina’s nipples got some too, though Gemma focused her efforts by sliding it down between Sabrina’s buttcrack. You weren’t left out either - your nipples got teased by both girls, as did your cock. The feeling of ice on your hot, hard shaft was weird but not bad. Ice directly on your balls wasn’t actually that bad either. You did wriggle away from Gemma teasing your ass crack as well, though.

Then, of course, Sabrina escalated the situation as she ran another ice cube down Gemma’s stomach and over her mound, all the way down to her pussy lips.

“Oh, fuck,” Gemma grunted and you looked down and saw Sabrina was now fingering her. And the ice cube was gone.

“How’s that feel?” Sabrina asked Gemma.

“Put one up inside of yourself and find out,” Gemma moaned.

“Daddy?” Sabrina requested, turning to present her ass to you as she leaned in and started licking the water from Gemma’s chest and continued fingering her.

“God, sometimes I think you might actually be evil,” you laughed as you gave Sabrina a little spank. Then you got one of your last ice cubes and slid it between Sabrina’s thighs, teasing her with the cold. Eventually, you raised it to her pussy lips, icing over both of her labia along with her clit hood, though you spared her trying to actually apply it to her clit. She was moaning as she continued to lick Gemma’s chest like a horny little puppy or something, but those moans turned to full-throated groans as you slipped the ice cube inside of her.

“Oh, fucking shit fuck,” Sabrina groaned.

“Yeah, bitch,” Gemma grunted. “Now you get it.”

“That’s actually pretty nice,” Sabrina moaned. “I could see doing this more often.”

“Naughty freak,” Gemma laughed.

“Our naughty freak,” you grinned.

“Yours,” Sabrina nodded and kissed Gemma, then turned to you. “And yours. Now, what would happen if you put your cock inside me while I had an ice cube up there?”

You had a feeling you were about to find out.

Chapter 282

“God, yes baby,” Sabrina moaned as you fucked her fast and shallow, her pussy lips spreading wonderfully as you looked down at where your cock was spearing into her.

“Stop hogging him,” Gemma complained, reaching around Sabrina and tweaking at her nipples.

You had gotten out of the shower to continue your play and now Sabrina was laying on top of Gemma with their pussies stacked, allowing you to swap back and forth between them. It was a kind of heaven, getting to look at both of your girlfriend’s pussies while fucking them.

“Stop being so jealous,” Sabrina groaned as you continued to thrust into her. She wriggled from the pleasure you and Gemma were raining on her.

“I am jealous,” Gemma giggled, grabbing Sabrina’s tits more firmly.

“Sorry, love,” you said as you pulled out of Sabrina and dropped your hips a little so you could enter Gemma. Your Australian girlfriend gasped in pleasure, but Sabrina gave you an exaggerated pout as she used the fingers of both hands to spread her cunt lewdly. That just gave you an opening to drop a wad of spit down onto her pussy and then use your thumb to tease her hole and up to her clit.

“God, I love getting fucked by you two,” Gemma moaned.

“Shhh,” you hushed her. “Not so loud, Gem.”

“Why not?” she said, but did drop her voice. “Why shouldn’t your friends know how much of a fucking sex god you are?”

“How would you like your friends to know what an absolute slut you are when you’re riding my cock?” you pointed out.

That made her hesitate and bite her lip as she looked over Sabrina’s shoulder at you. “OK, point taken,” she laughed.

“I don’t care if my friends know,” Sabrina gasped. “My sister already does.”

“You say that now, you little kink,” Gemma said. “But that’s because you want his cock back inside of you.”

“.... OK, maybe,” Sabrina giggled.

You rolled your eyes and swapped pussies again, making Sabrina moan softly. Then you bent over her to kiss her, your lips and tongue sloppy with hers, and then she shifted to let you bend lower to kiss Gemma the same way. This made you change your cock angle in Sabrina and she used her hips to fuck up at you in little rabbit humps.

“She’s getting close,” Gemma smirked at you as your kisses ended. “Hold on.” She pushed you back lightly and you pulled away from Sabrina, making her pout a little again, but Gemma used her larger size to throw Sabrina around the bed a bit and soon Sabrina was on her back on the bed, her legs still spread before you, while Gemma was on top of her facing down, crushing her tits to the thinner girl’s chest. Gemma put a hand over Sabrina’s mouth, and another on her throat, before looking back at you over her shoulder. “Fuck her good, love.”

You ran the slick head of your cock up and down Gemma’s slick pussy lips that were presented to you in doggy style before tilting down to re-enter Sabrina. Your brunette girlfriend moaned loudly into Gemma’s hand, letting herself go a bit now that she was muffled.

“Hey,” you said, patting Sabrina’s hip. “I’m not joking about this - no squirting. We don’t have any change of sheets for the rest of the weekend.”

“Mfff Mm-mm,” Sabrina mumbled through Gemma’s fingers, which translated loosely to ‘Yes, Daddy.’

You fucked Sabrina hard and fast, the sounds of her moans and groans music to your ears even though you could barely see any of her. All you needed were her eyes though, and while Gemma was choking her and muffling her mouth she was also kissing the side of Sabrina’s face and whispering dirty things in her ear. That let Sabrina stare up at you with her big, expressive eyes as she inched closer and closer to her orgasm. You also had the fantastic visual of Gemma’s ass, and since you were trying to get Sabrina to come without squirting you didn’t do the pinching thing she liked and instead grabbed onto Gemma’s meaty ass cheeks and massaged them roughly.

Sabrina came with a long, muffled shout that you were pretty sure included some ‘Daddy!’ comments but was all mumbled together into one long string of wordless noises. Thankfully you’d straddled the line with her correctly and she didn’t spray the end of the bed but still had a good, solid orgasm that made her toes curl and her eyes squeeze closed.

You continued to thrust into her but slowed down so she could work her way back from the peak, and when her toes uncurled and her legs fell softly back to the bed you pulled out of her tenderly. Once you were clear you didn’t want to wait any more and you quickly moved higher, getting one foot up onto the edge of the mattress and fucking into Gemma.

“God, yes, love,” Gemma grunted, turning to look back at you again with a piercing gaze. You ran your fingers through her gorgeous, if currently slightly messy from the shower and lack of proper drying, hair and gripped her near the scalp, pulling her head back. “Fuck me, love. Fuck me.”

“Mmm, your turn,” Sabrina grinned as she continued to catch her breath. She bit her lip and reached up, putting both hands around Gemma’s neck and starting to choke her back. You felt Gemma’s cunt clamp and flutter when she did that and you knew that Gemma had talked herself into this with all the dirty talk she’d been whispering to Sabrina.

Your blonde girlfriend was slamming her ass back at you to meet your thrusts, her tits still pressed down on your other girlfriend, as she quickly worked towards her own orgasm and yours. If you’d been at home you probably would have started teasing her asshole at that point, getting a thumb just inside of her at least, but that would have probably made her ease towards a squirt of her own and the goal here was to not ruin the bed.

Instead, you paused your thrusts for a moment and got your other foot up on the edge of the bed as well, leaning over her and fucking down into her more in a true mounted position. This let you put your lips next to her ear and you kissed her there and then sucked on her earlobe softly.

“Come for me, Gemma,” you whispered to her. “Come for me and I’ll fill you up. I can’t resist you.”

“Ooooh, loooove,” she whimpered softly through her lips as she started to come hard, slamming her hips back at you one more time to get you as deep in her as she could.

“Goood, Gemma,” you moaned into her ear as you matched her with your own orgasm, pumping a hot wave into her.

“God, I love you both,” Sabrina said, tilting up to kiss your cheek and then Gemma’s chin, which were the only things she could reach from her position. Gemma was coming down quickly and you let her hair go, which let her drop her head. Sabrina kissed her on the cheek as well. “Now, I’m super happy getting dogpiled by you guys, but you’re heavy and it’s getting hard to breathe,” Sabrina laughed.

That made you laugh as well, and you pulled out of Gemma with a wet schlorp sound as the mix of juices in her had a moment of suction. You helped Gemma roll off of Sabrina and breathed deeply as your two girlfriends snuggled together.

“I think I need another shower,” you said, looking down at yourself.

“Go, baby,” Sabrina said to you with a soft smile. “We’ll shower in a bit. We need a little girl time snuggle.”

“Alright,” you said, thinking you wouldn’t trade this for all the world. They looked so fucking good together. You leaned down and kissed them both on the cheek. “Love you,” you said.

“Love you too,” they both chorused softly.

Chapter 283

Of the three of you, it was definitely you that started blushing the most as you left the master bedroom and headed for the stairs only to be met by Ollie applauding from her open doorway.

“Damn,” she said with a teasing smirk as she shook her head. “Wouldn’t have guessed you had it in you, John.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you said. “I told them to keep it down.”

“I mean, a little afternoon delight is one thing, but ‘don’t squirt because we only have one set of sheets?’” Ollie chuckled. “That’s some wild shit.”

“Oh my God,” you groaned, laughing and covering your face with one hand.

“Hey, it’s a reasonable ask,” Sabrina said, following you out of the room. “I had to do laundry like four times a week when we first started dating. Now I own three different sets of sheets.”

“Same,” Gemma said, though she had the courtesy to be a little embarrassed by the conversation. “He just… brings it out of us.”

Sabrina snorted hard at the innuendo and grabbed Gemma, kissing her.

“Please tell me the others are out doing the groceries,” you said.

“Yeah,” Ollie said, still smirking. “The boys all went out and Victoria is downstairs reading.”

“Oh, no,” you groaned. “Did she hear us, too?”

“I mean, I don’t know for sure,” Ollie said. “I think she was down there most of the time, so possibly not.”

“Wait, how loud were we?” Gemma asked.

“Not, like, super loud,” Ollie said. “I could hear you muffled in my room, but we’re adjacent. She probably couldn’t hear you downstairs.”

That led to a quick check of what could and couldn’t be heard on the upper floor as you and Sabrina were sent back into your bedroom to make fake sex noises while Gemma and Ollie listened from the different rooms. Sabrina, of course, tried to make them into real sex noises and you had to fend off her hands as she tried to get into your shorts as you both grunted and moaned.

“Well, Ollie could definitely hear us,” Gemma reported. “And you can hear decently clear from the main bathroom too. Corey and Vic might be able to hear if we’re extra loud, but Paul and Brent probably won’t hear anything.”

“Oh, good,” you said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. “Only three of my friends will hear me having sex.”

“Five if the guys go to the bathroom,” Ollie teased you.

“Oh nooo,” Sabrina said dramatically. “We’re going to have to go to a sex shop and buy some proper gags.”

That set the four of you to laughing, and you thought it was a joke, but as you were heading down the stairs and the guys arrived home with groceries you found out that it wasn’t. They went and wrangled Victoria from the living room couch and soon they were headed out to Sabrina’s convertible rental, laughing secretively and refusing to tell the guys where they were going. You weren’t sure if Victoria was getting swept along or actually wanted to go, but you saw Corey check in on her before they left and she seemed to assure him she was OK.

You helped the guys unload and put away the groceries, and then as Paul, Brent and Edgar all disappeared to clean themselves up or do… whatever they were doing, you and Corey started dinner.

“I can’t believe Victoria went with the girls,” Corey shook his head, smiling a little as he found a cutting board in one of the cupboards and took it out. The plan for the night was cheeseburgers, home fries and a salad, and you were going to make up the meat patties while Corey made the fixings as he had bought fake-meat patties for himself and Vic.

“Gemma and Sabrina can be pretty convincing,” you said with a smile of your own.

“I can tell,” Corey said. “Like I said before, I think they are pretty great and the three of you seem to get along really well. But still, Victoria going to a sex shop? I never would have thought it was possible.”

“Well, Sabrina might tease her but it’s all in love, and Gemma will help reassure her,” you said. “And hey, maybe she’ll come back with something interesting for you two.”

“Oh, God,” Corey laughed. “I don’t even know what to expect.”

“I’m not saying I know what you guys are like, like that,” you said. “But, uh… just FYI the walls aren’t that thick upstairs.”

“Oh, God,” Corey had to turn away from the tomatoes he’d been slicing to cough his laugh into his arm. “How did you figure that out?”

“Ollie gave us a standing ovation while you guys were out,” you admitted.

That set Corey to laughing as he tried to apologize but couldn’t get it out.

By the time the girls got back, each of them carrying a little brown unmarked bag, you had the outdoor grill fired up and were just waiting for it to come to heat to put the meat on. Sabrina met you with a sweet kiss and a wink, and Gemma kissed you longer and surprised you by bringing your hand up to her chest to grope her tit through her shirt as she fed you a little tongue.

Ollie held back a second before following them inside. “Your girls are wild, but fun,” she said to you.

“They weren’t too much for Vic, were they?” you asked.

“God, no,” Ollie said. “Fuck, we’ve known Victoria for almost three years and I’ve never heard her talk so much. Gemma might literally be her best girl friend already. And she actually bought a couple of things and didn’t even blush at the counter.”

“Good for her,” you said, feeling really proud that your Australian girlfriend was making such a good connection with the shy, sweet girl. “I see you made a couple of purchases too.”

“And I got the number of the chick who was working behind the counter,” Ollie smirked, fishing out her receipt from the bag and showing you the back where a phone number was written in black permanent marker. “Had to show your girls that I didn’t need a wing woman after all.”

“Nice,” you said, starting to put the patties on the grill. The sizzle of the meat on the hot metal was satisfying. “You gonna actually call her? Maybe she can meet us out at that club we’re supposed to go to.”

“Maybe,” Ollie shrugged. “We’ll see. She was decent looking, but I think she leaned more Dominant and that’s not what I’m looking for in a hookup. Turns out you and I are into similar kinds of girls, John.”

“Oh, God,” you groaned.

“Yeah, you know what I mean,” Ollie laughed, then gave you the kind of smack on the ass that one teammate gives another. “I’m proud of you, boy.”

“Gee, thanks Pa,” you joked, making her laugh as she went inside with her little brown bag from the sex shop.

Chapter 284

Coming back into the house, balancing the plate of burgers and not-actually-burgers along with the bottle of BBQ sauce, metal spatula and an additional plate of toasted buns wasn’t the problem.

No, there wasn’t any problem with any element of the dinner.

The problem was the raised-voice discussion happening over in the living room that was edging into full-on argument territory. Even that wouldn’t have been an issue if it was Edgar and Paul doing their usual arguing brothers act. Or Brent and Paul. Or Brent and Edgar. Or Ollie and just about anyone cause she could never admit being wrong about something.

It was Gemma and Edgar.

That was the problem. Mostly because you knew Edgar was a bit of a stubborn idiot and had no idea what he was getting into arguing with Gemma because she’d been playing the nice, sweet, bubbly girlfriend so far.

Sabrina was leaning against the bannister to the stairs when you walked in and she glanced over at you with a slightly self-satisfied smile, which just signalled to you that Gemma was obviously in the right and Sabrina wasn’t about to cockblock your girlfriend from winning. You had to groan as you stepped quickly over to the kitchen and set down the meat on the counter. Corey shot you a look as if he was worried you were going to overreact; Victoria was with him and you had a feeling she had probably retreated from the confrontation as soon as it started.

Now with your hands emptied you went over to the living area.

“John, fucking finally!” Edgar said loudly. “Get your girlfriend-”

“Don’t try and pull that shit, you little weasel,” Gemma interrupted him. “John isn’t some voice of authority over me that you can just call in to save your ass from embarrassment. And it’s a little pathetic that just because you’re wrong you would resort to misogyny to try and save face in front of… oh look, no one! Because your brother is laughing his ass off at you right along with Brent, and Ollie already said she agrees with me.”

Gemma was sitting on one couch, sitting forward a little aggressively as she stared across the coffee table at Edgar. It wasn’t a glare; you’d seen her glare. It was just her being totally engaged. Edgar, on the other hand, was clearly frustrated and off balance in the conversation. He was blustering a little and looking away a lot, and you would have bet if he was white he would have been flushed red. Instead, he was doing that thing you’d noticed that he and Paul did, pursing his lips in frustration, and you had to wonder if they’d picked that up from a parent or if it was a cultural thing.

Paul and Brent, meanwhile, were on the other couch and were both in absolute tears as they covered their faces trying not to openly break into laughter. Ollie was smirking and leaning back, sitting next to Gemma on the couch with her arms folded over her chest looking all the world like she was completely happy to just watch Edgar get taken apart after she’d argued with him over dumb shit so many times in the past.

“Don’t call me a weasel,” Edgar said. “That’s fucking racist, and just because you aren’t from America doesn’t mean you can just pretend to be better than us.”

“I never once suggested that,” Gemma said. “And since when is calling you a weasel racist? I didn’t say you look like one, or that your race has some sort of similarity to one. I said you, as an individual, are acting like a misogynistic weasel by trying to weasel your way out of admitting you’re wrong by trying to get my boyfriend to check me. Guess what, if John were an abusive asshole who would do something like that, he wouldn’t be having threesomes every night.”

That broke Brent and Paul, who started howling their laughter.

“What is this even about?” you asked with an exasperated smile.

“Edgar said the Nigerian film industry is the most successful one in the world,” Ollie said. “And Gemma corrected him by pointing out that Nollywood isn’t even the highest producing one.”

“It’s Bollywood, then Nollywood, then China, then Japan, then Hollywood,” Gemma said. “And that’s only on the number of films produced, not quality. And the only reason Nollywood is even second is because they produce so much trash.”

“Gemma took a class on the Entertainment Industry for her degree back home,” Sabrina said from behind you.

“This whole thing is about… movies,” you deadpanned.

“She’s being racist! She’s saying our cultural heritage is trash!” Edgar argued.

“Our movies are trash!” Paul laughed at his brother. “I mean, they are classic, memey trash, but they are trash. Everyone knows that.”

“Alright, whatever,” you sighed. “Food is up, it’s time for dinner.”

Gemma stood up and came to you, kissing you on the cheek. “Sorry, love,” she whispered.

“I know,” you whispered back and squeezed her fingers.

Ollie followed her and winked at you, mouthing, ‘I like her even more now.’ Brent and Paul both followed, heading for the kitchen and wiping at the tears in their eyes.

You looked down at Edgar, who was still looking uncomfortable and unhappy. “Ed,” you said. “I don’t care if you argue with Gemma or Sabrina about whatever. But if you ever insinuate that they need to be checked by me, or if you try and ‘check them’ yourself with anything but civil discourse, I’ll deck you.”

He gave you a snotty little look and you just shook your head and turned, wanting to get past the whole thing with a good cheeseburger and time with your friends.

Chapter 285

Dinner started out a little awkward down at one end of the big table that you were all crowded around mainly because Edgar ended up sitting next to Victoria and Corey, who handled conflict the worst in the group. You, Sabrina and Gemma were at the other end, and Ollie, Paul and Brent were the buffers between the two sides.

Sabrina, Brent and Gemma tried their best to make things smooth over quickly as you all started chowing down on the burgers, chopped veggies and other snacks. Paul, on the other hand, seemed like he could sense his younger brother was currently on tilt and couldn’t help but throw a few barbs his way. You almost wanted to tell him off for doing it, but after the way Edgar had assumed you would ‘check’ Gemma you weren’t in the mood to get in between the brothers.

Thankfully things mellowed out relatively quickly and everyone, and whether that was the booze or the concerted efforts to make it so, you weren’t sure. Soon everyone was talking about the beach, and people they’d seen, and the girls were considering going shopping the next day. Then the conversation shifted to talking about going out that night, and as the food disappeared more drinks hit the table.

You, Corey and Victoria had done the most for dinner, and since you, Sabrina and Gemma had prepped brunch earlier, that meant it was the guys' turn to do the clean-up. You weren’t exactly sure why, but Ollie ended up letting Edgar off the hook and offered to help Paul and Brent. The younger brother took advantage of that and disappeared into the basement to get ready to go out.

Gemma and Sabrina seemed to have a silent conversation with just a few looks, and then they both kissed you on the cheek and excused themselves, pulling Victoria under their wings and hustling upstairs to go get ready.

“Outside?” Corey asked you.

“Yeah, sure,” you nodded, following him out. It was funny, Corey was probably the guy you trusted the most in general within your group of friends but was also the guy you knew the least overall. This weekend, being in a relationship yourself, you felt more of a kinship with him than you ever had before and you got where he was coming from.

The two of you headed out and around the side of the house, following the little path to the cramped garden and backyard where a small hot tub stood amongst the greenery.

“That’s going to see some use tomorrow, I bet,” you said.

“Or tonight, depending on when we get back,” Corey chuckled. “Your girlfriends stole mine away again though.”

“Yeah, I think Gemma felt bad about the argument,” you said. “Not that it happened, obviously. But about the impression it would give you and Victoria.”

“Hey, I heard the whole thing,” Corey sighed. “She wasn’t unreasonable, and you know Edgar. Victoria… honestly, I love her like nothing else, but if just a little bit of Gemma rubs off on her that would be a good thing. She needs to stand up for herself more.”

“Well, be careful what you wish for,” you said. “Because Sabrina is only a hair less argumentative than Gemma.”

“Really?” Corey asked. “I wouldn’t have thought so.”

You snorted and smirked. “So, my roommate for the summer is this guy named Mosche, and he goes to a lot of open mics at comedy clubs in the city…”

By the time you were finished telling the story; providing the parts about the time it was just you and Gemma, and then you, Gemma and Sabrina, Corey was laughing and shaking his head incredulously at the same time.

“I couldn’t ever do that,” he said. “I mean, I’d be embarrassed just getting the attention from a comedian on stage, but arguing back and forth? And God, Victoria would absolutely die.”

“They’ll both make excellent lawyers,” you grinned. “Especially in the courtroom, if they go that way. They’re both so fucking smart, and quick-witted, and totally unafraid of speaking their minds.”

“You really do love them,” Corey grinned at you.

“I really do,” you nodded.

“Hey now, don’t stop complimenting us,” Gemma said, coming around the corner of the house. She was dressed in one of her flowy summer dresses.

“How long have you been there?” you asked.

“Long enough to know you’re still smitten with me,” Gemma smiled, coming to you and leaning up to kiss you firmly on the lips. “Just like I am with you.”

“I guess I don’t need to sing his praises then, huh?” Corey asked.

“Nope. I’m sold,” Gemma grinned at him. “And, by the way, so is your Victoria. That girl is so in love with you it isn’t funny.”

That made Corey beam and look away sheepishly. “Yeah, it’s… pretty great.”

“Now, you men need to come upstairs,” Gemma said, taking your hand and pulling you back towards the door as she wiggled a finger for Corey to follow too.

“What’s up?” you asked.

“Nothing much,” Gemma smiled. “Your girlfriends just want to ensure you approve of our clubbing outfits.”

You glanced back at Corey. “Uh oh.”

“I didn’t know Victoria even brought a clubbing outfit,” Corey said.

“She didn’t,” Gemma said. “But Sabrina and I put together an outfit for her - the fact that she has my tits but Sabrina’s waistline is a little ridiculous.”

“Hey, you won’t hear me complaining,” Corey laughed as you stepped back into the house. The guys and Ollie were just finishing up the kitchen.

“Well, she’s waiting in your room,” Gemma waved Corey towards the stairs. “Tell her exactly what you think, cause she could use a confidence boost.”

Corey nodded and started bounding up the stairs, but you slipped your arm around Gemma and pulled her close, kissing her cheek. “You know I love your waistline and hips,” you murmured to her.

“I know, love,” Gemma said with a smile, looking up at you. “And I’m not jealous of Sabrina or Victoria, the skinny bitches. That girl’s proportions are just a little ridiculous in general is all. She also doesn’t have much of a butt.”

“Hmmm,” you hummed a laugh, grabbing hers through her dress.

“Hey!” Ollie said, heading past the two of you as she went to the stairs to go up. “No grabass in the public areas unless everyone gets a grab.”

“Careful what you wish for, Ollie,” Gemma said. “I grab back and don’t let go.”

That made Ollie laugh as she climbed the stairs.

“I like her,” Gemma said. “She’s a good friend for you.”

“I know she is,” you said with a grin.

Chapter 286

It turned out the ‘fashion show’ thing wasn’t just for Corey and Victoria. Gemma led you up to your bedroom and Sabrina was just finishing her makeup in the en suite bathroom - the counter space was actually kind of small in there so they weren’t able to get ready together like they usually did.

“Wow, baby,” you grinned as she came out a minute later. “Going all out tonight, huh?”

“Gotta make sure I show off for you, Daddy,” she teased you, sticking out her tongue between her teeth. “What do you think of my outfit? It wasn’t what I thought I’d wear out, but Victoria borrowed my skirt.”

“I think you look fantastic,” you said. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder white crop top with a graphic ‘LA’ across the front, along with her low-riding jeans and a pair of heels. She’d also put on a pair of silver hoop earrings and had a couple of slim braids mixed into her otherwise loose, dark hair. “I’m getting posh rocker rave girl vibes.”

“Not quite what I was going for, but close enough and it sounds hot,” Sabrina said, coming over to you and pursing her lips. You leaned down and kissed her sweetly as she smiled.

“I do have one question though,” you said.

“What’s that?” she asked, her eyes bright.

Your question wasn’t with your words - instead, you slid your hands up from her waist and over her bare skin, under her crop top and up to her tits. Sabrina bit her lip naughtily as you felt her bare nipples between your thumbs and forefingers. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Baby, I love how you think,” you said. “But if we’re dancing I don’t want any chance of you flashing a bunch of random pricks. And especially not the guys. Could you put on a bikini top or something for me, please?”

Sabrina pouted playfully. “Alright,” she sighed. “I was just thinking of us having some fun on the dance floor again.”

“You can have all the fun you want with a bikini top,” Gemma said from the bathroom. She’d stripped off her sundress when she’d headed in there and was doing her own makeup, and you had a clear view of her thong-clad butt as she leaned towards the mirror. “I agree with John, I don’t want you flashing randos either. Those titties are ours.”

“OK, OK,” Sabrina said. “I’ll put on a bikini top.”

“And not the teeny tiny one,” Gemma said, turning and looking out at the two of you. Sabrina made a face and stuck out her tongue at your Aussie girlfriend. “Yeah,” Gemma laughed. “I know how you think, baby.”

Sabrina rolled her eyes and went over to her bags to find the top she would use, and you went into the bathroom and hugged Gemma from behind while being careful not to disrupt her makeup application.

“You know, I think I might love you,” you said with a smile, meeting her eye in the mirror.

“That’s pretty handy,” Gemma said with a smile. “‘Cause I think I might love you too, love.”

“What are you wearing tonight?” you asked.

“You’ll see in a minute,” she teased. “But I promise I’ll look as hot as Sabrina does.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t doubt that for a second,” you said. “I was just thinking that you’ve wanted to do what me and Sabrina did that one time.”

“Love, I really do,” Gemma said. “But not while we’re out with your friends. I don’t mind them knowing… I guess what they already know about us. But I’m not risking them seeing it, OK?”

“OK,” you agreed, leaning down and starting to kiss on her neck and shoulder.


“Yes, agreed.”

“I’m serious, love,” Gemma said, stopping the application of her lipstick and looking at you in the mirror.

“I know,” you said, grinning at her. “You think I would force you or something?”

“No,” Gemma sighed. “I’m more telling myself, ‘cause I know with a few more drinks and if I see an opportunity I might want to risk it. So don’t let me, OK?”

“OK,” you agreed. “Dancing only tonight.”

“Until we get home,” Gemma grinned.

You went back out into the room and Sabrina was just putting her shirt back on, having used a simple black bikini top to give her a modicum more modesty. You proved to her that it wasn’t that much of a barrier by kissing her firmly and sliding your hands up her sides again, palming her tits over the thin fabric and tweaking her nipples just as easily as you had when she was naked.

When Gemma came out all glammed up she made you wait for a kiss as she wanted her liquid lipstick to dry a little more. She was already wearing a pretty lingerie bra and thong combo, and she quickly put on a black dress that had a sort of velvet quality to it and had a formed corset for a top but only just came down onto her thighs, showing off her tanned legs. She covered her bra straps by adding a crochet fishnet shrug over her shoulders and arms, and Sabrina quickly went to work on her hair to help her get it just right.

“What do you think, love?” Gemma asked, turning to you with a smile. She’d paired the dress and shrug with a sexy pair of heels and gold hoop earrings that looked the same as Sabrina’s silver ones.

“I think I’m the luckiest man alive,” you said. “God, you two.”

They both grinned and you ended up in a three-way hug. Then they both grabbed your ass at the same time and squeezed, laughing.

“Now you need to get all dolled up for us, love,” Gemma said.

“And you can take your time,” Sabrina said. “The longer you take, the longer we can make out.” She pushed Gemma lightly back towards the bed as they both giggled and teased you. All you could do was sigh and shake your head, then head for the washroom to tidy yourself up. No doubt they had already picked out an outfit for you.

Chapter 287

The guys, of course, were ready way before the rest of you and were already two beers further in as they waited downstairs. Gemma and Sabrina didn’t actually start making out - at least not fully. You distinctly heard some kissing noises while you were in the washroom. But they both went to offer Ollie some help getting ready, leaving you an outfit laid out on the bed.

You decided to ignore the fact that they didn’t put underwear out for you and put on some briefs.

You found the guys downstairs, who immediately got a beer into your hand. Corey and Victoria were the next to come down and the other guys went a little quiet when they saw her. Victoria was wearing a very cute top that Gemma had lent her - it was a crop that hugged her chest and collar tightly, rising into a lace-like turtleneck, and had full lace sleeves with cutouts to leave her shoulders bare but didn’t show any cleavage. She was also wearing a cute, high-waisted and pleated black skirt borrowed from Sabrina. It came to about three-quarters of the way down her thighs, giving her good coverage while still looking sexy, and she’d paired it with a pair of tight black boots that rose to her knees.

“Wow, Vic,” you said. “You look absolutely stunning.”

“Thanks,” she said with a shy smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Corey was just behind her, beaming proudly. Obviously the girls had gotten Victoria out of her shell as, on the rare occasion she did come out on the town back at University, she usually wore loose, drapey dresses that hid her figure.

Ollie and the girls only took a couple minutes longer, and you had to stop yourself from staring at the amount of cleavage Ollie was showing off. Her hair was pulled tight on her head and gathered into a cute poof of a ponytail at the back, and she was wearing a slinky black and silver dress with long spaghetti strap shoulders and a deep V neckline. Half her tits had to be showing, and considering her considerably large bust it was a lot of tit. It also hugged the rest of her in a flattering way and cut into whooshy, feathery bits at her knees that you were sure would look great on the dance floor. The whole ensemble was extremely sexy, and her warm brown skin was shimmering from some sort of glitter as she smirked at all of you.

“Holy tits,” Paul said as his eyes went wide.

“Yes they are,” Ollie laughed, sticking out her tongue. “So get a good look now, 'cause if I catch you guys trying to get a peek down my top I’ll knee you in the balls.”

Edgar, who had been on the receiving end of that move once before from her, immediately looked away.

With the girls all wearing heels, and Corey being the soberest, it was decided that he would drive the girls to the club while you and the guys took the ten-minute walk. With you being the second-soberest, you led the boys after getting quick kisses from Gemma and Sabrina, along with a punch in the arm and a smirk from Ollie.

The boys were eager after seeing a lot of folks your age, or age-ish, down at the beach so the ten-minute walk only ended up taking eight, and soon you were coming up on the club. It was a decent-sized building a block away from the beach and you had a feeling it doubled as a bar during the day, but now it was set up with lots of Tiki motifs outside and had a line set up. The girls and Corey were waiting for you, and you all piled into the line together and were laughing and chatting as you waited to get in. A trio of ladies had gotten in line behind you and soon Paul, Brent and Edgar were flirting with them hard.

“I’m going to kiss that one before we go home for the night,” Ollie muttered to you and Sabrina with a smirk as she nodded towards one of the ladies. She was wearing a rainbow bikini top underneath a fishnet tank top, along with black booty shorts, and had a half dozen tattoos across her body.

“I dunno,” you said. “She seems into Brent.”

“Nah. She’s a total lesbian,” Ollie said. “She’s just going to accept the free drinks.”

“She’s also glanced at Ollie and Gemma’s cleavage like six times,” Sabrina whispered with a little smirk of her own.

“Oh, don’t look now,” Ollie smirked. “She likes the looks of your cute little booty too.”

“She does?” Sabrina asked with a smile, pointedly not looking back.

“Hey, it’s a nice booty,” Ollie said.

“You two mind not flirting right in front of me?” you asked with a chuckle.

“Shhh, baby,” Sabrina laughed. “I’m getting compliments here.” To mollify you she hugged your arm a little tighter with hers and kissed it since you were standing arm in arm.

Gemma was still acting as a secondary buffer for Victoria, so once you all ended up getting into the club there was a bit of a dispersal as your large group filtered in and headed for different parts of the bar. The place continued the tiki theme inside, with a long, colourful bar splitting the front half of the space and the DJ and dance area in the back, a little darker and sparkling with club lighting. You ended up buying Sabrina and Ollie’s first drinks, and once the three of you found a standing table Corey, Gemma and Victoria joined you.

“So, who wants to make a bet?” Gemma asked. “The boys are already off and running - which of them is actually going to get a number or better tonight?”

The bids started coming in as the six of you settled into the space and started having fun.

Chapter 288

The thing about going out with Gemma and Sabrina together to almost any bar was that they got hit on. It was annoying but somewhat understandable. You would never have assumed that a guy with two girls was dating both of them. Going out with one or the other you never had that problem - well, other than that first time with Gemma. But as a duo it was obvious that you were together.

Three people wasn’t so obvious.

Three people in a larger group were even less obvious. Gemma was splitting her time between you and Corey and Victoria. Sabrina was doing the same with Ollie. You weren’t lacking for attention at all, one or the other of your girlfriends was always holding your hand, leaning in to whisper with you and trade quick kisses, or dancing with you lightly next to the table without heading over to the dance floor yet.

That didn’t stop guys from coming over to the table. Sabrina, Gemma and Ollie all got propositioned several times by random guys offering them drinks or dances. None of them would accept, surprising the guys, and sending them on their way. And every time, well at least with Gemma and Sabrina, it made you smile as they would look back to you with a look that said, ‘Sorry, baby. You’re all that I want and everyone should know it.

“Alright, I think it’s time,” Sabrina finally said as she pulled you back into a conversation with Ollie.

“Time for what?” you asked.

“To find Ollie a hot chick’s mouth to stick her tongue in,” Sabrina grinned.

“I already said I don’t need a wing woman!” Ollie laughed.

“Well, you’ve got one anyways,” Sabrina said. “John, take Gemma to the dance floor for a bit. I’m gonna want my turn when we’re finished.”

“Alright, baby,” you said, and she leaned in and kissed you firmly before pulling back with a big smile. She winked and then looped her arm with Ollie and led her towards the bar.

“Gemma, love,” you said, leaning over the other way and catching the attention of the others. “Sabrina has ordered us to get our butts to the dance floor.”

Gemma laughed and took your hand. “Well, if she ordered.” Then she turned to Victoria. “Do you want to come dancing?”

“OK,” Victoria smiled and nodded, and Corey kissed her on the cheek. The four of you abandoned your table, which was bound to get taken by someone else within seconds, and headed for the dance floor.

You’d sort of been hoping for some more intimate dancing with Gemma, but you ended up in a little group with Corey and Victoria as well and just had fun with it. Gemma spent her time encouraging and teasing Victoria to have fun as much as she spent dancing with you, and you couldn’t begrudge her the fact that she was being so good with the shy girl. Then a heavier dance beat came on and she forced Victoria to put her arms around Corey to dance closer, then came to you.

“Love you, love,” she said into your ear and then kissed it.

“Love you too, love,” you said back, wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her close before sliding your hands over her ass.

She laughed warmly and started to grind with you lightly, one hand up and hooked around your neck as her other hand slid back to yours on her ass and encouraged you to grip her tighter. Her tits were pressed to your chest and she looked absolutely gorgeous in the flashing lights of the club as the two of you moved to the beat of the music.

Unfortunately, Victoria and Corey didn’t have the dancing stamina of the two of you and as soon as the song ended they motioned that they were heading to the bar. Gemma rolled her eyes slightly to you with a little smile as if to say, ‘Lightweights!’ and she took your hand to follow them. You passed by Sabrina and Ollie as they were chatting with four ladies, two of whom looked like they had boyfriends, and Sabrina shot you a grin and a wink. You also spotted Edgar and Brent talking with the three ladies from the line but didn’t see Paul anywhere.

Gemma bought you your drink this time, and soon you, Corey and Victoria had found a new table to stand around. You could tell Gemma wanted to get back out onto the dance floor with the way she was tapping to the beat of the music and bumping you with her hip softly as she very slightly danced in place, but she was also all in on being the Victoria-Whisperer.

You were surprised when Brent and Sabrina came over to your table together. “What’s up?”

“Well, Ollie was right,” Sabrina said with a smirk. “She didn’t need a wing woman.”

“She just walked up to the chick I was talking with for the last hour and asked her if she wanted to make out, and they just started kissing right there in front of me!” Brent said.

“It was kind of awesome,” Sabrina laughed.

“Sorry, dude,” you chuckled and shook your head, patting him on the shoulder.

“It’s whatever,” Brent sighed. “There’s always another fish in the sea.”

“Well, now that I’m not wing-womaning Ollie, I can help you out,” Sabrina offered. “Unless you’re too manly for that?”

“Hell no!” Brent said. “Find me a lady!”

Sabrina started chatting a little quieter with Brent as they scoped out who was around, but they were interrupted when the guys from the beach showed up. Paul was with them, and soon your little table was crowded as everyone was saying hello and one of them went and bought a couple pitchers of beer.

It became almost impossible to have a proper conversation, as everyone was talking and laughing over each other and the music, but you briefly caught some of their names and promptly forgot them. Brent told the story about Ollie stealing his girl, and Paul claimed he’d seen it coming from a mile away, which brought on an argument about Gay-dar and if it was the same knowing if guys or girls were gay.

You found that ironic because the guys from the other group were all eyeing Sabrina and Gemma and flirting with them. You were about to say something when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.

Sabrina: Don’t worry, baby. I’ll deal with it ;)

Pursing your lips a little, you raised your eyebrow and glanced across the table at Sabrina. She met your eye and gave one of her teasing, evil little smirks.

This should be interesting.

Chapter 289

The flirting went on for another five minutes or so, and it got to the point that not only were Corey and Victoria shooting glances over at you, but so were Paul and Brent. Gemma and Sabrina weren’t quite flirting back, but they weren’t shutting it down. The thing was, you also noticed that they were slowly moving toward each other.

You had no idea what their plan was, or even how they had come up with a plan.

Sabrina had just slipped around one of the guys and was now standing one person away from Gemma when the main talker from earlier at the beach leaned in to put his elbow on the table, turning full-on towards Gemma.

“So,” he said. “Are you just here for a year, or did you move here permanently? Because I think your accent is fucking hot.”

“I’m leaving soon, actually,” Gemma said with a slightly raised eyebrow. “End of the summer.”

“Oh, that’s too bad,” the guy said, and you could tell that he didn’t mean that in the slightest. You could practically see the concept of hooking up with Gemma with no strings attached over the weekend floating through his brain. “So how do you find American guys compared to back home in Britain?”

That almost made you choke as you took a sip of your beer. Plenty of people commented on Gemma’s accent, especially while you were out, but no one had ever mistaken her for being British.

“Oh, I luv Bri’ish lads,” Gemma said, slipping into a terrible cockney accent. “But you American blokes, well, there’s sommat so manly ‘bout a cowboy.”

“Oh yeah?” the guy asked, completely unphased by the accent and wording change. “So you like cowboys, huh? Ever heard that song ‘Save a horse, ride a cowboy?’”

“Are ye daft or sommat?” Gemma laughed, still putting on the accent. “Everyone knows Big and Rich, it’s a classic song!”

“Well, what do you think? Want to hit the dance floor, see if it fits?” the guy asked.

“Actually,” Sabrina cut in, elbowing her way past the last guy between her and Gemma. “I was planning on taking my girlfriend to the dance floor. Right, baby?” Then she kissed Gemma, and Gemma kissed her back, reaching up and running her fingers into the hair at the nape of Sabrina’s neck to deepen the kiss as they swapped spit and battled tongues.

“Holy shit,” one of the other guys said heavily.

“Mmmmph,” Gemma moaned as she pressed a little forward to finish the kiss, then pulled away a little but had Sabrina’s lower lip caught between her teeth for a moment longer before letting it go. “I would love to go to the dance floor, baby.”

“That is so hot,” another one of the guys said.

“So you two are an item?” the first guy asked. “That’s cool.”

“Oh, we’re very much an item,” Sabrina said, wrapping her arms around Gemma and putting her hands on Gemma’s tits teasingly. “Right, baby?”

“Absolutely, honey,” Gemma grinned, pecking her lips again before turning to the guy. “But, I mean, a girl can only do so much with another girl. We love having threesomes.”

“Y-y-y-you do?” the guy asked, his eyes going wide in delight.

“All the time,” Sabrina said with a little smirk.

“Holy fucking shit,” one of the guys repeated. Most of the table had gone quiet as this played out, and you were having a hard time not busting out a grin and laugh as the girls played with the guy like lionesses considering a kill.

“Honestly,” Gemma said. “I can’t wait for Sabrina to sit on my face as I take our big dick tonight.”

“Uh-huh?” the guy asked. “So, then do you both want to hit the dance floor?”

“Oh, we do,” Gemma said, then turned to you and held out her hand. “Come on, love. Sabrina and I want to grind up on you just like your loving girlfriends should.”

“Happy to, love,” you said, taking her hand and letting her pull you past a couple of the guys. She got a hand behind your neck and pulled you into a deep kiss, and as soon as that finished you were kissing Sabrina as well. Then they both took your hands and pulled you from the table and towards the dancefloor.

“Holy fucking shit!” that one guy said, loudly. “That dude is the man.”

You left it to Brent, Paul and Corey to explain what had just happened to the guys as you hit the dance floor with your girls.

“Love you, baby,” Sabrina half shouted to you as you found a spot on the dance floor for the three of you.

“Took you long enough, Sabrina,” Gemma said. “He was calling me British!

“Sorry, baby,” Sabrina said and kissed Gemma briefly. “I was just waiting for the right set-up.”

“You two are crazy,” you said, taking each of them by the hand and spinning them in place before pulling them into your arms as the three of you started dancing.

Dancing with the three of you wasn’t quite as hot as one-on-one time in the same sort of intimate way. It was different because it required a little more coordination and a little more mindfulness to keep everyone involved. In reality, it wasn’t so different from your threesomes, so you were practised hands at it. Sometimes the three of you would dance together. Sometimes one of the girls would grind her ass against you while the other danced with her in front. Sometimes the girls sandwiched you between them.

Sabrina liked to make you and Gemma kiss on the dance floor. Gemma liked to watch Sabrina grind her ass on you. You were loving how touchy and kissy they were with each other - every week they got closer not just physically, but emotionally. You were truly in a throuple now not just in name, but in action, and seeing them together was as pleasing to you as being with one of them.

“Ollie,” Sabrina shouted suddenly, breaking away from the two of you for a moment as she went into the crowd and came back pulling Ollie with her. “How did it go?”

Ollie smirked and sucked a couple of her fingers into her mouth naughtily before laughing.

“Really?” Gemma asked, offering her a high five. “Where?”

“Out back,” Ollie said loudly, nodding towards an emergency exit that was propped open both for air and access to a smoker's area. “She gave me her number, I might call her tomorrow.”

“No more hooking up tonight?” Sabrina asked.

“Are you kidding me? If we went further tonight I’d be in a relationship tomorrow,” Ollie said. “Lesbians are clingy if we aren’t careful.”

“You don’t say,” Gemma laughed. “Dance with us?”

“OK,” Ollie grinned, and soon the four of you were dancing loosely, occasionally partnering off a little as you all laughed and smiled, enjoying the loud music and sweaty press of the dance floor.

Chapter 290

Of course it was Sabrina that pushed things. You were dancing with her, while Gemma was dancing close with Ollie but in a fun way, when Sabrina put her hands on yours on her hips and pulled them up her torso. At first, you thought she just wanted to feel your hands on her bare skin between her low-riding jeans and the crop top, but your brunette girlfriend never took things slow. It didn’t take long for her to lead your hands up under the hem of her crop top.

Gemma saw it happening, pursing her lips and rolling her eyes a little at you and Sabrina. For your part, Sabrina was rotating her ass and hips back against you so it was kind of hard to formulate a strong argument against what was happening. Soon she had your hands over her tits and she craned her neck back and to the side to ask you for a kiss. Soon you were making out on the dance floor as you felt her up.

Then she bit your lip, harder than just a tease, and when you pulled away she gave you a hungry look.

“Switch!” Gemma declared, pulling Sabrina away by her hands and taking her place. Sabrina almost looked stunned for a moment and then burst out a loud laugh, shook her head and turned to Ollie, taking her hands and dancing with her.

Gemma leaned into you, pulling you close as she wrapped her arms around your neck to pull you down a little so she could speak into your ear. “Little much there for the middle of the dance floor, baby?”

“Probably,” you replied, using your hands on her hips to pull her a little closer so she could feel your hard cock pressing against her front through your clothes. “I don’t think I was thinking with the right head.”

“Uurrrgh, you’re supposed to be not tempting me like that,” Gemma growled a little. “God, I want to get my mouth on that right now.”

“Want to head out?” you asked. “Sabrina probably wouldn’t complain.”

Gemma hesitated, then shook her head. “Not yet,” she said. “We’re still having fun. Have you really never fucked Ollie?”

The sharp turn in the conversation surprised you and you pulled back slightly to look at Gemma. “Definitely not,” you said. “Full lesbian, remember?”

“Yeah, I know,” she said. “You guys just have this comfortable vibe. It’s OK we’re dancing with her, right?”

At that moment Sabrina was bent over in front of Ollie, grinding her ass back at the thicker girl as she made a face with her tongue stuck out.

You smirked and gave a little snort at Sabrina’s antics. “As long as it stays just dancing fun,” you said. “I don’t think any of you would betray me like that, but you’re all looking extra hot tonight and ‘one thing led to another’ is a bad reason that gets used too often.”

“Just fun,” Gemma nodded. “She’s fun. Honestly, I’m jealous that you and Sabrina get to be friends with her next year. I’m going to miss you so much.”

“I know,” you said, hoping this wasn’t an alcohol-fueled turn in her emotions. You pulled her into a proper hug and buried your face against the side of her head and took a deep breath, the smell of her shampoo filling your nose. “I’m going to miss you too, love.”

She kissed your exposed neck, and then higher as she pulled you forward a little so she could reach your lips until you were kissing deeply. She was clinging to you, neither of you dancing.

Then Gemma was being pulled away lightly, and you both stopped kissing to see it was Sabrina looking at you with a little concerned frown. “Bathroom?” she asked Gemma after she saw a soft sheen of tears starting to build in Gemma’s eyes. Gemma nodded, and Sabrina took her hand while grabbing yours with her other, giving you a squeeze and a reassuring look before pulling her away.

“What was that about?” Ollie asked.

“I think it was just worrying about the end of the summer,” you said. “She likes you too, you know.”

“Oh, I know,” Ollie said with a grin. “You really are a lucky fuck, you know that?”

“I do! God, I do,” you laughed. “Drink?”

Ollie agreed, and the two of you headed off the dance floor and you bought the both of you a beer before looking around for your friends. You spotted the other guys from the beach first, but then you noticed Paul and Edgar talking over at another table. Nodding towards them, you and Ollie headed over.

“What’s up?” you asked as you got closer and saw that the brothers were arguing.

“Nothing,” Edgar said.

“He thinks some chick might hook up with him,” Paul said. “He wants to bring her back to our place, but he’s sleeping on the couch in the basement and wants me and Paul to give up our bed. And that’s definitely not happening.”

“Fuck, talk about being an asshole,” Edgar growled. “What about you, Ollie? Mind taking the couch for a night?”

“Dude, all the power to you to hook up, but there’s no fucking way you’re fucking in my bed,” Ollie said. “What’s wrong with the basement couch?”

“Are you kidding me?” Edgar asked.

“Fair,” Ollie shrugged.

Edgar’s gaze turned to you.

“Don’t even ask, dude. There’s three of us in our room,” you said.

“Gah!” Edgar threw up his hands in frustration.

“What’s wrong with her place?” you asked.

“She doesn’t want to go to her place,” Edgar said. “I think she might be a local and live with her parents or something.”

“Puh-lease tell me you aren’t hooking up with a high school girl with a fake ID right now,” Paul said.

“I-” Edgar started, but hesitated. “No, she talks about going to State. She can’t be in high school.”

“I dunno, dude,” Ollie said. “I might try and get a look at her license or something. Last thing you need is Daddy Dearest coming looking for you.”

“Oh, fuck you guys,” Edgar said. “I’ll just take her down to the beach or something.”

“That actually sounds pretty romantic,” Ollie said. “Just watch out for the sand.”

Edgar shot the three of you a pair of middle fingers as he gave you all a deadpan look and backed away to go find his girl.

“That is trouble waiting to happen,” you said.

“Whatever,” Paul sighed. “He can make his own mistakes.”

“How about you, buddy?” Ollie asked. “Any chica’s looking for a tall, dark Nigerian roast tonight?”

“No,” Paul sighed with a shake of his head.

“Let’s see if we can fix that,” Ollie said. “Come on.”

You didn’t want to ask where Paul would take a girl considering he was sharing a bed with Brent.

Chapter 291

“Sorry about that, love,” Gemma said as she and Sabrina returned to you, finding you at the table Ollie and Paul had left you at. “I just got in my head a bit there.”

“It’s OK,” you said, pulling her into a hug with one arm and kissing her on top of her head.

“Where’s everyone else?” Sabrina asked.

“Haven’t seen Brent, Corey or Victoria for a while,” you said. “Ollie is wing-womaning for Paul. And Edgar may or may not be bringing a girl down to the beach to have sex.”

“That’s an option!?” Sabrina asked you, clear excitement in her eyes.

“Oh, God,” you groaned.

“I so want to do that this weekend,” Sabrina said.

“I might as well,” Gemma said, giving you a little smirk.

You just shook your head and took a swig of your beer.

“It would make a hot scene too,” Sabrina said. “I’m just saying.”

“One step at a time, baby,” Gemma said. “Give him a second to wrap his head around it.”

“Not tonight,” you said.

“Oh, definitely not tonight,” Sabrina assured you. “We have plans for you tonight.”

“Plans that I think we both want to get started on,” Gemma said, still hugged under your arm and using that position to grab your butt as she bit her lip looking up at you.

You were ready to head out as well, and the three of you split up to do a quick search to tell the others you were leaving. You found Brent, who just nodded and said he’d catch up at some point. Ollie was still helping Paul and said she’d either Uber back or just walk with him if he struck out. None of you found Edgar, but Gemma found out that Victoria had been feeling a little overwhelmed and Corey had taken her for a drive down the coast. She was fine now, but they were enjoying sitting near some beach with the windows down.

That meant that you and the girls were walking, and that meant that you ended up piggybacking one or the other for most of the way because neither of them had brought shoes in their little clutch purses.

“You OK, love?” Gemma asked you as you turned onto the street where your B&B was. “I can just barefoot it from here.”

“Just getting my cardio in,” you wheezed softly. She wasn’t super heavy, but ten minutes of piggybacking added up quickly.

“Part of me feels like we should fuck outside tonight,” Sabrina giggled as she walked ahead of you. She’d taken to doing that when you were piggybacking Gemma so that she could drop the back of her jeans to moon you, or turn around and flash you. She claimed it was just motivation.

“I can fire up the hot tub if you want, but we aren’t fucking in it,” you said.

“Aww, why not?” Sabrina pouted.

“Because I don’t feel like getting caught doing it,” Gemma said.

“Well you don’t need to do it,” Sabrina said.

“I don’t want you getting caught either, baby,” Gemma said.

“You know, I get this warm fuzzy feeling every time you call me that,” Sabrina said with a smile, stopping and turning back so that she could kiss Gemma over your shoulder. “I also kinda like that you’re a jealous girlfriend.”

“Jealous is right,” Gemma grunted and shifted, making it clear she wanted you to let her down so you did. She grabbed Sabrina by the waist and pulled her into a steaming kiss. “You’re ours, Sabrina.”

“I know, baby,” Sabrina said, smiling sweetly as they held each other. “But… fucking in the hot tub would be hot.”

Gemma leaned closer and whispered something to Sabrina.

“Fuck, I forgot,” Sabrina laughed, then turned and grabbed your hand. “John, what are you waiting for?! Come on, we need to get back!”

“Sure, blame it on me,” you laughed and rolled your eyes.

“Oh, I will, Daddy,” Sabrina said, sticking her tongue out at you.

“Is it really that kind of night?” you asked, turning to look at Gemma.

“It’s that kind of night,” Gemma smirked and nodded.

“Alright,” you sighed. “Let’s get back.”

- - - - -

You had the house to yourself, but the first thing that happened once you were all up in your bedroom was Gemma made Sabrina strip down to her thong and bikini top.

“Tease her a little, love,” she said, running her fingers through your hair before she pushed Sabrina back onto the bed. “I need to go get a couple of things ready in the bathroom.”

“What sort of things?” you asked.

“Fun things,” Gemma assured you. “Things we got at the shop today. Just make sure our little Brat is nice and turned on.”

Gemma went to the washroom, and when you looked down at Sabrina she was grinning widely as she bit her bottom lip.

“You aren’t going to tell me either, are you?”

Sabrina shook her head. “Sorry, Daddy. Gemma’s orders.”

You pounced on her and soon she was sighing and mewling happily as you slowly worked your fingers around her body, softly pinching her without any real force, while also licking her through her thong. It was a thin little black thing, but it still provided enough of a barrier that Sabrina was groaning in complaint, humping her hips at you as she tried to get your tongue or lips on her bare skin. She was already horny - though through the last month you’d found she rarely wasn’t - and you had to pace yourself because even licking her over the thong seemed to be pushing her closer to an orgasm than ‘just teasing’ should.

Gemma came back out of the bathroom having abandoned her dress and fishnet shrug on the way, now only clad in her lingerie bra and thong and carrying a brown paper bag. “Is she soaking wet?” she asked you.

“When is she not?” you asked with a little smirk.

“I’m not that bad,” Sabrina said, a little irritated as you left her pussy. She reached out with a bare foot, hooking it around your waist and trying to pull you closer to her, but you grabbed the foot and brought it higher, kissing the side of it and then kneading her sole with your thumbs. She liked that, but clearly wanted more sexual contact by the expression on her face.

“Well, baby,” Gemma said, getting up on the bed on her knees. “The three of us all know you are pretty much that bad. And horny little brats get what they need, not what they want. Right?”

Sabrina bit her lip as she glanced down at the bag. “Yes, baby.”

Gemma turned to you. “John, could you take off her thong and bundle it up in a nice little ball?”

You did, sliding it off of Sabrina’s hips as she helpfully lifted her ass a little from the bed. It was wet enough that it clung to her pussy for a moment. Then, as requested, you bundled the fabric and string into a neat little wet ball. You had a feeling where this was going.

“You, baby, are not going to embarrass us tonight with all your screaming and moaning as we give you what you need,” Gemma said in a playful sternness down to Sabrina. She was running one hand through Sabrina’s hair, slowly bundling it up behind her head. “So since you can’t be trusted to stay quiet yourself, you should give Daddy a kiss and then ask him to put your wet, skanky panties into your mouth to gag you.”

Sabrina made a whining sound and a face, but she quickly got up on her knees in front of you and you leaned down to kiss her. It was the kind of kiss that the two of you usually shared in the middle of an intense fucking, and you hadn’t even started yet. It was hungry and desperate and demanding and pleading all at once, and she mashed her face to yours and pulled your hands to her chest so you would massage and grab her tits. Then, when it was over, she sat back on her haunches and looked up at you, taking a deep breath. “I love you, John. But I really want you to be Daddy tonight, please, even if I can’t egg you on with my mouth stuffed with my wet panties. Can you do that for me, please?”

“Of course I can,” you sighed, leaning down to kiss her softly this time.

“Thank you,” she said with a little smile, and then opened her mouth daintily and tilted her chin up, asking for her gag.

You placed the panties in her mouth and gently pushed them in.

Then Gemma made a weird sound. Not her physically, but what she pulled out of the bag. She had duct tape, and she lifted Sabrina’s hair and quickly taped it around Sabrina’s mouth and jaw to the back of her neck under her hair, and around again three times.

“Gemma,” you said, a little surprised. “That’s going to fucking hurt coming off.”

“It’s fine, love,” Gemma said. “It’s sex tape, it’s less sticky. Now, how does our little fucktoy look?”

You looked back to Sabrina, who had her mouth completely taped shut, but her nose clear for breathing. She was looking at you with big eyes and clenching her fingers and fidgeting.

With a smile, you softly stroked her cheek and she pressed it into your palm. With your other hand you rolled one of her nipples between your fingers. “She looks absolutely perfect for a night of making her squirm and squirt,” you said.

“Good,” Gemma smirked, taking out a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs from the bag. “Because we have more toys to play with later.”

Chapter 292

The first thing that you and Gemma made Sabrina do once her hands were handcuffed behind her back was figure out how to get your shirt off.

You were wearing a button-down, so she ended up needing to mumble-plead with you to lay down on the bed as she propped herself up facing away from you, working her fingers blind behind her back to undo each button. Once that was done she had to try and get the shirt off of you.

“Mmmgh!” she groaned in frustration, unable to get the shoulders off of you to pull it down your arms.

“Shhh, baby,” you chuckled softly, taking pity on her and shrugging the shirt off yourself and then pulling her back to you as you sat up at the head of the bed. You wrapped your arms around her naked body, holding her tightly in a hug as she huffed a few long breaths through her nose.

“Alright, so maybe puzzles aren’t the fun tease I thought they would be,” Gemma sighed. She’d been trying to help Sabrina by coaching her a bit, but it hadn’t helped.

“Mmmgh-mmph-mmm,” Sabrina mumbled unintelligibly through her gag and tape.

“Stop complaining,” you said, running your hand across her body until you were palming her pussy and teasing her lips with your fingers while you grabbed her chest firmly with the other. “Or are you not happy being in my arms, little brat?”

“Mm-mm,” she hummed and nuzzled her head against yours and pressed the front of her gag tape to your cheek like she was kissing you.

“Better,” you said and started to trail your fingers more purposefully around her pussy. Her bare, smooth lips were already slick from you eating her out and you could feel them getting warmer with her horniness. Soon they would be that wonderful ruddy flushed colour she got when she was overdue for a fucking.

“I think she’s being a bit of a baby,” Gemma said, reaching behind herself to undo her bra and stripping it off, then crawling up the bed to lay next to you and Sabrina. She leaned over the brunette to kiss you firmly, pushing her tits against Sabrina’s face in the process.

“You just want to tease her even more and get her really worked up,” you said once the kiss ended.

Gemma smirked and grabbed Sabrina’s chin, leaning down to kiss her through the tape. “Yeah, maybe I do,” she grinned.

You had wiggled two fingers into Sabrina’s entrance and the three of you cuddled like that for a bit, with you and Gemma trading kisses when you weren’t teasing Sabrina mercilessly by kissing those spots on her neck that made her toes flex and her eyes squeeze closed as she moaned deep in her chest.

Her little tits didn’t miss out on attention either as you palmed and squeezed one roughly, manhandling them, while Gemma would dip her lips lower occasionally to suck or nibble at Sabrina’s nipples.

Sabrina was squirming, pressing her face against you or Gemma like she wanted to be kissing or licking you. Gemma grabbed her face again as you started strumming Sabrina’s clit harder, kissing her sloppily through the tape, and Sabrina’s legs pulled back and waggled in the air to try and make as much room as possible for you between her legs.

“Little bratty slut,” Gemma laughed softly as she pressed her nose to Sabrina’s, looking deep into her eyes, before she slid lower on the bed. You saw where she was going and fell to the side a little, sort of spooning behind and below Sabrina a bit to get her a little more flat on the bed. This gave Gemma a better angle to start eating out Sabrina as you took your turn mashing your lips against the tape in a broken kiss before trailing them along her jaw and to her neck again.

“Hhmmmmg,” Sabrina moaned and started babbling quietly through her gag as Gemma dove between her legs. Sabrina craned her neck up, wanting to watch Gemma, and you helped prop her up a bit. Gemma shifted a little for a better angle and then drove her tongue deep into Sabrina, who quickly wrapped her legs over Gemma’s shoulders and thrust her hips to signal she wanted more.

You grabbed her tits hard and held her there as Gemma sucked and slurped, but Sabrina being Sabrina she could just sit and enjoy it. Soon you felt her handcuffed hands blindly feeling around your crotch area and started to try and undo your belt. You helped her out, quickly undoing your pants and shoving them and your briefs down to your thighs, and she got your cock in between her hands and started awkwardly jerking you off.

“Fuuuck,” you exhaled, loving the feel of her fingers but wanting more.

Gemma seemed to agree, and she pushed away from Sabrina and used her hands on the other girl's hips to roll her off of you. “My turn with our man,” she said, shifting up the bed and your body. You were a little surprised that she ignored your cock and climbed up to kiss you hard. Your nose was filled with the smell of her, a sweet counterpoint to the smell of Sabrina that had surrounded you, and you moaned softly through the kiss.

Sabrina might have been handcuffed and gagged but she was still horny as hell and industrious - she rolled onto her knees and scampered down behind Gemma, getting between your legs and pressing her taped face between the blondes ass cheeks and nuzzling her to give Gemma as much stimulation as she could without the use of her lips, tongue or fingers.

“Mmmm, little slut,” Gemma giggled, humping her hips to push her groin back at Sabrina, and then she climbed a little higher on you so that she could put her breasts right in your face. You immediately got your lips on the underboob of one and bit her softly, warning her of what you were going to do, but she didn’t pull away. So you got your lips in a seal and sucked hard, leaving a big hickey on her. The three of you had decided in the week leading up to the trip that there would be no hickeys for a bit since the girls were going to be in swimsuits, but just one wasn’t going to hurt if it was going to be hidden by swimsuits anyways, right?

“Fuck, I love that,” Gemma moaned. “God, you both push my fucking buttons.”

“Is she doing a good job on you?”

“Sabrina is doing an adequate job considering her current limitations,” Gemma said with a smirk down at you.

‘Mmm!” Sabrina complained.

“Shush, brat,” Gemma said, reaching back and taking Sabrina by the hair to pull her between the blonde’s legs again. “Do what you can.”

Chapter 293

You weren’t entirely sure how it happened, but Gemma ended up climbing up your body more until she was sitting her pussy on your face. This wasn’t a bad thing by any means - you happily started to eat her out as she began to slowly leak her juices down onto your lips and chin. Sabrina, meanwhile, had followed her as well and was perched precariously on her knees, shoving her face between Gemma’s ass cheeks.

“Ooooh, yesyeahyes,” Gemma moaned, sitting up a little more and pushing her clit down at your mouth. “Oh, God, John!”

She hummed, and you could only imagine when she would get that look on her face with her eyes closed as she focused on the pleasure running through her.

“Mmphg, mmf!” Sabrina mumbled.

“Oooh, fuck! Fuck, yes. Oh my God. Mmmmuugh!” Gemma groaned. She reached back and shoved Sabrina back from her ass so that she could sit up more and lean back a bit until she was practically sitting on your chest. She ran her hands through your hair and looked down at you, and in her current position you were able to look up and meet her eyes around her wonderfully big tits. You squeezed your arms out from under her and slid one hand up her body to grab one of those breasts, and hooked the other around her thigh so you could get a thumb just over her clit hood to pull it back and open her up that little bit more for your tongue.

Sabrina, meanwhile, had ducked lower as she knelt between your legs and she had started to nuzzle her face against your cock. Without her mouth or her hands she had limited options, and the fact that she was debasing herself so quickly to just try and give you any sort of pleasure was such a turn-on.

As you ate her, Gemma reached back, twisting her torso a bit so that she could grab Sabrina by the hair again. “That’s right, baby,” she groaned. “Worship that big cock any way you can. Look at it - it’s as long as your face. God, it’s such a pussy pleaser, isn’t it?”

“mMMmmf!” Sabrina mumbled, and you weren’t sure what exactly she was trying to say but you could feel her nodding.

You stabbed your tongue up right at Gemma’s clit while at the same time you got one of her nipples between your fingers and squeezed it hard, and she let go of Sabrina to hunch over you as she yelped loudly and started to roll through her first, small orgasm.

“Mmmf mm mmmg mm mmph?” Sabrina mumbled, and you got the feeling she was commenting on Gemma being loud.

Your Australian girlfriend’s orgasm rolled through her, and she quickly dismounted from your chest and slid down to join Sabrina at your crotch. She knelt next to the brunette and shoved Sabrina’s face against your cock, then took command of it with her hand and started stroking you. “How’s she doing, baby?” Gemma asked.

“As well as I could hope,” you said. “Though she could use her mouth.”

“Nope, not yet,” Gemma said, still stroking you and grinning. Then she dropped her mouth to your cock and started blowing you.

Sabrina had little she could do like that, so you sat up a bit and reached down to take her face in your hands, pulling her higher on her knees and leaning towards you so that you could kiss her through the tape. Then, as Gemma blew you, you slid your hand down Sabrina’s stomach and she spread her legs wider so that you could start teasing her cunt again.

“Hmmhmmhmmmmmmhmmhmhm,” Sabrina hummed, the speed of the vibrato in it picking up as her eyes got hooded and she lowered her pussy even more, trying to get your fingers on her even rougher.

“God I love you,” you told her.

“Mmm hmmm mm mmf,” she mumbled.

You slid the hand that you didn’t have at her pussy over her chest and up to her neck, and she immediately put some more of her weight onto it to feel the pressure on her throat.

Sabrina looked like a wild thing already, and it hadn’t even been that long in bed. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were big with her makeup smudged, and the sex tape did nothing to make her look any more presentable. Her skin was flushed, her nipples hard, and you could feel her pussy leaking consistently onto your fingers.

You pulled her by her throat into another kiss, and she leaned into it further. Gemma’s hand joined yours at Sabrina’s pussy and she started diddling the brunette’s clit hard as you began fingering her, and Sabrina groaned deep in her chest as she lost her balance and leaned down to you until her forehead hit your chest, her body quivering and shaking as she started to come. Your hand and wrist got soaked as she lost control for a moment.

“There it is, baby,” you groaned, still squeezing her throat with little pulses. “Get there. Get there.”

She mumbled a long sentence of some sort and you could see her fingers flexing open and closed as they were still handcuffed behind her.

Sabrina hadn’t even properly come down yet when Gemma sat up from where she’d been between the two of you sucking on your cock and fingering Sabrina. She shifted, getting a little more behind your shared girlfriend, and urged her forward and Sabrina knee-walked into position.

“Now sit on his big fucking cock, baby,” Gemma crooned in Sabrina’s ear, reaching behind her to grab your cock and shift it into position.

Sabrina was out of it a little, but not enough to disobey an order like that. She sat down, taking the head of your cock into her swampy pussy, and then sat up and then way back down, taking most of you in all at once.

“God, fuck,” you groaned. “That’s so fucking- why does it feel different?” There was a strange pressure in Sabrina’s pussy that you weren’t used to.

“You’re just noticing that now?” Gemma asked with a little chuckle.

“Noticing what?”

“Sabrina’s been wearing a buttplug all night, love,” Gemma said. “And now she’s feeling what it’s like to have you deep inside her while her ass is occupied as well.

Sabrina giggled behind her gag as she looked at you, and you reached behind her to palm her ass checks and slid your fingers down the cleft of her butt to her asshole where you found a small metal disc that could only be the stopper of a buttplug.

“How the fuck did I miss that?” you asked.

“No idea, baby,” Gemma said. “But I don’t think she cares.” Then Gemma slapped Sabrina’s butt. “Get riding.”

“Mmmmff, mmgmm,” Sabrina mumbled, and started working her hips.

Chapter 294

Sabrina was leaning deep over you, grinding her hips as she rode your cock hard and fast to stir inside her cunt. Her face was red from the effort, but that was helped along by the fact that you had both hands around her throat and were choking her as she looked into your eyes with a glassy, pleasure-filled gaze of mind-fuck.

“That’s it, baby,” you crooned to her softly. “That’s it. God, you feel so fucking good. You're being the perfect little slut for me. I wish I had more fucking hands to put on you.” You shifted your grip to hold her neck with one hand, running the other down her side to palm at her tit briefly before going lower and softly pinching the skin at her waist. “

Sabrina was still gagged and couldn’t respond except through her eyes, which flashed at the feeling of you pinching her and she put a little extra oomph into the next three grinding motions.

Gemma, meanwhile, was lying on the bed behind Sabrina and between your legs, and had been teasing your balls for a little bit, first with her fingers and then with her mouth. But she’d pulled away as Sabrina started to go harder, likely to avoid getting an ass slammed into her face by accident. Now she was chuckling to herself and you could feel the pressure in Sabrina’s pussy changing as she played with the buttplug in Sabrina’s other hole.

Sabrina’s eyes went wide and you could hear the hiccup even through her gag, and all at once her pussy went back to normal.

“Did you just take the buttplug out?” you asked.

“Mmhmm,” Gemma hummed, leaning sideways so she could see you and flash a grin. “I’m just gonna play with her a little bit.”

“That OK with you, baby?” you asked Sabrina, knowing that while she could handle some toys in her butt, much more than that had made for a disastrous first attempt at anal between the two of you.

“Mmmph,” she nodded quickly.

“OK,” you said, and she started to grind on you again and you met her by thrusting up into her more.

Sabrina’s breathing was still restricted to her nose and you could tell whenever Gemma started doing something because Sabrina’s nostrils would flare a little bit. Soon, between Sabrina grinding and you thrusting up at her, you started to feel a new growing pressure as Gemma played with her. Sabrina was swallowing frequently, which you could feel through your hand on her throat, but she was also closing her eyes a lot more than usual.

Then there was a rustling and you realized it was Gemma getting something else out of that paper bag they’d brought back from the sex shop.

“That better not be a buttplug for me,” you said with a smirk, and you could tell Sabrina grinned as your little joke snapped her out of whatever sexual space her mind was in.

“Nope,” Gemma said. “At least not this time.”

“Ha. Ha.”

Sabrina had been moaning and mumbling a lot, but after Gemma started doing whatever she was doing back there Sabrina’s vocalization got a lot more fervent. Soon she was moaning loudly even through the gag, and you could feel Gemma working something in and out of Sabrina’s butt and you wondered if it was some new anal-specific toy or something.

Then Gemma spanked Sabrina’s ass cheek hard while whatever it was was fairly deep inside of her, and Sabrina thrust her weight down at you as she sought a harder choking and closer connection as she peaked towards an orgasm.

“Oh, you dirty little brat,” you growled at her, softly squeezing her waist in a pinch and ramping up the pressure both there and at her throat. “Are you going to come for me? Are you going to come all over my cock, with Gemma playing with that tight little ass of yours?”

“Mmmf mm-mm,” Sabrina moaned, though it came out strained. You were dead sure she’d said, ‘Yes, Daddy.’

“Hold it for me then,” you ordered her. “Don’t you fucking roll on it yet.”

Sabrina froze, but her legs were quivering hard and you thrust up into her as you could feel her cunt turning into a steel trap.

“You have a choice, baby,” you said. “You can come right now, but tomorrow you can’t come all day, or you can wait longer and tomorrow you can come, but only by touching yourself.”

“Hmmmg!” Sabrina growled, opening her eyes wide to glare at you.

“I’m kidding, baby,” you laughed, pulling her down tight to you as you looked up into her red face. “Come for me right now like the good little fuckslut you are.”

“Uuuuuuuuunnnngh,” Sabrina groaned as her body went limp after holding her orgasm, the only part of her not going lax being her hips and cunt as she heaved herself, stirring your cock inside of her again until that became too much and she lurched forward, coming all the way off your cock as she squirted girlcum all over your torso. That lurch brought out a full-body shake and rock, and a second smaller spray dribbled down onto you as well.

“Good fucking giiirrrrl,” Gemma crooned, rubbing Sabrina’s back comfortingly. “Good girl, Sabrina. Such a big fucking come for Daddy.”

Sabrina fell forward, completely losing her thoughts for a moment, and her flushed-red chest pressed to your face. You’d let go of her throat and you wrapped your arms around her back, hugging her down to you as you kissed her cleavage.

After a big one like that, you thought she would need at least a few minutes to recover. Maybe take the sex tape off and remove the panties from her mouth so that she could take some full, deep breaths. Perhaps give Gemma a turn. That’s not what happened though.

Sabrina sat back up, leaning to press her tape-covered lips to yours in what you could only guess would have been a soul-sucking kiss, and then shifting her hips back as she sat up and looked over her shoulder at Gemma.

“Alright,” Gemma said to some non-vocal communication between them. She took your cock in her hand and tilted you back up, putting her other hand on Sabrina’s hip to guide her back down onto you.

You very quickly realized what the communication was about.

‘Sabrina!” you said quickly.

“Shhh, John,” Gemma said. “She wants this.”

“Mmmf!” Sabrina nodded

“But like this?”

“Yes, love,” Gemma said. “Gagged, handcuffed, and already well-fucked. This is how she wants to take you in her ass.”

Chapter 295

“Uuuhn,” Sabrina groaned in her chest and throat. “Uuu-huuuu-huunnn.”

She was sitting straight up, her posture completely erect. Her face and chest were flushed a rosy pink and her little tits were jostling and wiggling as her body shook. You had a straight sightline to her pussy, her labia a warm hue from the fucking you’d been doing and her inner lips spread apart like they wanted you back inside them.

But you weren’t inside them. You were inside her ass.

“You’ve got this, baby,” Gemma coached Sabrina gently. “You’ve got this. Just a little at a time. Go slow, baby.”

“Holy fuck,” you groaned, letting your head fall back against the mattress and closing your eyes. Sabrina had a tight pussy. Gemma’s ass was tighter still. But Sabrina’s ass felt like you were going to lose your cock to loss of blood flow, her little anal ring was constricting so hard despite the lube that Gemma had fingered into her.

“A little bit more now,” Gemma said. She was kneeling behind Sabrina, her hands on the brunette’s hips to help steady her.

“Eeeeeehhhmmm,” Sabrina groaned.

“That’s half, baby!” Gemma cheered softly. “You’re doing so fucking good.”

“How?” you asked.

“Numbing lube,” Gemma explained. “As soon as she saw it at the sex shop and the gay guy at the counter explained what it was, Sabrina had to try it.”

Sabrina babbled something behind her gag.

“Is it working?” you asked her.

Sabrina’s face was scrunched up, but you couldn’t tell if it was from pain or concentration because of the sex tape. She nodded quickly though.

“OK,” you exhaled.

The coaching continued, which was a little silly in retrospect considering Gemma had only started doing anal with you in the last month herself.

Part of you wanted to see what your cock in her ass looked like. It wouldn’t be a big deal to either of them if you asked Gemma to snap a quick picture, but you decided against it. You’d save that fun for another time. After the debacle that Sabrina’s first attempt at anal had been, on camera no less, you didn’t want to jinx anything.

“OK, stop there,” Gemma told Sabrina, who halted her descent onto your cock. “You’ve got about six inches of him in you now, the last bit is the hardest for me. I think you shouldn’t push yourself this time and just work with this. OK?”

“Mmmhmm,” Sabrina nodded in agreement.

Gemma smiled and leaned in to kiss Sabrina on the shoulder. “Just take it slow. You’re in charge of this part. John will fuck up at you when you’re ready.”

It took a lot of deep breathing on both of your parts, but Sabrina did start to ride your cock. She ended up leaning forward more and you raised your hands to cup her face and give her some more leverage since she couldn’t brace herself, and in that position she slowly started to raise up and down on about three inches of cock until she was in a slow rhythm.

“You’re doing so good, baby,” you told her. “God, your ass feels amazing. I’m so fucking lucky to have you. To have both of you.”

Sabrina babbled something, and Gemma eased her way down to sit more beside the two of you, no longer holding Sabrina’s hips and instead just rubbing her back. “She says she loves you.”

“I say I love her too,” you said and leaned up to give her a kiss where her lips were behind the sex tape.

“Mmmph-mmm,” Sabrina mumbled, and you didn’t get it so you looked to Gemma.

“I don’t know what that was,” Gemma shook her head.

“Mmph!” Sabrina hummed, then patted your hip and went down on your cock a little firmer.

“Fuuuuuck,” you groaned, and on her next in-stroke while riding you thrust up into her.

“Hmmmmmmuh!” Sabrina moaned.

“More like that, love,” Gemma encouraged you.

You fucked Sabrina’s ass. It wasn’t particularly hard, or even particularly rough and dirty like she liked regular sex, but you did manage to get a good clip going as she rolled her body. Gemma’s hands wandered, stroking Sabrina’s ass or your balls, then reaching between you to tease Sabrina’s clit, then up to pinch at her nipples.

Sabrina babbled again, and you didn’t need a translation. You could tell by the way she was tensing, and the goosebumps on her skin, that she was getting close.

“Choke her, love,” Gemma said and gave Sabrina a spank on the ass.

You wrapped your fingers around Sabrina’s throat again, squeezing the way she liked, and your other hand trailed down her body to palm her booty and squeeze her cheek. Gemma spanked her other cheek again with a solid clap, and Sabrina started keening a soft whine in her chest as she pressed down to you more until her chest was pressed to yours and her hips were only able to hump up and down a little. That left you to be the one to thrust, and you fucked up at her with an insistent pounding.

“That’s it, my good dirty girl. You’re so fucking pretty when you’re this close to coming, baby. I can see you holding it back already like the perfect little darling you are,” you whispered to her. “Your ass feels so fucking good, Sabrina. You’re squeezing me so hard, as soon as you come I think I’m going to as well. Do you want me to do that? Do you want me to come in your ass while you come on my cock?”

Sabrina nodded loosely, almost delirious.

Gemma spanked her ass again and shoved her other hand between you to maul Sabrina’s tit. Then she pinched the fleshy part of Sabrina’s butt.

“Hm,” Sabrina squeaked, a pitiful little sound as her eyes were watering and her body was tensed all over. ‘Please.’

“Go, baby,” you groaned. “Come for me, love.”

She let go and came.

You let go and came.

You lost coherent thought as it felt like your cock exploded into shrapnel and your mind went bye-bye for a long moment. When you blinked, your back was arched you were thrusting up into Sabrina insistently and she was fully seated on your cock as she shouted and moaned into her gag, her face pressed into the crook of your neck even while you kept one hand on her throat.

Another blink and you were breathing deeply, Sabrina’s full weight on your chest and your hands fallen to the side. You were covered in sweat and you felt lightheaded. Your cock, still hard, was caught with just the head in Sabrina’s ass. She was busy nuzzling the side of your neck as her body continued to jerk with aftershocks of her orgasm.

“Easy now,” Gemma said softly.

Hands were on your chest, pressing firmly, and when you looked up you saw that Sabrina wasn’t handcuffed anymore and she was slowly dismounting from you.

“I think I died there for a second,” you said roughly.

Sabrina hummed something, smiling behind the tape, as she sat tenderly onto the mattress next to you and then laid down, curling up and snuggling against your side.

“Don’t fall asleep,” Gemma said, patting Sabrina’s hip. “We need to get the tape off of you and you’ll be leaking that giant fucking load John just put in your ass all over the bed.

Sabrina groaned and sat back up, and Gemma unwound the tape from around her mouth and neck. As soon as she could Sabrina spit out the completely soaked, and possibly chewed-on, panties from her mouth and had to work her jaw a few times. Then she turned and almost collapsed on top of you as she planted her lips to yours.

“I did it,” she said, grinning into your kiss and hug as you bundled your arms around her.

“You did it,” you grinned.

Chapter 296

Sabrina was worn out, and part of you expected that Gemma would be wanting a turn considering she’d gotten teased with oral but that was all. She could tell that you were more than a little wiped too though, and she just kissed you softly with a look that said that she’d want you soon, but not now.

Gemma ended up taking Sabrina into the shower, telling you to pick out some swimsuits for them. They weren’t in there long, and you assumed it was just enough time for Gemma to coach Sabrina on how to get the cum out of her ass. They came out, and Sabrina had a little bit more pep in her step as she strode across the room to you and pressed her body to yours in a hug.

“Thanks, Daddy,” she whispered into your chest. “That was perfect.”

“I didn’t do much Daddy stuff this time,” you said with a little smirk.

“You did enough,” Sabrina said. “The right amount. And that numbing lube helped take the edge off, along with all the buttplug-wearing I’ve been doing when you weren’t around. But, um… I don’t think I’m going to be your little anal queen like Gemma is. That’s definitely a once-in-a-while treat.”

“I’m not an anal queen,” Gemma scoffed as she picked up the bikini you’d chosen for her. “I’m just… an appreciator of John’s cock in my ass.”

That made you and Sabrina snort and chuckle a little, and you hugged Sabrina tighter. “Anal only when prepared,” you confirmed for her.

“Well, a finger here or there,” Sabrina grinned.

The girls got dressed in their swimsuits, and you threw on a pair of shorts since you only had two suits with you and you’d wear your other one to the beach the next day. It was almost 2 AM, and you weren’t sure how many of your friends had made it back to the house. You were also more than a little worried at who might have heard what - Sabrina’s gag had helped, but Gemma hadn’t exactly been quiet while you’d been eating her out, and you really weren’t sure how loud you had been. Especially as you came.

Slipping out of the bedroom, the three of you quietly walked down the upstairs hallway. The light was on in Paul and Brent’s room, but you were pretty sure that had been on all day. Ollie’s room was dark, as was Corey and Victoria’s. But then, as you were softly walking by, there was a muffled girly moan from inside Corey and Victoria’s room.

All three of you froze, the girls looking back at you with big eyes. After a moment there was another moan. Gemma turned to Sabrina and pumped her fist, mouthing something to her that you thought might be ‘Yeah, Victoria!

That almost had you laughing, but you managed to urge the girls to keep walking and you made it to the stairs. Once you were outside the girls let loose their laughs and high-fived for their new friend getting some.

You just rolled your eyes and went to the hot tub, lifting off the top and getting the jets running as it heated up quickly. The girls quickly hopped in, and you followed them, and soon you had one of them snuggled up on either side of you.

“Mmm, maybe I don’t need your help later on,” Gemma giggled a little. “This jet is almost perfectly positioned…”

“I have one of those too,” Sabrina laughed.

“You two are so fucking horny,” you sighed, rolling your eyes playfully.

They didn’t actually try to get off, and other than light touches and some snuggling the three of you sat still enough that the motion detector light on the deck went off, leaving you to sit in the dark. You talked quietly, hearing more about what the girls thought of your friends. They liked Corey and Victoria a lot. And Ollie. Brent and Paul were fine, and they understood why you were friends with them, they were just more like Eric in the girl's estimations than they were like you.

You could tell that Gemma was about to discuss Edgar when a pair of figures started coming up the driveway from the sidewalk. The hot tub deck was along the side of the house, so you raised your arms and waved. The motion detector light turned on, the flare of it making Ollie and Paul wince away for a moment.

“Walk of shame?” Gemma called with a little grin.

“Shame? More like failure,” Ollie chuckled once she saw the three of you. “Paul here struck out every time. Nothing I did could help him.”

“Hey, sometimes a guy has an off night,” Paul sighed. “Just gotta pick myself up and try again tomorrow. Is Brent back?”

“Not sure,” you said. “We didn’t see him.”

“Alright. I’ll check if he’s upstairs. What about Edgar?”

“No idea,” Sabrina answered. “Did he really take a girl down to the beach?”

“Apparently,” Paul shrugged, heading for the door.

“I need that hot tub before bed,” Ollie said, leaving Paul and coming over towards the three of you. As she got close she peeked in and made a face. “Damn, I thought you’d be skinny dipping.”

That got a chuckle out of the three of you.

“Careful, don’t put ideas in their heads,” you said.

“Well, I don’t want to go get changed just to come back out here, so don’t mind me,” Ollie said as she hopped up on the step and then swung her leg over the side, entering the hot tub still wearing her silvery dress. “I’d strip down to my underwear, but I’m not wearing any.”

That made you flush a little and shake your head, while Gemma barked a laugh and offered Ollie a hand to stabilise her as she was getting in.

“Any more luck for you?” Sabrina asked.

“Nah, I wasn’t looking,” Ollie sighed as she settled into a seat across from the three of you. “After that chick earlier in the night, I was good.”

“What’s it like, trying to figure out if a girl is interested in some action?” Gemma asked curiously. “I mean, how do you know if she’ll do lesbian stuff?”

“You mean other than the super obvious ones?” Ollie asked with a smirk.

“Well, yeah,” Gemma chuckled.

Ollie sighed, spreading her arms wide on the side of the hot tub, as she started to hold court and tell the girls about being a lesbian on the prowl. You tried not to stare at Ollie’s huge cleavage that was bobbing at the edge of the water.

Chapter 297

You were humming to yourself as you worked the frying pans and tongs, flipping bacon in two pans and guessing at what you were supposed to do with the fake-on for Corey and Victoria. Sabrina was over at the counter chopping up peppers and onions, her little bum bopping as she danced to a song in her head while she worked.

“How are you feeling this morning, baby?” you asked.

She glanced over her shoulder at you with a grin. “Like my ass got rammed by the rhino,” she said. “In the best way.”

You snorted and shook your head. “Still happy?”

“Completely,” she said.

Gemma came back into the kitchen from setting the big dining table for breakfast, heading for the fridge. They were both dressed in cotton shorts that hugged their hips and asses, and Sabrina was wearing one of your t-shirts tied up into a crop top while Gemma had put on a hoodie for the morning but would definitely need to change before you ventured out of the air conditioning.

“What are you two grinning at?” she asked as she started pulling the juice and milk out of the fridge.

“Butt stuff,” Sabrina giggled.

Gemma scoffed and set the jugs down so she could swat Sabrina’s ass, making the brunette yelp and laugh even more.

The smell of bacon, and the omelettes that you and Sabrina started making once the frying pans were free, summoned the rest of the house. Soon enough everyone was sitting around the breakfast table, though you felt just a little abandoned by your girlfriends as they had both congregated with Ollie to talk with Victoria down at the other end of the table, while you were with all the guys at your end.

There was some good-natured ribbing going on - Brent had, in fact, heard a bit of what you and the girls had gotten up to the night before but thankfully didn’t have any details to share other than that he knew you’d been ‘gettin’ busy’. You didn’t spill on hearing the same thing from Corey’s room, sparing Victorie the embarrassment. Paul got teased about striking out, and he blamed Ollie’s presence, who denied that from across the table when she heard it. Then the guys' attention turned to Edgar.

“What?” he asked.

“Well, you came in pretty late,” his brother said.

“Or early,” Brent pointed out, gesturing with a piece of bacon.

“Did you… y’know?” Paul asked. “Was it a walk of shame or what?”

Edgar looked away and had a little smile on her face.

“You dog! You dirty dog,” Brent laughed, clapping Edgar on the shoulder. “On the beach?”

“Some rocks near the beach,” Edgar admitted. “We walked the beach all the way to the end, and then… y’know.”

“How was it?” Paul asked.

“We don’t need to hear about that,” Corey said.

“The hell we don’t,” Brent laughed.

“It was… good,” Edgar said. “She’d never been with a black guy before.”

“So you disappointed her big expectations,” you teased him, getting some laughs.

“More like blew them out of the water,” Edgar said, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, you released the Kraken!” Paul chuckled, flopping his arm onto the table as if he’d whipped out a giant dick.

“You guys are filthy,” Gemma laughed from the other end of the table.

“So she… y’know?” Paul asked his brother.

“I’ll just say it was a, uh, tight squeeze,” Edgar smirked.

You had a feeling Edgar had not, in fact, had sex last night. Maybe a handjob, or a blowjob, and some groping. There was a chance you were wrong but you doubted it.

Brent and Paul, on the other hand, were both bouncing in their seats as they clapped Edgar on the back and cheered for him.

Thankfully, and Corey had that look on his face too, the conversation moved on and started to more properly include everyone as you discussed what the group was going to do for the day. The single guys wanted to crash for the morning, but the girls all wanted to go out and walk the beachfront street to check out all the little shops. That, of course, meant that you and Corey were going to head out with them.

Soon the breakfast table started to empty and Ollie had to wrangle the boys back to the kitchen to do the cleanup since you, Sabrina and Gemma had done the cooking. You headed upstairs first while Gemma and Sabrina were talking with Victoria, and once you were in your room you had to wrinkle your nose a little because it smelled like stale sex.

“I can’t believe we slept on these sheets,” you mumbled to yourself as you looked at the bed. It was… not clean. It wasn’t filthy, but definitely not clean. The first thing you did was open the bedroom window to try and air the place out, and then you stripped the sheets from the bed and bundled them up as tight as you could. You’d seen a washer and dryer combo in the basement when you first toured the place.

After quickly changing into your swimsuit and a fresh shirt you grabbed the bundle of sheets and headed for the door. If you were quick you could make it down to the basement without anyone noticing. That plan went out the window almost immediately, however, as you took three steps down the upstairs hallway and then Gemma, Sabrina and Victoria all came up the stairs still talking.

“Oh,” Gemma said, seeing what you had in your hands. “Good thinking.”

Victoria was looking at your bundle curiously.

“I, um, get a little extra wet when we’re…” Sabrina said, blushing a little.

“Oh!” Victoria said and blushed a bright pink. “Um… I… might need to use the machines after you guys.”

That broke Sabrina into a fit of giggles as she hugged the busty girl tightly. It also made you start blushing because you’d never thought you’d hear Victoria admit anything sexual, let alone that she was a squirter.

The girls let you pass and you quickly went down the stairs, making the turn at the bottom to keep going down. Half of the basement was a finished lounge space that Edgar was using as his bedroom, and somehow he’d managed to get his stuff everywhere and make it a mess. You headed through the door into the unfinished portion where the washing machine was.

“Well, well, well,” Gemma said from behind you just as you were bundling the sheets into the machine. “Fancy meeting you here.”

You grinned and shook your head. What was she up to?

Chapter 298

You turned as you shut the washing machine, crossing your arms as you looked at Gemma. She was standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorsill and giving you one of those little smirks of hers.

“What’s up, love?” you asked. “Just wanted to see me being all domestic?”

“Hah, no,” she said, coming into the room and shutting the door. “I got enough of that watching you and Sabrina make breakfast.”

“Then what is it?”

“I just wanted a couple of minutes alone with you,” she said, coming to you and wrapping her arms around your neck to pull you into a kiss. This pressed her body to yours, and you groaned happily as you let your hands slide down her body to grab her ass through her thin shorts.

“Have I told you today how much I love you?” you asked her.

She shook her head, rubbing her nose against yours lightly as she smiled. “Not today.”

“I love you to the moon and the stars,” you said.

“Those are two very different measurements,” she laughed.

“I love you to the depths of the sea,” you said.

“Little closer, but still a big difference depending on where you’re at,” she teased me.

“I love you,” you said simply, looking into her eyes.

“I love you, too,” she said and kissed you again.

You made out for a couple of minutes, her pressing to you enough that you leaned back against the washing machine. Her hands roamed under your t-shirt and yours squeezed her ass.

“You did really good with Sabrina last night,” Gemma finally said as your kiss ended.

“That’s what you’re thinking about?”

“That’s why I came down here,” she corrected you. “I wanted you to know that. You trusted her to know not to stop her even if you were worried. You gave her what she needed.”

“I wasn’t exactly being asked to do something I didn’t want to,” you pointed out.

“No, you weren’t,” Gemma smirked a little. “But you were still perfect with her. I’m still sort of in dreamland when it comes to this whole relationship between the three of us in some ways. It almost doesn’t feel real, like when you’re on vacation and you feel settled and comfortable but you know it’s not home. But seeing you two together, and both of you trusting and loving me like this… John, I’m not going to like going home and being away from you, but I know I’m not going to worry about us. I’m not going to stress out worrying or wondering. I’ll probably burn out batteries on my vibrators considering how much sex I’m getting used to, but I’ll never question that you love me.”

You weren’t sure why, but her heartfelt speech hit you hard, and you let go of her ass and wrapped your arms around her back, hugging to you tightly. “I’m going to miss you so much,” you whispered to her.

“I know, love,” she whispered back. “I know.”

The two of you hugged hard until it almost hurt, and then Gemma softly patted you and you let her go.

“Now, turn on that washing machine and hop up on it,” she said.

“Why?” you asked.

“Because I’m going to suck your cock and make sure those big ol’ balls of yours are empty for our walk. I don’t want them knocking back and forth and getting bruised,” she said with a teasing smile.

You laughed and turned, doing just what she said.

- - - - -

Your group left the house about a half hour later. You and Gemma had been forced to sneak out of the laundry room, though Edgar had already been snoring on his couch bed so it wasn’t exactly a stealth mission. Sabrina, Ollie, Corey and Victoria had met you in the front hall, and once everyone was set you set off.

The walk was fun since the sun hadn’t risen to its height and begun scorching everything with its heat. It was supposed to be another hot, clear day so your afternoon at the beach was probably going to be crammed in with the crowds again, but the breeze that morning kept you all from sweating.

Sabrina had swapped out her cotton shorts for a cute pair of jean ones that didn’t show off her ass but did highlight her slender legs, and she was still wearing your shirt tied up as a crop and you had no doubt she hadn’t put on a bra under it since it was baggy on her. Gemma had kept her cotton shorts but swapped her hoodie for a tube top underneath a short-sleeved plaid flannel that she left unbuttoned. Her platinum blonde hair was also up in a bun that left her neck bare. Victoria had dressed a little more conservatively, wearing a t-shirt from one of Corey’s volunteer causes that was a size too big for her and hid her figure, along with Capri-length tights. Last out the door was Ollie, who had gone back to her punk roots after dressing up so much last night. She was wearing a black band t-shirt with the bottom half roughly cut off to make it a crop top, over which she wore her light jean vest that had a bunch of different band and tour patches stitched on. She paired that with a high-waisted jean short with fraying all over it. She also had all of her piercings in and Sabrina had helped her pull her kinky hair into a pair of tight braids.

You spent most of the walk down to the beachfront holding Gemma’s hand or with Sabrina’s arm looped with yours, though rarely both as the group shifted around walking partners as you crossed sidewalks and through little neighbourhood shortcuts. Eventually, as the group was reaching the beach and the noise of the accompanying shopping area got louder ahead of you,  you ended up walking with Corey as the girls walked in a quartet.

“Are you ready for this?” Corey asked you with a little smirk.

“For what? Shopping?”

“Girls shopping in a group,” Corey said.

“I’ve been out a few times with Sabrina and Gemma,” you said.

“Oh, dude,” Corey sighed. “The more there are, the more chaotic it is. Even Victoria and her friends back at school can be a bit much. With Ollie and your girlfriends?”

You groaned softly but smiled. “How bad could it be?”

Chapter 299

The shops were small, cramped and filled to the brim with touristy stuff. Some of it was summer stuff, some of it was America stuff for the 4th, and some of it was hippy stuff. You started seeing repeated goods in the third shop. It was hot, you were all sweating, and you doubted there was going to be anything you would want to buy.

And fuck if you didn’t care.

The girls were having fun. From the moment you all hit the beach street none of them dropped their smiles. You tried on a dozen pairs of sunglasses, and a half dozen silly hats were put on your head and you were shown possibly a hundred different silly shirts. Bags, mostly small ones, slowly started to accumulate in your hands. Sabrina bought a cute tie-dye wrap in one shop. Gemma bought a straw hat coloured like the American flag, both because it would suit her outfit for the beach and as a souvenir to bring back home. Sabrina bought a trio of really long lollipops that she said reminded her of being a kid. Ollie even got in on things and bought a couple of old CDs from a store that you swore was half-thrift shop, along with a new pair of sunglasses that you had to admit suited her face.

Then came the really hippy store. It was practically a maze that you had to navigate through to see everything, and the girls took plenty of pictures together and with you next to weird wooden carvings and statuettes that you couldn’t imagine anyone actually buying for their home. Then, near the back, there was more of the touristy stuff along with a whole ‘gem girl’ area with crystals and shit, and clothes, and jewellery.

“What do you think, love?” Gemma asked, turning to you and holding up a pair of dangling earrings that reminded you of something you’d see on an Indian bride at her wedding.

“They’re cute, but won’t they pull on your earlobes?” you asked, stepping over to her.

“Maybe,” she grinned. “But I don’t know if I could pull off earrings this big.”

“I think you could make anything look good, love,” you said.

She grinned and went to her tiptoes to give you a peck on the lips before turning back to the counter. “What about this one? I could get another piercing in the top part of my ears, and when I’m not wearing it I could get a little stud for it.” She pointed out a little silver chain designed to attach to the ear at the lobe and somewhere higher.

“Baby, if you want to get another piercing then I think it would look great,” you said, hugging her from behind.

The woman who had been talking with Gemma from behind the counter took out the earring to show her. Gemma took it and held it up to her ear and had you take a picture so she could see what it would look like, then asked you to go find Sabrina so she could see it too.

Sabrina was with Victoria and Corey across the shop looking at a display from one local artist or another. At first glance, it looked like more hippy trippy sunsets and crap, but Sabrina and Corey were giggling and Victoria was blushing and biting her bottom lip.

“What’s up?” you asked as you stepped behind Sabrina and wrapped your arms around her.

“These paintings are practically porn,” Sabrina snorted, trying to stifle herself from laughing harder.


“They’re all vaginas,” Corey coughed.

You frowned and narrowed your eyes, looking at the paintings again. Then you tilted your head a little and you saw it… and then you couldn’t unsee it. “Oh my God,” you laughed.

“Want one for our place?” Sabrina asked you with a teasing smile.

“Please, no,” you shook your head.

“Mmm, we need more phallic art, got it,” Sabrina grinned.

That one got Victoria, who burst with a bark of a laugh and then clapped her hands over her mouth. That set Sabrina and Corey off into another fit of giggling, which got to you.

“What is going on over here?” Ollie asked, coming over to you.

You had to wipe your eyes and just gesture at the paintings, pulling Sabrina away. “Gemma wants your opinion on something.”

Gemma was talking with the woman behind the counter as you came over, and you both managed to get your giggle fit down. Sabrina took a look at the earring chain and thought it would look good on Gemma, and Gemma decided to get it. You signalled behind their backs to the woman that you wanted to pay for it, and she grinned and winked at you. Then Gemma was pulling Sabrina away to look at some rings.

“New to polyamory, aren’t you?” the woman asked.

You blinked and glanced over at her. She was leaning on the glass counter of the display and smiling as she watched Sabrina and Gemma a few counters down, but looked back to you. You’d been distracted before, but after taking a solid look at her you realized the woman must have been in her forties but had the sort of gorgeous face that usually went with someone who had been a celebrity their whole lives.

“How could you guess?” you asked.

“Just the way you stand with both of them, mostly. The blonde made it obvious, but if you weren’t involved with the brunette as well then I’d say she had a deep crush on you,” the woman said. “That or you were a cheater.”

“We’re together,” you said, looking back over at the girls. “And it’s definitely new to all of us.”

“Well, it suits you,” the woman said. “I assume you’re a closed loop?”

“That’s the plan,” you said. “With some minor exceptions, I guess. All agreed on beforehand.”

“That’s good,” she said. “A little spice can help, but too much can ruin the pot.”

“Are you polyamorous?” you asked.

She shook her head, smiling at you again. “I was. Years ago now. But when I got pregnant I realized I was in love with one man, and just liked fucking the rest. Thankfully my daughter was his, and we settled down together.”

“Happy ever after?” you asked.

“Well, daughters are daughters,” the woman chuckled. “So mostly, except for all the teenage angst at the appropriate times.”

“Baby, come look,” Sabrina called to you, pointing at something in the display.

“Thanks,” you said to the woman.

“Good luck,” she grinned. “Just remember that the only way you can mess up love is if you stop talking.”

You smiled and nodded to her, and went down to the other end of the counters to Sabrina and Gemma.

“Flirting with the pretty MILF saleslady, baby?” Gemma asked you quietly with a teasing smile.

“Something like that,” you chuckled, then slipped your arm around Sabrina’s waist. “Alright, what do you want me to see?”

Chapter 300

Gemma and Sabrina weren’t amused that you ended up buying Gemma the earring chains, along with a cute toe ring for Sabrina from the same shop. They appreciated it, and they both kissed you deeply for the gifts, but then they scolded you for spending more money on them.

Then they teased you about how the MILF shopkeeper wanted to bone you, and you just rolled your eyes and let them do it - the brief talk with the woman had helped a few things feel settled in your mind, and she’d been hot as hell for a woman in her late forties or early fifties so your girlfriends thinking she wanted to fuck you was a compliment.

Ollie immediately joined in on the teasing when she found out what had been going on, but the whole group of you moved on down the row of shops and it was forgotten quickly.

A few shops later, as you were coming up on lunch, the next place along the strip was a tattoo parlour. You thought everyone would walk past the place, but were surprised when Gemma, Sabrina and Ollie all wanted to go in. Corey and Victoria said they were going to go down to the beach quickly to dip their feet in the water, and you almost wanted to join them because it was so hot, but you stuck with the girls and entered the tattoo parlour.

“Hello, hello,” said the woman at the front desk as your group entered. She was tall and busty, her curly hair dyed in a two-tone black and blonde and held up in a pair of messy buns on top of her head. She had a similar number of piercings to Ollie with her eyebrows, both lips and a septum piercing, and she was wearing what looked like a merch T-shirt for the shop that clung to her figure. “What can I do for you folks? Do one of you have an appointment?”

“No, sorry,” Gemma said. “I was wondering if you had a piercer in that had availability?”

“Mmm, depends on what you want to get done,” the woman said, quirking her lips a little as she tapped at the laptop in front of her checking a schedule.

The shop was brightly lit, which surprised you a bit, and looked like it was partially an art gallery for street art and photography. There were framed prints of black and white skateboarders, surfers and other people doing more extreme sports, not to mention tattoos on buff guys and sexy ladies. The place was colourful and clean despite what it had sort of looked like from the outside, and there were a few people waiting in a sitting area at the front while the buzz of multiple tattoo machines were going, though the actual tattooists and clients were hidden behind half-walls for privacy.

“Just my upper ears on both sides, like up here,” Gemma said, pulling her hair away from her ear and showing where she meant.

“Oh, a helix piercing,” the woman nodded. “Yeah, we can do that no problem without an appointment. It’ll be maybe a ten-minute wait, she’s just finishing up with someone right now. What’s your name?”

“Great! And I’m Gemma,” she said, and turned to you with a smile.’

“Actually,” Sabrina said, stepping forward. “Is she able to do nipples?”

You almost choked on your own spit and Gemma’s eyes went wide as she turned towards Sabrina.

“She is, but that’s an appointment-only piercing,” the woman behind the counter said. “Plus, and don’t take this the wrong way because I love having mine done, but it’s not an ‘at a whim’ kind of thing. Nipple piercings can take up to a year to heal properly, and until then you need to stay away from fun things like the beach, or having them played with with fingers or lips.”

“Oh,” Sabrina said, making a disappointed face.

“I could have told you that if you asked me, girl,” Ollie said.

“Sorry, baby,” Sabrina sighed, turning to you and hugging your side. “I know you liked the look of them on my sister.”

This time you did choke on your spit, and ended up coughing hard.

“I’m sorry, what?” Ollie asked.

“Oh, my twin sister has nipple piercings,” Sabrina said casually.

“You showed him a picture of your sister’s tits?” Ollie asked, still surprised.

“No,” Sabrina scoffed, which likely would have helped diffuse the situation, but it was Sabrina. “I let them fuck when she came to visit.”

“Sabrina!” Gemma said. You were still coughing and could feel the heat rising to your face. The woman behind the counter had one carefully manicured eyebrow raised as she listened in.

“What? It’s not like we did it together,” Sabrina said. “And Ollie doesn’t know my sister, and she’s cool.”

“Thanks, I think,” Ollie laughed awkwardly.

“It wasn’t a big thing,” Sabrina said. “My twin was on a dry spell, she has the same taste as I do in guys, and one thing led to another.”

“And you were alright with this?” Ollie asked Gemma.

“It was a little more complicated than that,” Gemma said, blushing almost as much as you were as you managed to get your coughing under control. “But… yes?”

“Jesus,” Ollie said, looking at you as you turned back to the group, wiping the tears from your eyes from your hard coughing. “I didn’t know you had it in you, John. Twins.”

“Not at the same time,” Gemma clarified.

“Still,” Ollie chuckled.

“Can we not discuss who we’ve slept with?” you asked.

“We should show Ollie a picture of Becks,” Sabrina said, ignoring you and looking to Gemma. “She’ll lose her mind.”

Another one?” Ollie asked.

“So just the two ears then, right?” the woman behind the counter tried to confirm.

You sighed, hard and heavy.


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