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Chapter 282

With dinner approaching fast and a date to get to, I wasn’t entirely in my right mind as I stepped back into the Couples Boat. I had nerves now, which I realized I hadn’t really been paying attention to for a lot of the trip. I’d questioned things, and been aware of how weird and wild the week had been, but this felt like only the second time that I really felt nervous. Before now, it had been last night when I was waiting for Cattine and Cass to get ready for our first night together in our… I guess I couldn’t really think of it as ‘our relationship’ since they both were adamant about only dating me and not each other. So how was I supposed to refer to it?

My mind was liable to jump and fixate on little details when I got nervous - at work, it rarely happened anymore as I’d gotten more than comfortable with my job and all the variables there. A new variable, when I felt in control, wasn’t a big deal. But right now I felt like I had almost no control over what was going on.

I passed through the living area, where Heels was currently sitting with her headphones in as she was writing in her journal, and then past the kitchen and into the hallway with the cabins. Before I reached our door, Terra and JC’s door opened and Terra stepped out. As soon as she saw me she flushed a little and smiled, closing her cabin door and coming to me. She was dressed in a cute black tube top that hugged her small chest and a black bikini bottom with ties on her hips, and she had her hair pulled up and back into a ponytail.

“Hey, Tiger,” she said quietly, then opened the door to my cabin and went in. I followed her and found that she had stepped up onto the bed. The shortest of the women I’d been with that week, this brought her up to just over my own height and I closed the cabin door and went to her. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and leaned in to kiss me, while I hugged around her ass and pulled her close. “Mmmf,” she groaned into the kiss.

“Terra,” I mumbled. My nerves were gone for the moment as I lost myself in the kiss.

After our conversation that morning, I knew I wanted to check in with her too. She’d spent at least part of the afternoon talking with JC, and the angel part of me hoped that they had figured out what the ongoing issue was between them and figured it out. The devil in me, that feeling I got when I felt like I could have whatever I wanted no matter who it might hurt, cackled knowing that this kiss wouldn’t be happening if that were the case. I hated that feeling, but I also rejoiced in Terra’s touch.

“Fuck,” Terra grunted. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I lowered us down to the bed so she was on her back. “I want you again, Robbie,” she whispered.

“I want you too,” I whispered back. Then I pressed my forehead to hers and sighed, my hands holding her tiny waist. “Where are you at?”-

Terra grimaced. “I don’t know,” she said. “I talked to him, but it was… it was like talking to a pet. And I don’t mean that to be mean, I just- It was like I was talking and I felt like he was listening and showing emotion and understanding, but then I’d ask him what he was thinking and he’d just look at me. Or he’d talk and he couldn’t reply or even really repeat back what I had told him in his own words. It was like we were speaking different languages. But he’s hurt, and he says he loves me, and I don’t like seeing him hurting even if I’m still… ugh.”

I pulled away from her and laid down next to her on the bed so we were both looking up at the ceiling of the cabin, taking her hand in mine.

“We should stop doing this, Terra,” I said. “He obviously doesn’t want your agreement to continue.”

“That’s the thing,” she said. “He says that isn’t true. He doesn’t want to change our arrangement. Oral and anal, he said. He just kept saying he’s fine with oral and anal, like that was some sort of… I don’t know. It made me wonder if he has someone he hooks up with regularly, or someone in mind that he’s hoping to do stuff without losing me.”

“Did you ask him?”

She nodded and sighed. “He didn’t really answer. He said no but he wasn’t exactly saying it with commitment.”

I just squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing, Robbie,” she said, turning onto her side to look at me as she pressed her cheek to my arm. “You might be the, I dunno, the crucible for this happening. But I think it was going to happen eventually. This week is just speeding everything up. For everyone, I guess.”

Now it was my turn to sigh again. “I know,” I said. “It’s all happening really fast.”

“So you and Cattie, huh?” she asked. “And the girls were telling me you fucked Zenya now, too. Is she a Robbie’s Girl?”

“Cattie is my official girlfriend,” I nodded. “And Zenya says she wants to think about things, which is entirely fair. I don’t know if I could handle another addition to what I’m dealing with emotionally, but she’s so sweet and caring and funny. And she just so happens to be completely single with no complications.”

Terra snorted softly. “I’d say you were a homewrecking heartbreaker fuckboy, but I feel like you’re making everyone’s lives better, Tiger. Cattie is out of an abusive relationship and safely with you, and I bet she’s stupidly happy. Wanda is completely in love with you and says she feels an inner calm that she hasn’t experienced since before she said yes to her husband’s proposal years ago. And I-”

“Tell me,” I whispered.

“You make me feel like I’m your world when I’m with you,” she said. “Even if I know - or, hell, even if we’re talking about the other women pursuing you or with you or whatever, I feel like everything you do is either to try and make me feel better about myself or to protect me from getting hurt. I feel safe with you, and I love your emotional serious side, and your problem-solving wisdom, and your silly flirtatious side too. And your sexy side.”

“I’m not sexy,” I said. “I’m just-”

“Shh,” she said, rolling over more to straddle my hips as she looked down at me seriously. “You, Tiger, are sexy.” She kissed me, long and slow, teasing her tongue across my lips, until she pulled away. “You are.”

“OK, I won’t say that again,” I agreed.

“I’m probably closer to a decision now,” she said, still looking down at me as her hands braced on my shoulders. “I’m sorry it’s taking this long.”

“It’s not taking long at all, Terra,” I said. “And it shouldn’t be rushed. When this week ends, normal life is going to come back around at us hard.”

“I know,” she whispered, lowering herself to my chest and wriggling her hands under me to hug me. “That’s what I’m scared of.”

“Take your time,” I said quietly, hugging her back. “It doesn’t need to be a decision made right now, or this week. It probably shouldn’t be.”

“I’ll miss you,” she said.

“I’ll miss you too, honey.”

Chapter 277

Terra and I got interrupted in our snuggling by Cassidy, Cattie and Wanda all piling into the room. Cassidy immediately grinned seeing us and walked over, giving Terra’s booty a smack. “Sorry to interrupt, babe, but we need the room.”

“Mmm, it’s OK,” Terra groaned, going up on her hands so she could swing her leg back over me and fall back to the bed looking up. “Thanks for not minding I borrowed him. Both of you.”

Cattie slipped down onto the bed next to Terra and gave her a little hug. “Totally fine with me,” she assured her. “Sorry you needed him.”

“Thanks,” Terra said, hugging her back. Then grinned a little. “Lucky bitch.”

Cattie laughed at that, squeezing her tighter for a moment.

“Alright,” Cassidy said. “Terra, you can stick around to help if you want. We’re getting ready for the date with Becca. Do you want to help me or Robbie?”

“Do I need help?” I asked.

All four of the women gave me a look.

“OK, OK,” I said, raising my hands. “I’ll take the help.”

Soon Cattie and Terra were going through my available clothes while Wanda worked with Cassidy in the washroom. Once my hair had been styled and preened over, and both of my ‘helpers’ had gotten a turn at plucking what I considered some unnecessarily plucked eyebrow strands, I was shooed out of the bedroom so that they could turn their attention. I’d ended up dressed in a simple button-down, short-sleeved shirt and a nicer pair of shorts, along with my rough hiking boots. The boots didn’t really match, but we were heading out to shore on our date so we’d do better with them than without.

I ended up checking in on the other boat, finding that someone had dug up an actual picnic basket from somewhere. It was piled near the back door with a blanket and a backpack, and it was when I figured I could get started bringing it to shore that I realized if I was carrying the stuff, Cassidy and Becca back and forth my shorts weren’t a good choice.

I got berated and teased, and Cassidy hid in the bathroom, while I went back to the room and explained the problem. I was allowed to change into my darkest pair of swim trunks instead of the shorts, and I could feel the eyes of Terra, Wanda and Becca watching me as I did. When I turned back around Cattie was smirking playfully, while Wanda and Terra were both flushed and biting their lips.

Back out of the room, I pulled off my shoes and shirt on the porch and started carrying stuff over to shore. By the time I was making my second trip back Cassidy emerged from the boat. She was wearing a cute neon cosmos dress that I had bought for her online as a present. It was a wild cross between a rainbow oil slick and a nebula like they showed on the opening title credits of a Star Trek show. It was mostly blues but with lots of complimentary greens, yellows and a couple of shocks of neon orange. With the addition of one of her favourite belts, it stayed trim to my fiancee’s build and highlighted both her cleavage and her legs.

“I always love it when you wear that dress,” I said with a grin as I pulled myself back up onto the boat.

“I love it when you’re streaming water,” Cassidy said, grinning cutely as she checked me out. It made my heart beat a little faster, knowing that after all the years we’d been together she still liked to look at me.

“Do you want me to carry you over now, or wait for Becca?” I asked.

“Let’s wait,” she said.

I got closer to her, not hugging her only because I was wet up to my chest. “You’re still sure?” I asked her.

She nodded, glancing past me and smiling harder, then looking back into my eyes. “I’m sure, Tiger. Now turn around and check out Becca’s entrance.”

I turned and got to watch Becca pull open the glass door of the Singles Boat, beaming as she stepped out. She was wearing a two-piece outfit in a vibrant olive green. The top hugged her bust and wrapped around her upper arms, leaving her shoulders and her torso bare except for a dangling tie centred in the middle of her cleavage. It covered everything fully and yet still seemed elegant and almost scandalous. The bottom was a long skirt that hung low on her hips and went down to her ankles, swishing with each of her steps as it flowed freely. The whole outfit was made out of a sort of rough-spun fabric that gave her a farmy, hippy vibe even though she still looked elegant.

“Damn,” I said, staring at her. “Becca, you look absolutely amazing.”

“Stunning,” Cassidy agreed.

“Thanks,” Becca said, smiling brightly. She and her helpers - I could see Leia, Zenya and Ami peeking from the kitchen behind her in the boat - had done her makeup lightly but really highlighted her lips. It worked, making me immediately want to kiss her, but I was used to the rules of makeup - don’t mess it up early. I was also still wet. “Cassidy, you look really pretty too! That cress is so you, it matches your hair.”

“Thanks,” Cassidy replied with her own smile. I could tell getting a compliment from Becca, earnest and not just girls supporting each other, definitely gave her a bit of butterflies. For all that we’d all become friends (and more) through the trip, Cass still harboured a bit of fangirl for Becca from one model to another. It was one of the many reasons I felt like I needed to spend time with both of them like this before we committed to anything. Thankfully, even seeing her response, I didn’t feel any pangs of worry about Cassidy’s feelings; she was excited about this, but I knew she was mine.

“You, however,” Becca turned to me. “Are a little underdressed, Tiger.”

“I live to serve,” I said, then hopped back into the water and turned to offer a hand to one of them. “Who wants to go first?”

Chapter 278

Getting to a spot Becca approved of didn’t take long once I was fully dressed again. She wanted to be close enough that we could be reached if something went wrong over on the boats, but far enough that they couldn’t see, or hear, us on our date.

We hiked for a couple of minutes. I carried the basket one-handed while Becca took the backpack and Cassidy carried the blanket, and I ended up holding Becca’s hand as we walked. Cassidy encouraged it, walking on the other side of me as she held onto my elbow since my hand was occupied with the basket handles. Once we found the spot the blanket got spread out, and Becca unpacked our dinner. It was a simple dinner - everyone back on the boats were having chicken breasts, a vegetarian noodle salad, and baguettes cut into slices and crisped with cheese and garlic butter in the oven. We got the chicken breasts, nicely seasoned and pan-fried, with a few of the baguettes each, but noodle salad didn’t exactly make for a sexy picnic item so Becca had prepared some basic sliced peppers and some fruit.

We sat on the blanket, and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face if I tried as we dug in. Once we’d all had at least a bit of food, along with sips from the plastic cups that Becca had filled from the box of wine in her backpack, we settled into some light conversation. I could tell that Cassidy and Becca were both feeling the same sort of nerves that I was. Our energy, maybe even adrenaline, was up.

“Can I just say something?” I spoke into a small lull in the conversation. Both women nodded with little smiles, and I got on my knees and leaned in, kissing Becca. Closed-lipped, since we were mid-eating, but still strong and sweet. Then I pivoted and kissed Cassidy the same way.

“That wasn’t a statement,” Becca said with a roll of her eyes and a smile.

“I dunno, I think I got what he was saying,” Cassidy chuckled.

“Fair,” Becca smirked.

“I just don’t want this to feel awkward,” I said. “And the longer we put off talking about the real stuff, the more we’re going to feel that.”

“OK,” Becca nodded. “Let’s talk about the real stuff.”

Cassidy nodded in agreement, so I cleared my throat and settled myself back on my butt and put my hands on my thighs. I took a breath and looked at Becca. “I love you. We’re there. It’s been… ridiculously fast, but we’re there. And based on everything today, and the fact that this trip is ending tomorrow and we’ll need to head in different directions, we need to decide what to do about it. The first thing I need to know is how you feel about the changes that happened today because you have every right to feel unstable about all of this. I’m still engaged to Cass, but I’m dating Cattie now, and like she said I’m also going to fill the role she needs as a Dom. How does that make you feel?”

Becca pressed her lips together for a moment, looking at me with eyes that told me she appreciated me asking this even if we’d danced around it a bit today in the water. She surprised me a little, however, by turning to Cassidy. “Before I answer, I need to know where you are at,” she said. “Are you OK with the Cattie situation, and how things look like they are developing? It’s Robbie’s relationships, but you’re his fiancee. You’ll be his wife. Whatever else happened in the past, I don’t know if all of this was in your plans for this weekend.”

Cassidy reached between them and Becca met her hand with her own, their fingers entwining in a sisterly way. “Robbie and I talked about this earlier, so he knows this already,” Cass said. “I had hopes for this week, but I couldn’t ever have dreamed it would be like this. Honestly, Becca, I’m a little scared but I’m mostly thrilled for him and you and the others. God, Cattie realising how bad it was with Heather and how much she and Robbie worked together is a dream come true. She’s my best friend and sharing Robbie with her is already beautiful. I didn’t know the rest of you nearly as well, I just had some rumours coming out here that I had hoped some of the girls - beyond being cool mutuals and new friends - might be open to some fun with him. Honestly, Wanda is going to be his girlfriend within the next week, but you know that already. She speaks so highly of you, babe. But she doesn’t need to sell me on you, I’m a fan. And I mean a fan of you, because you’re so good and courageous and funny. And most importantly I can tell you love him so much. So, to answer your question in the most roundabout way I could, I’m really happy that Robbie is dating Cattie, and I think as long as you’re OK sharing him then I’m totally OK with sharing him with you.”

Becca was smiling and I could tell that she was fighting herself to try not to let tears well up in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said.

Cassidy pursed her lips in an air kiss to her and winked.

Becca turned back to me. “I don’t know why, but this whole thing feels so natural,” she said, brushing a loose lock of her silvery blonde hair behind one ear. The light breeze was nice and cool, cutting the heat from the sun, but it was ruffling the girl's hair out of place a little bit. “I told you guys this already, but until recently I was asexual for a bunch of years. I could recognize someone was attractive, but I didn’t feel attracted to them, if that makes sense. I didn’t get horny, I didn’t feel a need to be romantic or have a partner. I had friends, like Wanda and Zenya, and that was good enough for me. So when I think of what sort of relationship I would want… it’s more like I know what sort of relationship I don’t want instead of having expectations for what I do. I don’t want someone who is selfish, who thinks arguing means yelling, or who disrespects me. And I don’t want a simp either. I can’t handle that. I just need to know that my person will care about me no matter what is going on, and will support me when I need them and let me support them too.”

“Oh, look,” Cassidy said with a grin, glancing at me. “It’s that guy. Have you met Robbie?”

Becca smiled and shook her head. “I know, but that’s not all.” She took a breath and then shuffled around the blanket to get closer to me, taking both of my hands in her as she looked at me. “I don’t know what’s going to happen with me,” she said. “I don’t know why my long stint of asexuality suddenly changed, and I don’t know whether it might come back. So far, I’ve fallen in love with your humour, and your smile, and the way you speak to me and look at me. I love your dedication, and your vulnerability, and that you’re manly without being macho. But I know physicality, and sex, are important. So dating me is a risk, Robbie. Any day, I might suddenly stop wanting sex with you. I don’t want that to happen, but it could and I’m scared that just being friends without the usual benefits of a relationship would be enough. Especially when you’re getting that from the others.”

She took a breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t know if I’ll always be able to be a good girlfriend for you.”

Chapter 279

I was a little surprised, and a little shaken, by what Becca had said. The thing was that I had to remember everything I knew about Becca to connect what she was saying with the confident woman that I’d been falling for. Becca hadn’t talked about it much, but she’d been in a bad relationship years ago. Whether that was what had pushed her into being asexual, or that was something different, it was hard to know but what I did know was that there was no way this wild idea of hers was coming from anywhere other than bad experiences or buried trauma from that.

“Becca,” I said after taking a breath. “Sex is great, but the relationship I want with you isn’t reliant on it. You are more than sex to me, and I wish you could know how much I hurt for you that that’s where your mind goes. You are a confident, courageous leader with a mind that I love and a fiercely grounded centre that makes me want to do more and be better. If the day comes that you feel your sex drive dropping, I wouldn’t ever think less of you and wouldn’t ever want to leave you for something as small as that. Do you know why Cassidy and I can get past what she revealed about our past? It’s because I love her, not just sex with her. I love you that kind of way.”

Becca swallowed visibly and frowned, looking down at her hands. “But that doesn’t mean you deserve it, Robbie. You don’t deserve a girlfriend who-”

“Shut the fuck up, Becca,” Cassidy said sternly. Her anger drew both of our eyes to her, and I realized that hers were brimming with unspent tears. “God, for someone so smart you're being so fucking stupid. He loves you! L-O-V-E. Love. He deserves you. And you deserve him. Stop worrying about where you’ve been and look at where you’re going. Him. Do you seriously think he’s lying? Do you think he’ll change his mind about you? I fucking ripped his heart out and he’s still forgiving me, and I swear I’m going to earn that every day. If you ever feel like sex isn’t on the table for you, that’s not even something to feel guilty about! It’s just biology or brain chemistry or whatever. I don’t want you to lose your sex drive, but we’ll deal with it if it comes. Fuck! Just stop being a dumb bitch and kiss him already.”

I didn’t know what to say at that outburst. Part of me was proud of her, another part hurt for how badly I could see her hurting. Every time she spoke about what she’d done directly I could see it in her eyes, that deep sadness and guilt.

“Jesus, Cassidy,” Becca said. “Tell me how you really feel.” Then she wiped her eyes and took a breath, looking back at me. “Am I being an idiot?”

“The smartest idiot I know,” I said.

She leaned forward and kissed me, and I brought up a hand to hold her there so she wouldn’t pull away too soon. We kissed long and slow as I tried to pour my reassurance and love and earnestness into it. When we finally did separate I looked deep into Becca’s eyes. “I love you, and I choose you. No matter what baggage you feel like you’re carrying, I’ll help you carry it.”

Becca broke at that and leaned forward again, this time into my arms as I held her. Cassidy quickly came over and hugged her from behind, and it didn’t take long for us to fall to the side as we held Becca and as she cried out whatever demon had been tormenting her inside.

When the tears stopped, I kissed the top of her head and then rested my chin on that spot. “God, I need to stop making women cry today.”

That made Cassidy snort. “Not a shot, Tiger. They’ve all been good tears. Cleansing ones.”

“Thank you,” Becca said, wiping at her eyes again as she sat back up. “God, that was… I don’t usually break down like that.”

“Felt good though, right?” Cassidy asked, sitting up as well. “Having him to help you through that. To hold you and love you.”

“It did,” Becca nodded. “But it felt good to have you here too.” Then she leaned in to kiss Cassidy.

For a moment I could see Cassidy register the incoming kiss and slightly pucker to receive it, then her mind clicked in and her eyes widened in a panic and she stopped Becca with a hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry,” Cassidy whispered. “I just-” She looked to me for permission.

I nodded, my heart surging.

Cassidy looked back to Becca and took the blonde’s cheek in her hands, pulling her into a kiss. They didn’t make out, and it wasn’t a sexual thing. It was two people who cared for each other sharing a moment.

When Cassidy pulled back she was smiling guiltily. “I am sorry, but that’s something else we should talk about clearly.”

We got settled back around the blanket, eyes and cheeks getting wiped from the tears. Once we were ready, I cleared my throat. “So there’s two things to discuss,” I said. “The first one is that Cassidy and Cattie both decided that they wanted to date me, but not each other. They’ll happily have sex together when I’m around, but Cassidy especially is dedicated to not fooling around or getting intimate without my permission. Cattie thinks that’s a good idea more for her submissive wants. So, if you and I start dating, that means that a little flirting is probably the most that will happen between you and them unless we’re explicitly doing something together.”

“It’s best that way, and it was my idea,” Cassidy said. “It’s not like he’s forcing me into it. Or Cattie.”

“No, that- I think I like that,” Becca said. “It makes things more… meaningful, I think. Just because I got my sex drive back doesn’t mean I’m totally horny all the time for everything. Maybe just a bunch of the time for one specific person.” She smirked at me a little.

“Would you want to go by the same rules?” Cassidy asked.

“I- I’m not sure, but if that’s the standard already set then probably,” Becca said. “No offence, Cass, but I trust Robbie to know when and where I would want to be physical, and what boundaries he might push just a little. Fuck, I love you like a sister now, but…”

“It’s OK,” Cassidy said, taking her hand. “No offence taken, and I get it.”

“Thanks,” Becca said, then turned back to me while still holding Cass’s hand. “What’s the last thing?”

“Logistics,” I said. “Details. Cass and I are established in Vegas, and Cattie is going to be moving down to join us, but our place isn’t exactly huge. And we’ve gone so fast, I don’t know anything about what your day-to-day looks like or how rooted you are to where you’re living. I’d rather you be close, if not living with us, but it’s really fast for that so maybe we should be trying long distance first?”

“I… actually have a thought about that,” Becca said. “But I don’t want to say anything until I do some research. For now, I’ll just say that long-term I wouldn’t want to do long distance, but short-term it makes sense that we’ll need to be that way for a bit. We just need to come up with a plan to make sure there’s an end date for the long distance.”

“OK,” I said, nodding. “I trust you, and if you need any help with your idea, just let me know.”

“And me,” Cassidy said. “I mean… There's a lot going on. Cattie has already said she’s OK with you and any of the other girls who want to pursue Robbie romantically after this, so whatever your plan is should account for at least a couple more.”

“It does,” Becca said with a little flushed smile. “I’ve been… doing a lot of thinking.” She took a breath and then laughed, looking at our abandoned food. “We need to eat, and then I think we’ve let too many things get in the way of this. I want to fuck you two so fucking bad.”

“A woman after my own heart,” Cassidy grinned.

Chapter 280

It didn’t take long for us to finish eating, not with our emotions having been rubbed a little raw and the sexual tension that had been building for most of the week quickly simmering back up into a boil. As we were finishing I looked at Cassidy. “Everything,” I said simply and looked pointedly at Becca.

Becca flushed and turned to Cassidy as I started putting away the dinner things. Cass got on her knees and went to Becca, looming over her a little bit as she grinned with the tip of her tongue caught between her teeth. “Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” Becca said, looking back at her.

“Do you wanna fuck me?” Cassidy asked, her tone light and teasing.

“Mhmm,” Becca answered, nodding with a silly little grin of her own.

Cassidy put her hands on Becca’s shoulders, leaning forward and pushing her down onto her back as Becca held her waist. Soon they were kissing again, and this time I could see telltale slips of tongue between their lips. They were both beautiful in their own right, but seeing them together like that, with the view we had of the red stone desert as the sun dipped lower towards the horizon… It was magic.

They touched each other lightly, just testing the waters, and then Cassidy shifted over Becca and put her hands on the other woman’s knees, spreading them wider and pushing up the dress all the way to her waist. “Mmm,” Cassidy said. “Becca, that’s such a cute thong. It matches the dress perfectly.”

“Thanks,” Becca said with a smile, running her hands over her mound where the thin fabric the same colour as the dress was hiding her pussy. “I thought you guys would like it.”

“I love unwrapping pretty things,” Cassidy chuckled. “But I think we’ve had enough waiting, haven’t we?” Cass took the waistband of the thong in hand and quickly pulled it down Becca’s legs. Becca hummed her own chuckle and closed her legs in a bout of shyness, trying to sit up a little, but Cassidy pushed her back down and spread her legs. Becca’s pussy wasn’t a new sight for either of us after Cassidy had been the photographer for the massage shoot, and it looked as delicious now as it had then. Cassidy quickly licked the tips of her fingers on one hand and lowered them to softly pet Becca’s mound and labia while the blonde leaned back and looked at her eagerly.

Cassidy teased Becca with little touches before settling down on her stomach on the blanket, lowering her mouth to Becca’s pussy. The sounds of Becca’s small moans and hitched breathing kept drawing my attention from putting the last of the picnic back in the bag and basket. Becca was trying to sit up, her eyes almost closed as she tried to watch what Cassidy was doing, but Cassidy was in full control of her. Then, having judged Becca’s pussy wet enough, she went back up on her hands and knees and brought a couple of fingers to Becca’s entrance and started to wiggle them in.

“Mm!” Becca said, reaching down wanting to rub her fingers over her clit, but Cassidy grabbed her wrist.

“Don’t,” she said. “I’m playing with you, don’t touch.”

Becca’s brow furrowed a little but she nodded, spreading her legs a little wider in invitation.

Cassidy grinned at the acceptance and leaned down, starting to lick at Becca again while also stroking two fingers in and out of her. Becca quickly started gasping, running her fingers through Cassidy’s hair as she jerked a little from the shocks of pleasure. I finished cleaning and came over, laying down next to them and grinning as Becca looked at me, blinking once and opening her eyes wide as she begged me silently for a kiss. I obliged her and soon we were making out hard as she groaned into my lips at Cassidy’s teasing and finger fucking.

“Oh, she’s going to make me come,” Becca whispered, almost in alarm, as she pulled away from me.

I turned and grinned at Cass, who lifted her mouth from Becca to kiss me as she started fingerbanging the blonde. Tasting Becca on Cassidy’s clips was intoxicating, but I was pulled away from it as Becca quickly squeaked and panted, heading towards her first orgasm. Cassidy's hand was almost a blur as she worked Becca’s cunt, and Becca’s neck strained as it came on until suddenly she clapped both her hands over her mouth, moaning loudly into it as the first peak hit her.

“That’s it, babe,” Cassidy crooned happily. “Come hard. Get that pussy nice and slick and juicy, because Tiger’s cock is going to be out soon and you know where it’s going.”

Becca started to come down, but I put a hand over hers on her mouth to keep them there as I looked at Cass. “Don’t stop. Get her there again.”

Cassidy grinned and went right back to work. Becca squealed and her hips started to hump upwards as she was forced towards another orgasm, but right as she seemed to want to peak again Cassidy pulled her fingers away.

“Mmf!” Becca begged, her eyes wide.

“Oh, fine,” Cassidy giggled and drove her mouth and tongue down into her pussy.

Becca came again, this time looking at me and begging me to keep her quiet with her eyes as we covered her mouth. She screamed into our hands, her body rocking, until she collapsed a little loosely and started panting. I pulled my hand away, and she dropped her, sucking in air.

“Holy shit,” Becca gasped. “I’ve never come that fast before, especially back-to-back.”

Cassidy just hummed her chuckle as she continued to tease Becca’s pussy with the tip of her tongue.

“Think it’s your turn to return the favour?” I asked.

Becca looked down at Cassidy and nodded. “It’s been a long time since I’ve fooled around with another woman,” she said. “Tell me if there’s something different I should do.”

Cassidy raised up and crawled up Becca’s body, pressing hers down on the blonde and kissing her while humping her hips a little. “Mmmm,” she groaned as she pulled away. “I will, but you’ll be fine.”

Chapter 281

Becca had needed a few minutes to get settled between Cassidy’s thighs, kissing her smooth skin and exploring a bit, before she really started eating out my fiancee. Just watching them together, interacting with little kisses and touches, had me rock hard. Cassidy’s tits looked fantastic in her dress, and Becca’s skirt was still pulled up pretty much to her waist so her ass was out as she knelt between Cassidy’s legs.

I decided I had watched enough and quickly got up, stripping off my shirt and swim trunks. We’d all been barefoot, having set our hiking boots aside once we had the heavy blanket laid out, so that left me completely naked in the middle of the desert. I couldn’t care one bit.

Part of me wanted to just get right in behind Becca, but I decided to take things just a little slower and instead I went down and knelt next to Cassidy’s head.

‘’That’s it, babe,” Cassidy groaned. “Eat my pussy. God, you’re so fucking pretty. Eat me, use that tongue.” She was grinding her hips, rubbing her pussy across Becca’s lips, and had a hand in Becca’s silvery blonde hair to hold her in place. “Don’t fucking stop while I suck our man’s cock and get it nice and ready.”

Cassidy tilted her head to the side, opening her mouth and immediately accepting the swollen head of my cock between her lips, quickly suckling as she looked up at me. I had to groan just from the visual, but she knew how to work me and soon I was slowly thrusting in and out of her mouth as I ran my own fingers through her violet-dyed hair. Eventually, I wanted more and I reached down to pay at her breast through her dress, then pulled it up and over her chest. She let my cock fall from her mouth as she pulled it the rest of the way off, then went right back to bobbing sideways on my cock now as naked as I was. Becca raised up, quickly doing the same to Cass as she’d done to her, getting two fingers inside my naked fiancee and starting to finger fuck her fast.

“She’s going to come quickly too,” I groaned, hearing it in the pitch of Cassidy’s moans.

“Good,” Becca said. “Cause I want some of you as well, darling.”

“Anything you want, sugar,” I grinned as I hooked a hand behind her neck and pulled her to me. We kissed as she fingerbanged Cassidy, who was moaning as she bobbed fervently on my cock.

Cassidy slowed her blowjob as she got closer until she finally pulled her mouth off of me with a long lick and a throaty growl. “Do that more,” she groaned. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot, Becca. Do that more. That, that- yes, that! Do that! Mmmmguuuh!”

She came, her hips shaking, but it rolled through her fast and hard and she was quickly up on her knees, pulling Becca’s skirt off of her. The rearrangement happened without words, and I was laying back as Becca was on her hands and knees between my legs sucking me off with excited energy and Cass was behind her, giving her a little spank and then dipping down to tongue her again.

I loved Becca’s mouth, but I’d had enough of the foreplay and based on the way she was groaning and looking at me with her flushed cheeks and wide eyes, so had she. I pulled her up off my cock and encouraged her to come higher until she was straddling me, tugging her into a steamy kiss.

“Come here,” Cassidy said when the kiss ended, pulling Becca back to a sitting-up position. My cock was just ahead of her pussy, and Cassidy reached down and started fingerfucking Becca again as she leaned in to kiss me with just as much passion as Becca had.

“MMmgh!” Becca groaned, covering her mouth again as a little orgasm rocked through her while she clung to Cassidy’s hand. Cassidy was grinning hard and leaned down to take my cock in her mouth, and Becca shifted back and soon I had both of them trading off blowing me.

“Doesn’t his precum taste so good?” Cassidy asked with a lascivious smile as she encouraged Becca to bob faster, fucking her face on my cock.

Becca pulled off of me with a gasp and nodded, leaning in to kiss Cassidy. Their kiss was deep and a little frantic, but they both didn’t want to leave me hanging and they each had a hand find and start stroking my cock haphazardly.

“Enough!” I groaned, pulling Cassidy up towards me and manhandling her to sit on my face so I could taste her. That left Becca to her own devices with my cock, which she stroked and sucked for a minute before she took advantage of her position and straddled me, sliding the head of my cock through her labia and across her clit several times before groaning as she sat down on it.

I moaned into Cass’s cunt as I ate her out voraciously, and once Becca was fully settled on my cock she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Cassidy and pulling her to lean back against her chest. This let Becca rest her chin on Cassidy’s shoulder, looking down Cass’s body to meet my eyes.

“This is so wild,” Becca groaned.

“His cock feels so fucking good, right?” Cassidy mumbled.

“So good,” Becca agreed. She started to work her hips, stirring me inside of her.

We sat in that position for a time, each of us using our hips alone to fuck each other. Then Cassidy dismounted from my face and got beside us, pushing Becca down to hug my chest. “Work that ass, babe,” she encouraged Becca. “Really fuck his cock. Come on, babe. You’re close. Get there.”

Becca’s only reply beyond her girlish gasps and mumbled nothings was to do as she was told, bounce her ass back on my cock as our eyes met. I did what I could, not having any leverage as I was, and fucked back at her.

“That’s it,” Cassidy crooned. “You’re so close. Get there, babe.” She pulled Becca’s face to the side, burying it in her tits, and Becca immediately started licking Cass’s cleavage whorishly as she panted until finally she gasped.

“I’m coming.”

She pulled off my cock, leaning forward towards me, and I felt the warm trickle of a little squirt against my pubic mound as her body tensed and released repeatedly.

“Good giiirl, Becca,” Cassidy hummed happily, petting her hair and stroking her as. “Good giiirl.”

I was panting myself, having felt my own orgasm rising from the frantic fucking, and was thankful Becca had cracked first because it gave me a moment to centre myself. Then I pulled her a little high, raising her face from where it was buried in the crook of my neck so I could kiss her hard.

We were only just getting started.

Chapter 282

I ended up pulling Becca higher so that she resumed the spot Cassidy had left. As I buried my tongue into her I could taste her even more strongly than kissing her off of Cassidy’s lips and I groaned my wordless pleasure. Cassidy, meanwhile, went right down and started licking that same taste off of my bare torso and then my cock, before trailing kisses up my body until she reached Becca.

Becca gasped as Cassidy pushed her to lean forward a little more. I could feel what she was doing, and soon her chin was bumping mine gently. “Oh my God,” Becca gasped. “She’s- Cass!”

“Like it?” Cassidy asked.

‘Don’t stop,” Becca pleaded.

Cassidy ate Becca’s ass while I tongued her pussy, our blonde partner squirming as she got both holes played with for the first time. I had no doubt that Cassidy would have loved to see Becca take my cock in her ass, but I decided quickly that that wasn’t going to happen today. If Becca decided she wanted to try anal, it would be in the comfort of our bed and with plenty of lube and prep.

And that decision, calling it our bed, made me groan. I needed her again.

I urged her off of me, pushing her back down my body, and Cassidy knew what I wanted. She took my cock in hand and quickly got me into position to thrust up into Becca. I got my feet braced properly and this time I had the leverage and I used it. Becca’s head flung back as I pounded up and into her, fucking her hard enough for her tits to bounce as she groaned long and hard. I was close already, and Cassidy pushed me further by rubbing at my bouncing nuts with one hand while silencing Becca by kissing her open-mouthed and sloppy.

“I’m going to come,” I groaned.

Cassidy pulled back from Becca a little. “Can he come in you?” she asked. “Can our boyfriend come inside that perfect, tasty little pussy? Fuck, Becca, I want to suck it out of you. I want to taste you both mixed together.”

“Do it,” Becca gasped. “Do it, Tiger. Come in me.”

I roared as I drove myself up into Becca, and she worked her hips as best she could against my thrusts to add that much more to the sensations, and I came. It was hot and hard and my brain felt like it was getting seared from the inside for a moment as I unloaded. Becca’s head hung low, gasping as I pumped rope after hot rope of cum into her, and when I was done she collapsed down on top of me, her breathing matching mine as I panted to catch my breath.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Becca groaned.

“Fuck, you feel amazing,” I replied, hugging her to me.

“Scooch up,” Cassidy said, giving Becca a pat on the ass. She did, and Cassidy got my cock to pop out of Becca’s cunt and quickly started sucking our mixed juices off of me. Then, once she’d gotten most of it, she rearranged us quickly so that Becca was on her back again and she was able to start slurping at the blonde’s cum-filled pussy.

I was still mostly hard, and just watching the sight of two women I love together like that kept me that way. I quickly presented Becca my cock and she suckled on the head, grinning her little grin around it, and occasionally letting it fall from her lips but keeping it right there with a squeezing hand, moaning into it like it was a microphone. Oral, however good and pretty a sight it was, wasn’t my goal though. Soon enough I stood and circled around behind Cassidy, mounting her from behind and sinking deep into her. My fiancee was juicy with desire, and her pussy rippled and flexed as I drove into her.

“God, your pussy is hungry, baby,” I groaned.

“It so is,” she laughed, glancing back from her work over her shoulder with a sloppy grin. Becca’s juices were all over her chin and cheeks.

I fucked Cassidy hard, driving her forward into Becca. Then we moved, and I was something of a rutting animal. We switched positions multiple times, whenever one of us had an urge to see or do something. Becca rode me in reverse cowgirl while Cassidy sucked on my balls. I fucked Cassidy while Becca sat on her face, the two of us making out slowly even while I pounded Cassidy fast. I fucked Becca from behind while we were standing, Cassidy helping keep the blonde upright as they made out and Cassidy fingered her clit while I pounded her hole.

Then, covered in sweat and needing a breather, I stumbled down to sit on my ass while Cassidy coached Becca into a 69.

They were beautiful together. It wasn’t the first time I’d thought that, nor would it be the last, but there in the desert, I marvelled at it again. That first time they’d teamed up on me, both dressed like Mary Janes while I was Spider-man, had been a little mind-blowing. Now it felt right, but also like a divine, supernatural event. Becca was on top, her silvery blonde hair shimmering a little in the light as the sun continued to slowly travel lower in the sky. It played over her smooth, pale skin. She wasn’t the curviest, or bustiest, or most athletic woman I was involved with. Her ass was nice, but small compared to most of the others. Her breasts were pleasant and I couldn’t think of a single thing wrong with them, but they weren’t exactly the big, bouncy funbags or perky little tits of the others. In any discernible ‘scaling’ of Becca on the sexuality scale, she would have been physically average.

But God did I love her. And ‘average’ ass, tits or physique didn’t mean she wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous and so fucking sexy.

Cassidy was just a little more tanned, the difference between their skin tones making it easier for me to tell their bodies and limbs apart in the entwined nature of their current act. I got off my ass and crawled over, starting to trail little kisses all over the both of them, slowly working my way around to behind Becca. Cassidy looked up from under Becca’s ass, her eyes sparkling. She was having fun, but she was happy I was rejoining.

I got into position and Cassidy backed off, letting me mount Becca and spear my cock into her pussy. A few thrusts, and then I pulled out and fed Cassidy my Becca-covered cock. I did that several times, Becca moaning happily on each entry, and Cassidy moaning each time I fed her the head of my cock. Then, with a wicked thought, I pulled out of Becca again but got up instead of feeding Cassidy, moving around them and pulling Becca’s face up from slurping at Cassidy. I wiped her hair from her face where it was sticking from the pussy juice on her cheeks and then kissed her, tasting Cassidy. Becca groaned happily into the kiss.

Then I offered her my cock, and she slurped her own taste off of me willingly. I got low on my haunches and tapped my cock against Cassidy’s pussy lips, giving her a little warning, then fucked into her. Becca leaned low, licking lewdly at Cassidy’s pubic mound and sparse little shock of pubic hair, as I pounded my fiancee.

“Come in her?” Becca asked me, looking up with her eyes glazed in lust. “I want to do the same thing for her that she did for me.”

“Fuck yes, Tiger,” Cassidy groaned from the other end of the 69, humping her hips to meet my thrusts. “Come in me. God, I love it when you fill me all the way up. Please, Tiger, I’ll come so hard when I feel it. And then Becca can eat it all out of me like the filthy little girlfriend she is while I tongue her ass.”

Not interrupting my pounding, I cupped Becca’s cheeks and had her rise to sit up. “Becca, will you be my girlfriend?”

She nodded, unable to put a voice to what she was feeling as she bit at both her lips. Then she surged forward and kissed me, her breath hitching in her throat as Cassidy did something to her down below. Our tongues battled, our breath mingling, our lips mashing and smacking. I had one hand on Cassidy’s thigh, using it for balance as I thrust, and the other I had cupped around the back of Becca’s neck. She had both hands on my upper arms, holding me close.

I came, my growl of release passing right into Becca’s mouth. At the first feeling of my cum, Cassidy came as well, her pussy clamping down and squeezing, feeling like she was almost sucking the cum out of me rather than me shooting it into her. And Becca came - smaller, a little more intimate, but she did - her body wavering and her skin breaking into goose pimples as she pulled from my kiss to gasp in a breath before pushing right back in.

When we finally broke apart, we were all groaning from the effort and strain of the exhausting fucking. I fell onto my back, chest and diaphragm heaving, my cock finally starting to wilt. Cassidy rolled over, her ass twitching as she felt little aftershocks of her orgasm.

Becca, shooting me a tired but teasing smile, crawled over and laid down on her stomach behind Cassidy, spreading my fiancee’s legs and lowering her lips to kiss her butt cheeks, then her thighs, then lower between them to taste the two of us together.

It was beautiful.


Luke Mofford

First paragraph of the post, Cattine. Chapter 277, paragraph 12, Wanda has turned into Becca.

Jim lynch

This has become one of the best erotica stories I’ve read and I’m really hoping it carries on after the boating holiday ends. I can see them all moving in together into a really big house where other cosplay/onlyfans models can come to collaborate together on content.