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Chapter 248

I wasn’t sure what woke me up at first, but then a second knock at the door to the cabin brought me out of the deep, booze- and exhaustion-inspired sleep I had been in. The fact that I was liberally smothered in naked lady bodies made it hard to get up, the pure darkness of the room since someone had ended up turning the light off, and the edge of a hangover all made me send a spiteful thought at the door.

“Who is it?” I croaked.

Becca cracked open the door. “It’s me.”

I immediately felt bad about the hate I’d been thinking in her direction.

“Come in,” Cassidy murmured.

Becca entered, closing the door behind her. She was dressed in a light sweater and jean shorts. “Sorry to wake you,” she said, coming over to the side of the bed. Then she hesitated as she saw four bodies instead of what I assumed were the three she expected. “Oh. Well, that explains some things.”

“Strip down, get in,” Cassidy groaned, reaching out to Becca over Cattie to take her hand. Cattie groaned and snuggled closer to me, smacking her lips lightly in her sleep.

“I… want to,” Becca said. “But I need Robbie. We need to get the boats moving.”

Wanda rolled away from me on the other side of the bed, reaching over the side and then rolling back and throwing something at Becca, hitting her in the face with a bra. “Shush,” Wanda grunted. “Too early.”

“I can go ask Ami,” Becca said with a chuckle.

“No, no,” I said, slowly shifting out from under the girls. “I’ll do it.”

Wanda let out a little whine as I pulled away, and Cattie held on to me until I kissed her partially awake and she let go. Cassidy, the most awake of the three, shifted to let me up and caught me in a kiss of her own before I climbed down the length of the bed. Cassidy took my spot and soon all three of the girls were spooning and falling back asleep.

“I’ll wait in the kitchen,” Becca said, slipping out.

I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a long-sleeved T-shirt before stepping into the washroom and closing the door before I turned on the light. I had to wince away from the yellow-white glare as I splashed water on my face and then found the Tylenol Cassidy packed and took a couple to ward off the hangover headache that I could feel building.

Leaving with the lights off, I stepped out of the cabin and went to find Becca.

“Good morning, girlie,” I said as I approached her. She’d been drinking from a water bottle but set it down to enter my arms and kiss me deeply. She shook her head during the kiss and hummed ‘Mmm-mm,’ in response to the nickname.

I pulled away an inch. “Good morning, daisy,” I said and then kissed her again. Another shake of the head and grunt. “Good morning, sweetcakes.” This time I got a snort and a slap on the arm and we both pulled away chuckling.

“Is that one referring to my tits or my ass?” she asked.

“...Yes?” I hedged.

She rolled her eyes. “Not on your life.”

“Good morning, sugar,” I said, going back to the one she’d at least half-approved.

“It’s growing on me,” she said, stepping back to press herself against me and kiss me sweetly. I sucked in a breath through my nose and hugged her tightly, my hands sliding down to cup her ass as she fed me her tongue.

When we broke away this time I took her hands in mine. “I love you, Becca,” I said.

She smiled, but I could see a sadness. “But?” she asked.

“No but,” I shook my head, pulling her into a hug and holding her head to my chest. “Things are just getting more and more complicated.”

“I noticed,” Becca said, hugging me back. “Now I know what was going on over on my boat, I think.”

“Cattie is done with Heather,” I said quietly. “Her decision. And she… we’re officially dating. She considers her and Heather broken up, but the conversation or confrontation still needs to happen.”

“Wow,” Becca said, leaving a pregnant pause between you.

“Me, you and Cassidy need to make time today,” I said. “Real time. For talking, and more if you still want that.”

“I do,” Becca said. “What about a lunch date?”

“I want to say yes, because I want to do it as soon as possible, but I don’t know if we’ll still be dealing with the Heather fallout then.”

“Dinner, then,” Becca said. “You’re right, it might still be going on or lingering, and I don’t want that hanging over us for that.”

“Dinner,” I agreed, still holding her tightly. I loved how much we thought alike, it was like we were on the same wavelength. Cassidy and Cattie, and the others… They were complimentary. They were music notes that sounded good with mine. Becca was the same note, just on a different instrument, perfectly in tune.

We finally separated and Becca led me out onto the back porch of the boat so we could speak louder than a whisper without risking waking anyone. “OK,” she said once the sliding door was closed. “We aren’t going to get a Golden Hour photoshoot this morning, but I don’t think most of the girls care about that. Offering the opportunity to shoot during the day should be enough for most of the ladies who want to get a shoot or two in today. But that means we need to find a place by mid-morning.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said. “I assume you want to be out on the water once the sun peeks over the horizon?”

“Exactly,” she nodded. “But, before we start unmooring the boats, I’m going to go check and see if Heather and Sherry want to bail on the trip. I can’t force them to leave since they paid and haven’t done anything to endanger people, but I can heavily suggest this is their chance to leave.”

I kissed her lightly. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re really good at this?”

“You,” she smiled warmly and gave me a peck back. “Which is the most important opinion I’ve ever gotten.”

Chapter 249

I waited out on the dock while Becca dipped into the Singles Boat to go knock on Sherry’s door. I wasn’t entirely sure what the sleeping arrangement had been in there - Becca and Ami had been sharing a room, so that wasn’t an issue, but with Heather in Sherry’s room I had to assume that Zenya had crashed with Leia. I wasn't sure whether Ginny was a ‘sleep with the girls you hooked up with’ kind of girl or not.

Becca came back out after a couple of minutes, the dull blue of pre-dawn now lighting the sky and illuminating her shaking her head. “Heather grunted for me to get out, and I think Sherry was just starting to realize she’d fucked up. They aren’t leaving.”

I had to sigh heavily. “Well, there goes the easy answer.”

“You know I would kick them off the trip if I reasonably could,” Becca said, frustration clear in her voice. “I don’t want them fucking things up, but being a shitty girlfriend isn’t a valid reason.”

“I know, Becca,” I said, pulling her into another hug. “I know. That would be my answer too.”

We quickly went to work, unmooring the Singles Boat first, and then I quickly did the same with the Couples Boat. Once we were both ready to go we went up to the Pilot’s Cabins and started our engines just a couple of minutes after the sun started peeking over the horizon. Becca radioed over, even though we were probably close enough she could have yelled it, that she was ready and I acknowledged. She pulled out first, as usual, and I followed behind her as we got moving for the day.

Morning on the lake was a little cool, so I was happy I’d followed Becca’s lead and worn a long-sleeved shirt, but I kept the windshield open to enjoy the open water air. I loved living in Vegas - it was everything Cassidy and I had hoped for, moving to a larger city. And sure, Vegas was weird, but we lived out in the suburbs so it was a nice mix of weird and normal folks. One thing we didn’t get very often though was the sort of serene calm that came with being on a smooth body of water. The lake was like glass at the moment, reflecting the sky and the sunrise, and even though I knew it was actually flowing down towards the dam I felt like I could have dove in and just floated in place forever.

I was pulled from my reverie by footsteps on the stairs beside the cabin and I smiled as Cattie appeared in the doorway behind me. She was wearing a pair of my athletic shorts cinched around her waist and a crop top with long sleeves. “Morning, Catherine,” I said, reaching out a hand to her.

“Good morning, Tiger,” she said, coming to me and taking my hand before stepping closer and hugging me with her other arm.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Sore in all the right ways,” she smirked softly. “And I think I slept the best I have in a while even though we got woken up early.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” I said. “But you know what I meant, gorgeous.”

“I do,” she said. She let go of me and leaned back against the counter next to me, just keeping her fingers tangled with mine as I drove the boat one-handed. “Are you still sure about last night?”

“I know I am,” I said. “Are you?”

“Yes,” she said with a happy sigh. “I just- I was breaking up with Heather no matter what, but that doesn’t mean you and Cassidy need to redefine your own relationship for me.”

“We may not ‘need’ to, but we want to,” I said. “Cattie, you’re good for Cassidy. Before you, she had friends but I don’t think she’d ever had a best girlfriend. You bring out good things in her, and a brightness. And you do the same with me. I’ve loved you for being what you are for her, but I never realized how much you were impacting me too. I adore everything about you, and having the chance to love you romantically is the chance of a lifetime.”

Cattie’s smile looked like it could break her face and a small tear dripped from her eye. “Thank you, Tiger,” she whispered.

“There is a ‘but’ though,” I said. “And it’s not about you, it’s more… for you, I guess.”

“But is this too soon?” Cattie guessed.

I nodded.

“Probably,” she admitted. “But I don’t care. If you and Cassidy weren’t who you are, this might have been a rebound decision. If you hadn’t been supporting me from the very start, being everything I needed even when I wasn’t accepting it or listening to you despite knowing I should… Robbie, you’ve been a better partner to me in the last week than Heather was through almost our entire relationship. And you were able to do that while dealing with a heartbreaking issue of your own. ‘Too soon’ for me isn’t what I’m worried about at all. I’m worried that this is too soon for you guys. But Cassidy is full steam ahead like always, and if it wasn’t me I think it would have been someone else officially by the end of the week. So I’m glad that it’s me.”

That made me swallow and hesitate for a moment. “Cattie…” I said.

“Shh,” she shushed me. “I know I won’t be the only one. Wanda is yours, even if you guys are being respectful of her dead marriage for the most part. Cassidy says the only thing stopping you from being official with Becca is how busy everything has been. And I know there are other girls who feel strongly too.”

“Are you OK with that?” I asked. “And I mean really, truly good with it? Because I feel like each of you belongs with someone who is completely devoted to you. Each of you is amazing and beautiful and different, and I feel like I’m… I’m not everything you deserve because I can’t be 100 per cent yours.”

“You are 100 per cent mine, Tiger,” Cattie said, then smirked. “It’s just joint ownership of 100 per cent. As long as I get a say in who joins the ‘owners club’ of Robbie Blane, then I’m happy to be a co-owner of the sexiest, sweetest, most loving man I’ve ever known.”

I pulled her into another hug, my own eyes starting to water. “I love you, Catherine.”

“I love you too, Tiger,” she sighed happily. She held me for a little bit, looking out at the lake as the sun slowly crawled higher into the sky.

“OK,” she finally said. “I have two more things I want to talk about.”

“Go for it,” I said, still holding her.

“Before I came up here, I called Jake. He’s Heather’s roommate and her long-time gay best friend. Honestly, I love him and he’s the only thing from that relationship I’ll miss. He was mad I woke him up so early at first, but when I told him what was going on he was pissed that Heather fucked up a good thing. He’s going to get all the stuff I have at their place together and drop it off with my spare key at my place. I trust him to do that for me. After that, though, we need to talk about what happens.”

“Well, the way I see it, I want to date you long-distance for as short a time as possible,” I said. “We need to talk with Cassidy about it, but I think we can probably change your ‘permanent invitation to visit’ into ‘invitation to permanently visit’ as soon as it makes sense for you. And we’re definitely changing your flights - you aren’t driving to an airport or flying back with those two. You’ll come back to Vegas with me and Cass and crash for a day or two if you can before flying out.”

“I love you,” she sighed again. I leaned my head over and kissed the top of her hair.

“What’s next?” I asked.

“We need to talk about sex,” she said.

Chapter 250

“Alright,” I said. “Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about you and me.”

Cattie snorted and rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious.”

“I know,” I said. “Can I guess what you’re going to say?”

“If you want.”

“Last night wasn’t exactly what you meant when you said you wanted me to be dominant,” I guessed.

She sighed and hugged me harder.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“No, you don’t need to be,” Cattie said. “I asked you for something that wasn’t… I thought I needed that at the moment, but I wasn’t thinking about the logistics of things. The sex we had, with Cassidy, was great. Really great. What I was hoping for didn’t really make sense for the timing, and dropping it on you to just switch on a hardcore ‘Dom’ role wasn’t fair.”

“I promise I’ll do some research.”

“That can help,” Cattie said. “But I also wasn’t accounting for something else because of how things were with Heather. She was the driver for that stuff with us, and never really checked in with me on things. We tried things she wanted and did things she liked. And last night I was doing that to you, and I’m sorry. The whole D/s thing is a team sport, not a solo one. I need to be more clear about what I want, and what I like, ahead of time. I need to give you a chance to prepare to do that, not just drop it on you.”

“What things do you want to try?” I asked.

“Right now? I just want to be yours,” Cattie said. “Publicly. I want everyone on this trip to know that I’m yours and we love each other. Everything else we can explore over time.”

“OK,” I said, hugging her around her hip.

The sun was about halfway over the horizon now, maybe a little more, and the lake was a golden sheet where the waves from Becca’s boat ahead of us weren’t casting low, deep blue shadows. It was picturesque and still calm - I had to guess that there wouldn’t be a ton of other boats on the lake until at least mid-morning. That gave me an idea.

“Come here,” I said, pulling Cattie around to stand in front of me facing the steering wheel, and I stood behind her and put my hands on the wheel on either side of her. Stable, I leaned down and nuzzled her jet-black hair from her neck and kissed her there.

“Mmm,” she hummed, leaning her head back against me.

I took one hand off the wheel and put it on her stomach, sliding it up her smooth, pale skin and up under her crop top to find she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. “Were you thinking of something like this happening when you got dressed?”

“Maybe,” she smiled, eyes closed as she pressed her ass back against my crotch and enjoyed the feeling of my fingers exploring her nipples.

“Is this what you meant by ‘being public?” I asked.

She snickered softly, so much like Cassidy, and bit her lip teasingly. “Not exactly, but I like it.”

I kissed her neck some more, then switched sides, as I softly played with her wonderfully big tits until I could feel that her nipples were nice and firm. Then I slid my hand back down her torso and into the front of her shorts, down over her mound. She was already a little slick from her growing arousal, and I started to massage that into her labia softly.

“Tiger,” she sighed. Then she crooned, “Robbie.”

“Catherine,” I breathed in her ear and kissed it.

“Can I admit something?”

“Of course,” I said.

“Ever since that first night with you, I’ve had this weird desire that I wanted to wear your shorts just like this. I’m not a hoodie girl, stealing her boyfriend's sweaters, but I just had this irrational desire to get into your shorts. They just looked so comfy, and they were yours. And then I saw Wanda wearing a pair and I got extra jealous but couldn’t say anything.”

“Well, if you want you can keep these ones,” I said, switching the side of her neck I was kissing again. “Or you can just borrow pairs whenever you want. And, by the way, I wanted to get into your shorts too. Just not wear them.”

She snorted and reached back, feeling at my hard cock in my own shorts with one hand.

“Can you fuck me like this?” she asked. “While steering the boat?”

“I really want to try,” I said.

She pulled down her shorts, letting them rest around her thighs, and she leaned forward a bit to push her ass back at me more. I pulled my hand from her pussy for a moment and pulled down the front of my shorts, stroking my cock twice and then fishing it blindly under her ass into place.

“Oooh, Tiger,” she sighed as I sunk into her.

“Catherine,” I groaned, reaching back around her to slowly work her pussy as we gently began to thrust at each other.

We took our time, going slow since I had to focus on piloting the boat. With no one else out on the water around us it felt like we were fucking in public, but not really. It felt free and real and like something I didn’t realize I needed until now.

Cattie, ever the generous lover, went up on her tiptoes and bent a little more, getting me a better angle. I paid her back by slowly stroking on her clit hood like it was a little button, and her breath hitched as she had a little starter orgasm roll through her.

“Robbie?” she sighed as she came down.

“Yes, my love?”

“Whenever you want me,” she promised. “Wherever you want me. Heather had this thing about showing me off that I let her indulge, and she did it in a way I didn’t like. But you- God, I trust you, Robbie. When you played with Wanda in front of us, treating her exactly the way she wanted and within her limits… I trust you to know mine, Tiger. And I trust you to read me properly if you make a mistake. So whenever, wherever.”

“I’ll never abuse it,” I promised.

“I know,” she said, looking over her shoulder with a smile. Then her eyes got a little wider as she looked past me and her pussy clenched. “Hey,” she said.

I looked back and saw that Terra was standing in the doorway to the pilot’s cabin, eyes big and biting her lip as she blushed. She must have come up the stairs at the back of the boat and we hadn’t heard her. And now she’d caught us fucking.

Chapter 251

“Sorry!” Terra said. “Sorry, I um- I didn’t realize-”

Cattie pulled off of me, blushing, and pulled up her shorts. “No! It’s, um, we probably shouldn’t have-”

“Wait,” I said, stopping Cattie with a hand on her waist and turning partially to Terra. “Cattie and I are official,” I told Terra. “We were feeling a little celebratory.”

“Shit,” Terra said. “So Heather…?”

“I’m done with her skanky ass,” Cattie said.

“Good for you,” Terra said. “Um, I can wait if you guys want to finish.”

Cattie cocked her head slightly. “You really need to talk to him, don’t you?”

“I was hoping to,” Terra said, chewing on the inside of her lop. “I realized he must have been up here since we were moving and JC was still snoring in bed.”

Cattie turned to me and kissed me, then dropped to her knees and quickly swallowed my cock, slurping her taste off of it with a few quick bobs while holding a finger up to Terra, telling her to wait. When she was finished she stood up and left me hanging there as she went to Terra. She pulled the slighter woman into a hug and whispered something to her right in her ear so I couldn’t hear. Terra nodded a couple of times, then hugged Cattie back.

“I’ll see you later, Tiger,” Cattie said. “Love you.”

“Love you too, baby,” I said.

Cattie winked and then gave Terra a slap on the ass. “Go get ‘em.”

Terra chuckled and stepped into the cabin fully, approaching me with a nervous look on her face.

“What’s up, honey?” I asked, reaching to pull my shorts up over my hardon, but Terra caught the waistband of my shorts in her hands and stopped me.

“What’s up is I really want to do what Cattie was just doing and take this cock in my tight little pussy,” Terra said. “But I’ll make do with this for now.” She slid down to her knees gracefully and took my cock in both hands, kissing the head as she started to stroke it.

“Mmm, Terra,” I groaned.

Terra took a couple of minutes, after shuffling sideways so I could more properly face the direction the boat was driving, to kiss and lick all over my cock. If fucking Cattie while driving had felt peaceful and quiet and like warmth, then this felt luxurious and rich. Terra was wearing a bikini top and panties, not even shorts, and her hair was loose as she did her best to cram my cock between her lips. She still couldn’t take all that much of it, but we both definitely enjoyed every moment of trying.

“OK,” she finally said, sitting back on her knees and just stroking me. “Now that I’ve properly kissed you good morning, I was hoping we could talk?”

“Terra, honey, we can talk about anything whenever you want. We don’t need to be sexual for that,” I said.

“I know, but I wanted to do that,” she said with a little smile. “But I came up here to talk about… everything.”

“Then maybe I should put my cock away,” I suggested.

“No,” she said, giving it a squeeze with one hand. Then she took a breath. “When you said you and Cattie were ‘official,’ you mean you’re in a relationship?”

“Dating,” I said. “Girlfriend and boyfriend.”

“And Cassidy is on board with that?”

“Do you need to ask?” I chuckled.

“Fair,” she said. “And she’s still sticking to her promise, right? She’s not having sexy times with anyone without you?”

My heart twinged a little. “As far as I know, and I don’t think the others would be happy with her if she tried something different behind my back and they knew it.”

“So… just you three, or more?” Terra asked.

“More, probably,” I said. “Polyamory, I guess. Though I think there’s another word for it.”

“Harem?” Terra asked with a teasing little smirk.

“Do I seem like the sheikh of an oil nation?” I shot back.

“No,” she said and kissed the head of my cock again, teasing her tongue against the glans. “But you do have a half dozen women all thirsting after you.”

“I’m more comfortable with polyamory,” I said. “Then I don’t sound like a monster.”

“What if we want you to be one?” Terra asked.


“Us. The girls who want to be with you,” she said. “What if we want to have you, and only you, while you have us? And what if we want the sweet and sensible you with the big heart, but we also want you to be jealous and fight for us and sweep us off our feet caveman-style so we know that we have a monster if we need him?”

I reached down and hooked Terra under her armpits, pulling her to stand. She kept her hands on my cock as I kissed her, cradling her face with both hands, then I pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Terra, honey, if that were the case then I would be that,” I said. “But you’re beating around the bush here.”

Her eyes softened and she squeezed my cock with both hands. “The fact that you can tell that is the problem, Robbie.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re a better boyfriend and partner than he is,” Terra whispered. “And we aren’t even dating.”

I sighed and hugged her to me. This was going where I wanted it to, and where I wished in my more ethical moments that it hadn’t. It was a path I didn’t want but also wanted so much.

“Tell me what you’re feeling,” I said quietly.

“I feel like I belong,” she said. “With you. With Cassidy. With Wanda. I don’t know Cattie as well as the others, but I’m really happy for her even if I’m also jealous. You guys, you make me feel like I belong with you in a way I never feel like on a set with other models, or at home with JC. I still like him, I think, but it’s not… I don’t look at him the same way I did when we got here. And I think it’s only partially because of him breaking our agreement. I- When I see him compared to you, compared to how you just are, I realize that I was staying with him because I was comfortable. I got complacent. He was easy, and I don’t think I just want easy, I want fulfilling. I want to feel fulfilled.”

I held her, listening, my heart hammering. I knew what I wanted to say. What I wanted to encourage her to do. But it was exactly what I didn’t want to be.

“Robbie, tell me what you’re thinking,” she said into my chest.

“I can’t,” I said.

She pulled back a little, looking up at me. “Tell me,” she said.

I sighed and kept my eyes on the water in front of us. “I can’t, Terra.”


“Because what I want to tell you isn’t the person I want to be.”

She pulled my face back down towards her and kissed me, her little tongue darting between my lips as she pressed her barely covered body against mine. “That’s what I needed to know,” she said softly as our lips parted. “And now that I know, can you please just say it?”

I looked into her eyes and felt like a shitty person. “I want you to break up with him and be with me,” I said. “I want to carry you away and love on you forever. But I can’t ask you to do that, Terra.”

Terra kept holding my cheek with one hand, but let me glance at the water to make sure we weren’t crashing into anything. When I glanced back she was smiling sadly. “And I love that you can’t,” she said. “Because you’re a man with principles and morals.”

“It’s not just that,” I said. “Terra, honey, I want that, but I don’t know if you and I can work like that. More than a fling.”

That made Terra frown. “We love each other,” she said.

“I know,” I said. “But that might be the problem.”

Chapter 252

“Robbie,” Terra said as she drew back from me slightly. “I’m going to need you to spell that one out for me, cause it’s news to me.”

I had to take a breath, and I really wished I could stop the boat to give her my full attention.

“Terra, do you actually like the deal you made with JC?” I asked. “Like, if I wasn’t with Cassidy already and we met and had this connection and got together, would you be hurt if I asked you to share me?”

She took her time in answering, absorbing what I said. “Yes,” she said. “I would. I would either think you weren’t the person I thought you were, or that I wasn’t good enough for some reason.”

“You aren’t bi,” I said. “You want a monogamous relationship. And for all that I find you fucking adorable and amazing and tough and sweet and all these great things, that’s the one thing I can’t give you. I want to be your person, but I can’t be all your person. And where the others are open to sharing me, and fooling around with each other as a bonus, you would be excluded from that part of the relationship stuff because it’s not who you are.”

She swallowed and reached back to take my hand with hers again, trailing her fingers along my palm as she looked at it. “What about Ami, then?” Terra asked. “She’s straight too.”

“I need to have a conversation with her like this too,” I sighed, not looking forward to that at all. “But Ami also isn’t already in a relationship that was working until I showed up and did damage to it. Which I did do, even if I didn’t mean to.”

“God, Robbie,” Terra sighed, leaning forward and pressing her forehead to my upper arm. “Fuck.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“No,” she mumbled. “Don’t be. You’re being realistic. I- I’ve been thinking about the now. What I want now, who I want to be with now. I wasn’t thinking about… after tomorrow, I guess.” She looked up at me, and I met her gaze. Her eyes were brimming and she was pressing her lips together tightly, and my heart broke a little knowing I’d done that. “Don’t give up on me, or this, though. OK? I need to really think about what you said, but I’m not giving up yet.”

“OK,” I said. “Terra, I’d never give up on you. I just…” I sighed, not sure how to put what I was feeling into words.

“Shhh,” she shushed me softly.

“Just do me a favour?” I asked.


“If you’re going to talk it through with anyone, don’t talk with Cassidy,” I said. “She’s single-minded on this whole thing, and I love her to death but there’s a reason we fit so well together and she’s not the Life Planning person in our relationship.” I also didn’t want the App to influence her on this, and even if Cassidy did come at it impartially if I asked her to I couldn’t be sure the final decision wouldn’t be because of fucking magic.

Terra chuckled softly and nodded. “Makes sense. I’ll talk with Wanda and Becca.”

“Good choices,” I agreed, looking back up at the water and feeling my own tears starting to slip from my eyes.

Terra noticed after a long moment. “Oh, Tiger,” she sobbed a little. “I’m sorry.”

“I know, it’s not your fault,” I said hoarsely.

She pulled me down to her and kissed me again. This time it was full of love, not lust. Almost no tongue, just her trying to push her feelings to me, and I let go and kissed her back. As we kissed, Terra’s hand slipped down to my crotch again and I could practically feel her desire to reconnect, to remind me how she felt in a more physical way. I wanted that with her too.

The crackle of the radio interrupted us before we could go any further. “Any signs of life over there, Tiger?” Becca called.

Terra pulled away from the kiss, wiping her eyes, and I wiped my own as we both awkwardly chuckled. I reached over and unhooked the radio mic. “A few people are up and around at least,” I said.

“I’m thinking we should stop for breakfast and get food into everyone with a hangover,” Becca said.

“Sounds good,” I said. “Open water, or closer to shore?”

“Let’s move a little closer, then come up alongside me,” Becca said. “We’ll tie together. Ami will be ready to do that.”

“Sounds good, sugar,” I said, then handed the radio mic to Terra as she motioned for it.

“Hey, Becca. Anything I can help get ready here?” she asked.

Becca quickly asked her to start taking some stuff out of the fridge downstairs, and they signed off.

“Sugar, huh?” Terra commented.

I blushed. “I took your advice and started narrowing down nicknames for everyone. Becca is picky, and sugar is the closest so far.”

“I’m still your only honey, right?” Terra asked.

“And my only little elf,” I assured her. Then I took her hand. “I just- Whether we end up together or not, Terra, I do love you. Even if that has to just be platonic because we wouldn’t work, it’ll still be true.”

“Fuck you, dude,” Terra laughed, punching me in the arm and wiping at a fresh batch of tears threatening to spill out of her. “Now, I guess we should put this away, huh?” she reached for my cock, which had been awkwardly hanging out throughout the whole conversation. She pulled my shorts up and patted the bulge like it was a favourite pet getting put into a kennel for a while.

“Probably for the best,” I said. “Tough to make breakfast with my dick out.”

Terra bit her lower lip and went up on her toes to kiss me again, and as she did that she took my hand and planted it back on her toned, perfect ass. I squeezed the cheek, feeling my fingers digging into her crack through the thin panties.

“God, I want you,” Terra sighed as the kiss ended.

“I want you too,” I said truthfully. “Now go put some clothes on, little elf. And maybe check with the girls to see if there’s anything you can do if the Heather-splosion happens.”

Terra grimaced and then smirked. “Guess it’s nice to be reminded I’m not the only person going through shit,” she sighed.

“You and me both, honey,” I sighed. “You and me both.”

Chapter 253

Getting to boats together wasn’t much of an issue; I was used to the lumbering movements of them by now, and with Ami waiting to get them tied up on the upper deck before I dropped anchor, it was a simple procedure. Once I shut down the engine I was able to leave the cabin and meet her at the railing between the boats.

“Good morning, cutie,” I said, leaning over the rail to kiss her as she smiled into my lips.

“Good morning, Tiger,” she said softly. She was wearing a cute little pair of cotton shorts and a bulky sweater, though with the way the day was heating up she would need to bail on that soon. “Did you sleep OK?”

“I did,” I said. “Once I got to sleep, anyways. Did Becca tell you the news?”

Ami nodded, biting the corner of her lip. “Are we still OK?”

“Of course,” I said. “Cattie isn’t looking to disrupt anything. But we should still make time to talk properly.”

“That would be good,” Ami agreed, then gave me another peck on the lips and looked at me with her big, almond-coloured eyes. “I love you, remember?”

That made me chuckle and smile. “I love you too, Ami. A lot.” I hugged her while still leaning over the rail, and then we had to split to get the boats properly tied up together.

Once that was accomplished I slipped back into the Couples Boat. Terra, along with Cassidy and Cattie, were in the kitchen starting on Becca’s requests. I gave them each a peck on the cheek as I went through, then headed back to the cabins. Snoring was coming through the shut door to Terra and JC’s room, letting me know JC was still asleep. I slipped into our cabin and found Wanda still asleep in bed. I crawled up and spooned behind her but over the sheets and started kissing her shoulder, then to her neck, and up to her ear.

“Mmm, stop,” Wanda groaned.

“It’s time to get up, Wanda,” I whispered softly to her.

“Robbie, I swear to God I will suck your dick if you don’t leave me alone,” Wanda groaned.

“Your threats could use some work,” I whispered with a grin.

“I’ll fuck you right here, right now,” she grumbled.

“Not getting any better,” I said. “Breakfast will be soon. Need some Tylenol? Water?”

“Yes, please,” she said. I quickly slipped back off the bed and went out to the kitchen for a water bottle, then back to the cabin and into the washroom, fetching her a couple of pills. Returning to the bed, I sat down in front of her and she opened her eyes halfway before registering what I was offering her. She sat up, the sheet falling from her naked chest, and took both offerings. She popped the pills and then sipped the water.

“More,” I told her softly.

She smiled weakly at me and then drank half the bottle. Once that was done I leaned in and kissed her, rubbing my hand on the side of her neck. “Good morning, gorgeous,” I said.

“Morning, Tiger,” Wanda sighed and then yawned, covering her mouth but still making a silly face as she did it.

“Breakfast soon, and you need to eat,” I said. “It’ll help with the hangover.”

“OK,” she agreed.

I stood up and went to the drawers where my clothes were being stored, pulling off my long-sleeved T-shirt and trading it for a sleeveless one. Once it was on I turned back to Wanda and found her just watching me with a smile. “What?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Nothing,” she said. “I just like watching you.”

“I like watching you, too,” I said.

“Yeah?” she asked, sliding out from under the covers and crawling down the bed. Completely naked. “Like this?”

“And every other way, but definitely like this,” I said.

She stood and stretched slowly, turning in place to give me a full view of her. I groaned deep in my throat. “Wanda, baby, go put some clothes on. You are absolutely testing my resolve to be a good and honourable man.”

She broke into a grin and leaned towards me, pursing her lips for a kiss, which I gave her. “Sorry for teasing you, Tiger,” she said. “Anything you want to see me wearing today?”

“It’s going to be a really hot one, I think,” I said. “So a bikini underneath, and something light over top and easy to take off.”

She slipped around me and pulled a pair of my shorts out of the drawer. “Like these?”

That made me smile as I wrapped my arms around her naked waist. “Like those,” I agreed. “You know, you and Cattie might end up fighting over who gets to take my shorts with them. She told me the first time you wore them she was jealous that she couldn’t do that.”

“Well, now she can,” Wanda said with a smile and a shrug, and then her eyes got big. “They haven’t confronted each other yet, have they?”

“No,” I shook my head, and she breathed a sigh of relief and started putting on my shorts without anything underneath. They rode low on her hips and begged for me to slide a hand inside them to feel her ass, but I resisted.

“OK,” Wanda said. “So a bikini and something that makes it easy for me to flash you. And the hat.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not what I meant.”

“I know, but it’s what I meant,” she smiled.

She left the cabin, heading over to the one she was supposed to be sharing with Heels. I followed her out into the hallway and when she opened the opposite cabin I got an inadvertent look inside. Heels was asleep, naked on top of the covers. It was still dark with the porthole window shades pulled, but I definitely noticed the colourful, oddly shaped dildo resting against her mound like she’d fallen asleep right after using it.

Trying not to laugh, or gawk, I turned back towards the kitchen and got to helping with breakfast.

Chapter 254

Other than Becca, Ami and Cassidy, everyone else showed signs of having had a bit of a rough night. Lots of water was being drunk, along with orange juice, and the breakfast being prepared was the greasiest yet. Hashbrowns, bacon, and sausages were prepped in big frying pans, while pancakes were made on heated pans using the barbeques as a heat source.

As the prep went on I managed to snag a good morning kiss with Leia, who blushed as soon as she saw me and she remembered elements of the previous night. I also said good morning to Zenya, who might have looked the worst off of the whole group.

What really stood out though, especially as the stragglers started coming out of their rooms - there wasn’t sight nor sound of Heather or Sherry. Even Ginny, who came out from the back looking somewhat zombified, made an appearance. She got a bottle of water in her, then went and found Cattie and pulled her up to the top deck in a hushed conversation before coming back down and starting to mingle.

I caught Cattie’s eye as she returned as well and she gave me a reassuring smile and nod, but I could tell she was bothered and made a point to go over to her and pick her up into a big hug, spinning her lightly and standing her on the seat of the couch. And then, in front of half the crew of gals, I kissed her.

It wasn’t a big statement - everyone knew already. But it still was a physical one, between me and her.

“Thank you, Tiger,” she sighed as the kiss ended and she was looking slightly down at me from her higher position.

“Anytime, Catherine,” I said.

Breakfast was served, and folks drifted away in small groups. Becca and Wanda went and sat in the living room of the Singles Boat, while Cassidy and Cattie sat out on the porch of the Couples Boat together. I was a little surprised to see Terra and Ami pair off, considering they were pretty different from each other and I wasn’t sure I’d seen them hanging out before. Heels, JC and Ginny ended up eating up top, while I ended up sitting with Leia and Zenya above the porch where Cattie and Cassidy were. I didn’t want to eavesdrop on them, but I did want to be close at hand if Heather made her appearance.

“Zee, hon, no offence but you look how I feel,” Leia said after she devoured her first pancake.

“I look how I feel,” Zenya groaned, then turned to me. “Robbie, please don’t judge me for not having any makeup on right now.”

That made me blink. “Zenya, none of the girls are wearing make-up this morning. And other than looking tired as balls, you still look cute.” She had her bright red-dyed hair back in a frizzy ponytail, and while her usual overkill eye makeup was missing and her face looked a little puffier, she was still an attractive woman.

“Well, thanks,” she mumbled, blushing a little. “So… how did last night go? Everything is a little fuzzy, but I remember having fun.”

Leia snorted and covered her mouth.

“Uh oh,” Zenya said. “What did I do?”

It was my turn to blush as Leia told Zenya what she remembered seeing Zenya do, including her ‘giving me a lap dance’ that was actually her getting my cock out and stroking it.

“Oh my God,” Zenya groaned, hiding her face. “I can’t believe drunk-me was that slutty.”

“Well, if I know sober-Zenya, you’re probably just as horny now as you were last night,” Leia giggled.

“Shut up!” Zenya said, but cackled as she flushed. She turned to me. “Was it good, at least?”

“It was hot,” I admitted. “Not long enough to be ‘good’ I think, but definitely hot.”

“Well, if we’re being honest, Leia isn’t wrong,” Zenya said. “I’m horny as hell. Any shot at… you know?”

“We might be able to find some time today,” I said, looking her in the eye. “And I want to. Really.”

She smiled and rolled her lips in to bite them in a smile, then glanced at Leia. “You’re still OK with that, right?”

Leia nodded, reaching over and taking my hand. “As long as I get a little attention from him, I don’t mind.”

“I’ll check with Becca and Cassidy too,” Zenya said.

“You don’t need to,” I said. “But if you do want to check, you should probably talk with Cattie too.”

“Why?” Zenya asked.

Leia and I both went wide-eyed. “Jesus, Zee,” Leia said. “You really don’t remember last night. Why do you think you woke up in my room this morning?”

I left it to Leia to explain things to Zenya, only confirming the latest developments. Zenya was shocked, and more than a little disgusted, at what had happened in her cabin. She was just starting to congratulate me on supporting Cattie through everything when she was interrupted by Becca coming over to us.

“Becca, baby girl,” Zenya said. “Me and Robbie getting it on. OK with you?”

“If you can find time in his packed schedule,” Becca smirked. “You might be able to squeeze fifteen minutes in somewhere or other.”

“Better than nothing,” Zenya giggled. “Now, bitch, why didn’t you kick that actual bitch off the trip?”

Becca sighed and glanced at me. “We need to get moving again. Could you help Ami get us unhooked?”

“Sure,” I said, standing up and handing Leia my plate when she offered to take it. I leaned in and kissed Leia, then up and kissed Becca. “Anything else?”

“Actually,” Becca said, “Once we’ve found a spot, Leia and I have a photo shoot to do. Want to be our photographer?”

“Sure,” I said. “If that’s good with you two?”

“Of course it is,” Leia said.

“It’s a plan,” I said.

“Great,” Zenya grumbled. “Another time slot snaked from under me.”

All four of us chuckled as I went to start getting the boats ready for more travel.

Chapter 255

We detached the boats without much issue, some of the girls still going for seconds of the greasy breakfast but everyone got onto the boats they planned to travel on. And still, at least by the time we detached and I was in the Pilot’s Cabin again, there had been no sighting of Heather or Sherry.

As I put the boat into motion I heard a small commotion behind me and, looking back, I saw that most of the girls had decided to come up to the top deck and start catching some sun. Cassidy and Wanda both waved to me, and they were joined by Heels and Leia, who had decided to ride with us. Terra, from what I understood, was down below and having a conversation with JC and I didn’t know how I even wanted to feel about that. The conversation with her had been a bit of a rollercoaster and my head and my heart were more than a little at war with each other when it came to her.

The last unaccounted-for woman on the boat joined me in the Pilot’s Cabin a few minutes after we were in full motion.

“Hey, Tiger,” Cattie said, stepping behind me and rubbing a hand up and under my shirt to trail her fingernails over my skin.

“Hey, gorgeous,” I said, looping an arm back around her shoulders to hug her to me. “Good breakfast?”

“Mhmm,” she nodded. “Though I’m going to be honest, I’m more than a little jacked up on an adrenaline crash right now. I really thought she’d come out at some point there, but she didn’t. She’s being such a coward.”

“It’ll happen sooner than later,” I sighed, kissing her on the forehead. “Anything I can do?”

“Actually, I’m here about what I can do for you,” she said. “I checked in with Terra and she said you guys ended up having an important conversation and she left you hanging a bit. I started it, so I think it’s only fair I come back around to make sure you get off, Tiger.”

“With the girls right out there?” I asked. “And there’s more boats out now.”

“Fuck it,” Cattie smiled at me naughtily. “All the girls out there are, or were, fucking you too except for Heels. And I’m all yours. As long as I keep my top on, no one can see what we’re doing clearly.”

I chuckled and she grinned, going to her knees in front of me and getting my shorts down. My cock was soon between her lips and growing quickly to full size. “God, that’s it, baby,” I groaned, running my hand through her silky black hair as I kept the other on the steering wheel. “Suck my cock.”

She hummed happily and went up a pitch when I took a little more control and pulled her harder onto my cock, pushing her deep onto it. She took it gamely, slurping and bobbing. The positioning made it hard for her to look up and meet my eye with any consistency, especially since I was driving and paying attention to the lake, so when I did glance down I could see she had her eyes closed serenely as she sucked me.

Then, without any real warning, she pulled away and stood up, getting in front of me like earlier and dropping my shorts she was still wearing to the floor. “Fuck me, Tiger,” she begged me, taking control of the steering wheel from me. “I can handle following Becca, and you can step in if something goes wrong. I just want you to hold my hips and fuck me hard.”

I leaned over her and kissed her ferociously, my cock pressed to the small of back as I reached under her crop top and palmed both of her tits roughly. “I love you, Catherine. All of you. But right now, I especially love your dirty mouth.”

“You like when I talk dirty, Tiger?” she asked. “When I beg you to ream my little pussy with your cock? Sliding it in and out of me, carving your essence into me? Claiming me over and over so that no one else will ever take your place?”

“I do, you mouthy little- unnnngh,” I groaned, slipping my cock into her.

“Yeesss, Tiger,” she moaned.

I started thrusting into her quickly, finding our pace as she kept us moving relatively straight. Doing as she’d wanted, I held the smooth skin of her waist and pulled her back onto me as I thrust forward. Her dirty talk drifted for a bit, devolving into small girlish grunts and groans. They just encouraged me and I clapped my hand down on her ass, squeezing her fleshy cheek firmly.

“Fuck, Tiger,” Cattie yelped, though it turned into a moan of pleasure. “You want my ass again, don’t you? God, you took it so good last night. I couldn’t believe how easily I turned into an absolute anal whore for you, and I love it. But it’s a little tender right now, or else I would let you do that to me right here in public.”

“Are you close?” I asked her.

She nodded silently, her black hair bouncing a little with the energy of it.

I buried myself deep into her and slid my hands from her hips up to cup her tits again, mashing them gently as I humped into her with short, hard strokes.

“You’re all mine, Catherine,” I whispered harsh and breathy in her ear. “My girlfriend who I love. My lover. My slut. My little cockwhore. Are you going to come for me, Catherine? Are you feeling it building down in your toes, trying to rise up like a geyser?”

“I do,” Cattie groaned. “Fuck, Robbie, I do.”

“You’ve been an excellent girlfriend this morning, and an excellent sex pet, baby,” I groaned. “I don’t want you to hold it. I want you to let go as soon as it reaches its peak.”

“OK, Tiger,” she gasped. Only a few strokes later she gasped. “I’m going to come, Tiger. I’m going to come on your cock. It’s so good inside me. It’s so… yesss!”

He pussy squeezed down, and after the teasing I’d already gotten that morning I couldn’t hold myself back either. I grunted and pushed that little bit more into her and felt my balls roiling as I came inside of her.

“Yes, Robbie. Oh, God, yes,” she moaned. “Fill me up. Give me that creampie, my love. God, it feels so fucking- Unnnnngh, yes. I love that feeling of you claiming me, master. It’s so fucking good. I love it so much.”

I held her as we both came down from the high of our orgasms, our panting coming out in sequence. I eventually let go of her as my cock softened and started to fall out of her. Once we mostly had our breath back I turned her around and leaned her back against the steering wheel, taking control of it with a hand on either side of her while I kissed her thoroughly.

“Sorry,” she whispered, blushing, once the kiss ended.

“It’s OK,” I said, nuzzling her nose with mine. “I could tell you wanted to say it last night. And earlier today.”

Her blush deepened, turning her a light pink from her hairline to her chest. “Is that OK? I know it’s kind of a lot.”

I kissed her in response. If she wanted to call me ‘master’ during sex, who was I to turn down that honorific?

“I love you, Catherine,” I said as I pulled away.

“I love you too, Tiger,” she said, then smiled a silly little happy smile. “Master.”

Chapter 256

“Sounds like you guys are done in here?” Cassidy asked from the doorway.

“We are,” Cattie nodded, stepping out from between my arms and reaching down to snag my shorts from the floor. She quickly slipped them on and then hopped up onto the counter to sit.

“Gonna leave a wet spot in those,” Cassidy said with a smirk as she came in, coming over to me and giving me a kiss. Then she dropped to her knees and took my cock in her mouth, cleaning the taste of me and Cattie off of it with long licks around her smile.

“Probably,” Cattie sighed, then looked at me completely unphased by what my fiancee was doing. “How many pairs did you bring?”

“Four, I think,” I said. “And I’ve already lost two to you and Wanda.”

Cattie made a face and shrugged. “Guess I’ll need to claim that last clean pair,” she chuckled.

When Cassidy was finished she kissed the tip of my dick and then covered it up with my shorts before standing. She slipped around me to hop onto the counter next to Cattie. “Way to finish what you started,” she chuckled.

“Hey, when Terra told me she left him hanging I couldn’t let that stand. Our man needs his balls emptied regularly if we’re going to get them used to fucking even more often than he was before this trip,” Cattie said.

“So three times a day instead of two,” Cassidy grinned, scrunching her nose.

“Nice,” Cattie giggled and high-fived her friend.

“You two are going to be trouble,” I sighed.

“Already are, Tiger,” Cassidy said. “We’ve been talking about what it will look like, being with both of us.”

“And leaving things open-ended to fit in the others, too,” Cattie said. “We’ve got it hammered out enough that it’s time to tell you about the plan.”

“Gee, thanks for thinking of me,” I snorted and shook my head with a wry grin.

“Shush, Tiger,” Cassidy said. “It’s simple, really. As long as you’re still sure about it, I’m your fiancee and we’ll still get married on schedule - and if that changes, I understand and I hope we can figure it out. I still don’t want you to feel pressured; everything I did, I know is inexcusable. If it’s too much just-”

“You’re rambling, Cass,” Cattie said. “He gets the point.”

“Right,” Cassidy sighed. “So, if we’re still status quo, Cattie will be your official girlfriend. She supports me completely in us being best friends and sharing you, and when you say it’s OK to us both fooling around with you at the same time, but us not dating each other too.”

“I love you both, but I’m in love with you, Robbie,” Cattie said. “And I think the boundary for Cassidy is good for her.”

“OK,” I agreed.

“Cattie told me your plan about the end of the trip, and obviously I wholeheartedly agree,” Cass said. “Beyond that, we don’t have an official date yet but she’ll move to Vegas to be with us.”

“My lease is up in two months on my little condo,” she said. “So not that long, and time for me to transition everything before making the move.”

“Things get more complicated about the actual move and living situation since we don’t know who else might join us,” Cassidy said. “So that part is really open. But when it comes to the relationship we’re agreed - Cattie and I are completely monogamous with you, and we’re fine with everyone else you’ve been getting close to who want to pursue you after the trip.”

“Along with new case-by-case encounters back in Vegas, or in the future,” Cattie said. “Cassidy argued that you should still have completely open opportunities though.”

“I ended up agreeing that, with more people in dedicated relationships with you, they should probably get a say,” Cassidy said. “But, anyways, those are our general boundaries - no outside sex, hookups or even flirting unless it’s specifically agreed to by you.”

“I’m also going to pull back from the lewd stuff I was posting,” Cattie said. “It was bringing in more cash, but I didn’t need it for growth and it was mostly Heather pushing me into it. I might want to be a slut, but I want to be your slut and no one else should get that.”

“So what do you think?” Cassidy asked.

I blew out a long breath. They were offering me the absolute world and while I felt like I didn’t deserve it, I also sort of felt like I did. Before that week I’d never considered a relationship that wasn’t monogamous, and now it was like they were offering me multiple monogamous relationships instead of polyamory.

Maybe Terra’s ‘harem’ joke was more real than I thought because I very much loved the idea of being ‘inclusively exclusive’ with my girls.

“I think I agree with everything so far,” I said. “And I need to pinch myself to make sure this is real. Have you talked to anyone else?”

“We will,” Cassidy assured me. “Becca mentioned we’re having a dinner date with her, so we’ll discuss it then.”

“That’s cute,” Cattie said. “I can’t wait to go on a real date with you.”

“When we’re back in Vegas,” I promised her. “A solo one and a trio date with all of us.”

“That leaves Wanda as the only other for-sure conversation that needs to happen. What’s the latest update on everyone else?” Cassidy asked.

“I need to sit and talk with Leia and Ami,” I said. “Ami and I are saying the big L now, but she’s straight and I don’t know exactly what she wants out of this. Sharing doesn’t make as much sense if she isn’t occasionally getting the benefits of that sharing.”

“She wants you,” Cattie said. “Though she might want to start long distance.”

“I’ll find out,” I said. “Leia isn't defined yet either, though she is open to the sharing stuff.”

“I think she’ll say yes,” Cassidy said. “At least long distance to start. You need to make sure you give her another proper dicking before the end of the trip though. And anal if you can swing it.”

“What is with you and wanting to see chicks getting pounded in the butt this week?” Cattie asked her.

“I dunno, it’s hot,” Cassidy shrugged. “Knowing my- I mean our man is such a stud they’ll give up their asses for him?”

“Horny bitch,” Cattie chuckled with a little snort and a smile. Then she turned back to me. “What about Zenya? She’s been coming on strong.”

“I don’t know if it’s anything more than physical,” I said. “It’s been a lot this week and she kind of kept signalling she wanted something but fell through the cracks on time.”

“Well, you should definitely at least fuck her,” Cassidy said.

“I agree, she’s looking a little desperate for it,” Cattie grinned. “If anything else develops, I think she’s an absolutely lovely person and goes out of her way to be kind to people.”

“That leaves Terra,” Cassidy said. “How did your conversation go with her this morning? Is she breaking up with JC?”

Chapter 257

Cassidy’s question brought a long sigh out of me. “That conversation was… real,” I said. “She isn’t fully decided yet, and I- Look, Cass, don’t chase her down about this, OK? She pressed for the answer and I admitted that deep down I wanted her to be mine, but I also told her the truth - for all that I want her, I don’t know if she wants what a relationship with me would be. After JC, she wants loyalty and to feel special and wanted, and while I can try my best to give her the second two things, I can’t promise her loyalty. We left it at admitting we want each other, but she’s going to think about things more and talk to some of the others.”

“Robbie,” Cassidy grunted. “She’s completely smitten with you. How could you put questions in her head like that?”

“How could I not, Cass?” I asked. “We’re uprooting lives here. Two relationships are already trashed because I got involved - even if they were already going in that direction - and maybe I don’t want a third to go that way when there are real questions about if it makes sense for her.”

Cassidy sucked in a breath to argue with me, but Cattie stopped her. “He’s not wrong, babe,” she said. When I glanced over I could see Cattie had a hand on Cassidy’s knee and was looking at her intently. “Terra needs to go into things with eyes wide open. And Robbie is trying to do the right thing.” Then she turned to me and kicked me in the butt from her perch on the counter. “But that doesn’t mean you leave her hanging either, dummy. And I say that as your loving girlfriend. God, she must be absolutely mindfucked right now, Robbie!”

“She’s going to talk with Becca and Wanda,” I said. “And I think maybe she was comparing notes with Ami too during breakfast.”

“You need to tell her you love her,” Cattie said.

“I did,” I said. “I do.”

“Tell her again,” Cattie sighed. “Tiger, she needs you to reassure her that both sides of things are true. That you support her no matter what she decides.”

“Cattie, baby,” I said. “I know. That’s exactly what I did, and I think we would have left in a slightly closer space than we did if we hadn’t gotten interrupted by breakfast.” I sighed and shook my head. “It’s complicated.”

“But you do want her,” Cassidy said, not really asking. “You know she’s good for you in a way the rest of us aren’t.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“None of us are slouches, Tiger, but she’s an athlete. Like you. You’ll get lots of different things from all of us, and we’ll get things from each other, but if there’s one part of your life that I never really could be more than a cheerleader for you was your swimming,” Cassidy said. “Not to mention that you adore each other, and she’s totally my girl so having her around all the time would be almost as awesome as having Cattie around all the time.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I said. “Don’t worry. Let her have her time to process.”

“We will,” Cattie promised. “And I’ll make sure Cass doesn’t pressure her.”

“Hey!” Cassidy said, but after a look from me and Cattie, she sighed. “OK, fair.”

“Alright,” I said. “Change of topic - Cattie, my darling girlfriend, at some point Heather and your sister are going to emerge from their room over on the other boat. She can’t hide forever, and I don’t think anyone delivered them breakfast so at some point they’ll go feral or something if they keep hiding. When it comes down to it, what do you want me and Cassidy to do?”

Cattie grunted and looked away, taking a couple of breaths. “Cass and I talked about this a little bit too,” she said. “I think it’s best if you two don’t interfere, or maybe even are in view of it. And I know you want to support me and everything, but I don’t want it to be some big blowup. I don’t need to have a fight with her to get closure or anything. I’m just done with her, and giving her any extra fuel for the fire will cause more issues.”

“OK,” I agreed. “If that’s what you want.”

“I still think you should tear her a new one,” Cassidy said. “But I’ll hide myself away and only jump out if she puts her hands on you.”

“Is that something you’re worried about?” I asked.

Cattie frowned. “Like… two per cent chance of that happening? I really can’t see her doing that, but it’s not impossible. But if that happens then I’ll scream bloody murder and you guys will need to pull me off of her.

“Good,” Cassidy grinned.

“Alright,” I said. “Anything else you need for that?”

“Just be available for after,” Cattie said. “I’ll probably need to cry.”

“Both of us, or just Robbie?” Cassidy asked.

“Both, please,” Cattie said. “My boyfriend and my best friend.”

“Done,” Cassidy promised, and I agreed.

With that out of the way, the heavy conversation melted into the girls commenting on how the lake looked - it wasn’t nearly as peaceful as it had been, with more boats out and the smooth-as-glass calm now gone for the day. Soon the girls were talking about catching some more sun, and I got a couple of deep kisses as they hopped down from the counter.

As soon as Cattie walked out of the cabin I had to stifle a snort and grin as I could only imagine her blushing when the girls started applauding her. Apparently, they had enjoyed the show.

I drove the boat in silence for a while after that, left to ruminate over things and start second-guessing all of my decisions. Thankfully Becca decided to trail closer to one edge of the winding lake and she found a small cove that looked like it would work for our purposes. I followed her in, and soon we were pulling the boats up close to a low, rocky beach and anchoring ourselves in the shallows.

If Cattie got into a real argument with Heather, I wanted to do what she asked and stay away. The problem, I knew, was that in my gut I didn’t want to do that. And now that we were more and more likely for her to make an appearance, I had to promise myself that I would do as Cattie asked.

Chapter 258

I almost wanted to carve out the time with Becca immediately. We ended up shifting the boats a bit to anchor them end-to-end so that the back kitchen porches were butting up against each other. This made the boats one long corridor, and people would be able to mingle freely, though the two top decks didn’t have a railing break like on the sides so to go from one to the other someone had to go down the stairs, cross over, and head back up.

As soon as we were tied up Ginny came over, giving me a little wave with an embarrassed smile, but didn’t stop and slipped upstairs to let Cattie know that Heather and Sherry still hadn’t left their room. I got the feeling that she was having some big morning-after regrets and was trying to pick Cattie’s side in things. Cattie’s words from earlier - that Heather was being a coward - rang in my head.

I crossed over the Singles Boat and found Becca and Ami up on the top deck, both of them hugging me as I came up.

“I need to get ready for the photoshoot with Leia,” Becca said.

“OK,” I agreed. “Do you need anything from me, or just show up?”

“I could use a carry to shore,” Becca said. “I’d rather not hike to a good spot with my costume wet. Leia will probably need one, too. Also my gear.”

“That I can definitely do,” I said. She went up on her toes to give me a peck on the lips with a smile and then headed down to the cabins, leaving me with Ami.

“Hi,” I said with a smile, taking her hand and moving to sit on one of the deck chairs. She followed me with a smile and with a soft squeeze of her hand and a tug she sat on my lap instead of taking another chair. She’d changed into a cute halter bikini that covered her ‘anime titties’ and I wrapped my arms around her lightly.

“Did I see what I think I saw while you were driving the boat earlier?” Ami asked me with a raised eyebrow.

“What do you think you saw?” I asked, blushing a little.

“I think you were multi-tasking and having sex with Cattie,” she said.

“I was,” I admitted. “Does that bother you?”

She sighed and leaned into my chest a bit more, resting her head on my shoulder as she trailed a couple of fingers across my skin. “Yes and no,” she said. “Which… considering everything, I feel like it should be way more yes than no, but it’s the opposite. The yes is only because I’m… jealous isn’t the right word, but I’m having like… FOMO that I’m not having sex with you yet. I’m finding I’m not actually jealous of any of the others getting time with you though, which is weird because I always thought I might be a jealous girlfriend when I finally found someone I really liked. But this whole situation, and you always taking time to make me feel special…”

“It’s weird,” I said.

She barked a soft laugh. “Yeah, definitely,” she nodded. “But a good weird. You’re OK that we’re not having, like, actual sex yet right? That I want to wait?”

“Of course I am, cutie,” I said, giving her a little kiss on the nose. “When it happens, I’ll be over the moon, and it will be super special to me. But that could never happen, we could never be ready, and I’d still love you for who you are all the same.”

“I love you too,” she whispered, still playing two fingers around my shoulder and down my arm.

“Can I ask how your conversation with Terra went?”

“It was- I don’t know,” Ami sighed. “Without spilling anything she said, she definitely was asking questions that I’ve been asking myself. But I think I’m…” She sat up and shifted, straddling me more so she could look into my eyes. “When I said I love you, Robbie, I meant it holistically. Every part of you, and us, in the way we are. I always wanted to find a guy, but I don’t think I ever really pictured what being with a guy would be like. So I don’t have many actual expectations, I think, and so far everything with you has been great. Even the supportiveness and encouragement from Cassidy and Becca and the others. So I’m not really questioning this, or us, like Terra needs to. I’m happy.”

I leaned in and kissed Ami lightly, both of us smiling through the gentle kiss.

“I feel the same way about you, Ami,” I said. “And I know things won’t always be so light and breezy, and we need to talk about what comes next and what makes sense for us, but I’m not worried about it. We can handle it.”

“Agreed,” she smiled, then hugged me, pressing her chest against mine as she rested her chin on my shoulder and we held each other.

“How long do you think Becca and Leia are going to take to get ready?” I asked her. “I don’t even know what they’re wearing for their shoot.”

“Becca shouldn’t take too long,” Ami said. “Leia I’m not sure, I haven’t seen her costume.”

“No hints?” I asked.

She giggled softly, still hugging me. “No, you can be surprised. Why do you want to know how long they’ll take?”

“Because I was thinking I wanted to pay you back for yesterday,” I said. “And find a quiet spot to kiss all over your body, then get your thighs around my ears as I eat you out.”

She moaned softly, right in my ear. “I think I would really like that,” she whispered. “But… later. It wouldn’t be fair for them to be ready and waiting on you.”

“Later,” I nodded, my hand sliding down her back to her bikini-clad ass and giving it a little squeeze, making her laugh softly.

Chapter 259

Leia and Becca weren’t the only girls who were going to go do a late photo shoot that morning. With the heat quickly rising, and not a cloud in the sky, everyone wanted to get work done and out of the way before what promised to be a blazing early afternoon. JC and I ended up helping several of the ladies through the shallows to the rocky shoreline. Terra was doing a photo shoot with Wanda, and Heels was doing one with Ginny. Cassidy and Cattie threw together a shoot of their own, not wanting to be alone on the boats if Heather finally emerged from hiding. I carried both of them, getting multiple kisses on the way. They were running low on actual cosplayers, so they were just going to do a ‘cute outfits’ shoot.

I noticed that they both included ballcaps in their ‘cute outfits.’

Leia and Becca were the last of the girls who were coming out, and I could see why. Becca was dressed up in her Stormtrooper outfit, which was weirdly hot. It wasn’t a ‘femme trooper’ or anything, there were tits on it. It just flattered her figure and seeing her long blonde hair with the armour made her look fierce. It definitely made her bulkier though, and we were both laughing as I set her down on the beach and went back and fetched her bag of equipment. Then Leia, blushing and biting her lip, came out of the boat and I could feel my jaw drop.

She was dressed up as a Sith lady. A sexy Sith lady. Now, I’d seen the ridiculous ‘Sith’ outfits that some models and cosplayers made - little more than leather belts or black spandex that looked almost silly along with being completely impractical. Leia was a craftswoman though and her outfit was believable even if it was sexy. She was wearing what looked like a handcrafted black leather bikini top with lots of coverage and extra black straps across her chest that meant it wasn’t going anywhere. Her torso was bare and she’d painted sinister-looking lines and sigils down the centre and made a diamond around her belly button without overdoing it and crowding the look. Her bottoms were a thick-banded leather bikini that was made up of multiple smaller, close strips and had a dark plum bolt of fabric hanging off the front. Some leather belts around one thigh, leather boots and gloves that came to her knees and elbows, and a black hooded cape finished the look, along with more of the ‘Sithy’ markings painted onto her face and a high-quality black wig.

“My Dark Lord,” I finally said, clasping a fist to my chest and bowing.

She snorted and then laughed, biting her lip nervously. “Does it look good?” she asked. “It’s not as flamboyant as the stuff I usually make so I kind of feel more exposed.”

“It looks amazing, sunshine,” I said. “You look sexy and fierce, and the photos will turn out amazing.”

She ended up taking off the cape so that it wouldn’t risk getting dragged through the water, and I made a second trip with it and a little duffel bag that had some props in it. Once I shouldered the equipment bag and had Leia’s duffle in hand, we headed out into the rock desert to find a good spot for the shoot.

We ended up passing by a couple of the other groups - Cassidy and Cattie hadn’t gone too far out, finding a rise that let them get the blue of the lake in the background of their shots. The three of us called out some silly catcalls to them, and after a moment of whispering to each other they both lifted their tops and flashed us their boobs. We were almost fifty yards away so we couldn’t exactly see details, but I could still feel myself get a little chubbed up knowing they were doing that for my benefit. I made a show of kissing my fingers and throwing the kiss at them, and I could hear them laughing as we kept walking.

Then we stumbled across Heels and Ginny, who were taking a video using a couple of phones set up on tripods - Heels was already stripped down to her underwear and it looked like they were taking turns taking off pieces of clothing or something. Not wanting to ruin their recording, the three of us backed away the way we had come and veered off a little.

“Ginny said they were going to play ‘Strip Rock, Paper, Scissors,’” Leia giggled once we were definitely out of earshot.

“Is it weird that that sounds kind of fun?” Becca chuckled.

I gave her a slap on the ass, which was really a slap on the armoured rear end since her butt was covered in stormtrooper armour. Both of them snorted and started laughing.

We finally found a spot they were happy with. There was some light scrub brush in a shallow depression and the red tones of the rock were visible and would pop brightly with the right editing. Becca broke out her cameras and tripods from the bag and soon I knew enough about her gear to get things rolling. Becca’s solo photos went first, but since she’d done other Stormtrooper photoshoots before she didn’t need many. She’d had a replica blaster pistol in with her equipment, so she did some posing with that in standard ‘sexy badass babe’ poses, then put on the helmet and did a few more like that, before taking it off.

Then it was Leia’s turn, and her first few photos were kind of awkward - she was used to working with props. Soon Becca was coaching her, and between the two of us encouraging her she got comfortable with the posing. Then Leia went into her duffel and came out with two lightsaber hilts. She did some more posing, and as she got more comfortable she got sillier. Mixed in with the hot, sexy poses were goofy ones where she was pretending the lightsaber hilts were a couple of dicks, or wear she put them between her bust. The bra did wonders for her cleavage, pushing her small tits together to form a convincing amount that made her easily look two cup sizes bigger.

Then Leia went back into her back and broke out two metal rods that she screwed into the hilts. They were painted a bright green and I realized they would be perfect for the editing process so that she could put lightsaber effects over them.

More sexy posing of just Leia with the lightsabers, and I knew she was going to get some awesome photos out of the shoot. Sometimes it was hard to judge whether a photoshoot was going well or not - Cassidy had some duds buried in the memory of her computer, all the editing in the world not helping make them pop. This shoot, though, I could tell would be awesome.

Then Becca joined in for duo shots, and things got interesting.

Chapter 260

“OK, that’s just not fair,” I said.

Becca broke into giggles and Leia stuck out her tongue between her teeth and was grinning. They’d come up with a little story for their duo shots - Leia, in the Sith outfit, was the Boss and Becca in the stormtrooper armour was under her command, but when Leia figured out Becca was a woman in the armour she gets attracted to her and seduces her.

Neither of them were going to take off clothes - and I was pretty sure Becce couldn’t just easily get out of the armour - but they did a really good job of playing out the ‘scene.’ Now Becca was on her back on the ground, Leia looming over her, their lips just almost touching as they looked at each other all sexy.

“So we’re doing a good job then?” Leia asked.

I made a show of adjusting my hardon in my shorts, making them both snicker.

Leia turned back to Becca and resumed making her ‘sexy face’ and Becca got control of her giggles and did the same, then leaned her head back, exposing her slender neck. Leia went with it and I got a few shots of her hovering her pursed lips and a silly one of her pretending to bite Becca. Then Leia did kiss Becca’s neck, and Becca moaned softly. I kept taking pictures. Leia kissed Becca’s throat, leaving soft marks from the black lipstick she was wearing, and slowly moved higher, kissing up to Becca’s chin. When she reached the top the two women looked into each other’s eyes.

And then they kissed for real.

I sniffed in a breath and took another picture.

When they broke apart they kept looking at each other with hooded eyes for a moment before Leia broke into a smile and sat up, fanning herself.

“Fuck,” Becca chuckled. “That was a good kiss.”

“Sorry, I was just thinking about when Robbie, Cass and I were out in the desert…”

“I was doing the same thing,” Becca said, raising her eyebrows and grinning. “Cassidy and I gave him a double blowjob.”

“We all did oral on each other,” Leia grinned. “I didn’t think I was ready for more, but then we ended up fucking anyways later.”

Becca sighed and looked over at me. “You really are a lucky bastard, Tiger,” she said.

“Don’t I know it,” I said, the camera lowered.

Becca looked back up at Leia. “I’m gonna have time with them later. Do you want some time now?”

Leia, still flushed a little from the kiss, looked over at me and nodded.

I set the camera down and took the few steps toward her, shifting her off of straddling Becca and onto her butt on the ground, kissing her deeply.

“Mmm!” Leia moaned softly into the kiss as she let me manoeuvre her. Once she was lying back, her cape acting as a blanket between her and the ground, I kissed down from her lips to her cleavage, then lower. I’d had an urge to eat out Ami back on the boat, and now I could at least do the same for Leia. I got down to her bottoms and was halted by the craftsmanship.

“Sunshine,” I said. “How the hell do I get these off of you?”

She burst out laughing and showed me where there were a couple of hidden zippers, and soon her leather bikini bottom and the hanging crotch fabric were coming off her hips and down her legs. As soon as they were out of the way I dove between her legs and nuzzled her pussy with my lips and started kissing.

“Oooh, fuck, Tiger,” Leia groaned. “Oh, baby, I love the feel of your scruff.”

Becca had sat up and was rubbing my back as she watched me eating out Leia. Leia, on the other hand, had freedom to writhe and shift as I poured my desire for her into tonguing and kissing her. Soon I had her thighs clasped around my ears as she thrust her hips up at me, yipping softly and mewling.

“God, he does such a good job at taking care of you,” Becca said, and I could hear the warm smile on her face as she watched.

“So good-!” Leia moaned. “Fuck, Robbie. Fuck!”

She came, her one leg shuddering as she half-rolled to the side, pulling away from me as she was overloaded for a moment. I let her go, but as her leg started to stop shaking and her breathing dropped a bit I rolled her the rest of the way onto her stomach and pressed my face between her thighs again, this time eating her from behind.

Leia reached back with one hand, grabbing me by the hair and keeping me in place as her other hand searched for something to hold onto. Becca ended up shifting and taking it, holding it. “That’s it, Leia,” she cooed softly. “Enjoy it.”

Leia’s moans filled the area until she squealed and pressed her hips towards the groan as she came again, her legs kicking up on either side of me. As soon as she was done she was pushing me away and rolling over. “Sit up,” she said, her voice a little rough and demanding. I did, and Leia was immediately pulling my shorts down and my hard cock popped out. She got her mouth on it fast, bobbing quickly before slowing into long, luxurious sucks. Then she came off, holding it and stroking it lightly with one hand, while she looked over her shoulder at Becca. “Want to help?” she asked.

Becca hesitated but shook her head. “You enjoy him, and let him enjoy you,” she said. “I’ll get my time later.”

“I can tell you want to be rubbing yourself to this though,” I said with a little smirk.

Becca rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. “This armour chastity belt makes that kind of hard. I’ll just need to keep all this energy pent up for later.”

“Mmm, someone’s going to get fucked tonight,” Leia giggled and went back to blowing me.

Each of my girls, the more I spent time with them, was different in so many ways. In their looks and personalities, sure, but also in their experiences and their techniques of how they approached sex. Leia, for all that she was in her confident mode at the moment even with Becca with us and watching, was a smooth lover who wasn’t into a lot of the rougher, harder stuff like some of the others. Really, Becca was actually the closest to her in terms of sexual temperament.

“If you keep sucking him like that he’s going to pop,” Becca said offhandedly.

Leia pulled off and looked up at me. “Do you want to fuck me in this costume?” she asked.


“Do I want to fuck you, a woman that I love and adore, while she is wearing a very sexy evil Sith cosplay while I have her pussy juices on my lips and I’ve been getting blown by her sweet lips?” I asked rhetorically.

Leia grinned and turned around, rearranging her cape under her knees. It was going to be dirty for sure, but she’d already finished the shoot so it would be fine. She went down onto her hands as well, pointing her juicy, thick butt back at me as she spread her legs a little. “I’m sorry, Master Jedi,” she said as she looked back around at me. “I know this temptation is of the dark side, but we must unify our force beings to save the galaxy!”

It was so corny it was almost believable, and I got down into position behind her and wedged my cock between her cheeks, holding her hips and massaging her soft skin. “This is a sacrifice I willingly make,” I said, putting on a voice as well. “May the Light and the Dark come together as one!”

“Guys!” came the shout from somewhere nearby. I immediately recognized it as Ami raising her voice. “Guys?”

“Shit,” Becca said. “We didn’t bring our phones.”

She got up and went out of the depression we’d been in, looking for Ami, while I stood and pulled up more shorts and then started helping Leia into her bottoms. I kissed her on the side as I helped get one of the hidden zippers done. “Another time, Lady Sith,” I said.

Leia smirked at me. “Next time I’ll come up with a better storyline for ‘Sexy Star Wars,’” she said. “And I promise not to wear a wookie costume, or ask you to. At least the first couple of times.”

That made me laugh, but Ami looking for us meant something was off or wrong, and once Leia was covered I went to find her and Becca while Leia started packing up the gear.

Chapter 261

Becca had rendezvoused with Ami and they were both coming back our way.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“We need to get back,” Becca said, heading down into the dip in the landscape to help Leia get everything cleaned up.

I frowned and turned to Ami, taking her hand as I silently asked her the same question.

“I stayed on the boat and I heard movement and talking in Sherry’s room. I realized that they must have been getting hungry and were going to finally come out soon. I… I don’t know what’s going to happen, Robbie, but when I realized you guys were still out here I decided you should both probably get back.”

I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. She was still wearing that halter top bikini and had only put on a pair of running shoes, and I could only imagine what someone would have thought if they’d found her wandering the desert calling for us. “Thank you, baby,” I said.

“Of course,” she said, rubbing my back.

Leia and Becca came out to us carrying the bags, and I took them both and we started the short hike back. Part of me wanted to put a hustle on and race ahead, but that felt as wrong because it would be abandoning the girls. We made it back to the beach within about five minutes and I didn’t immediately hear screaming so I carried the equipment over and then waded back to carry Becca next, followed by Leia. Ami kicked off her shoes and carried them above the water as she waded over herself. The water was wonderfully cool and the heat of the day was quickly picking up.

Inside we found Zenya in the Singles Boat kitchen coordinating Wanda and Ginny in getting the lunch prep started. Becca immediately conferred with Zenya, while Wanda came to me and wrapped me up in a hug to pull my ear down to her level.

“They haven’t come out yet,” she whispered to me as I held her lightly. She was wearing a tight little sleeveless shirt and low-slung bikini bottoms along with a backwards cap. “Cass and Cattie are over in our room. I’m going to text them when there’s movement.”

“Thanks, darling,” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I made eye contact with Becca, blowing her a little kiss, before I slipped across to the Couples Boat. Heels was sitting in the living room and looked up from her phone as I entered. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey. Good shoot?”

“Got naked, masturbated in the desert, can’t complain,” she said.

I offered her a high five, not knowing what else to say, and she tapped it a little absently with a smirk. I left her there, trying not to think about what that video of Ginny and her getting themselves off would look like.

When I opened the door to our cabin I thought it was empty for a moment, but Terra peeked her head out of the bathroom and her smile brightened as she saw me. “It’s Robbie,” she said back into the bathroom and then stepped out. She stepped out, showing she was wearing a bikini with a bit of a thong bottom and a bandeau top that was struggling to keep her nipples from making clear bumps. She took my hand and went on her tiptoes to give me a peck, but led me to the door of the bathroom.

Inside, Cattie was at the central mirror and Cassidy was doing her makeup.

“Hey, Tiger,” Cassidy murmured, concentrating on her work.

“We’re getting Cattie done up for war,” Terra explained.

Part of me wanted to smirk and chuckle, but I knew they were being serious. Instead, I stepped in behind Cattie and gently moved her hair to the side and kissed her shoulder. “You look stunning, Catherine,” I murmured to her softly.

Cassidy pulled away to let Cattie turn to me. “Thank you, Tiger,” she said. She took my hands in hers. “But I need something from you.”

“Anything,” I promised.

“I need you to pick my outfit. She kept making me wear things that weren’t me, and I need to wear something you know is me as a symbol of that. Can you do that please?”

“Of course I can,” I said, rubbing her upper arms and kissing her shoulder again so I didn’t mess up the freshly applied makeup.

“We laid out options on the bed,” Cassidy said with a smile.

I left the two in there and Terra joined me in looking over the options. I had to contend with the fact that she wanted me to pick something that was her, while also dealing with the heat outside. The obvious answer was a bikini, but while she had some that were ‘her’ that wasn’t really what she was looking for.

In the end, I pieced together an outfit that I thought matched her personality, the weather, and the situation. She would wear a simple black bikini with decent coverage, over which she would wear my last clean pair of athletic shorts and a cute Batman crop top that Cassidy had brought. Cattie was only a little bigger than her, but her larger bust would make it an inappropriate top due to the cropping if she wasn’t wearing something underneath it. With the bikini top under, it would be hot without being revealing. We paired the outfit with Cassidy’s Batman ball cap as well, another symbol, and Terra helped me pick out some jewellery for her as well.

When Cattie came out of the bathroom followed by Cassidy and I showed her the choices, she broke into a smile. “It’s perfect, Robbie,” she said.

“Good,” I said. “Same plan as before?”

She nodded, then blew out a breath through her ruby red lips. Her makeup wasn’t heavy, but it was striking. Her eyes had gotten the full treatment, including fake lashes, mascara, eyeliner and a dark eyeshadow that spoke to her gothy roots. Her upper lip was a ruby red, while Cassidy had painted the centre of the bottom lip red but the outsides black. Cattie was also sporting two lines of black on each pale cheekbone like warpaint.

Cassidy helped her out of the robe she was wearing, which Cattie had been naked underneath, and she and Terra helped get her into her clothes without messing up the makeup or hair styling. When she was dressed she smiled nervously at me.

“Ready?” I asked.

She nodded, and then her face slackened a little into a stony focus. “Is she out yet?”

Cassidy’s phone pinged at the same time as footsteps passed our closed doorway out in the hall.

“What the fuck?” We could hear Heather say loudly, if muffled.

“Shit,” Cassidy said, looking at her phone. “I need better service. Wanda sent her warning.”

“Stay in here,” Cattie said, squeezing Cassidy’s hand and then coming to me and putting her hands on my cheeks, looking deep into my eyes for a moment.

Terra opened the door and stepped out ahead of Cattie, but instead of turning right out of the room and heading towards Heather, Cattie turned left down the corridor, walking out into the living area and then outside. I closed the door almost all the way, Cassidy crowding close.

“She wants it to be public,” Cassidy whispered.

I sighed. That probably wasn’t the best idea.

Heather stormed out of the room and must have seen Cattie out on the porch because she didn’t stop to knock on our door but did take quick steps in that direction.

I closed my eyes and prayed a silent prayer to whatever being, or the App, that Cattie would be as OK as possible.



RGreat set of chapters! You're killing me dragging out the showdown. Respect to Ginny for how she's handling things. Hoping for a fast turn around on OFG then AMA this week.


Great chapter. I’m still hoping Robbie gets with Heels.


...is it weird that now that they mention it a back to roots harem story would be fun? Politically powerful concubines forever.