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Hey folks!

So the results of the first poll have decided that our Illustrated Novel will be a Fantasy Adventure!  I love Dungeons and Dragons (and various other TTRPGs), grew up reading all sorts of High and Low Fantasy settings, and am generally wild about Fantasy in general so I've got a LOT of ideas on which direction to go.

But, before I get into Story Planning and Setting Development, because this will be a joint project with an artist, one major factor is Who Is The Main Character? This character will feature heavily in all, or most, of the illustrations so deciding who we are seeing the story through is important. As you all know, I almost always write a Male main character since my usual themes lend towards the haremy romances and erotic situations. BUT, erotica comics often follow a Female protagonist since readers like, well, a hot female lead. The development of this character will also influence some of the themes of the story - a male lead will likely follow my usual themes, but a female lead might lean more reverse-harem or maybe even lesbian harem?

So, the question is...

What gender and point of view should our Fantasy Adventure follow?



Female lead, 3rd person. Some of the most interesting fantasy stories I've read have strong female leads or strong female characters. Stuff like Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern, David & Leigh Eddings' Belgarion and Mallorean series, Raymond E. Feist's Empire Trilogy and so on. Even though the poll seems to focus on 3rd person Male by a long stretch, I am curious which way you'll take this: seriously, or just full throttle, balls to the wall ham it up. Say, Discworld, but with more fart jokes 😂😂


Here's an idea, that you definitely don't have to use, but it's an idea I never really see in any kind of media. What if the story follows a duo of main characters? Lovers, or a married couple, or two individuals who were brought together for whatever reason. And of course, since we like harem stuff over here, the woman might want to try involving other women. Maybe your fantasy world has no taboo on multiple lovers. Personally, I like the "married couple goes adventuring" idea...


What CandidBandit said! Polygyny + polyandry = polyamory!