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Alright. I feel like I owe you folks a mini-update since I've been quiet for a bit.

There's been some personal stuff for me going on in the background, but I HAVE been working on FoF Chapter 24 Alpha - I'm just not happy with it. My Version 1.0 and 1.1 of the main scene in the chapter are 'OK' but are lacking something. I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I don't know how to execute it yet. I'm still working on it, but I'm feeling in a rut with it and need to work on something else for a hot minute to cleanse the palette before I can tackle a heavy pass to get Version 1.2 to be right.

What does that mean?

Well, first off as an FYI, I released a One-Shot alpha draft story called 'Porcelain' a few days ago to upper-tier patrons, so that will be coming down the pipeline soon-ish to all Patrons in Beta form.

Second, I've had an idea for a Quaranteam one-shot story bouncing around in my skull for a bit that I might take at least a little time to put some work into; see how it flows and if it makes sense to tackle as a full project, or if it's just an Idea with no legs.

My plan for the rest of the month is still getting out a new FoF chapter and a new QT:NW chapter. Those are my top priorities.

Cheers all, and sorry for the delay!


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