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Well folks, I leave for my retreat in about 10 hours, and have a 5 hours drive to do to get there.

When I gave my last timeline for this week I didn't account for all the stuff I had to do to prepare to leave, so AMA took a day longer than I expected, and I've been working on QT:NW since then but it's just not going to get done before I leave.

So, this is what the rest of the month is going to look like...

15th to 22nd - I will be away on my writing retreat vacation up in the wilds on Canada with no running water, an outhouse for a toilet, and definitely no Wifi. I will, however, have cell service. I will be spending much of my time writing Starship Repo as per the conclusion of the Poll, and I should at least have cell service to hopefully drop some updates to let you folks know how it's going (likely without PDF or Epub, as I'll be working from my tablet and not a laptop).

23rd on - We'll get back to regular rotation, starting with me finishing off the next QT:NW release, then new Le Francais and another new Harem commission called "Growing Appreciation", followed by double releases of OFG and AMA to round out the month.

The way it looks I won't likely get to progress the OFG compilations this month - each 50-chapter bundle takes about a day and a half to two days to properly edit, which eats up time pretty quickly when I have writing to do.

That's all I've got, if for some reason I can't access Patreon while I'm away I hope you all have a good week, and if any new folks are just joining us here - be assured that me taking a week away isn't a regular planned thing, and the content WILL go back to erotica before the end of the month.

And now I turn myself towards the far future, space, and Starship Repo.



Rick Shirer

Have fun, find your center, and come back refreshed and ready to kick ass


Safe travels. Fair winds. Godspeed.


I hope it’s everything you want it to be! I’m getting the sense that you are growing tired of FoF to some degree. I love that one, it seems like there’s so much potential there for a huge book series. Lol. Have a great time.


May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warmly upon your face; the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Chris Ott

Safe travels!

Admiral Ale

AH, another delaying tactic. GA, Canada, AND now, you want to add another story line on top of the other 29 listed above. Well as different author a while back would quote an Alpha Centauri saying. 'May many Sun's guide you and your ship on your mission '. Stay safe.


In a fit of brattiness, I made a new profile pic. Hope you like it. (And just for grins dude)


I lol'd for real. I'm back home on the 22nd, so it should be out on the 23rd barring any wild RL complications.


IF it got a laugh, it did it's job. Enjoy the cabin, loving SR.