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The following is the Beta Draft of Font of Fertility Ch 18. As a Beta draft, this is not the final work and may see changes prior to final posting out in the wide world.


All Characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the Font of Fertility series. I would suggest reading Chapter 1 if you have not already. This chapter includes MF, MMF, and MFFFF, virginity, some squirting, anal, and magic.

Jeremiah works through the fallout of his hunt and is given some surprises for New Year’s.


“So, either this isn’t as bad as it sounds, or it’s way, way worse,” Stacey grumbled.

We were all gathered in Annalise’s room at the Bed and Breakfast. I could have had Victorious drop me at the nearest functioning door and teleportaled, but I’d decided just to let him fly me back home while I stewed and metaphorically licked my wounds. I wasn’t completely isolating myself - I opened the telepathic communication with the girls and told them I was OK and heading back, but what happened needed to be discussed.

Victorious had gotten us back by late afternoon, and the girls had met me at the B&B. Now I’d told them everything about the big cabin structure in the woods, and what I’d discovered about George Stoker's experiment. And the brief but explosive fight.

“Anna, you know the most about what this could mean,” Lauren said, turning to Annalise.

“I- don’t know? I’ve really not met that many other magical people - growing up where we did, our school wasn’t all that big and we didn’t have a ton of people around. Even when I moved, I’ve only really met a couple of other mages in passing,” Annalise explained with a look that said she wished she could offer more.

“Well, it’s fucked,” I said. I’d had longer to think about it than everyone else. “Option one is that Seats get into fights like this frequently enough that it’s not a big deal, so the world is that much more dangerous. Option two is that it's way outside the norm and something is very wrong.”

“Get your pants off, Jerry,” Lindsey said, licking her palm.

“Whoa, hey, Maya is still here,” Annalise said.

“It’s not like I can see anything that happens,” Maya said. “You all could be naked already and I wouldn’t know. But, uh, why is whatever happening in the middle of a conversation?”

“We’re not having sex,” Lindsey sighed. “The only way we might get a better answer is by asking Adama, yeah? Well, she gets summoned when Jerry gets jerked off. So, babe, get your cock out.”

It was weird, sitting with my pants around my thighs as Lindsey started quickly stroking me and the others sat in a circle on the bed just… watching.

“Can you guys maybe not stare?” I asked.

“Hmm?” Lauren asked, breaking her eyes away from my dick.

“My eyes are up here,” I deadpanned.

“Yeah but your dick is down there,” she teased me, then blew me a soft kiss.

“How long is this supposed to take?” Maya asked.

“Well isn’t this just a kinky little summoning circle of horny holes,” Adama said as she apparated at the foot of the bed, lounging on her side as she ate a bunch of impossibly tiny grapes.

“Ah!” Maya shouted, startled, and she flailed at the sudden voice right beside her. She clocked Adama right off the end of the bed.

“What the fuck!?” Adama yelled as she floated back up. “You little cunt, I’ll-”

“Adama!” I said curtly. “She’s blind.”

Adama cut off at the tone of my voice but didn’t stop glaring at Maya. “Well, Mini Tits McGee needs to control her flailing.”

“I’m so sorry,” Maya said. “I can’t- I don’t- Sorry?”

Adama rolled her eyes and floated back onto the bed, fixing her hair prissily and pursing her lips. “Well, now that my entrance has been ruined, what’s all this about, Sweetie and the Sluts?”

“I need to know if it’s usual for Seats to fight,” I said. “Or attack each other, or go against a Proclamation.”

“That’s not a good idea, Jeremiah,” Adama said. “Going against another Seat’s proclamation is extremely disrespectful. Whatever it is you don’t like, you’ll have a chance to address the issue at the Council meeting in less than two days. Surely it can wait until then.”

He isn’t the one doing it,” Lauren said. “Someone broke his proclamation and has been helping George Stoker.”

Adama frowned deeply and furrowed her brow as she crossed her arms underneath her big chest. “Are you sure?” she asked me. “An accusation like that at the Council would be a very large deal.”

“I can’t see who else it could have been,” I said. “They used a bunch of different magic, and teleported George and themself out of there.”

“Mmm, you would be surprised at how versatile different mages can be with their magics,” Adama said. “With the right training, even the basest of the ascended can accomplish feats most of humanity would find unbelievable. Like Tits McGee Original here, I’m sure you have some tricks up your sleeve. Flying and such.”

“Wait, what?” Annalise asked. “I can’t fly.”

Adama looked taken aback. “Why not?”

“Why would I?” Annalise asked.

“You control fire, which in an explosive form causes force. Is that not how your little tin can celestial-exploration penis things achieve flight?”

Annalise dropped her jaw, her mind currently blown. “I can fly?”

“OK, point taken,” I said. “But I’m telling you, after what I felt and experienced, I can’t see it being someone without capabilities like my own. And more practised as well. They knew what they were doing, and I’m fairly certain they were throwing their weight around without trying to kill me.”

“They put you through a wall with a magical bus construct,” Lauren said with concern.

“But why?” Lindsey pointed out. “They had the drop on Jerry. Why would they do that of all things?”

We were all quiet for a long moment, except for the stroking of my cock by Lindsey, and Adama uncomfortably cleared her throat. “Well. If it was another Seat, then the Council meeting is more important than ever. Sweetie, are you going to try and take another run at Stoker between then and now? I can feel your power reserves are low again.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve cut Stoker off from his magic,” I said. “Unless the other Seat can undo what I did.”

“You did what!?” Adama looked shocked.

“I put a metaphorical shield between him and his magic,” I said.

“Oh, shit,” Adama said, starting to pace. “This is bad. This is very bad.”

“Why is this bad?” Lauren asked.

“That sort of punishment is seen as worse than death by the oldest of the Seats,” Adama said, gesturing agitatedly. “Death is seen as less cruel than removing someone’s magic.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Stacey said. “Most of the world lives without magic.”

“I don’t think you would understand,” Annalise said quietly. The others all looked to her with frowns. “It’s not about living, it’s… magic is part of us. Like part of our souls. I was at my lowest when I couldn’t feel an ounce of it in me while our father was holding me prisoner. To have it taken away… It would be like getting a lobotomy. You wouldn’t be the same person.” She turned to me, a cold fire in her eyes. “Are you sure you did that to him?”

I nodded. “Unless the other Seat can undo it.”

“Good,” she nodded. “He deserves it.”

I nodded solemnly again. She and Maya had both spoken in favour of killing their father, which was dark as fuck but I also couldn’t blame them for feeling that way after everything we had found out. “Alright. Well, with George under the protection of another Seat, it’s probably not a good idea to take another swing at him right away. Especially with the council meeting and my current magic levels.”

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then,” Adama said. “You girls do everything you can for him, you hear me? And remember that this isn’t just on Jeremiah, Cum Dump. You’ll be at the Council Meeting as well.”

“Anything I should know?” Lauren asked, ignoring Adama’s nickname for her. “Anything I need to do?”

“Support him in everything. Never show anything but loyalty to him,” Adama said. “You can argue in private, but in front of the others? If they see a weakness between the two of you, they will attempt to leverage it immediately.”

“I wouldn’t do it any other way,” Lauren nodded with a determined grimace.

“Well,” Adama said, looking around the circle. “Get to it, bitches! Power our boy up, he needs every ounce of magic he can get. Wa-bam!” She made a big gesture and disappeared in a little puff of smoke.

“Y’all aren’t really about to start an orgy, are you?” Maya asked.

“No,” Annalise said at the same time Lindsey said, “Yes.” The two of them looked at each other, both smirking ruefully for different reasons.

“We,” Lauren said, reaching over and taking Maya’s hand, “Are going over to your room and will listen to some music while your sister and Jerry have some time together, and then the rest of us need to head back home. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.”

“It is?” I asked. “The council meeting isn’t until New Year’s Day.”

“We have a surprise for you,” Stacey said as she slipped off the edge of the bed. “And no, we’re not going to give you any hints. I’ll hang with you two. Linds?”

“I’d like to stay,” Lindsey said, then turned to Annalise. “If you’re down?”

Annalise blushed, glancing at me and then at Lauren. “I’ve only ever, ah-”

“Oh my God, she’s so embarrassed. That’s hilarious,” Maya giggled.

“Shut up!” Annalise said. The Big Sister/Little Sister energy between them was really cute. “Get out of here, you brat.”

Maya stuck her tongue out in the general direction of Annalise's voice, then let Lauren pull her out of the room. Stacey followed them, lingering at the door to see what would happen.

“I don’t have to stay,” Lindsey said, reaching across and taking Annalise’s hand lightly. “But I’d like to. You’re special to Jerry and Lauren, so you’re special to me.”

“I… think I’d like that,” Annalise blushed. “You’re very pretty.”

“Thank you,” Lindsey smiled warmly. “You’re super pretty, too. I love your eyes.”

“Thanks,” Annalise said.

“I also like your lips,” Lindsey said. “Can I kiss you? I want to, and I think Jerry would love to see it.”

“OK,” Annalise said. Every time we’d been together since the first time, she and I had been comfortable with each other. It was kind of fun seeing her a little flustered again. Lindsey scooted over a little and kissed Annalise softly, and Stacey shut the door as she left.

It was, without a doubt, the most boobs in a threesome that I’d dealt with to that point. Lindsey had the largest pair in the Official Harem, and Annalise had the largest I’d been with in total, and they both had fun drowning me in tits. Partway through I realized I needed to protect Lindsey with the same fire resistance as I had Lauren and myself, which was good timing because about three minutes later Annalise was working up to an orgasm with three of Lindsey’s fingers pumping her pussy and her hot juices would have scalded Lindsey otherwise.

The highlight of the threesome, for me anyways, was when Lindsey got to see Annalise’s eyes go full fire mage and light up the room as I fucked her from behind. The close second was right after Annalise’s first orgasm though, when Lindsey managed to get her entire fist into Annalise. Seeing the fire mage’s cunt stretched around Lindsey’s thin wrist was so absurdly lewd, and the moaning howls Annalise was letting out made me cast a sound-dampening spell over the room.

In the end, Annalise was on top of me riding my cock as Lindsey straddled my face and the two of them made out. When we came together, Annalise fell backwards and slipped off my cock, and Lindsey immediately leaned forward and began slurping my cum out of her. Annalise came again, smaller and more of an aftershock, but it pushed my cum out of her for Lindsey.

“Welcome to the club,” Linds smirked as she finished slurping and crawled down my body and up Annalise’s to press their tits together and kiss her with the mixed juices on her lips.

“What club is that?” Annalise asked breathlessly.

“You’re totally one of his girls now,” Lindsey smirked and kissed her again.

“Linds,” I warned her. The view I currently had of their two flushed and used pussies, and Lindsey’s ass above, from down at their feet was a little distracting.

“Is that what I am?” Annalise asked Lindsey. “One of his girls?”

“Do you want to be?” Lindsey asked. “That’s the real question. We’ve pretty much thought you were for a while, but Jerry was being Jerry and wanted to wait to make it official because of everything else going on.”

Annalise shifted, looking down at me with big eyes. “Do you want that?” she asked.

I sighed, a little annoyed that Lindsey was doing this now, but got to my knees and shuffled down the bed to lie next to them so I was face-to-face with Annalise. “Of course I do,” I said softly. “You are an amazingly strong, selfless, and talented woman who is undeniably sexy, and I feel like you’ve got a part of me now. And I hope I have a part of you, too?”

She pressed her lips together and her eyes softened as she nodded a little.

“Linds was right, I was putting this off because I didn’t want to make it sound like it had anything to do with what’s going on with George,” I said. “But now that it’s here… Annalise, would you like to, ah, be part of my, uh-”

“His harem,” Lindsey smiled. “Be one of his personal concubines. Dedicated to him, loving him. If you say yes, you get invited to the secret group chat and we might make t-shirts.”

“Oh my God, Linds,” I groaned.

“I do,” Annalise laughed, looking almost surprised as she did it. “I- I do, I want to be in your harem, Jeremiah.” She was still under Lindsey, but she shifted and leaned over to kiss me. Then it became a three-way kiss as Lindsey joined in. “I can’t believe I got here this fast,” she gasped when the kiss ended. “What, three weeks ago I thought you were going to be some monster that I needed to feed myself to so I could get justice for Maya? And now I’m- I’m falling in love with a Seat of Fertility, and joining his harem by choice.”

“Oh, Jerry is a monster all right,” Lindsey smirked. “A monster in bed.”

That set them both to giggling happily and as Annalise went back to kissing me Lindsey rolled to the edge of the bed and fished her phone out of her discarded pants. Shortly after there was knocking on the bedroom door, and Lindsey went and opened it while still naked. Stacey and Lauren burst in, talking a mile a minute and giggling and laughing as they jumped on the bed. Annalise was shocked at first, and a little surprised to be walked in on naked and intimate, but soon Lauren was kissing her to welcome her to the harem, and Stacey was right behind her.

“What the frick is going on in here?” Maya asked from the doorway.

“Maya, get out!” Annalise called from the bottom of the dogpile on the bed right next to me.

“Oh, it’s fine, I can’t see anything,” Maya said. Then she scrunched up her nose. “But I can smell it though. Jesus, it smells like pussy in here. Spray that air freshener you bought.”

That set all the girls to laughing, even Annalise a little.

* * * * *

Lauren reconnected with me at their place while Lindsey ran interference with Mr and Mrs Baxley. We had sex, but it was more of a conversation than anything. I hadn’t held anything back from the others, but the conversation with Lauren was more personal. She was in this with me even more than the others. Had been in it the longest. She was my Prime.

We made love in that position we’d tried the second day we’d had sex, me sitting with my back to the headboard and her sitting in my lap as we held each other tightly in a hug. It put our faces and lips together and pressed her chest to mine and made it easy to whisper our talk as we slowly used our hips to hump our pubic areas together.

She was happy I was alright and admitted how worried she had been. I admitted I knew she would be, and that I knew she wouldn’t tell me. She asked me to tell her about the fight again, and I realized I had held one thing back.

“And then, when I stopped breathing the fire, I blew out some smoke and said, ‘Hadouken, you dick.’”

“You did not,” Lauren said, dropping her jaw in a surprised smirk.

“I swear I did,” I chuckled.

“Oh my God, you are such a nerd,” Lauren laughed and kissed me. “My nerd,” she said softly. “But next time you should go with Kamehameha.”

I snorted a little. “I’ll try to remember that,” I said.

“Spirit bomb,” Lauren whispered dramatically as she moved in to kiss me again.

“My power level is over 9000,” I whispered back.

We devolved into more little memes for a bit, and then she sighed and kissed me hungrily, making out as she poured her love into our kiss. I came first, filling her, and she responded with a small one of her own as I was just finishing.

“I love you more than anything,” Lauren whispered.

“I love you too, Laur,” I whispered back, holding her close even though we were both kind of sweaty and gross. “I love you so damn fucking much.”

“I know,” she smiled. “And that’s why I need you to promise me something.”

“Anything,” I swore.

“Tomorrow, with your surprise, I need you to go with it,” she said. “It’ll be good, I swear, but you might have questions about some parts of it and you need to just go with it, and if it isn’t what you want then at least we’ll know, OK?”

“...OK,” I said, questioning it a little. But I gave her a peck to seal the promise. “I trust you and the others.”

“I know, baby,” she said, resting her head on my shoulder. “And that’s yet another reason why I love you.”

I reconnected with Stacey later that night, though we were a little more vigorous about it and we didn’t talk about the nerdy quotes since she just wasn’t as deep into geek culture as Lauren and I. But she did pretty much ask me to make the same promise - to go along with the surprise.

Falling asleep that night, I wondered what the hell they were planning for New Year's Eve.

* * * * *

“I don’t want to go,” I groaned, smirking a little.

“I know, but I have to,” Angie groaned back with her own smile, stretching under me. Apparently, my Harem had scheduled a late breakfast date between Angie and I that I had been informed of when Stacey came into my room to wake me up with a blowjob that morning. Shortly after, I’d been dressed in a new outfit chosen by committee in the Harem group chat, and sent off to meet Angie at a local coffee shop.

We’d ended up back at her place, and in her bed.

“Work sucks,” I mumbled.

“God, it does,” Angie laughed, running her fingers through my hair. My cheek was pressed to her stomach as we lay there on top of the covers, her legs pressed warmly against my side as I hugged her around her hips with my arms under her. “But it’s necessary, and I’m good at it.”

“You’re pretty good at this, too,” I smiled and disentangled myself so that I could crawl up her body and kiss her.

“Thanks, so are you,” she grinned.

“It’s some natural talent and vigour, but mostly I’m learning from the best,” I teased.

“Am I included in that, or is it mostly just Lindsey?” Angie chuckled.

“Oh, you are definitely on the list,” I said, kissing her softly all over her face. “Anyone ever tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous?”

“You do, every time I see you,” she smiled.

“Well, it must be true then,” I said. I was hard again, or still, and I slipped myself inside of her as we both moaned happily.

“OK, one more,” she groaned with a self-satisfied smile.

A little later she was getting dressed as I lay on her bed, still naked. She’d learned already that I liked watching her naked, or getting dressed, as much as she did me and she made a little show of it for me as she flashed smiles in my direction.

“I want to see you again tomorrow,” she said, coming back over to me once she had a bra and pants on. “You and the others, if that’s OK?”

“Of course it is,” I said, taking her hand in mine and kissing her fingers. “Do you want to talk at all before, or say everything then?” I asked.

“Then,” she said. “I’m still… deciding on some things. But this helped a lot.”

“OK,” I said. “Tomorrow. Big talk.”

“OK,” she smiled. “Now, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you need to get out of my bed, Jerry.”

“Fiiiine,” I groaned and teased, rolling to my feet. “Fine.”

She met me with a kiss, licking my top lip playfully. “I don’t have time for any more,” she told me. “So anything that happens after this is just you getting blue balls until you get time with one of your other girlfriends.”

I laughed and spent the next five minutes playing grabass with her until she was finally ushering me out the door of her apartment. It was only as I was getting back in the car - my mother’s, since I still needed to figure out how to explain Victorious’s presence to my parents - that I realized Angie had said ‘one of your other girlfriends.’ Which had heavy implications.

My big grin hadn’t gone away by the time I got home, which immediately made my Mom suspicious when Stacey and I were called into the living room.

“He was with his friends,” Stacey sighed and made a show of rolling her eyes while covering for me. “He actually bailed on plans we had to work out with Lindsey and Lauren.”

That got me a reverse-talking to about needing to not prioritize my friends over the girls, which left Stacey stifling her giggles behind a nearly-cracking poker face as my Mother basically browbeat me for not spending enough time with my three secret harem members who had organized me not spending the morning with them so that I could spend time fucking someone else.

It was ridiculous, really.

We finally got to the point of our summons to the living room and were informed that my parents had been invited to a fancy New Year's party at one of the big hotels in town so Stacey and I would be spending New Year's alone.

“You can invite over a couple of friends,” my Dad said. “Lindsey and Lauren are obviously welcome. Plus one or two more. No parties, alright?”

“Have we ever thrown a party before?” Stacey pointed out.

“No, you haven’t,” Mom said. “Which we appreciate. You two are almost old enough to not even live here anymore though, so we’re just covering our bases.”

“Don’t worry,” I said with a little smirk. “I’ll make sure Stacey doesn’t do anything wild.”

“And I’ll make sure Jerry doesn’t do anything stupid,” Stacey said and stuck out her tongue at me teasingly. The whole exchange left my parents laughing and smiling, appreciating the sibling-like relationship we’d always had since they took Stacey in. Our relationship being strong had always been one of their big worries and priorities - it almost made me feel guilty about what we had become.

They left soon after, planning to book into the hotel early and really make the most of the day. Almost as soon as their car had made the turn off of our street, Lindsey and Lauren were pulling into the driveway.

“We’re throwing a party,” the girls said together, grinning. “Suprise!”

“Oh, God,” I said and sighed. “What are we getting into?”

This was what the three of them had been planning over the past week in between all the other shit that had been going on. Stacey and Lauren had been organizing invites and logistics, and now they had a shopping list that needed to be executed and a To Do list to make the house ‘Party Safe.’ It was like Kid Safeing a house, apparently, but to an even larger degree. Lindsey’s insight into the things that could go wrong at a party was… eye-opening.

I was set to work for a couple of hours, cleaning and moving around furniture and generally putting away anything breakable or valuable. We did the entire house, as apparently there would be enough people that the basement would get used. And the bedrooms.

“It’ll be fine,” Lauren assured me. “Only we are going to have access to your parent’s room, I promise.”

Once most of the prep was done, Lauren and Stacey went on a run to the necessary stores for snacks and drinks, while Lindsey went and grabbed a binder from her car and sat me down at the kitchen table.

“So, I had a different job than planning the party,” she said. Lindsey was wearing a cute sweater that hugged her curves and a knee-length pleated kilt that she’d been teasing me with by lifting it up as we’d been cleaning, flashing me looks at her thong ‘covered’ bum. “The way we figure it, there’s going to be sex at this party. You’re going to be having sex, but there’s going to be other sex as well. It happens. And I was thinking that that is a lot of potential sexual energy being generated and lost to the ether. So I’ve been working on this.”

She opened her binder and started flipping through the grided pages of her notes. It was organized chaos, full of diagrams and printed-out notes from articles and books, but also her own scribbled thoughts and weird drawings.

“I know you were frustrated that all those magic books were gone from the library, and I can’t wait to start collecting more with you,” Lindsey said. “But for now, I’ve done my best to create a new magical rune for you that should help focus and pull in the sexual energy for you during the party.”

I blinked, looking a little slack-jawed at her. “Linds, that’s-”

“It’s based on the whole premise that magic functions the way you philosophically believe it does,” Lindsey said, pushing forward. “The more I’ve asked you about it, the more I’ve realized that magic is this sort of counter-reality influence. It’s like if the world is Consciousness, then magic is the Unconscious mind, ungovernable except when we try to impose a structure on to it. So I went looking for ways that people do that, and I still have plenty of leads to pull on, but this is what I came up with.”

She pulled a paper out of the notes. It was a full-page drawing and super complicated, with flowing circular lines crossing and re-crossing each other.

“This one is based on the runes from the door of the Sanctum and the principles of sacred geometry, which is both a kind of hoodoo ‘crystal girls’ thing, and conspiracy thing, and an ancient cultures thing,” she continued. “Basically it starts with a Fibonacci sequence spiral, which represents the rune connecting the real world to you spiritually. Then overlain on it is a Flower of Life, which is seven overlapping circles that create a flower shape in the overlapping ven diagram bits. The flower of life is supposed to be a sign of protection, which I need to look into more because it might be useful, but it also represents creation and interconnection. Which, I mean, we’re talking about sex magic here so creation and interconnection are in the wheelhouse, so the flower of life along the Fibonacci spiral represents sexual energy within the space flowing to you. Handy bonus, each of the seven circles of the flower also represents ‘oneness’, reinforcing the coupling nature of the sexual act within the rune. And we’re going to put this rune around the property in… this order.” She pulled out another sheet, which was a Google Earth printout of the house and property over which she’d done calculations and drawn a sort of star of David pattern. “Triangles have specific symbolism as well. When they are pointed up,” she traced one part of the star, “they represent mind, body and soul and a raising consciousness. Pointed downwards represents feminine energy and reproduction, and some people say a ‘womb space’ which obviously relates with your magic. So put together like this we’re turning the property into a ‘womb space’ in terms of sexual energies while directing them to your higher consciousness.”

“Lindsey, this is-”

“I know, I know,” she sighed. “It’s all really flimsy. But it’s somewhere to start. If I had more time and the proper information resources, I promise I’d be able to work out something more grounded than this-”

I kissed her to shut her up.

“This is amazing, Linds,” I said, taking her hands in mine and kneeling next to her as I pressed my forehead to hers. “You are absolutely, utterly amazing.”

She beamed, and her eyes welled up and she cried happy tears as I hugged her. “I was worried you would think it was stupid,” she said as she wiped her cheeks.

“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “Lindsey, even if this doesn’t work, I think you’re a fucking genius.”

“You could have figured this out,” she said. “I just had more time on my hands than you with everything going on.”

I kissed her again, hard but holding her softly by the cheeks and wiping her tears away with my thumbs. “Stop downplaying it,” I told her. “I love you, you’re amazing, and I won’t hear anything else.”

That grin didn’t leave her. I practised drawing the makeshift rune a couple dozen times, and then we went outside armed with a heavy-duty permanent marker and Lindsey used her phone to lead us to six specific points using GPS. Some of the spots - along the fence line and on the driveway, were easy to handle. I focused my will and the concept of the rune in my head and let a bit of magic flow through my arm and the marker as I drew them in order, keeping them in my mind and connecting them the way Lindsey had described. It was the ones out in the middle of the lawn that were harder to deal with, but Linds had come up with an idea for that as well - she had wide, thin wedges of wood that I drew the runes on and then planted into the ground, pushing them deep so no one was likely to see them, let alone step on or pull them out.

I had to redo two of the runes when I fucked them up because of the weird angle, but in the end I was able to hold all six positions in my mind and felt them snap into place, a soft connection lighting up in my mind’s eye that wavered and then stabilised.

“It worked,” I said, turning to Lindsey and hugging her. “Well, I think it did. I can feel the connection between them.”

“Really? It did?” she asked, her eyebrows raising. “I thought maybe I’d just gone down a rabbit hole blind and might need to break out the tin hat.”

I kissed her hard right there in the backyard, not caring if any of the neighbours saw us. “You are fucking amazing,” I said.

She bit her lower lip, her grin massive, and kissed the tip of my nose. I pulled her inside and when Lauren and Stacey got back they found us with Lindsey’s thighs pressed to my ears as I lapped hungrily at her delicious cunt, driving my tongue into her and fishing for her third orgasm in a row.

I was hard, but the girls all urged me that we needed to get the rest of the preparations done and that there would be enough sex later on. Of course, the fact that I was sporting a bulge in my pants meant all three of them took great pleasure in teasing me even harder than earlier. It was around six o’clock, and we were just finishing a dinner of delivery pizza with the entire house prepped and ready to go, when Lindsey told me her plan for that night.

“I’m going to go spend New Year’s with Annalise and Maya,” she said. “It’s not because I don’t want to be here with you, baby. But I just… I don’t think being at a party like this, with people I know from high school, would be good for me right now. Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” I said, pulling her into my arms. “I’m sorry this is how it is, and I’m going to miss you, but I understand. I’m sure Annalise and Maya will be happy to spend time with you.”

“I hope so,” she smiled. “I’m going to go change at home and then head over there. Happy early New Year.”

“Happy early New Year,” I said and kissed her soft and sweet as I held her by the waist. When it was over she was grinning happily, and I teased her a little by sliding my hands down and back to her ass. “You sure you don’t have time for more than a New Year’s kiss?”

She laughed, leaning into me a bit more. “I do, but you don’t,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“She means the first part of your surprise is supposed to be here any minute,” Lauren said. She’d been smiling happily from across the living room as I’d been saying goodbye to Linds.

I raised an eyebrow and Lindsey laughed again and kissed my cheek. “Have fun, babes,” she said, then went to give Lauren and Stacey early New Year’s kisses as well and say goodbye.

She was backing her car out of the driveway when another car pulled up on the street in front of the house. I watched from the front window as Lindsey pulled away, and a girl got out of the new car and came up the drive.

“Remember what you promised, Jerry,” Lauren said, coming to stand next to me.

“That’s Tala,” I said, recognizing the pretty girl. “You mentioned her a few days ago. Does she know you’re planning that I’ll have sex with her?”

“Oh, she knows,” Lauren grinned. “You might have missed it, but Tala was one of the girls who caught us fucking in the changeroom at school. Things moved quickly when I reached out - and no, she isn’t the mage girl from the article as far as I can tell. But there is another secret.” The doorbell rang, and Lauren hooked my arm with hers as she pulled me over towards it. “Tala is a virgin and she wants you to take her virginity.”

“Wait, wha-?”

“Tala, hey!” Lauren said, opening the door. “Come on in.”

“Hi!” she said, stepping inside. I stepped forward, offering to help her with her coat, and she smiled happily up at me as she met my eyes, and right there I knew what Lauren said had to be true. I could see the nervous energy in her combined with slight determination and desire. All I could do was help her out of her coat and hang it up on the hooks near the front door that we had cleared of the family coats to make more space during the party.

Tala was wearing a thin knit sweater that hugged her lithe, graceful body with some sort of tank top on underneath and a pair of stretchy black tights. I got a quick look at her nice bum as she bent over to unzip her winter boots, and Lauren winked at me as she caught me doing it.

“So, obviously you’re here earlier than everyone else like we talked about,” Lauren said. “Are you still good with everything?”

“Yes! Absolutely,” Tala said, stepping forward and hugging Lauren quick and firm. She was shorter than Lauren, though not by so much that she seemed tiny or anything. Her hair was darker than I remembered from earlier in the month, now a silky dark chocolate sort of colour that made her seem a little paler but really made her pop.  “As long as you two are?”

“Oh, I definitely am,” Lauren chuckled. “But I only just told Jerry as you were walking up so he’s a little stunned and tongue-tied still.”

“Hi, Tala,” I said.

“Hey,” she said, giving me a look up and down, and then she stepped up and planted a quick kiss on my lips. “That OK?” she asked. She had a little sparkle in her eye, but those nerves were there. She was a very pretty girl with a bit of a button nose and thinner lips that curled when she smiled.

“It is,” I said.

“Oh, God, kiss her for real,” Lauren scoffed playfully.

I shot her a ‘Fine, I will’ sort of look and then took Tala in my hands and really kissed her. Tala made a little ‘mph!’ sound, but quickly found the rhythm and began working her lips and jaw with the kiss. I teased her lips with my tongue, and she accepted, and then teased her own tongue back towards me.

And that’s when I realized Tala might not have ever even kissed someone before.

I wrapped my arms around her a little tighter, hugging her to me as the kiss continued, and she wrapped her arms up around the back of my neck and deepened the kiss a little more.

“Wow,” I said with a smile as I let our lips fall apart, but kept our noses touching as we held each other standing in the front hall.

“Wa-ow,” Tala breathed out in agreement and then bit her lip in a smile.

I glanced over at Lauren, who was just smirking a little as she watched us. “Alright, you two. Jerry, take Tala up to the master bedroom and make it as special with her as you know how. Tala, just be open with him, OK? Tell him what we talked about because Jerry will want to know and I promise you it will make things even better.”

“O-OK,” Tala said, turning to look at Lauren but keeping one hand up on my shoulder. “Just like that, huh?”

“Absolutely,” Lauren grinned. “When you guys are done, just come back down and the party should be rolling. And have fun!”

“Ready?” I asked Tala.

She nodded, smiling, and I scooped her up in my arms and started carrying her up the stairs as she let out a little surprised, “Oooh my God!” laugh and then kept giggling. At the top of the stairs I thought about setting her down, but instead I shifted and threw her over my shoulder, making her laugh even more as she grabbed onto the back of my shirt.

Stacey’s bedroom door opened and she poked her head out, seeing me carrying Tala. “Party started, huh?” she asked.

“Seems like it,” I said.

“Have fun!” Stacey laughed and shut the door.

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t know anyone else was here,” Tala gasped as I set her down next to the bedroom door.

“That was Stacey,” I said. “She’s my god sister, but grew up raised by my parents. She’s cool.”

“No, I know who she is,” Tala said. “I just- I just feel a little shy about this.”

“You could have fooled me,” I said and leaned down to kiss her softly, rubbing the side of her neck with one hand as we made out for just a moment. “Come on, I want to talk for a second.”

I led her into the bedroom, which I really, really tried to not think of as my parent’s room, and shut and locked the door before leading her to the bed to sit.

“Tala, I have to say, you look absolutely amazing and I think you’re extremely pretty, and maybe I’m an idiot for questioning this… but why me? Why like this?”

She smiled, looking down at our hands as we held each other lightly. Then back up to me. “Well, I- It’s silly, saying it out loud, but I don’t want to meet the Right Guy and be scared to have sex. I’m generally happy being picky and not dating boys I can’t see myself with long-term, but I’ve had this thing in the back of my mind for a while that I could scare away the right guy by putting too much on him if I’m a virgin. And I know that’s kind of crazy, but it’s how I feel, so I’ve been trying to figure out who I could trust enough to make my first time good, and maybe learn a couple of things, but also not to spread it around or overthink it or try and make it more than it is. And then, after I was in the group that caught you railing Lauren in the girl’s change room showers, I started kind of wondering if it could be you cause the whole thing was fucking hot. And then Lauren reached out about the party, and one thing led to another in the conversation, and she suggested lending you to me for this. And here we are.”

“So, apparently I ask this too much, so I’m only going to ask once, OK? And if your answer changes at all at any point, you need to tell me. Are you sure you want to do this with me? Is there any reason you might want to just wait?”

Tala broke into a grin. “She said you would ask that.”

“Of course she did,” I said, rolling my eyes a little.

Tala leaned forward and pursed her lips, easing into another kiss. “Yes, I want this. No, there isn’t anyone else I might want to do it with more. No, there isn’t any other reason I want to wait. You just kissed me for real for the first time downstairs and it was fucking amazing, even if it was weird doing it in front of your girlfriend. I think she’s right, and you’re the only correct choice for this.”

“OK,” I said. “Then I won’t ask again. Come here.” I got us scooted up the bed a bit and I wrapped my arms around her and held her close as we lay next to each other. “Other than the actual act, is there anything you’d like to try, or that you think you’d like?”

“Oral,” she said. “And I want you to actually tell me how I’m doing, or if there’s something I can do differently.”

“Gladly,” I said, kissing the top of her head as I ran my fingers up and down the back of her sweater. “Anything else?”

“Maybe… it sounds silly, but maybe some dirty talk?”

“Anything in particular?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I don’t know. When I, uh, watch porn, it always gets me hot when the people actually talk to each other and sound like they are having fun.”

“OK,”  I said. “I’ll try a few things, and you just say ‘not that’ if something makes you feel a little Ick.”

“Awesome,” she said, hugging me a little tighter.

“Can I ask something from you?”

“What’s that?” she asked, lifting her head to look at me.

“I didn’t even know our school had a dance team until recently. Maybe it’s not the same thing, but could you try a little strip tease for me? I think you’re super cute, and I’d love if you could do that so I can see more of you.”

“Mhmm,” Tala smiled and nodded. “It’s not the same as dance team, but I’ve practised some moves at home for fun. Want to start now?”

“Eagre? “ I asked.

“I can feel your dick getting harder in your pants, and it’s making me hornier than I already was,” she admitted with a blush. “Or is that too much information?”

“Not at all,” I said, then scooted lower and kissed her again. “Tala, show me how horny you are,” I said lowly. “Flash me that sexy body you’ve worked so hard on. I can’t wait to see those pretty little tits of yours, and that fantastic ass that I want to take a bite out of.”

“Mmm,” she hummed happily. “OK, definitely dirty talk like that.”

Soon I was sitting on the end of the bed and Tala had picked a song on her phone and started it playing. She slowly rotated her hips first as she looked away from me. She glanced over her shoulder and then started to dance, swaying and moving like living fluid. It was sexy, but also technical. She worked in volumes, using the entire space between the bed and the door to move close and away from me, standing tall and getting low. She teased me, unbuttoning her sweater and lowering one shoulder and pulling it back up, then the other, and then finally tossing it to me leaving her in just a spaghetti strap tank top and no bra. I could tell because her nipples were already hard and poking the thin fabric. Then she began to tease me with the waist of her tights, pulling them down in the front or the sides, then flashing me part of a buttcheek, then in the front down to her shaved mound but not lower.

Tala turned around again, just a foot in front of me after rotating her body almost like a corkscrew, pressing her hips and chest in opposite directions in a sinuous display, before turning around and bending herself pretty much in half, her ass pointed right at me and her head between her shins as she reached up and peeled her tights down to her thighs but left her panties on, her mound pressing against them between her legs.

“Fuck, you are so amazing,” I said sincerely, making her giggle and blush as she stood back up tall, her back arched to stick her ass out a bit as she gave it a wiggle, her cheeks bouncing a bit.

“Enough,” I grunted. I stood and picked her up by the waist, pulling her with me onto the bed as she laughed with me. I planted a heavy kiss on her, which she returned with gusto, and then I got her on her stomach and kissed her one more time after pulling her tights the rest of the way off of her legs. “I know you said you wanted an oral lesson, but first I can’t wait a moment longer to do this.” I yanked down her panties and dove in, nuzzling between her thighs and cute ass cheeks to get my lips to her cunt.

“Holy fuck!” she groaned. “Oh my gosh, Jerry. Jerry! I- Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!”

Tala wasn’t soaking wet yet, but she was already turned on and the first taste of her on my tongue just made me want more. I ate, and slurped, and tongued, and she writhed her hips and wiggled her bum and tried not to clench her thighs together because that pushed me further away from her. My ears rang with every grunt and girly little gasp, and she reached back, getting her fingers in my hair.

“You taste so good,” I growled a little, crawling up the side of her body and kissing her cheek and then her lips as I slid a finger into her. No hymen, I noted, which wasn’t much of a surprise considering she was such an active person. “Your pussy is super pretty, and your ass is to die for.”

“Don’t,” she gasped a little.

I froze, my finger stopped inside of her. “Don’t what?” I asked for clarity.

“Sorry! I meant don’t die. Don’t die. Keep doing what you’re- oh, fuck yeah. Keep doing that exactly.”

“Not this?” I asked, flicking another finger against her clit hood quickly.

“OK, yeah, do that,” she groaned.

“How about this?” I asked as I slowly started inserting a second finger.

“Yeup, OK, yeah, that too,” she grunted.

I kissed her again and then shifted us because I wanted better access. We moved to the head of the bed - I was still trying to not think of it as my parents’ bed - and as we settled on the pillows I had one arm back over her shoulders, snuggling up next to her as I made out with her a bit more. My other hand pressed against her bare abdomen, then lower to her smooth mound. She spread her legs for me and I explored her pussy lightly, teasingly, with my fingers. She had delicate little inner labia that stuck out and flushed outer labia that had gotten slick from my eating her.

As I teased my middle finger around her hole again I kissed her a few times more lightly on her lips and then pushed my finger in as she cooed softly.

“You are so fucking delicious,” I whispered to her, slowly beginning to finger her again. “But I have to ask, you seem so comfortable with this already. With me being intimate with you.”

Her lips were parted slightly as she breathed deeply, and she blinked a few times to clear her thoughts as she processed my non-question. “Um, I don’t know,” she said. “I just- you’re cute, you’re safe, and every time you touch me it feels really good. It probably helps that I’m so comfortable with my body, but you make it a lot easier.”

I sped up my fingering just a little and started hooking my middle finger a bit more to play against the walls of her pussy and search for where her g-spot was. “Well, it’s impressive how in the moment and comfortable you are,” I whispered, using my other hand to brush some stray hairs from her face. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I think it’s extremely special.”

“Thank you,” she responded quietly.

I fingered her for a bit longer, speeding up and slowing down as we found some grooves that she enjoyed. We made out, and she giggled and moaned. And I found her g-spot and used the knuckle of one finger to press against her clit as I rubbed that little spot inside of her.

“Oh, oh, Jer- Jeremiah!” she gasped, looking up at me with bright, wide eyes in surprise at the feelings rolling up through her. “What- Oh my- Oh my gosh, Jerry. Jerry! Do tha- yeahyeahyeah, do that, oh my- Fuck! My fucking pussy is so fucking- Please don’t stop, please don’t- so close…”

She squeezed her eyes shut and I kissed her ear and whispered. “Come for me when I say now. Just relax your body all at once and let it happen. You are so fucking beautiful, and sexy, and talented and sweet. Are you ready?”

Tala nodded urgently, her entire body straining.

“Do it now,” I said, and I thumbed hard on her clit hood and pressed against her g-spot inside and just sort of shook her cunt. It felt like her pussy tried to suck me in as a wet sloshing quickly filled the air and she began to leak.

“Oh my gaaaaaaaawd,” Tala screamed as she came, letting loose a leaky wave of juices as her eyes rolled back. She was loud enough that I had to grab her and muffle her mouth with my free hand as she let loose another wordless yell of orgasm as I didn’t let up. Her loud panting told me she was eventually coming down, and I let go of her mouth and stopped frigging her cunt and slowly pumped my finger in and out of her a few more times before sliding it out and just resting my palm against her hot core.

“Holy- Frick-,” Tala panted, still trying to catch her breath. “That was- holy-”

I just grinned and kissed her, and she kissed me back ravenously. She rolled her body without separating our lips, getting up on her knees. “I want to do something as good for you,” she said, looking at me earnestly. “That was so fucking amazing. I’ve never squirted before, even with a vibrator. Teach me how you like your cock sucked? Please can I give you my first blowjob?”

What could I do except laugh and help her to get my pants and boxers off? “Wow,” she said, looking at my hard cock as it stood up before her.

“You can do whatever you want with it,” I said. “Just don’t punch me in the nuts or bite me. Have fun with it, that’s the most important part. The more I see you like doing it, the hotter it’ll be for me.”

“Well, I really want to do it,” she grinned and wrapped her hand around the base of my cock, then kissed me hard. Then, still on her knees, she began to explore her first dick. She felt me all over with her hands and explored down to my sack and softly squeezed there, then back up to my shaft. Little licks to test the taste turned into big licks as she tossed her hair over her shoulder so she could look at my expression as she played. Then licks turned kisses, to sucking, and then to slurping loudly.

I gave her feedback mostly through happy groans, running my fingers through her hair and down her body to her ass. She was taking about half my cock in her mouth, humming and moaning, when I palmed her closer ass cheek and dipped my fingers down to her pussy, wetting them, and then teased up into her crack and along her asshole. Her eyes went wide when I did that, and I just massaged her asshole lightly and didn’t put any pressure dangerous enough to push through her anus. When she felt I wasn’t going to actually push in she relaxed more, and the massage seemed to turn her on as she moaned harder.

“So, how’s it feel to be a fantastic little cocksucker?” I asked, going back to the dirty talk.

“Awesome,” she grinned, coming off my cock. “It’s so hard but soft in my mouth at the same time. And when you let out those little beads of precum on my tongue? God, that’s a weird taste but it makes my nipples tingle.”

“Speaking of which,” I said, reaching under her and brushing over her breasts that were still covered by her tank top. “I would love to get a chance to play with those pretty little nips.”

She coyly took the head of my cock back in her mouth and wiggled her eyebrows a little, and I laughed and pulled her shirt up until her tits were exposed under her. They were smaller, maybe B cups or big A’s, but fit her body and still softly drooped under her. I teased her nipples much as I had her asshole, just lightly massaging and playing with them. We’d skipped over a lot of foreplay elements, but I was definitely OK with that.

Tala popped off of me, panting as she stuck out her tongue like a dog for a moment, and then grinned at me. “Think I can deepthroat you? I always thought that looked hot in porn.”

“You can try,” I said. “And it is super hot and feels amazing for me. The best I can suggest is that you need to try and trick yourself into relaxing and swallowing to open up your throat. It’s not a big deal if you can’t though, OK? It takes practice.”

Tala gave it a valiant attempt, gagging and spitting and trying to force her way down, but she never made it fully. “I think you’re too thick,” she gasped, coming off.

“I think you just need practice with another angle,” I said. She was still kneeling next to me, leaning down over my cock.

“Maybe next time,” she shrugged. “Are you ready to, um-?”

“I am,” I smiled and pulled her towards me, kissing her messy, spit-covered lips. “I am if you are.”

“I so am,” she agreed. “Was it easy between you and Lauren?”

“Kind of,” I said. “It was both of our first time so there was some awkwardness, but we figured it out.” I wasn’t about to tell her about the other things that went on. But thinking about that first time with Lauren reminded me of something I hadn’t thought of. “I, uh, wasn’t expecting this so I don’t have a condom,” I said.

“It’s OK, I brought one,” Tala said, but her voice slowed as she reached ‘one’ and she had a realization. “That I, uh, left in my car.”

“Mm,” I said. “I can go get it if you want?”

She made a face, partially not wanting me to leave her side, partially listening to the sound of music and voices coming muffled from downstairs.

“I’m on the pill,” she said.

“I’ll pull out,” I promised.

She kissed me.

“Any particular position you want to try first?” I asked her. “On top makes it easier for you to control if you want.”

“Doggy,” she said immediately, then blushed. “I, um, that’s my favourite position to watch, and I fantasize about it a lot.”

“OK,” I smiled and then kissed her forehead. “Doggy it is. Hands and knees, or bent over the side of the bed? Bent over will let me be closer to you for the first part.”

“Let’s do that,” she nodded, and soon Tala was bent over the edge of the bed with her cute tush pointed back at me. I adjusted her a little, shifting one leg up onto the bed to help spread her a little more open, and then I peeled off my shirt and got in close and hugged her from behind and above as my cock rested along the cleft of her ass.

“You are an amazing woman,” I whispered to her as I held her. “I never even dreamed that we would be doing this, but I’m so happy we are. I promise to make this as special as I can for you, OK?”

She sighed happily and turned to kiss me. “Take my virginity, Jerry. I’m ready. I want it. Use that big frigging cock and skewer me. I want to feel you inside me the proper way.”

I shifted, not lifting my chest from her back, keeping us connected. One hand still hugging around her, I used the other to shift my cock into position and run the head along her slit. She gasped and wiggled at the feeling, and I bumped the head against her clit a couple of times before slotting it into place. The head nudged through her lips and lined up against her inner hole.

“Ready?” I asked.

‘God, yes. Fuck me,” Tala sighed.

I pushed in slowly, feeling her walls clench and shudder at this new feeling for her.

“Oh, fuck,” Tala sighed. “Gosh that feels weird but so good. It’s so warm inside me. I- fuck, Jerry, your cock. Gosh, it feels like you're stretching my pussy.”

“That’s because I am stretching your pussy,” I groaned happily. “You feel so fucking good, Tal. Every time you shudder like that, every time you squeeze. Fuck.”

I went slowly until I was about two-thirds inside of her, and then she got impatient and slammed her ass up at me, taking me the rest of the way and making us both grunt and then groan.

“Impatient much?” I asked.

“So fucking full,” she grinned with a sloppy sexuality.

I sat buried in her for a bit, and then softly withdrew an inch and then pushed back in. She groaned and panted softly.

“Ready to fuck?” I asked.

“So ready,” she agreed.

She pulled her other leg up onto the bed, getting her ass up and then raising onto her hands as I raised my torso from her. Tala moved first, rocking back and forth on my cock, and then I started stroking with her, and we found a rhythm.

I could only imagine what it would have been like if this had been my first time as well - likely we’d be done already. Tala’s cunt was tight, she had a natural grace in the way she moved her body that rolled her hips and torso and sent shivers up my spine starting at my cock and ending somewhere in my brainstem. She tossed her hair and looked back at me with hooded, lusty eyes as she cooed with a rhythmic vibrato to match our rising pace.

“I’m sure you’ve been complimented on your eyes, and your looks, and your skills and talents and your body before,” I said, still thrusting into her. “But I’m going to give you a compliment that I’m sure you’ve never gotten.”

She gave me an incredulous look. “What are you talking about?”

“You have a super cute asshole,” I said, and put my thumb to it and massaged it like I had earlier.

Her body jerked a bit, her back arching as her one eye twitched heavily and her jaw dropped in a moan. That made us both start laughing and I kept massaging it.

“You’re right, I’ve never heard that one. But I think it might just be my favourite from now on, just between you and me,” she grinned.

“Alright,” I said. “Want to try something else, or go harder like this?”

“Are- mmmm- are you close to finishing?” she asked.

“No,” I said confidently. “We have plenty of time.”

“Harder, then,” she said with an eager grin.

“Alright, reach under with one hand and diddle your sexy little clit, and I’ll rock your world.”

“Bring it, baby,” she grinned.

And I did just that. She moaned and groaned, and called out to God and to me, as I fucked her faster and adjusted my angle a couple of times to press on different parts of her. I realized after a few minutes that she was getting tense, her pussy squeezing harder. “Are you holding back your orgasm?” I panted.

“Am I not supposed to?” she asked. “I thought that’s what you told me to do?”

“Fuck, that’s so fucking hot,” I said. “Tala, doing it will make them bigger for sure if you like that, but you don’t need to do it all the time. Do you want more smaller ones, or another big one?”

“Um… um… big? Like that last one,” she gasped.

“Then hold it until I say,” I said. “And don’t you dare slip.”

“OK,” she nodded with a grin.

We fucked, and I surprised her with a spank on her ass. She yelped and gasped as she looked back at me, but her eyes weren’t angry, so I spanked her other cheek and her expression twitched and she moaned. I did it again, then pressed my thumb to her asshole again, and I could feel her tipping.

“Not yet,” I told her.

“Kaaaay,” she groaned, her body tensing as she fought her release.

I got up and over her on the bed, fucking down into her as I craned my neck to meet her in a kiss and get one hand under her to grab her breasts and tweak her nipples harder than before. This new sensation made her lose her strength in her arms and she collapsed her face to the mattress. I grabbed a pillow and pulled her head up by her hair to get it under her.

“When I say now, you relax like last time and you scream into the pillow,” I told her.

“OK,” she gulped.

“Are you still holding your orgasm like a good little slut?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she squeaked and nodded.

“Is it right there on the tip of your tongue, burning in your nipples, and simmering beneath your skin?”

“Mhmmm!” her hum rose in pitch.

“Are you having fun losing your virginity, you sexy bitch?” I asked.

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Now,” I told her, and she slammed her face into the pillow as she howled her orgasm, her legs quaking and her cunt clamping down on me as I pounded and ground my cock inside of her, grinding forward against her and feeling her ass clench over and over against my pelvis.

It took nearly two full minutes for Tala to start coming back around, breathing heavily. I pulled myself out of her, watching her pretty little pussy gape and flex for a long moment, and I pulled her onto her side and spooned up behind her, re-inserting myself as she groaned.

“That. Was. Amazing,” she gasped.

“You’re amazing,” I said.

“What position is this?” she asked.

“Spooning,” I said. “It’s softer and more intimate.” I showed her as such by nuzzling the crook of her neck and kissing her there.

“It’s so nice,” she said softly.

“Which part?” I asked.

“All of it,” she shrugged. “Feeling so full with you inside me. Feeling your hands on me, your hunger for me. Are you close now?”

“Closer,” I said. “Something else you want to try?”

She shook her head. “This is amazing already,” she said.

“How do you want me to finish?” I asked her.

“On my face,” she said definitively. “I want to taste your cum, and I want to see what I look like with a facial.”

I obliged her, and we fucked slowly for a bit and I encouraged her not to hold the next orgasm, and it slowly crawled through her like a lazy wave instead of the tsunamis she’d already experienced. Then I pulled out of her, straddled her chest, and stroked myself as she looked up at me with those big brown eyes of hers and opened her mouth.

My orgasm rose and erupted six big streaks of cum across her face and in her mouth, making her giggle and laugh as she felt it. When I was done I lowered my cock head and she gamely took it between her lips, sucking softly.

Tala wanted to see what she looked like and directed me to take a picture of her with her phone. She thought it looked hot, but also funny, and she asked me to promise not to ever show it to anyone except Lauren and sent it to me.

I helped her get cleaned up in the en suite, another reminder we were in my parent’s bedroom, and when the cum was off of her and we were both wiped up, we returned to where we had started at the foot of the bed.

“So?” I asked. “Everything you were hoping for?”

“Yes, absolutely,” Tala said as she sat close to me and rested her head on my shoulder, holding my hand. She was practically glowing as she grinned. She leaned up and kissed me passionately. “Thank you so much. Next time I definitely want to try and deepthroat you again, and try some more positions.”

“Next time?” I asked.

“O- Oh, right,” she said, a note of surprise on her face. “I…”

“I would love for there to be a next time,” I assured her, hugging her to me. “I was just surprised is all. We’ll talk to Lauren, I have a feeling she’ll be fine with it.”

“Really?” Tala asked.

“Really,” I nodded and kissed her softly. “She may even want to join in. Think you’d want to try a threesome?”

“I… never really thought about it,” Tala blushed.

“Well, if you want, it’s probably on the table. You just need to talk with us openly, OK? Ask for what you want.”

“OK,” she nodded. “Jeremiah, thank you.”

“Thank you for sharing this with me,” I said, squeezing her in a hug. “You’re an amazing lover.”

That title made her giggle a bit. “Lover, jeesh,” she said. “Never thought I’d be called that.”

“Would you prefer amazing slut?” I asked.

That made her roll her eyes and peck my lips. “Lover works, just between us. You ever call me that at school and I might die of embarrassment.”

We got dressed, and at the door to the room we stood and I kissed her again, holding her by her pretty face and pouring what I was feeling into the kiss, trying to make this last moment as special as I could.

When we separated she was beaming from ear to ear, and we squeezed hands one last time before I unlocked the door and we stepped out into the party. Nothing was going on upstairs yet, but the noise coming from the main floor was pretty significant and as we descended the stairs I saw there had to be at least thirty people in the front hall and living room. The lights were dimmed and music was on, though not blasting enough that we would be getting a noise complaint.

I recognized a lot of the people as fellow seniors, and as soon as I set foot off the stairs I started getting high fives and cheers for throwing a great party. I had nothing to do with it, but I guess it was my house so I’d get some of the credit. The odd thing was that, as I got my bearings and I hugged Tala before she slipped away to join some friends, I could feel the sexual tension in the room between people. And when I saw someone go in for a tipsy kiss, I felt a little trickle - barely a raindrop, but noticeable - of power add to my pool.

“Hey, baby,” Lauren said, finding me as she was making her way from the dining room towards the kitchen. She pulled me into a hug and a kiss, then brought her lips to my ear. “How was it?” she asked quietly.

“Really good,” I said. “She’s a sweet girl, and a little feisty and curious to explore. She, ah, wants there to be a next time.”

“Awesome,” Lauren grinned, pulling back and looking at me with happiness in her eyes. “Tala is great, and hot. And you’re right, she is very sweet. What did you tell her?”

“That she should talk to us about it,” I said.

“Perfect, babe,” Lauren grinned and kissed me again. “OK, Lindsey texted asking if the you-know-what are working. What can I tell her?”

“They are, I’m pretty sure,” I said. “Kissing doesn’t exactly generate much, so we’ll see if things get wilder.”

“Sounds good,” Lauren nodded.

“How are things down here?” I asked.

“Great,” she nodded. “Nothing too wild, Stacey has a bunch of her old friends out in the kitchen and on the deck in the backyard. People are having fun. Are you ready for your next surprise?”

“There’s another one?” I asked.

“Of course there’s another one, Jerry,” Lauren said. “You are the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world, and you do that for all three- all four of us. So yes, there’s another surprise.”

“Alright,” I nodded. “I’m ready, what’s the next surprise?”

Lauren turned me and pointed across the living room. “You know Aidra, right?”

“Of course I do,” I said. “We have classes together. But she’s dating that guy, um, Boston.”

“Brenton, actually,” Lauren said. “But that’s where the surprise comes in. You, baby, are going to have a two-guy one-girl threesome to see if you like it or not. Your girls will never do that, because we’re all yours, but it’s bound to come up in the future so we thought it was important you try it sooner than later with someone you like, but isn’t yours.”

I dropped my jaw and looked at Lauren. Aidra was definitely someone I liked - she was a cute little goth girl with black dyed hair, a spunky personality and a penchant for sarcasm that tickled my writer's brain. We had multiple classes together every year since she was also into a lot of the same things as I was in terms of literature and the social sciences, and she wanted to write thrillers and TV shows. But I wasn’t sure about this threesome at all.

“Remember your promise, babe,” Lauren said.

I snapped my jaw shut and breathed out my nose. If Aidra and Brenton were open to it… I would try it. “OK,” I said. “I trust you, and I love you,” I said.

“Good,” Lauren grinned and kissed my cheek. “There’s also a secret bonus surprise in it, so have fun.”

She turned and waved over to Aidra and Brenton, and Aidra immediately popped up off of his lap where they had been sitting on the couch and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to us. “Hey, Jerry,” she said with a lascivious smile, obviously already knowing full well what the plan was. “Great party. Everything good to go?”

“I guess,” I said. “If this is something you both want.”

“Oh, we want,” Aidra nodded with a grin.

“Brenton?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’re doing this,” he nodded. He was clearly more nervous about this than Aidra was but didn’t seem to be getting forced into it or actually reluctant.

“You sure?” I asked, making sure to clarify.

“Yes, yeah,” he nodded again, more assured.

“OK,” I said.

“Where are we doing this?” Aidra asked.

“Upstairs,” Lauren said. She leaned in and kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear. “Stacey will have changed the sheets already, don’t worry.”

I kissed her, and she fed me a little tongue to reassure me this was part of the Harem’s plan. “Have fun, babe,” she said with a grin.

Aidra grabbed my hand, grinning up at me. “Lead the way, Jerry.”

I lead the way, up the stairs with a feeling like I had fifty people watching me escort a couple up to the bedrooms. It was weird.

Aidra didn’t let go of my hand, and I led them both down to the master bedroom and in. Lauren was right, the sheets had already been changed on the bed, and I wondered how Stacey had known to do it so quickly. Aidra finally let go of my hand as I turned to close and lock the door, and then I turned back to face them.

“Alright. Threesome,” I said. “Um… any ground rules?”

“Oral and vaginal only,” Aidra said. “No ass play, unless you two want to do it to each other but I’m pretty sure that’s a no from both of you.”

“Definitely,” I agreed, and Brenton nodded.

“Kissing is OK before or after, but not during,” Aidra said. “The point of this is that I want to be overwhelmed by cock, so if my mouth isn’t sucking dick and is kissing, something is going wrong. Other than that… um, Brenton?”

“This isn’t a cuck thing,” Brenton said. “Aidra wants to try it, so we’re trying it. That’s all.”

“OK, noted,” I said. “Condoms?”

“IUD,” Aidra said, patting her stomach. She was dressed in a cute little black outfit of thigh-high black socks, black jean booty shorts and some sort of a faded band t-shirt under a loose black sweater that hung open with long tails at the front.

“Anything you two specifically want to try?” I asked.

“I’ll let you know,” she grinned. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

“Well, before we start, I want that kiss,” I said.

“OK,” Aidra chirped, then turned and went on her tiptoes to kiss Brenton with a strong peck before turning to me and pressing her body to mine as I leaned down to kiss her.

The kiss I got was much more than she gave her boyfriend - she hummed lightly in pleasure as she immediately fed me her tongue, and I met her in kind as I grabbed her ass through her shorts. When we parted she was grinning, but I didn’t let go of her ass. Instead, I looked over her head to Brenton. “Still good with this?”

“Yeah, it’s fine,” he said after taking in a breath.

“Alright,” I said. I turned back down to Aidra and kissed her again, which she hungrily accepted. Then I leaned a little further and whispered in her ear. “I feel really lucky you picked me for this. I think you’re as cool and cute and sexy as you know you are.”

She kissed my cheek before I pulled away, and winked at me. It seemed like my ‘flirt by being blunt about how I feel’ tactic was working overtime tonight.

“Alright,” Aidra said, pulling off her sweater and letting it drop to the floor. “Everyone get naked.”

We did. I was the first one stripped, if only because I didn’t have a bra to deal with. Aidra licked her lips when my cock came into view. I licked my lips right back when her little breasts popped out, probably about the same size as Tala’s but Aidra was shorter and so they looked a little bigger on her. She had pretty little softly brown areolas and nipples. Then she dropped her jean shorts and her thong, revealing a small pentagram shaven into her pubes, with her lips bare.

“Very cute,” I laughed.

“I thought so,” she grinned, pushing her pelvis out and looking down, framing it with her hands and giving me a better look at both the pentagram and her lips.

Brenton was the last one naked, hesitating before dropping his boxers. To be honest, the guy didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. He was probably average or a little over - but that was coming from me, whose first magical spell was to make my cock bigger. I couldn’t really talk.

“Mmmm,” Aidra grinned, dropping to her knees and humming happily as she looked at the two cocks before her. She’d left her thigh-high knit socks on. “This is a fantasy come true! Where to start?”

She reached for and wrapped a hand around each of us, pulling us closer, and then she tilted my cock up and licked along the underside as she met my eyes. It was fucking hot. Then she turned and did the same thing to Brenton, and then sat back and giggled as she stroked both dicks. “Yep. This is awesome,” she grinned. “Thanks for this, guys.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Brenton grunted, thrusting his cock in her hand a little.

Aidra laughed and took Brenton in her mouth and started blowing him. Watching it while she slowly stroked my cock with her off-hand was hot, but weird. I’d watched threesome porn like this before, but it wasn’t my favourite, and living through it was…

Well, suffice it to say I would have preferred if one of my girls was up here with us instead.

Aidra swapped off of Brenton, stroking him quickly with the lube of her spit, and took my cock head in her mouth as she moaned happily.

“God, I had no idea you were such a cockhungry slut,” I said teasingly, reaching down and brushing some of her black bangs out of her eyes. Aidra said something back, but her mouth was full of cock. “What was that?” I asked.

“You never asked,” Aidra said, spitting me out. She swapped to Brenton.

To be honest, since I wasn’t that into the visual of the two-cock blowjob, getting half of the blowjob time meant I wasn’t really getting my rocks off. Aidra was definitely having fun though, and I made sure to play along with her and give her lots of happy grunts and eye contact when she was paying attention to me.

The more interesting thing going on was that I could feel the larger-than-normal amount of magical energy I was pulling in. It wasn’t just one-more-person amount of energy, and it felt like it swirled around in my pool before it ‘landed’ per se. I had to wonder if it had something to do with the runes because I was also starting to feel more little trickles starting to pour in as the sexual tension between people rose downstairs at the party.

Aidra tried to take me deeper and gagged, then did it again and got the head of my cock in her throat but gagged again.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

“Little thick,” she gasped. Then she turned and took Brenton in her mouth and pushed her nose into his pelvis as she deepthroated him fairly easily.

“Oh my God,” he groaned in pleasure.

Aidra came off and turned back to me more fully, grabbing my cock at the base and my balls in her other hand as she forced my cock deep into her mouth and then down her throat. I groaned loudly as she did it, and she stopped herself at her hand and slowly lifted her fingers, taking me deeper, but stopped at her pinky as she looked up at me with tears forming in her eyes. There was a question, or a request, in them.

I grabbed her hair and pulled it to the back of her head, and then used it as a handle to force the last half inch into her throat as she moaned deep in her chest. Then I pulled her off of me and let her gasp for breath.

“God damn, Aidra,” I sighed. “Why don’t you ever wear your hair up? You look so fucking hot with it back like that.”

“Do I?” she asked with a grin.

“Babe, I tell you that all the time,” Brenton said.

“No you don’t,” she said. “You just tell me you want me to grow out my bangs.”

“OK, you two,” I said with a slight smirk.

She took me in her mouth again, looking up at me, and then she turned back and took both Brenton and I in her hands and stroked us. “I’m ready for more, how about you boys?”

She moved us to the bed, and soon I was laying back with my legs spread while Aidra started to make lewd love to my cock with her mouth and tongue as she stared into my eyes, while Brenton entered her from behind.

To be honest, I got a lot more view of Brenton than I would have liked in this position, so I had to focus a lot more on Aidra’s eyes as we connected. She played with my cock, teasing me with her tongue all over, then dipped down to my balls and took them in her mouth. Then she reached back and stopped Brenton and we changed position.

“Fuck my face, Jerry,” she moaned. She was on her back with her head hanging off the edge of the bed, her legs spread as Brenton slid inside of her.

I did as instructed, sliding my cock between her lips and starting to thrust into her mouth. I tested her throat and she swallowed me quickly, and soon I was fucking her throat and pulling out every thirty seconds or so to let her breathe. I used her tits as handholds, squeezing her nipples between my fingers, and she arched her back to press her chest up to my touch. This made her core flex, and I was surprised to see her abs showing in a cute little eight-pack.

“Jesus, Aidra,” I said, sliding my hands down from her tits to her torso and over her muscles. “You are so fucking hot.”

She hummed happily, reaching down to my hands and running them over her muscles one more time before pulling them back up to her tits.

All at once Brenton pulled out and fell back from her, grabbing his cock and squeezing it hard as he tried to stop himself from coming. I pulled off of Aidra as well, and she coughed once and gasped in a lungful of air before flipping over onto her stomach and turning a 180 to nuzzle against Brenton’s cock.

“Almost popped, babe?” she asked. “Let me just tease you for a bit.” And she started doing just that while she wiggled her butt back at me and shifted her stance on her knees to give me access.

I slid into her and felt her pussy accept me like a warm, wet handshake. She groaned in her throat and flexed her buttcheeks as I went deeper, but Brenton had already opened her up a bit and soon I was sawing my cock into her at a good pace as she cooed and gulped little gasps in between licking and teasing him.

“God, you have a nice ass,” I said, giving her a little spank. She slammed her pelvis back at me after that, bouncing her cheeks off of me and my balls on her clit, so I did it again. I then palmed her cheeks and spread them, planning to drop a wad of spit down where we were met but seeing a white, creamy substance stretching over my cock and her pussy. “Wow, Aidra,” I grunted. “You are so fucking creamy right now. That’s hot.”

“I am?” she asked, turning from Brenton’s dick to look back at me confused.

“Yeah,” I said. “Is that not normal for you?”

“Did you come in me?” she turned to ask Brenton.

“No, I swear,” he said.

I reached in and scooped my finger around her perineum and across my shaft, gathering a fingerful, then drove myself deep into her as I leaned forward to show her. “It’s grool,” I said. “It’s just natural lube, I’ve seen it before and it’s hot. It just means you’re super horny and enjoying this.”

“Well, I am,” Aidra grinned, and then she surprised Brenton and I when she took that finger in her mouth and sucked off her own grool with a moan.

I went back to fucking, and she went back to sucking Brenton, and soon he was sitting up higher on his knees and was fucking her mouth as I fucked her pussy. I slapped her ass and hammered her hard a couple of times when I felt her getting closer to her orgasm, then reached under and started fingering her slimy clit. That set her off, and she yelled into Brenton’s dick as he fucked her lips. The vibrations set Brenton off, and he groaned that he was coming and then let loose in her mouth as he held her head still.

Brenton finished first, falling back onto the bed and breathing hard, and the last of Aidra’s orgasm had her mewling as she slammed her cunt back at me hard three times and then clenched.

I slowly stepped back, letting my cock slip from her, and she rolled to her side and held up a finger to me. “One sec,” she panted. Then she surprised me by not catching her breath or something, but rather getting up and stumbling towards the en suite bathroom. From where I was I could see her go to the sink and run the water, quickly washing her face and then rinsing her mouth and spitting a couple of times before coming back into the bedroom. She came right to me and pushed me to sit on the bed up at the headboard, and then she climbed up and straddled me and slowly sat down on my cock in one go.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she groaned happily as I watched her pretty, darkly flushed cunt lips spread and stretch around my shaft, her little clit hood and labia swollen and creamy from her arousal. Once she was all the way down she panted a couple of times and then leaned forward and kissed me. My hands naturally went up and palmed her breasts, holding her there for a moment.

“What happened to no kissing during?” I asked.

“The threesome’s over,” Aidra said and glanced back at Brenton. I looked around her and saw he was passed out and asleep near the foot of the bed. “He’ll be out for at least fifteen minutes, so it’s just you and me.”

She kissed me again hungrily, slowly starting to ride my cock.

“You really are something else,” I gasped as the kiss came to an end.

“God, I should have fucked you earlier,” she gasped back. “I crushed on you so hard in 10th grade.”

“Really?” I asked. “You did?”

“Oh, fuck yeah,” she said. “When you were the only guy in English to memorize the entire Hamlet soliloquy? Hot as hell to twisted little me. But you were always gonna be Lauren’s, so I never hinted.”

“Wow,” I said.

She smirked. “Turned out alright though, didn’t it?”

“I guess it did,” I said with a smile.

She kissed me again, running her hands along my chest and then up into my hair, and then back down to my chest. “Fuck, this is a great cock. And you know how to use it.”

“You’ve got an amazing body yourself,” I said. “Along with being whip-smart, cool and mysterious. And you a talented tongue.”

“I try,” she grinned. “Do you want my ass now? I’d let you fuck my ass.”

“What happened to no ass play?” I asked.

She shrugged. “For you, a Seat of Fertility? I’d definitely let you be the first.”

I was flattered for a moment, and then I clued into what she’d said as I blinked in surprise. “You know?” I asked.

She grinned and nodded. “Surprise,” she teased. “Lauren wasn’t sure if you would figure it out or not when we started fucking.”

“I didn’t,” I said. “The energy feels different, but not so different and there’s some other stuff going on that’s probably making it harder to tell.”

“Well, I definitely want to hear about that,” she said. “But, ah, ass?”

“I would love to, but not while you’re dating Brenton and have an understanding with him,” I said. “I don’t want to be a cheater.”

Aidra shrugged. “OK. Next time, then. I was thinking about breaking up with him soon anyways. I think I want to date girls more, maybe find myself a sub to play Mistress with.”

“That’s hot,” I grinned.

“Think so?” she asked with her own grin.

“Definitely,” I nodded. She was still slowly riding me, and I leaned in and kissed her again, our tongues teasing each other. “Alright. What sort of magic?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m a full-blown witch,” Aidra said. “Just like my mother, and hers, and hers, and so on. I can put hexes on people, or if I save up enough power I can give boons. It’s not as wild as the stories about witches, it’s mostly just luck magic.”

“That’s so cool,” I said.

“Says the guy who can do whatever magic he wants,” she said.

I shrugged. “Still cool as shit.”

“Thanks,” she grinned and kissed me. “Now, if you aren’t going to take my ass, you need to fuck me hard, Jerry. Make me dream about you for the next week.”

I rolled us over and did just that, pounding into her as I pressed her legs back to her tits. Then I pulled out of her, smeared my hand across her pussy and down my cock to gather up her grool, and I fucked back into her with a long stroke before pinning her down with my body weight and offering my hand to her face.

“Kinky,” she grinned and then started licking her creamy juices off of my palm and fingers.

We swapped positions again once my hand was clean, with me leaning back against the headboard and her lining up and sitting down on me sideways. This let me cradle her against my chest with a hand on her ass and another bundling her legs at her thighs, and then using that leverage to lift her smaller body and use her like a sex toy, sawing my cock between her cunt lips.

“Oh, fuck, baby,” she groaned, turning and kissing me as I kept sliding her up and down my cock. “That’s so fucking good. It feels so fucking good. Use my little witch hole. God, your cock is- Fuck. My mother warned me about this, you know? Said you’d ruin other men for me. I think you are. Fuck!”

“I’m close,” I groaned.

“What’s the best place for you?” she asked me. “What will get you the most out of this?”

“Filling you up,” I said.

“Do it,” she groaned. “Fill my cunt. Fill my womb. Put that Seat seed inside of me and I’ll carry it with me, marked as yours. God, I want to feel it, Jeremiah. My cunt is so fucking thirsty for it. I’m your little witch whore. Your hex slut. Hah! That’s it, baby. Use me and fill. Me. Up.”

I came, groaning hard, unloading inside of Aidra, and she came as well, squeezing her legs together as she shuddered, which just made her pussy all the tighter a clench as I did, in fact, fill her up.

We panted together, and she looked up into my eyes with a little smile on her lips. I’d always thought Aidra was cute, but that was it physically. Now I knew her as a sexual dynamo, and I don’t think I could ever think of her as ‘just cute’ again.

I kissed her hard, and she moaned and put her hand to my cheek and caressed me softly as she kissed me back.

“Mmmgh,” Brenton groaned, starting to wake up.

Aidra rolled her eyes with a little smile, kissed me one last time, and then dismounted from me and cupped her hand to her pussy to stop herself from leaking. She got off the bed and went around to the end. “Brenton,” she said, shaking him fully awake. “Come on, threesome’s over. Let’s go get cleaned up.”

‘Huh?” Brenton said, blinking. “Oh. Alright.” He followed Aidra into the en suite, and she started the shower and the two of them quickly rinsed off, though Aidra kept her hair and face out of the water spray to preserve her makeup, which was only slightly more smudged than usual.

When they came back out to get dressed I already had my boxers on. Aidra slipped on her black jean booty shorts, then her bra, before coming over to me. “Thanks,” she said, leaning over to me on the bed and giving me a kiss. “That was a lot of fun. But definitely the only double-dick threesome I need. Fantasy checked off the bucket list.”

“It was interesting, and you were hot as hell,” I said. “Brenton, no offence, but I still found it a little weird doing it with another guy around.”

“Dude, no worries. Felt the same way,” he said.

Aidra kissed me again, just a quick peck, but as she did it she slipped her thong into my hand and when she pulled away she winked and mouthed, ‘I’ll call you.’

They left first, and I slowly got up and shook my head before getting dressed. First a virgin, then a threesome with an honest-to-God witch. The girls really outdid themselves.

I checked the bed and found that the top sheet needed changing, but the rest were fine, so I stripped it off and found where Stacey had stashed the last bedding in the walk-in closet. I left it there for the time being, figuring we’d probably be sleeping in the master bedroom that night anyways if the other rooms were being made use of.

Speaking of which, I could feel my pool of power growing at a faster rate. When I focused I could sense a few specific streams coming in, plus a bunch more kissing or other sexual tension drops. Based on the size, and assuming I probably didn’t get the full potential through the runes, I guessed that there were two blowjobs going on somewhere in the house and one couple having sex.

Someone was having sex in my house.


I finished getting dressed and went into the bathroom and found the air freshener and came out and sprayed it around the room and the bed before leaving. Shutting the door behind me, I took a couple steps down the hallway and immediately could feel the difference in the house - there wasn’t anyone else in the upstairs hallway, but I could hear a few girls in the washroom I shared with Stacey gossiping as they did… something? More so, the doors to my room and Stacey's were both closed instead of open.

And it sounded like someone was having sex in Stacey’s room. Which meant there was probably a blowjob going on in mine.

“So fucking weird,” I mumbled to myself.

I went downstairs and the party was still in full swing. It was only about 10pm, a couple of hours to midnight still, but things had gotten… hotter. Like, physically. There were so many people in the house, with dancing and laughing and beer pong and all sorts of party stuff happening that the windows were fogged up.

Scanning the living room, I didn’t see Lauren or Stacey, though Tala did wave to me with a smile from the far corner where she and a group of girls were playing flip-cup. I smiled and waved back, but stepped off the stairs to look for my girls. They weren’t in the kitchen, where it seemed like Stacey’s college-aged friends were still hanging out, or in the dining room, so I headed down into the basement. There were more people down here, and louder music was playing with the lights off and just some coloured party lights on. People were dancing close together, grinding and making out, and part of me wanted to get in on that with Lauren. I didn’t see her around, though.

I did, however, notice Jay was sitting in his usual spot on our gaming couch, except instead of a controller in his hands he had a girl in his lap making out with him. He must have felt me staring because he broke his kiss and looked around, spotting me. His face brightened and he waved me over, saying something to the girl.

“Hey, Jay,” I said loudly over the music when I managed to squeeze my way around a few different dancing groups to reach him.

“Hey!” he said. “This is Clarissa!”

I blinked and then looked at the girl again. She was fit, with blonde hair and a big smile. She was in a tight pair of jeans and a light flannel short-sleeved blouse that was unbuttoned down most of her cleavage, showing off her bra.

“Canada Clarissa?” I asked. “Holy shit, you’re real?!”

“Of course I’m real,” Clarissa laughed.

“She came down to visit me,” Jay beamed.

Clarissa grinned and turned, kissing Jay again.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “When did you come down?”

“Two days ago,” Jay said. “Dude, answer your texts. Fuck.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve had a lot going on,” I said. I looked to Clarissa. “When do you leave? I’d love to get to know the girl who swept Jay off his feet.”

“The fourth,” Clarissa said. “So you better figure out that stuff and get back to Jamie. Great party, though!”

“Thanks,” I said. “Jay, I’m glad you made it. Did Benji-?”

“No,” he said. “Lauren didn’t invite him and told me not to tell him. I think you should have, but it’s not my party.”

“OK. Have fun, dude,” I said. “Nice to meet you, Clarissa. I’d want to talk, but you two seem busy and I’m looking for Lauren.”

“Cool,” he said and offered me a high five. Then he looked thoughtful and glanced around. “Hey, do you mind if I, uh, show Clarissa your room?”

Barf. “Uh, yeah, that’s fine,” I said. “If you can find it empty. I think someone was in there.”

He flashed me a thumbs-up, and I went back through the crowd and upstairs to the main floor again.

“Hey, hon,” Stacey said when she saw me come out of the basement. She swept me up into a hug and I could tell she’d had a couple of drinks but wasn’t tipsy enough to risk anything coming out by accident in front of witnesses.

“Hey, Stace,” I said and hugged her back and gave her a chaste little kiss on the cheek. “You and Lauren really outdid yourselves.”

“Definitely nailed it,” she agreed with a grin. “First Grant party is a hit so far. Knock on wood.” We both knocked on the basement door. “How were Surprise One and Surprise Two?”

“Great,” I said. “Amazing. I can’t believe either of them happened.”

Stacey was smirking a little. “Lauren said Surprise 1 might get an encore?”

“Suprise 2 might as well, actually,” I said. “Not like that, but, ah, solo surprised- Oh, you know what I mean.”

“Sure, whatever,” Stacey grinned.

“Need me to do anything?” I asked her.

“Nope, not a thing,” she said. “You do need to find Lauren, though.”

“I was just looking for her, but why?”

“Because Surprise 3 is ready to go,” Stacey said.

“Another one?”

“Another one.”

I wracked my brain and couldn’t think of anything they could top the last two surprises with unless it was some famous celebrity.

“No, I’m not giving you a hint,” Stacey laughed when she saw the look on my face.

“Fine, fine,” I said. “I just-”

“Guess who?” someone said as they covered my eyes from behind.

“Hello, Lauren,” I said and turned in her arms, sweeping her into a hug and kissing her deeply.

“Hey, baby,” she grinned. “Stacey tell you that there’s one more surprise tonight?”

“Ah, so this is the last one,” I grinned.

“Damn, I guess we can’t keep you guessing anymore,” Lauren laughed. “Yes, babe, this is the climax of the night. How was the Aidra situation?”

“Weird,” I said. “Definitely not my jam. I’d do it again for the right reason, but I’m not looking for it. Aidra, though… she was a big surprise.”

“I thought you’d like that,” Lauren said. “She’s cute as hell. Think she’d like to try the other kind of threesome?”

“Actually, yes,” I said. “She mentioned she’s thinking of dumping Brenton and finding a girl to date.”

“Really?” Lauren asked with a grin.

“We’ll talk to her,” I said, pulling her into another kiss.

“Mmm, you’re too good to me,” Lauren giggled.

“And you’re too good to me,” I said.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Lauren said. “Come on.”

She led me back upstairs, passed the other rooms and back to the door to the master bedroom, which was closed. “Ready for the final surprise?” she asked.

“I hope so,” I said.

She leaned in and kissed me sweetly. “Love you, Jerry.”

“Love you too, Lauren,” I said.

She opened the door and ushered me in quickly, shutting it behind us.

On the bed I was presented with three pretty, and very naked, butts. The three women were lying on the bed facing away from the door on their fronts. The one on the left was a dirty golden blonde with hair down to her shoulder blades, while the one on the right was a redhead with really long coppery hair down almost to her ass.

It was the ass, and the dark brunette hair, in the middle that I recognized first though.

I went to the bed and grabbed her ankles, pulling her down the bed and then up into my arms. “Angela!” I laughed and kissed her. “Hello, gorgeous.”

“Hey, babes,” she grinned, kissing me back and laughing as I set her down. “Long time no see.”

“I thought you had to work?” I asked.

“I did, but stores close early on New Year’s Eve,” she said. “And the girls let me know they were organizing a surprise for you and I decided to help out. You may not remember them, but these are my friends Ashley,” the blonde turned over and waved. She had decent sized breasts and the roundest of the asses that had been on display. “And Jordan.” The redhead turned over and, if I was being honest, she was the least attractive of the three on purely ‘classic beauty’ standards. She wasn’t unattractive by any means, she was just kind of quirky and odd and had a bit of a resting bitch face to go with a slightly-too-big nose and slightly-too-small eyes that I’d always thought of as being full of character. I also knew that she more than made up for it in personality,

“Sorry, I don’t remember Ashley, but I definitely remember Jordan. It’s nice to see you again,” I said.

“Especially like this, huh?” Jordan laughed, gesturing to her nakedness. Jordan had a long, kind of lanky body with nice little breasts that suited her frame, amazing legs and a cute coppery-red little patch of trimmed pubes over her clit. What stood out the most, however, was that Jordan had added a bunch of piercings since she’d left for college two years ago. She had spacers in her earlobes, a septum piercing in her nose and a stud in one nostril, and a lip stud right in the centre of her lower lip. Both of her little pink nipples were also pierced with barbells, and she had several tattoos across her hips and sides of star constellations.

“Yeah, especially like this,” I said. “You look great. I love the piercings, they really suit you.”

“Thanks, Bub,” she grinned back, using her old nickname for me. “So, seems like you’ve come up in the world since you were that little grade 10 jumping ahead to take the senior Creative Writing course, huh?”

“You could say that,” I said, sliding my arm around Angie’s waist. She smiled and kissed me. Then Lauren was stepping up on my other side, and took my arm and put it around her waist as well. Her naked waist.


“Fivesome,” Lauren grinned.

“Really?” I asked.

“Really really,” Angie laughed.

“And there’s one last surprise,” Lauren said. “Ashley?”

Ashley had a little smirk on her face as she pursed her lips for a moment. “I hear that you’ve been having some issues with my bitch of a sister,” she said. “I was already very much interested in getting a shot at the guy who has Angela all aflutter, but when I heard Emily was being her bitchy, cheerleader ‘I rule the School’ self… well, I’m very in now.”

For the umpteenth time that night I dropped my jaw a little in surprise. Now I could see the family resemblance, though she had very different hair and Emily seemed like she probably had the bigger tits. Ashley definitely looked like Emily, the cheerleader who had demanded a look at my cock, in the eyes, mouth and jawline though.

“Holy crap,” I laughed.

“I think someone is a little overdressed right now, don’t you girls?” Lauren asked.

“Definitely,” Jordan said with a sultry smile. She and Ashley both sat up and soon I had four different sets of hands stripping me down. I was naked in no time, my cock already at about three-quarter strength.

“God damn,” Ashley laughed, looking from my cock to Angie. “You weren’t kidding.”

“It’s fucking perfect,” Jordan nodded.

“Ground rules, girls,” Lauren said, seeming to remind them of something that had been discussed earlier.

“Right,” Ashley said. “So, Jerry, just to be clear Jordan and I are straight-date and queer-fun. We’re roommates at college and enjoy each other, along with dating guys. I’m down to suck and fuck you and the girls.”

“And I’m a little more… open,” Jordan said, still with that smile I remembered from when she would read short stories aloud in class two years ago. “I hear you’re great at anal, so I’m definitely on for that. I also like it rougher than Ashley, and Angie says you know just how to do that, so feel free to let me have it, OK?”

“Sounds good,” I grinned.

“Awesome,” Jordan grinned. “So, you lucky bastard, there’s just one question left. Which one of us are you going to fuck first?”

“I think you two should get a good taste of Jerry while Angie and I get better acquainted,” Lauren suggested.

Soon I was laying on the bed with Jordan straddling one of my legs and Ashely the other, their breasts pressed around my thighs as they lay down with their grinning smiles inches from my cock. In the background behind them Lauren was making out with Angie in between whispering and giggling to each other as they watched me with the new girls.

“Fuck, Bub,” Jordan said, reaching forward as she licked her lower lip. She took my cock in her hand at the base and slowly stroked it. “This really is one nice cock.”

“Yes it is,” Ashley agreed and leaned forward, running her tongue up the side of the shaft.

They traded off doing that, teasing me with grins and glances in between licks and slow strokes with their hands. Then they kissed, obviously enjoying each other as much as they were showing off for me. Then Ashley grabbed Jordan by the back of her head and pushed her lower, and Jorden looked up at me around my cock as she took my sack into her mouth and slowly started to suckle.

“You gotta be careful, Jerry,” Ashley said as she stroked my cock with one hand. “Jordan is a bit of a man-eater. I don’t think she’s ever slept with a guy more than once while we’ve been at college. No one ever meets her standards.”

“I’ll make sure to bring my A-game,” I said and groaned happily. The lip stud did interesting things as Jordan worked her lips over my balls. And then she surprised me with another little hard nub as she started putting her tongue to work as well and used a piercing there that I hadn’t seen.

“Oh my God,” I groaned happily.

There was movement on the bed and I glanced over to see that Angie had pushed Lauren onto her back and was kneeling on the floor, getting ready to eat her.

Ashley pulled my attention back, taking my cockhead in her mouth and beginning to suckle. Then, without a word between them, Ashley and Jordan swapped places, and Jordan was suckling on the head while Ashley went to my balls. Her stud piercings made the blowjob feel different than any I’d had before, and the way she moaned happily as she sucked my cock sent shivers down my spine.

I’d had a crush on Jordan back when I’d known her, but only sort of. It wasn’t like my crush on Lauren at the time, or the semi-distant sexual crushes on Lindsey or Angela. Jordan had been this cool, kind of hippy girl who spoke her mind in class and didn’t hold back on solid criticism, and expected the same. She’d taken me under her wing a bit in that Creative Writing class, pushing me to think outside the box and delve one step deeper into the themes of my short stories. I’d idolized her, really. Especially when she’d announced she’d gotten into the English program across the country at BYU where the Creative Writing speciality was top-notch.

She looked up at me, my cock in her mouth, and I groaned, which made her grin around it and then start blowing me faster. Ashley got out of the way to give the redhead room to work and gave me a smouldering look. “Mmm, she sucks it so good, doesn’t she? Hmmhmm, yeah. Look at her go.”

“Fuck,” I groaned. “Jordan, you’re fucking amazing.”

“Let me get some,” Ashley said, and Jordan popped off my cock as she breathed in and out deeply to catch her breath as she offered my cock to Ashley.

“Jerry, you get so fucking hard,” Jordan grinned at me. “I love it.”

Ashley came off of me. “I want to see how far you can take it.”

Jordan grinned and took my hand, putting it on her head. “I’m going to take all of it. Push me down on it, Jerry. Once you’re in my throat, fuck my face.” She wrapped her lips around my head again, and I wreathed my fingers in her coppery hair as she went deeper and deeper. Then she glanced up at me and I knew what she wanted, and I forced her head down, my cock at the back of her throat, and she swallowed me in.

“Fucking- ungh,” I grunted. And then I did as she asked and I used my grip on her head to pull her down harder as I thrust my hips up, rapidly starting to fuck her throat as she groaned and let out the lewdest slurping sounds. Even while getting treated like a fuck toy, she still managed to use both her tongue and lip stud to add even more sensations. “Fuck, you’re right Ashley. I can see why she’d chew through other guys. Jordan is amazing.”

“That’s because she likes being a filthy fucking whore,” Ashley said, reaching back and spanking the redhead hard as she grinned. “God, she’s taking it so good. Look at her.”

I jammed Jordan down harder, burying my cock in her throat, and she looked up at me with her eyes tearing up but the corners of her stretched lips turned up in a smile. I let go of her hair and pinched the septum piercing in her nose between my thumb and forefinger. “Just imagine a little chain connected to this, perfect for pulling you into place to suck my cock.”

Jordan’s eyes rolled up into her skull and she yelped in her chest as a surprise orgasm jolted her.

I pushed her off of me, knowing she needed to breathe, and she rolled off of my leg as she panted.

“Holy fuck, did he just make you come?” Ashley asked.

“Didn’t I mention that Jerry’s speciality is surprise orgasms?” Angie laughed as she was crawling up from Lauren’s pussy to make out with her. “He finds your buttons and pushes them just right.”

“Cock,” Jordan gasped, turning back over. “I want this fucking cock.”

If I was reading things right, Jordan was sort of like Lauren but maybe moreso. She’d already said she liked it rough, and if the idea of chaining her had made her come, I had to assume she liked being told what to do.

“Not yet,” I told her. “Get on your hands and knees.” She did, and I quickly got Ashley into the same position directly behind Jordan. I leaned over and gave Jordan a swat on the ass. “Arch your back, get open.” She did, flipping her long hair over one shoulder as she looked back at me with hungry eyes, my handprint on her pale buttcheek a warm pink. I hadn’t held back. “Ashley, get her ready because for a rough little painslut like Jordan there’s no way I’m not starting with her ass.”

“Mmm, come here, bestie,” Ashley hummed happily, burying her face in Jordan’s backside and making the redhead giggle warmly.

Meanwhile, I got behind Ashley and bent down myself, licking her own exposed cunt a few times. She had slim lips and a small entrance, but more surprisingly I also discovered she had her clit hood pierced. I played my thumb over it, letting her know I’d found it, and she hummed happily and wiggled her butt, then reached back and spread her cheek open with one hand to encourage me.

I got up behind her and notched myself in place, then slowly started to fuck into her.

Ashley was hot. Maybe she didn’t have the sheer presence of her younger sister, but she was a good looking woman with nice breasts and a great ass. I should have been totally happy with building up my rhythm thrusting into her and squeezing her cheeks and waist, but my eyes were on Jordan’s upturned ass and the way she cooed and squealed as Ashley ate her. The blonde was switching back and forth between cunt and asshole, tonguing her hard and digging her nails into her thighs to keep her still. Whenever she went low, slurping on Jordan’s pussy, I got a clear look at the perfect little asshole I was planning on fucking.

“I want in on this,” Lauren said. She and Angie had separated a bit, and now Lauren scooted up the bed and laid down on her back with her legs open and her pussy right in front of Jordan. “Show me what you can do with those piercings.”

“Gladly,” Jordan grinned and bent down and started eating Lauren.

“Having fun, babes?” Angie said, getting on her knees and coming to kneel next to me. She rubbed my chest and lower back as she kissed me.

“Fuck, yes,” I laughed.

“Good,” Angie said, and then gave Ashley a spank. “Show these bitches how it’s done.”

I redoubled my effort on Ashley, not getting any faster but fucking her harder.

“Ungh!” she cried, pulling her lips from Jordan’s ass. “That feels so fucking good.”

The power of my thrusts pushed Ashley into Jordan, and Jordan moaned and lost her footing, sliding lower onto her belly as she kept eating Lauren. Ashley followed her, going down to her elbows and then fully pressing her chest to the bed to keep her tongue between Jordan’s legs. Now I was fucking her at an angle that she seemed to really like, and she pulled away repeatedly from Jordan to moan and mutter, so I pushed her back in with a hand on her head and she twitched and groaned long and quiet as I felt her cunt rippling.

That was one orgasm for each of them now.

Angie came back into view, no longer completely naked and instead wearing her strap-on. She must have had it stashed somewhere, maybe the bathroom. But she got up on the bed and knee-walked over to Lauren and presented my girlfriend with the big, floppy purple dildo. Lauren laughed when she opened her eyes and saw it, and I watched as she looked right at me and grinned as she took the head and kissed it.

“That’s right,” Angie said. “Pretend this is Jerry’s cock. Suck it and get it ready.”

Lauren began suckling on the head of the dildo, moaning softly, but always watching me.

“Oh my God, this cock feels so gooood,” Ashley moaned as I continued to fuck her. She lowered her hips, and I followed her, now fucking down into her more. “Oooohh shit, I’m going to come. I’m going to come so hard.” She buried her tongue in Jordan’s asshole, then pulled back as she winced. “You’re going to make me coooome.” Another orgasm, much bigger than the last, boiled up and Ashley bit Jordan’s ass cheek as she shuddered and came. She squeezed her cunt hard enough that I stopped thrusting and she started kicking her legs at the knees enough that I had to grab them and press her feet to her ass.

“Look at her go,” Angie laughed. “Fuck, she’s on another world right now.”

Ashley was rocking her body softly in a daze as her face twitched and her jaw worked without sound. As soon as her cunt started fluttering its grip I started slamming into her again, not giving her a moment of respite, for no other reason than the way she was positioned with her legs spread and bent back, and the way her back was arched, made her ass look fucking amazing and I wanted to make it ripple.

“One more,” I grunted into her ear, “One more, Ashley. Come for me again. Come so hard you taste it.”

“So good,” she gasped. “So good.”

“I know what’ll get her,” Jordan said. She disengaged from Lauren and turned on her knees, kneeling down to kiss Ashley softly. I slowed to match her, long-stroking Ashley instead of hammering her.

She came a third time, this one not as powerful but long and simmering, her cunt fluttering and her muscles twitching as the girls made out. Finally, when it ended and she seemed to be exhausted, I pulled out of her. Jordan immediately crawled to me and took my juice-covered cock in her mouth, moaning lewdly around it as she slurped that taste off.

“How is it?” Angie asked.

“So good. So tasty,” Jordan said with a big grin, looking up at me as she licked her lips and then sucked me some more. Then she pulled my cock down and dipped it through Ashley’s flushed and swollen pussy lips again, and brought it back up to taste.

“You are fantastically filthy,” I said, running my fingers through her hair and along her scalp.

“Mhmm,” she grinned and hummed around my cock.

“I want you,” I said. And simple as that she popped off my cock.

“Any way you want,” she said.

I directed her onto her back and she immediately spread her legs wide, holding them there with her hands and exposing her shiny, flushed pussy and her asshole between the cleavage of her bum. There was no way I could ignore the rest of her though, and I took a moment to pounce on her and kiss her hard. Kissing Jordan was the same as getting a blowjob from her - similar to other kisses, but different because of those piercings. She moaned happily, and a little needily, as we kissed, and then I moved down her body to her small breasts and pierced nipples, which I took a long moment to play with and explore. Then I slid down her body further and nuzzled my nose in her trimmed little bush and she panted and thrust her pelvis up, wanting more contact.

“Lauren, sit on her face,” I directed. “I need a minute to enjoy this little treat.”

Grinning, Lauren did just that, and Jordan went at her pussy with gusto. I did the same between her legs, breathing deep of her scent before starting to taste her. Jordan’s pussy was flushed from Ashley, and now I got to feel the heat of her arousal as I worked her into a fervour, sucking on her lips and clit, then down to tongue her hole, then down further to tease her ass. As always, I’d performed my little cleaning spell at the start of all of this, but considering the discussion that had been had off the top I had a feeling Jordan had taken care of herself beforehand as well.

Without warning I pulled away from eating her and looked up. Ashley had moved and was now laying perpendicular to Jordan and was teasing her nipples, and Angie was behind Lauren and slowly fucking the dildo into her as Jorden focused on eating and flicking her clit.

Jordan was still holding her legs wide for me, and I put my hands on her thighs and tilted them and her hips a bit and she went with me. Then I placed my cock at her asshole and I felt it flex a few times. Jordan took in a deep breath, then let it out, and I pushed into her. Jordan’s ass was tight as hell and hot, and yet also silky smooth, and I found myself easily starting to delve deeper into her as she moaned.

“He’s in her ass,” Lauren said, looking at me with a grin. “Fuck her, baby. She wants it hard and deep.”

So that’s what I did. I fucked her hard, and I fucked her deep. I didn’t hold back - I still ramped into it, not wanting to actually hurt her or run across a limit, but soon I was pounding into Jordan’s ass almost as hard as I had been Ashley’s pussy.

And Jordan loved it. She moaned and her chest heaved and her stomach roiled from her diaphragm and lungs taking deep breaths. I held her by her waist and fucking used her ass. I diddled her clit off and on. I grabbed her tit hard, tweaking her pierced nipple, as Ashley provided a counterpoint to my roughness and softly stroked her fingers along Jordan’s skin and suckled on her breasts with little kisses.

And Jordan came. But it wasn’t one big orgasm, it was a rolling orgasm. Lots of little ones, over and over. Her body was covered in goosepimples under our touch, her hips jerking, her asshole squeezing and flexing. She came, and came, rising and falling like a perpetual rollercoaster. And her pussy bubbled, not squirting but leaking heavily, her juices dripped down into her ass crack helping lube our fucking, but also down over her mound and onto her belly and pooling in her bellybutton.

“Holy fuck, I think you might break her,” Ashley laughed as she came off of Jordan’s nipple and moved to slurp up the pool of juices on her stomach.

“Lauren, move,” I grunted.

She moved immediately, pulling off Angie’s dildo and Jordan’s tongue to get out of the way. I leaned down and pressed my forehead to Jordan’s and she opened her eyes, gazing up into my eyes with her glassy, lust-filled grey ones. We didn’t say anything, just looked at each other as I continued to ream her ass. She opened her mouth and I obliged her by kissing her, feeding each other our tongues as I felt her lips quiver as another small orgasm rose and fell.

I pulled away and swept my hands through her hair, cradling her head softly.

“I’m going to neck on you and leave a hickey,” I told her.

“Do it,” she grinned sloppily.

I bent my lips to her neck and kissed her a few times before planting my lips right in the crook and suckling hard and popping away. She groaned and another orgasm rolled through her. I went back up to her lips and kissed her again.

“I’m going to come in this amazing ass,” I grunted. “And then Lauren is going to slurp it out of you while I fuck her. Then I’m going to feed you my cock again with her taste on it, and then I’m going to fuck Angie and feed you her taste as well. And I’m going to cum in all three of them, and you’re going to eat it out of them, and finally I’m going to fuck your needy, greedy little pussy and fill it so fucking full.”

“Best night ever,” Jordan gasped with a small smile.

* * * * *

“Best. Night. Ever,” Jordan groaned.

Downstairs, the party was counting down to New Year’s. Jordan was on top of me, my cock still in her cunt after she rode me while we made out, my cum leaking out slowly. Angie was face down on the bed, mutely counting down with the shouting downstairs on her fingers. Lauren was laying on top of her, wearing the strap-on, the dildo still lodged up Angela’s bum. Ashley had passed out and was sprawled on her back, snoring softly.

I kissed Jordan again. “Happy New Year,” I said.

“Happy New Year,” she grinned.

I helped her slide off of me, and then I crawled down the bed and Lauren raised up to wrap an arm around my shoulder and kissed me. “Happy New Year,” she grinned.

“Happy New Year,” I replied. Then I knelt low and kissed Angie and whispered it to her as well. She seemed like she was going to follow Ashley into sleep.

I got off the bed and headed for the washroom, wetting down a paper towel to wipe the sweat and juices off of me. Then I went to the door and closed it, locked it, and turned on the shower but didn’t step in. Instead, I stepped out of the shower door and into Annalise’s room.

Annalise, Lindsey and Maya were laying on the bed on their stomachs watching a movie on Lindsey’s laptop. Well, Maya was just listening, but yeah.

Lindsey and Annalise were both spooked. “Jerry?” Annalise asked.

“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I came over to wish some of my favourite people Happy New Year,” I said.

Lindsey was just smirking, but Annalise looked my naked body up and down and then glanced at her sister.

“Happy New Year, baby,” Lindsey said, sitting up. I went to her and gave her a kiss. “Thank you for thinking of us. How’s the party?”

“Good, I think, though I haven’t seen much of it. The runes are working,” I said.

Lindsey’s grin could have split her face wide open.

I turned to Annalise, who rolled her eyes and gave me one of her smile-frowns, but she sat up and threw her arms around the back of my neck as I kissed her. “Happy New Year,” I whispered to her.

“Happy New Year,” she whispered back and graced me with one of her rare, toothy smiles.

“Happy New Year!” Maya said. “Now where’s my kiss?”

“You don’t get a kiss,” Annalise said immediately.

“What?! This is so unfair. It’s bad luck not to kiss on New Year’s, and I can’t handle a year of worse luck than this last one.”

Annalise rolled her eyes.

“A peck,” I said. “On the cheek.”

Maya grinned and we kissed each other on the cheek.

“I’d ask you to stay, but you probably need to get back?” Lindsey asked.

“Yeah, I do,” I said, not quite sighing but wishing I could spend time with them as well. “And I need to find Stacey. She’s been caretaking the party.”

“OK, love you, baby,” Lindsey smiled and pursed her lips in an air kiss.

“Love you too,” I said, then turned to Annalise. “And we’re not there yet, but I like you a hell of a lot.”

She flushed, a little embarrassed. “I like you a hell of a lot, too.”

“Annalise and Jerry, sitting in a tree-” Maya started giggling and singing.

“I swear if you weren’t blind I’d beat you up,” Annalise laughed, shoving her sister lightly.

“See you tomorrow,” I said and went to the door, teleportaling back to the shower.

Just as I was leaving I heard Maya ask, “So, was he naked or something?”

I stepped out of the shower after quickly rinsing myself off more so that it at least looked like I’d showered. I towelled off and then stepped back out of the washroom to find Angie and Ashley getting dressed.

“Not staying?” I asked. “You’re welcome to.”

“I need to go visit my parents early or else I would love to,” Angie grumbled.

“I’m her ride, and my parents still hold a curfew over my head since they pay for my college,” Ashley explained.

I went over to them and kissed them both, though Angie for longer.

“Thank you for an amazing New Year’s,” I told them both.

“Thanks for the orgasms,” Ashley laughed. “That might be the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“Might be?” Angie asked. “Bitch, that was definitely the best sex you’ve ever had.”

“I didn’t want to give him a big head,” Ashley grinned and then leaned over to kiss me again lightly. “Spring break, I’m definitely coming around for seconds.”

“Just text me when you’ll be back,” Lauren said from the bed. She was laying snuggled up with Jordan, who was just smiling softly as she watched us. “We’ll set up a time. Make sure you tease the fuck out of Emily about this though.”

“Oh, I will, don’t you worry,” Ashley laughed. “She’s going to be so pissed. Make sure you get some of the other cheerleaders a shot at Jerry too, that’ll make her boil.”

“Already on the list,” Lauren chuckled.

“Girls, please,” Angie said, wrapping me up in a hug. “Look at him. He’s feeling like a piece of meat.”

“Thank you, Ang,” I said, kissing her softly.

She grinned and then pinched my ass.

I got dressed and escorted the girls downstairs, leaving Lauren and Jordan in bed. Downstairs the party was still going, but it looked like people were starting to filter out. I found Stacey in the backyard and signalled for her to follow me. Behind the shed, out of view of witnesses, I pulled her to me and kissed her.

“Happy New Year’s,” I whispered against her lips.

“Happy New Year’s, Jerbear,” she whispered back, hugging me. We kissed again. “Everything good upstairs?”

“Absolutely,” I said. “I just wanted to make sure I told you I loved you, and I’m sorry you couldn’t be part of the surprises tonight.”

“Some other time,” she smiled.

I held her for a moment longer, and then we needed to separate and check on things. Stacey assured me she had everything in hand, and that I needed my rest for the Council Meeting, so I just did a quick walkthrough. Jay and Clarissa were nowhere to be found, but I could tell someone was having sex upstairs based on the power filtering into my pool, so I hoped it was at least them in my room and not some randos.

Tala caught me in between the kitchen and the dining room and pulled me into a dark corner, kissing me. “Happy New Year,” she said with a grin.

“Happy New Year,” I smiled back, palming her ass through her tights for a moment and giving her another peck. “Still feeling good about earlier?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “And thinking about next time.”

“Can’t wait,” I grinned.

I returned upstairs, pausing outside the door to pull out my phone. I texted Moira a kissing emoji and ‘Happy New Year, beautiful.’ She replied almost immediately with a little kiss emoji of her own. Slipping back into the master bedroom I found Lauren and Jordan where I had left them, except under the covers now.

“Hey, baby,” Lauren said with a soft smile. “Is it OK if Jordan sleeps with us?”

“Of course,” I said, stripping down to my boxers and climbing up onto the bed between them.

“You don’t need these,” Jordan smiled, tugging on my boxers, and I let her take them off of me and toss them away.

Under the covers, I smiled as they both snuggled up, pressing their naked bodies to me. We didn’t talk, we just breathed and tried to ignore the sounds of the party downstairs as we let the exhaustion take over and pull us into sleep.

* * * * *

I woke up with a pull in my chest, my eyes snapping open and then blinking drearily. Lauren stirred at the same time, groaning as she looked to me. I could see in her eyes she felt it too.

Testing it with my magic, it felt like a tether had been hitched to something inside of me and was slowly ticking away like a countdown clock. I instantly understood, somehow deep in my magical instincts, that this was the summons. I had an hour before I needed to get Lauren and I into the metaphysical Council chambers.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was only seven am.

“One hour,” I whispered to Lauren.

“Breakfast,” Lauren mumbled. “Need breakfast first.”

“OK,” I nodded. “What about Jordan?”

“Wake her up by eating her pussy while I go make breakfast,” Lauren whispered. “We’ll feed her, and she’s going to stay to help with the cleanup. She offered last night while you were downstairs. I already told her we need to run an errand early.”

“Love you,” I said, pulling her up to kiss her.

“Love you too, Jeremiah,” Lauren smiled into the kiss. “Now, let’s get ready to rock this thing, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I said, feeling all of the confidence I could with Lauren by my side as that tether tugged softly, summoning us into the unknown.



Fantastic chapter!!! Congrats!


Such an amazing story teller! BTW… It took me several minutes to get over my laughing fit after I read ‘tits McGee’ because I call one of my wife’s good friends’boobs McGee’ hehehe. And the line about BYU being a top notch school for ‘creative writing’ hehehehehehe. And all the rest… well done Sir, well done.

Jim lynch

As always it’s another winner mr Bar


Excellent chapter! Nicely done keep it up! (Pun intended…) 😃😉

Admiral Ale

Great interlude while you get Q`s next chapters ready, as that series is why I am here. Stay safe.