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There will be a bigger update soon. It turns out that this FoF chapter I'm writing (18) is going to be about 2.5x longer than usual because breaking up the events doesn't make sense to me. I'm almost done and need to do an editing pass afterwards, but I'm hoping tomorrow it'll get posted along with a March Update and another secret thing.

Just wanted to try and keep communication open about what's going on!



still haven't heard back on my commission!! please get back to me. I emailed


What series do you enjoy writing the most at the moment?


I guess I am a bit confused, you say you are writing chapter 18, but the last chapter you posted for FoF was 15 (Beta)?? Did you mean to say chapter 16?


AMA is probably the 'easiest' to write in that every time I sit down to write it, it comes really easy. I'm taking risks with all of the emotional stuff in it, but it just flows. QT:NW is my best-planned story right now when I refer to all my notes, so it's a different kind of easy but is also more complicated with a lot of moving parts in the setting to contend with, so it's a fun challenge. FoF is like spinning plates, and for some reason I can't stop adding more plates - I have lots of different ideas and plans, and writing it is like running a wild TTRPG campaign because the characters seem to have a mind of their own sometimes and it changes all of my plans.


OFG is probably the story I stress over the most because while I have a lot of ideas, they were spread way out on the timeline and figuring out how to interweave them with other plots is a challenge.


Revan and Shad are correct! The 'Reader Club' tier gets the Beta chapters for FoF and QT:NW - two chapters each that have gone through at least two editing passes and are just about ready to post to the public. The 'Fantatic' tier also gets access to Alpha drafts, so pretty much as soon as they are written. My early drafts are clean and readable, and still get an editing pass before I post them, so often there isn't too much that needs to change between Alpha and Beta. Any time I post a new Alpha chapter, I've also done editing passes on everything else, so a bnew Beta draft releases at the same time.