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It's the Mid Month Up-Date (Doodadoodoo, doodadoodoodoooo).

That was supposed to be Final Countdown, by the way.

Anyways... The alpha draft of FoF 17 took longer than I planned because it turned out I needed to do a big rework of plotting elements. I'm happy with the new short-term plot that's coming down the pipeline and have more work to do for the long-term stuff but that's what makes these big series exciting!

When I made my February main update I forgot it was a short month, but I'm still going to try and cram everything I want in. That means the current schedule for the rest of the month is...

3 More OFG releases (one of them being a double, hopefully)
3 More AMA releases
1 More FoF Chapter
2 QT:NW Chapters
Masseuse and the MILF rewrite

Other than that, I just want to recap the ongoing Polls...

Poll The First: Patreon Goals
I've now closed this one out. There were some clear winners and losers, so let's talk about them...

1st Place: Character Art - This was one of the original goals for the Patreon. I listed it as 'Character Art for current characters' but I will likely do another poll later this month or early next month to see what story you all want character art from first, or if you'd want character art for a new story.

That being said, the original goal for Art was $3,500 CAD, which we have technically passed at this point, but as I mention often the end/start of every month sees patreon adjusting numbers based on sub cancellations so I'm not going to say we've 'Reached the Goal' until a month turnover keeps us over it. I will, however, start reaching out to a couple of artists I really like to get their specific costings.

2nd Place: Illustrated Story - I'm actually kind of really excited that this option did so well. I'll want to do some experimenting with the format to see how to make the story/illustration format make sense, but I think it will be super cool. When we get closer to unlocking this goal I will likely hold a poll to see what genre of story I should write for the project and get in contact with artists from there. I'm probably setting this as a new $5000 CAD goal, though it would likely be a process of a few months of work to finish when working with Artist availability. Depending on the genre and artist it may also change the style of the art - some will look good in black-and-white sketch, others may look better in full rendered colour, etc.

3rd Place: Erotic Comic - I still love this concept, but it is likely the most expensive of the top three so I'll likely push this goal to $7,500 CAD. As with the Illustrated story, when we get close to the goal I'll hold a poll to decide what genre/sort of story it should be.

4th/5th/6th Place: Audiobooks, Guest Stories and commissioning a Cosplayer all got votes but were low. These are things I'll set on the FAR back burner if we ever need more goals or something.

7th Place: Cartoon. I told you guys not to vote for it, but NO. 12 of you still do it. This one is so far back it isn't even on a burner. It's in the pantry under the stairs.

8th Place: Erotic poetry: Gonna be honest, I kinda thought you all were going to meme me and pick this, but you didn't! Not a single person!

Poll the Second: AMA Day 4

I'm going to leave this poll open until I start writing the new AMA chapters (so not too long). At the moment it's actually a pretty tight race for the first 5 places. I'm also kind of surprised that Becca and Wanda are placing so low!

Just to be clear, as with previous AMA votes I'm going to make a concerted effort to get the 1st and 2nd place girls to have big scenes, with no promises for anyone else (though the votes will still impact my ideas).

Also, to openly answer a question in a spot my answer might not be hidden by a click-through: the in-world plan for a threesome between Robbie, Cassidy and Becca doesn't rely on a vote to happen, but the voting will definitely impact when it might fit in and what it will look like. As it's looking, unless a lot of people add on a Becca vote before I close the poll, it's probably not going to happen Day 4 due to the high votes on a bunch of other girls.

Poll the Third: Utility Poll

A third poll?! OK, so this one hasn't been posted yet, but it's been on my mind. There is a lot of clean-up stuff I need to do and it's hard to know what I should prioritize in between writing. So expect a poll in the next week or so with a list of Utility things I should do for the Patreon. A quick list are things like: Cleaning up various series postings (making larger compilations with PDF and EPUB files), doing a new editing pass on OFG and AMA, making a Master List to pin with links to all the current story posts, doing a Technically We're Estranged rewrite so I can post it here, rewriting the 'About Me' kinda stuff here, etc.

If anyone has ideas for other Utility things I should work on, feel free to suggest them below!

A Random Note

I just thought this was funny so I'd throw it in. I posted Afterparty: The Bully as a full story over to Literotica just to get something that wasn't a series chapter posted, and I put it under the NonConsent/Reluctance category since I didn't have one of those yet and it fit as well there as it did under Group Sex.

Well, I was STRESSING for the first few days because people seemed to hate it. I thought it was going to be my first non-Hot (4.5/5 or better) story ever. Thankfully it's evened out and sitting pretty at a 4.61, but BOY did I get some nasty comments that made me laugh.

Anyways, that's all for now! Hope you all are having a Fabulous February (mine is going much better than January, thanks to all the well wishes from you folks!).




That Afterparty Bully was great, but damn I hate it.


I think Becca and Wanda are so low because people want variety on day 4 but then will go back to them on future days. That’s how I voted anyway.


re: the day 4 poll, I just hope that the voting doesn't lead him to forgiving everything with Cassidy too quickly. Everything so far has felt earned, but jumping directly back to her would make it harder for him to connect to the others, I would think. And I don't know for sure if it feels right yet. Not saying there can't be story beats to get there, but we're not there right now.