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Hey folks!

I thought I should give a followup based on the poll from the last few days. We ended up with a little over a third of folks saying 3 Beta/3 Alpha sounded a lot more enticing than 2/2. I think that's a significant enough number that I want to make sure I up the numbers for FoF and QT:NW.

What does this mean?

Well, I promised everyone two FoF and QT:NW releases this month, so the math doesn't work out that I write two Alpha chapter, keep one back, and only release one Beta chapter. SO, this month I'm writing 2 new chapters, editing 2 Beta chapters, but will only post 1 of the old Beta chapters to Literotica. That way we have 2 Alpha / 3 Beta / 1 Lit.

Next month I'll write two FoF + QTNW chapters again, but only ONE Alpha chapter will move to Beta, and one chapter will move from Beta to Lit, getting us to 3 Beta and 3 Alpha drafts for the tiers.

It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm hoping the new numbers will be a selling point!

On Post Frequency

I also got the message from folks, particularly folks who have been around a while, that post frequency is much more important than how far ahead the stories are here.

I here you!

Basically every day that goes by when I'm not posting, I feel a bit of guilt because I know folks are wanting more of the content and I'm SO DAMN THANKFUL that I'm in the position I'm in. Unfortunately, I wish I could be a content machine all the time, but I get creative burnout - not just that, but I get sexy creative burnout. Sometimes the sexy scenes practically write themselves, other times I've written three of them in a row and the next story needs one and I just can't write about cocks 'n balls 'n boobs 'n butts slapping together in various combinations again.

Next month I'll be settled in, and I also have my yearly writing retreat (I still need to see if I'll be in a position to take the week to write more Starship Repo again, or if I'll need to invest the time into catching everything up here). Once all of that is sorted, I'm hoping August will be smooth sailing and also give me time to start working on AMA.

So - That's where I'm at! And I need to stop writing here so that I can get back to FoF.




You have plenty of great scenes with no sex. You have engaging plots and interesting characters. You don't need hot, sweaty bodies every chapter. Also Starship Repo squee! Oh, Starship Repo OR more of FoF & QTNW??!!! My life has tough choices!! Okay, you feel loved & appreciated yet? Dude, take care of yourself. We all love your work. Of course we want more, we're junkies. Just keep giving us your best & we'll love it.


Most of us follow you for the writing and story. If the sex makes sense don’t shy away from it, write as well as the rest of the story. CP has set up a great world to write in and you’re one of the best of the group so keep the stories rolling.