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So... last week I posted my plans, and then everything inevitably went awry. I ended up needing to travel for two days because, surprise, my sister forgot to tell us her college graduation was happening because she almost forgot about it with all her applying to jobs and prepping to apply for a professional school.

Then I immediately got sick when I got home and battled a headcold all week. I powered through for some of my moving stuff, but creativity was NOT happening in any large stretches.

I'm blowing my nose less now, and got these chapters out, so hopefully I can get back on track with the schedule and work double-double time.

Cheers all,

EDIT: Oh, and keeping track based on my previous Update post: Double FoF coming down the pipeline next.


Tom Sperka

Man, I feel ya! I caught (Something?) that felt like a sinus infection, had me coughing, hacking, and down for more than a month. And the pollen count did not help! It took so long to get over it that my wife tried to get me to go to the Doctor. I truly hope you feel better soon!


Why didnt you - if im sick for more than a week with a flu then thats unusual for me and i would go. Not sure what your usual time is but sounds like this was well over. Unless it costs a lot to go to the doctor where you live in which case i get it.


Ive had to write essays while sick and its the worst - definitely wouldnt have done it if i didnt have to. I was miserable. Take your time Break