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Hey folks!

I'm busy working on finishing up an overdue commission before I get started on Sponsor Week on Monday, but I got an announcement from over on CHYOA - the site where my stories like AMA and OFG started out. They are having a 10 Year Anniversary writing contest, and the prize is having a story 'of your choice' featured on their front page for a year.

Well, let me tell you, CHYOA might not be as popular as some other sites, but that could drive a lot of traffic to my stories, or here to the Patreon. I think it's kind of a no-brainer that I need to submit something; the catch is that it needs to be original, and it needs to be 'spicy.' (Seriously, that's all they required.)

There will apparently be a Judges Panel, but I don't know who will be on it so I can't really tailor a story to the judges.

My first instinct was to use the Untitled D&D Group story for this, but I don't know if it moves fast enough for what they are looking for. Based on context clues they are more looking for 'sexy scenes' than full blown series, so fairly short stories that get hot and heavy.

If anyone has General Themes or Common Tropes or concepts I might turn on their head or twist around, feel free to suggest them below! Just make sure any suggestion fits into the Patreon ToS; so no incest/underage/etc.

Story Contest Thread on CHYOA for context (NSFW site)

EDIT: Based on a couple of questions I asked in their FAQ, they have clarified up to 3 submissions, and a hard cap of 15k words (and 7,500 seems to be the sweet spot.) I also cannot use something I've posted elsewhere before.

That's all for now folks, have a good weekend!



Mikhail Chelpon

All female punk band needs to hire a new drummer. Best prospect is a guy. Harem hijinks ensue.


If the only requirement is that it wasn't published before, it might make sense to take a minor character that you already "know " from one of your existing stories and write a vignette about one of their encounters. I'm thinking Erica of QTNW, pre-outbreak. Then, she's just a character (no need to explain any of the wider context), and between the tattoo shop and the adult store, there has to be "something" that happens... But I'd pick a character you already "know" and not reinvent the wheel on this one.


This isn't a bullseye, but it's pretty close to a story idea I've had sitting near the top of my list for a bit. I thought it might have needed to be a longer story, but maybe I could get it done in the word count...


Hmm. This is interesting, but I'm not sure if folks would be a fan of Erica, or one of the other relationship members from a story, getting into sexual hijinks with someone other than their love interest from their stories. Might be risky even if it would be a good exercise.