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Part 1 of 5 of OFG Week. As usual, all of the chapters will be released in a PDF/Epub bundle at the end of the stretch!

Chapter 455

You thankfully arrived at your place before Eric was supposed to get there. Imagining the awkwardness between Eric and Mosche if Eric had to wait for the three of you was almost painful and you couldn’t imagine the damage to the universe that would be caused. Would Mosche be convinced by Eric to join his slightly misogynistic red pill stuff, or would Eric think that doing standup would be a good idea?

Morche was home when the three of you got in, but Iris wasn’t with him. He said she had ‘family stuff’ on Sundays and you didn’t ask about him going to said ‘family stuff’ if he was Iris’s boyfriend - either it was too early, or she didn’t want her family to know about him. Both options seemed pretty valid. Mosche did, however, ask if he could hang out with you guys after you told him you were having a final study and prep session for a big work thing.

“Um,” you said. “I… don’t think so, my man. This is a really big deal for us and we need to stay focused.”

“Oh, OK,” he said and then let out a long sigh. You knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose - Mosche was just too simple to be manipulative on purpose, he’d only accomplish it through not thinking about what he was doing - and yet somehow you still felt a little guilty about him being lonely.

“I’ll tell you what,” you said. “We’ll probably order some dinner in, and what shows up you can join us for a bit to eat.”

“OK,” he said. “I guess I’ll do some joke writing, and then I can try them out on you guys.”

“....Sure,” you said, already regretting the offer. “That should be fun.”

Gemma and Sabrina had headed to your room rather than having a big interaction with Mosche. Even after the multiple times they’d interacted with him since the fallout with Tasha they were holding a bit of grudgey stance against him.

“OK, we need to talk about something,” you said as you entered the bedroom.

Gemma was sitting on the edge of the bed sorting files she’d pulled out of one of the bags you’d carried everything in, and Sabrina was at the desk doing the same. They both looked up at the tone of your voice, frowning slightly. “What’s wrong?” Sabrina asked.

“I need to get clarity on something here,” you said. “And it’s how we feel about holding onto grudges. Which isn’t healthy. I mean, it would be one thing if Mosche had actively hurt one of us, or was continuing to do so - a great example of which is Joy. But Mosche isn’t… malevolent. He isn’t acting out. And I’m not saying you have to like him, or even go out of your way to interact with him, but you two barely grunted hello before you disappeared back here. So I need to know if, as we go through life, this is the sort of stuff I need to expect?”

“John, he hurt Tasha badly,” Gemma said.

“Did he do it on purpose?” you asked back.

Both of your girlfriends made slight faces at that.

“Seriously,” you said. “Do you think he did it on purpose, maliciously and with intent, or do you think he did it because he’s a gross cocktail of anxiety, self-deprecation, low confidence and weird sexual questions? Because if it was malicious I can see putting up some major walls, because that’s some evil shit. But if it wasn’t malicious, then I’m not saying we need to forgive and forget, but we should probably figure out a more mature way of handling it than what’s happening now because you two are the ones coming off as rude and catty.”

Sabrina was clenching her jaw, and she looked from you over to Gemma and then back at you. “Can we… have a minute? To talk?” she asked you.

You exhaled, realising you’d been holding some anxiety of your own in your chest. “Yeah, of course,” you said. “Here, I’ll take those files out to the table and get them set up. Just text me when to come back.”

Taking the files, you left them in the bedroom and did exactly what you said - while trying your damnedest not to think about the confrontation you’d just kind of sprung on them. It didn’t feel like a fight, but it felt more like a fight than one of your usual little arguments that were good-natured and full of teasing or ribbing and could lean lawyer-y. Those were always about superficial things and you all knew it.

You had finished with the files and were starting to wonder if Eric would get there before the girls called you back, but the text came through first. You headed back to your bedroom and found both Gemma and Sabrina sitting on the edge of the bed now.

“OK,” Gemma said when you closed the door. “So, we talked. And… you’re right. We were kind of being dicks to Mosche when we came in. And you’re also right that holding grudges isn’t healthy.”

“But we also don’t want to be friends with him anymore,” Sabrina said. “We’re firmly on Tasha’s side of things, even if he didn’t do it on purpose. We don’t want to be friends with someone who acts the way he does, whether it’s on purpose or not. Mosche isn’t an evil guy, but he became a bad guy to us through his actions. We don’t want to do the same back, so we’ll make sure we’re being civil.”

“Thank you,” you said.

“And you were right about grudges in general,” Sabrina continued, then took a breath and let it out. “It’s not healthy. But Gemma and I agree that somehow we have, like, actual enemies from this summer. Joy and Lucy are both more than just people we don’t want to associate with. But we can’t let everything going on make us feel like it’s OK to be…”

“Cunts,” Gemma said bluntly. “We can’t start acting like cunts to just anyone.”

You had to take a breath, not sure how to respond. “I…” you said, then exhaled and shook your head. “Thank you,” you said again.

They both got up and came to you, and the three of you had a long hug as you held each other.

You’d brought up something important, even if it was critical, and they’d absorbed it, talked about it, and processed it.

Was this being an adult?

Chapter 456

Eric was knocking on the apartment door not too long after your big throuple hug ended, and you, Gemma and Sabrina went out to let him in and get everything sorted. The various piles of files covered the kitchen table - one of the jobs for that day was organising and setting up redundant files so that you could keep the most relevant likely items handy while also having everything else available for fast reference if the opposition popped a surprise on you.

There wasn’t any small talk when Eric first got there, the four of you got straight to work getting him up to speed on what you’d been doing with the case over Saturday. He’d spent his time helpfully as well, roughing out various pieces of a closing statement so that it could be mixed and matched depending on where the case went and how you felt things needed to be presented.

After a couple of hours of just reviewing everything, the four of you took a quick break as you brought out some beers that you’d had in the fridge.

“So, anything new with your new girlfriend?” you asked Eric as you all sighed and sipped your drinks.

“We aren’t, like, putting a label on it,” Eric said. “Casey and I are seeing each other.”

“How do you see each other living hundreds of miles apart?” Sabrina asked. “And you’ve met, like, twice?”

“Three times, though two of those were in the same weekend I guess,” Eric said. “Um, I dunno. We send flirty texts back and forth all the time. I bought her dinner last night.”

“Wait, like, remotely?” Gemma asked.

“Well, yeah,” Eric said. “It’s not like I could reasonably get down to Miami for the night, but I still wanted to treat her.”

Gemma and Sabrina glanced at each other and then looked back at Eric. “Are you sure she’s not just taking advantage of you, Eric?” Sabrina asked. “That kinda sounds… I dunno.”

“Hey, an Alpha guy takes care of his lady,” Eric said. “Even if they’re apart. She texts me when she’s going out, and when she gets home safe, I try and spoil her a little with dates to show her I’m interested and she’s my Number One.”

You wanted to ask how that stuff was different from being a controlling simp - someone who shoved money at a woman and then expected some sort of position in their life - but you kept your mouth shut. Eric had his view of the way dating was supposed to work based on all the podcasts and stuff he listened to, and you weren’t likely to change his mind any time soon.

The good news was that, by not questioning him, you didn’t interrupt him from his next piece of juicy news.

“Oh, and I met up with Lucy again,” Eric pivoted the conversation.

“What?” Sabrina asked, her eyebrows rocketing up in surprise.

“Why?” Gemma scoffed.

“She had some of my stuff, and had left a couple things at my place,” Eric said, waving them off. “It wasn’t a big deal. She came to my place.”

“Did you get your stuff back whole?” Gemma asked. “I could see her being the kind of girl to, like, rip holes in your sweater or something out of spite.”

“Um, I don’t think she did that, but I guess I didn’t check,” Eric said.

“Eric,” Sabrina said, looking at him seriously. “Did you two fuck?”

He actually had the decency to blush.

“Eric,” you groaned. “Nooo.”

“You cheated on Casey?” Gemma glared at him.

“Whoa, hold on,” Eric said, holding up his hands defensively. “First off, it was breakup sex. Second, Casey had already told me that if the opportunity came up that I should do it for closure. And third, I mean, Lucy is super hot even if she’s crazy.”

You groaned. Gemma facepalmed. Sabrina sighed heavily. “Please tell me you used a condom,” she said.

“Well, yeah, of course,” Eric said. “It’s not like I’d let her baby trap me or something. Plus, she’s doing that whole gross sugar baby thing.”

“OK,” Sabrina said. “That’s good. At least you were careful.”

“Well, the first time,” Eric said.

That got a whole new round of groans from you.

“I’m joking!” Eric said. “Joking. It was just once.”

The four of you got back to work, and you tried not to think about Eric having sex with Lucy yesterday. Gemma was running her lines for the Opening Statement, and you’d helped her work on that enough that it was better if Eric and Sabrina gave their thoughts, which gave you time to review some of the other documents but you found your mind wandering.

The video FitNelli sent you last night was on your mind. She was gorgeous, and seemed super sexual if she sent you that little private video. The realistic possibility of Sabrina, and you, collaborating with her on a few videos seemed closer than you would have ever expected. And then you had Tasha and Becks both basically open for anything, and they would be joining you and Sabrina and Gemma on Wednesday night.

Four gorgeous women in one bed with you. It was… going to be a lot.

And of course, you couldn’t forget Becca and Gemma’s campaign of teasing her. Gemma only had a week and a half left in the States, so that would be coming to a head soon.

You had no fucking need to think about Lucy when you were pretty much inundated with sexual goddesses.

“Focus up, love,” Gemma said, reaching across the table and stirring you from your thoughts. She was smiling at you. “We have work to do.”

“Right,” you said. “Just thinking about how lucky I am.”

“Awe,” Gemma and Sabrina just grinned.

“Yuck,” Eric said and fake gagged. “Don’t tell them that too often. Girls don’t like to feel like they’re better than their man.”

“You know nothing, Eric Snow,” Sabrina said as she rolled her eyes.

“That wasn’t self-deprecating,” Gemma said. “That was just sweet. And sweet goes a very, very long way.”

Chapter 457

Dinner with Eric and Mosche was about as painful as you had expected. Ordering the pizza was, in fact, the easiest part of the whole thing. Mosche asked to change his order fifteen minutes after you had made it. Eric complained about how long it was taking and that you shouldn’t tip the delivery driver - that got Sabrina into giving him a lecture on Tipping Culture and the unfortunate fact that it should never have become a thing but it was and so opting out of tipping people in traditionally tipped jobs like food delivery drivers and waiters wasn’t making some big statement, it was just hurting people.

When the pizza finally got there Eric didn’t have cash, and Mosche tried to talk to the delivery driver about how he got his order wrong and was wondering if he could change it - you thanked the driver and shut the door before Mosche could continue his rambling.

Then, with the files sorted and stacked off to the side of the table, you all sat down to eat.

And Mosche knocked a stack of files onto the floor by accident. And then got greasy fingers on them when he tried to help clean them up. He was not helping himself in the eyes of your girlfriends.

Once the files were mostly rescued, and everything had been moved out of the potential blast zone, you all settled in to eat. While it wasn’t as awkward as that breakfast with Becks and Iris, it wasn’t great either. You tried to keep the conversation going, pivoting it from work to college starting up again soon and the four of you heading back to classes, asking which ones they had picked. You’d already been over that stuff with Sabrina and Gemma before since you’d talked about it earlier in the summer when you had to pick them through the online portals for your schools, but it felt like a safe topic.

That was when Eric asked about what Mosche did, though, and it came out that Mosche was trying to be a standup comic. You still weren’t entirely sure how Mosche afforded to live in the apartment with the very small amount of money he made doing standup at the comedy clubs.

Of course, Eric immediately suggested that Mosche should make a podcast. Morche thought that sounded like a great idea, but he didn’t know where to start. Eric went on for a bit about the different stuff he would need and seemed like he had actually been putting a lot of research into the backend stuff of what a podcast would actually need, but then it came around to the fact that Mosche would probably need to have a cohost since, ‘No offence, you’re not a Joe Rogan.’ 

Then Mosche asked Eric if he wanted to be the cohost, and you were struck with the horror of what if Mosche and Eric actually became best friends and created some terrifying media empire by falling ass-backwards into everything and mostly just getting lucky. The immense level of destruction the two of them could cause to younger generations!

Eric, however, was going back to school to finish his bachelor’s and was unavailable. Then Mosche turned to you hopefully, and you had to say the same.

Post-dinner it took longer than you, Gemma or Sabrina would have liked for Mosche to give you guys space, and you eventually needed to move on from the usual social niceties of mentioning how you all needed to get back to work and move on to, “Alright, Mosche. Thanks for joining us for dinner, but we’ve got a lot of shit to do. Can you give us the table back?”

Thankfully he took that in stride, and the four of you were able to get back to work.

“OK,” Eric said, rubbing his eyes and then blinking rapidly as he set down the last folder in front of him. “My brain feels like mush. We’ve got the opener, we’ve got the parts of the closer we can use, and we’ve got all the middle bits. Are we done? Are we ready?”

“I think we’re ready,” Sabrina said. “All my lists are finished, and I can’t think of anything else to do.”

“Gemma?” you asked.

She sighed. “I probably want to go through the opening statement a couple more times tonight,” She said.

“OK,” you nodded. “I can’t think of anything else we can prep. So unless you guys want to look at doing another read-through from the top, we can call it here and try and get some good sleep.”

“I just wish we knew who we were facing off with tomorrow,” Sabrina grumbled. “Do some research on them and find out if they’re, like, secretly State debate champs or some bullshit.”

“Wouldn’t matter,” you said. “We’re going to kick their asses either way.”

“Damn straight,” Eric nodded. “Positive outlook. Manifest the outcome. We’ve worked hard, now we get to enjoy the easy win.”

“OK, I like the attitude, but maybe don’t start cashing checks we don’t have yet,” Gemma cautioned.

Then Sabrina groaned and leaned forward, pressing her forehead to the table.

“What is it?” you asked, immediately concerned.

She sat back up and sighed. “What if this whole thing has just been a teaching moment and there isn’t a mock trial at all and tomorrow we go in and Garrison is just like ‘Your client has fired you. This is what the law is like. Time to pick up and get back to work.’”

“Oh, that would be just evil,” you said.

“OK, everyone pray that doesn’t happen,” Eric sighed. “And get some good sleep tonight.”

You all packed things up neatly, ready to carry all your notes to the office and on to wherever you were actually doing the (hopefully real) mock trial in the morning. Eric left, leaving just you and the girls since Mosche was holed up in his room.

“Mmm,” Sabrina hummed, coming from the table to the apartment door where you were closing and locking it. She took your hands and raised them up to her shoulders and you squeezed them softly. “If we’re going to get some good sleep, I think you have some tension that needs releasing.”

“Or, maybe not,” Gemma said, coming up behind Sabrina and hugging her, resting her chin on the brunette’s shoulder and your fingers. “We have a big day tomorrow, we had a very satisfying morning… maybe we should treat this like a ‘big game’ and no sex tonight.”

“That’s an awful idea,” Sabrina sighed.

“Would you rather be super wide awake and full of energy tomorrow morning, or still a little tired because we stayed up too late?” Gemma asked.

You groaned, sliding your hands from Sabrina’s shoulder and wrapping your fingers around Gemma’s twin blonde braids. “You sure, love?” you asked.

She groaned right back, smirking and rolling her eyes.

“That’s not a yes,” Sabrina grinned, looking into your eyes.

“It’s a yes,” Gemma said, pulling away. “Seriously, no sex tonight you guys.”

The three of you grabbed the files and started heading to your bedroom to get ready for bed.

“What about morning sex?” Sabrina asked. “That always wakes us up.”

“Not the point, Sabrina,” Gemma sighed.

“I mean, it’s kind of my point,” you said.

Sabrina snorted and Gemma groaned at the painful pun.

Chapter 458

“Good morning, folks,” Garrison said as he strolled into the intern conference room right at 9 AM. “Big morning, are we ready to get moving?”

“Absolutely, sir,” Sabrina said. “We worked through the weekend to make sure we’re more than  ready, so unless you’re about to rug pull us as a teaching moment, we’re ready to go.”

Garrison smirked a little and shook his head. “No, no rug pull,” he said. “Though that’s a good idea for next year. Maybe not after weeks of prep, but a few days couldn’t hurt. Alright. Let me swing by my office and I’ll meet you four at the elevators.”

“Thanks, sir,” you said and he nodded and left. You turned to the others. “Alright, this is happening. Gemma, since it’ll look weird to do it beforehand, break a leg on the Opening Statement. You’re going to kick some ass.”

“Slowly and methodically, like beating a dead horse,” Sabrina chuckled.

“Thanks, love,” Gemma said to you, then smirked at Sabrina. Gemma’s personality definitely leaned more towards a fiery, impassioned speech than the even, passionless running of the facts that Garrison had taught the four of you about when you observed his case in court. You were all still good with the decision to have her lead off though - she was well-spoken, would provide a variation on the expected norm due to her accent, and was prepared to go the distance.

She was also, not that Eric would know, pretty relaxed. While there hadn’t been any sex between you, Gemma and Sabrina the night before, Gemma had woken up extra early and been pacing in your apartment quietly going through the details from her opening statement, murmuring them over and over. When you and Sabrina had woken up and realised where she was, you’d brought her back to bed and then loved on her, trading off eating her out and making out with her. She’d come several times in the hour before the alarm went off and you all really did have to get up, and she admitted that most of her anxiety and nerves had drifted away.

You, Eric, Gemma and Sabrina got your bags and files together and went to the elevators. Garrison joined you a few minutes later.

“Remember,” he said. “I can’t give you any tips or critiques until the whole thing is over. The other side is under the same rules. It’s just you against them. But you are representing the Firm and I expect you to live up to the opportunity. You’ve done great work so far this summer, now it’s time to show what you’re made of.”

“Way to not put us under any more pressure, sir,” Eric said with a little smirk.

“Well, I had to find some way to do it,” Garrison chuckled. “If this were a real case, you’d have the looming threat of your boss or clients being pissed off if you lose, and knowing you cost them hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.”

You reached the ground floor and headed through the lobby.

“Good luck, you guys,” Becks called from her desk. “Knock ‘em dead.”

You, Gemma and Sabrina all waved your thanks to her and followed Garrison out of the building.

“She talks to you guys?” Eric asked you quietly. “She always just sort of ignores me.”

“Do you get her coffee on the coffee runs?” you asked.

“Why would I do that?”

You gave him a look.

“Ooooh,” he said.

Garrison had arranged for a driver with a big Escalade since there were five of us, and you piled into the blacked-out vehicle and were off. After all the Ubers and Lyfts you had taken through the city, having a private driver with a semi-luxury vehicle was definitely the best ride you’d had.

“So, where are we headed, sir?” Gemma asked. “Is the other firm hosting?”

“No, we got somewhere a little more interesting,” Garrison said, turning from the front passenger seat to glance back at you all. “Don’t worry, you won’t be out of your depth.”

“Why does that sound ominous?” Sabrina murmured to you in the back seat. She was wearing slacks, whereas Gemma was wearing a skirt, so she’d offered the blonde the bucket seat.

“Because he’s being mysterious, and messing with us on purpose,” you murmured back.

It was an almost twenty-minute drive due to the Monday morning traffic, and you ended up just outside the core of downtown in the older part of the city before the driver pulled up in front of a big, old stone building.

“A church?” Eric asked.

“Not a church,” Garrison said as you all piled back out of the car, double-checking you weren’t leaving anything behind as you went. “Welcome to the Old Courthouse. This was the original court building for the city, built in 1856. After a fire in 1873, it was rebuilt that same year, and then as the city grew it became too small and the spot where the current courthouse is was developed in the 1920s and has been expanded ever since. This building was donated by the city to the local University, and it’s been all sorts of things since then but in the last twenty years, it’s mostly been a music and arts venue and a lecture hall. There’s a lot of history in this building, folks. Men were sentenced to death for crimes like cattle rustling, rape and murder. Civil cases that set the foundations of the modern city around us were argued here, not to mention hosting several important debates and protests around the women's suffrage movement in the US.”

“Really just piling it on, huh, sir?” Sabrina deadpanned.

Garrison laughed and shook his head. “Just telling you the facts. Come on, we’re a little bit early. Let’s get you settled in.”

You followed Garrison in the front doors, which really did look like an old Catholic or Anglican church from the outside. Through the big double doors was a wide but shallow lobby with old, stone-tiled floors polished smooth with age and use, and the exposed stonework of the building that raised up towards a vaulted ceiling above continued to make you think of churches. That was where the ‘church’ feeling ended though. On the right end of the lobby was a three-window kiosk area that must have been a mini box office though it was dark and closed at the moment, and on the left end there was what looked like a booth for merch sales. Two big sets of double doors dominated the wall opposite the entry, a covered sign announcing that the hall was booked for a ‘private party’ for the next three days. Otherwise, the walls were covered in posters for musical acts, plays and lecture series. No two posters were alike, and there was a sense of wild history just right there in the lobby - just not legal history.

Garrison walked you across the lobby and opened one set of the double doors and you entered into the main hall.

“Wow,” you said, and could hear the others echo your thoughts. “This is where we’re arguing the case?”

“It is,” Garrison said, smirking again.

Chapter 459

The ‘courtroom’ was already set up on the stage, and you had to guess that there must have been some sort of courtroom drama play that had happened at some point in the past for the venue to have some perfect furniture. Two long, heavy desks were set up near the front for the plaintiffs and defence, while the bench desk was set up near the back of the stage for the judge, along with a court clerk and even a court reporter - though you doubted the firms had gone that far.

The rest of the hall was big and dominated the building from side to side, its tall vaulted ceiling matching the one in the lobby. It was slightly angled, leading down towards the stage, and had bench seating in the back half and then movable rows of chairs in the front, presumably for more raucous concerts. The only disruption to this was a bar along the back wall in between the two big double doors and a pair of stairwells that led up to balcony seating that hovered over the back third of the seating area and down both walls.

“Five-hundred and fifty-person capacity,” Garrison said as he led you down the aisle towards the stage. “Not that you’ll have more than a few of us lawyers here to watch. Why don’t you folks get yourselves set up, I’ll check on your opposition.”

You, Eric, Gemma and Sabrina all headed to the stairs on the side of the stage and walked up onto the platform, your feet feeling like they were extra loud on the wood panelling. Both Gemma and Sabrina were wearing heels, and they were even louder.

“Alright, let’s get sorted,” Sabrina said, heading for the table on the right. You were representing the Defendants in the case as the insurance company, with the plaintiffs suing because of the refused coverage.

Soon files were hitting the tables and getting organised, and the four of you were arranging things and murmuring to each other. You were pretty much alone in the entire hall, and yet it felt like you were in a library or some other sacred space where you were supposed to be subdued in your volume.

You were just getting the evidentiary files organised on the desk for easy reference when the doors at the back of the hall opened with a soft thoom through the space and you all looked back to see Garrison and an older woman, maybe in her late forties or early fifties, entering and talking as they lead a group of younger people.

“The opposition has arrived,” Gemma murmured.

Garrison seemed to be giving them the same spiel about the history of the place, and you wondered if maybe he’d worked in the building in his youth or something - or if he’d even performed there in a band or as an amateur stage actor. His passion for the place was palpable.

Then your opponents were directed to the stage to get ready as Garrison and the woman headed towards the back again, talking more quietly.

There were five of them to your four, though you had to admit that if Andy had been part of the team he wouldn’t exactly have been adding anything helpful - and possibly even would have hindered you. That reminded you that you needed to ask Eric if he’d ever followed up with the unfortunate stoner, but you were a little busy sizing up the competition.

All five of them looked around your age, so they were likely either about to be college seniors like yourselves or were already graduated and heading to law school. The one in the lead was a blonde guy who looked like he would have fit the mould for ‘pompous school quarterback’ in a high school drama movie. He even had the little dimple giving him a butt-chin. The second person right behind him was a stacked brunette, maybe a little squatly built but not in a fat way. She was dressed in a pantsuit but there was no hiding the absolutely ginormous tits she was hauling around under her blouse and jacket even with her being buttoned all the way up to her neck. After her was a tall, skinny blonde girl with a bit of a lanky gate and a serious near-scowl as she looked back at you, and then a guy with mousy brown hair, slumped posture and his hands in his pockets. The last person in the line was a shorter, pale girl with curly dark brown hair and a sort of aloof expression, though the thing that stood out about her was her super dark lipstick that would have almost been black if not for the hint of burgundy. She gave you gothy vibes immediately.

Then Sabrina hit you. Not hard, but under the table on your leg, repeatedly.

“What?” you asked, turning to her.

Sabrina’s eyes were wide and she leaned in sitting next to you at the table, bringing her lips right to your ear.

“That girl does OnlyFans!” she whispered, barely containing her surprise.

“What?” you asked, dropping your voice to barely even a whisper. You glanced back at the five interns as they were heading to the Plaintiff’s table. Both of the brunettes were attractive enough that you could see them doing it, while the blonde seemed more like the ‘and the heavens shall open and smite all the sinners’ type. “Which one?”

“With the boobs,” Sabrina whispered back. “I’ve seen some of her clips. That’s definitely her.”

“Well, fuck,” you whispered back, glancing one more time. The girl had to be… what letter did they stop bra sizes at? You wouldn’t have been surprised if half her body weight was in her tits. She also had a cute and pretty face, done up in a pretty but not over-the-top way.

This was, technically, a point of leverage.

“We say nothing, right?” you asked Sabrina.

Sabrina nodded fervently. “I just couldn’t not say something.”

“OK,” you whispered back. If someone tried to leverage Sabrina because they found out about her you would be furious. There was no way you would do that to someone else.

You pushed your chair back and stood up, looking at Gemma on the other side of you and Eric beyond her. “Alright,” you said. “Let’s go introduce ourselves to opposing counsel?”

“Sounds good,” Gemma agreed, standing up with you, followed by the others.

It was time to meet the enemy.


Luke Mofford

last chapter, "tall skinny blonde girl with a lanky gate" should probably be "lanky gait"

Ian B

Enjoyed these chapters. Yay for a new Patron Saint