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OFG Week Day 5 of 5... finally! All of the chapters will be bundled up shortly for PDF and Epub release!

Chapter 450

“That’s enough,” Gemma said. “I am declaring that we are done for tonight.”

Sabrina sighed. “I can get through these last news reports before we-”

Gemma shut Sabrina up by kissing her, and Sabrina played the goofball by continuing to mumble through it until Gemma pushed her back by her shoulders until Sabrina was flat on the ground and Gemma started grabbing her tits through her shirt. Then the mumbling turned to moaning.

“Done?” Gemma asked as she raised up from Sabrina.

“It really won’t take that long- mmpdh!” Sabrina said, getting cut off by another kiss.

You snorted and laughed as the two of them started making out on the floor. Sabrina liked working there for some reason, something about being able to spread out. Gemma had been working on the couch beside you, and now you had her sweatpants-clad butt stuck out at you as you set your laptop aside.

“Come on, you two,” you said and then yawned. “We’re just triple-checking things at this point.” You stood up and stretched, but the girls didn’t stop making out. With a sigh you reached down and slid your hands inside Gemma’s sweats, palming her ass cheeks and scratching them lightly with your fingernails. That made her groan into their kissing. “Stand up or no more for you,” you said.

Gemma broke the kiss with Sabrina with a sigh and sat up. “Not fair,” she said with a smirk. “That felt really good.”

“I’ll keep doing it if you come to bed,” you insisted.

You helped Gemma up, and then Sabrina who used your helpful hand to leap right up into your arms and kiss you as well before sliding down to her feet.

“Mmm, are we doing sexy makeouts tonight?” she asked. “Cause that would be kinda fun.”

“Sure,” you laughed.

The three of you headed to bed - there really wasn’t that much to get ready other than brushing your teeth. Gemma only had the most cursory makeup to wipe off, and Sabrina had taken hers off after you’d filmed the ‘Sick’ scene. Make-up removal was one of those things you hadn’t really contemplated prior to getting into a relationship with them; whenever the three of you had a night with them or one of your guests where makeup wasn’t removed before sleep, the pillowcases needed replacing in the morning. Thankfully neither of them, nor the ladies who came through your bed, wore an extravagant amount so it didn’t get everywhere, but it was still surprising how much could rub off.

Gemma just dropped her sweatpants and unzipped her hoodie before climbing into bed with you in just a thong. Sabrina had to peel her leggings off, leaving her in a thong as well, and didn’t bother taking your T-shirt off before climbing up a moment later.

“OK, hold on,” Sabrina said, giving Gemma’s butt cheek a light smack since the blonde had already climbed on top of you and started kissing you.

“I got here first,” Gemma said with a smirk. “You can wait your turn.”

“No, it’s something else, I swear,” Sabrina chuckled.

Gemma sighed and slid off of you to her side of the bed, her tits still pressed to your side, and Sabrina slid in on the other side as you wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled in.

“So, I might have been gushing a little bit about you guys to FitNelli earlier today,” she said. “And I told her about how ‘Daddy’ - I haven’t told her our real names - had organised our sexy friends sending me videos to cheer me up last night after a bad day. She thought it was super sweet. Then I sent her the blooper moment from the lapdance recording earlier ‘cause it was hot but I couldn’t really use it for the video.”

“Blooper moment?” Gemma asked.

“John got impatient and made us restart 'cause he started fucking me too early,” Sabrina smirked.

“You did a good job of teasing me, what can I say?” you chuckled. “But you sent her that clip?”

“Mhmm,” Sabrina said. “From the B-roll camera so it didn’t have our faces, and you can only really see us from a little over the waist down. But it was still really hot, and you can hear the audio.”

“What did she think of that?” Gemma asked.

‘“She thought it was funny and hot,” Sabrina said. “And she said it reminded her of the best times filming with her ex. Then she sent me a video back but told me not to open it until we were in bed tonight.”

“Oooh,” Gemma said. “So things have progressed to you two sending sexy videos back and forth.”

“Actually,” Sabrina smirked. “She said it was for ‘Daddy.’”

You grinned but also groaned. “I would rather her know my name is John than one of the top performers on OnlyFans also calling me Daddy.”

“Really?” Gemma laughed. “Most guys would be thrilled by that I think.”

You chuckled and shook your head. “Says the hot blonde with the big ta-tas who doesn’t want to be called Mommy.”

Gemma scoffed and slapped your arm lightly as Sabrina started giggling. “It’s different,” she said. “‘Daddy’ doesn’t really have an age component to it, but ‘Mommy’ does. And you know I have a fear of getting pregnant early - the only reason we don’t use condoms is because of my IUD.”

“You sure do like a good creampie,” Sabrina grinned. “But, just for the record, I know it’s too early for any of us but I think you’d step up and be an amazing Mom, Gemma.”

Gemma melted a little at that, her expression turning soft. “Thanks, love,” she said. Then she took a breath and let it out. “This isn’t supposed to be about me, though. She sent a video to John - are you OK with that?”

“I mean, unless it turns out to be something weird, no,” Sabrina said. “Do you? You’re the one who isn’t becoming coworker friends with her.”

“I don’t think so,” Gemma said. “Unless it’s weird, obviously. I don’t see a difference between that and Becks calling for some phone sex, or Tasha sending nudes.”

“Please, keep reminding me how fucking lucky I am,” you said.

“OK, so we’re in bed, and we’re watching the video,” Sabrina said, reaching over to the nightstand to grab her phone. “Boxers off, John.”

“I thought this was supposed to be ‘sexy makeout night?” you asked as you started to push down your boxers under the covers.

“We can do that too,” Gemma laughed. “But if the video is sexy like we think it is…”

“Fair,” you chuckled and accepted the phone from Sabrina with the video queued up. “Ready?”

Both of your girlfriends slid a hand across your torso. Gemma got her hand down cupping your balls and Sabrina got hers around your half-chubbed cock. “Ready,” they said in unison and then laughed.

Chapter 451

“Hey Daddy,” FitNelli said in the video.

“God damn it,” you sighed, making Gemma and Sabrina giggle.

FitNelli was looking close into the camera. She was a pretty woman in a sort of endearingly awkward way. Her nose was just a little too big and her eyes were big and almond-shaped, but were spaced a little too wide so she almost looked a little cartoonish. But her smile stretched the cupid’s bow of her lips delightfully, and the spark of playfulness in her eyes reminded you a lot of Sabrina. She also had a very smooth, almost syrupy voice with how sweet she seemed. The bright contrast of her dyed blue hair against her warmly tanned skin tone was also a bit of a turn-on.

“Kat’s been telling me all about how good you are to her,” Nelli said. “And I think it’s the absolute sweetest. You make my heart go boom-boom-boom, knowing that a girl like her has a good, sexy guy like you taking care of her. I’ll admit, I’m a little jelly.

“God, she had a pretty smile,” Gemma said. She was softly massaging your balls and was watching next to you.

“I’ll also admit that I’ve watched every video you and your Baby have put out. Plus the ones with Miss Lusty - who is super hot too. I’ve gotten off a few times thinking about your Daddy Dick, so I thought maybe I should pay back the favour if you find me cute, too.

You groaned. Sabrina’s hand stroking your cock had it at full mast, and on the screen, Nelli pulled back - she must have been using a tripod because it looked like she was in her kitchen. She was wearing a cute red and black bra paired with a matching mini kilt that left her stomach bare, and she hopped up on the kitchen island as she grinned and kicked her feet.

“Honestly, Daddy, I hope you like my little outfit for you. I was doing a couple of custom video orders from my fans and was thinking about you while I did them, and then I got dressed up in this and thought to myself that you’d love it, so I decided to make this video for you. No one else is gonna see it. Do you like it?” She twirled at the waist a little, turning and posing as she flipped her hair and smiled at the camera.

“God, she’s good at that,” Sabrina murmured. “There’s a reason she’s so successful.”

“You’d be right up there if you were showing your face and pretty eyes, baby,” you said, giving Sabrina a kiss on top of her head. “But we're going to be lawyers.”

“Thanks,” she said, smiling a little.

On the video Nelli flipped up the front of her kilt, showing off the front of her near-see-through panties, a dark spot of trimmed pubic hair clearly visible. “I’d spend an hour making a really good video for you, but I think Kat might not want to download that big a file onto her phone,” Nelli giggled softly. “I hope it’s OK if I don’t spend as much time as I want to turning you on, Daddy. But I’m gonna move on to the good stuff, 'cause you definitely deserve the good stuff.

Nelli started taking off her bra, sticking her tongue out playfully at the camera as she gathered the straps over the cups in both hands and then pulled them away all at once so her breasts were revealed. The three of you had already spent an evening watching her porn so it wasn’t like you hadn’t seen them from several angles, but the fact that she was doing this specifically for you was such a turn-on.

Do you like my little titties, Daddy?” she asked, shaking them a little and making them bounce as she smiled. “I think you would, since Kat says you love her cute little boobs. Mmmm, honestly Daddy, my nips could use a good sucking from a real man. I’ve been playing with girls only recently but I love the feel of a guy’s cheeks with a little scruff in my cleavage.”

“God damn,” you moaned softly.

Gemma hummed a chuckle. “I love that feeling from you too, love.”

Nelli shifted down from the kitchen island to her feet, doing a little twirl that lifted the kilt up and flashed the bottom part of her ass, then stopped while looking at the camera. “Ready for the rest, Daddy?” she asked. Then she quickly undid the kilt, letting it drop and kicking it to the side before she turned and bent over the countertop, pushing her ass back at the camera. “Everyone says my butt is my sexiest feature,” she said, looking over her shoulder. Her smile was intoxicating with how sweet it was. “I tend to agree. So I hope you’ll appreciate a good look.” She pulled the sides of her panties down until half her buttcheeks were revealed and then spent a moment teasing you by using the taut bundled fabric to bounce her juicy cheeks.

Again, you’d seen her ass in her videos already, but this was for you. She was right, her ass was her most attractive sexual feature. She was a woman who had won the genetic lottery - she had a slight, sexy body with hips and a booty that would not quit. Each cheek was perfect from top to bottom from the dimples just above to the lower cleavage below that spread perfectly to reveal her pussy as she pulled the panties down further.

“Mmm, Daddy,” Nelli moaned, grabbing each cheek and clawing it playfully before spreading them widely. “Seriously, I’ve seen what you do to Kat, and that would feel So. Fucking. Good. She’s a lucky, lucky woman.

Nelli continued to tease herself, spreading her legs a little wider and running fingers across her pussy lips, and then into the cleavage of her ass and teasing her butthole. Then she stood up and turned around, hopping back up on the kitchen island and spreading her legs to show off her pussy from the front. “I hope Kat and your Darling take care of you tonight properly, Daddy,” she said. “Because I’ll be watching clips of your big Daddy Dick and imagining you fucking me while you’re fucking your Baby or Miss Lusty. I hope that’s OK! Seriously, Daddy. Keep being your sweet, sexy self to your girl, OK? That’s the sexiest thing about you. OK, I hope I’m not giving you blue balls, but this is almost fifteen minutes already.” She blew a kiss to the camera, then hopped back down from the kitchen island and approached the camera, bringing her pussy up close to it for a moment before she picked the camera up and made a silly face with her tongue out before turning it off.

“Want to watch it again?” Sabrina asked with a sneaky grin on her lips.

You grunted and got up, swinging your leg over Gemma as she laughed and spread her legs so you could start pushing into her from behind as she was lying on her stomach. “You’re next, baby,” you said, grabbing Sabrina and pulling her closer as she laughed as well. “Fuck. This was supposed to be a quiet night.”

“Uuungh,” Gemma groaned as you bottomed out in her.

“Screw quiet,” Sabrina grinned as she slipped onto her stomach as well, wiggling her butt at you. “This is who we are.”

You gave her butt a smack and then leaned forward to kiss her as you started thrusting into Gemma. She was right - this was who you three were. Why try to fight it?

Chapter 452

“Nelli says she came to the pictures from last night while she was trying to eat breakfast,” Sabrina snorted as she grinned, setting her phone down.

“I still can’t believe I let you send those,” Gemma groaned, but she was smiling a little so her regret couldn’t be that large.

The pictures in question had been of your cock coming all over Gemma’s slightly gaping pussy, the cum dripping from her asshole to her clit, and then Sabrina licking it up. There hadn’t been any identifying features shown so it wasn’t any sort of risk, but they were definitely the first pictures you’d sent to someone who hadn’t already been in bed with the three of you.

“They were hot,” Sabrina said, gesturing with her fork as it had a bite-sized hunk of breakfast sausage on it. “And she obviously appreciated it. Maybe she’ll do a whole sexy video about loving what your pussy looks like.”

You snorted and then chuckled, shaking your head. “Sabrina, I don’t think I’ve ever met more people who were kinky and sexually open in my entire life than I have since we started flirting.”

“That’s just what you think,” Sabrina smirked. “You don’t know how many of the people you met actually were kinky and sexually open, and you just didn’t give off the right vibes. But, to be fair, I wasn’t really giving off those vibes either until you made me feel safe to do so.”

“Same, though I’m the most normal of us,” Gemma smirked.

Anal Queen,” Sabrina fake coughed.

Gemma had the good grace to blush at that point.

The three of you continued to eat and chat, though the conversation pivoted to the mock trial. You had one last day to get your shit in order, and you were going to be meeting Eric at your place in the afternoon. Thankfully the shortlist of things to get done had dwindled significantly in the last 48 hours and you were feeling nervous but prepared.

Once you’d finished breakfast, you gathered up the plates and Gemma joined you in washing the dishes quickly while Sabrina disappeared into the bedroom ‘to prepare,’ which she said in a slightly ominous voice. That gave you time to flirt with Gemma - not sexually, but just for fun. Letting her know how much you were attracted to her, and appreciated her. She flirted right back, giving you little smiles, and flipping her hair as she glanced at you, and gave you little touches and laughs.

It just felt good to be with her.

Once the two of you had everything cleaned up, you decided to bite the bullet and headed back to the bedroom and knocked on the closed door. “Ready in there, baby?” you asked.

“One sec!” Sabrina called.

You glanced back at Gemma and shrugged, and she shrugged back, then the door got yanked open in front of you and Sabrina was standing there in just her housecoat as she draped herself on the doorway.

“Welcome to Spa de Nude, I hope you’ll have a relaxing visit,” she said in her lower, sexy voice.

“I don’t think that’s the correct phrasing in French,” Gemma chuckled.

“I’m trying to be sexy without being too sexy, let me have this,” Sabrina said.

“OK, OK,” Gemma giggled. “I would love a visit to ‘Spa de Nude.’”

Sabrina winked at you and then stepped past you, taking Gemma by the hands. “My name is Suzette, and I’ll be your coquettish French masseuse,” Sabrina said as she led Gemma into the bedroom. “This, of course, is Hans. He’s here for the deep tissue massage.”

“Mmm,” Gemma smirked, tracing a hand over your chest as she was pulled past you. “Hello, Franz.”

“Hans,” Sabrina corrected her.

“I’m so sorry,” Gemma grinned. “Hans.”

Sabrina had the window shade drawn down tight and the room was lit up with a dozen candles, and she’d stripped down the bed and covered it with neatly layered towels. The golden glow of the candles already gave the room an intimate feel, but the addition of several sweet-smelling candles burning at the same time and a nature track playing over her Bluetooth speaker added to the whole vibe.

“Now, Madame,” Sabrina said, still using what could only be described as an awful French accent. “It is time for you to disrobe, but Hans and I know that this can be a nervous experience, even for a woman as beautiful as you, so we shall go first, yes?”

“That would be lovely,” Gemma said, trying to keep in her giggles.

“Hans, chop chop,” Sabrina said.

You had to suppress your own chuckles as you quickly stripped out of your T-shirt, shorts and then socks so that you were naked. Then Sabrina nodded as if she were an employer who was mildly amused by the ‘OK’ job her employee had done, and she slowly undid the tie on her robe before flinging it off in a dramatic display.

“The human body is a temple, and we shall worship it,” she said.

Gemma couldn’t help it and let out a little snort. Her chest was heaving with suppressed laughter and she was biting her jaw shut tightly trying to keep it in.

“Now it is your turn, Madame,” Sabrina said. “Hans, help our beautiful client if you please.”

Gemma pulled off her tank top and allowed you to undo her bra for her and you took them both, folding them carefully and setting them aside on the dresser. She was already out of her panties when you turned back around and you played into the act by folding them neatly as well.

“Excellent,” Sabrina said and then gestured to the bed. “Now, Madame, please assume the position on your bed of clouds.”

Gemma climbed up on the bed, rolling her eyes at Sabrina’s antics, and laid down comfortably on her front. Sabrina turned to the bedside table and picked up a bottle of massage oil - the three of you hadn’t gone this far with a massage before, but the oil definitely made her body pop on camera when you used it and since it was around it had gotten onto Gemma more than once as well. Now she climbed up onto the bed near Gemma’s head and carefully gathered the Australian’s long blonde hair and quickly pulled it into a bun on top of Gemma’s head, keeping it in place with a couple of hair elastics pulled from her wrist.

“Hans, you shall start with her feet, and I shall start with her back,” Sabrina directed.

Oui oui!” you said, affecting just as terrible a French accent.

“How about we-” Gemma started, but Sabrina shushed her loud and long enough for it to be comedic as she pressed a finger to Gemma’s lips.

“The process has started, Madame,” Sabrina said. “The only noises you may make now are the noises of pleasure.”

Gemma started to say something, but just closed her mouth and shook her head lightly as she grinned.

Sabrina opened the massage oil bottle and spread a squirt of it across Gemma’s shoulders, and then dropped some onto your palms so you could rub them together and warm it up before you stood at the end of the bed and picked up one of Gemma’s feet.

“Let it… begin!” Sabrina declared.

Chapter 453

Massaging Gemma, even when we were making efforts to not make it sexual and instead ‘fun Spa de Nude,’ had you hard. But that was sort of expected. After working your way down Gemma’s feet and then up her ankles and calves to her thighs you were in sexy town.

It was simply impossible not the love every fucking touch as you worked your warm, oil-slick hands over her sink and watched in mould and conform to your touch. Seeing her ass wobble innocently as you worked up and down each leg. Spotting glimpses over her beautiful pussy between her legs as she spread them a little more to give you better access to the soft skin of her inner thighs.

And Sabrina wasn’t helping things. First off, her nipples were hard. Second, she was so intently focused on massaging Gemma that you weren’t sure she realised how hot she looked, too. Oil had somehow gotten onto her front, making her little tits glisten in the candlelight just like it was off of Gemma’s body. Her hands working down Gemma’s spine, or sides, or arm were delicate and forceful in equal measure.

By the time you were up on the bed, kneeling between Gemma’s legs as you leaned forward and started to massage the oil into her butt cheeks, you were almost groaning from how hard your cock was. Which, considering the amount of sex you’d had in between Mock Trial work the day before, felt kind of silly. Still, you tried your best to keep from making the booty massage ever more sexual as you worked your fingers and thumbs along her outer hips first and slowly circled your way over Gemma’s meaty cheeks.

Sabrina, of course, was the one to push things a little. She was straddling Gemma’s back and working on the blonde’s lower back when she smirked at you and let one hand go a little farther down the middle of the back, over Gemma’s tailbone and pushed two fingers into the cleft of Gemma’s butt.

Gemma moaned but didn’t say anything.

Sabrina did it again, a little further, pausing to massage those two fingers on the skin just between Gemma’s cheeks but higher up than her butthole.

You knew on the next one she was gonna go for the jackpot, and you also knew that Gemma would allow it. She was already loose, offering no resistance as you moved her legs or adjusted her. Honestly, you might have wondered if she was asleep if not for her fingers twitching every once in a while and her gentle groans of appreciation.

So you caught Sabrina’s hand as it went to tease Gemma, and she scowled at you, and you gave her a look, and Sabrina sighed silently and shook her head, then nodded. You blew her an air kiss, and she raised her hand into a V in front of her lips and mouthed, ‘I want to-’ and then rimmed her fingers with her tongue in a lewd display.

Me too,’ you mouthed back. Then you directed her hand to Gemma’s and Sabrina started massaging it while you grabbed the other one and did the same. You both massaged up Gemma’s arms until you reached her shoulders and armpits.

“OK, Madame,” Sabrina said, dismounting from straddling her. “You have officially brought the sexy back, oui? Now it is time to bring the sexy front.”

“What?” Gemma asked.

“Turn over, love,” you said.

“Oh, right,” she snorted. Gemma groaned as she propped herself up on her hands, and then rolled over onto her back. The towels, thankfully, would save the mattress from the massage oil.

Gemma’s front was just as deliciously attractive as her back. First off, her face was there in all its pretty glory rather than turned to the side, so you could see her full smile and both her beautiful eyes. Then there were her sexy shoulders, and her magnificent chest as her heavy breasts flattened out and fell to the side a little. Her cute, mostly-smooth stomach. Her curvy hips. And her pussy, nestled between her legs, the visible part of her lips looking a little slick already even though it hadn’t been touched.

“Hans, we switch now, yes?” Sabrina suggested. “You start at ze top, I shall start at ze bottom!”

“I think your accent is slipping a little German there, Madame Frauline,” you smirked.

“Bah!” Sabrina said but laughed. “I am the sexy French masseuse.” She knee-walked down the bed and sat down between Gemma’s legs, pulling one foot into her lap and starting to massage it.

That left you to go to Gemma’s head, but you had a bit more of a job to do to try and get comfortable.

“Well, hello there, sailor,” Gemma said as she got an eyeful of your hard cock.

“Couldn’t help it, love,” you said. “Sorry.”

“Never be sorry about getting turned on by me, love,” she grinned.

It took a little working but eventually, Gemma sat up and you sat down behind her so she could lay back and rest her head in your lap, your cock ‘ignored’ for the moment as it pressed against the top of her head lightly. It felt silly and weird, but it gave you access to start massaging Gemma’s forehead and temples. You didn’t add any more oil, just using what was on your fingers already. Then you moved to her cheeks lightly, then down to her jaw. You took your time on her neck next, massaging and also pushing the ‘not sexual’ boundary a little by giving her some full-necked squeezes much like when you would occasionally choke her during sex.

Gemma didn’t say anything, but she did look up at you with a fire in her eyes when you did that, a little smile on her lips.

Moving lower, you massaged her shoulders and clavicle area, and then down to her upper chest. Gemma had played sports as a teen, and intramural into college, and you could feel the muscles in her chest. But then you got to the top of her tits and had nowhere left to go. Sabrina had made her way up Gemma’s thighs and was glancing at you with a smirk as she was massaging Gemma’s pubic mound just a few inches about her pussy, spreading her hands out to also rub down the front of her hips and waist.

“Love,” you said as you pressed one hand onto the middle of Gemma’s chest and slid it down into the cleavage between her breasts, smoothly caressing her sternum. “I think it’s been an hour or so, don’t you?”

“You think?” Gemma asked, blinking her eyes open as she looked up at you with a smile.

“I think so,” you said.

“OK,” Gemma grinned. “Make me- Unf! Oooh, Sabrina!”

Sabrina hadn’t even waited for Gemma’s sentence to end - her mouth was already planted on Gemma’s clit and you were pretty sure at least two fingers were getting inserted into her pussy.

You snorted and shook your head with your own big grin as you slid both your hands down to grope Gemma’s tits. Spa de Nude had officially been thrown out the window.

Chapter 454

“So… I need a shower,” Gemma said.

Sabrina snorted, rolled over to get her face right between Gemma’s tits, and licked your cum from those glorious mounds.

“Not helping, my little perv,” Gemma laughed as she used her hands to push her tits into a larger cleavage, burying Sabrina’s face in them.

“Nom nom nom nom!” Sabrina said from within the boobs and then started giggling.

“We all need a shower,” you said, still breathing a little heavily after the intense bout of sex. No anal, even though Gemma had been willing - you had remembered her mentioning not wanting to be uncomfortable that afternoon or risking it for tomorrow. But it had been a heavy fuck session. Gemma had squirted twice and had gotten a little squirt from Sabrina all over her face too. The towels on the bed had definitely done double duty.

“Oh, no,” Sabrina said, pulling away from Gemma’s tits with her face now kinda disgusting, covered in sweat, cum and the last of the massage oil. “We need to all shower together. How utterly onerous.”

You swatted her butt and she laughed.

It took the three of you another few minutes to actually peel yourselves off of the bed, and you and Gemma sent Sabrina into the washroom to get the shower started since her face really was kinda gross and she was teasing rubbing it on both of you. The two of you stripped the towels off the bed and grabbed the laundry hamper out of Sabrina’s closet - she was going to have some laundry to do.

The shower was nice and hot by the time you and Gemma followed Sabrina into the washroom, and she was already under the water and washing her face off. “There,” she said, blinking the water from her eyes as she turned to the two of you. “Will someone kiss me now?”

Gemma joined her under the water, kissing her, and you followed up and kissed them both.

The shower time definitely had a lot of playful groping, and more kissing, but didn’t escalate beyond that. All three of you were a little worn out after the massage session, and the previous night… and the previous day… and pretty much the whole week before that.

“When is lent supposed to be?” you asked.

“It’s at the start of the year, before Easter,” Gemma said. “Why?”

“I think maybe we should consider giving up sex for lent, just so we have like… a window of time where we have to think of more things to do together,” you said.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sabrina asked. “I would literally be humping the furniture if we did that, baby. I mean, seriously. I was already kind of a closet horndog before the OnlyFans stuff and got off once every day or so - you want me to go from all this glorious sex to nothing, cold turkey, for no reason!?

That got both you and Gemma laughing.

“I promise never to threaten that again, Sabrina,” you said, hugging her tightly.

“Good,” she said. “Because I love doing anything and everything with you, John. But I feel so fucking close to you, and so special, when we’re fucking. You always see me, but I feel like we’re your whole world when you’re inside me or Gemma and I love that.”

“Sabrina-” you started but weren’t sure what to say.

She slipped from your arms and hugged Gemma the same way, kissing the blonde’s cheek and then her lips as Gemma hugged her back. “Same with you, baby,” Sabrina said. “I’ll spend every single day doing nothing and everything with you, but when you and me are loving on each other, the world just feels right.”

“I know how you feel, love,” Gemma said and kissed her back lightly.

You eventually had to get out of the shower and the three of you dried each other more than yourselves with the last towel that hadn’t gotten massage oil and squirt all over it. Then you checked the clock and realised it was already 12:30 and you had to go.

Gemma and Sabrina didn’t want to be full casual in front of Eric, so Gemma ended up in a nice summer dress she knew you liked and Sabrina wore a pair of tight jeans and one of your T-shirts pulled back and knotted at the small of her back, revealing a sliver of her skinny abdomen and leaving the top loose and a little billowy, hiding the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. You ended up in jeans and a T-shirt as well.

You didn’t make it out the door until 1:15 with the girls needing to do their hair and makeup to an acceptable standard for them, and you made use of the time by gathering up all the documents and notes that had gotten scattered around the living room and kitchen table during the review sessions the previous day. When the girls did emerge from the bedroom they both had their hair done with double braids that started up circling their heads almost like a frontless crown and then fell down their shoulders and backs in twin braids.

“He likes it,” Sabrina said when she saw your expression.

“You never said you liked braided hair, love,” Gemma said as she came over to you and gave you a kiss.

“I like your hair almost always,” you said. “And you’ve both worn braids before and I complimented them, just never like this, and never matching I don’t think.”

“That’s fair,” Gemma grinned.

“So you like us matching, huh?” Sabrina asked. “Maybe we should do matching pubic hair next, what do you think, baby?”

Gemma scrunched up her nose and nodded. “That could be fun.”

“Do what makes you happy,” You said, holding up your hands. “Just please, I put up with the pigtails for a couple of the videos, I don’t want schoolgirl pigtails on my actual girlfriends. I’m not a middle schooler.”

“But these are fine?” Gemma asked, bringing both of her braids over her shoulders.

“These are fine,” you said, taking hold of them lightly and pulling her into a kiss.

“Oooh, do that to me too, but backwards,” Sabrina smirked.

You separated from Gemma and went to your brunette girlfriend, grabbing her by the braids just as gently and bending down to plant a kiss on her as well. “Maybe tonight,” you told her.

Sabrina purred playfully and licked her lower lip.

“Come on, you two,” Gemma said. “Sometimes your libido recovery times are a bit of an issue.”

“Says the girl who was saying how much you wanted him to pull your braids and kiss you in the bathroom while I was braiding them,” Sabrina scoffed as you all headed for the front door. “Your panties are probably already wet under that dress.”

“Sabrina!” Gemma said, flushing a little as she smiled at you. “I thought we were keeping that stuff in the Cone of Girlfriend Silence.”

“Why?” Sabrina asked. “It’s another way for us to turn you on and show you we love you. You guys know all my buttons.”

“She’s right, love,” you said, sliding a hand to the small of her back and pulling her towards you lightly. “Hell, I wish I’d known sooner.”

“I’ve gotta have some mysteries left to reveal,” Gemma smirked a little, getting over her reaction quickly.

“Oh, big surprise, you like having your hair pulled a little,” Sabrina said. “What next, are you gonna tell us you kinda like anal?”

That got a snort out of you, and Gemma gave Sabrina a smack on the ass as she put on her shoes.

“Thank you, Mommy, can I have another?” Sabrina asked with a wicked smirk.

“Oh, you fucking brat,” Gemma said, and had to chase Sabrina out of the apartment as the brunette bolted through the front door faster than you thought possible, her giggle practically an echo behind her.

“Hold on,” you called. “We need to bring all the stuff!”



Great chapter! Notes: impossible not the love - to love over her sink - I hope you mean "skin", or I've been reading the wrong novel... watched in mould - it glimpses over her beautiful - of her

Ian B

I was trying to figure out what body part he was calling her sink 😂

Ian B

Another great 25 chapters. So many ways this story could go