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Howdy! Like I’ve said in my last “head’s up” post, This update has proven to be too big for us to finish in the previously set time, especially since I got carried away a bit and spent most of this month on writing.

This version is definitely undercooked, it needs another week or two to become what we imagined, but it is playable and we did promise to release it at the end of the month, so we’ve decided not to delay anything and upload it as it is.

It’s pretty much a “dev” version, so It has missing pictures, missing character art, unlayered events and probably a bunch of new and exciting bugs. So if you’d like to wait for a more complete version - rest assured, you won’t have to wait long, we will release a “bugfix” that will contain the missing art as soon as I finish drawing everything.

Now, with that out of the way, here’s what this monstrosity has to offer:

Download link:

V0.5A (click me) 

- Finished the main story quest - “Enemy within”

- Started a new one - “A Modest Proposal”

- 112 pages of script (including the H text)

- ”Branching” event - two event’s in one based on your previous choice (has similar text, but different art.)

- Just the “base” art, unlayered, unanimated and with no expressions.

- A bunch of bug fixes.


To access the Modest Proposal - Just follow the main quest, if you completed everything prior to this version, just talk to the Rebel Leaders (Sewer, Boat, A building next to the one where stooges live)

Note: Note: If you want to see both versions of the new event without replaying the entire game - Once you have “A Modest Proposal” Quest, Save before talking to “Gulag” (the prison warden). View the first version, load, go to the subway and use our usual “cheat terminal” (mailbox) then click on “Spoiler” option. Return to Gulag and that’s it.

Thank you pic.

We were really excited to work on the main plot again and our excitement blinded us. In retrospect, given the fact that I’m known to draw a single nipple for three months, it was rather absurd of us to think we’d manage to add two complete quests in a single update.

Every quest and every update are different, I thought I learned to not announce any dates, unless I’m 100% sure that we’ll deliver in time. But apparently I didn’t and neither did Moana.

From now on we’ll just say what we’re working on in general, without making any definitive prommisses.

That’s all I wanted to say today, thank you all for your patience and support! Bugfix/Art version will arrive as soon as it’s ready!



I played the new quest, it's good. It recaptured a lot of why I liked and started supporting this game in the first place, which I haven't really felt with a lot of the Farm content. It felt good to go back to Moscow and have a quest apart of the main questline. And the Karenina Department got a good laugh from me, it felt a lot more like the lighthearted humor that is more present in your older quests. The Farm content has the occasional moment like that, but they seem to be waaaaay less numerous. But maybe I'm just a Defenestration boomer. Anyway, in regards to the release timeline issue cropping back up, I don't think you should beat yourself up when you don't make deadlines. Don't feel the need to rush in order to make them either. Constant releases is not what I expect and, outside of a vocal minority found on a different website, most people supporting the game probably agree. As of the past year, if you compare this game to a lot of other games that share the genre, Defenestration has a higher cadence of releases than most even come close to. Which is odd, because it seems like you and Moana get way more flack than most devs for never having releases. Now, a lot of that has to do with the former period where you basically went no-contact for like 7 months a couple years ago. That is gonna be a hard thing to shake, but a good way to start is to try and keep us more updated on how the game updates are coming along. It is very common for H-game devs to release like 3 small updates a year and still make bank for it. But if you look at a lot of their feeds, you'll notice that the devs are releasing progress reports almost weekly. They also don't seem to be accused of sandbagging development either (even if they are), because those constant progress reports serve a couple of purposes: 1. It signifies that the dev team is still active and willing to engage with the community, which fosters a larger, more active community. 2. It creates the illusion of progress. Even though nothing is being released and patrons/fans are basically just receiving empty words (unless the dev offers an art teaser or something), they still FEEL updated and invested, so they stick around. So that would be my recommendation. More progress reports. They don't have to be long or in-depth like the big ones you currently make are. Save those for right before and after releases like you currently do. If you can offer teasers or art previews, that's even better, but also not expected. Just showing up in patron's feeds to let us know where ya'll are at could help to build a lot of confidence with the fanbase. P.S. Also for utilizing monetization tiers that differentiate themselves almost solely on the amount of votes they get in polls, polls are VERY underutilized. Letting patrons have too much control is bad and partially how the game arrived at having a lot of the art issues it currently does in the first place. But having one poll a month (even for some small, dumb shit in the game) would serve to keep more people monetarily invested. Poll votes are not something that can be leaked outside of the Patreon, you have to pay for them.

Suō Yagyū

Will there be updates for scenes at the Gym or the Prison? Cause there aren't the difference breast sizes shown. For the szene they switch back to the basic size, no matter which size you actually have. Would be cool. Keep going, I like what you made so far and looking forward where it will lead.


Thank you for taking your time to write this, I appreciate it and I think we’re going to do exactly what you’re saying. We’re going to give more of our time to patreon/communicate better in general, and while it may prolong the development, at least we’ll have our nerves intact :) Oh, and I’m glad to hear you liked what I wrote for this update, it’s always nice to hear that my work made someone laugh :)


Thank you! Yes, we will update all older events eventually, we’re just doing it gradually because it’s a lot of work and most people prefer to see brand new content instead of the updated older one. Prison pole event is the one we’re going to upgrade next (when we’ll finish adding new content, that is).