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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

This month I was primarily writing and drawing some characters that I need for 0.5. I intend to completely finish this “preparation” phase and start drawing H-events at the beginning of the next month.

As for the release date, I feel confident saying that it will drop at the end of August, it’s just too big for us.

We will do our best to release everything that we planned for this version before the end of next month, but in case we’ll fail I have a simple plan - we’ll still release it, but without layers/bodymods (breasts, hair, tats, etc), similarly to how we were releasing our shower events earlier this year.

We will of course do our best to release everything, but with this plan I can guarantee you that there won’t be a delay.

V0.5 will have:

- Two quests. “A Modest Proposal” and “Food for thots”.

- Two H-events that will become repeatable (maybe in 0.5, maybe a bit later)

- More NPC character art upgrades

Let’s start with the quests and why there’s two of them.

This is the direct continuation of the main plot. You will use the thingy you got from New You on Shwift (the prison pole girl) to make her a functional member of society again!

You’ll talk to Razin again, meet the rebellion leaders, negotiate with Gulag and at the end of it there will be a rather modest “Proposal” that will take some freedom away from you (if you’ll agree to it).

The quest will end when you’ll unlock the “fetish removal” feature and right before your next main plot mission (Vivarium). The “Vivarium briefing” and “fetish removal” will be implemented in another “system’ focused update, since both of them require more thought and some art (briefing event art and “fetish interface” art)

Right now I think we’ll implement both the briefing and the fetish removal in v0.5.1.

- The script for this quest is already above 100 pages, but I’m not done with it. I’m not happy with some parts and I’d like to do some additional restructuring before asking Moana to code it. My self-imposed deadline is the end of this month.

- Most of the needed NPCs are also almost complete and I plan on finishing them this month as well.

- Then I will spend an entire August on drawing H-events, which should be enough time for the two of them.

Now, this quest has one problem in my opinion. There’s too much plot and not enough “plot”. This issue won’t be a problem in the final version of the game, because with our planned random events Kira won’t be able to make one step without someone harassing her.

However, this is not the final version of the game, so I kind of needed another H-event and I really had no idea what it should be, every lewd idea just felt out of place.

Which is why we’ve decided to add an H-event at a different place and we picked the one that was already written - Food for thots.

This is a side quest that was completely written by Moana and it’s kind of a “test”. We want to see whether or not you’ll like her writing and shorter H-events.

Moana already did some limited writing for the game (like Vivarium “cat on a tree” interaction), but it’s her first time writing an entire quest. Hopefully you’ll like it, if not - I’ll just edit her work more. In any case, this is good news, because with her joining me in my writing endeavors, I’ll have more time to draw and the game will be developed faster.

I did some minor editing on it, just fixed a couple of places where I felt our actors were talking out of character, but overall, I really liked her writing.

The majority of this quest is a set-up for a repeatable H-event and another way for lewd Kira’s to earn money.

With the help of Katya, Kira will fix the mysterious machine in the park and discover the beauty of supply and demand with her own hands. The repeatable event will be added in another version and both me and Moana will write for it.

The text for this quest is 100% finished and it doesn’t need any extra Npc artworks, so all I have to do is draw the H-event.

“A Modest Proposal” will have a second “prison pole” event.

And “Food for Thots” will have a short gloryhole-like H-event that’s meant to be a set-up for a varied repeatable version.

Both events will lead to the repeatable versions, we’re just not sure we’ll have time to add them as well. Repeatable versions are easier when it comes to art, but they are harder when it comes to text and code, because we want to make them varied. So we’ll probably work on them in v0.5.1.

Another thing worth mentioning, is that I’ll replace the art in the first prison poll event, but it won’t be layered and it won’t have upgraded text yet. That kind of stuff still takes time and we’ll do this in another system update, maybe in v0.5.1 as well.

Now let's talk a bit about “Shwift”.

She is an “insane” kind of character. An already lewd former Technopriestess that started her own cult just because she could. While she is a prominent member of the rebellion, her end goal is drastically different from theirs and a lot more absurd.

She isn’t mean nor angry, in fact she will be rather friendly with Kira, she just happens to be a bit of a butterface and unintentionally comes off as creepy and frightening. The dynamic between Kira and her will resemble a student/teacher one and she will call Kira her “Senpai”, so the ahegao tattoo I made is really “on brand” for her character.

On top of that, her potential “transformation” path will revolve around making her more conventionally beautiful, so she kind of has to look “scary” at first.

From a mechanical point of view, she is a “hub” character (like Katya), in a sense that you will be able to get rid of whatever fetish Kira acquired through her. Which makes her invaluable to both Kira and you as a player. I’m hoping this would raise the stakes and make you care more about her fate in her overall storyline.

I plan to use her in a couple of places - in the Movies storyline, Heist mission, Legion quest, and in the confrontation between Vivarium and Technopriests (St. Basil's Cathedral storyline). So she is a rather important character to the main plot.

Now, as you may know, she’s currently overdosed with some “lewd juice” and is willingly strapped to the prison pole, but she was lewd even before her “incident”. And I’m telling you all this so that you could better decide what her appearance should be.

She can be tattooed with a bunch of ahegao faces, she can have body-mods, she can look like that because of her background. So, when picking her appearance in the polls - don’t worry about the setting, just pick an option that you like.

Overall, the work is going smoothly and I’m confident that we’ll make it till the end of August. Next month I’ll make another post with a teaser of one of our upcoming events and I’ll conduct two more polls on “Shwift”

First one on her “outfit” - I’ll draw it when I’ll know what breast size she will have.

And the second one will be on her “name” - As you remember, Kira really dislikes the name “Shwift”, which is why she will rename her in 0.5 and I want you to pick a fitting name. The name should be lewd or degrading (for plot reasons).

So, please write your name suggestions in the comments or dm me (here or on discord) and I’ll create a “name poll” for her next week.

Here’s our current polls in case you missed the notification:

Shwift Breast size poll (click me) 

Shwift Body-Mods poll (click me) 

That’s all I wanted to say today, thank you all for your patience and support! The end is near!



Suō Yagyū

are there already plans when the Cow story will move further?

Monarch Dev

Maybe I'm not understanding currently but when you say Kira and Scwifts relationship will be a teacher student one, does that mean Kira would be the teacher?

Notalie Portman

Thank you so much for giving the character context in time for it to inform poll answers!


Shwift HAS to be the most unique of the bunch so far. That hentai girl tattoo is absolute fire, really well done on this one Mulan! She is definitely my favorite so far. What I am most excited for is Moana's quest though. I am super interested to see the differences in both of your writing styles. Good luck with the update!


Yep. We’re releasing content updates in turns with system ones. v0.5 will be a “content” one, then v0.5.1 a “system” one. After that we’ll return to the cow stuff and we’ll work on the farm until it’s finished. So, starting with v0.5.2 (Autumn).


Yep, Kira will be a teacher, though she will resist. Well, the normal Kira will resist, the dumb one will love this. It’s more of a comedic relationship dynamic, but both Kira and Shwift would learn something lewd from their relationship. I’d tell you more, but I don’t want to spoil the fun.


Can you not post spoilers?


There’s a thin line between spoilers and an insight, and I’m always doing my best to be vague enough and not reveal too much. I think I managed to do that in this post as well and after actually playing v0.5, you won’t feel the same way. If I didn’t, apologies - spoiling anything was never my intention. In any case, I do wanna keep on giving you some insight into the upcoming content and characters, but I’ll try even harder to keep it all spoiler free in the future.


When you continue the animal farm?


Upcoming v0.5 will be a “content” update (main plot), then v0.5.1 wll be a “system” update (fetish removal system). After that we’ll return to the farm and we’ll work on it until it’s finished. So, starting from v0.5.2 (Autumn).