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Howdy again! Here’s what’s up:

Both me and Moana are alive and well and here’s our current plans!

We plan to finish layering the shower event and add more poses to it in our next update and the reason why we started working on something random instead of advancing the farm is rather simple - We can’t advance the farm without a complete character art for Kira (due to her getting knocked up there), plus I’ve got a really good suggestion.

The suggestion was for us to mix updates, one update is focused on content, another on systems. Which is what we want to try out this year (more or less).

Now that the shower event is out, we’ll return to system stuff - layering it and continuing Kira’s character art overhaul.

This way, we won’t be “stuck” working on one single thing for god knows how many months and maintain a relatively stable update frequency.

And now I wanna talk about shower event and other stuff that we’re working on right now:

So our “bed” event became a tad bit overgrown over the years and we wanted to lay off of it for a while, give it some rest, if you will.

Half of our events start from “going to sleep” and to change that we wanted to add another “event starter/bottleneck” where other events could begin.

Shower came to mind, but we also wanted to make it more interesting, so we came up with an idea of “shower thoughts” - short dialogues to convey Kira’s thoughts in regards to her ongoing and completed adventures.

Now, unfortunately, I spent too much time on the repeatable “core shower” to include any full blown extra H-events, but it does have updated artwork and 15 “thoughts” about various encounters, quests and choices.

It’s also worth mentioning that currently our shower event misses “pink Kira” character introduction event, which will kind of explain what she is and why she’s now talking to you in the shower (in every second “thought”). I simply didn’t finish the artwork for it in time.

Needless to say, we will occasionally add more thought to the shower and now that we have a core system/loop in place, it would be real easy to add any amount of events to it.

Above is a new version of Kira’s “back” art with a “princess plug” and I did it now because it’s needed for the AUG’s shop job and Katya’s storyline continuation, which is something we were actively working on as well for the past month.

Speaking of the AUG’s shop job, its core loop and mechanic is built around reading short backstories of the NPC’s and deciding what implant to install in them. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Mulan! That’s nice and all, but can we enlarge random NPC’s breasts regardless of their gender and request for absolutely no reason?” and the answer is - Yes, of course you can!

Right, so that’s the “core” part of this job in a nutshell, now let’s talk about H-events that we have in store.

If Kira is dating Katya - Katya will constantly harass her, grope her, ask her to work without pants, with a butplug or vibrator, all while being hidden behind the counter.

If Kira is not dating her - Customers will harass Kira and Katya won’t stop them because she’s a salty girl.

If Katya was on the prison pole instead of Kira - you’ll get both regardless of your relationship with her.

So, basically it has two stand alone routes that can be completed at the same time if you made a certain choice. But we will add another option to corrupt Katya a bit later.

That’s pretty much it, now, from the list of events that I announced a month ago there’s only one left - Vivarium “Mother pregnancy” event.

And in this case things are rather simple, we already have the text for it and I wanted to reuse the art. But then I thought that it’s kind of lazy and that I should do at least some alterations to it, but ultimately we didn’t have any time for it this month.

That’s pretty much all I wanted to say today, the new version is out (click me) and we’re continuing our work on the next one!

With the help of an AI that does backgrounds for me now (including in our latest shower event), I think we’ll finally manage to get back on track this year.

Thank you all for your patients and support!




Nice, sounds like story continuation's going to get the game into 5.x.x territory now


Epic. Will there be any Kira harassing kaita instead?


Actually, at this point, I don't care much about asking for bigger bits, updated art or more lewds. What I wonder about is this: Have you considered changing to better nature and city art tilesets and remake the existing maps? IMO, at this point, what is dragging Defenestration down the most is its map designs and the heavy use of the original RPG Maker tilesets. The character and scene art, the music, and the system programming is starting to reach such a level that the actual gameplay itself is, in comparison, a bit unremarkable. EDIT: Ofc, more than the map designs and tilesets, I hope you'll focus on reaching the point where it's possible to continue the in-game story. It feels like it's been 3000 years...


I actually did, I tried my hand at upgrading the “residential area”. It took me a lot of time and I didn’t even finish it completely. So, technically, I can upgrade all textures by myself, but it would take a ton of time. The only solution I have for this is hiring someone to do this, because I don’t think it’s wise for me to spend my time on it instead of drawing more naked ladies. In any case, I do want our game to have unique textures and I hope that one day it will.

Adrien Bigot

I get a failed to load: img/pictures/KiraBust_outfit_lower_waitress2_default.png when entering the bar during the quest Basic Instinct


did we ever come to a conclusion about having both Kira and Katya both on the prison poll?


Yep, If you’re dating her - you’ll both be able to get on it. But we didn’t implement that option yet