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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

Since Moscovia decided to target our power plants and other infrastructure, we now have to ration electricity. We’ve had plenty of planned shutdowns that lasted from 2 to 6 hours, and unexpected blackouts. By “blackout” I mean that even our mobile network didn’t work.  Latest blackout lasted 3 whole days and I just got my precious internet back.

Unfortunately this affects the development, because I need electricity, but… I have a plan!

I’ve heard that there exists this mysterious creature capable of sleeping through entire seasons, like winter. It’s Called “Possum'', I believe. So, by looking at a number of Possum pictures I think I’ve managed to harness their power and start thinking like them. I adapted to the current reality and now I can sleep on demand whenever I feel sleepy. Yes, I went beyond what most deem possible and finally evolved into a Possum.

And yes, I’m fully aware that the Possum life is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, but the power it offers is far too great to be ignored. However, my peaceful Possum life had to be disturbed once again, the latest Moscovian attack entails a truly dark future ahead of us. Most likely we’ll only get electricity for 3 hours every day and that's it.

Which means that I’ll have to evolve once again. If things get even more drastic I’m afraid I’ll have to evolve into, god forgive me for saying this, a Croatian.

In all seriousness, Croatia is a great country because it already accepted half of my family this month, while I heroically refused to leave Ukraine and totally am not bitter about my heroic and rational decision that I do not regret whatsoever!

That said, I really need a ton of time to properly layer events and show all planned/implemented body-mods (like breasts, hair, etc.), and with electricity being an issue at the moment, I don’t think I have that time.

I can write without electricity while listening to Jazz.FM, basking in the candlelight and drinking wine. But I absolutely can not draw like that. So, we’re going to temporarily postpone all our overhauls, reworks and body-mods. All of them require a ton of hours that I temporarily do not have.

This is a really unfortunate and truly horrible situation, but what can you do when your neighbor is both retarded and russian, apologies for being redundant.

Now, I’m not going to lie, last month when I still had electricity I was taking my sweet ass time drawing hearts on dresses and what not. I was experimenting, creating different versions, basically I just continued being myself.

This is a habit that I’ll have to leave in the past, now that I am a Possum. But it did lead to some results that I’m personally happy with. Here’s some of them:

The only hold-up is that I didn’t manage to layer all outfits for all breast sizes before the energy crisis, and now I’m not sure I can.

Like I’ve said, electricity is scarce now, and layering demands a ton of time. So I think it would be smart of me to spend the only 3 hours of light that I have on something easier and more content-oriented - like on an “unlayered” event.

I still have some unused art for events and a ton of text to keep the content coming, but any system related things, any variety in art, any layers and what not - they all will have to wait until the situation becomes more stable.

And the situation will become more stable. because I’m not just sitting on my ass and neither do our more capable Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

Anyways! The new and improved waitress outfit went through a couple iterations, but ultimately I’ve decided to make it a “two piece” with a separate top & bottom. This way it will work better with the events I have in mind for the job. It’s worth mentioning that I contemplated making it more like a traditional “soviet server” uniform, but it would just be a green version of a school uniform, so I’ve decided to make it resemble the western pink uniform plus added some maid elements to spice things up. And that’s just this one.

As for the rest, the list of backend changes is enormous and you’ll see it in the changelog (mark my words), but what I personally like the most is that we’re now able to add things like garter belts and properly categorize every piece of outfit (not just garter belts).

Besides that, there’s a question of how our “one piece” outfits should work, like our “farm” outfit. So far we’ve decided that it should be “versatile", meaning that you will be able to wear it either as top or as bottom and mix/match it with whatever other outfits you fancy. But unfortunately that is something we had to postpone too.

All in all, we’ve been spending our time on the final part of Kira’s character art overhaul/expansion which consisted of upper body outfits (primarily).  But given the situation in our country we might just wrap things up and temporarily postpone this task in order to focus on something less time-consuming and more content-oriented. Like a premature continuation of existing quests or even the creation of new ones, simply because there’s not much else we can do.

As per usual, thank you all for your patience and support. A lot of stuff has happened since the last time I posted and I wish I posted this sooner, but I’m barely able to hold onto what remains of my sanity, god I miss covid, what a blissful time it was!




Yes, I also became an opposum. but we now have a generator and we are working!


Just learned about this game today, and subscribed immediately after reading the first line of this post. please stay safe!