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Howdy! Today I wanted to talk a bit about “Red Kira” and all that comes with her.

First of all, I’ve decided to change her name again, she’s now “Crimson Queen”.

For a couple of reasons:

- It goes better with “Pink Kira” who is now named “Pink Princess”

- It’s funnier, bacuse dumb Kira will call her “Cream Queen”.

- Kira’s identities are now “royalties” for a couple of jokes I have in mind.

Overall, her name is not that important, because most npcs will call her “your majesty”. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

With that out of the way, here’s a bit about the reasons behind her existence and what role she will play in the game:

Initially she was added to the game purely to serve as an “event stopper” - a way for Kira to fight back and for the player to avoid unwanted content, but now I want to give her more purpose.

You may remember my plan of how we can work quicker and upload events more regularly which consisted of three things - repeatable content (reused art), voyeuristic events (events without Kira) and finally “Crimson Queen” events.

Crimson Queen will have her own dialogue character art (first version of it is shown in the picture attached to this post and her events won’t have any layers - this is why we will be able to work quicker, no layering means less dev time.

The in-game reason behind Kira’s visual “transformation” is that Crimson Queen can control all Kira’s implants and her body in general, meaning that we will be able to change her appearance in events whenever we choose to do so (bigger boobs for boobjob events etc.).

Given that her appearance is “static” and unchangeable I think it’s fair that we pick it together. So we will conduct plenty of polls determining her hair, breast size, body type (pretty much everything).

Let’s start with the hair first:

I’ve decided to limit her hairstyle choice to the ones that Kira can have as well (already or in the future), because regardless of what kind of hairstyle we’ll give her - people will ask for it to be added to the regular Kira. And we really shouldn't expand Kira’s character art anymore.

So the first poll is about the “style” of hair she’ll have and the next one will be about its color, which will be limited to white/red and maybe black (not so sure about that one).

Above is just a coloring example to give you an idea, I’ll do the same color variations for whatever hairstyle wins the “style” poll.

Then we’ll move on to her body type - her pose will remain the same, but I’ll do a couple more versions, a more “buff” body and a more “cybernetic”one. Then breast and other options. And finally we’ll add her into the game.

Once again, you’ll be playing as her if you choose to do so.

At first her “free roam” will be limited to the Farm with an alternative quest where she is taking over it and dealing with everyone who dares to oppose her. Eventually we intend to allow you to just play as her anywhere whenever you want, but she will have her own content and storylines - you won’t get the same quests and interactions as regular Kira.

The choices you’ll make as her will affect both the world around you and regular Kira to some extent, so apart from her storyline being a generally fun experience (I hope), it’ll also have some consequences.

In general, we’re adding her because it’s easier to draw and write events for her than for Kira. But this doesn’t mean that her content will be half-assed.

I generally had a lot of fun writing for her, the insane and morally “gray” (if not straight up evil)  protagonists were always interesting to me.  And her presence adds both more context and more layers to the story.

For one, she’s made from what was left of the original Kira, so you’ll get to see what kind of person Kira was before her amnesia. And then, seeing how all powerful Crimson Queen is, humiliating events where Kira gets called “just a weak little girl” (etc.) will have another layer of degradation.

Basically, Kira’s corruption will bear more meaning because the player will know that she used to be a narcissistic killing machine (and still kind of is).

On a final note, Crimson Queen events will be centered around corrupting others, dominating and transforming all those pesky peasants, including our Kira.

Welp, that’s probably everything!

We’re still busy working on the upcoming update and fully intend to be consistent with our uploads, just wanted to give you an insight into one particular aspect of our upcoming plans and finally start the voting process on Crimson Queen’s appearance.

Thank you all for your patience and support! The end is near, I assure you!



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