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Salutations! Here we’ll decide the size of the only “Fake” breast size the game will feature.

While I’d certainly like to add them all, our game already has an absurd amount of customization. In other words, out of pity for my future self, I’ve decided to only implement one “fake” breast size.

Thank you for your feedback and participation!



I really like 1 and 4 and wish there could be option to have both like a toggle switch for for those that don’t want that extreme


Damn, I really love the look of 4 but it looks like it's going to be 1 :'(

Niels P

One thing I don't get though. You have these fake tits, but you also have a range of breast enlargement (shown in the previous update). These fake tits have this intentional fake glued on balloons look, but it seems like they are smaller than the sizes 6-9 of the other enlargement. Does getting fake tits prevent Kira from getting further enlargements?


Yep. Fake tits will override any breast size Kira might have. But, just like in the rest of our “breast enlargement” events, they’ll also become “unlocked”, even if you refuse to get them. Meaning, that you will be able to get them or switch them to any other “unlocked” breasts at New You for 50 Rubles whenever you want.


Definitely 1 for me. They're big enough, and really look fake, which is the point. People wanting extreme breasts can have that differently.

H.E. Pennypacker

I definitely understand not wanting to bloat the art more and feel bad even saying this, but... It feels weird that people tend to get implants to get big tits yet compared to the other possible sizes they're sort of tame. Especially with 1 currently leading, it sort of goes against the bimbo theme to have that be the peak of fake tits. I'm not going to fight against the poll, but if at *some* point a second really large size gets added I know at least I would really appreciate it and it would follow the theme of the rest of the transformation options.


Option 2 looks the most balanced for a true "bimbo" slut :)


Although now that I think of it, it'd actually be nice to have a secondary fake size as a future "upgrade" that she could get - perhaps something that could be implemented down the line picking from the two top options voted on here?


Would have been fun to see these as fake versions of sizes 6 through 9. I enjoy the actual breast expansion and growth more than just the large sizes, so I'm glad they will be able to be removed if we will not be able to upgrade them. Alternate scenes for breast enlargement when you have fake breasts could have been hot though.

james dorough

Damn 4 should have won easy