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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

I was busy with the artwork for breast sizes, since I’m doing them all in advance (with all outfits and poses). This way when we decide to add another “breast enlargement” event, I won’t have to redraw every single outfit and event - it all will happen automatically.

From “visible” content the next version will have one event (boobjob), one mini-event (harassment), some npcs, one new skirt and the ability to combine outfits (tops and bottoms).

From what’s left to do, I believe I will finish the adjustments by the end of the next week. Then I’ll continue drawing a boobjob event which already has 50% of its art ready. The text is good to go, the code is there for everything except for the boobjob event, which is what Moana is doing right now.

After that we will focus on the continuation of the farm with minor rewrites, more days/ events and a working pregnancy system.

Poll results:

Option One: 82 votes;

Option Two: 37 votes;

And the winner:

Option Three, with 90 votes.

Don’t be sad if your favorite skirt didn’t win, we plan to conduct “pants/skirts” polls for each update from now on. And they will return as poll options again later down the line.


One of our two planned events is good to go. It’s a “harassment” event that uses the same art system as in gym/ imperator/ katya piercing. I picked this one because it requires almost no new art and we had a ton of work on our plate with Kira's character art expansion.

The event itself is 23 pages, but it’s extremely dependent on variables, so you’ll see around 3-6 pages at a time. Then when something changes in Kira’s mind, you’ll see slightly different 3-6 pages.

The second event we picked is a “boobjob” with multiple participants (8 actors). I already had some artwork for it and continued to work on it.

This event is 26 pages long, and you’ll see around 10, due to Kira not talking as much as she usually does (there’s 7 other actors after all).

Both events were written by LostRaven, and edited by me to include all references.

Overall next update will have:

-A pregnancy system that works with all outfits (won’t be accessible yet)

-A system that allows to combine outfits (tops and bottoms)

-New skirt

-Two new characters and their various versions (random male and female npcs with different hats, etc.)

-All possible body modifications the game will feature up until the end (10 breastizes, new hairstyle, even bigger lips)

-Updated artwork in Gym harassment events, Katya piecing event, Imperator event (to include 5th breast size, nose ring etc.)

-Vivarium harassment event

-Vivarium boobjob event

-A ton of other work Moana did (bug fixes, improvements, etc.)

What we were working on, but won't include in the next update:

-Text edits at “farm/barn intro”

-Two missing mini-events at “Farm/Barn”

-Continuation of Farm/Barn events

-The event to finally turn our new “pregnancy” system “on”.

-Sharon’s Farm/Barn path.

-Mini quest to unlock Vivarium shop (it will sell stockings)

Endgame breast sizes:

Here you can see all breast sizes the game will have. All of them will be optional (as per usual).

A while ago I asked you to give me examples of what “the max breast size” should look like, and I did my best to do it justice.

I understand that the “end result” is pretty extreme to some people, so we will expand our intro questions (and add another “preferences” option to the infobox near the hospital).

The expanded intro will ask you whether or not you want to play with “extreme proportions” and with “silicone” turned on.

In case you decide that you do want to see this type of content, Kira’s surroundings will change in the form of other NPCs having giant breasts or fake lips etc.

This way Kira won’t stand out as much, because I’ll layer some other characters and make them look according to your preferences and her potential future appearance.

For the most part, I was busy with sizes 6-9. Because I had to include “poses” ( cover pose, etc) and all currently present outfits, writings, fluids, piercings..

On top of that, I went ahead and adjusted her currently present breast sizes as well.

I personally like my new edits more, but I understand that my opinion might not be shared.

If you prefer the old design of Kira’s breasts - tell me and I’ll conduct a poll.

P.S: This will not add extra work for us, since her old design already has all outfits drawn.

Above you can see my edits, based on your suggestions. Currently there’s two polls up, in them we will determine what shade of blond and what “style” of lips Kira should have shown in both her dialogue and event artworks.

I also remember all other suggestions and I am working on them. But, while I can see the end of a tunnel (hopefully it’s not a stroke), there’s still plenty of work to do.

My plan is to do a “bimbo” breasts poll and other suggestions last. So I’ll conduct more polls next week.

Overall, I still have a bit of character art to edit, a boobjob event to finish drawing and Moana has one event to code. Then it’s business as usual, comrades.

It’s an insane amount of work, but we’ve been preparing for this art expansion since the beginning of the year.

I do not want to redo anything again, and I’m doing my best with this “final cut”. If you have more suggestions or notes on what I’ve shown you today, please do share them now, because after this update I really want to just focus on finishing Vivarium quests.

Links to current polls:

Lips (click me) 

Hair (click me) 

Thank you for your patience and support! The end is near!




I appreciate that there will be character backgrounds for events makes things feel alive and that things aren't only happening to Kira. Can't wait to for the farm stuff though that could be a legendary game seller if all the options of narrative are done right.

Dom Pavlova

Thos monstruous tits .... i'am in love right now she look like a cow and i love it !


New is better, although I wouldn't mind if the "fake" boobs were a bit bigger and sat a bit higher perhaps. <3


Worry not, comrade. There will be a separate poll for the size/shape of fake breasts next week:)


The new breast option is better, my opinion


Would there be a possibility of few fake breast sizes?


Best stuff ever so happy I found this game

Notalie Portman

Love the larger breasts, though I do wonder if the nipples should still be level or starting to point down a smidge. Not full realism, mind you, but somewhere in the middle, so the shape looks more “real”.

Notalie Portman

Though thinking on it further: there’s one orientation that looks more natural for fully naked, unsupported breasts, and another for breasts that have some support, and I’m sure you don’t want to/can’t reasonably draw two versions. Unless at the largest sizes there’s no clothing Kira can wear, then, probably it’s more important that her breasts look right in clothing than out. That’s my opinion, anyway.


Breast sizes really could've stopped on size 7, which is already large enough, but doesn't look too immersion breaking ridiculous. And no, it's not a matter of "It's optional, don't like it, don't take it." Resources were poured into something this game really didn't need, delaying development considerably. But what's done is done, I hope things proceed smoothly from now on.


Only one I’m afraid, otherwise I might finally die from variable overdose.


Sorry comrade, but I`m in big love to the new Breasts 6 till 9! I think ist for every one when you can choose your own real Kira you love! I love the plastic tits very well! ;)


nice to hear this, can't wait to try i out. GG


I am looking forward to get the "pregnant cow kira ending" so should be worth the wait. Anyhow good luck with the work! I am looking forward to the next release!