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Howdy comrades! I’m out of Hermit mode!

The last couple of months/updates we were basically trying to sit on two chairs with one ass - Working on a massive Character art overhaul and adding more content in a form of repeatable random events.

I’ve decided that it’s time to stop, and just crunch the remaining parts of Kira’s artwork for good, which is what we did.

The new and improved system now supports outfit combinations and outfits for preggo Kira. Plus we’re adding all ten breast sizes the game will have to character art (for the future).

This is meant to be the “final cut” of Kira’s art, I do not want to ever redo it again.

Since our goal was to finish her art “once and for all” I had to redraw her bottom - Kira is now slightly taller, to show more of her leg. Plus, this position gives more room for layers to breathe. Here’s an example:

As you can see on the picture above, due to Kira’s old legs being more open, pants did not cover her future crotch piercing. This issue could be fixed by manual coding (removing the “piercing” layer every time Kira wears pants), but this “fix” is less than ideal. Besides, the problem goes beyond piercings, the same thing would happen with future wearable sextoys etc.

Now for the new stuff:

Above you can see three new expressions and “Red” Kira face progression. 

Moving forward “Red” choices will cause Kira’s face to change, limited to character art I’m afraid, since we don’t have a separate layer for this and each “Red” stage multiplies the amount of expressions.

Things like tattoos are decided by polls, so I can’t draw them in advance. But, breast sizes and hair is a different story.

Overall the game will have 6 hairstyles that will be shown in events, plus different styling options limited to character art.

Three are already in the game, “black” one is coming soon and I took the liberty and already added a “blond” hairstyle, since it was the most requested one.

Meaning that there’s only one hairstyle left, and it will be decided later on via polls.

Here’s a pic of blond Kira:

This hairstyle will be added with the second “Dream” event. And just like in the first one, you will be able to refuse any body mods proposed to Kira. Current plan is to add it in the Movies storyline, right after Vivarium.

Additionally, this teaser shows some new skirts, and the current running poll will decide which one we will add.

Due to the separation of tops from bottoms, we can now add skirts and pants to the game more frequently. A “full” outfit has around 30 pictures, while pants and skirts have 3-6 pics.

And finally, here’s a “Silicone” Kira:

Like I’ve said, I’m drawing everything in advance. The art will be in the next release, but it won’t be accessible.

Oh, and worry not, I’m fully aware that this is not everyones cup of tea, so “Silicone” will be a content preference option (like pregnancy/lactation).

The game will have 10 breatsizes in total, and I’m still editing outfits for some of them. Every second one is shown in events - 1,3,5,7,9 and “Fake”.

Since there will only be one “fake” size, I think we should decide how big it should be. In the upcoming weeks I’ll conduct a poll about it.

Just like I’ve been saying for the last couple of months - we’re working on character art overhaul, which is why we’re so slow.

This is not an easy thing to do and there’s plenty of other changes that I’ll announce in the upcoming weeks. But, I believe this is necessary.

We promised the game would have this amount of body mods, it certainly drags us down, but I intend to keep my word and I truly feel that after I finish them all, the progress will return to a relative normality.

That said, we picked a chair, and soon we will be ready to stand up. Next update will have character art overhaul, new “combine” outfits with an extra skirt and one simple random event.

Thank you all for your patience and support! I’m off to continue my crunch.

P.S: Here’s a link to the skirt poll, just in case - click me (link) 



I'm gonna just speak up so you hear a different take. I love Kira's lower body in the art.


Damn. Im in love with plastic Kira. What am i gonna do without her for another 3-4 months? Release her asap :)

Notalie Portman

I’m not so much into the silicone breasts, but I adore the huge lips and can hardly wait to get them. I will say that I might wish for them to be a bit more glossy and “tight” looking, and very slightly parted at rest.


I love the silicone, plastic Kira, too. Good work, go on!


how about platinum blonde ? origin blonde is too nature


Wow! great work


Got it, I’ll conduct another poll on the color of this new hairstyle in the upcoming weeks.


Now that you've made progress with coding, layers (clothes, piercings, tattoos,) and whatnot: does there exist a possibility (even a slim one) that you'll eventually include optional pubic hair?

Dom Pavlova

Silicone Kira .... Jeez i'am in love right now ....


У меня на счет количества стрижек возник вопрос. Сказано, что в игре присутствует уже три. Обычная блондинка, розовые и как я понимаю блондинка с выбритыми висками. Третий вроде бы до сих пор не доступен или я то-то пропустил?


Just a gentle reminder for the breast image layer call bug....


im glad there is a natural big breast - im not a fan of silicone it looks super scary to me like a botched plastic surgery lol. So I'm all for natural DD Kira, but glad for you guys that like that stuff.


Natural breasts are the best. And nice update.


В игре - в арте, коде и ивентах он есть, но он недоступен, все правильно. Скоро его разблокируем.


Any idea if/when any advancement on the story can be made at all? It's great that you're upping the visuals but it feels like the story hasnt advanced much for an incredibly long time.


Of course. This is what’s been holding us back from the continuation of the Farm storyline - lack of a pregnancy in Kira’s character art. So, after we’ll expand her character art, it’s business as usual.

Dom Pavlova

A progress report, dear lord Mulan ? :D


When are we getting a progress report?


why am I more hypped by this than i was for Cyberpunk 2077 ?