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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

This week is the week - we will finally release our new version.

I will give you a quick heads up a day before the release, but it will be close to Monday (hopefully sooner).

Here’s what we did this week:

- Edited the text for “Movies” quest

- Mapped second “Slutification” quest (optional, starts at the Movies)

- Developed involved characters and thor story arcs (for the Movies)

- Wrote some new interactions and a start of said new quest

- Wrote alternative text to existing interactions with “Imperator” and “Napoleon” (You’ll pick how Kira should speak to them)

- Went through the game and wrote places where “Lust” should be added.

- Moana continues her fight, there’s a ton of tiny things that can only be described as bug-fixes and polish.

1. So, I’ve been primarily working on the next version for the last couple of weeks and I am not sure what we should focus on:

I really want us to publish another update before the new year, so I’m trying to decide what content we should start implementing right after this week's release.

It would be pretty cool if we released the Movies before the New Year. On the other hand, I have a ton of resources ready for the Farm. Or maybe we shouldn’t get overambitious with this one, and focus on random events that don’t require the same amount of time.

In other words - we’ll see what type of content we’ll work on next. I’ll talk with Moana after we’ll release this one, and after I’ll read your impressions of it.

Speaking of Moana, I have another heroic act of hers to share with you. Apparently, RPG Maker didn’t like the amount of sound effects Farm events had, so Moana edited our background music for said events and made the “breast-pump remix” that only plays if “lact” content is on - now, that’s what I call a “dedication to the craft”.

And that is what she does, she’s not just implementing my insane ideas, she’s also responsible for sound, sprites, movements, locations and everything related to the actual game. I do art and text, she’s the one who actually turns that into the game.

More alternative text & Lust:

Both issues were brought to my attention and suggested to me on our Discord. Basically, for the sake of role-playing and immersion you should be able to pick how Kira talks to certain “key” characters (like Imperator), this will lead to the same result, but it adds more game-play value. I already wrote it, but I don’t want Moana to implement it now - she should just finish what she’s currently doing and upload the update.

Same with ‘Lust”, I went through the game and wrote down some places where “Lust” should be given, but she shouldn’t add it yet, since she might mess something up by doing so and it all will need some testing.

2. Movies:

We cut this quest out a year ago, due to the changes I wanted to implement there and other technical issues - The quest wasn’t written completely and it wasn't ready, meaning that if we were to change the quest and add more “steps” to it, the saves would become corrupted for everyone. Since then I had other ideas for it, but no time to finish it.

This is something I’ve avoided with Vivarium by writing the quest as a “whole” thing, instead of building it as we go (and trying to not break savefiles in the process). And that is something I want to do with the Movies - ensure that it’s properly mapped out and working before adding it back.

So that is what I was doing, mapping and writing key parts.

The quest will use multiple locations - Mosfilm, Cinema (Red Square), fancy restaurant (City Center), factory (City Gate), “new you” clinic and even prison.

It will have multiple ways of completion based on how far you are in the story, mainly influenced by whether or not Shwift (prison pole girl) was brought back to a relative “normality”, and for that particular path I need to slightly advance the rebellion story line.

On top of that, I am not happy with how the “Prison” quest starts, I can do better than that with slight adjustments to the lore and the set-up of the quest. This will require more effort from Moana, since I intend to turn “Prison” into a “Prison-town” of sorts. We also need this change for another thing, but it’s too soon for it.

It’s hard to talk about it without spoilers, but this is a quest that will further corrupt Kira and unlock “silicone” breasts and a second lip enlargement  (optionally).

And since the game structure is close to a “spider-web” (with everything referencing everything), we need to work on more locations and polish existing ones, which brings me to the next point.

3. Nothing is finished, it simply can’t be finished yet (by design):

We’re building locations, adding new important characters, systems and expanding what you can do in the game overall.

After we’ll finish our “preg” system over the course of the upcoming updates, we will finally pass an important milestone - character art will be almost complete and we will be able to layer events properly.

What we were doing with basically all of our updates always had multiple purposes.

We never really just did a simple quest. “Gym” added a shop, "grope" system and hip enlargement. “New You” has breasts customization and fetishes, “Vivarium” will add stockings, wearable sex toys, lactation and pregnancy. And all our other quests always had new locations, outfits, body customization and characters attached to them.

The thing is, this will end someday. I will have my “scene” set, all of the locations and all of the characters will be present, all of the systems will be implemented and all of the events will be layered.

When my grand plan will come to its fruition - I will be able to just add any quest or event that comes into my mind to the existing “infrastructure”.

We do our best to add interesting quests at the same time as we’re working on this world I imagined, and with each update we’re getting closer to its finish. But this is a really ambitious project and sometimes things just don’t go our way.

The next version is set to release this week (Monday is the deadline), and I will give you a heads-up the day before it will drop.

While Moana is still finishing her part, I took this time to create more resources for the game and map some quests out. We want to release another version before the new year, but I’m not sure what we should do first. I’ll return to this topic after the release of the current build.

Don't get me wrong, It’s good that we have many options, it’s just hard to pick right now. Preg content was voted for back in the day and we should not deviate from what we already planned, but I fear it won’t be done by the New Year - that’s the root of my doubts.

Thank you all for your patience and support! The end is just around the corner!

P.S: Everything will be optional and choice-based as always, so don’t worry - no one will force a “breast enlargement” on Kira.




I say finish the farm. you already have the resources for it; the art work, sounds, and a fresh idea still in your head. I fear if you drop it you'll never pick it up again. I believe it's best to focus on the subject while the anvil is hot. make it so, it will would work with your new system in mind. have all the bugs in your new design hammered out with the new system, so you could just drop in content without fighting the "RPG maker" program. P.S. I love the hard work you and the team puts into this game.

Dr. Madness MNA

I say try to finish the small random events and worry about the bigger events afterwards. Those are the ones that need more attention and fine-tuning, don't they?


You mentioned "spider-web", so as you know spiders finishes one string before moving on to other ones... I'd say you should do that as well by sticking to the Farm part .


Can wait to do the new movie. Continue the great work ! thx a lot for the wonderful report.

Dom Pavlova

Damn i hope it's going to be released before monday, tired to wait in fact :(


The wait is almost over - it will be out on Monday, I’ll reconfirm this in a “Heads up” post on Sunday.