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0.4.9 will come out on Monday, since Moana had to leave the town for personal reasons. It wasn’t “sudden”, I knew she’ll leave for the weekend, I just didn’t manage to finish my part before her departure and fell asleep.  

Pregnancy is a final “body mod” the game will have, meaning that moving forward we won’t need to break our heads and waste time inventing a bicycle. 

The new “Cult” event ended up having 59 “event” pictures and 25 “words” pictures (words, like in the Chief Officer’s scenes). And it’s pretty much what we were waiting for, the event that has every physical change, since we didn’t know how “preg/lact” will work in practice and couldn’t start changing older content. 

Now, all of our older events will be gradually re-coded to be like this one, and we will continue to add more repeatable content for you to enjoy.  

That said, the plan moving forward is super simple, but it will fix the “time” issue. Updates like 0.4.9 are tough, and I physically can’t predict how much time they require. But updates that focus solely on events are predictable - So, we will mix them up. 

After the release of 0.4.9 we will only do “events” up until the new year, we’ll add our Movies content back, create random sexual encounters and focus on adding even more events to the farm, so it will be like it used to be - regular content updates with predictable release dates. 

Then once we’ll need something like 0.4.9 again, I will let you know that we’ll have to work for multiple months in a row. It’s a simple plan, but it will work and hopefully “reabilitate” us in your eyes. 

All I ask is for you to have a little bit of faith in me, because I think I finally figured this puzzle out and I’m going to prove it with my actions, starting this month. 

In conclusion, we were already at rock bottom, but somehow we went even further into a development hell, I’m super tired, but the thought that this will be over on Monday comforts my pigeon brain.  

 this situation is a mess of my own creation, I neglected my responsibilities as a manager of this project, all of my ideas sounded pretty good in my head and on paper, but they’ve proven to be difficult for us to actually implement, I definitely did not think it all through.  

Thank you all for your patience and support, I assure you we will power through this and things will become normal again in just two days. 



Lol kinda starts to be a meme, that release date thing.


Sometimes you got to go through hell to get to heaven. The only thing I can ask is transparency and learning from mistakes, which you have been and are. Thank you for all do; I got the faith in Team Fresh.


Don't give up and continue to give your best ! ::heart::


just like i said in a previous post: I prefer a developer to wait a little longer with the release if he wants to add something or something doesn't quite fit, instead of knocking it out too early and having to struggle with patches! Quality before quantity: I AM FOR IT!:P


Monday, so it's Thursday.


Its like cyberpunk date u know. But both games worth the waiting


Deceiver! I don't believe you anymore. From two months ago to the beginning of last month, about two weeks promised at the beginning of last month. Tell us about the 30th or October 1st at the end of September. You have been postponing until now. You are a liar

Neko Neko Nyaa

THank you for the updates. You guys are awesome. Please keep your heads up and stay amazing <3


You fell asleep? Hmm you are human after all


This is bullshit. I knew it would happen, even said so in my previous comment. Gave you one last chance but its just another delay + excuses. Also this update is only a "setup" for an actual Farm content which was announced like... half a year ago.


Don't listen to the angry folks, you've obviously been working on this game which is all I really care about. Let the updates come when they come.


All good keep poking along Just don't burn your self out your work is assume


I may be a bit out of the loop here, but where was 0.4.8? Last version I seem to remember seeing is 0.4.7b...so did I miss a whole version or what? In any case, just get stuff in order and work at a manageable pace. Would hate to see this project burn due to either overwork or poor management.

Dom Pavlova

Well i will wait until monday


The problem with this project is that it's falling back into development hell territory over and over because there seems to be no real structure to its development schedule. Been a tier 3 supporter for over a year despite this but it's starting to feel a bit like a drag as I'm also supporting multiple other developers in projects I find interesting. After this lengthy time I can honestly say that the main issue this project has is that new features seems to be thought up randomly during development and work on implementing them is started instantly despite not having finished the last announced/planned feature set. Read any number of the last updates where you can find a new scene or character or even mechanic that just "has to be" implemented to satisfy the artist view of the scene/idea. I wholeheartedly understand the desire to make the perfect product and get every single thing just right (I'm a on/off software developer myself and have hit this barrier in multiple projects myself), but developing a project in this way means there basically never will be an end product or as in this case cause constant delays and with practically every single "deadline" being missed. What makes matters worse is the radio silence that follows almost all missed deadlines which are in turn followed up by hearty apologies with promise of change pretty much every time. What I feel is needed is a clear overview/plan on what basic ideas to implement with each release and what might go into the development in terms of extra features for those ideas. Then a rough plan over how much time and work each feature might take to implement needs to evaluated and worked into a rudimentary development schedule can be formed. New ideas that spring to mind during development should then be noted down and implemented at a later time where applicable. Only the most critical extra features being allowed to override the current development plan, new ideas can be released at a later time as a way to extend existing content or just as completely new mechanics and areas to explore. I believe this would help immensely to achieve a feeling of completion after each successful update/release for the developer as well as be able to provide new content on a tighter time-schedule which in turn will also satisfy the community of supporters and followers.


100% this. I feel that the developers need to finish the base game as best they can, THEN implement the various kinks and features. People would feel more hopeful for a product's future if there's at least an end to the main quest/story. It's what makes me annoying about certain games that I won't mention (A different RPG Maker game). They have been developing this game with a story that seems to have a time limit but your character just goes around doing kinky shit because that's the only content that gets added. I also think that the reason shit gets delayed is because they're sort of learning as they go. So when they hit a road block last year in regards to performance, they really had to fix that which means redoing the way the game handles portraits and stuff. Which is understandable. And every small change leads to bigger changes to the overall game and how your character is viewed both by the player and by NPC's. In order to implement that correctly, you kind of need to edit every single paperdoll, and add new dialog from start to finish. Every. Single. Time.


IE Pregnancy. Well if the PC decides to visit the dorms while preggo, you kind of need dialog for the roommates, the slavs, and pretty much everyone between there and the New You facility. It's a lot of work, which is why many devs are hesitant to add too many features that physically alter the player character. Unless the system is specifically designed to easily make these edits, like Mulan did during The Big Reconstruction, it can be overwhelming. It's literally like a butterfly effect of sex.


Yes, gradual (and reversible) changes to the visuals of characters over time - such as allowing multiple outfits that conforms/fits to all the transformation states must be one of the biggest development hurdles in transformation-themed games in general (that isn't 3D).


Сегодня походу тоже обновы не будет?)


Я думаю стоит ожидать очередного "Heads up", в котором Мулан опишет как было необходимо отложить релиз для того чтобы не выпускать апдейт по частям