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Howdy! I’m alive and here’s what’s up:

I’m currently drawing the artwork required for the Farm and I already did three H-poses (from the teaser above, WIP by the way), I also did some rewrites, mainly just reshafled some text to appear at a different time (again), because I thought that I was still dumping too much new information on the player (again). And Moana has finished the location and is currently coding in my text & art.

I was a bit tired from my last minute edits of the last version, so I took a little break from drawing, instead I wrote the advancement of the main quest - the dialogue with KGB, with Rebelion’s leaders and with someone who knew Kira before her amnesia. All of this requires art, and since we’re doing farm at the moment - we will implement it later on, I just wanted you to know that I now have written a good chunk of the main story in advance.

I had nothing to show or tell over the last few weeks, since it either would’ve spoiled the fun or wasn’t done at all.

Concerning the date - we won’t make it this month, since we don’t have all that we need yet, but (judging from what is currently done) I think we will be able to drop the first part of the Farm next month.

I’ll talk about the farm a bit, the stuff that I’ll say here will be either known from the beginning of the quest, or it’s related to the H-events and fetishes.

I’ve changed the name of the Farm from “Bykovo” to “Vivarium”, and the sign from the teaser is their symbol, but it also refers to their god - Veles.

Veles is an old-school slavic god of Cattle and Underworld (New school being Ruble of course), so I picked him for obvious reasons.

Vivarium will have a good amount of pet-play involved and I want it to be “constant” for some amount of time - meaning that it won’t just be an event, it will replace your character art. For that to happen I still need an outfit and around 6 (for a start) pet poses, I already have all 6 at various stages of readiness, three of them are completed with everything (hair, breasts, belly etc.), one is half done and the remaining two are as raw as a living cow. There’s also breeding/public relief events, new hypnosis, branding, and two new systems (lactation and pregnancy) - which were and are our priority. Oh, and we will also use our gropings system there.

Based on a pretty interesting (in my totally unbiased opinion) personality test at the beginning of the quest, you’ll either get to be a cow, a breeding cow, or a pet. The poses that I’m drawing will also show both lactation and pregnancy btw.

This choice will eventually go beyond the Farm, not only in erotic events, but in the world around you itself - I want to create a set of “targeted” ads all around Moscow to “encourage” the player to become a bimbo, bring in more brave soldiers to the world, be a slut and etc. Which will be a part of a separate questline involving Shwift and her storyline (still WIP).

Vivarium is not just two houses and a fence, it’s another location, so we will continue adding content to it up until the game completion (similarly to residential area). For a start you will participate in an absurd election and try to figure out what in the Sam Hill is going on in general, as a part of our main storyline.

Here’s what we already have for 0.4.8:

- New location;

- Main script;

- H events script;

- Three new event-poses (Those three poses are not just three pictures, and they are already done “layered” to include all physical changes);

- Character art for Kira;

- Character art for npc’s;

- Code for our new outfit/tattoo/piercing/collars/buttplugs;

- Pregnancy & Lactation systems.

Here’s what we still need to do:

- More character art;

- Complete quest logic;

- Figure out how outfits will work with the “belly” layer;

- Artwork for new outfit/tattoo/piercing/collars/buttplugs (my plan for next week);

- Remaining H-events artwork;

- Testings and fixes.

As you can hopefully see, the work is going on and the game is moving forward, the first part of the farm is the toughest one to implement, since it contains quest logic, setting and “system stuff” (but then again, I like to make things complicated for myself).

I know for a fact that our second Farm related update will be much easier to implement, due to the setting being in place and characters being drawn (I'll just need to draw more H-event).

We’ve been working on the Farm for a couple of months now, but we’re not yet ready to release it, it will work best if we’ll continue at our pace and do it as intended, instead of releasing what we have only to redo it the next month.

Right now I want to finish drawing all pet-related poses, so that I could move to drawing our new outfit (which will be shown in pet poses). If everything goes like I want, then we will determine which outfit Kira will wear via polls next week.

That said, thank you all for your patience and support and, as per usual, the end is near!




Love getting these updates, keep up the good work!

Dom Pavlova

Can't wait for it :D


Class I approve


Sounds promising.


Sounds great, can't wait to see it!


I am SO looking forward to this! Please, take all the time you need for The Farm. If it's going to be as expansive as the flotilla, then I'm sure it'll take a while to build up. Thank you for the update, and your hard work <3

Dr. Madness MNA

Is Kira's tail in the teaser a part of her or an inserted toy?


Yo I want too download this on Mac