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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

We’re pretty much done with the next version, which focuses on fixing bugs, editing some art and improving the overall experience, before enacting our new changes I asked on discord for your opinion. And this is what I made based on your feedback:

Note: the body wasn’t edited, it’s in the frame to show how the face looks with it. 

Now, I also want to know what our comrades without the discord think about this change, so there’s another survey at the end of this post regarding this.

The difference is pretty “on the nose”, and I think that this way she finally looks like herself, with her front matching her dialogue character art, though I might be wrong - hence the survey. 

I’m currently drawing new npcs for the farm and I’ll show them later this week. Meanwhile Moana is already coding the questlogic, locations and intro. 

Once we will have at least one H-event, we will release the first part to show what progress has been made, it will have more set-up and jokes, compared to the other upcoming parts.   

The farm itself is a new region, which has a lot of different things unraveling at the same time. A ridiculous election of a tribal leader, slavic mythology, weird government experiments and general madness. 

There’s so much going on, that I’m struggling not to spoil everything by revealing what I did with it. One thing that I feel I can tell you, is that if you liked our “party quest” and “prison break” quests, this one should also please you.  

We will release the next small-ish update this week, I just need to know what you think about my latest edit of Kira’s face. Meanwhile, we’re working on the farm and we’ll continue to do so up until we’ll have enough content to show. 

And here’s a survey: 

I only edited Kira’s face, left Kira from the picture above is how it was and currently is in the game. And the right one is what I did with it. Which one do you prefer? 

Thank you all for your patience and support! As per usual, the end is near! 



I think the one on the right is better. That nose job is top class. I loved Party Quest and Prison Break; I was literally laughing aloud at times. Thanks for the update!


The prison break is one of my favorite quests! I laugh out loud every time I play through it.

Maurice Conchis

Right one is better! My one comment would be that lighting looks super inconsistent at the moment - her nose is lit from the top right, there's a shadow across her neck from the top left, her hair doesn't look lit at all and her body's lit from somewhere just above the camera?

Notalie Portman

Sometimes it’s like that with multiple light sources interacting with different surfaces in different ways, but I agree that it seems a bit much.

marty moth

from an artist to an artist , i think eyes from left and nose from right , lips look the same to me .


I agree, the eyes on the right looks too artificial to me. The nose looks great, though the entire face seem to lack the definition of the left one. The lips on the left has more definition as well which I think looks better (the mouth is also a bit lower).


I think the nose on the newer one looks better (with some of the original lighting on the ridge for definition), I combined it and made an upscaled version here of what I think would look the best: https://imgur.com/ePwtaM4


I feel the same, the eyes on the left are better and the nose better right


I would say eyes from the left, nose from the right, lips from the right. But you can always keep the eyes on the right to show corruption or hynotism etc. ^_^


Left eyes right nose.


tbh unlike most of the people who focused on the nose (the right one is better i agree on that for sure), i preferred the left because of the eyes. the right one gives me a bit of possessed creepy owl but i ll get over it since it seems its the most popular among the others. love the game btw it has so much potential and it has already showed that keep on keeping on we re with you :D