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Howdy! we’re alive and we’re working, here’s what’s up:

Fixing the art for our “groping system” is the only thing we’re struggling with, there are some other things that I would gladly do, but all of my time is spent on helping Moana with this system.

I believe I’ve failed to explain the complexity of what we’re doing and the reason behind the existence of the “groping system”, so I’m going to attempt to explain it in this post.

First of all, I mean it when I say that we’re almost done because everything is already written, drawn and coded in - this is a new stage of development that spawned into existence due to our art being layered, I’m calling it “saving and editing”, because this is what we’re technically doing.

Both gym “squatting event” and “grope system” are unique cases, and are exceptionally hard to do - “squatting event” is so complex because it shows Kira’s full body on screen, has 4 frames, shows hips and an outfit. We made it as complex because, apart from some shady medicine, it will be the only place for hip enlargement in the entire game.

As for the “grope system”, it will be used everywhere, existing events like Legion1, Vasilisa mall and Tunnel will all be transferred to it (eventually), which will save us a ton of time. Plus we will use it in other places (places like, residential area, dorm, waitress job, subway, prison etc.)

The main goal of this system is to ease our development and give you more things to do in defenestration - walking around will finally become fun.

When we will add something to this system (like a new tattoo) all of the events will automatically show it - because they will use it. This is a really huge deal for the game.

We will also use it for the Farm - so it will start “paying off” already in the next two to three updates (maybe more, we’ll see).

The amount of possible physical changes is overwhelming, and what I’m showing here is how drastic Kira can change at the moment - you can pick any combination of what is shown. There’s two “base” poses and different variations of them - hand movements, female and male gropings, self grope, male and female fingerings, naked or dressed etc. We really did try to make this thing interesting, because of how often we will use it.

The changes that the game currently offers are just one third (at best) of what it will have at the end of the game, with this system being so versatile - it will be easy for us to change things as we go (adding new partners, new movement, new hair, etc.).

We really had to break our brains when developing this - there’s no guide on how to properly do it, and rpg maker has its own limitations on top of that. Just so Moana could understand the logic behind my art-layering I had to write a 6 pages long guide and we’re still not done with it.

This week alone I had to resave 80 pictures for it, I didn’t draw anything new, just changed the layering (shadow from the hand was moved to the breast layer, male outfit layer was removed and changed to just male hand, and much much more). These changes move our layers, which means that the code needs to be adjusted as well. But they are necessary, because without them the art will lag/glitch disappear from the screen for a second and other unpleasant things will happen.

When we will be done with it - we won’t have to do it again, we will be able to use this thing as a tool for our game and we can’t just release it as it is because 10 out of 15 (both small and big) events of 0.4.7 use this system.

I know that we can fix this issue, because we already fixed it for the squatting event, which has 113 pictures right now (final version) and a three page long guide to go with it.

Because we have no experience with this thing, we really are struggling to finish it quickly, but this is something that will speed up the development in the long run, and it needs to be done right.

I hope that I’ve managed to convey what’s causing a holdup right now, and I hope you can understand why I believe that we’re almost done with it. While we’re under a lot of pressure to release 0.4.7 as soon as we can, we can’t ignore issues that 10 of our events have.

Here’s a list of what 0.4.7 will bring, and apart from benevolence and two old outfits, I already spoiled everything with our teasers:

A ton of jokes, amazing music, new outfit, two piercings, hair styling, an option to change hair, an option to change hips, new tattoo, new character art, shop interface, items, 4 squatting events, repeatable squatting event, 4 gym grope events, 3 repeatable grope events, 1 body writings event and its repeatable version, Katya grope event, two older outfits, pet training, benevolence, a ton of slightly edited art (Kira’s body, legion 2 event etc.), bugfixes, choices, autosave. And all of it will be versatile - interchangeable art and text based on your choices.

I’m certain that I’m forgetting something, but I’ll try to include everything in the changelog.

All of it is done - we’re just making it work right now, apologies for taking so long to finish this, but it’s a really hard thing to pull off.

A bit about me:

Each day I wake up and I say to myself “I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it guys” and then Moana comes and stops me from defeating the huns, “For fucks sake, Mulan! Leave the huns alone!” She says, but I just can’t - I’ve got warrior blood, I have to defeat them.

Of course by “huns” I mean creativity, for example - I’ve already spent 2 hours making Kira’s nipples a bit darker, and now I want to upgrade Katya.

So, because there’s still things that I want to do, and because we really do not know how much of our time we need to finish editing our grope system, I want you to decide what we should do.

Option one: Split the update.

We will split the game in half, the first half will have - character art, hair styling, tattoo, gym outfit, gym squatting events, shop and all of our jokes.

Second half will have - grope events, piercings (we need grope events to be done for them) and old content (because I was asked, no, told to release it - and I’m a rebel).

Pros: You will have something to play

Cons: Most likely, I will have to suffer from “criticism” (it’s just harassment to be honest), because the update won’t have everything promised.

Option two: You do you.

We will continue working on the grope system, I really think that we’re almost there - but, I am not sure. It might take us a day or a week, or even two.

Pros: You will experience the game the way it’s meant to.

Cons: You’ll have to wait longer.

I want everyone to participate in this poll, and every vote will count as 1, because it’s not really related to in-game content. It’s just me being stressed out, and wanting to know your opinion. The poll will be up for 24 hours, and then we will either split the game or continue to work. Either way, we’re still working on it, even right now.

As usual, thank you for your patience and support, I wholeheartedly believe that the end is finally coming upon us!



Keeping doing what you do; I know you'll get it done and it sounds like it will be more than worth it going forward.


Thank you! I know it will, but I want to do everything I can to make you understand my insane ideas:)

marty moth

ive said it before game designing is hard and its great you want to keep deadlines but they can never really be kept as you never know whats going to happen next , keepin us uptodate is important but are you really going to be happy giving ppl half of what you want to give them , just get to where you want to be and if your happy release it . its looking amazing and im so looking forward to playing .


Thank you, I'm just really confused. Some people are understanding, while others call me a names. All I want is to make an interesting, one of a kind, game, and it unfortunately takes time.


Me personally I say take the time , I'd rather see it more complete later then half working sooner and I think you'll be more creative if you're not rushing. Good luck on this grope system <3


Just take your time with it. I'd rather have one really great update with a ton of content to keep me busy than small, unfinished updates with hardly anything worth noting. Besides, with COVID-19 we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Just keep yourself healthy, and be kind to yourself. You're doing good.


For me, even though the work you are both doing is fantastic and I totally understand you want to make the best possible game you can, the game does seem to have stalled at the moment which is something I can see some backers becoming understandably frustrated with...though saying that, name calling is never okay and is totally uncalled for. From the outside looking in, it seems so much is being done on the mechanics and back end systems that the story itself has kinda fallen to the wayside. No new areas or plot advancements have happened for a fair while now and after the reboot with the artwork, the layered art system and now the groping mechanic, with respect, it does come across as just going nowhere for the time being. I know you've both been hard at work and as far as those aforementioned systems go, you've made huge advancements and this really isn't a dig at anything you've done at all, what you've done is impressive and you've every right to be proud of it, but for me at least I would've preferred leaving all these impressive systems until you had a sizable chunk of the game down, completed even, and then release an overhauled version with all the extra mechanics and systems at a later date, allowing you to work at your own pace minus the pressure from any backers giving you grief over things....though I'm sure some will anyways regardless. At the end of the day though it's your game and you're obviously entitled to do what you want, I'll still support you anyways, but I just hope that once this latest system is in place and working, more story content will come thick and fast.


We really want to do more, we have a ton of stories to tell. But need this system to do it, we need it to use it the same way as Kiras expressions. Our game is not simple - it has physical changes, and unfortunately it opens up a ton of other difficulties.


I know you've alot to sort and that you've put and are still putting the effort in, that's why I'm still backing you. You've been transparent and honest about how things are going and it's very much appreciated, just hoping storywise things start kicking into gear again soon...but don't burn yourselves out okay :)


You do you! I totally get needing to have the framework in place to tell your story. I have no doubt it'll be worth it when it's ready!


You do you. But you've got to stop promising/estimation/hinting of when the build is going to be available in you updated post, until you are 100 percent sure it's ready. Its created this stigma of you always lying and breaking the promised when you don't have to. The regular blog post,twitter, and discord update and screenshot is greatly appreciated even if it just one pixel change of her armpit hair, it let me see the progress being made even if just 0.0001 percent. Otherwise keep the good work and good luck.


You do you - You've been working hard and have come so far after taking so long, you might as well stay the course since you're about at the end anyways. Another month? Understandable.


You do you. Especially, since the amount of changes will make it mandatory to restart from the beginning to experience everything new you have put into it! (As long as you keep telling us what you are working on each week, that´s totally fine by me) It´s done when it´s done!


I would've preferred if the update came out now, so we'd have something to play/test with, but I understand the "You Do You" I understand that an update like this is substantial work, and effort and you are putting the time in, but after delay after delay and missed released date after missed release date (you've been hinting at a release since December and it's now mid-March) it gets REALLY frustrating as a long time backer.


Sigh... Release in March? Yes/No?


I completely understand, and trust me, I really hate being in this situation. So I'll do everything in my power to learn from this mistake and be more consistent in the future.


please come out before quarantine endssss