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Howdy! I’m here with another progress report. 

There's been a small change of plans, due to reasons I will explain later in this post (nothing bad, just more content), and this week was entirely devoted to the world-building and character art. 

In other news, I’m done with all my chores and I’m working on the game without any distractions. As for Moana, she’s working, but she still has to visit some folks over the weekends. 

I’ve drawn three new characters, today I will finish the fourth and we need at least one more guy for this update. I’ve also written some new text for the sake of worldbuilding and immersion.

There’s now 86 pages of non erotic text (buildup, jokes, etc.), and I believe it’s better for you to actually see who Kira is talking to, instead of our usual “static” black character image. 

New text took a day of my time, but it gives you more things to do at the gym, so I think it’s worth it. 

On the "release date" topic:

What’s left to do is for me to write more text for the gropings system (which is my plan for this weekend). Then Moana will code it in and test it, while I’ll finish up the remaining npc artwork. 

I’ll explain why we’re doing more in the next section:

Above you can see our three new characters and earring/hairstyle combo.

Characters: You’ve met two of them already during the New You/Basic Instinct quests - “The Bull” (bouncer at the bar) and “Soon to be rich man”. The guy wearing Lenn-Y’s mask is new and he’ll explain everything himself in the game. 

Concerning “The Bull” character, I’ve merged two storylines together, he’s now the same guy who plays Kira’s henchman in the “Thunderfury” film, he will wear the same “american” outfit for the movie part of the game, just edited to look better. Like I’ve said in my previous posts - the movie itself will be added back later on, because it still needs to undergo some major changes, including the fact that I’ve merged two characters together. 

Earring/Hairstyle - Since we’re opening up the hair salon and adding piercings to the game we’ve decided to add something that you could get there at the start of the game. 

As you might know, the hair will be unlockable through quests and it will be shown in events. You’ll be able to switch between it at the salon (once you’ve unlocked it). So right now it’s a bit empty, just the choice between pink/white styles based on your quest completion (new you quest) and a preview of hairstyles we might add in the future. 

We’ve discussed with Moana what would be the best way for us to implement hair in the game, and we came to a conclusion that we will add it like this - different color, style and length (pink hair is a good example of that). 

But, each hair will have some styling options - this will only be shown in Kira’s character art and events that use character art (gropings system etc.), which is just an added bonus that requires whooping 2 pictures to work for each “style”.  

We’ve picked this style because it shows Kira’s ear and we added an earring to the piercing shop for similar reasons (the shop was pretty empty).

I didn’t conduct any polls concerning this earring because it’s a “soviet star” and it’s mandatory for our game, Stalin damn it!  

By the way, with the new artstyle and all, apparently it takes me a day to draw a character, and we need at least 50 characters, so that’s another reason behind me drawing them now and not releasing the update “as it is” - every static black character needs to be drawn at some point, it’s better for me to do them when I need them, instead of dedicating a whole update to just character art. 

 A bit about charisma stat. 

I’m telling you about charisma because I was redoing the movies content this week (just a little, it’s nowhere near completion yet) and I believe I forgot to tell you about it in my previous posts. 

Charisma will occasionally give you funnier dialogue options, better prices and it will save you some “legwork”, so it just makes your life easier in a lot of ways. 

Since you can majorly boost your charisma at "Mosfilm" (Movies content), we will add small changes to the game when we will finish reworking “Mosfilm” quest/location. 

An example of those changes:

Gathering quests (10 leninals, details at the prison etc.) They exist mainly to get you acquainted with our locations. But if you’ve played our game multiple times - you don’t really need to do them, so Charisma will let you skip them. 

We’re doing all of that because the gym location felt “empty”.

Before what we did during the last two weeks, the “main” content of the update looked something like this:

Get to the gym - talk to a bunch of static images - see the events - sleep  - repeat for 4 days. 

Which was fine, it had our usual jokes and a complex multi-staged event, but it felt incomplete, that’s why we’re now adding stuff to it, so you could have a complete experience.

In any case, that’s all the news I’ve got for this week. 

I think I’m done with all the “changes” and “additions” to the gym, so once we’ll finish what’s left and test this thing out we will release v0.4.7. 

There’s not much left to do, and I’ll do my best to stay away from adding more things to it, just so we could finally release it. 

Thank you for your support and patience, the end is near! 



I really appreciate the efforts you make in 'fleshing' things out like this; that's a huge part of why Defenestration is such a gem. I just hope you flesh out the farm as much as possible, pun intended. Keep up the great work, Team Fresh.


Oh we will:) But the farm will be the weirdest thing we did so far, though that’s not really fair of me to say, since you haven’t seen what we did with the gym yet.


I am both excited and scared for what the farm and gym will entail. Both are positive feelings btw. Keep on keeping on!


The gym looks great. Are you going to change Staline Sprites and some of the characters? I have to admit, seeing Staline as a ship's captain is strange. (Sorry for my english)


Yep, every character will be redrawn. But there's 50 of them, so it won't happen over one update


with this new updatable is that recommended to restart a new game or start where the story finish last time? Btw keep it up, you are doing an amazing job

Dr. Madness MNA

Regarding Kira's "changes" at the gym, will any NPCs comment on her appearance?


seriously you do't understand how good it is to receive frequent updated like this honestly its so refreshing anyone be this honest about progress i promise as soon as i get a full time job and i have money to spare i'm upgrading my membership like just a once a week update is so fucking nice it genuinely makes me so happy you're great i just hope you know you're great sincerely an avid fan


So each hairstyle gets its own color if I'm correct? Also nice teaser. I'm glad everything is going smoothly and it's also close to completion.


Save files will work, the only thing you need to see everything is high lust stat


Not yet. That is a separate system that we are calling " action references ". It's a bunch of randomised comments that check what variables Kira has. Unfortunately it's not done yet, but we're working on it and it will 100% be in our game.


Not really, each hairstyle gets its own "style" which will only be shown in character art. Color would require an insane amount of art - so it's not worth it, unfortunately:(