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In a nutshell: Everyone advised us not to name dates, and we did it again.

But, we had some pretty good reasons to do so, for one - we had all the text written and coded in, new content was drawn as well, everything indeed looked like we only need some polishing to do, right until Moana added the pictures and I’ve read through the ingame text.

Because it’s the holiday season - we wanted to release the game yesterday, and celebrate New Years eve with the sense of accomplishment and good consciousness. For that to happen we were working on it day and night ever since my previous progress report, but unfortunately it doesn't look like we’ll make it in time. We’re still working on it now, and we’ll continue to work on it for as long as we can. Moana is set to leave in a couple of hours to attend a New Years party, so we’ll continue where we left right after she’ll sober up.

Our current and last problem with new content is pretty simple, gym has 91 pages of varied text that takes into account lust, int, fetishes and various combinations of them. And four new gym events have 107 layered drawn pictures (without placeholders) to show every currently possible physical change (including hips), two versions of the outfit (normal and revealing) and some animation. Plus, new events increases/decrease hips, which complicates things even further.

Unlike our content from a year ago, we no longer can just copy-paste text from my script and show pictures to go along with it. Everything is now tied to previously made player choices and variables - and this is still “uncharted waters” for us, something that we need to get used to and master.

That’s why the update is not out yet - it doesn’t always show correct sets of pictures or even correct text, multiple mistakes were made by both me and Moana.

Due to me not writing all text at once, I’ve managed to make a horrible mistake and not notice it in time - I highlighted 39 pages of Kira’s dialogue with the wrong color.

I use different colors to let Moana know what Kira is talking, Blue - is for low in Kira, and Pink is for high Lust Kira, and I mixed them up. Moana then proceeded to do what she’s supposed to, and coded it in the way I’ve written it.

Which led to lustful Kira’s talking like Bimbos and Bimbo Kira’s being all smug and sarcastic. This became apparent only when we started testing the game, and poor Moana had to basically redo 39 pages of script.

Of course we had other bugs and issues (and probably still have), I’m only mentioning the biggest ones.

I’ll try to explain the complexity of the gym content, and list its features next:

We’re adding new outfit, a new tattoo, piercing, hair salon, shady vendor with new items and an option to increase hip size - this fortunately works, but I had to edit some outfits last week, because nipple piercing was going through them.

Hip enlargement - you will be able to either do this for free, but grind a little, pay to instantly get “them thighs”, or pay 10 (in total) to workout for 4 days - all of that implying that you want Kira’s hips at max (third) size.

You’ll be able to check your progress at the weighing-machine in the gym.

And of course the game will let you choose how you want to train - increase hips, decrease hips or remain the same.

Because it takes 4 days to get there, it has 4 events, one for each day. While those events use the same art, the artwork is extremely complex, and shows different things based on the day and your choice. Plus, it is somewhat animated and has four frames (technically speaking, it’s four different Kiras mashed together).

Each day something new will happen to Kira, if she agrees to go further into debauchery, otherwise the day will be repeated, and you will be asked again.

Together our four new events are 31 pages long. On top of that we have our usual jokes and setup text, that has 61 pages.

But, it’s all extremely varied, especially text in events, so you’ll actually see only half of what I’ve written, based on your playstyle.

Just like in our previous update, I’ve written our new events with four Kiras in mind - dumb, lustful, regular, and bimbo (dumb+lustful), with references to the fetishes. Though, I think that this time the difference will be more apparent. The goal was to make this event “make sense” for both early game Kira’s and late game Kira’s, since the location is “open” right from the start of the game.

For the most part, fetishes were used to prohibit Kira from refusing to participate in events, and since the events have Lust requirements - fetishes give you a way to still view them.

At the end of 4 days, unfortunately our new content will end, since we had no time to properly finish writing and coding a repeatable 5th day - 4th day will be repeatable for the time being (will make zero sense, but it will do for now).

Groping system was added to the game, and I’ve written some text for gym people to go along with it, but due to complications with the main event of this update, it’s still a mess and we might have to return to it later.

The plan for this update was simple, we wanted to take a break after v0.4.6 and do something easy. I don’t know how or when things became so complicated and this update became so complex.

I think our constant delays, caused by new changes to the game mechanics, have turned into an unhealthy habit. And even though we have good intentions and work our asses off, we manage to ruin it all by continuously naming wrong dates and disappointing you with them. It’s like we’re addicted to delays.

For that reason I won’t tell you for how long the delay will last, instead I promise that we will release it as soon as we can, we’ll resume our work once Moana will sober up, and I hope I’ve managed to convey what’s causing it.

We have no ill intentions, quite the opposite actually, we want to entertain you with our game, so we’re constantly trying new things. If you choose to leave us, I will still send you the next version when it will be out - just dm me, if you’d want it.

With that said, it’s not a time to be upset, and I hope that you’re having fun during your holidays!

My “new year” resolution will be to buy a gym subrscrebtionship that I will use for a week, and to stay away from calendars.

From the bottom of our self-sabotaging hearts, Thank You for your patience, support and Happy New Year from both me and Moana!



No worries here; I'm in this for the long-run. I think you are doing an amazing job considering the scope of your work. Happy New Year, guys.


Don't worry, take your time :) Can't wait to see the new update whenever it's ready!


Happy New Year!!


No problem. This game and you guys are awesome


I agree with what the other people said here - I love the game and I believe the concept is awesome and to top it off it comes with some rather groundbreaking technology! That being said though, I believe that you lack a sense of self-restraint from committing to too much stuff at once and you seem to sort of lack any plan of how and when to implement new ideas/concepts which leads to all these missed "imaginary" deadlines. I think you should really try to compartmentalize things so that you don't overstretch yourself and miss out on the deadlines you put on yourself (write down new ideas and implement them over time instead of stressing to get all of the new stuff in for each update). A lot of developers release smaller more frequent content updates which allows them to keep deadlines as well as implement new ideas without having to rush things, perhaps this is worth considering? I surely wouldn't mind smaller but more frequent updates myself. Doing the above I believe would make you feel a lot better with the projects you undertake as it hopefully wouldn't end with you having to apologize all the time - I find it a bit saddening when you do to be honest :(. Regardless, I will continue to support you and I want to wish you and Moana (and whoever else might be involved) all the best and a Happy New Year!


you should never feel sorry for taking your time or needing to do so, progress is progress confident you'll get it out when it's ready


Why? How they will manage deadlines in this way? They must feel sorry because they trick us and failing to keep promise.


Why not just release the re-made 'new you' content in the meantime?


Because it's not done. Drawing it wasn't enough, I had to layer all new art (that's why we have new art in the first place). But, in order to show you that we actually have new art - we replaced it in our latest version. Which was a horrible, time-consuming and useless chore, and I still have flashbacks about it. New art for "new you" (and movies, for that matter) is drawn, but I need to save it in the exact same way as it was, since we can't save it the right-layered way for now. The bottom line is that I need to save it, but I choose to do new content instead, because I really don't want to save it, hence I'm saving this task for last. Apologies for the long and confusing answer, I have no idea how to explain it better:)