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Greetings! I’ve created two identical polls, one for 5$ patrons and one for 10$+ patrons. Because it’s easier to count your voices this way. They both have the same text and the same options. 

Like I’ve said in my recent patreon post - outfits are now hard to make, so I’ve decided to add new ones only when the story needs them. And so, we can’t have two gym outfits, because it would be completely unnecessary for the game.

I’m already drawing new events, but I need to know what outfit Kira will wear in them. So I will draw those events for the naked Kira, and then I will add in the winning outfit from this poll next week.  

First outfit: I wanted this version to look like it came from the 80th. Defenestration is a “Soviet cyberpunk”, and cyberpunk is often inspired by the 80th style. Even though it’s more “western” I still think this outfit makes sense and can exist in our universe. 

Second outfit: This one is more “Soviet”, I honestly don’t know which one to pick, because I like both of them, and both of them fit the setting in my opinion. 

Thank you! I’m curious to see and/or read your opinions on those outfits, since generally speaking they touch the same theme I often struggle with - Can I use western culture for a Soviet themed game, or I should stick to the Soviet style. 



Whichever one wins they're both fun


I like the bottom on the first and the top on the second


I did experiment with the combination of those two versions. I should have added more options with the top/shorts, etc. but the top from the first outfit looked bad with the shorts to me and vice versa (I’ll show it in the next artbook) And in the future, I will make sure to include “combinational” options in the polls, since I can’t edit this post (I can’t add more options to running polls on patreon).


Like the first one the most.