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Howdy again! 

I’ve posted this yesterday at the same time as our content poll, but apparently something went wrong and it disappeared from my page. So, here’s my second attempt. 

This poll is similar to the tattoos, pretty small in its description, but will eventually require a lot of art. Basically we’re choosing the place for the piercings, then I’ll gather ideas and/or reference pictures from interested patrons - draw it - and present the winners to your judgement. 

Here’s how many piercing we will have by the end of the game: 

Face - 1 option (could be a lot of piercings or just one in an eyebrow)

Nipples - 1 option 

Septum - 1 option 

Nether region (vagina and/or clitoris) - 2 options

Earrings - 3 options

I’ve already gathered piercings once, just as a reference for our systems, and unlike in tattoos case - there wasn’t a lot of submissions. So tell me what you think, should I treat piercings like tattoos, or just draw whatever comes to my mind. 



Personally, I think at least 2 options for every type of piercing would be fun. That way every option for the time being has some variety :)


That maybe so, but the amount of piercings in each place wasn't decided by me:) It's been decided in our polls back in the day.


I agree with Anonynn, for example bars on the nipples, or one single bar (kind of bdsm), maybe the circled ones (im not sure about the name). And that could be aplied with the other sectors, but thats my opinion, i wasnt arround when the poll was made.


Piercings will appear in each event, and for every breast size/expression (in some cases), so even one is already a chore. I think those results are like this because voters were reasonable and merciful on us with Moana:)

Christian Hoff

When should we expect to see the next teaser, and by extension a possible update ?


Teaser should be out today/tonight. And the update itself is still in progress. I'll talk more about it my teaser post)