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 Howdy! Here’s what’s going on. 

In two words - We’re still not done, but I’ve finished drawing her new “New You” events, plus some minor stuff. There was a lot of work, and I’ve had some personal issues that should never get in the way of the game, but they did. 

Both regular posts and polls take a portion of my time, and right now, there’s only one thing on my mind - finishing the rework and moving forward, so I’ve sacrificed them. I realise that I should have posted more, and I will do better next month, there will be something each week. 

The plan still stands, next update - is the rework one, with “New You” quest finale.

I can’t give you the date yet, because I don’t know it. This is a creative process and there hasn't been a single time where we did upload new version on the announced date. I will upload it as soon as it will be ready and I will keep you updated, but we won’t manage to finish it by the end of this month. 

It would be easier for us to consistently upload new versions each month on a set date, but, in our case, this would mean that we’ll have to upload the game “as it is”. In “Defenestration” everything is tied together, so we need to upload every version with events and quests that have a clear beginning and an end.

Example: Last summer I’ve uploaded prison questline in parts, due to its size it was split between two updates. As a result, people who were distracted, played for a second time or didn’t read the quest at all - were lost and couldn’t finish it without asking for help online. All because I couldn’t update the quest log without breaking savefiles, I’ve tried to fix it with various “notes” in Kira’s inventory, but it didn’t help. 

Among other things, the rework is meant to put an end to our struggles and allow us to move forward at a quicker pace.  

 Most of you know that this update was in plans and in the making for a long time.

I’ve uploaded a bunch of teasers, explained how it will work and why we need to change Kira’s character art, asked for your opinions and redrawn her a bunch of times. After uploading the “party quest” I’ve got additional feedback, that’s why I’ve decided to work on Kira's character art for a longer period of time. Kira’s face is arguably the most important aspect of the game, in terms of her being attractive and in our development process - we often use her already drawn face in new events. 

For consistency and faster development, I think I should finally stop redrawing her in every update. That’s why it’s extremely important that I’ll do this the right way now, instead of redrawing her again in the future, this is the new style of the game and I’ll work within its limits.  

 This wasn’t at the top of our “to do” list, but it was also necessary. We don’t want to break your save files again, so we need to think of every variable we might need in the future. Every event and its outcome will be remembered and you’ll be able to see Kira’s statistic.

 We’ve added some art to the “squatboy” to make it more interesting, plus some new features. You’ll also be able to call it by pressing a button, instead of scrolling through the menu. 

 “Stats” page also shows her sexual statistic, and in time we will add more categories to it. I’ve repurposed Kira’s old art in it, for nostalgia’s sake, but I can swap it in favor of her new look. I’m curious to read your opinion on it. 

 This page will also grow in time, and I might change the names of the fetishes. It’s basically how hypnosis works in the game now, I’ve written about it a couple of posts ago. You’ll be able to get fetishes from New You, or “naturally” (not yet possible, we need more events).   

 First picture is her new prison outfit, second one will appear every time she will call her “Squatboy”, and the last one will be used for existing and future hacking events. 

Because every part of Kira is now on a separate layer, we will be able to do more stuff with her character art, mainly we’ll use it for H-events, but we are also able to make non erotic things like this one. 

 New content poll will be out this week, and it will run for a week. Then I’ll create another poll to determine what events to include in the winning quest. 

Once the rework will be out, there will be a new tattoo poll, and a new ingame tattoo each month. The game will have 22 tattoos, so we need to start adding them. 

If we won’t manage to upload the game by the end of next week, I’ll post another teaser, probably a redrawn prison event. 

 It’s been a rough month for me, so thank you for sticking by, even though I was silent for the bigger half of it. I’ll do better next month - you can quote me on that. 



I hope your personal issues is resolved and I think that you can take a short break if need be but you should have made a post about it . Anyway Good luck BTW love the squatboy concept


You can't rush art, and your game is art, both literally and figuratively speaking. Also, I love the idea of repurposing the original Kira art; it's nostalgic and endearing. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you for all you do!


Yeah don't worry if you need more time to get things right, better to do it right the first time.


Nice!, i like the squatboy idea, with the old art as a 'figure' of kira is great. And i must say after all the redrawn art of kira , after seeing her in this prision update you got it perfectly! (i was happy after i saw the las teaser). I think all of us agree that we wouldnt want a rushed game, so really take your time and make it the final (patch) product you wanna launch.


Still no ETA for next update? I understand rework takes time but the last proper(and rather small) update was in March 11, thats almost 4 months ago.


where, where is update. aaaaa i cant wait


I thought there would be a teaser atleast


Yep, decided to do two teasers in one and two polls today, since I've missed last week