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Salutations! The new update is finally here!


This is the last update before the rework one, so your saves will still work.


New “Legion” Event;

Preview of our new dialogue system:

Lust is primarily responsible for her H-events talk, while intelligence controls her overall speech, the do occasionally interact with one another (if possible). In this new event and in a “buildup” for it, you’ll see this system at work. It will be implemented everywhere in our next update.

Above 50 Lust - Kira will speak differently in H-events;

Below 0 intelligence - Kira will speak differently everywhere else;

There is now a loading screen, as a quickfix to one particular bug, we will try to deal with it in the next release.


For new event - Complete Legion’s first quest “80085” and then sleep.

If you’re not familiar with his first quest - You need to use the boat at rebel's base - Enter one of the buildings in there - Use a "machine" in said building (it has a star near it) - click on "memory" (you'll see red code on your screen, that means that the quest has started) - Use subway thee times - Sleep.

To quickly get negative Int and/or high Lust - use the usual trashbox in residential areas subway. I’ve attached a screenshot, just in case.

This is yet another relatively small update, because we’re currently redoing everything. This event will also be somewhat changed in the rework and next update will break your saves.

Thank you for your support and your patience!



Thanks for the update and your warning about the memory levels. Unfortunately, I will not play until the weekend.


i'm having trouble getting the new quest to start


I forgot to mention that it only works if you'll sleep at the dorm. So, you need to have "80085" quest completed and sleep at the dorm. I hope this helps, if not please tell me


It seems when you get caught during the night being naked, and go to court, at the end where Kira is sentenced the game for me locked up or something.


Хммм... Пока качать не буду, подожду следующего (ну или через одно) обновления. Хоцца больше контента)


I'll check it out, maybe it's a bug. But you're supposed to speak with a "mother" guy there and sleep, afterwards they should just let you go


yo idk if it has anything to do with a bug or glitch on your end but on gamecore, when i try to play 4.4 i keep getting an error message "cannot read property 'length' of undefined"

Longin Yann

Hi i found a bug too when you sleep and go to the park naked the first time it's always night after. When sleep again not the option to go the park.

Luca Rossi

hi. new patreon. what are "h-events" and how do I increase intellect and charisma? and how do I check on the levels of lust, intellect and charisma? and what does the 4 code box do the one that appears when I assigned " * " to a button


Bro i strongly suggest adding in an option to skip to the latest quest in future updates, it would make the process alot easier for people who might lose their saves or just straight up dont get a chance to save.


Hello! H stands for hentai, so "h-events" are just "erotic" scenes. You can check your stats in the "squatboy" (esc- Inventory - key items) there's currently no way to drastically increase intelligence or charisma (you can increase it a bit at the movies and in some quests). And 4 code box is for testing, we're using it to add stats and teleport (it could break the game, so we're not giving it to the player)


Yep, we still need to add in another "path" to this quest, it's unfinished. Maybe we'll add a warning before it starts.


Heads up, if you sleep in the bed at the rebel base and trigger the second Legion quest you cannot get the package from the Dorm. When you try to enter the room, you get are told you need to check the package first as if you were trying to LEAVE the dorm room.

John Smithe

Yeah, hubrow has a point. The same thing happened to me. I had to reload a few times to figure out I had to sleep at the dorm.