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Salutations! Just like the title suggests, the art still needs minor details here and there. There’s a lot of stuff simultaneously going on in it, and I have to draw those details now because I know that I wont bother to do this in the future. For example, there’s additional mini-scene with Kira (nothing major) that isn’t ready, shadows from Kira’s arm, background requires some tweaking, “stuff’ on her body (I don’t want to spoil things), etc. Every single thing from this list is minor, but there’s a lot of them and together they require more of my time. On top of that, I’ve spent a couple of days on tweaking Kira’s face, to make it look more like her “old” art.

In general, I feel that you need to know the release date, but I am incapable of predicting how much of my time will be spent on one event, It really varies, since every scene is different. This one in particular has a lot of details, and even though main “action” is drawn, I can’t release it incomplete.

In the future, I’ll try something different, instead of announcing the date and delaying the release every couple of days. Every single month I’m seriously underestimating the amount of required time and I’ll do my best to stop this from happening.

That said, v0.4.4 will definitely be out this week and here’s what I was talking about, another face for Kira, hopefully this is the final one, and hopefully it looks more like her old self:)



I actually preferred the more "anime" look where it was heading, but this looks nice too.

william wofford

I like where the game is heading for the most part you have worked hard to meet your deadlines or at least tell us when you need more time , if it takes longer to produce good quality , then it takes longer , i have no problem waiting for the next installment if it needs more polish , just keep up the good work and keep us updated like you have been doing and i think everyone will be happy ...




Я так понял, первое и второе лицо одинаковые?? Мне нравится)


In pic 1 she's turned her body away from the "camera", giving her more of a profile kind of look. If you've decided to experiment with different kinds of poses, will some of her dialogue scenes feature that pose as well, or will you stick with just the original "frontal" one? Oh, and I really like the "new" facial expression. It really does look more like her original one. Her eyes and the "hard stare" in general is really cool. She no longer looks docile and "spaced out".


The face does look better and closer to the old art which is a plus. Her facial expression in the middle is my favourite, gives her more spunky appearance. The third one with the empty stare is probably more fitting for Bimbo Kira.


Having different faces (in the character art, not necessarily in the event art) for Normal/Slut/Bimbo Kira is something I could get behind.

Longin Yann

hi, the release is today ?