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Hello again! After publishing the results yesterday, I’ve received a couple of dms with alternative ideas for breast enlargements. And I want to know your opinion before I’ll make it final. 

To quote another patron :

“I feel like having bigger options is nice, but I don't think we need to have this broken into 10 different levels. Having 5 levels, that cover from "Regular" up to "Unbelievably Large" would be nice.  

This would mean 5 breasts sizes in the game, with a wide variety of looks.”

In that poll, the option for 10 breast enlargements came in second. 

I think this is doable and it won’t overcomplicate things, but only with one condition - every second breast size will be shown in events, so character art will have 10 breast sizes (including the fake one), and in events you’ll see size 1, size 3, size 5, size 5-fake, size 7 and size 9.   

The poll I’ve made might have been confusing, and your feedback has shown me this issue in the new light. 

I also think that with 10 sizes I’ll have more room for creative events, and her transformation will go smoother. As usual, you’ll be able to avoid any change and still see every event.  

So, we have two options:

Option one - the results that were published yesterday are final, 6 breast sizes that will be shown in character art and events; 5 normal, one fake (still needs to be drawn properly). 

Option two - 10 breast sizes, but, every second one will be shown in events. The difference between sizes is not that drastic, I think you might not even notice that it skips every second one in events (in some cases). Plus, some events like groping or exhibitionism will use character art where every size is shown.  

For those of you who aren't interested in extreme sizes or breast enlargement at all: 

Try to think of it from my point of view - the variety of sizes and customizations will please the broader audience and bring to our project more support. Honestly, the second option is not that harder to implement, and we’re talking about the “end game” stuff here, which will be implemented who knows when. That said, it has this drawback in the form of "only every second enlargement being shown in a significant portion of events". 

It might sound like I’m unnecessarily overcomplicating things and creating this confusion for no reason, but this is the groundwork for the game that will remain like this up until the very end, so it’s pretty important for both me and Moana. 

So what do you think?  P.s: it's a gif. 



I think two is a good compromise. adds alot of customization but doesn't over burden you with having to draw 10 different versions of the same scene. I like it

Vladimir Smirnoff

Will you add pubic hair? Optional of course :)