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Greetings fellow comrades! Here’s a bugfix and a few words about what’s going to happen in the nearest future. 


This week we were working on Kira’s new character art, artbook and a bugfix. Bugfix is here, we’ve fixed everything we could find, artbook and first “new art for Kira” poll should be out in a day or two, I’m drawing her in different poses for you to choose from. Right after that, together we will decide the “maximum” for pretty much everything. How many breast sizes? How many hip sizes? How many tattoos? 

I can already see that I won’t be able to make a rework of Kira's character art and her every outfit (I also intent to draw her from the back), remake every event, add in new physical transformations (hair, lips, breasts) and another H-event by the new year’s eve. I’ll be once again forced to delay the release and I don’t want to do that again.

I know that most of you expect and like “new you” stuff, and I am working on it, but it would be foolish of me to try and do all of that in the amount of time that I have.

So, after planning and consulting with Moana, we’ve decided to shift this rework to another month. Instead of delaying the game again, we want to give you what was already promised plus new year themed quest with H-event.

Stuff that v0.4.2 will have: Random encounter, Legion quest part two and this new year content, a party so to speak. I’ll do this as soon as possible and resume my work on “New You”.  

I have to do this “rework” as soon as possible, in order to progress with the game, but it is an enormous amount of work. I hope you can understand that it requires a lot of time and effort, and I really could use more time. 

Speaking of time, this month I’m going to proactively look for another artist, to speed up the development, I already know a couple of them that have a similar style, and I will edit commissioned work myself, once I’ll get it. This should allow me to work faster and do more.

I also intend to write down my roadmap, basically I’ll list quest and events that I want and will do in the future.    

Thank you for your patience and support! 



"Right after that, together we will decide the “maximum” for pretty much everything. How many breast sizes? How many hip sizes? How many tattoos? " I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Are we deciding on both the maximum size of various body part enlargements, and how many steps to get there, or just the latter? Because with the former I don't see any reason not to vote for the largest max size when you can stop at any point along the way, and with the latter it's difficult to decide how many steps there should be if you don't know what the end result is. For example, say the maximum size of breasts is about head size. that should have less steps of growth than a maximum size that goes down to the girl's waist but you have to know which you're working towards to decide that. Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to make sure what is clearly going to be an important poll ran as smoothly as possible.


I would love to have a option for her to pick random people to have sex with or tease while going through the areas


We're currently thinking about something similar, I'll speak more about it soon-ish.


I want you to decide the maximum size and the number of enlargements. I will also provide pictures, this will happen soon after we'll pick her overall new look.


Generally, I think the game is very good, especially because the humor is well incorporated. But I also think that some scenes work against their conditioning. So she is considered by the man in the metro station or the construction worker yes with rough slogans, but although she would like to have their holes filled, there is no action. Here it is up to the player, whether he wants to talk to these men, or just want to leave this situation unused. I have never been able to make the sexual choice successful for the guards. Even after artificially raising the charisma. I think that should be synonymous with your plan. Likewise, I would like to see the Quest's continue in the park. Preferably also with animations. I know you can not do it all at once, but I would be glad if it ended up on your ToDo list. As far as the prison stay. Except for the one shower scene, I would like more content here. Alone in the men's jail, loud horny guys and nothing happened? It does not have to be the rape in the dining room, but she could be forced to do some work because she stepped on the wrong foot. Do the laundry, clean the cell, bring food .... A game on the volleyball court, with her tight top .... An unexpected control of her sleeping place and herself because she was blacked out. Maybe you have a passenger pushed something under. For example, a few drugs are being searched for possible hiding ....


I agree, the game needs more scenes and I will work towards them. I just need time:)


I know that unfortunately * sniff * will not go so fast, especially since you still have several construction sites. So the bathhouse, where I could imagine some nice scenes, or the opportunity to different jobs. Two more are mentioned on the notice board, but they are grayed out. In an earlier post I pointed out that I was sent to the back room after the first day in the cafe and was allowed to serve the elite guests there. In another game, I bypassed that, by delaying the second session with the analrapist. Nevertheless, the quest is not fulfilled and the counter stops at 2/4, although I worked in the cafe for 8 days and released some scenes. I think here a little bit of mechanics would have to be worked out, that access to the back room would not only be tied to the fame value, but would be possible in the second week (or later).


Ну с пирсингом понятно , но за чем запариваться по размерам? Текущие размеры оптимальны и скорее всего устраивают абсолютно всех.


Не знаю, проверим. Голосование решит сколько будет увеличений, может и не одного. И все физ изменения будут опциональными.