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Hello again! I would like to talk a bit about variables, and explain how mental and physical changes work at the moment and what I want to do with them in the future. 

First of all, they will always be optional, apart from the initial one with Olga. 

I realize that some of you might dislike physical transformations, but you might still like one of those things: breast/hip size, face (based on your choices, she might get too “evil” or too slutty), hairstyle, degrading tattoos and piercings, clothes. Not to mention events and dialogues that come with all of that. So I think I can make an assumption that most of you would like to see at least something from the list above.   

That said, Kira’s character art is a set of pictures combined by variables and automatically displayed in every dialogue. It works just fine and allows me to add stuff to her (tattoos etc.) on the fly. Unfortunately it doesn’t work in events, because she has a different pose in them, we have to manually redo them with every change. Here’s what we figured out in order to change that and make it semi-automated: 

Each event will be coded with every possibility in mind from the start, even if the art is not there yet. This way we’ll just need to add pictures later on, it will save us a lot of time, but we need to figure out the absolute worst/best scenario for Kira’s appearance. How many tattoos and piercings, what will be the biggest breast and hip size, how her face and hair might change etc. In the nearest future we will let you decide this, just keep in mind that every little change will increase the time it takes me to draw an event. 

I realize that eventually this will extremely slow down the development. I have a solution for that too, eventually we will start commissioning events, I’ll stick to character art and editing commissioned pictures (increasing/decreasing hip and breast size, changing her face and hair, adding tattoos and piercings). Ideally, if thing go well, we will add another person to the team, he or she will be responsible for the general look of the events. 

Kira’s bust (character art) needs a rework too, so I intend to redraw her while I’m at it. All of that mentioned above is what I want to do in November, I’m not sure I’ll manage to draw that much, but I will release Bimbofication/Slutification event/events regardless. 

As for the next update (v0.4), we’ll do our best to finish it by Monday/Tuesday. 

Thank you for your support and your attention! Here’s a preview picture (current poll decides which one I’m going to include in v0.4). 



Are you going to release today? I'm very anxious, sorry


Unfortunately no, I'd like to spend more time on it. I'll make a post about it in an hour or so.