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I wanted to talk a bit about v0.4 and my future plans. 

v0.4 will have both repeatable content and scripted one. 

It will have an advertisement shooting for a beverage, propaganda ad and a start of a movie production. In addition to that I’m working on a new outfit/outfits, second part of the quest seen in v0.3.7 and a random event/events. 

After that I want to focus on the “New You” questline and add in Bimbofication/Slutification. During the course of the previous month I was also rewriting the script to add in the fact that Kira might be famous, brainless, slutty or all of that. New breast expansion and hairstyle require new code and new art, since I’m showing all of that in events. It takes up an enormous amount of my time, so instead of just focusing on that and not writing/drawing any new events, I was already working on it at the same time. However, right now I’m going to stop doing it and only focus on the v0.4. I’ll resume writing and drawing physical and mental changes right after v0.4 will be out. 

I also feel that I should share my near future plans here, so here’s my current roadmap in no particular order:

- Various NPC comments regarding Kira’s look and her response to them. (already coded in, needs text.)

- Repeatable H-event/events with guards during Kira’s arrest. 

- New tattoos

- Piercings

- More repeatable content all around the game, subway, tunnel, sewer, park, waitress and actress job (Already working on it)

- At least two random events. (Already working on it)

- Main story advancement (Dialogue with rebellion's leadership and KGB leadership, already working on it) that explains future quests.

- Pink hairstyle, Inflated lips, New breast size. (Already working on it)

- Dialogue changes all around the game, to accommodate for Kira’s new looks and behaviour. (Already working on it)

- “Standard” Kira’s face for every event, from different angles. I’ve experiment with art enough, it’s time to pick one and stick to it (poll will decide)

- New Kira’s bust (poll will decide which one.)

- Reworking the code and art for every event (not the same thing as redrawing, but they will get some quality-boost with it)

Last five options are underlined because those are some “burning” issues, they get worse (require more work/time) with every update. Most likely they will break your save files, so I feel that I should release them together. if I’ll release them this way, I don’t think I’ll get a lot of negative feedback for breaking your save files, since art and dialogue will become somewhat different. 

I will also release two outfit polls this week. 

I think that’s all for now, though I want to do a lot of things and might have forgotten something. Thank you for your support and your attention! 



Pls make lip and breast augmemtation avoidable im not really a big fan of those...


every physical change, apart from the initial one with Olga, will be avoidable, don’t worry:)


I have to say all the plans you listed sound awesome. Can't wait to see it all.

Bal tha mele

This sounds great! Keep up the hard work!!


Awesome news. Is there going to be an ass expansion too?


The future plans sound awesome. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game goes.


Is it planned to make "New You" more perverse or strange changes to Kira? Increased sexual sensitivity, swelling of sexual lips, excessive lubrication, bigger clitoris? Is it expected that Kira can be so often exited that she comes to compulsively masturbate without her realizing it? Or to have alerts that forces the player to have to find a solution to relieve Kira's sexual tension?


That's some interesting ideas, soon "new you" will change her appearance and her dialogue all around the game. I'll think about this, once I'll be done with what's planed for it at the moment.


I don't know yet, depends on what'll look better. I'll know when I'll start drawing it:)