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Greetings! I wanted to update you on what we’re currently making and my plans for this month. V0.4 will be out in a couple of weeks and here’s what it will definitely have:

Movie/Model job with both repeatable content and scripted one. 

New repeatable shift at the waitress job, which will have an encounter with a producer. He will offer Kira this new (model/actress) job opportunity. There will be a movie set location with various buildings and encounters. It will raise Kira’s fame, and ads with her will appear all over the city. Initially I’ve planned to add this to the “City center”, but it’s too big for that, and it kind of makes no sense for it to be there. So “City center” location is under construction, I want it to look cool and I’m not sure it will appear in this release, even if it will, it will be mostly empty, since there’s no content there at the moment.

Side Quest for the rebel’s base. I don’t want to spoil it, but it will be centered around mind control and exhibitionism.

Another outfit.

About v0.4.2 and other future releases: 

I want to return my release date to normal this month. So I’m going to try and release V0.4.2 at the end of it. It won’t be as content heavy, it will have a couple of random events and comments from the npcs. Current outfit poll is for one of the random events from this (v0.4.2) update. I’ll write more about it when v0.4 will be out. 

In general, I’m going to dedicate a couple of updates (after v0.4) to game polishing, existing quests and locations. I want to populate the city with events and quest, both repeatable and not. 

I want to add new breast size and pink hair in v0.4.2, but realistically, I can’t promise you that, not at the moment. But it will definitely become a part of the game soon-ish.    

Oh, and I wanted to inform new patrons and remind everyone else, I’m currently collecting both text and outfits. (up until v0.4 will be out)  

Thank you for your support and your attention!



Really love your work. Keep it up!

Longin Yann

Great game thanks


Love this! Can't wait to see how the bimbo and slut paths diverge.


thank you looking forward to these updates


Крутой стиль!


I adore this game so much. On the subject of polish, my biggest criticism at this point, and it's a stretch, are some of the English typos in the game. I haven't kept a running list, but I think the game could benefit from asking players/testers to submit grammar and spelling corrections. It would go a long way toward polish.


I already receive a lot of typos/grammar corrections from players, mainly in discord. But you're right, maybe I should ask people to submit them, instead of just hoping that they will.