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Hello everyone! Here’s my plan for the future updates, yes updates. There will be two updates this month, as an experiment - I want to see if it will help me attract more patrons. Here’s what will be divided between them:

 - Character art, jammer dialogue option, reactions and new events. As usual, polls will decide what I will add.

- Last month this was the winner of a content poll - "Exhibitionism mini-game", which will take place after Chief’s fourth session, and consequences that come with it. Pushing your luck too much will result in you being imprisoned at a temporary holding facility (near prison), where you will eventually be able to lower your fame stat and get new shameful tattoos, I think this is the last feature that I need to implement. It’s also required for more revealing outfits.  I will think of some way to make it accessible even without hypnosis, right now I’m thinking about random encounter + high lust stat. We’ll see. 

- Kira will be able to walk in more “exposed” versions of her outfits, “Casual - Ghost cut” , “Shwift uniform” and alternative version of “Shwift uniform” (third one from the poll) will be added.

- Pet training session at the “New You” facility. 

- Anything else from my future polls, probably more scenes or outfits.

- Bugfixes, backend. 

Thank you for your support and your attention!  



exciting,Chief story finally advanced! 2 updates a month?that's very cool!


Exhibitionism mini game will be really exciting addition and should work nicely with semi open world nature of the game. Pet training - hell yea, i have a feeling it will be right up my alley ;) As for 2 updates per month - thats a very ambitious goal. 1 update per month is already a very decent pace that many creators fail to meet. The way i see it its either 1 bigger or 2 smaller updates per month so its same thing really. We will see how it works out.


Exactly, I want to test it. It wont become a regular thing out of nowhere:)


Can't wait


Two updates sounds good. Can't wait and very satisfied )


Will there be something with the church? Just stand there idle on the floor of the square)


I absolutely loved the shower scene with the degrading tattoo. Since you mentioned a chance for additional tattoos, do you also consider to implement some matching piercings in the future? :-)


Most likely - Yes, but I still need to do some behind the scenes work, before adding any physical changes, both small and big.


When to expect the first of two updates?


Mini-game... sooo much possibility, both good and bad. I'll need to wait an see to really make a call on it, but hoping that it'll be light and fun rather than a slog for a scene or two (and completely optional if it is a slog). Difficulty mini-games usually aren't considered a plus for the adult genre. Pet training - there are a lot different of meanings for 'pet' out there, which one are you using? Most if not all of the sub/dom pet variants would get a thumbs up from me, as would a decent chunk of the degradation variants, but there's definitely at least one meaning that I find really, really stupid (i.e. furry without the costume. 'Oooh I think I'm an animal!'). Really hoping that isn't what you're going for, but with hypnosis in the mix I need to ask.


I don’t want to force you to grind, it will be something like: if you’ll get caught - you’ll go to jail. Some npcs will react positively some negatively to the whole act, I’d rather show than tell. But no, definitely no grind involved (unless you’ll decide to abuse it to max out the lust stat) and nothing difficult. As for the pet training, it will be centered around submission, Kira won’t think that she is an actual animal, she will be able to think.


are more body/feature modifications (hair, breasts, etc) due planned for this release or is that still on the "to do" list?


Concerning any physical changes. I seriously misjudged how much of my time redrawing takes, but it’s not my main problem with it. Unlike character bust, wich I've made versatile (I just need to add new pictures and they will automatically appear in dialogues), H-events require constant manual re-coding each time I'm adding something new. I need to rework my events system before adding any new physical changes, that includes tattoos, because I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the changes in the future. I'll talk with Moana, we'll see what we can do. So, possibly, but highly unlikely in this release.