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Hello everyone. It was recently brought to my attention that using third or first person description in dialogues is more important than I thought. So I would like you to take a part in this survey. The results won't change anything (yet), so don’t panic, I just need to know your opinion to make a decision on how I should proceed.

Basically, I want to know how important this is.



First person is a lot more immersive IMHO.


I agree and thats exactly the issue(for me). I dont wanna immerse myself as the girl who is getting gangbanged:)

Bal tha mele

It looks like there are enough that want 1st person though. Usually, I hear something about english syntax and I just tune out.


What's really the most important thing is be consistent. (Also, I know this is being picky but your example is actually second person. First person would be "He called me . . .")


I believe I was, or did I miss something? (I see, well I can't change it now, but thx for clearing that for me)


It doesn't matter - just be consistent!

william wofford

if your intent is to have the player be the character than using first person helps to immerse them into the story , if the intent is to just tell a story about someone then 3rd person is ok . in this case for all intents and purposes the player is Kira .... my 2 cents on the matter


You're confusing 1st and 2nd person POV (1st being "He called me a..." etc, 2nd being "he called you a..."). Combining 1st and 2nd often works, but throwing in 3rd throws things off. Easy way to think of it is 1st is the character talking/thinking, 2nd is addressing the character like the player is the character. Voted 1st/2nd, either/both of them seem fine.


Yep, I definitely mixed them up. Unfortunately, I can't change poll answers