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- Fixed game “freeze” during Lenn-Y’s initial interaction.

- Some dialogues were working out of order, they should work fine now.



Thank You - Hugo.W


Save files from v0.2.5 will work


Wasn't sure where to ask this, so may as well ask here - is there a penalty for skipping the Intro? Were any of those questions I answered important for my character's stats or the story?


Not really, those questions do determine your stats. If you'll decide to skip the intro I'll set them to "default", somewhat balanced.


New patron here :) I love mind control and its done so well in your game. Hypno and brainwash scenes are super hot, triggers, post hypnotic effects - all the good mind control stuff^^ The art and writing is really nice too. Great work so far!


Thanks! It takes a lot of time to write and code for every different outcome and "quest order", but I'm glad that you've noticed:)


I've seen this game around for awhile but I'm always wary about games appearing and dying. After seeing another update I finally jumped into it and I'm glad I gave it a chance. Amazing game so far and I instantly joined up. I have a huge weakness for games with bimbo content and yours looks very interesting for that. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.


New patreon as well and will echo pretty much what Salgon said, love the themes, art, and especially the writing which gives the 'still' pictures movement. Really like the direction this going and the pacing is good!


Ok, i think saw all of the current content - it was great and best of all it has potential to be 10x better with the future updates! The only thing which slightly bothered me was the narration during sex scenes - i manually changed it to 3rd person(you/your into she/her - like "Your erect nipples" > "Her erect nipples"). Just feels more natural.


I was unsure with this (writing "your" or "her"). Maybe I'll stick to third person in future events.


Great game, definitely underrated. Will there be official walkthrough? I think this is strongly needed.


Ran into a number of bugs with this version, using a fresh save. After speaking with NPCs, I'll start finding that their name boxes pop up, but their dialog boxes do not at all. We click between what would be the dialog options, flashing my box and theirs, then I'm left with either the normal dialog options, or nothing at all if they had none. When this happens, the moving background of my menu is gone too, replaced with just a black screen. Going to title and continuing usually fixes this, but after talking with one NPC, the problem is back. Not sure what's up.


I've added "Pressing “Ctrl” key - hides textbox" in v0.2.5, did you know about it? And could it be that you're pressing "ctrl" by mistake? I forgot to include "Controls" picture in this update, will add it in the next one. If this is not the case, please tell me, and I’ll try to figure out what might cause this to happen.


hi sry but i don't know how disables camera prison ?can you Help?


Hello, sure. Speak with Katya (medbay), sleep and then go to the Overseer's office.


Bugs: Moderate - Tailor shop: breaks (no trades, cannot speak with owner) once an additional jacket is found Minor - When you first arrive at your apartment: you're informed you've received 5 money, you do not actually receive it. Moderate - Subway events: Blank event after last (3rd) event, then events cycle back through from the beginning Minor - money remains while in jail. Additional money can be earned due to the (testing?) feature that allows you return from the jail to the city. Possibly effects duct-tape acquisition Inconsistency - Assorted consistency issues with the end of final hypnosis scene (things like her saying she'll get rid of her bra when she's wearing the jacket). Shirt and skirt also does not become topless afterwords like the scene implies (possibly just not implemented yet?) Suggestion - have this level of training grant the option to not get her top back in jail? Inconsistency - Jail: there are minor story issues if you do the shower scene before the cafeteria scene. Nothing breaks, but it's a bit odd. May want to make the cafeteria/first time talking to the stooges a requirement for the shower Inconsistency - likely just not implemented yet, but there's no reaction from you're roommate after you leave the jail after blaming her and letter her get the pole instead of you Suggestion: for the subway events, there will be less (annoying) spamming the subway system if you make the first time an event happens more likely (25-50% should have it happening with standard use), then decrease to 10% for repetitions of that event. There's just not enough reason to use the subway currently to make the 10% rate practical.


Most likely I'll make outfits like "shirt and skirt" topless, but not in this update, Kira's hypnotised to not wear "underwear", not tops in general. I could easily change her outfits, or even make her completely naked, but it requires some scenes and features that are not yet in the game. I'll see what I can do about the jail top and consistency, as for the money - you have it deliberately, so you'll have an option to skip that tape mini-scene. Subway scene will be repeatable untill I'll add more random scenes, and I think I'll change its probability from 10% to 30%. Dialogue with her roommate will be out in the next update, party quest is unfinished, and I'll see what went wrong with the tailor. Overall thank you, I'll looks into all of this.


Thought the hypnosis scene said something about her never wearing a top with that outfit, but could be remembering incorrectly. As for the money thing, I assumed that finding the 2 money at one of the search spots was the option to skip that. Seems odd that she'd be allowed to bring her money into the jail, but that's your call. Edit: confirmed that I misread the hypnosis scene, it's only in the office, not only in that outfit. My apologies


Don't worry about it, also you're partially right about the money. Those 2 rubles are there so that you could skip it, in case you have no money at all while entering the prison. And you are allowed to have some money in certain prisons, on your "account", I thought I'll just drop this part, to not overcomplicate things.