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Howdy! I know I promised that my next post would be an update, and then I also commented that we’ll release it in two weeks, but this whole situation feels like I’m cosplaying dumb Kira IRL. It just feels silly. 

So, here’s the situation and I will be as direct as I can, not tricks and no exaggerations - we’re still crunching. We already did everything that was promised and the secret stuff that I chose not to disclose (including the T-shirt), but some options are simply not working yet. 

We need just a couple of days to make it work and I literally can’t sleep. The meat-suit I’m currently inhabiting refuses to obey my order to close its eyes when there’s no sun, it demands an update.

Over a half of the year has passed since our last update and I really want you all to like this one. But it’s 240 pages of highly varied text (currently) and after some testing we found out a lot of bugs and inconsistencies in both art and story. 

Here’s one for an example: 

The “secret” event has 7 versions, with different ways of obtaining each one. As it turns out, we don’t have all the variables to do all 7 of them, all especially lewd ones are golden, but I didn’t think about all less-lewd-ish options. 

This is the first time that this happened, because we usually make sure that the game remembers everything, heck, we can reference what books Kira read at the library. But this I somehow missed. 

It’s not a big problem, it’s just that if we fix it - we will break all your existing save files and you’ll have to replay the game, and I’d like to avoid that. 

In cases like this, we usually come up with bottle-necks and band-aids, locations that add temporary variables that replace non-existent ones, but it’s not as simple here due to the variability of this event. 

On top of that, while play-testing the game I noticed some dialogue lines not triggering and obvious mistakes in the art that I made and I want to fix all that. 

It really upsets me that I keep repeating the very same mistake over and over again. I know I’m not suited for any “leadership” position, but I can neither replace myself nor change my self-destructing ways. So we’re working with what we got. 

In any case, I sincerely apologize for this mess, but we’re genuinely doing our best to deliver on our promises in an unreasonable amount of time. It’s just that if we don’t do it now, we might never do this. I’d also like to chill for a day or two after this one, and if we’ll release it now, with known bugs and errors in art - I won’t be able to. 

We’re working in a “headless chicken” mode, our pigeon brains are sweaty and our warrior blood is boiling with a desire to finally slay this beast. It’s been awhile, but it will all be worth it! The end will come in just a couple of days!



Do what you can hammer out details a few extra days won’t kill the project to hammer kinks out and such

Mao Tsclusul

don't chrunch and make mistakes in doing so ... so 1 more month or not doesn't matter if the result is a quality update