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Week Two of my January Daily Photo Project! Bonus pictures can be seen in the image carousel-thing at the top of this post. 

Monday, January 8

First ride in the rain of the year! Biking in the rain actually isn't so bad once you get going, but it's all the suiting up before and peeling-off of wet slickers afterwards that I dread. Over my regular biking clothes I put on my (slightly too large) rain pants, neon ankle straps (to hold back the excess material of the rain pants so they don't snag in my bike chain), shoe covers, rain jacket, and gloves. It doesn't sound like much but it takes a surprisingly long time to get suited up and a doubly-long time to strip them off afterwards because they're all wet and gritty from the mud flecks that got kicked up and stuck to me during the ride. But during the ride? I'm in my little warm bubble, protected from the elements and happy.

Tuesday, January 9

The mighty warrior, returning with the spoils of her latest pillaging of the neighborhood Little Free Libraries. 

Wednesday, January 10

On the Tillikum Crossing Bridge.

Thursday, January 11

IiiiIIIIiiiiiiIIIII forgot to take a photo today. But, I did take a screencap of one of my latest hilarious mispronunciations of French words on my French language learning app (Pimsleur). 

Friday, January 12

Storm's a'comin'! Had to cover up my grow boxes to protect them from the freeze tonight. 

Saturday, January 13

TFW you covered your grow boxes the night before the freeze but you didn’t think to provide structural support so the snow crushed your baby sprouts through the sheet that was supposed to be protecting them 😬

Sunday, January 14

Our house is 111 years old and mostly windows so the insulation from the cold is non-existant. The house groans and creaks in the wind like a ship at sea. We have space heaters and hot water bottles and wood-burning stove all on full force, which keeps it from feeling freezing but the house is most definitely C O L D. No, wait, I take it back- The inside of the house is literally freezing, as evidenced by the panels of ice that sit on the inside of our windows from the condensation freezing. We tromped over to our friend's (modern, insulated) house on foot to partake in hot chocolate. 

See you next week!



Dirk Bergstrom

The "latest pillaging" shot makes me homesick for East Side PDX. I miss the architecture and urban environment of my youth (but not the dismal grey weather).

The Ferret

Hurray for a successful bike ride and pillage and hot choco! hope your sprouts survive okay.